Comparing social media audiences. Who are all these people? New research on the active audience of VK, Fb, Twi, Inst, OK, MM and LiveJournal

Internet entered life long ago and firmly established himself in it. The RuNet audience statistics is 57 users. There are almost 36 million people in Russia who are active. In one month, 588 million messages were sent.

Social network statistics

Analysts regularly conduct research on the audience of social networks. still ranks first in terms of active users. More than 36 million people visit the social network every month. Of these, 18.8 million users post unique material.

Shows that 80% of people aged 12 to 64 have a personal account with.

Users are attracted by a clear interface, interesting themes, a wide variety of groups and a wide selection of browser games. Thanks to this, the audience of the social network VKontakte continues to increase monthly.

Social networks are showing an increase in popularity among Russian speakers. For example, Odnoklassniki youwas eager to take an honorable second place. The audience of the social network in Russia numbers 31.5 million people. The basic direction of the site is interpersonal communication among friends. Network users are slightly older than those on VK. The main topics are gardening, posts about inexpensive family meals, and baking recipes.

Facebook recorded 21.7 million active users. In Russia, the resource is not in such demand as other social networks. However, it is also used for placement. The platform allows you to establish contacts abroad and introduce goods to the international market.

Recorded 10.5 million active users in December 2015. The network is gaining momentum quite quickly and is popular with advertisers. Most of the accounts belong to women. INIn 2016, the application increased the number of its users by 2 million people.

Average age of users

Users spend an average of 4 hours in the mode. As audience statistics show, the main time for visits is during working hours. The purpose of going online is to communicate with colleagues and attend thematic groups. VKontakte audience statistics also include more than half of users over 45 years of age who spend no more than an hour a day online.

The target audience of social networks is divided into two groups – teenagers and young people under 30 years of age. It is for their interests that most of the content is written. They spend up to 6 hours a day studying the material and promoting it.User statistics show that short videos and games hold the attention of teenagers best.

Users over 35 years of age, who prefer to spend time communicating with colleagues and watching short videos, are not far behind them.The need for communication is the main reason that influences audience engagement on social networks. Viral content serves as a key tool for keeping people connected.

Audience of social networks in Russia

To fully analyze the indicators, it is necessary to compare existing resources with each other.

More than 36 million people visit the social network every month. Almost half of them are active users. The audience statistics are distributed as follows: 43.7% are men and 56.3% are women. The number of active authors in the Russian Federation is 13.2 million. Age structure of the resource:

In terms of regional distribution, VK audience statistics place St. Petersburg in first place (31.7%). In Moscow, the share of activity is 23%. Next on the list is:

  1. Murmansk region – 19.4%.
  2. Kaliningrad region – 19.3%.
  3. Sevastopol – 18.8%

Instagram.Audience statistics show that Instagram is visited by 12.5 million people monthly. Of these, 10.5 million are active users. The number of active authors in the Russian Federation is 4.6 million people. Women predominate in percentage terms (77.1%). Regional distribution:

  1. Leningrad region – 38%.
  2. Moscow – 22.3%.
  3. Sakhalin Territory - 17.2%.

Facebook.In 2015, the maximum number of users in Russia was 21.7 million people. Of these, only 1.5 million are considered active users. There is also a quantitative advantage of women here (58%). Facebook is more focused on business contacts and conducting. Target audience statistics show that 64% of users are aged 25–44 years. Geographical activity of the authors:

  1. Moscow – 6.4%.
  2. Altai – 3.75%.
  3. Yaroslavl region – 3.2%.

How to view audience statistics on Facebook? Data can be found on a specific page - traffic, likes, ad viewing. The user needs to go to the social page. network and in the upper corner click on the “Statistics” tab. The following sections will appear:

  • review;
  • stock;
  • "like" marks;
  • coverage;
  • page views;
  • actions on the page;
  • publications;
  • Events;
  • users

Odnoklassniki audience statistics show that the resource is visited monthly by 31.5 million people. Of these, only 1.1 million are engaged in publishing posts. There is also a quantitative advantage of women here (69%). The bulk of active users are aged from 24 to 34 years.

