How harmful is a computer for children? Computer for primary schoolchildren and teenagers: helper or enemy? The benefits and harms of modern technical means

When allowing children to use a computer, parents should be aware that the harm a computer can cause to a child can be quite serious.

However, it will only be at risk if parents do not control the child’s communication with an electronic friend. With a reasonable approach to this issue, you can prevent harmful effects on children’s health, but, on the contrary, help your child develop and self-realize.

Harm of a computer to human health

Computer harm to children is caused by prolonged and uncontrolled exposure of the child to the monitor. Many parents are not serious about the fact that their child sits for hours at a computer because they do not realize how significant the harm a computer can have on human health. While the consequences of excessive computer use directly threaten human health.

Long-term continuous work at a computer is dangerous due to the following:

  • - sitting position,
  • - electromagnetic radiation,
  • - strain on eyesight,
  • - negative impact on the psyche and nervous system as a whole,
  • - exposure to dust and dirt.

What harm does a computer cause and how to deal with it

Parents who care about the health of their child know that they need to have information about the harm a computer can cause. With the help of this knowledge, you can reduce the harmful effects of all unfavorable factors.

A prolonged sitting position is fraught not only with poor posture, but also causes constant pain in the neck, back, lower back, and can also provoke prostatitis and hemorrhoids. These troubles can be avoided if you sit in a comfortable (appropriate to your height) chair with armrests, adjusting its height so that your line of sight falls on the center of the monitor.

Whether computer radiation is harmful is a controversial issue. Manufacturers of modern computer models claim that there is no cause for concern. However, scientists have proven that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the development of the embryo. This means that pregnant women are still not recommended to work on a computer.

The main harm of a computer for children is the strain on their eyesight. When working at a computer, your eyes get tired faster; too small a font and incorrectly adjusted monitor brightness also contribute to vision deterioration. In this case, you need to make sure that there is enough light in the room, be sure to take breaks for special eye exercises and maintain a distance of 60-70 cm between the eyes and the monitor.

Another danger of a computer is that it can cause psychological addiction. And if it can be detected with the naked eye, the negative impact of the computer on the nervous system is often noticed when the help of a specialist is already required. Here it is important not to overwork and measure the amount of time you spend at the computer, rest regularly and only sit in front of the screen in a good mood.

It is not difficult to imagine the harm a computer can cause to health if the keyboard is never wiped and the system unit is not cleaned of dust. Therefore, you should regularly clean all parts of the computer from dust and dirt and wash your hands before using the computer and after finishing work.

Remember that the computer will harm children's health only if parents do not control this process. With a reasonable approach, a computer will only benefit the child: the child will have personal space and will develop faster.

Well, if your baby has only recently been born, you may want to know. On our website you can find a detailed description of bathing a baby according to all the rules.

Modern children know from the cradle what a computer is, and by the time they are one year old they can already operate a mouse and press keyboard buttons. The close “communication” of a child with a computer causes an ambiguous attitude: on the one hand, now there really is no place without a computer. On the other hand, constantly sitting at a computer is fraught with serious consequences. The most dangerous of them is the development of computer addiction in a child, which is a real disease that requires treatment.

Causes and types of addiction

Computer addiction in children is, first of all, an escape from reality, so the main reason for the desire to plunge headlong into the virtual world is the lack of something in reality. Children may lack attention and participation from their parents, self-confidence, and recognition in the company of their peers. As a result, the child tries to satisfy his real needs not in the real world, but in the virtual world.

Dependency can be of two types:

  1. Gaming addiction (cyberaddiction) – addiction to computer games. Some games are personalized, that is, a person plays on behalf of a specific hero, increasing power, conquering cities, acquiring superpowers. In this case, we can talk about role dependence. In other games there is no character as such, but the essence of the game is to collect points and win. In this case, the dependence is non-role.
  2. Network addiction (netegolism) . This is a child’s dependence on the Internet, which can manifest itself in different forms, but in a global sense the essence is the same - a person cannot imagine his life without access to the Internet. Spending time on social networks, chats, and listening to music are options for network addiction. Even harmless Internet surfing is a type of network addiction, because a person spends a lot of time viewing and reading completely unnecessary information, moving from link to link.

When to sound the alarm: 10 signs of computer addiction

Both children and adults are susceptible to computer addiction, but in children addiction develops much faster. The earlier a child is introduced to a computer, the more likely it is that the computer will displace real life. Addiction in a child can be recognized by the following signs.

