Gadgets for the elderly. Smart devices for the elderly: GPS canes, exoskeletons and fall protection boots

Photo: Getty Images

Most gadget manufacturers see their main target audience people under 30 are technologically advanced and ready to experiment with new devices and technologies, but older people are often an equally, if not more attractive target audience.

For example, in the United States, as of 2017, 15.9% of the population was aged 65 or above and, according to the country's Department of Health, this figure will rise to 21.7% by 2040. In Russia, people aged 65 years and older make up 14.4% of the population, or more than 21 million people. This is almost a quarter of the population, however, in order to win the attention of this audience, manufacturers have to look for fundamentally new approaches to developing gadgets.

AdhereTech smart tablet container Photo: AdhereTech

1. Smart modules for familiar devices

The most obvious trick for manufacturers is to add a “smart” prefix to devices that older people are already familiar with, such as pill containers. Such devices connect via Bluetooth to a smartphone and monitor the frequency of taking medications and can signal either the owner himself or his doctor or relatives about a missed medication. One of the most famous manufacturers is an American company Tricella, her smart pill container sells for $59 on Amazon.

Another American company AdhereTech offers a smart pill bottle that, in addition to monitoring when medications are taken, can measure the number of pills left to avoid cases where the drug suddenly runs out or the patient takes too much medication, which could cause an overdose. AdhereTech works directly with clinics and pharmaceutical companies, without offering their devices at retail.

Startup Abiogenix created his own smart case for pills, which, among other things, can be remotely blocked if the patient abuses the medicine. The development is promising, but it is still far from mass sales.

In the same category are devices for measuring blood pressure and electronic glucometers that connect to a smartphone and allow you to plot changes in pressure and blood sugar levels, or signal sudden changes and even send an alarm to the doctor if the readings reach alarming levels.

One of the first smart glucose meters was presented back in 2013 by a major manufacturer of medical gadgets, iHealth Labs, at the CES exhibition in Las Vegas. Subsequently, a share in the company was bought by one of largest producers smartphones Xiaomi company— the iHealth Labs smart glucose meter currently sells for about $40.

Smart blood pressure monitors, for example, a device from a medical equipment manufacturer Medisana, can not only keep measurement statistics on a smartphone, but also send data to the “cloud”, and also allow them to be processed using special applications giving advice on maintaining health. The cost of the device in Russia is about 7 thousand rubles; there are simpler and cheaper models, for example, from Xiaomi for 2,700 rubles.

Jitterbug Smart Phone Photo source: Amazon

2. “Grannyphones”

Telephones for the elderly are the oldest segment of this market, long ago mastered by manufacturers and given the unofficial name “granny phones.”

One of the most famous brands on Russian marketFly Ezzy , a series of phones with a minimum of functions, huge physical buttons and a separate panic button, after pressing which the subscriber is automatically contacted with a predefined number. Other popular series are Ginzzu, Alcatel Tiger and others. Such devices cost no more than 2 thousand rubles and, as a rule, are quite reliable, mainly due to the simplicity of their design. However, you can just as successfully use an old push-button phone as a “granny phone.” Nokia.

There are smartphone models specifically designed for older people, for example, a model popular in some European countries Jitterbug Smart, but most devices do not have such devices Russian networks cellular communications, and there’s really no point in buying similar device no, either, since in many smartphones, for example Samsung Galaxy S8, there is an easy mode function that increases the size of icons and fonts and removes advanced functions, leaving only basic functionality.

In Russia, there were several projects to create specialized devices that took into account the characteristics of older people: fine motor impairment, cognitive limitations, etc. For example, the tablet project "Pony" for the elderly, initiated by the Vladimir IT company “Inreko LAN”; however, the prospects for the project are unclear.

Omate Wherecom S3 Watch Photo: Omate

3. Watches with additional functions

Enough a large number of manufacturers offer smartwatches aimed at pensioners: such devices usually have big screen and larger icons, as well as a physical panic button on the body.