Social media audience in the world

Independent analytical companies annually conduct research on the dynamics of Internet users. This also affects social media audiences around the world. Facebook is still the most visited network. Today, 79% of the adult population use this resource. Of these, 50% are active at least once a day.

Statistics audience also demonstrates high performance (87%). The main reason is the lack of a specific link to the page. Youtube channel audience statistics:

  • visit one channel more than once a day – 28%;
  • daily – 30%;
  • once a week – 25%;
  • often – 17%.
  1. VKontakte – 2.5 million accounts.
  2. Odnoklassniki – 1.2 million.
  3. Facebook – 1.1 million

In Ukraine 79.9% of users prefer the site Facebook is preferred by 56.2% of users. 48.6% of users have accounts in Odnoklassniki.

The growth in popularity of social networks is surprising in its consistency. Willy-nilly, thoughts creep in that this might be interrupted, because everything has a “ceiling.” But so far this does not threaten anyone. People cannot live without social platforms. They spend a lot of time on them.

We need to take a closer look at what users are doing here.

Let's talk about statistics on the use of social platforms!

Instagram Statistics

  • The most popular page on Instagram is the social network profile itself. It boasts 233 million followers;
  • 80% of people follow at least one business account. Of these, 200 million actively follow the brand’s pages;
  • “Stories” on Instagram are 2 times more popular than Snapchat;
  • 85% of the world's popular brands have an account on the mentioned social network.

YouTube Statistics

Twitter Statistics

VKontakte statistics

  • 97 million users visit the social network daily;
  • 5 billion messages – briefly about the daily correspondence of VK users;
  • 77% of users access VK from mobile devices;
  • VKontakte ranks 2nd in activity among all social platforms. 1st place went to YouTube (this statistics is taken for Russia and the CIS countries);
  • 9 billion records are viewed by network users every day.

Odnoklassniki statistics

  • The social network has 330 million users, and these numbers are constantly growing;
  • The overwhelming number of site users are over 25 years old and under 34 years old;
  • 40% of the audience lives in small cities with a population of up to 100,000 people;
  • In 1 month, social network users give each other more than 1.5 billion gifts (their price tag varies from 1 to 60 rubles);
  • Odnoklassniki record: 500 million video views in 24 hours.

It should be noted that enormous amounts of money are spent on SMM every year. This once again confirms the effectiveness of this tool. Moreover, these indicators are constantly rising! It's time to draw conclusions.

Communication on social networks has long become commonplace for modern Internet users. In the vastness of the global web, people solve many issues, share their experiences, demonstrate joyful moments, and follow the events taking place in the lives of their family and friends. This demand for social networks has not gone unnoticed by software developers. It’s not surprising, because everyone wants to promote their product, get a decent profit and universal recognition.

We present the rating of the most popular social networks that have a large audience of users in the world for 2017. In the ranking, I mainly refer to statistics from, which tracks such sites as: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, reddit, Digg, MySpace, NowPublic, iWiW, orkut, Fark, Delicious, VKontakte, Hi5, Yahoo! Buzz, Vimeo, Mixx, FriendFeed, Hyves, Bebo, Tuenti, Kaboodle, Odnoklassniki. To learn more about their methodology, go to.

Since some sites (for example, Odnoklassniki), taking into account their methodology, do not fall into the charts, the article will also use statistics for the Runet Attention! Their statistics vary greatly. This is due to different methodology. The former measure social media usage based on page views (rather than unique visitors).

The second graph shows the numbers as of June 2017:

We see that the VKontakte indicator has dropped significantly. Interestingly, according to these statistics, Twitter took its place. See how the statistics changed during the year.


TOP popular social platforms in Russia

As of June 2017:

According to, whose methodology is different, the popularity figures as a percentage are:

The most popular social networks in Belarus

There are also two leaders in Belarus: VKontakte and Facebook.

Moreover, at the end of the year, VK lost to FB and they swapped places.

Statistics on the popularity of social networks in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's users spend most of their time on Facebook:

Moreover, VKontakte also lost a little position here at the end of the year:

Kazakh Internet users are consistently loyal to the video aggregator Youtube.

