Desktop reminder for birthdays. Birthday calendar - will remind you of a significant date of a loved one

In order not to forget about the birthday of one of your friends and relatives, you can take a regular calendar and circle the necessary dates, signing the name on top, or keep a separate notebook. But the first one doesn’t look very nice, and the second option is not entirely convenient, because someday you might forget to look in your diary.

You can combine beauty and convenience in this matter in one very cute accessory. It will fit perfectly into any interior and will always be before your eyes. Hang it in the hallway or next to the mirror - now you definitely won’t miss an important date. We are talking about a family reminder calendar with hanging numbers. Making this original calendar with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

We will need:

  • base board (you can take a casing about 10-15 cm wide and saw off a piece 50-60 cm wide from it);
  • acrylic paint;
  • self-tapping screws with rings;
  • round chips (wooden, plastic or thick cardboard) according to the number of important dates;
  • rings for fastening chips.

How to make a calendar?

  1. The edges of the base can be rounded using sandpaper. This way it will look neater. Then we paint it with acrylic paint. Let the first layer dry, then cover it with the second.
  2. You can make a stencil on a computer. Type the inscription in a text document and set the desired font and size. Then print out the sheet and transfer the letters (in pencil first) using carbon paper.
  3. If you can’t make a stencil, draw the letters directly on the board (you can carefully draw straight lines with a pencil). You can also find a ready-made version in the creativity departments.
  4. We also paint the letters using acrylic paints. You can also write with markers.
  5. We turn the base over and divide it into equal sections (so that you can hang 12 rings, one for each month) and make notches with a marker. In these places along the end we need to drill small holes and insert self-tapping screws with rings.
  6. All that remains is to fasten the chips together (write the number and name on each with a marker) with rings and hang them on the screws. You can write the month above each chain with a marker.
  7. If desired, the base board can be varnished. We attach two more screws to the upper end to insert a thread and hang our family calendar.

Have you ever forgotten to wish your family or friends a happy birthday? This situation is close to many of us, because it is very difficult to keep dozens of dates in our heads. The name days of our dearest people are always in our memory, because we carefully prepare for them in advance. And problems may arise with congratulations from other relatives and friends.

Congratulations are an important part of relationships in any person’s life. First of all, they mean showing attention. Why is it so important to remember birthdays?

    Pleasant words to relatives and friends indicate that you are friends with them, love them and do not forget.

    Congratulating subordinates or colleagues may mean that this particular person is an important link in the company.

You need to remember about the holidays and for this there are a number of simple methods described below. Right now you can familiarize yourself with them and no longer forget to congratulate your loved ones on an important event.

Social media

Most modern people are registered in at least one social network. VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, MoiMir. However, in addition to daily actions, social networks allow you to use another useful service - a reminder of the birthdays of people who are your friends. For example, Facebook warns you in advance about the name days of people on your friends list with an email message. The VKontakte notification function is different. Instead of an email, you yourself need to view the birthday calendar, which is located on the left side of the service under the applications. In addition, the names of “today’s” birthday people are always displayed below the calendar. If you don’t have any of them as friends, the service will indicate the names of those whose holidays will take place tomorrow.

Should you rely 100% on social networks?

Using social networks as “reminders” is very convenient, because you do not need to perform any additional steps to record information. But you should not use these services as the only source of reminders.

    Sometimes users do not indicate the date of birth correctly, which can lead to an erroneous notification of congratulations. To do this, you should first make sure that the person really has a name day today.

    Social networks cannot gather absolutely all the people you would like to congratulate. Some relatives may not be in this service, therefore, this method is designed only for a part of your loved ones who use a certain service.

Online services

A distinctive feature of online reminder services, as in the case of social networks, is that they are always at hand. Anywhere, anytime. To use the resources, you only need access to the Internet. Below are services that will help you remember the upcoming holidays in a timely manner.

This is Reminder Thing

This service does not require many steps to configure notifications. The first thing you should do is authorize the resource using your Google account. Also, you need to open access to the calendar from the connected account. Thus, the application will receive all the necessary data that was previously entered into the profile calendar.

You don't need to do anything else. The service will automatically generate an email reminding you of upcoming birthdays every week. Letters will be sent to your email. This way, you will always remember people's birthdays this week.


This service is similar to ThisisREMINDERTHING, but with wider functionality. To use the application you must register. If you log in through one of the social networks, you will be able to export the necessary data about the birthdays of all your friends automatically.

Another advantage is the ability to notify not only via mailbox, but also via SMS message. In the settings, you first need to change the time zone, indicate your mobile phone, and also set the notification period (day, week, specific time).