  1. The child cannot use the computer within the established boundaries. Even if there is a preliminary agreement, he cannot tear himself away from the computer in time, and attempts to restore order and remove him from the computer end in hysterics.
  2. The child does not complete assigned household chores. Usually, children always have chores to do: wash the dishes, tidy up their things, walk the dog. A dependent child cannot plan his time and skips homework by sitting at the computer.
  3. Spending time at the computer becomes a more preferable activity than chatting with family or friends. Even family holidays and visits are no exception.
  4. Even natural needs cannot force a child to take his mind off the Internet , so he doesn’t part with his phone/tablet either during meals or in the bath.
  5. The child is constantly looking for devices from which he can go online or play. If you take away his tablet or computer, he will immediately pick up the phone. READ IN DETAIL: The influence of a tablet on a child: 10 reasons to say “NO”! —
  6. The child communicates mainly online, constantly making new acquaintances there, who remain in the virtual world. Even with real acquaintances (classmates, friends), the child prefers to communicate on the Internet.
  7. The child neglects his studies: does not complete homework, becomes absent-minded, sloppy, and performance declines.
  8. Deprivation of a computer causes “withdrawal”: the child becomes aggressive and irritable.
  9. Without a computer, the child does not know what to do with himself , it is impossible to interest him in anything.
  10. The child does not let you know what he is doing online. Any questions cause a negative reaction.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Video 2 - Internet addiction in teenagers:

Computer damage

Presentation: “Computer: benefit or harm.” Completed by: student of grade 6 “B”, Elina Mulasheva (clickable):

The constant presence of both adults and children at the computer has become a familiar sight, which is why parents risk underestimating the danger of addiction to games or the Internet. In reality, computer addiction has negative consequences for both the body and the psyche. Moreover, when it comes to children, these consequences are deeper and more difficult to eliminate, because the body and psyche of a growing person are still being formed.

We also read:

About the dangers of a computer:

and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Municipal budgetary institution

"Preschool Education Department" of the Executive Committee

Nizhnekamsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Consultation for parents:

Computer harm for children.

Compiled by: Sirazetdinova I.I.

Physical education instructor




Have you ever wondered what yourchild when he plays a computer game?

Do you realize how much harm computers can cause for children??

The production of computer games is a very profitable business. And the owners of this business care very little about the impact the computer has onhealth Your child.

A computer can also play a positive role in a child’s life, for example, helping with studies; for preschoolers, you can draw on a computer, you can play on a computer. The only question is, what kind of games will these be? Most of the games that can now be found on the Internet have a negative impact on both the physical and mentalhealth our children.

The first point I would like to mention isradiation of electromagnetic waves. This radiation is harmful even for adults, let alone children. Know if yourchild If he constantly sits in front of the computer, he is at risk of cancer, endocrine and brain disorders, and decreased immunity. And these are not all the consequences.

The second point concernsmental stress. Look at the child from the outside, how he behaves while playing a computer game. He is all tense, forgets literally about everything, does not hear anyone, sometimes even screams, and then he may even cry. The child is stressed! And the further, the more.

But the main harm is harm spiritual . The child’s consciousness turns towards a godless, immoral worldview. Albeit virtually, butchildren They learn on the computer to kill not only some negative characters, various monsters, monsters, but also each other.

Arcade, historical games do not seem to be harmful at first glance. But when winning, for example, in some historical game, the child feels like a real ruler of the world, a winner. And after this it is very difficult to adjust to this life when, say, you need to help your mother take out the trash or play with your little brother. “Don’t touch me, I see what it’s like!!!”

And the most important thing arisescomputer game addiction. Traditional games and reading books are completely forgotten. They communicate with peers more often through the computer. National traditions cause contempt. All eyes are on this modern idol. That is why our children have such a strongly developed passion for power, vanity, profit, lies and other vices.

And, of course, all sensible parents are concerned about the answer to the question: how to wean their child off the computer. Here are some tips on how to limitcomputer harm for children.

Tip 1 . First you need to limit your playing time. If your child is 6-7 years old, the duration of the game should be only 10 minutes.

For 8-11 years old – 15-20 minutes, and for older ones – half an hour. These are the minimum sanitary standards. Try to explain to your child that the main thing in the game is accuracy and speed, but not time.

Tip 2 . Mandatory distance law: 30-40 cm from the screen, mandatory room ventilation, ionizers - all this will help reduce harmful effects.

