Speed ​​up mozilla firefox. Speeding up the Firefox browser

The Firefox browser is the third most popular browser in the world. Users love it for its simple interface, high speed and extensibility. Almost 200 thousand various add-ons have been released for it to increase functionality. However, not everyone knows about the presence of an editor in it, which allows you to configure parameters that are not presented in the standard settings. In this article we will talk about how to speed up Firefox using its hidden features.


System of addresses starting with about: and based on the URI specification, is used across browsers to display version information, features and settings not included in the GUI. The address is fairly well known. about:blank. Specifying it in the settings as the initial one causes the browser to always display a blank web page when launched.

Mozilla supports the use of about thirty pages with an identifier about:. The Firefox browser settings configuration editor is called using an internal address about:config. It is entered like any other URI in the combined address bar. The first thing you will see after entering it will be a warning about the consequences of the changes being made. By agreeing, you will click the “I accept the risk!” button.

The next window contains several hundred settings that are responsible for all aspects of the browser, including how to speed it up. All parameters given in this section are divided into three groups:

  • logical (boolean);
  • numeric (integer);
  • string

Double-clicking on the selected configuration line opens an editing form for numeric and string values ​​or changes the logical values ​​to the opposite. Below we will look at specific examples that allow us to improve the interaction of the “fire fox” with computer hardware and work with network information transfer protocols.

Working with memory

New pages while surfing the Internet can open either in a new window or tab or in the current one. The browser remembers the last page transitions and caches them in memory. In other words, “snapshots” of visited Internet pages are created in the computer’s RAM, which are loaded back when you press the “Back” button. This allows for quick navigation.

Let's see how to speed up Firefox by changing the settings for how it works with your computer's RAM. The history settings of the current Internet session are regulated by two numeric parameters in the block browser.sessionhistory:

  • Max_total_viewers is responsible for storing previously visited pages in the cache. If available, it can be changed from the default “-1” to “0”. The page will not be saved in RAM, but thanks to the fast connection, when you press the “Back” button, it will open almost immediately.
  • Max_entries stores sequentially visited sites in RAM. By default, it saves 50 pages. It is enough to reduce it to 5. In this case, five consecutive transitions made via internal links on the site will be stored in memory.

Working with disk

Having a fast solid-state drive in your computer allows you to redefine the location where the cache will be saved. Thus, we speed up Firefox while simultaneously relieving the load on RAM when the browser window is inactive. The speed of the SSD compensates for the time delay when retrieving open pages from the virtual memory of the hard drive. This option will require the creation of a new boolean variable config.trim_on_minimize. There are two possible values ​​for this parameter:

  • True. In this case, when the browser is minimized, data is transferred from RAM to the hard drive to the virtual memory sector.
  • False. All data is stored in RAM.

The following setting allows you to significantly reduce the amount of data that the browser constantly writes to your hard drive in case of a sudden shutdown. The parameter is called browser.sessionstore.interval, and its default value is 15 seconds. After this time interval expires, the current session data is saved and the contents of the recovery file are overwritten. The volume of recorded information depends on the saturation of the site with “heavy” design elements and can reach tens of gigabytes per day.

This parameter is numeric and is indicated in milliseconds. It can be increased to 30 minutes, which in accepted units will be 1800000. As a result, we speed up Firefox by reducing the flow of data that it constantly exchanges with the hard drive.

Network protocols

The methods described above concerned interaction with computer hardware. Let's see how to speed up the browser by changing some network settings. Logical setting network.prefetch-next is responsible for preloading the site that is most likely to be followed by a user following a link from the page being viewed.

Firefox automatically loads the predicted transition data into the cache, thereby causing unnecessary bandwidth consumption. This function is disabled by replacing the default value True with False. Thus, you will reduce the current network load, while the page display speed on a fast connection will remain virtually unchanged.

Animation of tabs

The animation of the tab bar when opening or closing new items looks nice, but does not carry any useful load. Boolean parameter browser.tabs.animate is responsible for turning this visual effect on and off. By default, each new tab causes a sliding effect on the panel containing it.

By switching the value from True to False, you speed up Firefox by instantly displaying new tabs. Once applied, the setting works immediately without requiring a browser restart. Even several open tabs will allow you to evaluate the effect of changing this parameter, and if there is a sufficiently large number of them, it will become even more noticeable.

Gif animation

When surfing, useful content can be distracted by the presence of GIF animation on the page. Constantly playing looped videos attracts attention. We speed up Firefox by changing the rules for how GIFs behave on visited sites. The string parameter is responsible for their display mode image.animation_mode.