Among the most famous projects is the model Omate Wherecom S3 from Chinese company Omate, originally specializing in children's smart watch. Unfortunately, such watches cannot do anything special except count the pulse, sound an alarm and notify an elderly person about their location, and the size of the dial in any case will become a problem for people with impaired vision, so it is advisable to purchase such a device for $150 or more remains at the discretion of the potential owner.

The device project looks somewhat more promising Tempo American company CarePredict. Tempo is a screenless wrist device that features two-way voice communication, which can be activated by the owner himself or the person whose smartphone is stored in the device’s memory, but this is not the main function of Tempo. The device is equipped with several sensors that, in addition to the standard pulse count, can determine what a person is doing: whether he is brushing his teeth, lying, sitting, eating or drinking.

CarePredict developed complex system behavioral patterns based neural network, which studies a person’s habits and is able to independently determine if his behavior becomes suspicious. For example, according to the authors of the project, the system is able to determine that a person is unwell, often before he himself realizes it. Base price devices is $160.

For older people who are not alien to considerations of prestige when choosing devices, the Swiss Limmex offers wrist watch with a panic button and location detection, made in the tradition of Swiss watch design, for $400 and up.

Spoon Lift Labs Photo: Lift Labs

4. Gadgets for monitoring individual symptoms

Another important category of devices for the elderly is focused only on solving certain problems that are common to many, but not all, elderly people. For example, an American company Lift Labs designed a spoon for people suffering from Parkinson's disease.

The device detects hand shake using an accelerometer and compensates for it using a special electrical device. In September 2014, Lift Labs was acquired by Google and is now part of the Special Projects Department. Google X, the spoon itself can be purchased online for about $200.

5. Smart home technologies

The American company HoneyCo offers technologies smart home for consumers who are not always confident in using their smartphone, primarily for older people who have decided to live independently and not move to a nursing home or to live with relatives.

Smart House HoneyCo uses a system of large number sensors connected to all household appliances; this system monitors all events occurring in the house and sounds an alarm if something deviates from pre-set scenarios. For example, the homeowner's children may receive an alarm if the kitchen stove is left on for longer than a specified time, a door or window is left unlocked overnight, or if the homeowner remains inactive for more than a specified period of time.

Echoskeleton Exoatlet Photo: Exoatlet

6. Exoskeletons

A separate direction in the development of gadgets for older people is serious and expensive devices that have not yet been used in mass practice, but in the future they can radically change the way people with disabilities will live and feel. disabilities. For example, which will allow any person to lift weights greater than their own weight and overcome distances that are inaccessible even to trained athletes.

For example, the exoskeleton project Russian company- project Exoatlet— is currently at the stage of clinical trials. At the end of 2015, the company managed to attract 16 million rubles, the investors were Moscow Seed Fund and RVC Biofund.

  • 17.11.2017
  • Published by: admin
  • Category: Blog

Panic button for the elderly

From this article you will learn:

    What does a panic button look like for older people?

    Who is entitled to a free alarm bracelet for an elderly person?

    Where and how much to buy a panic button for an elderly person

    How to make your own panic button

Russia has approximately 40 million elderly people and approximately 13 million people with disabilities. These are elderly people, often with disabilities and various serious illnesses. Elderly people definitely need to be able to call for emergency help. Such tasks are carried out thanks to panic buttons for the elderly or panic bracelets for the elderly.

Free panic button for the elderly and other “rescuer” gadgets

In Moscow, it is planned to equip elderly and disabled people with simple technical means"alarm button". Prior to this, the “panic button” service was provided only to war veterans who were left without the care of relatives. Externally, the “panic button” device is no different from a regular one mobile phone. Pressing one of the buttons on this device will immediately connect the elderly person with dispatchers at the capital's Veterans' Home. The dispatcher is responsible for accepting independent decision which service to call - the fire brigade, ambulance, police outfit, etc. Some of these products sound loud sound signal to attract people's attention.

