Danger of household appliances. Harm from household appliances

A lot has been said about harmful radiation from mobile communications. Today, almost every owner of a mobile phone knows that during the establishment of radio communication between the operator’s base station and the mobile phone, the latter emits high-frequency electromagnetic pulses. It is still impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is harmful or not. More than 15 thousand doctors of different specialties from 12 countries of the world participated in the study, dedicated to the study of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

These studies did not bring any definite results. Doctors did not find obvious and direct manifestations of harm from a mobile phone. But they did not dare to firmly declare the complete absence of harmful effects. After all, unpredictable consequences can appear much later, and even affect future children. It is not easy to distinguish truth from scientific fiction, because any research in this area is tied to the interests of mobile operators, equipment manufacturers and officials.

In the meantime, while awaiting objective research, all we, the users, can do is minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation on our own bodies as much as possible. That is why we decided to compare the radiation from household devices that surround us in order to figure out which devices are relatively safe and which ones should be kept away from.

How did we test?

The measurements were carried out using an Aktacom ATT-2592 electromagnetic field analyzer. This is a portable device designed for safe measurement of electromagnetic background characteristics, which can be performed at home. The device is recommended for use for measuring emissions generated by wireless communications (CDMA, DECT, GSM, Wi-Fi), as well as household appliances.

The main parameters that interest us are the electric field strength (20 mV/m - 108 V/m) and energy flux density (0 μW/m² - 30.93 W/m²). Of course, achieving absolutely accurate indicators at home is difficult, if not impossible. But there was no such goal. The main task is to determine how different devices and technologies are in terms of radio emission levels.

The measurements were carried out in an ordinary apartment in one of the new buildings in the central district of the capital with a basic set of household appliances: a refrigerator, TV, washing machine, electric kettle, and laptop.

In general, the device behaved quite clearly, and in most cases there was no doubt about the performance. During repeated measurements, the values ​​deviated slightly, which indicates a low level of error.

We traditionally paid attention to mobile phones first. We often hear arguments: “In our homes today there is so much technology that having more phones or having less phones doesn’t play a significant role.” In fact, if we admit that electromagnetic radiation is still dangerous, then the source of maximum danger will be the telephone. After all, we don’t put either a microwave or a TV on our heads for long periods of time. That is why these devices may well radiate much stronger than mobile phones, but already at a distance of a meter the radiation is scattered. In the case of telephones, the radiation not only affects the brain directly during a conversation, but also exposes the user when the device is in standby mode, in close proximity to the body - for example, in a pocket.

That is why we measured the radiation of mobile phones several times - in standby mode (the phone is turned on on the table), in conversation mode, and also in dialing mode, when theoretically the device emits the strongest. For a more accurate sample, we took two mobile phones of the most common GSM standard - Nokia 6300 and Nokia 6303, as well as two CDMA phones: the old Nokia 6225 and the popular Nokia 1508.

The value ranged from 3 mW/m2 to 800 mW/m2. In this case, peak values ​​were reached at the moment of dialing and establishing a connection. During these few seconds, holding the phone close to your head is not recommended. I was surprised by the difference in the performance of phones of different standards. So, if the values ​​for a GSM phone were in the range of 40 mW/m2 – 800 mW/m2, then for a CDMA device the same figure was 3 mW/m2 – 150 mW/m2. If a home landline phone had been available, the numbers might have been even lower. This shows that in phones of different standards, the radiation level can differ tens of times.

In the case of other household appliances, the distribution of indicators was more or less uniform. We observed changes in indicators in different models of refrigerators and electric kettles, but the fluctuations are not so significant, and the radius of radiation itself allows you to use the devices at a distance, thus minimizing the impact.

Range of action of household electrical appliances

In this case, with household appliances, the radiation power is not as important as the radius of influence. After all, no one will get rid of refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens, but it is quite possible to move the devices to a safe distance. During testing, we were able to approximately determine the “safe” distance at which the device no longer detects any radiation.

- Hood. The device detected radiation within a radius of 30 cm. However, this distance may differ in different devices. The thickness and materials of the device’s body, as well as its power, play a role.

- Electric stove. In most new buildings in the capital, gas is not supplied to apartments, and gas stoves are not installed. They are being replaced by safer electric stoves. According to our measurements, electromagnetic radiation from such tiles spreads within a radius of 30 cm, so you should not stay at such a distance for a long time.

