How to make a phone from ordinary plastic cups. Phone made from a disposable cup

Show your child how easy it is to make a phone out of cardboard and plastic bottles. The phone stand is made from similar waste materials.

How to make a home phone from a plastic bottle?

But this will not be just a toy; the device includes an air freshener in granules, so it will also smell delicious.

To create this device, take:
  • 500 ml plastic bottles;
  • sharp knife;
  • air freshener in granules in a container;
  • Bubble Tea straw;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • small foam balls;
  • dark wool thread;
  • glue gun;
  • iron;
  • handle;
  • awl.
Cut the bottoms of plastic bottles so that these blanks have a height of 6–7 cm. Place them in the cut places with a hot iron so that the edges become even.

Place one of these blanks on the form and trace it with a pen. Cut it out and put this future dial aside for now. Cover the cut edges of the bottoms of plastic bottles with glue, and also attach them to the foamiran. Let the silicone cool, then cut out these circles along with the plastic blank.

You need to glue two foam balls to the back of the air freshener and make indentations with a knife so that you can then place the Bubble T tube here and secure it. But first, preparatory work needs to be done.

On the 1st and 2nd sides of the straw you need to stick one small foam ball, cut off the excess. This way you will make plugs in the straw, which will soon turn into a telephone handset. This is necessary in order to thread a woolen thread here, which will serve as a wire. Make holes on the 1st and 2nd sides of the foam plugs with sharp nail scissors or an awl, and thread the thread here.

Secure it with hot glue. Apply it to the bottom of the first and second plastic bottles, which will become speakers. Place a straw between them to make a pipe.

Here's how to make a phone at home next. Paint it in White color When the solution has set well, then apply the red layer. Wait until it dries, take a straight-cut brush, and use it to apply white peas to the red surface of the phone and handset. Since the speaker is white, it needs to be covered with red dots.

Remember, you still have a circle of foamiran? Draw a dial on it and glue it to the center of the phone using a gun.

The work is completed, you can take the phone as a quality or to school so that the child takes first place in the competition. Or leave this toy at home so you can have this original air freshener.

Progress does not stand still, such phones will soon become museum exhibits. Modern children already want to have cool devices. So that they can play with these, make them together from available material.

How to make an iPhone out of cardboard?

Let's consider several options. For the first one you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • black electrical tape;
  • White paper;
  • glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • Printer.
From corrugated cardboard you need to cut 3 identical rectangles measuring 762 mm by 1397 mm. Using scissors, round off their edges. Apply glue to the workpieces, connect them to each other, placing them in a stack.

Now you need to cover the front and back panels with white paper. We decorate the sides using black tape. Print out the iPhone keyboard and glue it to the front panel of the phone.

All that remains is to draw on the panel with a black marker the remaining elements of this telephone, after which you can admire the wonderful work.

For option 2, instead of plain paper, use photo paper, print the front and back panels of this telephone set on it, the sides are all one blank.

As in the first case, cut out rectangular pieces from cardboard with rounded edges, but you will need 1 or 2 of them. Fold the blank printed on photo paper accordingly, without cutting it. You will get a single part, where there will be both a front and back panel, as well as all the sides of the phone. Place the cut cardboard inside this blank, fold the edges, and glue them to fix them in this position.

If small child likes to turn the dial, then show him how to make a phone out of cardboard by doing this work together.

This is how believable your toy will be. To do this, you need to first prepare the following:
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • soft cheese lid or other suitable lid;
  • paper to match the cardboard;
  • two pebbles;
  • scissors with thin ends;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • glue;
  • stationery nail;
  • wire;
  • cord;
  • big scissors.
Let’s start “uncovering” the details. The phone case looks like a bow. The following calculations are given in inches, but you can easily convert them to the Russian measure of length, remembering that there are 2.5 cm in one inch.

To make a dial for your phone, cover the lid and its sides with paper.

