The phone app is crashing. Is there an error in your Android app? Solution

When developing new versions of Android, programmers always try to make the operating system more stable, smooth, and intuitive. However, despite the efforts of the developers, errors in the operation of the software occur from version to version, and the older the device and the older Android installed on it, the more errors there are. Every error that occurs during the operation of the device has both causes and ways to solve it. Let's look at the most common errors and methods for correcting them.

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What to do if an error occurs in the application

An application error is the result of an incorrect action written in the application code, which led to its operation stopping. After stopping the program, the system usually provides the user with information that an error has occurred and also shows a code that describes the error. This code will help us understand what exactly happened and how to deal with the problem.

Package syntax error

This problem usually occurs if you installed the application by downloading the APK file from an unverified source. There are 2 reasons for this failure:

  • The application is designed only for devices running a newer operating system than the one you have installed
  • The APK file contains an error and will not be able to install the program on devices with any version of Android

"Out of memory" error

If you encounter such a problem, then you need to think about clearing your internal storage of unnecessary content (photos, videos, applications). Often, the problem of insufficient internal memory affects users of gadgets with initially small storage (8 or 16 GB).

This problem also affects the overall performance of the device. To solve this error, we recommend that you read our article “”, which details ways to optimize both the internal storage and RAM of the device.

As a quick solution to the problem of lack of ROM, we recommend that you use the option to expand the internal memory by installing Micro SD cards. We also recommend using the program Link2SD, which will help you transfer application data to an external memory card.

Error "" and "android.process.acore"

This problem usually appears on smartphones after:

  1. Replacing the SIM card with a new one
  2. Phone flashing

If you see this problem, it means that the interaction of the built-in communication modem with the new software on your smartphone is broken on your device, or there are problems with the SIM card that does not allow full interaction with the cell tower.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings - Applications - Phone and click on Clear cache and data, then restart your device (article)
  • Check the functionality of your SIM card on another device
  • Reset Android settings (article)

Error "android.process.acore"

To solve the problem, follow the diagram presented in the previous paragraph, only instead of the “Phone” application, select “Contact Storage”.

Error ""

This problem may appear after replacing the SIM card or after flashing the device. It indicates that the device's modem cannot work correctly with new software or connect to a cell tower. In order to get rid of this error, go to the application settings, select the “Phone” application, clear the cache and data, then restart your smartphone. If the error does not disappear, then it is necessary.

The same steps must be taken if there is an error “android.process.acore”, only select the “Contacts Storage” application for cleaning. After this, your phone book will be completely cleared, so don't forget to do this.

Error ""

A similar problem occurs among owners of smartphones with a Micro SD memory card that is malfunctioning, which entails errors in the operation of applications installed on it. We advise you to remove the application from the memory card that is crashing during operation, and install it on the internal memory of the device.

Answers on questions

What to do if a synchronization error occurs?

The first reason may be a poor Internet connection, and sometimes the synchronization process itself freezes; in this case, disable your Google account in the device settings and reconnect after rebooting.

Occasionally, Android experiences crashes that lead to unpleasant consequences for the user. These include the constant appearance of messages “An error has occurred in the application.” Today we want to tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

In fact, the appearance of errors can have not only software reasons, but also hardware ones - for example, failure of the device’s internal memory. However, for the most part, the cause of the problem is still the software part.

Before proceeding with the methods described below, check the version of the problematic applications: perhaps they were recently updated, and due to a programmer's flaw, an error appeared, which causes the message to appear. If, on the contrary, the version of a particular program installed on the device is quite old, then try updating it.

If the failure appears spontaneously, try: perhaps this is an isolated case that will be corrected by clearing the RAM upon restart. If the program version is the latest, the problem appeared suddenly, and rebooting does not help, then use the methods described below.

