List of priority areas for the development of science and technology. Priority directions for the development of science and technology. List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation

Within the framework of priority areas for the development of science and technology, it is planned to conduct ground-level research and development in the following thematic areas.

3.1. Information and telecommunication systems:

Computer architectures and systems;

Telecommunication technologies;

Information processing technologies;

Element base And electronic devices, robotics;

Predictive modeling, methods and means of creating and ensuring the functioning of promising systems;

Information Security;

Algorithms and software.


3.2.1. Development of a scientific and methodological base for research in the field

High-throughput methods for analyzing genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes and metabolomes;

Systems and structural biology;

Synthetic biology, metabolic engineering and bioengineering;


Cellular biotechnology;

Study of natural biodiversity with the aim of creating new biotechnologies, including the development of methods for studying microorganisms that are “uncultivated” in laboratory conditions, methods for analyzing the metagenomes of microbial communities.

3.2.2.Industrial biotechnologies.


3.2.4.Environmental biotechnologies.

3.2.5.Food biotechnologies.

3.2.6.Forest biotechnologies.


3.3.Medicine and healthcare:

Search, development and research of promising drug candidates based on the identification of molecular pharmacological targets;

Molecular diagnostics for preventive and personalized medicine;

Human proteomic profiling;

Biomedical cell technologies;

Biodegradable and composite materials for medical purposes;

Bioelectrodynamics and radiation medicine;

Human genomic certification for preventive and personalized medicine.

3.4. New materials and nanotechnologies:

3.4.1.Construction materials:

Materials with increased strength;

Materials with high thermal stability;

Lightweight materials;

Materials that provide protection to structures;

Intelligent and customizable construction materials;

Structural materials for energy.

3.4.2.Functional materials:

Sensory materials;

Materials for energy and electrical engineering;

Optical materials and materials for lighting engineering;

Magnetic materials;

Functional coatings and laminates;

Nano-sized catalysts for deep processing of raw materials;

Nanostructured membrane materials;

Biomimetic materials and materials for medical purposes.

3.4.3.Hybrid materials and convergent technologies.

3.4.4.Computer modelling materials and processes.

3.4.5.Diagnostics of materials.

3.5.Transport and space systems:

Development of a unified transport space;

Increased safety and environmental friendliness transport systems;

Technologies, laboratory samples and stands for creating advanced transport and space systems.

3.6.Rational environmental management:

Technologies for preserving favorable environment and environmental safety;

Promising technologies for environmental monitoring, assessment and forecasting emergency situations natural and man-made;

Technologies for subsoil study, search, exploration and integrated development of mineral and hydrocarbon resources;

Study and development of the resources of the World Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic.

3.7. Energy efficiency and energy saving:

Advanced energy technologies;

Intelligent energy systems of the future;

Efficient energy consumption;

Modeling of promising energy technologies and systems;

New materials and catalysts for the energy of the future.

3.8. Interdisciplinary studies of socio-economic and
humanitarian orientation:

Modeling and forecasting of global and national trends in the socio-economic and political sphere, taking into account the development of science and technology;

New mechanisms of economic activity;

Modeling and forecasting the development of science and technology;

Human Development;

Social stability, cohesion and conflicts in society;

Regional policy and sustainable development of regions and urban agglomerations;

Humanitarian problems of innovative development.

This list adjusted taking into account the parameters of the forecast of scientific and technological development Russian Federation, generated using a technology forecasting system.

The choice of priority areas of research and development plays an important role in state science and technology policy. Priority directions research and development are implemented in the form of large inter-industry projects for the creation, development and dissemination of technologies that contribute to fundamental changes in the technological basis of the economy, as well as for the development of fundamental research, scientific and technical support social programs, international cooperation.

Specific priority areas for the development of science and technology are detailed in the list of critical technologies. These technologies are intersectoral in nature and are essential for the development of many areas of science and technology. When selecting critical technologies, their impact on the competitiveness of products and services, quality of life, improvement of the environmental situation, etc. is taken into account. Priority areas for the development of science and technology, as well as a list of critical technologies at the federal level, are approved by the Government Commission on Science and Technology Policy.

Funding for work and programs is aimed at developing research in the field of high-energy physics, nuclear physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, high-temperature superconductivity, space, the oceans, and genetics. One can also highlight programs for creating technologies, machines and production of the future, promising information technologies; development the latest methods bioengineering. In addition, government scientific and technical programs provide for the creation of new medicines; development of medicine and healthcare; solution social problems. Current state scientific and technical programs are submitted for approval to the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of: an independent program at the federal level; subprograms as part of the federal scientific and technical program, formed on the basis of several state scientific and technical programs; subprograms as part of the federal target program.

Special objects of science of federal significance are the State Scientific Center. The status of a state scientific center is assigned by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation to scientific organizations, enterprises, higher educational institutions, having unique experimental equipment and highly qualified personnel. The results of their scientific research have received international recognition. Such organizations receive special support. Let us note that assigning the status of a State Research Center to an organization does not mean a change in its organizational and legal form. State research centers are exempt from paying value added tax when purchasing materials, equipment, purchased products, and services of third-party organizations necessary to implement programs financed from the federal budget; import customs duties, etc.

