Exact coordinates. Finding a place by coordinates, building a route. Step-by-step instruction

The Yandex company has prepared a new application for its users that can quickly lead a person to the right place. Maps were developed for all cities in Ukraine and Russia. The navigator is suitable for any car. It allows you to drive comfortably both during the day and at night, thanks to the night mode.

What features has Yandex prepared for its users? Probably the main thing is that the navigator is able to warn a person about road works and CCTV cameras, but this will require the Internet. Other features also add to the ride comfort. "Yandex Navigator" is able to remember routes and save them; if necessary, you can find Additional information about any building. Convenient search allows you to find the right place in just a minute, to do this you need to write the address or name of the organization. The navigator is able to build a comfortable route based on traffic jams and road surfaces, and the trip itself is accompanied by voice prompts.

How to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator

Many motorists use a navigator. Of course, buy separate device will be quite expensive, but now a new solution has appeared. You can install "Yandex or a phone running Android or IOS OS. It is very convenient. You can install the program on your phone, configure it and calmly go to the desired location. It seems that setting up the application is simple, but many users have problems. Let's look at this and we will answer main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

Why indicate the location of an object? In the contacts of many companies you can find the address or their coordinates. To more accurately indicate to the navigator the place where it is necessary to move, the geographical location is entered into the program. Yandex Navigator is no exception; thanks to this function, you can find the right place in a few clicks.

What do the numbers in coordinates mean?

To find out how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator, you need to consider what the numbers indicated on the Internet mean. In this program, the geographical location must be entered in degrees, which will be presented in the form But in the world it is also common to use a different recording format. In this case, the coordinate is written as follows: degrees, minutes and seconds.

In Yandex Navigator, the first digit indicates latitude; this is the direction that goes up from the desired object. It is customary to use the following indicators: N - indicates northern latitude, and S - southern latitude.

The second number indicates longitude, that is, a line that runs horizontally to the desired location. Longitude is also divided, with E indicating east and W indicating west.

Entering coordinates on Yandex Maps

We have learned what the numbers in coordinates mean, now we can move on to the main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

First you need to open the application on your device. To find the right place, you need to know it. If you are looking for any company, then such data should be on the website.

So, you have found the coordinates, what to do next? IN address bar Enter the data in Yandex Navigator. The route will be plotted only after you click on the “Find” button. How to enter coordinates correctly? They are written in the address bar without spaces. If the coordinate contains fractional part, then it must be separated by a dot. Also, latitude and longitude must be separated by a comma, but without spaces.

If you entered the data correctly, the navigator will quickly plot the route. The main thing is to check that the location is entered correctly and use the attached rules for entering coordinates.

"Yandex Navigator" for Windows, Windows Phone, IOS or Android have the same operating algorithm, so data entry will be carried out the same way. This program is capable of converting coordinates to another system, which will show the data in this form: degrees, minutes and seconds.

If you enter the coordinates incorrectly, the navigator will indicate the wrong place that you need to find. This program has a "Swap" button. This way you can quickly swap the longitude and latitude if you enter the coordinates incorrectly.

How to use the navigator offline

As a rule, many people try to install a navigator without the Internet, since it consumes extra traffic and, in general, Mobile Internet It takes quite a long time to load pages. Yandex Navigator provides such an opportunity. To use the program without the Internet, you need to download maps. How to do it?

  • We go to the menu where we select the “Download maps” item. You can download information for a specific city or the entire country.
  • In the search, you need to enter the name of the city or country and click “Download”. As a rule, the size of the card is indicated at the bottom.

That's all. Once the map is downloaded, you will be able to use it. The main thing is to turn on GPS and wait until the program connects to the satellites.


Navigator is great program for motorists. It does not require any costs, all you need is modern phone. Yandex Navigator is very popular. This is not surprising, since it has a nice interface and, most importantly, a lot of built-in useful functions. You can use Yandex Navigator for Windows, Windows Phone, IOS and Android.

Each point on the planet's surface has a specific position, which corresponds to its own latitude and longitude coordinates. It is located at the intersection of the spherical arcs of the meridian, which corresponds to longitude, with the parallel, which corresponds to latitude. It is denoted by a pair of angular quantities expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds, which has a definition of a coordinate system.

Latitude and longitude are the geographic aspect of a plane or sphere transferred to topographic images. To more accurately locate a point, its altitude above sea level is also taken into account, which makes it possible to find it in three-dimensional space.

