The Other World: Phone Calls from the Other World. The Other World: Phone Calls from the Other World What does a call from the other world mean?

- Once again I repeat to you: stop being a hooligan! – I shouted and, pressing the reset button, I could hardly restrain myself from the desire to throw my phone at the wall.
And when will this crazy woman get tired of calling me? Can't a person find something to do other than drive other people into psychosis? Meanwhile, the phone made another trill.
- I'm hearing you!
- Mom... It’s cold... I’m cold here... And it’s damp... I’m here, I’m downstairs... Bring the cross and Natasha... - this whole incoherent set of words suggested that the woman on the other end of the line was either completely drunk and did not understand where, why and who he’s calling, or simply out of his mind. - Please, the cross and Natasha... And take off the rope...
- Call 03! – I was completely furious. - You will have a cross there, and Natasha, and everything you want!
This disgrace began about a year ago - with my move to this apartment. About once or twice a month the phone would ring, and the woman’s voice on the receiver would begin to utter some kind of nonsense, which was difficult to understand due to the terrible interference. At first I was scared, trying to figure out what it was about and what the caller actually wanted. Then I thought that it was one of my friends who decided to make a stupid joke on me, she chuckled and said, “It’s good to make fun of me!” hung up. Then I tried to explain to the strange lady that I was not her mother and I didn’t know any Natasha with a cross either. But now these calls drove me crazy. Moreover, they became more frequent - this was the third one over the past week...
I went out onto the balcony and nervously lit a cigarette. No, this cannot continue like this! But what to do? Go to the police? Reasonable... Just what will I tell them? Shall I complain about the crazy woman terrorizing me on the phone? But they need to catch criminals, and not some crazy women... Of course, the former owners of the apartment could have shed light on what was happening, but I didn’t know them - a relative of the owner was in charge of selling the property. I still have her mobile number, but I didn’t want to bother a stranger in vain...
At night I was woken up by a phone call.

- Mom... Mom... It's cold...
- Who is this? Lord, tell me, what do you need? Why are you calling here?
There was a loud hissing in the receiver, then a most disgusting creaking, and again a voice that was already familiar to me:
- Mom... Take off the rope... It’s pressing, pressing... It’s not letting me sleep...
An unpleasant chill ran through me. Of course, I understood that my crazy “friend” was probably having another attack, but hearing in the middle of the night about a rope that was pressing on her somewhere was, you see, a little creepy... Something hissed in my ear again. And the one who was on the other end of the line again tearfully begged me to bring her a cross and Natasha... Barely waiting for the morning, I still called the hostess’s cousin. Without going into details, I asked for the coordinates of my predecessor, and she dictated her phone number.
The very next day we met in the city park. Lyudmila, the former owner of the apartment, turned out to be a woman of about forty-five - sweet, with a quiet voice and a pleasant face. I hesitated for a long time, not knowing where to start. And finally I told her everything for which I started this meeting. At first she clearly didn’t understand me, but then fear appeared in her eyes:
- As you said? Natasha? Cross?
- Well, yes... You see, these calls just exhausted me! She calls regularly. She demands to bring her a cross and Natasha. He talks about some kind of rope. Oh yes, and also that she is cold... And damp, it seems... I don’t understand anything! And you?
For a second I felt afraid for my interlocutor: it seemed that she was about to faint.
- You... - her voice became even quieter, - just don’t think I’m crazy... The fact is that a year ago my daughter Christina disappeared. She was seventeen... She just went to the store and disappeared. No traces were ever found. And here's what... You said about the cross. She never parted with her baptismal cross, and that day she forgot to put it on. This cross is always with me now...
- And Natasha?
- Natasha was the name of her favorite doll. As a child, she would not let her out of her hands, and then Natasha became something of a talisman for her. Perhaps this is all nothing more than a coincidence, but a strange... strange coincidence.
That same evening I went to the police and told them about the calls. The duty officer - a young lieutenant with impudent eyes - laughed in my face and even refused to accept the statement. And the night was marked by a new call:
- Mother! Well, where are you, mom? I'm so waiting for you... - a loud grinding sound. – I’m here... Below you, right below you... I’m cold... - again interference. - Natasha... And a cross, mom, a cross...
This time I didn't wait for the morning. I called Lyudmila and told her what I heard word for word. She immediately rushed to me in a taxi. The woman was especially excited by the fact that the caller, if you believe her, is somewhere below us... Since my apartment is on the first floor, there could only be a basement below. Lyudmila called the police and by some miracle was able to convince them to come...
An hour later, a woman’s body was found in the basement - or rather, what was left of it. A little later it turned out that the remains belonged to Christina, Lyudmila’s daughter. The corpse was so cleverly hidden that then, a year ago, they simply couldn’t find it - or maybe they just didn’t try. The girl was strangled with a thick rope, the remains of which were also found around her neck.
A week passed, and the call rang again in my apartment... From the local police officer. He asked me to come for a conversation.
“You understand, this is the thing,” he began, as soon as I had time to cross the threshold of his office, “just don’t think that I’m crazy!” In general, the death of Kristina Glebovna Sautina occurred about a year ago. But... A mobile phone was found on her. When we checked the calls, we were shocked. Over the past year, this phone has been calling your home number regularly. The last call was recorded on the night the body was found. How this is possible is a mystery...