- Fridge. We measured radiation from two completely different refrigerator models. In the first case, the radius was 30 cm, in the second – almost 80 cm. This means that the dining table should not be placed in close proximity to the refrigerator.

- Electric kettle. Oddly enough, even this apparently quite safe device emits radiation. And although the range of action was only 30 centimeters, we do not recommend boiling water in a kettle directly on the table while eating.

- TV. We had at our disposal an ordinary CRT TV, the radiation of which was approximately 1.5 meters. We do not recommend watching TV at closer distances. It is believed that the impact of flat LCD and plasma panels is lower, but we still do not recommend getting close.

- Laptop. The radiation from a small 12-inch laptop turned out to be low and was recorded at a distance of 30-40 cm. This means that if the required distance is maintained, working with such a device is relatively safe.

How to protect yourself?

Of course, it is impossible to completely and unconditionally refuse to use any electrical appliances in a modern city. If only because you will inevitably be exposed to radiation while on public transport, in the office, and even just on the street, passing under high-voltage power lines. But it is possible and necessary to limit the impact. To do this, just remember a number of simple rules and adhere to them if possible:

  1. The more powerful the electrical device, the stronger its radiation. Therefore, try to limit the purchase and use of powerful electrical appliances.
  2. Try not to place household electrical appliances in the bedroom or in areas where people are often present. For example, an air conditioner located directly above the sofa, where the whole family gathers in the evenings, is not the best solution.
  3. Choose mobile phones that operate in the most secure standards. At home, whenever possible, use a landline connection or the CDMA standard.
  4. When making a call, try not to hold the phone close to your head while the connection is being established (a few seconds from dialing the number until you hear the call tones). During this period, the phone's radiation is most active.
  5. If possible, do not use extension cords to connect powerful electrical appliances. If this is not possible, then make sure that the wires do not get tangled.

How dangerous are electrical appliances?

Under certain conditions, when using well-known equipment and devices, dangerous situations can arise for you, for your loved ones and for your home.

Such situations can arise for two reasons. In the first case, you yourself can create a dangerous situation by violating the rules for using equipment and household appliances. In another case, a dangerous situation may arise regardless of you: the electrical voltage in the network has increased sharply, the faucet is leaking, turning off the water in the bathroom, etc.

In order for you to know how to avoid the occurrence of a dangerous situation in everyday life, and if it does occur, to reduce its harmful consequences, we will consider the main everyday situations in which certain rules must be followed.

Rules for using electrical appliances.

When electric current passes through the human body, it heats up and can cause burns. Electrical burns can cause serious damage to the internal tissues of the human body. In addition, electrical shock can cause cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

To prevent this from happening, in everyday life it is necessary to follow a number of general rules for the safe handling of electricity:
- do not use faulty electrical appliances, never leave a switched-on electrical appliance unattended;
- do not connect several electrical appliances to one outlet;
- follow the order of connecting an electrical appliance to the network: first connect the cord to the device, and then connect the cord to the network.

Switching off the device is done in the reverse order;
- do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands;
- remember: you cannot use electrical devices while in water;
- Immediately inform your parents or elders about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, exposed or poorly insulated wires.

Do not extinguish burning electrical devices connected to the electrical network with water.

A computer is a very useful and sometimes necessary thing. However, improper handling can be harmful to health.
Rules for working at the computer:
- make sure that the position of the monitor corresponds to the direction of view, the middle of the monitor screen is located on a horizontal line drawn at eye level or 10-20° below;
- do not work in a dark or semi-dark room.
- in accordance with established standards, the continuous duration of a student’s work at a computer should not exceed 25 minutes;
- After each long session on the computer, it is recommended to perform certain physical exercises.

Household gas and its properties

Perhaps, with your parents' permission, you use a gas stove for cooking. To use domestic gas, a gas pipeline is installed in the apartment and a gas stove or gas water heater is installed. You constantly use various electrical appliances: iron, lamp, TV, radio equipment. For this purpose, there is electrical wiring, and in certain places there are electrical sockets and room lighting switches.

Currently, household gas is widely used in everyday life. It can be used in gas stoves for cooking and in gas water heaters for heating water.
Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas.

Household gas has neither color nor odor, but in order to detect its leak, special substances that have a specific odor are added to it.