The setting has three fixed values:

  • normal - set by default and corresponds to constant animation playback;
  • once - the animated picture is shown in motion only once;
  • none - disabling the effect completely, the GIF looks like a static photo.

Changes appear instantly, without restarting the browser.

Scrolling pages

Speed ​​up Firefox by changing the web page scrolling setting. Compared to other browsers, Firefox scrolling seems quite slow. The setting determines its speed mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount. This numeric parameter has a default value of 5. By increasing it, you can adjust the number of lines scrolled when moving the mouse wheel.

Changing this setting does not require restarting the browser, and you can select a convenient value quite quickly. As a result, you will adjust the scrolling speed of pages to your requirements and make viewing them more convenient.

In this article, we talked about how to speed up the Firefox browser using configuration settings. You should not apply all the recommendations in a row and hope that this will be the ideal option. First you need to determine what exactly is on your computer, and only then adjust the necessary settings. In this case, with minimal changes, you can achieve maximum performance gains.

The Mozilla Firefox browser is one of the most popular browsers in Russia. A huge number of people use it; naturally, many users are accustomed to Mozilla Firefox, and do not want to change it to some other browser. But what to do if it starts to slow down or starts slowly?

The answer is simple, In order to speed up the loading (launch) and operation of the Mozilla Firefox browser as much as possible, you need to put it in order. To do this, follow the instructions I described below in the article. After making the necessary settings, the Mozilla Firefox browser will simply fly!

What needs to be done to speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser

1. Clear cache in Mozilla Firefox browser

A common reason for a slow browser is a clogged cache. With constant use, the browser's memory becomes full, thereby reducing its speed. In order to fix this, you need to clear the cache from time to time. How to clear cache in Mozilla Firefox browser.

1. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser, click on the menu icon in the upper right corner, and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

2. In the window that opens, select the “Advanced” menu item, then the “Network” sub-item, then click on the “Clear now” button. After which the cache will be cleared.

Adguardis a special program that blocks ads in all popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox . After removing ads, page loading speed will increase noticeably.

DownloadAdguard - available on the official website adguard.com

3. Disable unused plugins and extensions

The second step to speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser is to disable unused plugins and extensions. They load the browser very heavily, despite the fact that most of them are absolutely unnecessary for the average user. To disable unused extensions.

1. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser, click on the menu icon in the upper right corner, and select “Add-ons” in the menu that opens.

2. In the window that opens, select "Extensions", then turn off all unused extensions, I left only "Visual Bookmarks" enabled. If necessary, you can enable any of them. After that, disable unused plugins.

4. Change Mozilla Firefox browser settings to speed it up

The Mozilla Firefox browser has the ability to change hidden settings, which significantly increases its speed. Don't be alarmed, everything is done quite simply.

The first way to speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser

The second way to speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser

1. Copy and enter this value into the address bar of the Mozilla Firefox browser: about:config Then press "Enter" on your keyboard.

2. In the warning window that opens, click on the “I promise I’ll be careful!” button.

3. On the page that opens, there will be a huge number of hidden settings for the Mozilla Firefox browser, all of them are arranged in alphabetical order. Here we need to find the line "network.http.pipelining" and double-click on it to change the value False on True.

5. Now find the line “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” and double-click on it with the left mouse button. In the window that opens, you need to change the digital value, mine was 32, set it to 100 and press the “OK” button.

6. Next, in any empty space on the hidden settings page, you need to right-click, in the window that opens, select “Create”, then select “Integral”.

7. In the window that opens, you need to enter this value: nglayout.initialpaint.delay Then click the "OK" button.

8. In the “Enter value” window, put the number zero, then click the “OK” button.

This ends the second method of setting up the acceleration of the Mozilla Firefox browser, restart your computer and check it in operation!

That's all for me, good luck!

The development of web technologies and competition with such a strong rival as Google Chrome has made the Mozilla Firefox browser better. Today "Fire Fox" is a modern, functional and fast browser. In principle, it has always been modern and functional. As always, Firefox was a fast browser, however, until the first overload with add-ons (extensions and plugins) that made its work more difficult. But if in terms of modernity and functionality Firefox has evolved all the way, then the issue of the speed of the browser as you work with it, alas, is still relevant today. The problem of slow browser operation with a large number of active extensions and plugins on board is officially recognized by its developer, Mozilla Corporation.