The need to find a point using latitude and longitude coordinates arises due to the duty and occupation of rescuers, geologists, military personnel, sailors, archaeologists, pilots and drivers, but it may also be necessary for tourists, travelers, seekers, and researchers.

What is latitude and how to find it

Latitude is the distance from an object to the equator line. Measured in angular units (such as degrees, degrees, minutes, seconds, etc.). Latitude on a map or globe is indicated by horizontal parallels - lines that describe a circle parallel to the equator and converge in the form of a series of tapering rings towards the poles.

Therefore, they distinguish the northern latitude - this is the entire part earth's surface north of the equator, as well as south - this is the entire part of the planet’s surface south of the equator. The equator is the zero, longest parallel.

  • Parallels from the equator line to the north pole are considered to be a positive value from 0° to 90°, where 0° is the equator itself, and 90° is the top of the north pole. They are considered as northern latitude (N).
  • Parallels extending from the equator towards the south pole are indicated by a negative value from 0° to -90°, where -90° is the location of the south pole. They are counted as southern latitude (S).
  • On the globe, parallels are depicted as circles encircling the ball, which become smaller as they approach the poles.
  • All points on the same parallel will be designated by the same latitude, but different longitudes.
    On maps, based on their scale, parallels have the form of horizontal, arc-curved stripes - than smaller scale, the straighter the parallel strip is depicted, and the larger it is, the more curved it is.

Remember! The closer to the equator a given area is located, the smaller its latitude will be.

What is longitude and how to find it

Longitude is the amount by which the position of a given area is removed relative to Greenwich, that is, the prime meridian.

Longitude is similarly characterized by measurement in angular units, only from 0° to 180° and with a prefix - eastern or western.

  • The Greenwich Prime Meridian vertically encircles the globe of the Earth, passing through both poles, dividing it into the western and eastern hemispheres.
  • Each of the parts located west of Greenwich (in the Western Hemisphere) will be designated west longitude (w.l.).
  • Each of the parts distant from Greenwich to the east and located in the eastern hemisphere will bear the designation east longitude (E.L.).
  • Finding each point along one meridian has the same longitude, but different latitude.
  • Meridians are plotted on maps in the form vertical stripes, curved in the shape of an arc. The smaller the map scale, the straighter the meridian strip will be.

How to find the coordinates of a given point on the map

Often you have to find out the coordinates of a point that is located on the map in a square between the two nearest parallels and meridians. Approximate data can be obtained by eye by sequentially estimating the step in degrees between the mapped lines in the area of ​​interest, and then comparing the distance from them to the desired area. For accurate calculations you will need a pencil with a ruler, or a compass.

  • For the initial data we take the designations of the parallels closest to our point with the meridian.
  • Next, we look at the step between their stripes in degrees.
  • Then we look at the size of their step on the map in cm.
  • Using a ruler, measure the distance from given point to the nearest parallel, as well as the distance between this line and the neighboring one, we convert it into degrees and take into account the difference - subtracting from the larger one, or adding to the smaller one.
  • This gives us the latitude.

Example! The distance between the parallels 40° and 50°, among which our area is located, is 2 cm or 20 mm, and the step between them is 10°. Accordingly, 1° is equal to 2 mm. Our point is 0.5 cm or 5 mm away from the fortieth parallel. We find the degrees to our area 5/2 = 2.5°, which must be added to the value of the nearest parallel: 40° + 2.5° = 42.5° - this is our northern latitude of the given point. In the southern hemisphere, the calculations are similar, but the result has a negative sign.

Similarly, we find longitude - if the nearest meridian is further from Greenwich, and the given point is closer, then we subtract the difference, if the meridian is closer to Greenwich, and the point is further, then we add it.

If you only have a compass at hand, then each of the segments is fixed with its tips, and the spread is transferred to the scale.

In a similar way, calculations of coordinates on the surface of the globe are performed.

Geographical coordinates determine the position of a point on the earth's surface. Geographic coordinates are based on the spherical principle and consist of latitude and longitude.

Latitude- the angle between the local zenith direction and the equatorial plane, measured from 0° to 90° on both sides of the equator. The geographic latitude of points located in the northern hemisphere (northern latitude) is usually considered positive, the latitude of points in the southern hemisphere is considered negative. It is customary to speak of latitudes close to the poles as high, and about those close to the equator - as about low.