Figures and trends in the World

The permanent world leader in statistics is Facebook again:

Pinterst takes second place and is actively gaining popularity, primarily due to its new feature.

Twitter is as always positively stable. Although his news feed is much more attractive now.

According to the table, the number of network users around the world per month is:

Social network Monthly Visitors
Facebook 2,000,000,000
YouTube 1,000,000,000
Instagram 700,000,000
Twitter 313,000,000
Reddit 250,000,000
Vine (In January 2017, The Vine became the Vine Camera) 200,000,000
Pinterest 150,000,000 160,000,000
Tumblr 115,000,000
Flickr 112,000,000
Google+ 111,000,000
LinkedIn 106,000,000
VK 90,000,000
ClassMates 57,000,000
Meetup 30,300,000

As you can see, the leaders have a big lead.


Almost 2 billion visitors per month.

The social network, founded by young businessman Mark Zuckerberg, is a confident leader among similar services. Every month, about two billion people from different parts of the planet use this resource for various purposes. Such demand among the world's population obliges Facebook to adapt to each user. Therefore, today there are more than 60 language versions of this web resource so that people from different countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Despite any ups and downs and financial crises, Facebook is successfully developing, attracting an increasing number of subscribers. And the founder of the Internet network, taking advantage of the growing popularity of his brainchild, never tires of donating the proceeds to charity, thereby further winning the love of Internet users.


(more than 300 million visits per month)

Interest in Twitter is explained by the ease of use of this service, as well as the speed of display of messages. There is nothing easier than registering on a social network page and immediately getting into the thick of things, learning the latest news, sharing your opinions with other people, etc. Twitter was founded two years later than Facebook, but is already confidently breathing down the back of the recognized leader. This social network is popular in many countries of the world, not only in the vast expanses of post-Soviet states, but also far beyond their borders.


(more than 100 million users per month)

This web-based system is especially in demand among businessmen. This love of entrepreneurs from all over the world can be explained quite simply: using this online resource, you can successfully promote your business, make useful contacts, look for employees in different parts of the world, and also receive orders from partners living far from them. Here you can easily post your resume or job advertisement, find companies whose job profile matches your interests, and much more.


(approximately 150,000,000 monthly)

In this ranking of world leaders, Pinterest occupies a worthy position. Although, according to the number of Pinterest users in the 7th position in the table, it is quickly gaining popularity. And most likely, residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries will soon include this social network in the leading list, since it has sufficient potential.


700,000,000 visitors visit Instagram every month.

The Instagram resource gained popularity thanks to the thoughtful management of Facebook owners. They were the ones who bought the rights to this social network and made it one of the favorites.

In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to pay special attention to other social services that are included in some lists of the most popular social networks. We are talking about the Youtube web resource (a billion registered users), which ranks second. In addition, it is worth mentioning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the most favorite communication platforms used by residents of the CIS countries. Now Ukraine is not included in their list, since the mentioned social networks are blocked by providers on the territory of the state; such a decree was signed by the president of the country.

It is also worth mentioning Viber, WhatsApps, Telegram and other social resources, which are present in various ratings.

A large selection of all kinds of social networks forces their owners to constantly develop, and users only benefit from such competition. The main thing is that the competition is fair and healthy, using only open (and legal) methods of fighting for a place in the sun. And consumers will decide for themselves which social network to give preference to.

Ever wondered how much bigger Facebook is than VKontakte? Or what do the Chinese do without Twitter?

And we thought.

Practically every an Internet user is registered in one or another social network. Today these are not just communication tools, but entire media platforms owned by world-famous IT giants. Here are some of them.


from left to right: Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes

The most popular social network in the world needs no introduction. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. On February 4, 2004, a social network called Thefacebook was opened to Harvard students. The worldwide launch took place on September 26, 2006.

Geography of distribution

according to Bitly Science Team

Today's Facebook received ubiquitous spreading. Of course, the popularity of the network differs in different countries. For example, in China it is banned, in North Korea things are no better, and in Russia VKontakte and Odnoklassniki have pulled the blanket. Nevertheless, about 25,000,000 users use Facebook in our country.


in Russia, based on Brand Analytics materials

QZone is the most popular social network. China network.