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox? Let's look at several ways to optimize this browser below.

1. Hardware requirements

Firefox is considered an undemanding browser. Firefox itself and its clones, browsers based on the Gecko engine, are often used on low-power computers. Any PC with low performance, in particular, with only 2 GB of RAM, can provide more or less comfortable work with Firefox. “Fire Fox” does not consume as much RAM as Google Chrome. Unlike the latter, Firefox does not clog up RAM with separate background processes, and all megabytes consumed by the browser can be seen in a single application line in the Windows task manager. The mechanism of RAM consumption is simple: the more open tabs and active add-ons, the greater the memory consumption.

A RAM capacity of 4 GB or more, a good modern processor, and an SSD drive instead of a regular hard drive will have a positive effect on the performance of any browser. However, the productive operation of Mozilla Firefox largely depends on the software component.

2. Theme and home page

To ensure performance, it is better to avoid decorating the “Fire Fox” with colorful themes. As well as not using extensions that build start pages into the browser with visual bookmarks and beautiful effects. Mozilla Firefox will work faster only with its native nondescript theme. The colorful theme you previously installed from the browser store can be disabled or completely removed. To do this, click “Add-ons” in the Firefox menu. The “Add-ons” section is also available on the browser’s home page. And the fastest way to get into it is the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+A.

In the add-on management section that opens, switch to the “Appearance” tab and disable the active theme. Both the current theme and inactive themes can be completely removed from the browser.

You can get rid of a third-party express panel with visual bookmarks by disabling its extension. And to return to the Mozilla Firefox home page, if it has been changed by third-party software, in the browser settings, click the menu, then “Settings”.

And in the first tab “Basic” we click the inscription “Restore to default”.

3. Removing extensions

Browser extensions and plugins are a dual thing. Most of them, while expanding the functionality of the web browser, at the same time take away its speed. Because when launching the browser, time is also spent sorting and launching extensions and plugins. It is necessary to work only with really necessary Firefox extensions and plugins, and remove unnecessary ones or at least disable them. In the browser window, press the Ctrl+Shift+A keys, switch to the “Extensions” section, use the corresponding buttons to delete unused add-ons and disable rarely used ones.

4. Work with Firefox in safe mode without add-ons

You can evaluate the work of “Fire Fox” in absentia without enabled extensions and a colorful design theme, if you are sorry to part with them for now, using the browser’s safe mode. This is a troubleshooting mode that the developers have provided to identify problems. In safe mode, all active extensions and hardware acceleration are disabled, and the default theme and toolbar are installed, just like when you installed Firefox. To start the browser in safe mode, open the menu, click the help button and select the “Restart without add-ons” option.

You can also launch the browser in safe mode by holding down the Shift button while launching. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm starting in safe mode.

If it’s a pity to part with the Firefox extensions and theme, then safe mode can be used on an ongoing basis, and you can switch to normal mode only from time to time, when the maximum power of the browser is required.

5. Disabling plugins

Not all installed plugins are needed in everyday work, and some of them may not be used at all. The current version of Mozilla Firefox as of the date of writing this article is installed with two plugins enabled: the H.264 video codec plugin, which is necessary for playing video online, and the Primetime content decryption plugin, which is used to check the right to use protected licensed content on individual media portals. After installing Adobe Flash Player into the operating system, another plugin will appear - Shockwave Flash. H.264 and Shockwave Flash video codec plugins are needed; they will be used when playing multimedia content and Flash animation. But the Primetime content decryption plugin, if there is no need for access to licensed materials on special media portals, naturally needs to be disabled.

Firefox plugins can be managed in the add-on management section. This is, accordingly, the “Plugins” tab. To disable any unnecessary plugin, if it does not provide the ability to enable on demand, you must set its activity value to “Never enable”.

6. “about:config” settings

Mozilla Firefox has the usual settings section with a visual interface, which can be accessed from the browser menu. But there are other settings - hidden ones. This is specifically designed so that only experienced users or those who strictly follow the instructions can get into them. To get to these hidden settings, enter the following value in an empty Firefox tab and press Enter:

These settings involve a complete transfer of responsibility to the user, and the developers want to emphasize this. In the window that appears, click the inscription “I promise that I will be careful!”

There is no need to worry about such a strict approach: the settings can be returned to their original state at any time or, as a last resort, the browser can be reinstalled. The main thing is that your bookmarks are exported, backed up, or synchronized using your Firefox account.

Mozilla Firefox has a lot of hidden settings, so for quick access to them there is a search field at the top of the window.