Using fine-tipped scissors, cut round holes in the dial. Of course, it's better to draw them first so that this part the work worked out. neat. To make this part heavier, you need to glue a couple of pebbles to it.

Cut out a small circle from corrugated cardboard. Place it with reverse side dial, fasten these parts together, as well as with the phone body using a clerical nail; you can also use a bolt and screw for this.

Write the numbers with a pen, roll two levers out of wire, stick them into top part phone. To secure these parts, make loops on the reverse side.

Now place the phone blank on the side parts of the corrugated cardboard, trace, cut out two elements from this material, and glue them in place.

To make a telephone handset, cut out two identical semicircular pieces. Connect them at the top and bottom with a strip of cardboard. Make a hole in the bottom, pass the ribbon here, tie it with a couple of knots on the back side.

The child will be happy to play with such a phone, and it’s not scary if it gets dented or dirty this item. For the same purpose, parents make a keyboard and a computer for their children out of cardboard.

These are also great ideas to help keep your beloved child occupied, without the baby spoiling an expensive item. And all this can be created from waste material, so the finished toys will be practically free, like the next one.

The handset will also become new toy for a child.

To create one, take:
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • hot melt adhesive
Cut out two side pieces from corrugated cardboard. They will be the same.

Now, using scissors from the same material, create a strip 5–6 cm wide. Lightly bending it at the corners, glue it to the back of the tube. It is better to use tape for fastening. Using the same adhesive tape, attach toothpicks to a small circle of cardboard, the second end of the toothpick should be inserted into the top of the phone, gluing it here.

Cover the ends of the tubes where the speaker and microphone are located with rectangles of cardboard.

Another corrugated cardboard rectangle will become the phone keyboard. Also glue it on the inside with tape and apply a dial.

How to make a walkie-talkie from cups with your own hands?

This another means of communication will be a great toy for two children. After all, they can disperse even at a distance of 20 meters and hear each other perfectly. The trick here is that the sound is perfectly transmitted along a well-tensioned thread, but first it gets into the cup. The first person speaks into it, the second at this time puts his glass to his ear and hears everything well.

Here's how to make a walkie-talkie for such negotiations. Take:

  • two cups made of cardboard or foam;
  • awl;
  • strong thin thread;
  • two wooden sticks.
Use an awl to make holes in the bottom of 1 and 2 glasses. Pass the rope here from the outside, pull it out from the back. She should be inside. Tie a stick to this end of the thread; it will prevent the rope from jumping out and making the hole in the cup even larger.

Now the children can disperse different sides. The sound will be transmitted well when the thread is taut. If you urgently need to keep two kids occupied, you only have yogurt cups on hand; these will also work.

You can also use other plastic cups; the mounting method is illustrated in more detail in this photo.

Using these items, you can also make a phone stand. You will learn about the intricacies of this production right now, let’s continue this topic.

How to make a phone stand?

You can quickly make one from what you have on hand. As you can see, this is:
  • two plastic cups;
  • toilet paper roll
  • scotch;
Use a utility knife to make one round notch in each glass on the sides, closer to the top. The diameter of these holes coincides with the diameter of the bushing. Insert it into them. Secure the bottoms of the cups together with tape. After which the phone stand, made with your own hands in 5 minutes, is ready.

If your phone's speakers don't work well or the sound is weak, then place the phone in a glass. Audibility will be better, and this container will also serve as a stand for it.

  1. If you need to quickly secure your phone to, for example, watch a video on it, and only have pencils and rubber bands on hand, this is what you need. You will need 6 pencils and 4 rubber bands.
  2. With these simple items you will collect geometric figure, which is called a tetrahedron. To do this, first connect 3 pencils with an elastic band, which will become the vertices.
  3. Then attach another pencil horizontally to each resulting corner at the bottom, and also secure them with rubber bands.

An empty plastic container for shampoo or hair gel is just a godsend for those who are thinking how to make a stand for their phone so that they can also charge it at the same time? Cut off the top part with the neck of such a container, cut out a rectangle. On the back side of the same part, using a knife or scissors, you need to remove a small square. You will thread the Charger, and put the phone in the resulting pocket.