Tip 3 . Mandatory compliance with the temporary law. Do not play unless homework is done, and under no circumstances play before bed or after meals.

Tip 4 . There must be control on your part over the content of the games. Games with violence and cruelty should be excluded.

Tip 5 - FOREMOST. Play more with your children. Don't try to put it on someone or something. After all, how many wonderful good games of your childhood exist: andword games , And for attention , And outdoor games and many, many other games. Try to ensure that playing on the computer is replaced by full-fledged communication with you.

Gone are the days when a computer was a luxury. Nowadays, almost every home has a non-computer. Or several computers. And maybe also a tablet, so the question of the influence of a computer on a child is raised in every family.

Our children copy the behavior of their parents from childhood. And they are always in the trend of modern achievements of mankind. Therefore, now children are interested in all kinds of electronic gadgets very early.

Picture from life. My mother works at home on the computer. My brother and his family live with my parents. His youngest son David, one and a half years old, is his grandmother’s main assistant.

As soon as grandma gets up from the computer, David is right there, instantly on her chair with his hands on the keyboard. Even if a second before that he was far from the computer and was busy with something completely different.

The reaction speed is truly amazing: a second and David is at the computer. Well, really, you can’t let the computer sit idle, you need help urgently!))) And sometimes David finds an old broken mouse in the toys, and he and his grandmother work with two mice. The work is going well!)))

Here a little man “works” at the computer. And a situation like this can only bring a kind smile. It’s a completely different matter when it comes to sitting for days and hours watching cartoons, films, and computer games. There is no time for jokes and smiles anymore. Although at first the situation is often underestimated...

Many parents allow their children to use a computer from an early age and do not see anything negative in it. Like: “Let him study, without knowledge of a computer now there’s nowhere.” But very often, after some time, changes in the child’s behavior are noticed. A son or daughter literally becomes dependent on this electronic machine.

At this stage, even those who had not previously thought about the dangers of a computer begin not only to think about it, but to quickly find out what negative impact it has. And most importantly - what to do about it?

I would really like this article to be read by parents who are just planning to introduce their child to a computer and want to learn how to do it and organize it correctly. But in the realities of our lives, I understand that most parents think about searching for such information when they receive the first “bells” in the form of violations in the behavior or health of their children, or when they want to make arguments to their already grown-up children who are computer fans.

Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of a computer and similar electronic gadgets. We will talk about at what age a child can do something on the computer, how much time can be allocated for this for a child at different age periods, and how to properly organize this time.

It is worth noting that the influence of a computer, TV, tablet, smartphone is very similar and comparable in consequences. Therefore, in this article I will often draw a parallel between these electronic friends of our modern children. This is correct, because if we're talking about about the permissible time spent at the screen, this means that we are talking about any screen (computer, tablet, mobile phone, TV).

How do parents see the benefit of a computer for their children?

Here are the main reasons parents give for allowing their child to use a computer:

  • The child quickly acquires new knowledge and skills. With the help of a children's computer or tablet, children master the alphabet and counting faster than studying the old-fashioned way (using books);
  • the computer develops strategic thinking - the ability to calculate actions in advance, reaction speed, memory, and to some extent - determination;
  • it promotes the development of imagination and creativity through a variety of games and opportunities for modeling, drawing, and so on;
  • while the child is busy with an electronic toy, parents can go about their business (well, a very important argument!);
  • Thanks to the capabilities of modern applications for electronic gadgets (tablets, smartphones), parents can control where their child is;
  • the computer is used to prepare the student’s school homework (messages, reports, abstracts);
  • a computer allows you to take online training without leaving home, improve your hobbies (for example, foreign languages, processing video and photo materials);
  • the child expands his horizons.

What do doctors and psychologists think about the relationship between a computer and a child?

Doctors and psychologists unanimously argue about the negative impact of computers on children. Let us consider the main of these arguments.

Effect on vision

Nature arranges it in such a way that the human eye experiences less strain when looking into the distance, and prolonged exposure to the screen at a distance of up to half a meter greatly strains the organ of vision. As a result, the child may develop myopia, which will then have to be corrected with glasses.

Another consequence of hard eye work is the so-called “dry eye” syndrome. When we look closely and strain our eyes, we blink less often. Because of this, the cornea of ​​the eye is less washed by tear fluid, is not cleaned enough and does not receive enough nutrition. Externally, this manifests itself as redness and swelling of the eyes and eyelids. At the level of sensations, the child feels discomfort and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, he has a desire to blink more often or rub his eyes.

