What does the 112 rescue service do? “112” is a single emergency number. Problems of organizing calls to emergency numbers

Reception of urgent calls to provide assistance to citizens from any telephone (both landline and mobile) is made by numbers:

101 – fire service telephone number;
102 – police phone number;
103 – emergency medical telephone number;
104 – emergency gas service.

The old two-digit numbers 01, 02, 03, 04 also work. They will function for several months. By the end of 2014, most likely, they will stop receiving calls.

You can call the new emergency numbers from any city, town, village, highway or country road in Russia - from where there is even weak reception from a cellular operator or where there is a landline wired telephone. The call can be made in the networks of all Russian cellular operators, even if there are no funds on the mobile phone account and the SIM card has been removed from the device.

There is also a short single emergency call number - 112. The caller will be redirected to the ambulance line, police, emergency service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, gas service, Antiterror special service or to the emergency housing and communal services service. You can call the rescue service from your mobile phone. You can call 112 since August 2013.

By calling 115 you will be provided with information and instructions for using electronic government services online.

Another important emergency number for citizens has been introduced - 122 (you can also call numbers 122 and 123). This is the Child in Danger hotline. If a child is missing, if he does not answer calls or does not open the door, if he has suffered psychological or physical trauma, and in other situations, you should urgently call the “Child in Danger” helpline.

The order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the introduction of new emergency numbers in Russia came into force on January 27, 2014.

All cell phones support the emergency calling feature from a mobile phone. Even if your phone does not have a SIM card, you can use this feature when the device is turned on.

You will need

  • Mobile phone.


In order to call the police from a mobile phone, it is not at all necessary to have any special knowledge. All you need to take advantage of this opportunity is to have your cell phone turned on. What is noteworthy is that the phone does not necessarily have to have a sim card - dial emergency services in offline mode.

You can ask for help via mobile phone as follows. Dial the number combination 112 from your phone and press the call key. Soon you will be connected to a dispatcher who will accept your call. In the dialogue, you need to indicate the following information: the city where you are, the exact address of the place where the emergency occurred, and also describe in detail what happened.

In a conversation, try to speak as clearly and evenly as possible, the speed of arrival of rescue services at the scene of the incident will depend on this - uneven breathing combined with possible interference on the communication line may cause the dispatcher to write down the wrong address, as a result of which the police will not be able to arrive to your call on time.

As you know, gas is not something to joke about. If there is the slightest smell of gas in the apartment, or there is a suspicion of a gas leak, then in no case should you figure out the problem yourself, but call the gas service. This service will also be able to help in resolving current problems that have arisen with gas equipment.


In our country there are emergency numbers for various services. This includes emergency gas service. Since a gas leak can cause an explosion or fire, only highly specialized gas specialists can fix it. If you are in or in a house with a landline telephone, then dial 04 to call the emergency gas service.

There are times when calling the emergency service from a landline phone is not possible and there is a need to urgently call the gas service from a mobile phone. The country's leading mobile operators provide their subscribers with this opportunity. To do this, dial 040 on your cell phone if you are a subscriber to the MTS, Megafon network or 004 if your operator is BeeLine. Emergency calls are always free, even if you don't have a SIM card in your phone.

If you need to perform routine maintenance of gas appliances, replace gas connections, components and other parts, contact the territorial gas dispatch service. The dispatcher will accept and register the request in the log. A locksmith will receive your request and come to your home to inspect your gas appliance for faults.

After a specialist has inspected the gas equipment, enter into a repair contract with the gas utility. The locksmith will issue a receipt for payment for the work. Pay this receipt to the bank, and a specialist will fix the problem with your device.

If you know which organization your house is on the balance sheet of, then in accordance with the agreement concluded between you, you have the right to maintenance of the in-house gas pipeline without charging a fee. Call the technical department of the gas industry and submit a request for a scheduled inspection of the gas pipeline. Specialists will check the draft in the chimneys, the tightness of the risers, the connections to the devices and the safety automatics. Maintenance of the in-house gas pipeline is carried out once a year.