... The killer was found quickly. He turned out to be some kind of psychopath, who had more than one ruined life on his account. Christina was buried. Lyudmila put a cross and a Natasha doll in the coffin - everything the girl asked her to do. And I still flinch when the phone rings in my apartment

During different periods of history contacts with the dead occurred through sleep, or mystical visions, or auditory hallucinations, both spontaneous and artificially caused by induction into a trance. The dead themselves can also seek rapprochement, using means that seem more effective to them.

For example, in the 19th and 20th centuries, messages from the other world began to arrive via telegraph, phonograph and radio. An equally curious phenomenon of modern times is communication with the dead using telephone or television connection.

Such calls “from the other side” seem strange and have no reasonable explanation. In most cases, such contact occurs between people who had close emotional relationships in life, for example between spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, other relatives, and sometimes between friends.

Many contacts are directed, that is, they have some purpose, for example, the desire of the deceased himself to say something to the survivors, to say goodbye to them, to warn them of danger, or to tell them something important for their lives.

To date, thousands of cases of contact with the deceased through various means of communication have been recorded. Most often, a person who picks up the phone and hears a well-known voice does not yet know that his interlocutor has died. The bitter truth is revealed only after some time. Often calls are made after accidents.

In 1987, a plane crashed into the hotel where a certain Christopher Evans lived in the United States. The explosion was powerful, a huge column of smoke and fire rose into the sky. Evans' parents lived in a nearby town. When they heard about the incident on the radio, they became seriously alarmed.

However, soon the phone rang. Their son's voice came over the phone and told them not to worry. The Evans couple calmed down, but when Christopher did not return in the evening, the anxiety intensified. In the end, the parents went to the ruins of the hotel and there, among the general chaos, they found the body of their son covered with a sheet.

It also happens that the dead get in touch with the living to talk about danger or report something important. The English actress Ida Lupino received a call from her father - three months after his death - and explained where he hid the will, which his daughter had been unsuccessfully looking for all these days.

Often, the deceased, in order not to disturb his relatives, calls not them, but mutual acquaintances who do not know about his death. In such cases, the conversation can be long. But most often, telephone communication is limited to two or three very common phrases like: “Hello, is it you? How are you?"

One day, American housewife Mrs. Tollen picked up the phone and heard the voice of Ruby Stone, a neighbor boy with whom she was friends. “They told me I couldn’t call. And I’m calling you, right?” Ruby said in a slightly strange but recognizable voice.

This call would not have been surprising if Ruby had not died in a car accident a few weeks earlier. Mrs. Tollen later admitted that this call did not cause her fear; on the contrary, she was surprised and delighted. The shocked woman did not even have time to answer.

As practice shows, in almost half of the cases of such communication, only the afterlife inhabitant speaks. Moreover, his voice very soon either breaks off or becomes unintelligible, as if getting lost in extraneous noise. Some such episodes were investigated by telephone companies, but it almost always turned out that the equipment did not record any calls during the moments of otherworldly communication.

It was also noted that the vast majority of calls from the deceased come in the first hours after their death, less often in the first days, and even less often in months. This is to some extent consistent with the provisions of many religious teachings, which say that the soul, having left the body, remains among the living for some time. Hence certain milestones after death: three, nine, forty days, a year. The soul, found outside the body, has not yet renounced everyday worries and is looking for opportunities to contact the living.

Confirmation of this can be found in some examples of post-mortem experiences.

So, in 2000, Ted Mathewen from Kentucky, having emerged from a coma after a car accident, remembered: during his clinical death, he was very worried that his wife did not know about what had happened and was waiting for him at home.

He saw himself, the deceased, from the side, he saw the hospital room and the telephone set on the table.