Effect on the spine

When sitting at a computer for a long time, the back muscles experience excessive tension. The neck muscles become even more tense and tired. In turn, this leads to curvature of the spine.

Cervical kyphosis - stooping, S-shaped scoliosis occurs if a child sits in a position, leg over leg, with one leg on a chair under the buttocks, half-turned, with one arm and shoulder hanging without support on the table. The back muscles become flabby due to physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle). Such muscles are not able to hold the spinal column, which leads to curvature of the spine in early childhood.

Often these children are diagnosed with tension headaches. Pain occurs due to muscle tension and displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical spine. Displacement of the vertebrae leads to compression of the blood vessels, as a result of which the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.

Pay attention to how your child sits, as spinal problems are a serious problem with lifelong consequences.

As a pediatrician, I observe an increase in second-degree scoliosis in children of primary school age. These schoolchildren have not yet had time, as they say, to sit at their desks, but there is no longer a back, but a question mark. It's not hard to guess where the trouble came from.

Sedentary lifestyle

Prolonged immobility of a child is fraught with a lot of consequences. Physical inactivity (insufficient physical activity) is a risk factor for diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, diabetes, and is also one of the direct causes of the scourge of modern humanity - obesity.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the immune system suffers. It has long been proven that physical activity helps maintain normal vascular tone and normal functioning of the immune system.

Electromagnetic radiation from computers and phones

Electromagnetic radiation is electromagnetic waves that are formed under the influence of charged particles and propagate in space.

Every computer, phone, TV, or other electronic device emits low-frequency and radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. According to the World Health Organization, both low-frequency and radiofrequency waves are carcinogenic, meaning they can cause cancer.

A relationship has been established between computer radiation and a number of diseases. Such diseases include cardiovascular diseases, hormonal disorders, diseases of the immune, nervous, and reproductive systems, chronic fatigue, and depression.

Computer-related mental and behavioral disorders in children

Computer addiction

While playing on the computer, the pleasure centers of the brain are constantly in a state of excitement. Regular arousal over time entails a constant need for this kind of stimulation, even with a short-term cancellation of this influence. This is how children fall into a vicious circle of dependence on electronic gadgets.

Older children feel the need to monitor social networks and check email several times a day.

How many videos are there now on the Internet, filmed by the parents themselves, showing how children literally go berserk after a parental ban on using the computer! It is extremely difficult to find a way out of such neglected situations without the help of psychologists. As always, in this case it is easier to prevent than to treat. Common truths? No, the law of life, from which there are no exceptions.

First of all, parents must understand that addiction arises in cases of unlimited use of a computer and similar equipment, from a lack of parental control and attention, when parents shift development, education and organization of leisure time to electronic gadgets.

Socialization disorders

Children get so used to communicating online that it is difficult for them to make acquaintances in the real world. Many people prefer to communicate on the Internet, as they consider such communication to be freer. They are not afraid of judgment from strangers on the other side of the monitor screen, but they are afraid of communicating with real people.

The realities of the modern world are such that although we have hundreds of friends on social networks, in reality we do not have real friends. And increasingly this problem concerns children...

Real communication with peers is replaced by virtual communication. And group games, including role-playing games (mothers and daughters, shopping) are being squeezed out of our children’s childhood by colorful introductory computer games. But this is how we learn from childhood to interact in society, to negotiate with people.

Fatigue and overwork

Increased tension in the work of the brain and visual system quickly depletes the energy reserves of the body, which is forced to work on the verge of its maximum capabilities. It is clear that this mode of operation cannot be achieved without damage to the body.

Irritability and aggressiveness

When working at a computer, especially while playing computer games, the child is under stressful conditions. Partly due to constant tension and acquired dependence on the computer, the child’s behavior changes to irritable and more aggressive.

Children are pushed towards more cruel and aggressive behavior by their favorite computer games, which are based on fighting, shooting, destruction, and fighting with weapons.

An unformed child's psyche is not capable of being critical of what is happening on the screen. This is why children very often transfer their “computer experience” into real life. Every now and then, news comes from all over the world about children shooting at school or on the street. Society is reaping the fruits of unwise handling of electronic equipment.

The negative impact of computers on children's bodies is a worldwide problem. This is recognized.