Method 1: Clear app data and cache

Sometimes the cause of the error may be a failure in program service files: cache, data, and the correspondence between them. In such cases, you should try to reset the application to the one you just installed by clearing its files.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Scroll through the list of options and find the item "Applications"(otherwise "Application Manager" or "Application Manager").
  3. Once you reach the list of applications, switch to the tab "All".

    Find the program that is causing the crash in the list and tap on it to enter the properties window.

  4. An application running in the background should be stopped by clicking on the appropriate button. After stopping, press again "Clear cache", Then - "Clear data".
  5. If the error appears in several applications, return to the list of installed applications, find the rest, and repeat steps 3-4 for each of them.
  6. After clearing data for all problematic apps, reboot your device. Most likely the error will disappear.

If error messages appear constantly, and among the faulty ones there are system ones, refer to the next method.

Method 2: Factory reset

If the "App error has occurred" messages refer to firmware (dialers, SMS apps, or even "Settings"), most likely you are faced with a problem in the system that cannot be fixed by clearing the data and cache. The hard reset procedure is the ultimate solution to many software problems, and this one is no exception. Of course, in this case you will lose all your information on the internal storage, so we recommend copying all important files to a memory card or computer.

If none of the options help, most likely you are faced with a hardware problem. You cannot fix it yourself, so contact a service center.


To summarize, we note that the stability and reliability of Android is growing from version to version: the latest versions of Google's OS are less prone to problems than older ones, even if they are still relevant.

Today we’ll talk about a fairly common problem on Android phones and tablets. Error what to do, why it occurs and how to fix it we will tell further.
The Android platform no longer needs unnecessary advertising and has a multi-million army of users around the world. But, like any software product, the operating system is not perfect. To date, a huge number of firmwares and their modifications have been released, not to mention the variety of phone models. Therefore, incompatibility errors, processes and programs will occur and this cannot be avoided. Today we’ll talk about the error. This problem manifests itself in system messages of the following nature: “the process has stopped,” “an error has occurred in the application,” the spelling is different, but the essence of the problem is the same.

Typically, all error messages containing the com prefix indicate a failure in a system application. The process itself is a system one, or more precisely, it is the “Phone” process. And the message in the application there was an error appears when there is a conflict with the system. The reason for this may be recently installed programs, applications, system updates, installation of various bootloaders and third-party plugins. If the error began to appear recently, review the latest installed programs and games on the device, the reason may lie in them.
There are several ways to solve this annoying problem on the Internet; we’ll tell you about the most effective ones, judging by user comments, so.

The process has stopped, what should I do?

We check the date and time on the phone, this happens extremely rarely, but it happens that they are not correct. Further

    • Open “Settings”;
    • Go to “Date and Time”;
    • Remove the activity of the “Network date and time” option; error, fix it

  • Reboot the phone;

This is a very important point in correcting the error; other methods might not work if you leave this item enabled. Let's list some more ways that have helped users.

Another way to fix android com process stopped

Since we have already figured out that this is the “Phone” process, we will try to clean it and roll it back. For this again

    • Go to the “Settings” of the device;
    • Select the “Applications” item;
    • Be sure to click the “All” button;
    • We look for the “Phone” program - it’s also and select it;
    • Click one by one “Clear cache”, then “Erase data”; process has stopped

  • You can also stop the process and start again
  • Reboot the device and check operation

These are standard methods that do not require the installation of third-party software or applications; if they do not work, we will tell you other ways to solve the problem.

More options to fix

Although the android phone process and the Phone program are system ones by default, they can easily be replaced with third-party applications. They often change the appearance of the phone book and the screensaver for incoming and outgoing calls. Open the Play Market on your device and type “Phone” or “Dialer” into the search bar - based on pictures and reviews, you can find an application to suit your taste. After installation, we reboot the smartphone and check the operation of the application itself and our device.
Personally, I installed ExDialer - Dialer & Contacts - this application has a nice interface and it copes well with the functions assigned to it. In addition, it has several design themes:

ExDialer - Dialer & Contacts

You can also clear cache data using a file manager Aroma. This option is suitable for users with unfinished and modified firmware, because “healthy” phone firmware using the second method described above.