Tip 4: How to call the police from a mobile phone on the Megafon network

If necessary, call police(police), when you don’t have a landline phone at hand, you can use a mobile device. Currently, the mobile operator Megafon provides its subscribers with the opportunity to communicate with emergency services, even when there are no funds in the account or the SIM card is completely blocked.


If your mobile phone model does not support connection with short numbers, then after the similar number additionally dial 0:
010 – fire protection;
020 – militia (police);
030 – ambulance;
040 – emergency gas service.

If there are no funds in your mobile phone account or your SIM card is blocked, you can call the emergency service at 112. Then follow the answering machine prompts. So:
-press 1 to connect to the fire department;
-press 2 to connect with the police (police);
-press 3 to connect to the ambulance;
-press 4 to connect to the gas service.
After pressing the appropriate key, you will be connected to the emergency service you need.

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone is not charged and is free. This fact is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, for violation of which punishment is provided in accordance with the administrative code of the Russian Federation.

These phone numbers are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Video on the topic


In addition, when calling the police (police), be vigilant and do not call the service for trifles and vice versa - if somewhere or someone needs help, do not pass by and dial this short number, perhaps with this you can save someone life.

Helpful advice

If you are a subscriber of another mobile operator, then to call the police (police) you need to dial:
MTS – 020;
Beeline – 002;
Sky Link – 902;
Tele – 2 – 020;
Yutel – 020;
Motive -902.

A significant proportion of all accidents occur where there is no access to a landline telephone. However, nowadays almost everyone has a mobile phone. This is not just a convenient means of communication between people, but also a necessary item for communication with the outside world.


Probably everyone knows how to dial ambulance, police, fire and gas service numbers on a landline, but few know which numbers to call in an emergency, but this information may someday save your or someone else’s life to another.

To call the Moscow Rescue Service, you need to dial 112, in which case the call will be free. You can use this to make calls even if you don’t have a SIM card. There is also a paid number - 0911, a minute of conversation in this case will cost approximately 65-70 rubles.

If you have an older model handset, regardless of your operator, you need to dial +7 095, and then the emergency number. For example, to call the fire department, you need to dial +7 095 01, to call the police, respectively, +7 095 02.

If you have MegaFon, MTS or Tele2 (for phones manufactured by Alcatel, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung), dial:

010 – fire service,
020 – police,
030 – ambulance,
040 – gas service.

Owners of SIM cards from Beeline (for phones manufactured by Alcatel, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung) need to dial:

001 – fire service,
002 – police,
003 – ambulance,
004 – gas service.

Since childhood, the well-known emergency call number is 03. You can call it from any street telephone or from a home landline, and the call does not cost anything.

However, you will not be able to reach two-digit emergency numbers (fire 01, police 02, ambulance 03) from your mobile phone.

How to call from Beeline, MTS, Tele-2

On cellular devices, you should enter the usual numbers only in a three-digit format: 101, 102, 103. Accordingly, to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, you need to dial two known numbers with a unit in front of them - 103.

By analogy, you need to dial other emergency services - 101, 102, 104.

How to call from Megafon and Yota

These cellular operators have two formats of telephone numbers to call for help. If you use the services of these brands, then just dial the numbers - 030 or 103. And your call will be accepted by the emergency service in any Russian region.

By analogy, you can call other emergency numbers - 010, 020, 040.

Universal number for subscribers of Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Yota and Tele-2

All emergency services throughout Russia are available by calling a common three-digit number - 112.

This number can be dialed in any European country. In addition, you can dial it from a landline phone.

The autoinformer will ask you to wait for the operator’s response, or you can immediately press the emergency button:

1 - switch to fire,

2 - police,

3 - ambulance,

4 - emergency gas service.

There is an interesting way to easily remember a universal phone for a child: 1 is a mouth, 1 is a nose, and 2 is two eyes.

Free call

Calling the indicated ambulance and other emergency numbers is possible from any uncharged cell phone, even if:

  • the subscriber's balance is negative or equal to zero;
  • The operator has blocked the SIM card;
  • There is no SIM installed in the device at all.