Changing any of these settings requires a browser restart.

6.1. Disable tab opening and closing animations

To benefit browser performance, you can get rid of the tab opening and closing animations added in recent versions. In the settings search field, enter the following name for the setting and press Enter:

On the settings line highlighted in blue, double-click with the mouse so that the default value “true” is changed to “false”.

6.2. Disabling Prefetching

One of Firefox's features, Prefetching, allows it to preload into memory the contents of links that the user is most likely going to open next. In theory, Prefetching speeds up the opening of web pages, but on slow computers, loading pages in the background can significantly reduce system performance as a whole. Moreover, this function consumes too much traffic.

To disable link preloading once and for all, find the setting named network.prefetch-nex t and double-click to change its value from “true” to “false”.

6.3. Speed ​​up loading web pages

To access a site, its server must send a request. Taking into account the possibility of working with a weak Internet channel or an overloaded server, Firefox is configured by default to send a small number of requests. By increasing the number of these requests in the browser settings, we will seriously speed up the process of loading web pages. This tactic, alas, cannot be called 100% effective, since the servers of some sites (usually actively visited) may not be able to cope with the load. In this case, instead of the page loading, you may see a “Service Temporarily Unavailable” message. If this is not technical work on the site, then you need to wait a minute or two, and you can try to get to the site again.

To speed up the loading of web pages, in the settings search field, enter the following name for the setting and press Enter:

We do the same with the settings network.http.pipelining.ssl And network.http.proxy.pipelining, if you are using a proxy).

Settings network.http.pipelining.maxrequests determines the number of simultaneous requests that will arrive to the site server. The recommended value is 32.

Another way to speed up page loading in Firefox is to enable the new HTTP caching system, which is disabled by default.

Finding the setting browser.cache.use_new_backend, open and change the value from 0 to 1. Click “OK”.

7. Fasterfox extension to speed up loading web pages

An alternative to the previous method of speeding up Mozilla Firefox is the Fasterfox extension. It, in fact, is a visual interface for the “about:config” settings that were described in the previous paragraph. Fasterfox can be installed for free from the Mozilla Firefox store.

In add-on management (Ctrl+Shift+A) we get access to the settings of this extension.

In the settings window, you can select one of the proposed sets of browser performance settings. For example, a lightweight option with optimization of only the visual part of the browser, or an extreme option with the maximum number of requests to the site server.

This is a more suitable way to speed up Firefox for less experienced users, since if something goes wrong, Fasterfox settings can be used to set different sets of optimization settings or return to default values. As a last resort, the extension can simply be disabled or removed.

8. Return to original settings

Any unsuccessful experiments with Mozilla Firefox settings and add-ons - no matter whether it is related to performance or other problems - can be removed without reinstalling the browser. It can be returned to its original settings. In the Firefox menu, click the help button, then in the pop-up sidebar, select “Troubleshooting Information.”

In the tab that opens, click “Clean Firefox” and confirm the decision in the dialog box.

This isn't exactly a return to your browser's original settings, as some data will be retained, which is for the best. During this cleaning process, a new Firefox profile will be created, into which bookmarks and authorization data (logins and passwords) on sites will be transferred. Everything else - settings, extensions, themes - will disappear.

9. Clear cache

One of the rules for speeding up any browser is to periodically clear the cache. To clear it, in the Mozilla Firefox window, press the Ctrl+Shift+Delete keys. A window for deleting browser history will open, where you can select the period for which cache data has been accumulated and the ability to set other parameters. To see these options, you need to expand the “Details” option.

We will see a list of data that will be deleted. You can delete the data selected by default, but in order not to re-enter logins and passwords for authorization on sites later, it is better to uncheck the preset checkbox from “Form and search log”. That’s it – all you have to do is click the “Delete Now” button, and the Firefox cache will be cleared.

Have a great day!

I have already written about how to speed up page loading in Mozilla FireFox by editing various settings using about:config, however, besides this, there is something else that would not hurt to tweak in this browser.

Many people know that being stuffed with different plugins (and without even being stuffed with them) chews up a relatively large amount of RAM, both collapsed and expanded.
However, it is possible to carry out some optimization, which will not only slightly reduce the consumption of computer resources, but also make the browser work somewhat faster and more adequately.