Advice: do not forget to install anti-virus programs on your device; today, phones are much more susceptible to virus attacks than computers.

A radical way to fix the application error

There is another way to fix the problem, given that the previous tips did not help. If this problem did not exist before and it appeared over time, some program is causing a conflict. You need to search using a brute force method, removing recently installed software, or all applications at once.
It’s even better to completely reset your phone or flash it.

Remember that a hard reset will delete your data.

For me, the most important things are contacts and photos; photos can be easily copied to a computer. Contacts can be synchronized with a Google account, then when you log into your account, all contact information will be restored. Applications can be downloaded from Play Market.

I hope you figured out what the error is and how to fix this problem. Ask questions, suggest other ways to combat this infection, write in the comments.

Finally a video on the topic:

Not a single OS on a phone/tablet is completely free of various problems. Android in this case is no exception. The most common reason is that there is an error in the com android com application. What are they like and what to do if they arise?


The android com error is a summary of several of the most common flaws in software operation. Let's look at each in turn:

  1. It affects the signal exchange between towers and the smartphone, i.e. to the calling function. Subsequent firmware changes or failures during the flashing process may occur. The reason may be a change of SIM card and failures in the time and date menu.
  2. It may appear due to the unsuccessful operation of various photo editors or programs for sending messages, which also allow you to edit photos. An alert pops up on a black background.
  3. The cause is also a system failure, which is distinguished by the text that pops up when it occurs - “Unexpected stop of the process...”.
  4. Detection of problems in the operation of the system, as well as the presence of a virus. Usually it downloads unnecessary software, and while using the programs, various advertising banners pop up. Finding out whether it is a virus or a glitch is easy - you need to look at the creation date of the file. When running simultaneously with other system files, you don’t have to worry about viruses.

How to fix

Let's look at how to eliminate each of the system errors separately.
For the solutions to the problem are as follows:

  • disable automatic time and date setting, reboot your smartphone and set it manually;
  • if it doesn’t help, find the Phone in the Application Manager, erase the data, clear the cache and reboot the gadget;
  • You can also download a calling application from the Google store.

Sometimes you have to reset the device configuration completely to factory settings, before which I advise you to create a backup copy.
To solve the problem, you should:

  • scan your gadget with an antivirus;
  • stop the application in the Manager by clearing the cache, erasing data and unchecking the “Show notifications” checkbox;
  • remove using various programs, AVG antivirus will do.

To get rid of problems with in the third case, you need root rights, for which ROOT Manager is suitable:

  • first you need to download from the network;
  • grant rights to the program;
  • delete the entire folder data/data/;
  • We look for a vending file in the data/dalvik-cache folder, which we delete;
  • now we find the downloaded file, click R/W at the top and transfer it to system/app;
  • We enter the context menu by holding the file for a few seconds, where we need “Permissions”;
  • We provide the owner with read and write access, and guests with other reading access;
  • All that remains is to save the changes, exit the program and restart the phone.

The last fault is removed like this:
  • Based on the creation date of, we look for the application that caused the virus to appear on the smartphone, and through the Application Manager we completely get rid of it;
  • in the same ROOT Manager go to the address Root/System/App;
  • find and delete it.

Android process error


Most often there are two such errors - android.process.acore and The first can most often arise due to the following:

  • system application is disabled;
  • similar programs are launched simultaneously;
  • the necessary system files have been deleted.

The second malfunction occurs when the memory card does not work.

How to fix

Correcting the android.process.acore error is possible in the following ways:

  1. Cleaning in Contact Storage configurations.
  2. Reset settings to factory defaults.
  3. Completely clearing the device memory.
  4. Reflashing the gadget.

If there is an error you need to:

  • repeat the installation of the application on the phone after removing the flash drive, and, if it helps, format it;
  • reset settings, clear memory card.

Error in Google Play Services application


This message appears if the application is not working properly, which causes inconvenience.