Smartphone applications

Smartphones are always at hand and have sufficient functionality to organize a calendar of birthdays of loved ones. To do this, you can use the applications presented below.

Standard calendar

All modern mobile devices have a built-in calendar. Some of the standard calendars have additional functionality. So, users can leave specific notes for specified dates, and also link the calendar with specific applications. This allows you to post notifications about people's birthdays and notifications at the right time. For example, the WindowsPhone calendar automatically imports data from your Skype into the calendar (if you are logged in to the official application) and indicates the date of birth in the calendar.

PeekCalendar - platformiOS

Initially, it is worth noting that the task manager has a unique modern design with a “flat” effect. It is best to work with the application within a week, but the ability to post notes for long periods of time is also present. In addition to an interesting design, the program as a whole has an interesting process for posting events, colorful icons, and a dynamic interface.

The application can remind you with a sound signal, allows you to quickly view tasks, their duration and location. Accordingly, you will be able to “rigidly” provide notification of the upcoming holiday, which you will definitely not forget about.

Birthdays (Birthdays) – platformAndroid

To create reminders of upcoming birthdays, a special application was created for Android smartphones. The convenient software has all the necessary functionality for timely notifications to the device owner.

Notifications can be located on the desktop in the form of a widget of various sizes. If necessary, it is possible to import dates from your Facebook account. Also, at any time you can export data for storage on a USB drive. Despite the fact that the design does not have any special features, using the application is convenient and simple.

Birthdays – platformWindowsPhone

Among the very large list of various “reminders” on WP, the Birthdays application stands out significantly. The pleasant design does not hurt the eyes and allows you to actively use the program. For each person, a small mini-profile is created indicating his date of birth, zodiac sign, element and even relationship to the planets. In addition, in the profile you can indicate the character of the birthday person and other features.

Informative live tiles are provided for display on the main screen, which promptly inform about the upcoming event. By going to the desired profile, you can send SMS greetings or call the person directly from it. Unfortunately, the application is paid. If you are looking for a free option for a reminder manager, you should pay attention to the similarly named Birthsdays app from Add-inExpress.

Notepads and notes

Notebook entries

The easiest way to remember a person's birthday is with a notepad and pen. To do this, it is recommended to keep a separate notebook in which reminders about the upcoming holiday will be stored.

As soon as you remember a person’s birthday, immediately enter the date in a notebook, indicating the appropriate note with the person’s name and age. If you know the location of the holiday, you can also indicate it. Be sure to write down the time of the event, as it is the numbers that are often forgotten.

Entries in diaries

Despite the fact that, as a rule, there will be other important matters in the diaries, the notes “birthday” will always be located on the sheet with the desired date. It is recommended to highlight these holidays with a different pen/marker color, underlining or stroke. This way, you will practically eliminate the possibility of forgetting about congratulations. Notes “in a column” in a regular notebook, of course, do not have such an advantage, because they are indicated chaotically.

Disadvantages of paper records

Although the notebook reminder method is the simplest, it has several disadvantages:

    Names or numbers written down quickly may be read incorrectly after a few months.

    A simple cup of coffee or a pet’s desire to play with something rustling can make a piece of paper unreadable

    Notebooks can be lost, forgotten, or not remembered at the right time (even if we are talking about diaries).

Accordingly, you should be extremely careful when keeping records on paper.

Wall calendar

If there is a calendar on the wall, we automatically pay attention to it. Marking with a marker becomes familiar and convenient. However, this method also has its advantages and disadvantages:


    Constant placement in the field of view

    Quick date stamp option

    Can't be forgotten or lost

    Designation requires only a couple of strokes with a marker


    You may not pay attention at the right time

    Paper/cardboard easily deteriorates and breaks

    It is difficult to record several name days on one date

    There is no possibility of corrections

This option is often used in an office or workspace.

Modern technologies, as well as old paper methods, make it possible to keep track of birthday people and timely congratulate all loved ones, relatives, and friends. Don't forget that by paying attention to them you will also receive a couple of joyful and invigorating words at the right time. Have you ever forgotten to congratulate someone on their wonderful birthday?

Do you have a lot of friends and relatives, but you always forget who’s birthday is when? Here's a great idea for you to ease all that holiday hassle with alarm clocks, notebooks, or social media reminders. Everything is much simpler - a calendar with important dates can hang on your wall and be not only a useful item, but also a beautiful interior decor.

This calendar can be easily made at home. To do this, we will need the following simple elements: a flat rectangular board, small iron hooks (the more the better, but not less than 24), cardboard circles, paints, nail polishes, strong thread.

The whole procedure should not take you more than an hour.

