Installing Ubuntu Touch on your phone

In this article we will tell you in detail how to install Linux to an Android device. For installation and full-fledged work alternative system you will need: a smartphone or tablet, a software emulator, root rights and several gigabytes of free space.

1. Installation applications complete linux installer

Enter into the menu Google search Play the word “emulator” and get a list of several dozen approximately identical utilities. They are all good, but we focused on the Complete Linux Installer application. It is completely free, perfectly localized and equipped with detailed instructions for beginners.

The program can be downloaded from The installation algorithm for Complete Linux Installer is no different from installing any other software, so we will not dwell on this point.

2. Working with the Complete Linux Installer application

Before starting to work with the program, I would like to emphasize once again: what we are describing in this article is not installing Linux instead Android, but emulation of the operation of one system in another.

So, we launch the application and agree to install additional software components. It is working with these modules that will subsequently make it much easier for you to use operating system Linux.

As mentioned earlier, Complete Linux Installer requires root rights to fully function, which the application will remind you of in a pop-up window. We provide the program full access To system functions mobile device.

This completes the initial preparation of the emulator for work. The main application menu will open in front of you. Go to the sub-item “Installation Guide”.

The emulator will scan the hardware of your gadget and display a list of operating systems that are guaranteed to run on your mobile device. We choose Ubuntu 13.10 as an example.

From this moment on, the program begins to “guide” you through the stages of installing the operating system, accompanying each necessary action detailed instructions. For example, after reading the emulator requirements in the first step, be sure to install “Terminal” and “VNCViewer” in the second. Only after this select “Download image”.

Read the description of the differences between distributions of the Linux operating system and choose the one you need.

Create at the root external storage gadget folder with the name future system. This will make the search much easier for the program. necessary files. In our case, we create the “ubuntu” directory. Unpack the downloaded archive into this folder.

As a result, two files should appear in the “ubuntu” directory. One of them is with the .img extension. This is the image of the Linux system being launched.

After completing these steps, go to the “Launch” sub-item of the main menu of Complete Linux Installer and click the auxiliary menu “Settings” in the right top corner window. By selecting the “Edit” option, provide the application with the full path to the system executable file. Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

This completes the next stage of installing an alternative operating system into the memory of your gadget. Feel free to select the “Run Linux” option.

Application in background will launch a terminal to execute test commands and will ask for root access to the system functions of the device. We allow it.

Now your smartphone or tablet will be able to work as an emulator of the Linux operating system and you will have access to all the capabilities of the operating system with a penguin on the logo - from executing simple commands in the terminal to installing a full-fledged graphical environment. Linux installation on Android is complete.

Hello dear readers of the best mobile portal website! In this article, I will tell you about running full-fledged operating systems on Android. Today, we will talk about two operating systems - Windows XP and Linux. So let's get down to business.


Let's start with more easy instructions - launching Linux on Android. To begin with, I will warn you that for this method ROOT rights are required. Also, if you are using a smartphone on Android based 5.0 Lollipop, Android 6.0 Marshmallow or higher later version, then you need a custom kernel. This article uses a Nexus 5 with the "ElementalX" kernel installed. So let's get started.

1. First, you need to download and install the BusyBox program, which is the software for most standard tools Unix.

2. Next, download and install Linux program Deploy, this is the main component and without it we won’t be able to do anything, since it downloads the distribution from official mirror, creates a disk image on microSD card, mounts it and installs the operating system distribution.
3. Opening Linux application Deploy, go to the configuration panel. Here, choose which distribution you want to use. In this article we will use the default one Debian distribution in the LXDE environment.

4. Having selected the distribution, click on the install button. Installation takes about 30 minutes.
5. Once installation is complete, the application will launch Linux environment and will set it up herself work environment, which includes basic system, SSH server, VNC server And graphical environment which we chose earlier. Also, you can configure it through the program SSH server and VNC.
6. You can connect via SSH or VNC, I use a VNC server, but you can use whichever one you want.
7. If you connected via SSH server, enter port "22" and default password is "changeme".
8. If you, like me, want to connect via a VNC server, download the VNC program, run it and enter the address “localhost:5900” in the field, the default password is the same as for the SSH server - “changeme”.

9. Rejoice running distribution Linux!

Windows XP

Now, about something more complicated - Windows startup XP on Android. Can you tell me how? The answer is simple - Bochs. It is with this application that we will emulate Windows XP. Bochs is a program that emulates x86-based operating systems, it was created to emulate operating systems such as Windows DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98. But today we will try more difficult task. It's important to note that Windows work XP will be very, very slow and there will be no internet connection, so if you have patience and don't care about the problems that may arise, then go ahead! So, let's begin.

