Transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone. Transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone: step-by-step instructions

Windows is the most common and almost irreplaceable operating system. Despite the ambiguous attitude towards it on the part of users, the system boasts a colossal (in size) audience, which consists not only of ordinary users, but also includes large enterprises, companies and corporations. This popularity is due to the simplicity of the system, the abundance of available (exclusive) software and support for a wide variety of equipment.

Unfortunately, all of the above advantages do not apply to Microsoft’s “mobile” brainchild - the Windows Phone operating system (for example, Lumia). Which initially had great prospects and showed considerable hopes, which in practice were never realized. As a result, the corporation decided to stop its development and support, forcing millions of its users to look for more successful alternatives in the form of devices on iOS and Android.

Naturally, the transition is impossible without the difficulties associated with transferring personal contacts from Windows Phone to Android. This will discuss and describe in detail the most effective and simple ways to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android.

Via Google

Transferring personal contacts can be done in a number of ways. But, since we are talking about transferring to a system from Google - Android, using a Google account is best suited for this purpose.

To use this method, you need to turn on your Windows Phone device, connect it wirelessly and do the following:

This method of transferring contacts from Windows Phone to Android is simple and convenient. However, it is suitable if the user has both a Windows phone and an Android device. However, if they are missing, you can use another method:

  1. On your personal computer, go to Gmail via a browser (if it doesn’t exist, you need to create it and register);
  2. Go to the “Settings” parameter;
  3. Find and select the tab called “Accounts and Import”;
  4. In this section, look for the second line and select the “Import mail and contacts” option;
  5. Here we enter the address of Outlook email or other mail from Microsoft;
  6. We carefully follow the instructions necessary to complete the import;
  7. Ready.

When you turn on (set up) your Android device for the first time, you need to enter your Google account information to which you imported contacts and other data. After this, all content will be copied automatically.

By creating a VCF file

Creating a file in the "vcf" format is a proven and reliable way to import contacts, which is distinguished by its versatility, since this file can be transferred and edited on any device. However, its peculiarity is that this method is suitable for smartphones running Windows Background, which have a slot and, in fact, support for Micro SD cards.

For this method, WP provides a standard application, which has the prosaic name “Data Transfer”. If it is not installed, you can download it from the official application store.

After that:

  1. Launch the application and select “Export to SD card”;
  2. After which the indexing process will start, and after its completion the program will offer to save three types of data, mark “Contacts” and click on “Start”;
  3. After some time, the application will report the successful export of contacts from the phone memory to the SD card. And, importantly, it will indicate the path to the VCF file.

Transfer via Bluetooth

Currently, wireless methods of communication and file transfer are the most practical and comfortable for users, since they do not require direct connection of devices via cable. To transfer contacts via Bluetooth, you will need to install any file manager on WP. In this case, the standard one called Metro File Manager was selected. The order is as follows:

Important! Both devices must be paired and have Bluetooth enabled.

Using a memory card

If for some reason importing via a Bluetooth wireless connection is not suitable, then you can use an alternative method - transfer using an SD card. First, you need to transfer data from your smartphone memory to Windows Phone OS. To do this, you need to go to the standard “Data Transfer” application, which is either available by default or available for download in the standard application store. Next we do the following:

  1. Open the “Data Transfer” application;
  2. Select “Export to SD card”;
  3. Indexing will occur, after which the program will offer to mark the required data types. Select “Contacts” and click on “Start”;
  4. The program will export, after which it will indicate the path to the “Contact.vcf” file;
  5. Next, remove the SD card from the Windows Phone and insert it into the Android phone;
  6. In your Android smartphone, open “Contacts” and go to the “Import/Export” section;
  7. Next, in the “Copy from” item, select “Device Memory”, while in the “Copy to” section, select “Phone” as the source;
  8. After that, click on the “Next” button and the device will automatically find and transfer the contacts to the address book.

This method is quite simple, and what is important, is suitable for any version of the Android OS.

Via Outlook

Interestingly, by default, all data from the address book for Windows Phone-based devices is automatically synchronized with the Outlook service (account). This makes it much easier to transfer contacts to your Android smartphone. To do this you need:

  • Download and install the Microsoft Outlook application on Google Play;
  • Launch it and enter your Microsoft account login and password;
  • Give the application access to personal information;
  • After starting the program, you need to click on the icon located in the upper left corner and select “People”;
  • Ready.