Rules for safe handling of gas appliances

A gas leak can lead to human poisoning and explosion of the premises. To prevent this, you must follow safety rules when using household gas. We list the main ones:
- to light a gas burner, first bring a lit match, and then smoothly and carefully open the gas tap.
- do not leave switched on gas burners unattended.
- make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame.
- if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to light it again - this may lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas tap, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult.

The most ordinary gas stove in the kitchen can become a source of many troubles if you do not take certain precautions: after all, when burning, the gas releases various toxic substances into the air.
Therefore, while the gas is burning, keep the window or transom open, and be sure to close the kitchen door.

Make sure that the flame above the burner is blue, without any admixture of yellow or red.

Try to place teapots or pots with a wide bottom on a high stand, otherwise the access of air to the burner is reduced and the gas does not burn completely.

Gas is convenient and safe only if you handle gas appliances skillfully and correctly.
You must always remember and follow the rules for using it:

Do not leave switched on gas appliances unattended;
- do not allow preschool children to use gas appliances, as well as persons who do not know the rules for handling these appliances.

Keep gas appliances clean and in good working order.
During the period of soil freezing, the possibility of rupture of underground gas pipelines cannot be ruled out. Gas coming out of damaged areas can spread over long distances and penetrate into basements and first floors of even non-gas-free buildings. When going down into the basements, do not use open flames or electrical switches without making sure that there is no smell of gas.

If you smell gas, immediately report it by calling 04. Before the emergency vehicle arrives, take safety measures: do not allow open fire and, if possible, ventilate the room.

Be careful and careful!

Don't neglect safety measures. Save gas.
Do not allow gas burners to operate for long periods of time without utensils.
Adjust the flame of gas burners. Reduce the gas to the minimum flame size after the water in the pan boils.
If you have gas burners of different wattages, use the larger burner only when necessary.

Prevent scale formation in kettles. Boiling water for a long time increases scale deposits.

Cover dishes with lids while cooking; this technique allows you to save 15% of gas.

What to do if there is a gas leak?

Turn off the gas burners. Turn off the gas valve.
Avoid any actions that cause sparks and increase the room temperature. Do not touch electrical switches, this may also cause a spark. Ensure intensive ventilation of the room by opening all windows. Remove everyone present. Stop the gas supply if possible. Call the technician on 04.

Devices containing mercury

Household appliances containing mercury:
- fluorescent lamps (these are gas-discharge tubes containing inert gases and mercury vapor). All such lamps contain mercury - from 40 to 70 mg.
- mercury thermometers;
- instruments for measuring pressure (pressure gauges).

Thermometers are found in every home; they are made of glass and easily break if dropped. In this case, mercury balls easily roll into floor cracks or are sucked into the carpet.

Fluorescent lamps are often thrown together with household waste into trash cans, where they break easily and release mercury vapor into the surrounding atmosphere.

Children and teenagers who break such lamps out of hooliganism usually do not even suspect what gets into their lungs.

Poisonous properties of mercury

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal, silvery in color. It has a highly convex surface. In small quantities it collects into very mobile balls. It easily penetrates into the cracks of floors, furniture, walls, is absorbed by porous bodies, including wood, paper, fabric, plaster, remaining there for a long time, and is a source of indoor air pollution. Mercury freezes at -38.9°C. Mercury evaporates at room and even zero temperatures, mercury vapor is colorless and odorless.

Mercury and its compounds can enter the body through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.

Mercury vapor and its compounds are very poisonous. Chronic poisoning with mercury and its compounds results in a metallic taste in the mouth, loose gums, severe salivation, excitability, and weakened memory. The danger of such poisoning exists in all rooms where mercury is in contact with air. The smallest drops of spilled mercury that have clogged up under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, and in floor crevices are especially dangerous. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

Children, a few hours after they start inhaling mercury vapor, may develop severe pneumonia (pneumonia) - cough, shortness of breath, and fever. In case of severe poisoning, pulmonary edema is possible (this is a deadly condition). Possible diarrhea (diarrhea), drowsiness, followed by nervous excitement.

Actions in case of mercury spill

The smallest drops of spilled mercury that have clogged up under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, and in floor crevices are especially dangerous. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

If the device breaks and mercury gets on the floor, you should carefully collect all visible balls in a hermetically sealed bottle, wipe the area of ​​the mercury spill with a rag moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then contact a specialized organization, which will check whether there are any mercury vapors left in the apartment, and if there are any left, it will help to remove them.