If you want to make a tabletop fixture, then wash the empty shampoo container well and dry it. Turn it upside down, cut off the bottom, cut out a figure that looks like a frog. Here's how to make a phone stand from similar plastic bottles.

From the remaining material, cut out the soles of the frog with toes, and glue them with hot glue. From an ordinary plastic bottle you can build both a stand for your phone and a convenient device for you to hang it while charging.

To do this you will need only two items:

  • clean plastic bottle;
  • scissors.
First, cut off the bottom of the container, then you need to cut it out as shown in the photo. That is, there will be a kind of loop at the top, this is where you will thread the charger. The phone itself is conveniently located at the bottom of the bottle.

Such accessories can be coated with stained glass paints to make them look even more interesting.

If you run out of liquid soap in a bottle, do not throw away the container. Rinse it well running water, dry. Cut off the excess and you will get another stand for your phone, which will also help charge it.

Other waste material will also contribute to the creation of similar things. If you have cardboard left over from your purchase, cut a strip of it measuring 10 by 20 cm and fold it in half. Draw a broken line as shown in the photo.

All you have to do is cut along this line, unfold the workpiece, straighten it, and you can conveniently position your smartphone.

If you have an unnecessary plastic card, it will turn into useful accessory. Fold it in half, bending the top and bottom small sides. Here's how to make a phone stand very, very quickly.

If you have a case left over from an old audio cassette, it will also quickly become a stand. Place a means of communication in it. The Lego constructor will also help you quickly make this accessory.

If you give paper clip another shape, then it also quickly turns into a phone stand.

If you want to see various options How to make a phone stand from improvised means, then sit comfortably near the screen and turn on the video player.


From two matchboxes or plastic cups You can make a phone out of yogurt. True, it will not work as well as the real thing. It will not be possible to talk to the neighboring city or even the neighboring house. But you can hear it very well from room to room.

And the most important thing is that you will make this phone with your own hands. All, to the last... I almost said a screw. There will be no screws in our phone. Then maybe until the last nail? There will be no carnations either. Until the last wire?

But our phone will not have wires. Besides the boxes, it will only contain two matches and a long cord.

Make two tubes from matchboxes (or cups). The manufacturing method is very simple. Dry the box (or cup). Pierce holes in the middle of the bottom of the box with a thick needle. The tubes are ready!

The most important part of our phone is the lanyard. Sound will be transmitted through it. The best lace is fishing line. Silk thread for embroidery and coarse thread are suitable. The worst transmitters of sound are ordinary sewing thread and paper twine.

You need a cord 10-15 m long. You can, of course, make it shorter, but then it won’t be so interesting. If it is short, it will be difficult to make out whether you hear the voice of your friend on the phone or just like that.

Pull the ends of the lace into the holes in the tubes and tie each one in the middle of a match. The picture clearly shows how to do this.

Take one of the tubes and give the other to a friend. Pull the lace to its full length until it is taut. The lace should hang freely in the air without touching anything.

Let one of you put his pipe to his ear, the other, bringing the pipe to his mouth, should say: “Attention! I'll give you a try! One two three four five…"

You can, of course, say any other words. For example: “My phone rang. Who's speaking? Elephant!" But for some reason real telephone operators always say “I’ll give you a test” and then count. If everything is done correctly and the cord is sufficiently stretched, then the phone will be heard clearly and you will be able to have long conversations.


In fact, how is sound transmitted in our phone?

You can find out when the clothes are taken off the line in the yard. Untie the rope at one end and pull it not too tight. Hit the rope with the edge of your palm. Now look! From your blow it was like a depression. And this depression did not disappear when you took your hand away. No, she ran along the rope, further and further, all the way to the pillar. I made it...

No! It has turned into a hump, and now the hump is running from the pillar to your hand!

You can do the opposite.