Longitude- the angle between the plane of the meridian passing through this point, and the plane of the prime meridian, from which longitude is measured. Longitudes from 0° to 180° east of the prime meridian are called eastern, and to the west - western. Eastern longitudes are considered positive, western longitudes negative.

Geographic coordinates recording format

Geographic coordinates of a single point can be expressed in different formats. Depending on whether minutes and seconds are represented as values ​​from 0 to 60 or from 0 to 100 (decimals).

The coordinate format is usually written as follows: DD- degrees, MM- minutes, SS- seconds, if minutes and seconds are presented as decimals, then they are written simply DD.DDDD. For example:

  1. DD MM SS: 50° 40" 45"" E, 40 50" 30"" N - degrees, minutes, seconds
  2. DDMM.MM: 50° 40.75" E, 40 50.5" N - degrees, decimal minutes
  3. DD.DDDDD: 50.67916 E, 40.841666 N - decimal degrees

Why do you need to know the coordinates of your home?

Often, houses in holiday villages and many villages do not have clear navigation consisting of signs with street names and house numbers, or even houses with signs with numbers can be scattered throughout the village in a random order (historically established as the village was developed). There are cases when everything is fine with navigation in a populated area, but not in all car GPS navigators such a house or street is located. Residents of such houses have to explain for a long time and, as a rule, confusingly how to get to them using different landmarks. In this case, it’s easier to give the coordinates of the house, because any car navigator can pave the way using coordinates.

For elaboration technical feasibility Internet connections in country house We also ask our customers to provide the coordinates of the house, especially if it is not located at the address on any of the online mapping services.

Determining coordinates using online mapping services

Currently, the most famous online mapping services with a search function are Google and Yandex maps. Let's consider how you can determine geographical coordinates using a map or satellite image in the service Google Maps:

2. Find the exact location on the map. For this map can be moved mouse, zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. You can also find the one you need locality by using search by name using a locality, street and house. To find the location of your home as accurately as possible, switch between display modes: Map, Hybrid or Satellite.

3. Click right click on the desired location on the map and select from the menu that opens paragraph What's here?. A marker in the form of a green arrow will appear on the map. Repeat the operation if the marker is not positioned accurately.

4. When you hover your mouse over green arrow The geographic coordinates of the location will appear, and they will also appear in the search bar from where they can be copied to the clipboard.

Rice. 1. Determining the coordinates of a place using a pointer on a Google map

Now let's look at how you can determine geographic coordinates from a map or satellite image in the service Yandex maps:

To search for a place, we apply the same algorithm as for searching on Google maps. Open Yandex.Maps: http://maps.yandex.ru. To obtain coordinates on a Yandex map, use tool"Get information"(button with an arrow and a question mark, in the upper left part of the map). When you click on the map with this tool, a marker appears on the map and coordinates are displayed in the search bar.

Rice. 2. Determining the coordinates of a place using a sign on the Yandex map

On the maps search engines By default, coordinates are shown in degrees with decimal fractions, with “-” signs for negative longitude. On Google maps and Yandex maps, first latitude, then longitude (until October 2012, Yandex maps adopted reverse order: first longitude, then latitude).

GPS navigation is the main way to track the location of an object in space, study maps, find the right road, and plan a route.

All modern mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) are equipped with a GPS navigation module, thanks to which the user can track his own location, look at the map around him and find necessary objects.

There are several systems that estimate the location of the most popular systems online maps – and this material discusses the search for an object on the map by coordinates.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is that the position of an object on a map of the Earth is estimated in accordance with satellite readings.

Every modern mobile device has a module for such tracking - a GPS sensor; it is its location on the planet that is determined by satellites.

GLONASS and other navigation systems operate on the same system, but GPS is traditionally used great success thanks to greater accuracy.

Such a sensor on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) can be turned off, and it will stop transmitting a signal to the satellite; accordingly, the satellite will no longer be able to determine the location of the device.

This is what happens when the user turns it off to save battery power. Therefore, when the sensor is turned off, the device cannot determine your location.

After receiving the phone, the signal is processed by special software components, interacts with maps of the Earth, also automatically compiled by the satellite, and determines the location of the object on the map.

The program determines a point on the map using the coordinates transmitted by the satellite.

Coordinates are geographic, corresponding to latitude and longitude, indicated in degrees and minutes. For each point you can calculate such coordinates. And it is on this principle that most map services work - the coordinates of any point can be viewed in its characteristics (the exact process algorithm differs depending on the application used).