It is better not to use mercury fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps) in residential premises at all. Remember that one mercury fluorescent lamp, broken in a medium-sized room, can create a concentration of mercury vapor in the air above the permissible limit.

Electrical appliances and fire hazards

In modern life, the role of electrical appliances is difficult to overestimate, because not a single house, apartment, or office can live without them. Regardless of which device is used and in what mode, it is necessary to clearly understand the handling rules.

Division of electrical appliances into groups

For clarity, we will try to systematize the types of electrical appliances and combine them into groups. So, today the main sections in the classification are:

  • electrical appliances for cooking - stoves, ovens, all kinds of large and small household appliances, both built-in and free-standing;
  • those devices with which water is heated (regardless of size and displacement);
  • heating devices for residential and non-residential premises;
  • household appliances to create the required level of electrical appliances for living comfort (irons and hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and waste shredders, etc.);
  • tools (household and professional).

Each of the above groups has its own differences, but in general, everything is simple: all devices operating from the electrical network are considered potentially dangerous, since they are one of the most common causes of the occurrence and spread of fire in a room. Only by being aware that such equipment has an increased fire hazard can you protect your home or place of work from sometimes irreversible consequences.

Thus, cooking appliances are considered the least fire hazardous, but their operation should be closely monitored. If fat comes into contact with exposed heating coils, an immediate fire may occur. It is worth studying the instructions, in which each manufacturer necessarily indicates methods for cleaning from grease and other accumulations in order for the equipment to work correctly. Irons and hair dryers, as well as other small household appliances, will not tolerate neglect: an iron left on on an ironing board will cause a fire in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that manufacturers carefully consider the issue of protecting the devices themselves, this also requires increased attention from the user.

Professional equipment, as well as power tools, are used in various conditions, including complex ones. It is very important to observe the temperature regime and monitor the level of humidity in the premises. The limit values ​​are also indicated in the technical specifications and the manufacturer's instructions. Thanks to enhanced fire protection systems, this equipment is considered reliable. But heaters are perhaps the most dangerous segment. A special feature of this group is the heating elements, which are publicly available. During the operation of any heaters, you must strictly follow the rules, do not cover them under any circumstances, do not install them close to walls, and also monitor them extremely carefully for irregularities in operation.

Electrical network and number of devices

It is known that at the time of designing an electrical network in any building or room, future loads are calculated. Often, household appliances cause fires in houses that were built 30-40 years ago, and the wiring in them is simply not designed for so many different devices. in this case are perhaps the most common scenario.

One of the main rules for using electrical appliances is control: if there is no staff on duty in an office or production area, all equipment and household appliances must be de-energized. In addition, in modern buildings, all kinds of protective systems are taken into account already at the system design stage, but in “aged” buildings it is necessary to install well-proven fire safety systems, as well as alarms.

Among the most common causes of fire when using household electrical appliances of various types are:

  • faulty sockets and wiring problems;
  • the use of morally and physically outdated equipment, which also does not have the proper level of fire protection (old irons and electric stoves, homemade and converted heaters);
  • ignoring basic safety rules: for example, drying things on heaters, heating with stoves and ovens instead of special appliances.

There are also a number of prohibitions that are based on numerous tragic cases of fires that led to significant material waste and, importantly, harm to human health. Thus, one of the main rules states that it is strictly prohibited to place household appliances, especially heating ones, near switchboards, in boiler rooms, or in rooms where electric motors operate. In the same way, it is forbidden to use any electrical appliances that have visible damage to the cables or their insulation is broken.

All rules for the operation of electrical appliances are aimed only at ensuring the required result with complete safety for humans. Electrical appliances and fire hazards are in close proximity,

We live in a time when electrical devices that emit electromagnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans surround us everywhere. In this review, we will identify the five most unsafe devices and appliances that can be found in every kitchen.

Energy-saving lamps.

These wonderful, economical light bulbs hide many unpleasant nuances. In addition to the fact that they contain mercury inside, and therefore the lamps cannot be thrown into a regular trash bin, they are also sources of ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation. It is not recommended to be closer than one meter from the source of such light.

Title="Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim
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Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim


In the process of heating food, a microwave oven distributes powerful electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range around. Within a radius of 1 meter from a working oven, it is 10-20 times higher than the norm, so every time you start the microwave, you should leave the kitchen for a while.

Title="Microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen
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The microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen.