In the future, the idea " panic button“for older people has been improved, transformed into an “alarm bracelet”, reminiscent of a wristwatch, but somewhat larger. The alarm bracelet has great capabilities. The dispatcher monitors the elderly person in real time. Usage the latest methods allows the signal from the alarm bracelet to be displayed on an electronic display, making it easy to calculate exact location, where in in case of emergency you need to send the appropriate service.

The dispatch service screen can display names, addresses, diagnoses, and telephone numbers of neighbors or relatives. Alarm bracelets are equipped with sensors that transmit indicators of body temperature, blood pressure and pulse. If an elderly person falls, the fall sensor will be activated, and the dispatcher will know the exact location of the incident. The dispatcher must immediately contact the elderly person. If old man does not respond, the dispatcher must call emergency medical assistance. The alarm bracelet is also equipped with a sensor that will go off if the strap comes loose.

Similar ones are being introduced in the Moscow region innovative technologies on establishing personal devices rapid response "Arkan", providing protection for the elderly and disabled. Reutov, Istrinsky, Klinsky and Stupinsky municipal districts successfully use devices of this kind for older people.

The system monitors the health and protection of an elderly person around the clock, promptly calling emergency medical assistance if necessary. Please note that this device is provided to older people free of charge, thanks to funds allocated from the regional budget. The Arkan apparatus consists of a complex technical equipment placed in the home of an elderly or disabled person.

The system is equipped with electrical equipment, radio equipment, alarm and triggering security devices: control panels, battery additional food, blocks that transmit information, sensors that respond to door openings, an “alarm bracelet” with a button for emergency assistance. This button gives an alarm sign to the operator at the district social service.

Panic button for an elderly person: where and how to get

In 2011, Moscow and St. Petersburg began to participate in the “Panic Button” social project. As part of this project, elderly residents of these cities who have benefits received the privilege of being served free of charge by the Panic Button system. Services are provided by district Integrated Social Centers. residential services for older people.

To receive an alarm bracelet with an emergency help button, an elderly person must call the social service center at their place of residence, preparing the following documents:

  • health insurance policy;

    certificate of a participant or disabled person of the Second World War;

    pensioner's ID;

    certificate of disability (if available).

Sometimes you will need a medical certificate stating that the provision of the “panic button” service is not contraindicated for an elderly person.

In the case when an elderly person cannot collect all the necessary certificates himself, he will need to use the help of his legal representative by drawing up a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Elderly Muscovites who have benefits are given an “alarm bracelet” at free of charge thanks to budget funds. Others can connect to surveillance systems for a fee. The population quite often requests this service, as a result of which many organizations and firms began to provide older people with their own monitoring systems.

Panic button for older people: the price of a “life button”

In the West, cellular medical tracking services have been successfully operating for 30 years. Russian Federation I started promoting similar projects not so long ago, but these projects turned out to be in great demand. Thanks to the “Life Button” project, which turned out to be the first ambulance call system in Russia for the elderly and disabled, more than one life was saved.

The Life Button project was recognized as one of the 3 best startups of 2011 according to Forbes. In July, the RINTECH company, part of the IT Group, signed an investment agreement with the “Life Button” program. The project received investments in the amount of 35 million rubles. The creators of the “Life Button” project plan to bring it to the market New Product- life button for children.

The Life Button device has two models. The first model is designed active people. The model is similar to a telephone, with large buttons and a clear menu, equipped with an SOS key. The device will be easy for any elderly person to understand. By pressing the “rescue button”, an alarm signal will immediately be sent to the Help Center, where a group of doctors and psychologists are on duty around the clock. Based on the alarm signal from the device, the coordinates of the elderly person are determined to send help.

The second model is intended for sedentary people. The model looks like a waterproof bracelet with a built-in SOS button and a fall sensor. Pressing the SOS panic button or an alarm signal from a fall sensor immediately goes to the Help Center. Automatic Speakerphone allows the specialist on duty to determine the degree of risk and, if necessary, call for help for the elderly person.

It is noteworthy that all the necessary data about the owner of the “panic button” is already contained in the system’s memory. Having received an alarm signal, the specialist will call relatives or neighbors whose telephone numbers the elderly person provided earlier, and will also notify the Emergency Doctor about important information for diseases or allergic reactions to certain medications.