The most accurate such services at present are:

The advantages of GPS navigation in its high precision. A significant disadvantage is that it does not work indoors.

In addition, depending on the region, its accuracy may vary - the permissible error is + - 100 meters from the point, but sometimes these figures are significantly higher.


You can get the coordinates different ways. Most common reason, by which there is a need to find a point on the map using them - sending the location.

If the user applies automatic service maps by sending your location, for example, in a message, then the addressee receives exactly the coordinates.

And to determine the actual position you have to find them on the map.

Search for a point

Depending on what map you are looking for coordinates on (that is, what service you are using), the process of determining your location may differ.

Google Maps

The system is the most popular and most used due to its high accuracy. She deserved it positive reviews Worldwide.

However, on the territory Russian Federation in some cases, Yandex Maps works better and determines the location more accurately.

Below is an algorithm for determining location using coordinates in the service Google Maps:

  • Go to the Google Maps website– to do this, click on the link;
  • For use of this service you do not need authorization in;
  • By default, the map that opens will show your current (if geolocation is enabled) or the last determined location (the coordinates of which you can also view);
  • Once the maps have fully loaded, look for the search bar in the upper left corner of the screen;
  • In it, enter the coordinates in the form in which you received them, without replacing periods with commas and vice versa;
  • You can either enter coordinates manually or paste copied ones - acceptable following formats: degrees-minutes-seconds, degrees-decimal minutes, decimal degrees;
  • Press Enter on your keyboard;
  • The desired point will appear on the map immediately after the page loads.

If necessary, you can add a shortcut, map an organization, and more. But for all this you will need authorization in your Google account.

Important! The same algorithm for searching by coordinates is also supported by the Google: Planet Earth service. If you enter coordinates known to you by ear, then you need to enter them in accordance with the navigation rules: first you indicate latitude, then longitude, separating them with a comma and a space, as when typing. Decimal parts or minutes from degrees are separated by a dot without a space (not a comma!).

Yandex maps

In general, the system is almost completely similar to the previous one, since the engine differences between these geographical applications are minimal.

Follow the algorithm below to determine the geographic location object by coordinates on Yandex Maps:

The rules for entering coordinates in are completely similar to those for Google.

Secondary services

The main methods of searching by coordinates are described above. They are the simplest from a technical point of view, since they do not require the involvement third party applications– you can perform a search, both from your phone and from your tablet, by simply entering the coordinates in the Maps search bar.

You need to act in the same way when searching with mobile device using the Maps application (service) (Google or Yandex).

But this approach is not always convenient, since cards may not load well and place a fairly significant load on the device’s hardware.

On Yandex Maps, geographic coordinates are recognized in degrees, presented as decimals. At the same time, several other formats for recording coordinates are used in the world, for example, in degrees, minutes and seconds.

Coordinates are a pair of numbers that determine the location of an object on the map.

The first digit in the format adopted on Yandex Maps is , or the angle between the local zenith direction (that is, the direction pointing directly upward over a specific location) and the plane of the equator. Northern latitude is designated by the letter N, southern latitude by the letter S.

The second number is longitude, or the angle between the meridian plane (the section line of the surface globe plane passing through a given point and the axis of rotation of the Earth) and the plane of the initial prime (Greenwich) meridian. Longitudes from 0° to 180° east of the prime meridian are called eastern (E), and to the west - western (W).

Entering coordinates on Yandex Maps

Open your browser and type maps.yandex.ru in the address bar, or open the Yandex Maps application on or. Enter the coordinates in the search bar, for example: 55.751710,37.617019 - then click “Find”. In the calling application search string You must first click on the magnifying glass icon (usually located at the bottom of the screen). Please note that the format for entering coordinates should be exactly this: first latitude, then longitude; whole part coordinates are separated from the fractional part by a dot; numbers do not contain spaces; latitude and longitude are separated by a comma.

After clicking on the “Find” button, the marker on the map will move to the point that the coordinates describe - now you can build a route.

To the left of the map, the address corresponding to the coordinates will be displayed, as well as an alternative representation of them - with degrees, minutes and seconds. In our case it will look like this:
Latitude: 55°45′6.16″N (55.75171)
Longitude: 37°37′1.27″E (37.617019)

If you enter coordinates in the wrong order - for example, first longitude and then latitude (some navigators and other electronic mapping services work with data in exactly this sequence) - on Yandex Maps you can quickly change the order of numbers. To do this, click on the “Swap” link under full description coordinates, and the marker will move to the correct point.