Adobe Shockwave Player, what is this program and is it needed? Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

This free player for Windows OS is able to play multimedia files, heavy Flash files, 2D, 3D graphics, online games, web presentations. Adobe Shockwave Player is a progressive player for users of standard and laptop computers. To get started you need to download Adobe Shockwave Player free for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP Russian version. Permanent link: website/ru/platform/shockwave

Brief description of Adobe technologies

Adobe Shockwave and Flash software products together are the most powerful and functional player for viewing any type of multimedia content. For those who do not know what Adobe Shockwave Player is needed for, note that it can work as a plugin for popular Internet browsers for example: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

The player is also very often used for interactive games and various specialized interactive interfaces. Despite the advanced functionality, it takes up a minimum amount of system resources during operation.

Interface, Russian version and features

To install, you need a new free module/plugin Adobe Shockwave Player, download the latest Russian version for a web browser for free on the website without registration. To be fair, it is worth noting that software as such does not have a Russian version, but the user interface is essentially absent, and where it can be accessed, Windows localization is accepted. The player is capable of transmitting high quality image pictures, it is possible to reproduce vector animation and animation, the work is quite reliable, but there are rare cases of failure in the program, such as freezes or crashes.

Main features of the program:

Reproduction of 2D, 3D graphics;
- browser utility to expand the capabilities of popular web browsers;
- high-quality reproduction multimedia content;
- presentations, Flash files, online games s;
- very low consumption of device system resources.

Initially this player was developed by Macromedia, but later this program was bought by Adobe and greatly improved the player in better side. However, with the entry of HTML 5 technologies into the market Flash Player loses its relevance. On the official website or on you can find the latest Adobe version Shockwave Player download free in Russian. or do it when help Download Center. Reviews and comments are not numerous, but the technology is interesting and productive.

Adobe Shockwave(before Macromedia was acquired by Adobe it was known as Macromedia Shockwave) - a multimedia platform consisting of an integrated Shockwave player Player and shockwave content creation tools Adobe Director.

Designed to enhance the capabilities of traditional web browsers in the areas of information presentation and user interaction.

Main applications: 3D vector animation, interactive web applications, video playback, games. Used as a plugin for browsers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Netscape, Netscape-compatible, etc.

According to Adobe, Shockwave Player is installed (at the end of 2008) on more than 450 million computers worldwide.

Quite often there is a confusion between the concepts Shockwave and Adobe Flash, although, in fact, these are players with different functionality:

ShockWave 3D is vector format three-dimensional interactive panoramas. A W3D file is a Shockwave 3D scene export file.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Shockwave technology was originally developed for use in Internet networks, and this is its huge advantage, but it also has its limitations. Some do not work in the web version useful features mouse, there is no printing from the project itself, API functions do not work. Therefore, you can forget about using these functions when using the project online.
  • You can import MP3 files into Adobe Director, but you won't be able to package your project for use on the Internet. Therefore, they need to be converted to ShockWave Audio format.


For 3D online models, an alternative to Shockwave is ViewPoint technology (supports lightmap, lighting effects, textures and bumps, animation, morphing animation, also works with Adobe Flash) - clearer to learn (no need for scripts, user-friendly interface), fast loading in any browser.

An alternative is also the technology for creating three-dimensional web images by Cult3D, a Swedish company Cycore Computers. Cult3D technology does not require additional hardware(like 3D accelerators), but is completely software. It runs on various computer platforms: Windows, Mac OS, BeOS, Linux.

see also



  • A selection of games and cartoons made using Shockwave technology

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

The question often arises what to do if Shockwave Flash slows down your computer. It should be noted that there are several reasons and possible solutions this problem. On the one hand, it can be removed. And at the same time forget about music, videos and much more. But we can fix this. How?