He tried to call his wife. He pressed the buttons with his finger, dialing her number, and the phone seemed to work. At least, it seemed to him that his wife’s voice was heard somewhere nearby, saying: “Hello, who is it?” Later, when his story was relayed to Mrs. Mathewen, she confirmed that there had been some calls that evening, but she could not hear anything because of the interference. Only once did she think that her husband’s voice was breaking through to her.

Sometimes the living dial the numbers of the dead. During the conversation, the caller does not suspect that he is communicating with a dead person. He will find out about this later. A Los Angeles resident, Nicole Friedman, once had a bad dream: her husband was lying in a pool of blood with a wound in the head. Waking up, the woman immediately called him.

He answered her as if nothing had happened, only casually complaining that they were now so far from each other. That evening, it turned out that Nicole had been talking to her husband, who had been dead for several hours: he had been shot while trying to rob a bank.

In the summer of 1965, Iris Brace died in an American clinic. Her death was unexpected for doctors, because the operation that Iris underwent was not life-threatening. The death of Iris upset the doctors, the family of the deceased, as well as her boss, a professor of economics, under whom Iris worked as a secretary.

On the day of the funeral, the professor suddenly remembered that the day before he had asked Iris to contact his colleague and find out if he could take part in the lecture course. Of course, the secretary had to carry out the assignment as soon as she left the hospital. But since events did not turn out well, the professor had to take on the mission of the siren.

The colleague, who had no idea that faithful Iris was no longer with them, heard the professor’s voice and exclaimed: “Wait a minute, they’re calling me on another phone!” And a moment later he returned to the conversation, stunning the professor with the message: “Mrs. Brace, your secretary, just called and reminded me that you are asking me to take part in the lecture program...”

In May 1971, the McConnell couple from Arizona were quietly whileing away the evening when their privacy was suddenly interrupted by a call from friend Iness Johnson. She got sick not long ago, went to the hospital and, missing her friend, decided to chat with her. The women chatted pleasantly for about half an hour, after which Mrs. McConnell expressed her intention to visit the sick woman with a bottle of blackberry brandy, Inez’s favorite drink.

However, Mrs. Johnson categorically objected to the visit and, most surprisingly, to the brandy too, saying sadly: “I won’t need it anymore.” But she immediately pulled herself together and assured that she felt great, moreover, she had never been so happy.

Well, happy, and okay, Mrs. McConnell calmed down... When a few days later she called the clinic again, she was surprised to learn that her friend Inez Johnson had left this world a few weeks ago. Who assured her of excellent health and refused brandy?..

Many calls from the dead occur on some emotionally charged anniversary or holiday, such as Father's Day or Mother's Day, a birthday, etc. During a typical "holiday call" the deceased may not say anything special, but only repeat and again the same phrase like: “Hi, is that you?”

All these cases are only a small fraction of “calls from the other world.” In the late 1990s, the phenomenon became so widespread that scientists at the University of Manchester studied paranormal phenomena. Over four years, scientists recorded more than a thousand telephone contacts with the deceased.

It turned out that in half of the recorded cases the deceased and his caller simply exchanged phrases, in a quarter of the episodes only the caller spoke, and in the remaining episodes the voice “from there” was unintelligible and drowned in a cacophony of sounds, as if coming from the end of a long tunnel. An important nuance: telephone operators have never been able to detect a call - sensitive devices did not detect any signal.

According to scientists, there is no need to be afraid of news from the other world. The witnesses interviewed in unison insisted that the conversation with the deceased did not evoke negative emotions, on the contrary, it brought peace and joy.

It is worth noting that those who have gone to a better world mainly bother their relatives and friends, and even then not over trifles, but only to warn about an upcoming important event, ward off trouble and report on their own well-being.

Of course, “our” dead also call their relatives and friends who remained in the busy world, but, unfortunately, data on this phenomenon is of interest only to American and Western European scientists. Judging by the reviews of compatriots, many received calls from the other world, but few dare to declare this publicly.

In sunny Brazil, telephone conversations with deceased relatives are almost an assembly line. An uninterrupted connection with the afterlife was established by a certain enterprising Sonia Rinaldi, who set up a unique negotiation point in her home. The procedure looks like this: any Brazilian who wants to talk about this and that with the deceased comes to Signora Rinaldi, pays a few reals - and here it is, the long-awaited communication!

The visitor puts urgent questions into a handset connected to a communication unit [the design of the device is kept in the strictest confidence], and a relative answers from the other end of the line. More precisely, a voice similar to “painfully familiar.”