When making a mobile call to numbers 103 and 112, the first thing you should do is tell your city and briefly state the problem, indicating the service you need.

It should be remembered that the ambulance is also a single reference service. At your request, the operator will connect you with the doctor on duty, who can tell you the answer over the phone: what pill to take, what to do if you have an elevated temperature, whether to call a local doctor or an emergency team, etc.

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. This can happen to you when you move around the Russian Federation and the countries of the European Union or while at home.

In case you are in an emergency situation, or witness an accident, fire, burglary, you can call 112 to report the problem.

In Russia, number 112 is a single number for calling emergency services:

Fire Department;


Emergency medical services;


Number 112 is available free of charge. If you are outside the reception area of ​​your network, in the event of an emergency, you can dial “112” and the phone will search for an emergency number within the networks available in the region. Number 112 can also be dialed without money in your account and even without a SIM card in your phone.

112 does not replace existing emergency numbers; you can also call 01, 02, 03, 04 from a landline and 101, 102, 103 and 104 from a mobile phone.

The number 112 is also a single European emergency telephone number, available throughout the European Union (EU), free of charge.

The 112 number is used in some non-EU countries (such as Switzerland and South Africa) and is available worldwide on GSM mobile phone networks.

When can you call 112?

Number 112 in Russia is intended for use in emergency situations and for obtaining advice on security issues and methods of protection against emergency situations.

If you have an emergency or problem that requires immediate assistance from first responders. Just dial 112 and they will help you. Do not call 112 in cases of receiving information of a nature other than an emergency. There are other phone numbers for this, look them up in phone books.

Children should also be taught how to call 112.

What should you do when you call 112?

Stay calm and speak clearly. Notify the system operator-112 that you have a problem that requires immediate response:

Fire Department;

Emergency response;


Emergency medical services;

Emergency gas network service;


The operator will ask you to answer some questions. You must answer all questions, the main thing is to be calm. They will definitely come to your aid.

Be prepared to answer the operator's questions in detail. In a life-threatening situation, the operator will continue to ask questions while first responders head to the scene.

Examples of emergency situations when you should call 112?

In all cases that are happening now or have just happened:

In the entrance, on the floor, there is a strong smell of gas from the apartment;

Road traffic accident;

You have become a victim of domestic violence;

You witnessed a crime;

There is a violation of public order;

Emergency medical assistance is required.

Goals of creating the system-112

The main goals of creating the 112 system in the Russian Federation are:

Organization of calls to emergency services using the “one window” principle;

Organization of a set of measures to ensure faster response and improved interaction between emergency services during calls (incident reports);

Implementation of the requirements for harmonizing the method of calling emergency services in the Russian Federation with the legislation of the European Union.

Purpose of the system-112

System-112 is designed to provide information support to unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities and to solve the following main tasks:

Receiving calls (incident reports) at number “112”;

Receiving from the telecom operator information about the location of the person who called “112” and (or) the subscriber device from which the call was made (reporting an incident), as well as other data necessary to ensure a response to the call (reporting an incident) ;

Analysis of incoming information about the incident;

Sending information about incidents, including calls (reports of incidents), to the duty dispatch services of emergency operational services in accordance with their competence to organize an emergency response;

Providing remote psychological support to a person who contacted “112”;

Automatic restoration of connection with the user (terminal) equipment of the person who called “112” in the event of a sudden connection interruption;

Registration of all incoming and outgoing calls (incident reports) by number “112”;

Maintaining a database of the main characteristics of incidents, the beginning, completion and main results of emergency response to received calls (incident reports);

Ability to receive calls (incident reports) in foreign languages.

I think that many have heard about the single emergency number 112. However, few people know how it really works and what state the system is in Russia at present. In this article, I will tell you in detail about everything that is directly related to the operation of an emergency phone: where is it better to call, what will they answer you at the other end of the line, who services the number 112 and why knowledge of the principles of operation of the system can help.

A little theory

In the countries of the European Union and North America there has long been a single emergency number. Hardly anyone has not heard of the 911 number used in the USA. Every American knows that this is the number to call. In Russia, before the advent of mobile phones, there was no talk of any single number. Each emergency service was called using one of the numbers - 01, 02 or 03.