What do you need:
1. ISO Windows file XP
2. Qemu Manager for PC
4. Bochs SDL
5. Blank Disk Image

1. Open Qemu Manager for PC and create a new virtual machine. Call it whatever you want, in in this case its name will be "XP".

2. Enter how much RAM you want to allocate for the virtual machine, this step is only for PCs, on Android device it won't have any effect. Select the "do not use" option virtual disk" Click "next".

3. Next step, you need to go to the drivers tab and select “ HDD 0". Next, select the path to the previously downloaded “Blank Disk Image”.

5. Finally, after completing all the steps, select green button in the upper left corner to start the virtual machine. From now on, simply install Windows XP on the virtual machine as on a simple PC.

6. Once the installation is complete, unzip the Bochs SDL .zip file. Move "Blank Disk Image" to the SDL folder. Rename the "Blank Disk Image" file to "c".

8. Download and install the Bochs app on Android. Next, open it. The application itself must determine availability of Windows XP and run it. Remember, this is very, very slow!

To boot to the operating room desktop Windows systems XP, you need to wait at least 10 minutes.

9. Rejoice running Windows XP!

That's all. Thank you all for your attention!

Linuxsoid! my friend Yuri Geruk

The second part is about how to install Ubuntu on your Android smartphone or tablet on this platform.

Good day, users of the Linuxsoid site! Yesterday an article was published with the installation of an operating room Linux system Ubuntu for a smartphone or tablet, this was just the first way I was able to do this. I would like to say again that I did not delete the Androd system, but launched a second one on top of the other. I wouldn't take any further interest or even try to install it for myself until my friend Yuri Geruk gave it to me good idea, to install the system, and only after that I became interested and started my work.

Warning! The site administration and the author of the material do not bear any responsibility if your device stops working while performing the described manipulations! Everything that is written in the instructions, you do at your own peril and risk. It is possible that failures will occur, as happened with me and then I could not turn on my smartphone for a long time. There is no rush, we do everything carefully by reading these instructions!

In the first part (Method No. 1) I wrote how to install the system through a program called Complete Linux Installer. Was told full order actions when working on this program, what to download, how to install and all the rest. Today I wanted to bring to your attention the second method (Method No. 2). We will do the installation with you Linux Ubuntu to a device running Android via mobile app called Linux Deploy. The application is also available to you in free access on Google Play Market, where absolutely anyone can download it.

In this application you do not need to register and activate; after installing it on your device, you will need to launch it and close it again. What do we need to run the system via Linux Deploy. ?

  1. Smartphone and computer with Internet access (preferably using Wi-Fi) than better connection, the faster the download will occur.
  2. USB cable (to connect your device to desktop computer or laptop)
  3. The battery should preferably be charged 100%, but not less than 50%
  • Let's begin our task! To prevent it from getting too long, I will skip the points that were indicated in method No. 1. First and simple step for us this will be obtaining root rights on the device; in the previous article I showed in detail how this is done.
  • Who Root rights received, you can proceed to the next step, namely enable USB debugging on your device (the previous article also described how to achieve this). We pick up our smartphone and go to the official store Play Market, where we have to download an application called Linux Deploy. If you have an account set up, you can follow the link with the name of the program and install the application using your computer. After installation, open the application and look further!
  • As we can see in the screenshot above, we are shown a program with a simple and not complicated interface. When we first launch the program, it shows us a little information, a list of how to start using this program. After meeting these requirements, we begin configuration. To set up our program, you need to translate it into Russian (we do it for those who have not automatically translated the program) Put the Russian language and check the box next to the item Do not turn off the screen.

Look as shown in the figure below:

After setting the language and checking the Keep the screen on, we smoothly move on to next action, namely:

  • We create new profile for our new account Linux. To do this you need to return to main screen programs, yes, exactly the one in which the help is shown further actions and click on the program header (where the penguin is drawn). After this, you will be automatically transferred to a new window, where you are required to click on the plus sign and create a profile. As a copycat example, I created a profile called You can call it whatever you want!
  • When you have written the profile name, click OK. After that, simply select the desired profile.
  • After all this, I fold up the bench and go to bed, and you can do whatever you want from there, of course I was joking! Minimize the application and return to the Play Market and download Es-conductor(from whom it is worth downloading again, you don’t need to, and you won’t be able to :-D) . Open Explorer and create a folder called Ubuntu. After you create the folder, you need to find out the path to it. For me it will be a memory card like yours, I don’t know.
  • When creating, click on the yellow plus sign, after which you will see a pop-up window where we highlight the creation of the folder and smoothly flows into the name of the folder (it is better to write in English language, you shouldn’t tempt the fate of your smartphone, one thing I’ll say is that it won’t lead to anything good, tested for own experience). When finished, I click on the history log and look at the path to our folder. I got it like this: /sdcard/ubuntu/.