Reducing the amount of RAM consumed by Firefox

Let's start with optimizing memory consumption.
So, here we go:

  1. Launch our browser Mozilla Firefox
  2. We are recruiting (we just type, not copy) in the address bar (this is where we enter, for example sonikelf.ru) about:config and, agreeing to be careful, we get to the browser settings page
  3. Find a parameter in the list of settings and set its value 0
  4. Further (by right-clicking and selecting from the drop-down list " Create- Boolean«) you need to create a parameter with the name config.trim_on_minimize and meaning true
  5. Close the settings page and restart the browser

Using these two parameters, we made changes to the data caching subsystem, thereby reducing the consumption of RAM in minimized mode (meaning config.trim_on_minimize is responsible for uploading to the swap file while the browser itself is minimized), and also picked up one important parameter that changed the RAM consumption while traveling on the Internet.

The fact is that browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers is responsible for the amount of allocated RAM into which the pages we visit are stored. This is done so that when you press the button " Back", the browser did not have to reload the entire page from the Internet or from the cache on the hard drive, which speeds up the journey through sites already visited using the above buttons " Back and forth". I have a well-founded opinion that even without this gadget the transition is fast enough, so you can turn it off, because it consumes RAM according to a completely unscrupulous scheme:

Accordingly, assigning the above value 0 (instead of the standard -1) We disabled this function and thereby saved our beloved megabytes of RAM, which were invariably bitten off while surfing websites.

Next, I would like to note that a huge chunk of resource consumption is allocated not so much to the ‘y’ itself, but to the plugins and extensions attached to it, and therefore let’s carry out a little optimization in this area. To do this, open “ Tools- Add-ons"and look at what we have installed there:

  • First of all, you should remove everything that you definitely don’t use or the purpose of which you don’t know. To do this, simply select “ Delete» opposite one or another extension
  • Next, I recommend using the “ Disable” opposite those plugins that you currently do not use at the moment, but which you periodically need. As an example, it could be, say, VideoDownloadHelper, which you probably download music and videos from time to time, but you don’t do it regularly (for example, I use this plugin at most once a week or two, and the rest of the time I have it turned off). Do this for all currently unused extensions and simply enable them as needed.

Now, as for " Plugins» (namely plugins, not add-ons), because they also need to be put in order, which, by the way, not everyone does simply without knowing about their existence. In order to manage them, go to the tab “ Tools- Add-ons- Plugins«.

Here, perhaps, it’s worth turning off everything except Shockwave Flash And Java TM Platform(although this plugin is not always needed and not for everyone). The rest, as a rule, are add-ons wrapped around various applications, which have absolutely no meaning. As an option you can still leave Adobe Acrobat(responsible for opening PDF files directly in), but personally I prefer to use the application of the same name rather than a plugin.

When you finish working with plugins and extensions, restart your browser.

Let's move on to further setting up memory consumption, namely, this time, to working with the cache both in RAM and on disk. These settings are quite flexible and directly affect the memory and space chewed by the browser. I'll tell you what's what:

    • Rediscovering our favorite about:config. I wrote above about how to do this.
    • Enter in the line “ Filter" words browser.cache and we see in front of us something like this list:

    • Here we are interested in the parameters browser.cache.memory.enable And
    • The first one, namely browser.cache.memory.enable enables or disables the use of RAM for the purpose of caching the contents of loaded pages, namely images, user interface elements, etc. By setting the value here false You will disable the use of RAM for these purposes, which will reduce its consumption by the browser, but will directly affect performance. On the other hand, you can simply limit this cache by setting the parameter browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size value from the table below:

Where the first column shows how much memory will be allocated for the cache needs, and the second column is the corresponding value that is specified for the parameter browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size. That is, if, for example, you want no more than 64 MB, then set the parameter browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size meaning 4096.

By the way, here you can configure the use of the hard drive cache for the same purposes. The parameters are responsible for this browser.cache.disk.enable And browser.cache.disk.capacity. I have this caching disabled, but there is no RAM in the system 8 GB, and therefore memory caching is enabled and, accordingly, a lot more RAM is allocated for Firefox, because I am a supporter of increased performance. What is more important to you and why, think for yourself. In principle, you can disable both caches.

When finished editing, close the config and restart the browser.

That's all for now with RAM. Let's move on to the settings for the browser's loading speed and its speed in general, because some people complain about the long startup time and its periodic freezing.

Optimizing Firefox loading speed, as well as stability and speed

As a rule, long startup times and excessive slowness/freezing are associated with a weak disk subsystem and an overly bloated (or crookedly tuned) cache. We have already partially configured the cache. (and we will partially configure it), but everything else needs to be picked out. In particular, we will make several useful browser settings that will somewhat speed up its loading and overall operating speed.