“But we are simple little people, we cannot solve the world problem,” you say. And there is no need to solve the world problem! Solve the piece of the problem that concerns you and your family. That is, start with yourself, with your family, with your child. That is why there should be no lack of control, permissiveness, or indulgence in whims. The choice of what and how much the child will play should be up to the parents.

The computer doesn’t broaden your horizons that much...

It is believed that a computer is a universal assistant. You just have to install a new program or game - and voila, here you have variety, and with it new opportunities and new knowledge. And this can be perceived as broadening one’s horizons. But not everything is so simple.

As a rule, computer games involve one, or, at best, two possible answers or developments. In this regard, children's thinking becomes stereotyped.

The child moves away from his parents

Often children who have spent a lot of time playing computer games from early childhood become selfish. Children are isolated in their own little world, where they have some gaming achievements. Parents do not always understand and accept these achievements and successes, especially if such a gaming addiction interferes with their studies. Misunderstanding arises between parents and children, there is no commonality of interests, which leads to disagreements and even greater aggression.

Psychologists are concerned about changes in the child's psyche. Repeated analysis of school drawings on a free theme by psychologists shows that in the drawings of many children one can read a hidden feeling of fear, anxiety, closedness, and the need to defend. Children draw weapons, battles, monsters, zombies. Experts prove that this is also a negative side effect of children’s excessive communication with computers.

Children are deprived of childhood

While the child sits in front of the monitor screen, his childhood passes by. All these electronic gadgets simply steal the time that children should spend on outdoor games, active recreation, hobbies, and hobbies.

Misconceptions of parents

Many parents choose and buy computer games or cartoons based only on the appearance of the pictures on the disc. It's even worse when parents believe that their child is old enough to choose games on his own.

It is always worth getting acquainted with a game or cartoon first as an adult, and only then offering or allowing children to watch it.

Watching movies or cartoons together with your child is encouraged. This allows you to comment on ambiguous, controversial situations or dialogues at the time of viewing (children often do not understand envy, boasting, and sarcasm in words in a timely manner).

It is also important for children to simply spend time with their parents, doing one thing. This gives them a feeling of security and confidence.

Another misconception among parents: clicking on the keyboard buttons develops fine motor skills of the child’s hands. Absolutely not! The same type of hand movements when working with a mouse and keyboard cannot in any way contribute to the development of hand motor skills.

In this regard, you cannot replace board games (puzzles, mosaics, cubes) with their electronic versions. Only meticulous movements of the fingers (tweezers grip), feeling objects of different textures and textures develop fine motor skills.

At what age and for how long can a child use a computer?

Here it would be correct to say how much screen time a child should have in total, that is, how much time a child can spend in total on a TV, computer, tablet, or phone.

This must be clearly known so that it does not happen that the child spent his allotted time playing at the computer and moved on to the TV. After all, many parents don’t even consider working on the computer to prepare homework to be part of this allotted time, saying that the child wasn’t playing - he was busy with work.

Children only from 2 years old are allowed to watch TV, and no more than 20-30 minutes throughout the day. TV in the background, when the mother is watching, and the child is nearby and also involuntarily watches, also counts. It's like passive smoking, when being in the same room with a smoking person has the same negative effect as smoking itself.

Children under 3-3.5 years old should not be allowed a phone, computer, or tablet. Children 3-4 years old can spend time with electronic friends no more than 40 minutes to 1 hour a day. From 5-7 years old this time can be extended to 1 hour 15 minutes. Children 7 years old and older can spend only 1.5 hours in front of a screen, and over 10 years old - 2 hours a day.

It is important to note that all this time needs to be divided into several parts and pauses. To prevent myopia, it is important to pause while working at the computer every 20 minutes for 20-30 seconds. During the pause, you need to move your gaze into the distance, for example, you can look out the window.

Note to parents

We live in a modern world where there is a lot of electronic technology. We cannot return to the primitive system. I won’t even say “unfortunately” about this. What is there to regret? We live in complex, interesting times in a complex, interesting world to which we need to adapt. Adapt for both us and our children.