Mobile phone.
Everyone has heard about the dangers of this device. Scientists have proven that during prolonged communication, the temperature in the ear area rises by 2-2.5 degrees, and this can harm brain cells. In addition, if at the beginning of a conversation the electromagnetic radiation increases slightly, then after 10 minutes it already becomes dangerous.

Title="Mobile phones harm brain cells
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Mobile phone harms brain cells


Many people still have old-style CRT TVs in their kitchens. Unlike new-fangled plasma panels, units with cathode ray tubes emit powerful electromagnetic radiation, and you should not get closer than one and a half meters to such colossuses. As for modern TVs, their radiation is lower and at a distance of more than 50 cm from the screen, you will be safe.

Sockets, extension cords and power supplies.

Sockets and extension cords, of course, also create an electromagnetic field, but a relatively weak one. However, if a powerful working device is stuck into them, the picture changes. For example, when you plug in a microwave oven, it emits a field that is 20 times higher than the standard one.
It is also worth noting that power supplies and chargers also emit electromagnetic radiation within a radius of 1 meter.

Title="Outlets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses
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Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses

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Needless to say, modern household appliances have significantly simplified and improved human life: what our grandmothers and mothers could spend hours of their time on can now be completely done with the help of automated devices.

It’s so convenient: while a person is resting, the washing machine does the washing, twisting and even drying for him! The dishwasher will wash the dishes, the microwave will heat up your favorite cutlets, and your favorite series will be shown on TV. Life is good! But is everything really so rosy?

Why, in such an easier life, are we increasingly tormented by headaches, insomnia and general ailments of the body? Numerous studies by scientists in this field have led them to the conclusion that even the weakest electromagnetic radiation is very harmful and dangerous for the human body.

It turns out that almost every day we put ourselves in danger by disturbing the natural bioenergetic balance of our own body. What household appliances are the most harmful to humans?

  1. Radiotelephone. It turns out that the leading position in our top 10 ranking is occupied by radiotelephones. If old landline telephones are already quite rare in apartments and houses, then radiotelephones are still in use. When the handset is on the base or just lying somewhere on the table, there is essentially nothing dangerous about it. The main danger lies in the moment when a person brings the tube to his head, thereby increasing the effect of radiation on the brain to the maximum. That is why you should not get carried away with long telephone conversations.
  2. Fridge. Naturally, in modern conditions, living without this household appliance is a real crime, but at the same time, we must not forget that it is quite harmful to our body. No, you can put and take away food quite calmly, but it’s better not to get too close to the back wall, because the compressor, without which it’s difficult to imagine a modern refrigerator, is the main source of radiation. This is especially true for models with “No Frost” technology.
  3. TVs. Rounding out the top three of our most harmful devices are televisions, which today, like refrigerators, are found in almost every home. Old kinescope models, which are still often found in kitchens or bedrooms, are particularly harmful. By the way, modern liquid crystal and plasma panels, although not so harmful, are still better not to approach them at a distance of 40-60 cm.
  4. Air conditioner. In the heat and stuffiness, nothing saves you as much as the life-giving power of an air conditioner, however, not everyone knows that it, along with the TV, is one of the most “emitting” devices. Of course, you can use it, but it is better to stay at a distance of at least 1.5 meters.
  5. Computer. In fact, the same TV is only in profile, so it is better to look at the monitor at a distance of at least 1.5 meters and, in no case, sit with a laptop in your hands, as many of us prefer.
  6. Desk lamp. In fact, it is a harmless device, but only if you use it no more than 1.5 hours a day.
  7. Microwave. Despite the fact that all media outlets have “advertised” that a microwave is a very, very harmful household appliance, this is not entirely true. It is dangerous only if it is turned on and if you approach it closer than 30 cm.
  8. Vacuum cleaner. Are you surprised? It turns out that this household appliance easily and quickly creates an electromagnetic field around itself. In addition, it has another unpleasant property: by sucking up dust particles, it not only collects them in a bag, but also breaks them into microparticles, which then still remain as a suspension in the air that we continue to breathe.
  9. Dishwasher and washing machine. We shared ninth place due to the intense field, which will not have any effect on you if you move at least 1 meter away from the device while it is operating.
  10. Mobile phone. Although it has very small waves, it is still better not to use it for more than half an hour a day (this means talking on the phone). As in the case of radiotelephones, the risk of brain radiation increases: hence headaches, insomnia and other health problems.