Object Flash Ocx Error

If there is a problem with the Shockwave Flash plugin, instead of required video something awkward is displayed, for example, gray screen and an inscription stating that the plugin has fallen, then there is a conflict between the program built into the browser and the one installed on the computer. This was only the most critical option described. In ordinary life, such a confrontation simply turns out to be slow work and even occasional freezes for a few seconds. What to do in this case? There are two options here:

  1. Sequentially update both software elements automatically.
  2. Do what is described in the first paragraph manually.

But if the Shockwave Flash plugin slows down even after this, then make sure that the programs have been updated to latest version. Let's take a closer look at these processes both on the computer itself and in relation to browsers.

on the computer

This can be done using a program downloaded from the official website or using the settings internal interface. The first option is advantageous in that when checking for updates you can install Extra options, which will act for software during subsequent downloads. What can we recommend to note? Check the boxes next to the following:

  1. Allow Adobe to install updates. In this case, you will be deprived of the obligation to manually do everything all the time. Believe me, technology can cope with this task on its own even better than a person.
  2. Check now. As a result, a page of the official website will open in front of you, where a comparison of the versions on your computer and the last published one will be displayed. If they differ, update.

Problems with Opera

What should I do if Shockwave Flash slows down my computer in Opera? There are two ways to answer this question:

  1. Refresh your browser. It should be noted that the opera is tailored to specific software elements, with whom she will work (interaction may be with others, but it is not a fact that it is stable). Therefore, to avoid problems, you just need to update your browser. This can be done by simply left-clicking on an empty tab and selecting “About”. A window will appear that will automatically check if there is any update. But keep in mind that this is a double-edged sword: the problem may be that the plugin is too outdated.
  2. Use the plugin only when necessary. If Shockwave Flash slows down your computer, but you don’t want to take the first path for some reason, then you can use this option. It implies that the plugin is simply disabled so as not to reproduce various garbage. And when necessary, it needs to be launched. This method is noted to be 100% error free (when turned off).

What to do with

The very first and most promising option is updating. IN in this case there are three ways:

  1. Download new program from the official website and install it.
  2. We update using the plugins menu. By the way, if you just enter flash in the search bar, the browser will offer you not only targeted programs, but also their alternatives. However, before you can do something that eliminates the situation where the plugin is slowing down, it needs to be stopped.
  3. We reinstall Mozilla Firefox, while using the built-in interface that is installed in the program itself. To do this, select the question mark in the “Advanced” tab. A window will appear in which we go to the “About Mozilla Firefox” item. Next, we select the settings that satisfy us and follow the recommendations provided.

Problems with Google Chrome

As you might have already guessed, one of possible options actions when Shockwave Flash slows down the computer - this is an update, both of the browser itself (pay attention to the settings menu or enter search bar chrome://chrome/) and the plugin. You can also stop the program. But there is such a nuance that there can be two, three or even four. Such diversity. But you only need to disable the one that is used inside the browser itself.

To get rid of the problem when the plugin slows down the computer, you only need to restart the program itself. Simply closing all the windows is not enough. Use Task Manager to make sure that all processes related to it are terminated. If they are not, stop them. As simple way You may be advised to restart your computer. Despite the fact that stories are popular on the Internet that the plugin slows down the computer, believe me, in the vast majority of cases, user ignorance is to blame.

Almost every person who owns the Internet uses plugins.

Many users even know how to install or remove them, but few people fully understand what these modules are and why they are needed. Let's try to figure it out.

In scientific terms, a plugin (from English. plug-in- “replaceable”) is a compiled module aimed at expanding the capabilities of a program. Simply, it is an addition, an add-on, thanks to which it is already installed on the user’s computer.

The peculiarity of the plugin is that it is not able to work independently, but only complements the existing main application. At the same time, the program itself, on the contrary, can connect plugins and also function freely without them.

After we have found out the meaning of the plugin, a completely logical question arises: “Why is it needed?” Isn’t it more convenient to initially provide the main application with all the necessary functionality, so as not to waste time installing additional programs?

Perhaps more convenient, but not entirely advisable, since the plugin is responsible for two significant functions:

1. Makes the basic application easier and faster. If you release a program with wide functionality, then it will take up a lot of space on your hard drive and also take up unnecessary PC resources, which will result in a decrease in the performance of other applications. Using plugins makes it possible to provide the program with only those functions that are necessary to a specific person, thanks to which the application will take up less space and run much faster.

2. Provides an opportunity to improve the program. In progress basic applications A modular scheme is used, according to which the plugin can be installed or removed without disrupting the operation of the program. In addition, any programmer is able to write the addition he needs without waiting for the developer of the main application to do it.

Today there are a huge number of plugins for the most different programs, however one of the most famous is Shockwave Flash. It is used to play multimedia videos and allows users to fully enjoy the beauty of vector 3D graphics, flash games and others. interactive elements online.