Now it is possible to fully use the Outlook phone book as the main one.

Using cloud storage

Cloud technologies have firmly entered our lives. Modern smartphones played an important role in this process, most of the services of which are designed for their use and constant interaction. You can transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android using cloud storage. For this:

  1. You need to add a cloud storage account (let's look at Gmail as an example);
  2. To do this, on a smartphone running Windows Phone, go to “Settings”;
  3. Go to the “Mail + accounts” option;
  4. Click on “Add service” and select the desired service. In our case, this is Gmail;
  5. Enter your Gmail username and password, after which automatic synchronization will occur;
  6. Finally, we turn on the Android smartphone and enter the login and password for the Google account to which the contact data was transferred;
  7. Copying will happen automatically.

Special Applications

If your Windows Phone smartphone does not have SD card support, then you can use a third-party application called Amaze Pictures Inc, which can be downloaded from the official app store. The main advantage of the application is that it makes it possible to save backup copies of the “VCF” format in WP smartphones that do not have a memory card and Internet access (more precisely, the lack of desire to “shine” your data on the global network)!

The main condition is that Windows Phone and Windows PC are connected to the same wireless network. Next, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. We launch the application and wait until the creation of the “VCF” file is completed;
  2. After creating a backup, the program will demonstrate the IP address, which must be entered into the browser line on the computer (!);
  3. After this, the Zip file will begin downloading to your computer, which you need to unzip and copy the file with the “VCF” extension to your Android smartphone;
  4. We take the smartphone and open the downloaded file in the “VCF” format, after which the automatic import of contacts into the phone book will begin.

Via SIM card

On devices running Windows Phone/Mobile OS, contacts can be transferred unilaterally - from the SIM card to the device (but not vice versa!).

You can copy contact data from the SIM card to your phone or account in the following way:

  1. Go to “People”, and then open “Options”;
  2. Scroll to the very bottom of the list and find “Import from SIM card”;
  3. Mark the SIM card to import and the account to which you want to copy contacts;
  4. Click on “Import”.

Using a computer

If you need to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android, but the problem is that there is no SD card slot on your Android device. In this case, the good old PC will come to the rescue:

  1. Create a contact backup file in the “VCF” format;
  2. We connect Windows Phone to a Windows computer using a USB cable;
  3. After the device detects the OS, you can use a standard explorer to open it as a flash drive and copy/download data to the phone’s memory or to SD (without removing it);
  4. Copy the “VCF” file to the PC;
  5. We connect the Android smartphone and copy the “VCF” file into its memory;
  6. Using your smartphone, open the “VCF” file and wait for the contacts to be automatically copied.
Installing Android on smartphones running Windows Phone is quite possible. The second generation Lumia and Samsung ATIV S phones have already prepared the ground for this. Enthusiasts managed to hack their bootloaders and gain access to the partition of the drive where the system files of the tiled operating system are stored. It remains to wait until the people involved in transferring firmware with the “green robot” to various devices create a working port for phones with mobile Windows on board. Just one that contains correctly working drivers for all modules and sensors, and does not exist just for show.

Now on the Internet you can find unofficial firmware with “clean” Android 7.1 OS for Lumia 520 and 525 smartphones, as well as instructions for installing it. But it is of little interest, since the vast majority of modules do not work in it - camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others. In addition, the method of installing firmware on an Android system does not allow for reversion to Windows Phone. It is quite possible that a little later enthusiasts will figure out how to solve this problem, but at the moment this is the situation.

Video: Android 7.1 on Nokia Lumia 520

How to install Android applications on Windows Phone and is it possible?

Since the weakest point of Windows Phone has always been the application store with a meager range of content, in 2015 Microsoft decided to open two bridges for quickly porting software from iOS and Android - Project Islandwood and Project Astoria, respectively. With their help, the company planned to significantly reduce the existing gap between the markets of leading mobile operating systems and the Windows Store, as well as increase the number of users of its tiled OS.