Was the initial setup of the program successful? Then we proceed to download and install the distribution kit on our devices, in a newly created folder. To do this, you need to open the Linux Deploy application and click, as if on an arrow similar to a download, where you should be transferred to a new window with the information we need. What do we see there? The program offers us to install the system, but to do this we need to select it. In this window, click on the distribution and you will see all the available selection of systems (which may be installed on your device). I choose Linux Ubuntu. After I have chosen, click on install and the installation (download) should begin, it takes about one hour. Therefore, it is better to power your smartphone to charge!

  • Once the installation is complete, click on the start button and you should be connected to the right servers. The beauty of this application is that it does not need to additionally register a terminal and give commands; the application will automatically register the necessary commands. When finished you will see as shown in the picture! This is if everything went smoothly for you and no other errors appeared.
  • After such inscriptions, you need to download and install an additional application called VNCViewer on your device, as in the first installation method. In the server, we create a new connection where we write the address as localhots and enter any name in the name and click connect. The application will connect and if successful, it will ask you for a password! The password on all servers is always the same (changeme), but if you connect via a computer, the password will be different, I can’t tell you it because I don’t know it.

When all this is done, you should end up with something like this:

That's all, if you have any problems, write them in the comments, we will help you eliminate them as far as possible. The material was prepared by Alexander Makarenkov for the website

Running Linux on Android is possible! And you don’t need a device with root rights for this: all the necessary software is available in official store Google Play. In just 10–15 minutes you can get an operating system that differs from Android in advanced functionality.

Note: if you follow our instructions, Linux OS will run in virtual environment. Android will still be running in the background. To call such a system complete would be incorrect. However, with the list standard tasks she's coping well.

Please close everything before installation. required applications and clean RAM Android device.

1. From Google store Play install GNURoot Debian and XServer XSDL.

2. Before you start installing Linux, make sure that your device is connected to stable network Wi-Fi. Launch GNURoot. Downloading will begin necessary packages environment.

Installation takes from 30 seconds to several minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Ignore the tickers until the following message appears:


For those familiar with the concept of “”, don’t let this line scare you: the application will not cause any harm to the device, since it works in a “sandbox”.

3. Enter the following command:

apt-get update

Wait until the packages are downloaded. This will be indicated by the line Reading package lists...Done.

4. Now enter another line:

apt-get upgrade

To the question “Do you want to continue?” enter the English letter Y and press Enter. The installation of packages will begin.

This time the installation procedure will take a little longer. Wait patiently for the installation to complete until the coveted line appears:


Wednesday Debian Linux installed, and now you can proceed to deployment graphical shell.

5. Installation of all Linux distribution packages is performed with the following command:

apt-get install lxde

There is also an option to install the system kernel using the line:

apt-get install lxde-core

Confirm the installation by re-entering Y and clicking on Enter key. The package download process will begin.

During installation, make sure that all files have successfully downloaded, and that when unpacking, your device does not run out of free space. Otherwise, the system startup will fail.

6. To complete the installation of the operating system, you must download three additional utilities:

  • XTerm - to access the terminal from the Linux graphical shell;
  • Synaptic Package Manager - for managing apt packages and downloading applications;
  • Pulseaudio - for installing sound drivers.

All three utilities are installed using one GNURoot terminal command:

apt-get install xterm synaptic pulseaudio

Approximately 260 MB of data will be downloaded to the device.

7. Now minimize the GNURoot application and open the previously installed XServer XSDL. Agree to download additional fonts. After the installation is complete, tap on the screen several times (the application will ask you to select the resolution and font size - it all depends on your preferences) until you see a splash screen with a blue background and white text.

Re-launch GNURoot and enter the following two commands one after the other:

startlxde &

The sequence for further restarting the system (when you want to open Linux again) looks like this: run XServer XSDL and wait for the blue screen, open GNURoot and enter the two commands above, return to XServer XSDL.

If the terminal complains about an invalid command, return to step 5 of these instructions and try installing a bare kernel. Check the memory status of your Android device.

8. Now open XServer XSDL, wait a few seconds, and you'll have Linux ready to go.

To install applications in the lower left corner, open Start menu and select Run. Type Synaptic and press Enter.

In the window that opens, use the search and install the necessary applications. It could be Firefox browser, editor GIMP images, office suite Libre and other Linux compatible programs.

Of course, this option for installing Linux cannot be called full launch operating system on Android. Virtual Linux has several limitations, but when used wireless mice and keyboard (it is also possible to connect using an OTG adapter and a USB hub), you can turn your smartphone or tablet into laptop with the functionality of an adult OS.