At this point it is worth stopping and identifying an important point. If you still have a landline (home) phone, then most likely you won’t be able to call 112 from it. The fact is that in Russia, due to bureaucratic and financial problems, only three pilot zones are still functioning (Kursk region, Republic of Tatarstan, Astrakhan region) and technical design of the 112 system has been carried out in 22 regions.

As for mobile phones, things are a little better. The GSM standard, which is used by most mobile phones in the world, includes emergency number functionality. The vast majority of phone manufacturers follow the rules and support a quick emergency call. As a rule, you can dial a number without even unlocking the keypad.

Get to the point

You may know that you can call 112 if your phone does not have a SIM card, or does not reach the operator’s network, or if you have a negative balance. How does it work? After dialing the number, the phone tries to send a signal to your operator and, if unsuccessful, redirects it to one of the available networks. For example, if your MTS network does not pick up on the highway, the phone will call through Beeline, Megafon, and so on.

Keep in mind that even if you make an emergency call without a SIM card, the operator will see the unique phone number (IMEI) and will likely be able to identify you if necessary. It would be too childish to hope that the call is completely anonymous.

Now let's talk in more detail about cellular operators. Each of them, in accordance with Article 52 of the Federal Law “On Communications,” is required to have a service responsible for the operation of an emergency number. However, you should not unconditionally hope that the requirement is fulfilled by everyone and in full. Small regional operators may maintain a small staff of rescue telephone service staff.

So, what happens when you call 112. In fact, everything is very primitive: the operator of the rescue service of your mobile provider will ask why you are calling, perhaps find out the address and switch to the required number - 01, 02 or 03. There is also option that it will not be a living person who will speak to you, but a robot who will ask you to enter a number on the phone keypad to switch to one of the services.

You must remember that such a call will always be free for you.


Despite all the advantages of a single emergency number, we should not forget about some problems.

Firstly, as I already said, the cellular operator may not provide adequate service, and the number will always be busy.

Secondly, it is easy to notice that dialing to the required service goes through a third party (cellular operator), which has a negative impact on the speed of delivery of alarming information.

Thirdly, the employee of the cellular operator who services the 112 number may not know the city well, and his duties usually include finding out the exact location of the incident.

Based on this, taking into account all the circumstances, it may be more correct to call directly to a specific emergency service (Ministry of Emergency Situations, police or ambulance). However, this is not so simple.

According to GSM protocol standards, calls are not made to numbers shorter than three characters, but a USSD request is sent. Thus, to call one of the services, you need to use substitute numbers, and they are different for different operators.

If you are a subscriber of MTS, Tele-2 or Megafon, use numbers 010, 020, 030, 040, or 001, 002, 003, 004 if you use mobile communications from Beeline.

I hope you never have to call the emergency services, but in any case, you should know the best way to do it.

The story about Nokia and 112 prompted me to write this post. Since I spent some time answering calls on this number, I decided to tell some details related to the functioning of this system. Perhaps this will help to understand some features that may cause confusion or dissatisfaction.

About number 112 itself

First, I’ll tell you about this number and how it works. The fact is that this is not an ordinary number that they simply decided to make “emergency”. This number is stitched into the GSM standard itself, and any phone in any condition (no SIM card, blocked, out of money) must be able to call it. Those. this is a special dedicated service number ( lyrical digression: I saw a phone that had 911 as an emergency number, but in practice it still called 112, such a small concern for users).

The following points follow from this:

  • The phone does not transmit its number during a call. After all, if he calls without a SIM card, then he doesn’t have this number. And if there is, it still doesn’t transmit. As a result, find out Who calls, you can only take the phone's IMEI (phone serial number) and see if any phone with the same IMEI has already been registered on the network. But this is a last resort, besides...
  • ... the phone can connect to any operator to make this call. Those. it doesn’t matter what you have - MTS, Beeline or something else, but if the phone is not yet registered on the network, then you can get to anyone.
  • The positive thing is that in any roaming, in case of any problems, you can still call and ask for help.