Hit the rope from below. Then a hump will form on it and run away towards the post, and the depression will return back. This is how the rope transmits vibrations. She herself remains in place, does not move either towards the pillar or away from the pillar. And the wave is moving!

Sound is also vibrations. Stick a feather or a safety razor blade into the board. Pull the end. Drin-n! Singing!

Do you see how it fluctuates?
Of course, you can’t see every single oscillation here - they are too fast. But the free end of the blade or feather seemed to blur, became foggy. The sound weakens and the end of the blade becomes thinner and more distinct. Fluctuations are reduced.

Look at how the sounding string of a guitar or other stringed instrument vibrates. If you have a drum, you can see that its stretched skin also vibrates.
To do this, place the drum on its edge, hit it with a stick and bring a ball of cork, elderberry pulp or foam on a thin string. As soon as it touches the skin - click! It will immediately fly off to the side.

Using our toy phone, you spoke into a box. From the sounds of your voice, the bottom of the box trembled and swayed. These vibrations ran along the lace, like waves along a clothesline. Only the vibrations were frequent and weak, they could not be seen with the eye. But all the same, when they reached another box, they made its bottom vibrate, and therefore sound.


The communication range of this matchbox telephone reaches hundreds of meters. Yes, and there can be several subscribers on one line. This was achieved by using special line communications.

At a central communications point, such as a headquarters, a wooden post is dug into the ground. Four metal hooks are screwed into the rack. Similar racks are located at subscribers (at a control post, observation post, medical unit, etc.), but only one hook is screwed into them, directed towards the central point. Between the hooks of the central point and the subscribers, a communication line is pulled - a strong twine or a thin fishing line. To ensure sufficient tension, a paper clip is attached to the ends of the string, and a rubber ring is installed between the paper clip and the hook.

So, four lines are connected to the central communication point.
How to use them?
The first way is to connect a telephone set to each line and assign a telephone operator to each set.

The second method is to attach a paper clip to the end of the telephone set string and use it to connect to the desired line. In this case, communication will only be with the subscriber to whose line the device is connected. Subscribers will not be able to communicate with each other in either case.

And the third way is to connect the communication lines together at the central point (with stretched pieces of string) and connect telephone set to one of the lines. Now communication will be with all subscribers at once, and subscribers will be able to talk to each other.

The telephone set consists of three handsets made of thick paper or cardboard. The top tube is glued to the middle one at a right angle, and the middle one to the bottom one at an angle of 60 degrees. The length of the top tube is 65 mm, the middle one is 200 mm, the bottom one is 100 mm. Cardboard circles with holes are glued to the top and bottom tubes. In addition, a cap with a protrusion is glued to the end of the lower tube, to which a connecting cord is attached. This cord connects the device to the communication line.

When talking, the device is held in the same way as a telephone receiver of an ordinary device. In this case, the upper handset will serve as a telephone, and the lower one will serve as a microphone. During a conversation, the thread of the device must be taut, otherwise there will be no connection.

2 plastic cups, thread, knife, plasticine, optional stickers, colored paper and glue.

1. Make a thick cake out of plasticine, slightly larger than the bottom of a glass, and place a plastic cup on it. Use a sharp knife to make a hole in the bottom of the cup.

2. Do the same with the second glass.

3. Pull one end of a long (4-6 meters) thread through the hole in the bottom of the cup and tie a knot.

4. Pull the other end of the thread through the bottom of the second cup and also tie a knot.

The phone is ready!

5. If desired, you can decorate the handsets of the phone with colored stickers or figures cut out of colored paper.

IMPORTANT! For the phone to work, the thread must be taut. In this case, the stretched thread should not touch any objects, including your fingers, when you hold the glass.

By placing the cup to your ear, you will be able to hear what your friend on the other end of the phone is saying into his cup, even if he is whispering or talking from another room.

In this phone, the cups act as both a microphone and a speaker, and the thread serves as a telephone wire. And the sound of your voice travels along a stretched thread in the form of longitudinal sound waves.

By the way...