To begin with, I recommend speeding up the operation of the disks a little, for which you need to make several settings to optimize them, which I wrote about in the article “A few settings to optimize the operation of the hard drive,” and also defgment it.

Next, I personally recommend transferring to disk C:/, namely at its root (i.e. not in one of the subfolders, ala Program Files, but simply). If my memory serves me correctly, then reinstalling the browser is not necessary for this - just use the right mouse button and the command “ Cut- Insert". Create a new shortcut if necessary (old one may not work due to path change), which is done with the same right mouse button and the item “ Create a shortcut". If C:/ is not the fastest drive in the system and there are physically faster ones, then move it there.

Let's move on to the settings. The fact is that when launched, the browser checks too many things, which slows down the loading. So let's remove this. To do this, we launch, open “ Tools- Settings". In the settings window that appears, go to the “ Additional" and subtab " Are common«.

Here I recommend removing the latter 3 ticks, namely “ Always check on startup if Firefox is the default browser«, « Send crash reports" And " Send performance data«.

On the subtab " Updates» disable checking for updates (this can always be done manually using " Reference- ABOUT-Check for updates«) and search engine plugins, that is, uncheck the appropriate boxes. In general, you can also disable checking for add-on updates, since they are checked every time the browser is updated. Here, think for yourself what is more convenient for you (I have it disabled).


Something like this. I hope that your beloved FF after that I began to run faster and eat less.

PS: Article written February 7, 2009. Global update October 22, 2011.

The author tried various settings configurations of this highly functional browser, one of which is presented below. Seven little-known hidden settings from the list about:config in exchange for five minutes of your time - and a simple correction of the default configuration should affect the speed of web surfing. And not only that – optimization measures sorted by degree of importance will make working in your favorite Ognelis more comfortable for you and the system’s resources. Intrigued? Then go ahead, look at the “pictures” → try it → share your impressions in the comments!

To get started with settings that are not available through the GUI (preferences panel), type in your browser's address bar about:config and press " Enter" → then, without being afraid of the "threatening" inscription, click on the button " I promise I'll be careful!" (screenshot below) → copy the desired parameter into the search window and follow the instructions attached to each of the seven points of useful optimizations.

  • Tincture browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers (default value is "-1").

This function is responsible for the amount of RAM allocated to visited pages. This is done so that when returning "Back" Firefox there was no need to reload the page from the Web or cache, which speeds up navigation through visited sites using the Forward - Back buttons. However, with high-speed Internet everywhere, the transition is equally fast, but the memory savings are quite noticeable. To disable the function, double-click on the found setting and change the default value to " 0 ".

Another way to change the parameter value in about:config – using the right mouse button in the drop-down menu, stop at " Change".

  • Settings config.trim_on_minimize .

Responsible for unloading "Ognelis" to the swap file while the browser is minimized. On the settings page Firefox You won't find it, so create it yourself using the same non-left mouse button by selecting " Create" → "Boolean" → give the setting a name config.trim_on_minimize and the meaning " true "→ "OK". Now, when minimizing the program, all data will be transferred from RAM to the hard drive, which will free up some of the RAM.

  • Settings security.dialog_enable_delay (default is "1000").

By changing the parameter value to " 0 ", you can get rid of the second wait (1000 ms = 1 second) for dialog boxes for installing plugins (extensions).

  • Settings browser.sessionhistory.max_entries (default value is “50”).

By default, this function is set to 50 steps "Forward - Back", which can be painlessly reduced to 10 .

  • Settings layout.spellcheckDefault (default value is "1").

Enables instant automatic spell checking on all forms where you enter something. Surprisingly, given the significance " 1" spelling is not checked everywhere and not immediately, so we set the value " 2 ".

  • Settings layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word (default - " true").

Anyone who actively works on the Internet has probably encountered a situation where, when selecting text with a couple of clicks, for some reason the subsequent space is captured. To correct the misunderstanding, find the desired line and double-click and change the value to " false ".

  • Settings browser. display. focus_ ring_ width(default is "1").

The parameter is responsible for the dotted frame around links and form elements when clicking on them. Changing the value to " 0 ", we will get rid of this atavism forever.

Note one: The fine adjustments described above are relevant for Firefox 41.0 .

Note two: To return the original value of any parameter ( reset settings to default), using the right mouse button, select " Reset".

Note three: How to optimally configure the browser through the menu bar is described in detail.