Alas, not all Russian pensioners can purchase the “Life Button”. The “Life Button for Active” device costs 4,730 rubles, subscriber service will cost 580 rubles. monthly. The “Life Button for the Inactive” device costs 9,990 rubles, subscription service will cost 990 rubles. monthly. You can buy the “Life Button” device, for example, in MTS stores.

If buying a panic button for the elderly is expensive for you...

In this case, the button can be made by yourself! You will need several Master Kit models. To make a panic button, stock up on three MP910 key fobs operating in the 433 MHz range.

Such transmitters need a corresponding receiver. To respond to a panic button, one channel is enough. We use MP911, a 433 MHz remote control receiver operating in “button” mode.

And in order to send a message and call, use the MA3401 module - autonomous GSM-SMS alarm. This module has the advantage that it stores 6 numbers. The device reports the loss of light in the room, calculates the air temperature in the room and has some other useful functions.

Once you have purchased all the necessary parts, find a suitable box for the case.

The GSM module is powered by lithium-ion battery, which is recharged from 5V received from the mini-USB connector. Therefore, convert the MP911 receiver, designed for power from 12V, to power from 5V. To do this, you will need to replace the 12 Volt relay installed on the module with a 5 Volt relay and run 5V from the MA3401 directly to the receiver decoder chip.

To avoid interference, carefully short the relay contacts in the receiver and ensure a clean connection to the input port of the Button MA3401. When the relay contacts are disconnected, a reaction from the GSM module will be observed.

The following photos show the 5V power supply circuit to the receiver with decoder.

To place modules in a housing box (or to make the standard buttons on key fobs more noticeable red and rough), we recommend using one of the best friends of DIYers - a 3D printer. Let's take the designer printer from Master Kit MC2. Let's draw and print stands for the case box and buttons.

This is the device that will come out after assembly:

The remote control in the next photo (it is placed in the center) is intentionally left unfinished so that you can see the difference.

In the next video you can see how to make a panic button for the elderly at home:

What could be better than a panic button for the elderly?

In cases where panic buttons for elderly people are prohibitively expensive, the problem of the safety of an elderly person can be solved in other ways, which no less carefully monitor the movements of pensioners and immediately come to their aid in necessary cases.

The first of these methods is a GPS tracker developed by RusLink (WHERE ARE MY service). The mini-beacon helps to determine the movements of elderly people with an accuracy of up to 5 m by tracking their location through satellite signals GPS.

GPS trackers immediately inform loved ones telephone mode, when elderly people leave home, deviate from the familiar route to home, go beyond the boundaries of their area of ​​residence, they themselves call for help by pressing the SOS panic button on the beacon. These and other notification parameters are configured in Personal accounts on the website In addition, the device reminds you to charge the battery in a timely manner and reports the absence of feedback During a long time.

You can find out the location of older people and view their route of movement at regular computer, smartphone using the mobile site or via an SMS command with the word “where”. Detailed electronic card with the indicated streets and house numbers will help in a matter of seconds to determine the location of the pensioner, and, if necessary, come to the rescue.

The GPS tracker has one panic button. The moment you press it, the signal sign will be instantly sent to relatives in the form of an SMS or e-mail message. The text of the message will indicate the time and address from which the alarm signal came. You can specify any number of relatives for notification.

Basic monitoring services are free. Additional set services will cost 7 rubles daily. A GPS tracker costs around 6,600 rubles. By the way, GPS trackers can be purchased or rented, which costs 200 rubles. per day. However, today such services are available only to residents of Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

A similar service is offered by some operators mobile communications. For example, MegaFon has developed its own model of the MegaFon C1 phone, which can operate in standby mode for more than 7 days without recharging. The model is equipped with an SOS panic button, by pressing which automatic SMS will be sent to the programmed numbers. This way, in an emergency, older people can urgently contact their relatives.