The sound travels well not only along the thread, but also through other objects. A good guide sound are metals. You can verify this by knocking on the heating radiator: the knock will be clearly heard in neighboring apartments (just don’t abuse this experience, okay? Your fun may disturb those who live nearby).

Today's kids are spoiled by gadgets, so they will be very surprised when you offer to make them a phone - one that works! - from matchboxes. However, it is worth clarifying that the “coverage area” will be small. But it is quite possible to talk to each other - from different ends of the apartment or, say, on the playground at a distance of 10-20 meters.

It is not superfluous to clarify whether children know what matches are and where they are stored. After all, most kitchen stoves are electric, and kids may not even know what matches are for. Next, you should prepare two empty matchboxes (or any other identical boxes suitable size- from powder, paper clips, etc.), thick threads, a needle. So let's get started.

Experiment for children

1. Thread a needle, take an empty matchbox (its retractable part), and pierce its bottom with a needle. The thread was inside the box.

Drawing by Irina Dedusheva.

2. Fasten the thread so that it does not slip out. Let's say you can take a match (without the sulfur head) and tie it with the tip of the thread in the middle.

Drawing by Irina Dedusheva.

4. We take one box and give the second to the child. We diverge in different directions - taking into account the length of the thread. Let's say 10 meters. The thread should stretch like a string.

Drawing by Irina Dedusheva.

5. The baby puts the box to one ear (covers the other with his palm), and the mother brings her box to her lips. Now you can say something in a whisper, and the child will hear it. Now let him say something, and you voice it loudly.

Drawing by Irina Dedusheva.

Explanation of experience for children

Sound is a wave of air vibration. When a child speaks into his box, he may feel a slight tickling sensation in the fingers holding the box. The bottom trembles and makes the thread tremble. So vibrations are transmitted through it towards another “telephone handset”. And the “subscriber” hears what is being whispered to him. By the way, the thread between the two boxes should not touch any objects. Otherwise the connection will be broken.

The telephone is modern remedy communication, without which no one can live today. Because now is the century high technology, Cell phones have become available to almost everyone.

However, many craftsmen will want to give their relatives or friends a gift - a phone they assembled with their own hands. This does not mean that you have to study circuit diagrams, buy parts and housing, solder boards, and so on.

You can make a souvenir for someone as a gift or a toy for a child.

Now we will tell you how to make a phone with your own hands.

Real working phone without electronic parts

To do this, you will need a thread and a couple of empty tin cans (ideally tall, for example, from olives).

If you don't have them available, then use plastic cups. By the way, they are easier to process than metal cans.

It is better not to use polystyrene cups for our purpose because they are soft and porous. As a result, they absorb more sound than transmit it.
In extreme cases, paper glasses are also suitable.

In the middle of the bottom of each cup you need to make a small hole of such a size that the prepared thread can fit through it. Make a hole using an awl, thin drill, drill, nail or awl.

The main condition is that the thread barely fits through this hole. The tighter it goes, the better the sound will be.

Then thread the thread through the holes you made. If you have any difficulties, help the end of the thread fit into the hole using a needle, awl or thin nail.

At both ends of the threads internal sides cups, tie knots. Next, pull the thread, then the knot will rest against the bottom of the glass. If the knot falls out of the hole, tie a thread around a piece of the match.

Do the same procedure with the second glass.

Now you will need a partner to check the product.

You lean the glass with the open end to your ear, and your partner should talk into the other glass from the open end. Before doing this, you need to tighten the thread as much as possible. If you did everything correctly, then despite the distance, you will be able to hear what your partner is saying.

And when you say something into a cup, your partner will hear you too.

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This craft is very easy to do, but with due care and effort it will bring your child a lot of joy. After all, he copies the actions of his parents, trying to imitate them in everything. And such a thing as a mobile phone is constantly in the baby’s field of vision. Are they calling you? Of course, you pick up the phone and talk. It will be interesting for the child to do the same, using not even a real phone.