While Islandwood only involved editing the code and recompiling iOS applications for their further deployment on devices with Windows 10 Mobile, the Astoria project provided more advanced capabilities - installing and running applications created for the “green robot” directly on devices with mobile Windows. All these tricks could be done thanks to the Android subsystem, present in the “tens” builds for smartphones, but only with software that was not linked to Google Play services.

Initially, Astoria tools were issued to a limited number of developers, but then “quite by accident” they became freely available. Literally immediately after this incident, several ways to install programs from a “robot” to a mobile “Windows” appeared on the network. Everyone could use them, but only the most “hungry” experienced special delight from this. And all because when using programs written on Android, the system slowed down significantly and loaded the phone. This was due to the fact that the OS devoted a large amount of resources to emulating and maintaining the virtual machine in working order. Since Microsoft engineers have not figured out how to fix this jamb, third-party developers have refused to use Astoria to port their creations. As a result, the company had to close the project and cut out the Android subsystem from builds of Windows 10 Mobile newer than build number 10536. This is why now no one can install applications from APK files on Windows phones using existing methods.

From all this we can conclude that now there are no compromise options for users who are not satisfied with the pace of development of Windows 10 Mobile, and are also upset by the situation with the release and support of applications for this operating system. We can only hope that in the near future the big-headed guys will be able to come up with something and arrange a holiday for desperate users.

Many users are changing their Windows phone devices to Android devices. The Microsoft platform is beautiful and stable, but closed and not nearly as functional. In addition, the number of smartphones with Windows background is decreasing every year. On the shelves of household appliance stores there are mainly models with a pre-installed Android or iOS system.

It turns out that if you buy a new phone now, you will need to transfer contacts to it. But how to do this if your old device is a smartphone with Windows Phone? There are many ways – we’ll talk about each in detail.

The first method that we can recommend to you is to use the capabilities of the Outlook service to export contacts from Windows Phone. The fact is that the entire phone book of a Windows smartphone is automatically synchronized with your account on As a result, to transfer data to an Android device, you only need to do a couple of simple manipulations:

  1. We go to the official Outlook website. Let's say from a desktop computer. Log in to your user account.
  2. Next, select the “People” category.
  3. Click on the item “Manage” at the top, and in the drop-down menu click “Export contacts”.
  4. We indicate which contacts should be copied. Then click on “Export”.
  5. Within a few seconds, your address book will be saved in a .csv file. All that remains is to download it to a new smartphone and open it there to transfer the data.

However, if it is not possible to use a PC, then the easiest way is to download and install it onandroid-device appMicrosoft Outlook. With it you can do the same thing as mentioned above.

For reference! This method is suitable for both devices with Windows 10 Mobile and Windows Phone 8.1

Using a memory card

Almost all users equip their mobile devices with flash drives. This increases the device’s memory, which allows, for example, to store many times more photos and video files on it. But the SD drive can also be used when transferring contacts from Windows background to Android or vice versa.

Here's a quick guide:

  1. On a Windows Phone, open the Data Transfer application. If it is not there, then download it from the store. For free.
  2. Select “export to SD card.
  3. In the window that appears, indicate which files we will transfer. That is, “Contacts”.
  4. Check the boxes next to the required lines and click “Start”.
  5. After some time, a window will appear informing you about the transfer of data in vcf file format. It will also contain the path address where you can find this file on the memory card.
  6. We take out the drive and put it in the Android device to which we need to transfer the data.
  7. We go to the “Contacts” menu, where in the settings we select the “Import/export” item.
  8. Click “Import from storage device”. Then we indicate specific contacts or select all and tap “Ok”.
  9. After a couple of seconds, we check whether the data was transferred successfully.

Thus, you can transfer contacts and vice versa from Android to Windows background. Try it, we're sure you'll like this method.

Transferring contacts via Bluetooth

In essence, this method resembles the one we described above. That is, when the memory card was used. Here you will also need to go to the “Data Transfer” application on a device running Windows Phone and transfer all contacts to a vcf file. Next we need a file manager. We can recommend Metro File Manager.

Naturally, for everything to work out, you need to turn on theBluetoothon both devices.