Some time ago, the Ministry of Emergency Situations introduced free mobile program“Mobile Rescuer”, designed for smartphones on iOS and Android. Application in automatic mode finds out where the elderly person is and determines the closest ones emergency services. The program is equipped with an alarm button, which, when pressed, calls the appropriate services and at the same time notifies relatives that their relative needs help.

By downloading free application, must be entered into the list emergency contacts phone numbers of relatives: pressing the panic button “Send” SOS signal"will give them automatic signal in the form of SMS messages. In addition, the program includes a section reference information about how to act in emergency situations, how to provide first aid to elderly people, what medical institutions and first responders (including their contacts) are closest.

Smartphone app stores offer several other similar programs for iOS and Android devices. For example, let's call the bSafe program, which allows older people to send an alarm signal to their relatives in two clicks, who, thanks to this program, have the opportunity to track the movements of their grandparents using GPS, as well as make an imitation of a “false call” immediately or in a few minutes. This application has a premium feature in the form of a loud siren and one-click video recording.

A similar SOS-SMS program makes it possible to immediately send SMS and e-mail alerts to pre-registered telephone numbers of loved ones or security service departments. The message texts indicate the location of the elderly pensioner and a dictaphone audio recording, which starts automatically when the program is activated. Thanks to this, relatives will be aware of what happened to their loved one and will be able to come to his aid.

To summarize: there are many ways to help older adults in emergencies. All that remains is to choose in advance the right solution. The “mobile rescuer” in your pocket has provided assistance to elderly people more than once. These security measures will ensure the protection of your loved one, as a result of which both he and you will feel much calmer.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

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    October 1 was the Day of Older People. Today, a whole market of high-tech devices and applications is addressed to this category. In 2018, the market for goods and services for the elderly exceeded $436 billion and will continue to grow due to rising life expectancy, Forbes writes.

    Developers are adapting to the needs of the older generation. Gadgets with simple interface measure blood pressure, blood sugar and pulse; home sensors detect gas and water leaks; Sound amplifiers and navigators for the visually impaired warn of obstacles on the way.

    To help older people overcome social isolation, not feel forgotten and not lose touch with outside world, manufacturers are developing products with technologies tailored to this age group.

    To automate the call service social worker to homes and care organizations for disabled and elderly people, the Russian startup “Close People” has created cloud service for social projects that develop social services in my city. IN mobile application the user orders a service and sees online who came to his relative.

    Not everyone has the opportunity to hire a caregiver or care for their parents around the clock. Therefore, there is a growing market for robots that perform small tasks around the house and can keep an elderly person company. For example, the Buddy robot can make phone calls, talk and perform organizer functions.

    The European prototype of the GrowMeUp robot can not only communicate with its owner, but is also able to learn its needs and habits over time, compensating for the degradation of the capabilities of older people.

    For those who are frightened by a robot walking around the house, Elli Q is suitable. The device, similar to a lamp, periodically invites the owner to have fun: turns on music, reminds about the need for a walk, recommends books. Any smart speaker can be an alternative to Elli Q. Statistics show that the number of users of such speakers aged 65+ is growing year by year.

    Virtual reality is not only entertainment for gamers. With its help, people undergo rehabilitation after injuries or study the structure of the human body at universities. Virtual space with huge potential for the elderly - Sansar. Guests of the universe can travel through time or even go into outer space. In this space, people with Parkinson's disease can dance - and experience physical freedom. And this improves emotional and physical state. In addition, Sansar serves as a social network.

    Older people are gradually mastering Facebook and Instagram, but mainly not for the sake of dating, but to find out news about the lives of relatives. Perhaps it is digital services will help many of them spend time interestingly and usefully, communicate, find interesting places in the city, travel, gain new knowledge.

    We are all both children and parents... We take care of our children, constantly worry if they disappear from sight and with great difficulty allow them to be independent. We want to know where they are and what's happening to them every second.

    But we often forget about those who need our help and care no less. About our parents, who, like everyone else in this world, are growing old and losing strength. It makes no sense to make a tragedy out of this. But it is quite possible to help them, make the lives of older people safer and, thereby, save your own nerves, even if you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (although there are others that are no less troublesome for relatives). What to do if a person gradually loses memory and may get lost? No one is immune from such a development of events, and it is better to be prepared for it. Good, modern technologies They allow you to do this, and quite simply and inexpensively.