Making this phone with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard and trim its corners. Then make markings as shown in the figure below, cut along the contours, fold and glue.

You paint, draw buttons, screen and other elements to give the phone authenticity. Just keep in mind that the paint should not spread when touched, otherwise it is dangerous for the child.

You will need

  • One of the screen templates to your liking (you can download it here
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • White electrical tape.
  • Black electrical tape.
  • Transparent wide tape.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

What should be done?

From corrugated cardboard, cut out three rectangular shapes measuring 7.5x13.8 centimeters. Using these dimensions, you will end up with an accurate iPhone size 4. Now round the corners of the workpieces.

Glue all three blanks together, so you get the body of the gadget.

Paste both flat sides tape the resulting blank with white electrical tape.

Carefully cut off the remaining tape that protrudes beyond the edges of the craft.

Now seal the ends of the workpiece with black electrical tape.

Print the downloaded screen (any screen you like) on a color printer. Then you cut it along the contour.

Glue the cut out screen onto the body and draw a button underneath it.

Finally, apply transparent tape to the entire front panel so that the design does not blur during use.

Remember what the first mobile phones were? Very bulky and uncomfortable.

By the way, they already existed during the Soviet Union, but few people know about it. They were used by the big bosses of the party apparatus. Wherein accumulator battery was so large that it was placed in the trunk of a company car.

But let's go back to the first phones that became available if not ordinary people, then at least rich in the eighties.

To make this rarity you will need the following items:

  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Hot melt adhesive.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Toothpick.

Cut out phone elements from cardboard. These will be two elements for the sides, one for the keyboard and one for the back of the case.

For the back of the body, cut out an even strip that will be slightly larger than the width and height of the side blanks.

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Now hold one of the side blanks in your hand and apply glue to its edge and glue the cardboard strip along the entire edge. Then glue the other side of the tube at a distance that is equal to the width of your workpiece.

Wait for the glue to dry. Then you cut off the excess cardboard pieces from the sides of the phone and make a hole at the end so that you can place a toothpick there. It will serve as your antenna.

Now wrap the toothpick halfway, using tape, and glue a bead at the end, after which you insert it into the opposite end into the hole made in the phone. Fix the stability with glue from the inside.

Insert cardboard rectangles into the resulting base to make the product stronger. Now secure the edges of the workpiece from the front (speaker and microphone).

Now cut out a cardboard strip that will serve as a keyboard. Draw buttons on it and paste it onto the front of the mobile phone.

This is what ended up happening.

To do this, take a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw something like a figure, as shown in the example below. In these examples, dimensions are measured in inches, so keep in mind that one inch is the same as two and a half centimeters.

To make your own dial, you must use a round piece with sides. To avoid cutting it out, you can use any plastic lid from any type of product packaged in round plastic.

They can serve as plastic lids for processed cheese, sweets, fish, and so on.

Cover the lid using paper of the desired color. In this case, the product will look neat and beautiful.

Using a large drill, cut ten holes on the sides so that they resemble a dial for dialing numbers with your finger.

Using corrugated cardboard, cut out a circle with a diameter half the size of the dial and poke a hole in it right in the center.

Place a smaller circle on the workpiece so that the holes match. Using a long, thin screw, secure the workpiece to the base of the housing. Tip: insert a nut between the case and the dial so that the disc rotates effortlessly.

Enter the numbers into the holes.

At the top of the craft, insert two levers that will hold the tube, separate the ends of the wire from the inside and secure them with tape.

Now glue all the parts of the craft into one whole.

Place the base of the product on its side on a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw lines along the contour with a pencil to make two blanks. Now cut them out and glue them on both sides of the craft.

If you want to attach a cord, insert it into the base of the workpiece and secure it with tape.

For the tube, cut out two identical blanks in the form of a handle, as shown in the figure below. And also cut out two strips of cardboard so that you can glue the tube together.

Glue another part of the cord to its end.

This is what will happen in the end.

As you can see, making a phone with your own hands is not at all difficult!

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