Transfer using Gmail

There is also the opportunity to transfer contacts by synchronizing two accounts - Google and Microsoft. The main thing is to know the access data for both accounts. The procedure itself includes several steps:

  1. Open the settings menu on Windows Phone.
  2. Select “Mail+Accounts”.
  3. Adding a Google service.
  4. We connect by pressing the “Connect” button.
  5. Enter data from your Google account. That is, your email login and password.
  6. On the window that appears, tap “Accept”.
  7. Click on the account icon and check whether there is a checkmark next to the “Contacts” line. If you wish, you can add synchronization of emails and calendar here.

Now on your Android smartphone we connect to your Google account. We see that all contacts were successfully transferred to the new device.

We use special software

Is it possible to use any program to transfer information? Certainly. The most popular application with this functionality is Contacts Backup. With its help, you can quickly transfer data from a WP smartphone to an Android device.

Just do the following:

  1. Connect Windows Phone and PC to the same wireless network.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Next, select the conditions. To do this, move the slider to the active position if you want to backup your phone book to your Microsoft account, transfer photos, etc.
  4. Wait for the program to create a backup and share the IP address.
  5. Enter it into your browser on your computer.
  6. Download the zip file to your computer.
  7. Unzip it and copy the file with the .vcf extension somewhere on your desktop.
  8. Drop the file on your Android smartphone. Can be done via USB.
  9. Open it on this device and wait for the contacts to automatically import.

Transferring contacts from Windows Phone to Android using Contacts Backup is perfect for those users who do not have memory cards or simply do not want to “shine” their data on the global network using different cloud services.

However, if you don’t like this program, then try the Contacts Backup - Excel & Email Support application. It's even easier to work with.

  1. Let's launch the utility.
  2. We indicate the email address in a special window.
  3. We go to your email and see that you have received a file in .excel format, which contains all the necessary contacts.
  4. By the way, a QR code will be displayed in the message. We scan it with an Android device and get the phone book data.

What's the result?

Are you sure that transferring contacts from Windows phone to Android is possible in different ways? In this case, no complex operations are required. Try any of the above options, and you will understand that it is much simpler and more convenient than manually entering each phone book entry.

Many people are interested in the question of how to change one operating system from one operating system to another on a phone. This is possible using firmware. Consider such popular systems as Android and Windows Phone.

Making Android from Windows Phone

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First, take care to create a backup copy of your device. This can be done by a function on your phone or a special program (for example, Titanium Bekap). If something goes wrong or you want to return everything back, then such a copy will help you do it without any problems. Also, a backup copy will help you install all your important documents, photos, images, videos and other files on a ready-made flashed smartphone. In order to check whether there are backups in the phone’s memory, you need to go to the phone’s settings, to the “Backups” tab.

There are a lot of phone models running Windows OS, but the firmware principle is the same. Firmware can be installed in two ways: installing Android on a memory card and launching it directly from the Windows system, and installing Android into the phone's memory.

The main files that are present in the firmware program:

  1. Initrd.gz – file system. Used to run Android from a flash drive.
  2. Haret.exe is a system file that loads the entire Android platform.
  3. Zimage is the kernel for Android.
  4. Default.txt – boot script.
  5. androidinstall.tar – file system.
  6. androidupdate.tar – file for updating the Android system.

Launch of a new system with Windows Phone CP

With this method, all Android system folders are registered in one of the root folders of the Windows Phone memory card. The folder can be anything. Example of a system path: Memory card /OCA. Particular attention should be paid to the default.txt file and its contents. It contains all the information for the normal launch of the new operating system.

When the Haret.exe file is launched, the smartphone loads the operating system again, thanks to the parameters of the default.txt file. this means that even though the OS is copied to a removable drive, using native Windows is only possible after a backup (restoring the state of the phone to a certain point - when the save was created). Possible problems with this installation format are restarts and crashes.

Starting a new system from Windows Phone memory

The file that is installed in the smartphone’s memory is .nbh. For our case, it should be called polaimg-panel1-320-17-06-10.nbh, where each part has its own meaning. The first word is the type of smartphone (manufacturer), the second is the model, the first digit is the screen resolution, the last three digits are the release date of this file. We select the firmware version ourselves depending on personal preferences.