People who have received phone calls from the other world report that the voices of the dead sound exactly the same as they did in life. Moreover, the deceased often use pet names and their favorite words. The phone rings as usual, although some people recall that the sound is still a little sluggish and not entirely normal. In most cases, the connection is not very good, with a lot of interference and voices interfering, as if different lines are crossing.

Sometimes the voice of the dead can be heard with difficulty and as the conversation progresses it becomes quieter and quieter. It happens that during a conversation the voice of the deceased disappears, although the line remains open, then they usually say that they will call again. Sometimes the conversation stops at the initiative of the deceased himself, and the person hears a sound that happens when the receiver is hung up.

If a person does not immediately understand that the deceased is calling him, the conversation can last about thirty minutes. During this time, the person does not even know what is really happening. The bills that the phone company then sends never indicate where the call originated.

There are several theories to explain the phenomenon of telephone calls from the other world. First: these are their genuine calls, which somehow manipulate telephone mechanisms and channels. Second: these are pranks on the spirits of the elements, who have fun in this way.

And finally, these are psychokinetic acts caused by the subconscious of a person, whose inner desire to contact the dead creates a special type of hallucinatory experience.

The father died in a medicated sleep, in which he remained for three weeks, periodically ending up on the operating table. Since he died while in a clinic in another country, the funeral took place only on the tenth day. Despite the embalming and the miracles of the dissector, they were buried in a closed coffin, because it was the middle of July, the heat was incredible and the sight was not for the faint of heart.

On the eve of my death, I had a dream that I saw him in the distance and he shouted to me, “Wake me up! Wake me up!” After the news of his death, for several days we puzzled over where to bury him. In our city, ordinary city cemeteries are in an extremely sad state, but we wanted his final resting place to be worthy. And on the third day, mother had a dream where she was talking to dad and he said: “Bury me on the 2nd, near the linden tree.” The “second” is the old cemetery, which has existed since the founding of the city, with beautiful centuries-old monuments, sculptures and ancient crypts.

However, ordinary mortals have not been buried there for a long time, except for politicians and thieves. And then, simply by displacing someone, long forgotten by everyone, from their proper place, and reburying them in a distant part. We picked up old connections, contacted the director of the cemetery, and on the fifth day we went with him to look for a linden tree on the territory. It is worth noting that the man initially doubted the presence of this tree, but, apparently, he was sure that we had seen it, since we wanted it under it. Where the information about the linden tree came from, we naturally kept silent, so as not to put the people who bothered about the place in an awkward situation.

The search took several hours and included the capture and interrogation of all the local homeless people, drunks, workers, church employees and even visitors. Having literally walked around the entire territory, the mother gave up and eventually chose the place that she liked the most, if such a thing is even appropriate to say. The “linden tree” turned out to be an acacia tree that had grown to incredible sizes, in the shadow of which abandoned graves about a hundred years old were grouped together.

The funeral service took place in the backyard. The coffin stood on the veranda for a while; when the ceremony began, it was taken out into the garden. Never before have there been so many people in our house. On the eve of the funeral, I had a dream again. It’s as if the coffin is standing on the veranda, everyone is going to the ceremony, and I’m in his room, sitting on a perfectly made bed and collecting my thoughts. And then the door swings open, he runs in, in the very suit in which he will be buried the next day, all filled with panic and, clinging to the door frame, as if someone was pulling him back, with a crazy look, he shouts the same thing: “Wake me up.” me! Wake me up, please!

Realizing that my father has just rebelled at his own funeral service, I get up and hesitantly approach the doors, which I can hardly hold on to, and I see how he begins to move away from me, stretching out his hands to me with entreaties, as if someone is dragging him away back to the coffin. The last thing he managed to shout was: “Phone!” In the morning, I told my mother about the dream and decided to put his mobile phone in the coffin. True, without a SIM card, because it was turned off. There was no question that he could wake up - he was opened twice. Even if there had been lethargy, the dissectors reduced these chances to a deep minus.

After the funeral, we walked around the nearby graves, cleaned them up and, as expected, left flowers and treats on each one. What a surprise it was when my mother called me and pointed to a nearby grave, which we did not pay attention to at first: on the tombstone it was written that a certain Lipochka, who died at the age of 13 at the beginning of the last century, rested there.

That same night, around early morning, my mother received a call on her mobile phone from an unknown number, which was subsequently repeated regularly for several months, sometimes several times a day. Most often, the connection was reset when she picked up the phone, but a couple of times she was still able to listen for a few seconds to interference and sounds more reminiscent of those previously emitted when dialing a modem, interwoven with distorted voices in the distance. There were, apparently, an innumerable number of the latter. I myself heard this only once and then, about 4 seconds before the connection dropped again.