  • from the very beginning, clearly state the rules for using a computer in your family (for example, when and how much, only after homework and lessons, do not open or read letters from unknown senders, do not register anywhere without the knowledge of your parents, and so on);
  • control how much time and what your child does on the computer, view the search history;
  • do not leave the child alone with the computer, and therefore it is inappropriate to put a computer in the children's room;
  • teach your child to take breaks while working at the computer and do eye exercises;
  • Organize your child’s leisure time so that you don’t have to force him out from behind the computer (a walk in the park, cycling, rollerblading, skiing, hiking, picnic, fishing). It is very important to offer an alternative. Simply banning it is wrong;
  • install a parental control program on your computer, which will protect your child from links and transitions to prohibited sites;
  • choose and install only those games and cartoons that you yourself have already become familiar with;
  • build a trusting relationship with your child. Excessive criticism can push a child towards the virtual world, as there he feels success and support;
  • be interested in your child's hobbies. Try to diversify his life, offer the baby something that interests him, which will allow him to get out of the virtual world (sections, clubs, swimming pool, music, pet).

Even if you are already faced with the problem of unlimited computer use and you have not yet been able to agree with your child on a time limit, there is a way out. Most children are ready to trade games and a computer for time spent with loved ones and loved ones doing an interesting activity. And what exactly is interesting to your child, you need to find out.

You can teach your child to use computers and televisions wisely only by example. Start with yourself. You may no longer notice the TV on in the background, aimless searching on the Internet, or spending time on social networks.

There is a correct expression: “Don’t raise children, educate yourself, because the children will be like you.” Good luck to you in raising yourself and your children.

Practicing pediatrician and twice-mother Elena Borisova-Tsarenok told you about the impact of a computer on a child.

Today, children are introduced to computers from a very early age. This type of digital technology significantly improves the quality of life, but at the same time carries many dangers. In this article we will tell you what it is computer harm for children, as well as how to protect your child from these negative consequences.

The benefits and harms of computers for children

Many modern parents encourage their children to spend time on the computer, devoting less and less time to live communication, reading useful books and playing games together. Some modern children have not yet learned to speak, but with their small fingers they can already skillfully press the keyboard and play various games.

But parents should be careful and remember that abuse of digital technology, especially in childhood, can contribute to the development of many health problems for the baby.

Wrong and excessive computer use inhibits the child’s speech development, impairs vision, overloads the nervous system, resulting in headaches, loss of appetite, and also disturbed sleep, irritability, aggressive behavior and an increased risk of developing problems with the spine.

PECULIARITIES! In the first years of a toddler’s life, it is especially important to exclude his contacts with digital technology.

In addition, the abuse of this type of technology is increasingly addictive. Many modern children suffer from this disease. They are so immersed in virtual reality that they do not show interest in reality, do not want to play outside with other children, communicate with peers, etc. Parents need to prevent this disease, because treating it in an advanced form will be much more difficult.

Naturally, measured and competent use of a computer also brings benefits. It should be recognized that digital technology has significantly improved the quality of life of people. Using a computer You can get the necessary information, watch videos, photographs. This gadget perfectly develops memory and attention, fine motor skills, expands horizons and helps learning, and makes it possible to communicate with friends from other cities and countries.

To prevent the computer from harming your child’s health, it is important to follow safety rules.

  • Postpone your toddler's introduction to digital technology until he is older. 3 years, ideally 5 years. Limit the child spends time at the computer. From 3 to 5 years old it should be no more than 10 minutes a day, from 7 years old - 20-25 minutes, from 10 years old to 1-1.5 hours.

IMPORTANT! Instill in your child a love of reading and a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

  • Choose proper computer games and programs appropriate to the baby’s age. They should be useful and contribute to the development of the child’s analytical skills and intelligence.
  • Buy now quality monitor for computer. Adjust its brightness using special programs; the screen size must be at least 15 inches. When using small monitors and tablets, eye strain increases several times, this can lead to a significant deterioration in the baby’s vision in the future.
  • Watch your posture toddler and the distance between the monitor and the baby’s eyes. It should not be less than 40 cm.
  • Set the function "Parental control", it will help you block access to various sites when accessing the Internet.

  • Conduct breaks when working with a computer every 10 minutes. At this time, you can do eye exercises with your baby.
  • Choose something comfortable and stable armchair for working with digital equipment with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the backrest. Buy a specialized desk with a pull-out keyboard compartment.
  • Do not leave children unattended at the computer.

IMPORTANT! Encourage your child to communicate with peers. Try to occupy your child's time with useful activities - go to the theater with him or sign him up for a sports section.

  • Remove everything wires from the table so that the baby does not come into contact with them.
  • Use grounded outlets to connect your computer.
  • Talk to your child, explain why excessive use of the computer is harmful and what consequences this may have in the future.
  • Exercise prevention of computer addiction. After all, this approach will help avoid many problems.