The phone may give errors with or without a number. Numbered ones can be eliminated faster and more efficiently, because the code can be used to determine what exactly is causing the failure. There are a lot of license plates, but the most popular are the following:

  • error code 18 – the cause is an incorrectly set date or time and the end of free memory;
  • error code 24 – may occur if the user often installs and uninstalls the same software, but does not clear the data;
  • error code 403 – two Google accounts are connected at the same time;
  • error 492 – problems with the Dalvik virtual machine.

How to fix

To troubleshoot a non-numbered error, you should:

  1. Clear Google Play Services cache.
  2. Reinstall the application.
  3. You can also clear the cache in the Google Services Framework.
  4. You should check whether the specified date/time is correct and whether there are any problems with Internet access.

To eliminate the 18th, you need to reset the date/time, clear the cache and data, remove Play Market updates, or free up space on the device.
If the phone displays 24, you will need superuser rights. Already with them we go to the sdcard/android/data/ folder and clean out unnecessary ones, i.e. outdated files.
With 403, you need to log in from your main account, uninstall the problematic program and try to install it again.

When the error number is 492, you need to clear the cache and data of the Google Play Services and Play Market applications. Sometimes you have to revert to default configurations.


If you own an Android smartphone or tablet, you should be prepared for the fact that it may produce various errors. However, you don’t need to immediately take your gadget to a service center. Most problems can be solved even without using root rights. If such a need arises, you need to remember to create a backup copy. an error occurred, the process has stopped, what should I do? After updating the firmware, restoring or changing the ROM data on an Android device, sometimes, unfortunately, an error message like the following begins to appear: “Unfortunately, the process has been stopped.” This means that there are problems with the support of the SIM card that ensures interaction between the smartphone and the network. In some cases, it cannot be resolved by simply rebooting the device, and the message appears again and again, blocking the screen. Therefore, we decided to offer you other ways to get out of this unpleasant situation.

The simplest option is resetting an Android smartphone to factory settings. But this method is far from ideal, since when you use it, you will lose all your data and will be forced to re-download and install all previously downloaded applications. Fortunately, there are other methods.

So, if you were unable to unlock the device, and it continues to reboot automatically, and a message about the problem appears at intervals of several seconds, you will have to resort to method number two. This is a method for advanced users. To apply it, you will need custom recovery and the AROMA file manager. You can act in one of two ways:

Scheme 1.

1. In the tablet or smartphone menu, find “Settings” -> “Applications”
2. Select the “All” tab.
3. Scroll through the items in it until you see “Phone” or something similar in meaning.

4. Click on the application icon to update the information.
5. First select "Clear data".

6. Then do the same (cleaning) for the SIM toolkit.
7. Reboot your device and, depending on the result, either be happy or try the second method.

Scheme 2.

1. Download the latest version of the AROMA file manager.
2. Copy the file that has problems loading to your internal memory card or SD card.
3. Boot the device into recovery.

4. As soon as the Android device boots into custom recovery, run “ Install ZIP" -> select " zip form».
5. Find the manager zip file.

6. Download it by selecting “ Yes – Install».

7. Now you can make sure that the file manager is installed on your Android device.

8. Enter the file manager menu and select “ Settings».
9. Scroll through the items until you see “ Config Mount", and then select the option " Automount all devices on start».

10. Apply all changes by selecting the “ Done" (ready).
11. Go to the folder " Data/Data».
12. There in the folder " Phone» perform cleaning cache and do the same for the SIM toolkit app.

13. Go to the file manager menu again, select “ Exit", and confirm your actions (" Yes»).
14. Now you see again the update installation window from the ZIP file (“ Install updates from Zip file».
15. Return to the main recovery menu and reboot your device.

If you continue to receive messages about a process stopping problem, then you already know how to deal with it - reset your smartphone or tablet. We recommend doing this using custom recovery, since this method is more gentle and does not completely erase the internal memory of the Android device, but only removes application data.