So, to begin with, let's take a large rectangular board and make two small holes in it to thread the thread that will hold our calendar on the wall.

Next, turn on your creativity and imagination: paint the board the way your heart desires. Leave some space at the bottom to write the names of the months, as usual, from January to December. It is better to write with a dark color of nail polish - it will be clearly visible from afar.

Tip: Have a sense of humor and put the months in different order!

If you don’t have the opportunity to draw anything, you can print out your favorite design and simply stick it on with PVA glue or transparent tape. If you choose tape, it’s better to cover the entire board lengthwise to make it look aesthetically pleasing.

Tip: match the colors of your drawing to the interior of the room

Once you have painted your board, there is one more step left. You need to make 12 holes or attach the same number of hooks at the bottom so that you can hang reminders on the calendar. It is best to drill holes from the back of the board so as not to spoil the design. Make holes at equal distances from each other; it is better to use a ruler and pencil to make marks.

After the “top” is ready, we proceed to the small cardboard circles. Please note that these can be any, absolutely any light objects on which you can write a name. Paint them however you want. You can make everything monochromatic, you can choose your own color for each.

Next, write on cards with permanent marker or nail polish the names of all the friends and family whose birth dates you don't remember, and label them with a number so you know both the month and day.

Punch holes in the circles for hooks and hang them on the calendar! The main thing is not to confuse the months if you wrote them in random order.

In those months where there are more memorable dates, the “names” are hung one on top of the other. That is why it is better to have more hooks.

Another example of such a calendar:

In fact, each of the components of this calendar can be replaced; we simply offer one of thousands of options. A board, for example, can be replaced with a picture pasted on a hard surface or a piece of cardboard paper. If you choose the second option, then use a proofreader for drawings, which schoolchildren use to hide their mistakes in notebooks. It dries quickly and is easy to apply. A cardboard calendar will be fashionable and environmentally friendly.

If you don't find any hooks, use thread or ribbon! Of course, they are not so easy to hang, but you don’t have to worry about where to get them. Plus, you can make cute knots.

Instead of round cards with names written on them, you can take magazine clippings with the same names as your friends printed on them. Names can be written on colorful scraps of hard fabric. You can hang geometric figures or little people!

Never turn off your imagination, and then you will be able to surprise the world with your creations. Good luck!

To create a calendar, take: frame measuring 65 by 12 cm, saw, sandpaper, paint brush, white acrylic paint, whatman paper for stencil, paints for applying text, self-tapping screws with rings, round wooden blanks with holes, drill. This is what the frame should look like:

Making a calendar: job description

If you have a standard casing (long), then you should use a saw to shorten it so that the length reaches 65 cm.

To make the board look more neat and beautiful, its corners need to be sanded and rubbed with sandpaper.

Sand all edges of the casing until they are smooth.

Now decorate the board with acrylic paint: apply one coat of paint with a brush, then wait half an hour for it to dry and cover with a second coat of paint. Ideally, you will also apply a layer of acrylic clear varnish, but you can do without this step.

Then, while the paint dries, make a stencil for the lettering. In a strip of whatman paper, cut out the word “days”, after outlining the letters with a pencil. It is most convenient to cut with a stationery knife or a regular blade (scissors will not work here - except for manicure ones). If the stencil is already ready, place it on the surface of the casing and apply paint of the desired color into the holes. You get the colored word “days.”

Place the word “births” over the word “days.” You can use a different font to make your work look original. Then divide the lower part of the board into 12 identical segments and place the name of the month in each of them (you can put abbreviated names of the months).

Screw screws with rings to the end of the board in the middle of each of the twelve segments. As you guessed, the rings are needed to hang other elements of the product on them.

The rings need to be painted white to make them look organic. After this, you can take up wooden mugs: they will have inscriptions with the numbers of birthdays and the names of your friends.

If you don’t have such blanks, you can take plywood circles and drill holes in them with a thin drill.

Well, then paint the parts with the same acrylic white paint (two layers). After this, apply acrylic varnish. The most convenient way to dry these parts is by stringing them on bamboo sticks. This is the only way the paint will not smear.

This is how the circles for the reminder calendar are dried.

Well, now think carefully and remember the dates of your loved ones’ birthdays. On each mug, write in paint the name of the birthday person and the day in the month he was born. On the other hand, you can indicate the year of birth so as not to miss a round date.

To assemble the calendar, use regular small rings. For example, if you have four birthdays in January, connect four circles with rings. It is better to do this one by one: at the top there will be the beginning of the month, and at the bottom the end. Rings for assembly can be purchased at a regular craft store.

Attach a ribbon pendant to the back of the board.

The birthday calendar is ready!