  1. Using special programs, we obtain root rights to the smartphone. This can be done using programs such as: Framaroot, Root Genius, iRoot, RomasterSy and others.
  2. Download the utility necessary for flashing the firmware. It is different for each phone and tablet model. If we take the most common ones, then for HTC these are Custom programs.
  3. We format the memory card using a program designed for this - Fat 32. It is better to take the memory card class 10, so that there are no problems in the future. We create a folder on it, which we call andboot. From the firmware, select the file androidinstall.tar and, if available, androidupdate.tar and place them in the folder created on the flash drive.
  4. Connect the device to the computer using a USB cable without a memory card! On the computer, create a folder with any name and transfer the Custom program and the .nbh file into it.
  5. We launch the program from the Custom RUU folder and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The last thing you need to do is click the button labeled Update and wait for the progress to finish. Then it restarts and hangs.
  6. We insert the previously prepared memory card into the device and simultaneously press the volume “-” button and the power off button (turn it on in soft reboot mode). We wait until the message “Hold down Volume Up or DPad center to launch installer” appears on the smartphone screen. As soon as we see it on the screen, press the center of the joystick button (or the “+” button on the volume). The device will go to the installation menu for the new operating system.
  7. In the menu that appears, you need to select Sys on NAND/Data on NAND. Below you need to select Install System and wait until the system is installed. If the androidupdate.tar file was moved to the memory card, then select Install Update and wait to return to the main menu. Next you need to click on Fix Permissions and wait.
  8. Next, we reboot the device again in soft reboot mode. After this, the device can boot for quite a long time (from 5 to 20 minutes), everything is ready!

Despite the fact that modern smartphones are a kind of pocket computer, they are powerful and functional, people still change models almost every year. This happens due to the creation of new technologies, additional features, and small improvements. At one time, switching from one device to another was a whole problem, because with it you could only transfer contacts. And then, contacts could only be moved as much as the SIM card could hold in its memory. Today, you can copy almost everything, and in this article we will talk about how data is transferred to Windows Phone.

Transferring apps to Windows Phone

We'll start by transferring applications directly within the Windows Phone system. Users may need this procedure in two cases:

  • The need to free up memory within one device;

  • Transferring from one smartphone running Windows to another.

In any case, whatever the purpose of transferring data to Windows Phone was, this procedure is carried out through a Micro SD memory card installed in the smartphone. By writing application data onto it and reinstalling it in another phone, they will, of course, appear in its memory.

You can transfer applications on a Windows smartphone like this:

After completing the described steps, the process of moving applications will begin, which will last depending on their size (usually up to several minutes).

Transfer data from Windows Phone to Android

If you decide to change your old smartphone running an operating system from Microsoft to a newer model controlled by Android from Google, it is also important to know how data transfer occurs. However, you should understand that in case of such manipulations, transferring the entire contents of the device will not be possible. It is quite obvious that distributions of games and applications, even if they are on a memory card, will not work on an Android device, because they are designed to function under the control of Windows Phone. Therefore, all that can be transferred in this case is:

  • Contact details;

  • Audio and video information.

In the case of transferring audio files, photos and videos, everything is extremely simple, you need to perform the following steps:

In turn, the transfer of contact information occurs as follows:

By following these steps, you can transfer not only contact information, but also calendars, messages, and mail.

Transfer data from Android to Windows Phone

If you want to perform a similar operation, but of the opposite nature, sending data from an Android gadget to a Windows smartphone, the actions required to perform it will be almost the same. To successfully transfer the most basic data, we recommend following these instructions:

Transfer data from Windows Phone to iPhone

Perhaps the most popular development for many users of modern mobile devices is the transition to Apple technology. Therefore, you need to know how data is transferred to both the iPhone and other Apple devices. It is noteworthy that when using special software, WP users have the opportunity to move all the data they are interested in to the iPhone (except, of course, applications).

We are talking about Wondershare Mobile Trans software which can be downloaded from here. After downloading and installing the software on your computer system, you should perform the following steps:

Transfer Whatsapp Data from Android to Windows Phone

The last issue that remains on our agenda concerns the movement of information from the popular WhatsApp messenger. Messengers today have become not just an integral part of life for many people, but also the main communication link for colleagues and employees of enterprises, businessmen. Therefore, it is important to always have your correspondence history and contact information for your personal messenger account with you. Fortunately, it is possible to copy Whatsapp data from Android devices to WP. And this can be done through the following manipulations:

This was all the information regarding transferring data to modern Windows Phones.