    General strategy

      Buy an elderly person a “granny phone”, that is, a phone with large buttons, a screen with in capital letters and numbers and, of course, with an SOS button. Below we will tell you, using the example of several phones, exactly what factors to pay attention to when choosing.

      IN phone book enter the telephone numbers and details of relatives so that, if necessary, they can be understood by a stranger. That is: “Son”, “Husband”, “Daughter”... This can save time for ambulance workers or just an attentive, caring passerby who notices that an elderly person is not feeling well.

      Be sure to fill in the “SOS button” item in the “granny phone” and configure it. The item may have different names in different devices, but the meaning of the name is clear. Teach an older person how to use this button.

      Buy your elderly relative a strong metal chain and a military-style dog tag. Engrave the person's first and last name and the contact details of those who need to be contacted. By the way, a wooden token with information burned into it would be a good option. Dark letters on a light background are easier to read, even in poor lighting. Convince the person to wear this jewelry.

      Enter information about the person and contact information relatives for clothes and underwear of an elderly person.

    Price: from 5000 rub.

    This gadget is generally considered to be for children, but it is not. The watch-phone tracks the geolocation of the person on whose hand it is worn and displays it on the mobile phone screen - loved ones can see where their elderly relatives are. It is possible to listen to what is happening next to a person. This is useful if he complains about rude treatment from a doctor or social worker - you can listen and check whether this is true or the old man imagined it. In addition, the watch with a SIM card inserted works like regular phone with speakerphone.

    Digital weather station

    Price: from 600 rub.

    Especially useful for those who do not watch TV or use the Internet. A small weather station shows the temperature outside the window, the level of atmospheric pressure, humidity and precipitation. And, of course, it gives a weather forecast for tomorrow. But this is not the only function of the gadget: it can work as a clock, alarm clock and radio.

    Gadget bracelet

    Price: from 3900 rub.

    Smart assistant for pensioners. There are two buttons on it: red means SOS, green means call a relative. The SOS signal will go to the developer’s control room, and he will immediately be able to help the pensioner, for example, call an ambulance. In addition, the bracelet itself measures a person’s pulse, reminds about the time of taking medications and records his location.

    Phone with big buttons

    Price: from 1000 rub.

    Pensioners often do not want to understand newfangled smartphones, where people with poor eyesight can only see the numbers under a magnifying glass. That is why not so long ago the so-called babushkophone appeared on the market, having big buttons. They can be seen even without glasses. By the way, on the side panel of the grandmother's phone there is always an SOS button, which calls a loved one in an emergency.

    Alarm button

    Price: from 900 rub.

    It looks like a pendant and is worn around the neck. If an elderly person needs urgent help, he can click on this pendant - and the information will immediately come to the relative’s gadget.

    Electronic door peephole

    Price: from 2000 rub.

    To prevent a person from running to the door every time the doorbell rings, a special peephole was invented that transmits to the phone or TV the image of the person standing on the landing.

    Electronic tablet holder

    Price: from 500 rub.

    Many older people cannot do without medications. To remember to take your pill right time, you can purchase a smart tablet holder. She will signal when it is time to take the medicine and dispense the pills in the right dose. Adult children visiting the elderly on weekends can program the pillbox for the week ahead.

    Timer socket

    Price: from 500 rub.

    Everyone sometimes wonders if the iron or heater has been turned off. And older people often become forgetful. For such cases, there is an outlet with a timer. You choose the time interval after which it turns off the equipment. By the way, such an outlet can be connected to the smartphone of a younger relative, who will monitor its operation.

    By the way

    How to set up a phone for a pensioner?

    1. Increase the font size.

    3. Create buttons quick access. For example, so that a person knows that when he presses the number 1, he will call an ambulance, and when he presses 2, he will call his son.

    4. Sync geolocation with your phone. This way you will know exactly where your mother or grandmother is.