Shockwave Flash works with many Internet browsers (Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer) and makes it possible to correctly display interactive sites that were created using Shockwave technology.

Sometimes it happens that while playing a game or watching a video, the screen goes dark and a window appears with the message: “The plugin has crashed.” This happens in cases where the plugin suddenly stops working for one reason or another.

Most often, the crash occurs if your Internet browser does not update the software. Sometimes the crash is to blame unstable work Adobe applications Flash Player or the presence in the web browser of such unusable applications as toolbars - they take up space, take up resources and cause a conflict that leads to plugins crashing.

Usually, to fix the problem, it is enough to simply reload the browser page, but if the plugin continues to crash, then it is more rational to update it existing version until the last one. Another option is to go to your browser toolkit and see how many plugins are installed and enabled on your computer.

You are unlikely to need many of them, so it is recommended to disable them all, leaving only Shockwave Flash, which is necessary for watching videos. When these methods do not help, you have to completely remove the browser and install it again.

If you notice that the plugin is still crashing with great frequency, then it may be time to change your browser.

Good day to all. The Internet is developing rapidly - more and more graphics and video content are appearing on sites, and it works mainly on Flash technology (this is especially true for various online games in in social networks— they use flash to the fullest). So - in Lately my favorite Mozilla browser Firefox often began to freeze and display an error: Shockwave Flash appears to be busy or has stopped responding. You can stop the plugin now or continue and see if the plugin can complete its job!

To be honest, this really started to piss me off and I decided to figure out why Shockwave Flash slows down the computer and how to overcome this disease. I will write in advance that there is no simple and pleasant solution to this problem, but here are a few recommendations that need to be made in order this error I took it out as little as possible!

Food for thought... First, I recommend reading the note, it is quite possible that these jambs have already been fixed and you won’t have to disable anything, but don’t forget to finish reading the article - it will always come in handy

Having figured out this issue- I concluded that the problem is in the Flash plugin- it is he who starts to glitch and completely hangs any browser, be it Firefox or Chrome - he doesn’t care if there are problems with it in any Internet browser!

Due to the fact that this is a jamb of the plugin itself, and not the browser, I divided the article into 3 parts, the most popular browsers and for each I will describe in detail the solution options - I think this will be the best solution this option

1. Shockwave Flash Slows Down Your Computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

2. How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

3. Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

Since I use Mozilla Fifefox in my work, I’ll start describing the problem with it. You can see such a window in versions starting from and higher... There is no solution as such - you can only terminate the plugin through the task manager or “crash” the process with the browser itself!

Let's take a closer look at the option of ending processes - since this is the fastest and 100% way to solve the problem... of course, this option is not the most humane, but effective. By the way - it can be used with any browser, and in general - any program that has started to work incorrectly and cannot be completed - Process Manager is a powerful tool!

So, we complete these two processes, and restart the Browser... we work and rejoice until the next window with a problem :) We think further about what can be done here - and there is a solution, but for some it can cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, I will put up with this error - it’s not difficult for me to restart the process with the browser, and perhaps you will be interested in this solution to the problem - disabling the Adobe Flash Player add-on and turning it on only when requested...

On the right top corner browser, click on the “Settings” icon and find “Add-ons” there, all this is shown in the picture below.

This is where the list with installed plugins to our Mozilla Firefox browser, just select “Enable on request” there and before starting where you need it, it will ask us for permission (this way you won’t see most of the advertising - there’s a lot of it on Flash)

We've dealt with Fire Fox and Shockwave Flash - now it's our turn Opera browser, in which all these settings are hidden deep in the depths of the browser.

How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

As I said, everything became different in Opera, as they switched to the engine from Chrome. You won’t find plugin settings in the menu here - you need to open the page in the browser


A page will open to us, as in the picture below... find Adobe Flash Player and click on the “Disable” button - thereby deactivating the buggy plugin!

Now we see that it is disabled - you can immediately turn it on if you can’t do without it)))

Next up is Chrome!

Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer with the fastest and supposedly cool browser- Google Chrome. Yes, Flash is such a misfortune that it hit the entire browser. Since in technically Opera and Chrome are very similar, so disabling this plugin is almost the same... open the page with plugin settings by entering address bar following code