Its audience numbers 755,000,000 users, which is second indicator among all the social networks in the world.

The Qzone members are predominantly men (57% versus 43% women) aged 26 to 30 years. For some reason, there is no data on those who are under nineteen, either these are the peculiarities of the legislation, or they hide their age. :)


from left to right: Founder Ma Huaten, Executive Vice President Seng Yee Lau

The network is owned by the telecommunications giant Tencent (messengers QQ and WeChat are also their work). By the way, the CEO of the company, founder Ma Huateng acquired 10.26% of the shares the familiar DST fund, and this is the part of that is responsible for foreign investment.


For more and visibility, we have summarized the above indicators into charts. Everyone loves diagrams? To estimate the real audience, we usually take the number of active users per month or per day.

number of social network users who have been active over the past month

The fact that Facebook is the most popular in the world did not raise any questions. This preponderance is amazing; the number of active Facebook users is almost equal to the audience everyone else mentioned social networks in total.

capitalization of companies owning social networks

Focuses on an active (writing) audience. The publication presents data on the audience, age, gender and regional distribution of authors of social networks in Russia. Data on the most popular authors and groups of the most popular social networks is also included.

Social media activity by source type

The number of “talking” authors in November 2016 was 35 million and 698 million messages were generated. 71.8% of the volume of all public content comes from social networks (504,940 publications). In 2nd place are video content sources (YouTube and Vimeo) - 12.7% of the total volume of public content, and Twitter moved to third place, its share was 8.7%.

VKontakte has 13,278,000 active authors; in November they published 317,508,100 messages.

There are 4,645,700 active creators on Instagram, with 78,185,400 posts published in November.

In the Russian segment of Facebook there are 1,021,700 active authors, 50,909,500 messages were published in a month.

LiveJournal remains a platform for the production, but not the consumption, of content. There are 196,200 active authors here, and 6,743,500 posts. Fewer than on other sites, but more viral and spreading far beyond the source.

Social media trends in Russia 2016
1. A significant increase in the activity of thematic (“club”) forums and public channels in messengers.
2. The growth of video content and broadcasts in almost all social networks. The activity of the Russian segment of Youtube has increased. On Instagram, the share of videos averaged 7%, and among viral content – ​​more than 50%. On VKontakte, the most popular authors are video bloggers.
3. VKontakte and Instagram launched “smart feeds” that determine the interests of users by their activity and adjust the news feed to them, similar to the Facebook feed. Such feed generation algorithms have enhanced the effect of an “information bubble-shell” that locks people into their own beliefs.
4. Rapid growth in the activity of spam bots. It is significant that growth is observed in several social networks at once - LiveJournal, VKontakte, Facebook, and the topic of spam in them correlates.
5. The predominance of social media over classical media in terms of the level of influence on public opinion. Brexit, elections in the USA, a referendum in Italy - these are cases showing the decisions of large communities of people contrary to the “official information” of the media.
6. FakeNews and the need to check information for accuracy. The desired speed of issuing information for the media and social networks is so high that there is no time left to check publications. In 2017, the industry must find a solution to counter this trend.
7. The Russian part of Facebook has become practically Moscow - 50% of the authors are from Moscow.

How the data was obtained:

Brand Analytics collects and indexes All public messages social networks in Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Kazakh and some other languages, as well as data of their authors.

To highlight data around the country For each social network, the percentage of geo-determination is taken into account: the number of messages that have geographic data is divided by the percentage of messages with geo-data. Likewise for authors.

For determining geography: Data is taken from author profiles, geo-tags of messages, as well as message texts. Geo-dictionaries for all social networks are unique and expanded with all variants of spelling toponyms, including “custom” ones.

For determining gender: data taken from author profiles and supplemented with gender data obtained through linguistic analysis of the author's first and last name.

For determining age: data taken from author profiles.

Data for Odnoklassniki is not included, since the API of this social network does not allow such research.

Basic research terms:

Message– any open (public) post - in status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the “friends only” mode are not taken into account.

Engagement Index(EI) is an indicator of the audience’s reaction to the author’s publications. It is calculated as the sum of comments, likes and reposts to all the author’s publications for a month.