About who usually calls 112

The room is so good that big problems begin in this place. The fact is that people like to check the functionality of the phone by calling somewhere, and this is a very good, and also simple and free way to check the operation of the phone.
Also, some phones, when they lose the network, display a message about the availability of only this number and dial it with one button (all for convenience). In practice, this leads to sniffling and grunting into the receiver when someone accidentally presses a call in their pocket. Sometimes they let the child play with the phone without a SIM card, so as not to interfere, naturally the child immediately calls 112, you can listen to all sorts of children's sounds.

In my practice, 90% of calls were with silence or similar sounds when people accidentally dialed this number. True, I especially remember one case when a man called and asked what he should do. Attempts to find out who is sane here revealed that the phone number is his said he should call 112. So he calls to find out what he should do next.

I am leading all this to ensure that you understand the fact that a simple answering machine will immediately cut off such a crowd of calls and greatly relieve operators of these calls.

The remaining 5% were all sorts of jokers and inadequate personalities. The best way to communicate that I have found when communicating with them is to turn on the robot. They tell you some nonsense, try to make a stupid joke, and you answer them with standard phrases. Their fantasy usually ends quickly and they leave you alone.

Another 4 percent are associated with sane people who have problems with the phone or are simply figuring out where they ended up, so that later they can find out whether it is worth calling again.

Well, the remaining 1% are just calls that should be sent to the police, firefighters or ambulance. Those. the percentage is quite small, but people are usually in a difficult position when they cannot call directly.

About the work of emergency services

First, some important information. Calls are sent to the service (or common processing center) where is the switch located. In other words, if you are somewhere in the region, with a high degree of probability the call will go to the regional center, and in addition to describing the problem, you will also have to explain for a long time where to go. After this, this call will be transferred to the service that is responsible for the area where you are located.

Therefore, in order to save both your own and other people’s time, I recommend that you arrange in advance the direct numbers of emergency services in your city (you may be told them on 112, you may find them on the Internet or by calling from a landline phone). Then you will have less to explain how to get there, since the operators of a given city know it well and can more easily understand where you really are.

Particular problems arise on the highway or in a village somewhere between cities. Then they will torture you for a long time about where you are in order to send the car away from the point that is responsible for this area.

So, if nothing is on, then first it is better to find out the area of ​​​​responsibility and then call them about your problem.

Now, actually about the services themselves, about the attitude that I developed towards them. I’ll warn you right away that they may work differently in different cities, so this is my personal opinion.

It is the one they call most often. But they also send you away, more often than not. Although in reality they find out the details of the problem in order to understand whether it is worth rushing or not. However, there are many articles on the Internet on how to call an ambulance correctly. I won’t retell them, I’ll just say that the ambulance works very poorly at night, especially in small towns. They may not answer the phone for a couple of minutes; some subscribers have to explain that it is impossible to connect them, not because we are so bad, but because they really don’t pick up the phone.
In my practice, they always answered clearly and quickly. But they rarely called, usually about drunk people found on the street. The police asked to clarify whether the person was really drunk or sick/beaten/dead in order to find out who and where to send. By the way, if you decide to help such a person on the street, then it is better to first call the police and, while remaining on the line, check the person’s condition, so that in case of any problems you will not be found to be the culprit of the whole matter.
They answer quickly and clearly. True, they call them rarely, but in large numbers. Those. if there was a fire somewhere, then 10 people would call (and that’s only 112!) to make the firefighters’ work easier, I already found out myself whether it was the same fire that they had already called about and did not forward the call.
Ministry of Emergency Situations
In my memory, only the Ministry of Emergency Situations themselves called there to report something.


I tried to talk about how it all works so that you can imagine how your call is going and what you should expect, what you shouldn’t, and what internal mechanisms are hidden behind some, at first glance, inconvenient and illogical solutions.

I will try to answer questions in the comments if my qualifications are sufficient. I’ll say right away that the details about how specifically This service is made by some operator, I won’t be able to.

Well, I remind you that this is my first post, and a non-profile one at that, so don’t hit me too hard.