Hello, I have a mini PC ug 802, how can I install Linux on it? teltar

This is a very interesting topic for me, friends, since I professionally administer Linux servers. On servers it’s interesting, but for me it’s already everyday and ordinary. And here is the installation Linux distributions for devices with ARM architecture - this is an order of magnitude more interesting.

What is the difference between a computer and a smartphone or tablet?

In fact, conceptually, the difference is small - both mobile and desktop devices, or even servers, are made according to the same principles. However, for mobile devices a different processor architecture is used. Desktop CPUs are designed on x86 or amd64 architectures. And most mobile devices have a processor based on ARM architecture. Historically, this is due to the fact that such processors have significantly lower power consumption, which is a vital necessity for mobile devices.

What OS can be installed on mobile devices?

So, all programs, including the operating system, must be developed specifically for this architecture in order to work on this hardware. Therefore, regular versions Linux installed on desktops or servers will not work here. Fortunately, there are many distributions and versions for this architecture. Starting with the notorious Android, which most smartphones are equipped with, and ending with exotic distributions, like the specialized Backtrack (now Kali Linux). But of greater interest, of course, are some more well-known distributions.

What is Android?

Android is an operating system on Linux based , developed by Google for mobile devices. The world's most popular mobile operating system. It should be understood that in fact LInux is just the kernel of the operating system. And many operating systems are built on its basis, and Android is just one of them.

The kernel is the basic functionality that allows you to use all devices and options of the hardware platform - that is, drivers and device management. Also included in the core are some basic programs and utilities command line. The point is that in Linux family(it is in this meaning that it is most often meant - a family of operating systems on this kernel, and not the kernel itself) - the graphical shell is a separate part, its own level of abstraction.

AND minimum configuration these OS - precisely without a graphical shell, only text interface command line. This allows these OSes to be embedded into the most unusual places. For example, in network hardware, machine tools, computers and other complex devices, for example in airplanes and cars. Even in your washing machine Something similar can be installed in a microwave too :)

This is an Android device. Accordingly, Android should be installed by default. Which, in fact, is Linux. But with some serious restrictions. Installing some other Linux can significantly expand the capabilities of a mobile device. The possibilities of use become virtually limitless. Well, imagine using a mobile phone as a server! Many tools are becoming available. If it's a tablet, connect it to peripherals via OTG cable, you can use it as full-fledged computer! For what? That's another question. I hope our reader will share his ideas in the comments.

How to install Linux on an android device?

So, installation.

There are two options - you can do it full installation, as they say - on “hardware”. This is actually a flashing of the device. At the same time, we lose the native functionality of the device, provided by the manufacturer. And this may not be at all what we wanted. For example, the UG 802 mini-computer, which our reader is interested in, is a device designed to expand the functionality of televisions. Because it can be inserted directly into the HDMI port of any TV, turning it into Smart.

Fortunately, there is a second way to install Linux - right inside the device's main operating system, in this case Android case. This allows you to run a so-called chroot environment inside Android. In this case, you will receive two related operating systems running in parallel on one core - Android. And you can switch between them.

This approach is convenient for smartphones and tablets, but may not be suitable for the UG 802. In this case, you may need to flash the required operating system. And this is already some risk that the device can be damaged.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with such experiments. But there is enough information on the Internet about this. Study, try to install.

Therefore, I will provide a few links from which you can begin your acquaintance with the world of mobile device hacking :)

Who are hackers?

Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, this is exactly hacking - non-standard interference in the operation and design of systems and programs, changing them and expanding functionality. This is precisely the original meaning of this word. And a hacker is not a cracker or a virus writer, as most people are used to thinking. This is first and foremost a researcher. Yes, he breaks systems, reveals what was not intended to be opened, but he does this with the goal of learning, not harm. - an article about installing Linux on smartphones in the oldest magazine, which is precisely a reflection of the essence of hacking. - Habr, an equally old and even more famous resource. And the article here is fresh, and describes in great detail the experience of installing Arch Linux on top of Android, in the form of a chroot environment. - Giktimes - a site from the creators of Habr, and I found it on it detailed manual By installing Debian over Android on a smartphone. The article, although very old, touches on fundamental things that need to be understood before embarking on such an operation. Although this will not help you install, it will help you gain knowledge, without which it is impossible further development topics and problem solving. And after studying such articles, you will feel more confident and will be able to search for information on the topic more specifically, on specific issues that will need to be addressed during installation.

For example, these articles on the topic are probably not the only ones on the above-mentioned sites. You can always try to look for more articles about this on such specialized resources. I found and looked at a couple of topics about installing linux on mobile devices on like this, For example

That's all for today. But it may always happen that I want to continue the banquet of this topic :)

If problems arise (and they will arise with a 99% probability :)), you can also ask questions here, we will collect information, solve problems together, I am also very interested in this.