It was difficult to make out what exactly they were saying, since they all merged into a wild cacophony, but it was not at all like the usual random wedging into other people's telephone conversations. Mom said one call was especially long and lasted about 20 seconds, and it was then that she thought she heard her father’s voice, he seemed to be in the foreground in relation to the other speakers and said the same thing: “Wake me up.” I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if someone really tried to call us, only our whole family was on the same operator at that time and only my mother had such calls.

The father died in a medicated sleep, in which he remained for three weeks, periodically ending up on the operating table. Since he died while in a clinic in another country, the funeral took place only on the tenth day. Despite the embalming and the miracles of the dissector, they were buried in a closed coffin, because it was the middle of July, the heat was incredible and the sight was not for the faint of heart.

On the eve of my death, I had a dream that I saw him in the distance and he shouted to me, “Wake me up! Wake me up!” After the news of his death, for several days we puzzled over where to bury him. In our city, ordinary city cemeteries are in an extremely sad state, but we wanted his final resting place to be worthy. And on the third day, mother had a dream where she was talking to dad and he said: “Bury me on the 2nd, near the linden tree.” The “second” is the old cemetery, which has existed since the founding of the city, with beautiful centuries-old monuments, sculptures and ancient crypts.

However, ordinary mortals have not been buried there for a long time, except for politicians and thieves. And then, simply by displacing someone, long forgotten by everyone, from their proper place, and reburying them in a distant part. We picked up old connections, contacted the director of the cemetery, and on the fifth day we went with him to look for a linden tree on the territory. It is worth noting that the man initially doubted the presence of this tree, but, apparently, he was sure that we had seen it, since we wanted it under it. Where the information about the linden tree came from, we naturally kept silent, so as not to put the people who bothered about the place in an awkward situation.

The search took several hours and included the capture and interrogation of all the local homeless people, drunks, workers, church employees and even visitors. Having literally walked around the entire territory, the mother gave up and eventually chose the place that she liked the most, if such a thing is even appropriate to say. The “linden tree” turned out to be an acacia tree that had grown to incredible sizes, in the shadow of which abandoned graves about a hundred years old were grouped together.

The funeral service took place in the backyard. The coffin stood on the veranda for a while; when the ceremony began, it was taken out into the garden. Never before have there been so many people in our house. On the eve of the funeral, I had a dream again. It’s as if the coffin is standing on the veranda, everyone is going to the ceremony, and I’m in his room, sitting on a perfectly made bed and collecting my thoughts. And then the door swings open, he runs in, in the very suit in which he will be buried the next day, all filled with panic and, clinging to the door frame, as if someone was pulling him back, with a crazy look, he shouts the same thing: “Wake me up.” me! Wake me up, please!

Realizing that my father has just rebelled at his own funeral service, I get up and hesitantly approach the doors, which I can hardly hold on to, and I see how he begins to move away from me, stretching out his hands to me with entreaties, as if someone is dragging him away back to the coffin. The last thing he managed to shout was: “Phone!” In the morning, I told my mother about the dream and decided to put his mobile phone in the coffin. True, without a SIM card, because it was turned off. There was no question that he could wake up - he was opened twice. Even if there had been lethargy, the dissectors reduced these chances to a deep minus.

After the funeral, we walked around the nearby graves, cleaned them up and, as expected, left flowers and treats on each one. What a surprise it was when my mother called me and pointed to a nearby grave, which we did not pay attention to at first: on the tombstone it was written that a certain Lipochka, who died at the age of 13 at the beginning of the last century, rested there.

That same night, around early morning, my mother received a call on her mobile phone from an unknown number, which was subsequently repeated regularly for several months, sometimes several times a day. Most often, the connection was reset when she picked up the phone, but a couple of times she was still able to listen for a few seconds to interference and sounds more reminiscent of those previously emitted when dialing a modem, interwoven with distorted voices in the distance. There were, apparently, an innumerable number of the latter. I myself heard this only once and then, about 4 seconds before the connection dropped again.

It was difficult to make out what exactly they were saying, since they all merged into a wild cacophony, but it was not at all like the usual random wedging into other people's telephone conversations. Mom said one call was especially long and lasted about 20 seconds, and it was then that she thought she heard her father’s voice, he seemed to be in the foreground in relation to the other speakers and said the same thing: “Wake me up.” I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if someone really tried to call us, only our whole family was on the same operator at that time and only my mother had such calls.