By the beginning of 1996, there were over 60 state research centers in Russia. One of the types targeted programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is a federal scientific and technical program. The Federal Scientific and Technical Program contains a complex of scientific research and development, as well as measures for their implementation, linked by resources, executors and deadlines. The goals of federal scientific and technical programs are: obtaining new knowledge in the field of fundamental and applied science; solving scientific and technical problems; creation of competitive equipment, technology, materials that ensure a general increase in the level of knowledge and practical implementation qualitatively new scientific ideas and technologies, development of scientific, technical and export potential of Russia.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • - significant significance for major structural changes aimed at the formation of a new technological structure;
  • - fundamental novelty and interconnectedness of program activities (projects) necessary for the large-scale dissemination of progressive scientific and technical achievements.

The Committee on Science and Technology of the Russian Federation acts as the state customer. The program is managed by a scientific council. The Scientific Council is responsible for the selection of scientific and technical solutions, the level of their implementation, the completeness and complexity of measures to achieve program goals. The Scientific Council organizes a competitive selection of performers and an examination of the results obtained. Currently, there are 41 state scientific and technical programs in Russia. Among the state scientific and technical programs we can highlight: the creation of highly efficient production processes for the agro-industrial complex; environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies in energy, chemistry, metallurgy; new materials; technologies and equipment for construction and transport. Row major projects in priority areas of development of science and technology is carried out by the Committee on Science and Technology of the Russian Federation from the federal budget.

The priority areas for the development of science and technology in Russia are: information Technology and electronics, production technologies(laser, robotics, flexible manufacturing systems, etc.); new materials and chemicals, living systems technologies (eg, biotechnology), transportation, fuels and energy; ecology and rational use of natural resources. Within these areas, 77 critical technologies have been identified. The development of the listed areas is associated with the implementation of state scientific and technical programs, programs of state research centers, the most important national economic programs and projects, international and regional programs and projects. The state scientific and technical program is a complex of interrelated activities in terms of resources, timing and executors, ensuring effective solution the most important scientific and technical problems in the development of science and technology. Programs are selected based on socio-economic priorities, forecasts, structural policy goals, and international obligations.

Federal scientific and technical programs are developed for the medium term (five-year period) in accordance with the federal law “On state forecasting and programs for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation”. Programs refer to federal level subject to the following conditions:

  • - compliance of the program and its projects with priority areas of development of science and technology and the list of critical technologies;
  • - significance (significant) of the problem being solved for the economy, social sphere, export, development of science and technology;
  • - the impossibility of solving the problem within an acceptable time frame through the use of the current market mechanism and the need for government support;
  • - fundamental novelty and technological progressiveness of scientific and technical results;
  • - the possibility of influencing structural relationships in the technological structure of the economy and increasing production efficiency;
  • - sufficiency (completeness and interconnectedness) of the system of program activities to solve the assigned tasks;
  • - the reality of solving the problem, based on the capabilities of the existing reserve, the availability of personnel, material and technical base and other necessary resources.

The criteria for their selection are ensuring national security, reducing the risk of man-made disasters, the expected contribution to accelerating GDP growth and increasing the competitiveness of the economy. These areas are strategically important for Russia, which means professionals working in these areas will always be in demand.

Annex 1

Priority directions

development of science, technology and engineering

In Russian federation


Security and counter-terrorism

Living systems

Nanosystems and materials industry

Information and telecommunication systems

Advanced weapons, military and special equipment

Rational environmental management

Transport, aviation and space systems

Energy and energy saving

Appendix 2


critical technologies of the Russian Federation


Basic and critical military, special and industrial technology

Bioinformation technologies

Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies

Biomedical and veterinary technologies for life support and protection of humans and animals

Genomic and post-genomic technologies for creating medicines

Cell technologies

Nanotechnology and nanomaterials

Technologies of nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle, safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel

Bioengineering technologies

Hydrogen energy technologies

Technologies of mechatronics and creation of microsystem equipment

Technologies for monitoring and forecasting the state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere

Technologies of new and renewable energy sources

Technologies for ensuring the protection and vital activity of the population and dangerous objects under the threat of terrorist manifestations

Technologies for processing, storing, transmitting and protecting information

Technologies for assessing resources and predicting the state of the lithosphere and biosphere

Technologies for processing and disposal of man-made formations and waste

Software production technologies

Technologies for the production of fuels and energy from organic raw materials

Technologies of distributed computing and systems

Technologies for reducing risk and reducing the consequences of natural and man-made disasters

Technologies for creating biocompatible materials

Technologies for creating intelligent navigation and control systems

Technologies for creating and processing composite and ceramic materials

Technologies for creating and processing crystalline materials

Technologies for creating and processing polymers and elastomers

Technologies for creating and managing new types of transport systems

Technologies for creating membranes and catalytic systems

Technologies for creating new generations of rocket, space, aviation and marine equipment

Technologies for creating electronic component base

Technologies for creating energy-saving systems for the transportation, distribution and consumption of heat and electricity

Technologies for creating energy-efficient engines and propulsion systems for transport systems

Technologies for environmentally safe resource-saving production and processing of agricultural raw materials and food products

Technologies for environmentally safe mining and mineral extraction

Appendix 3




1.1 Mathematics
1.1.1. Algebra, number theory, mathematical logic
1.1.2. Geometry and topology
1.1.3. Mathematical analysis
1.1.4. Differential equations and mathematical physics
1.1.5. Probability theory and math statistics
1.1.6. Computational Mathematics
1.1.7. Math modeling
1.1.8. Theoretical computer science
1.1.9. Parallel and distributed computing
1.1.10. Discrete Math
1.1.11. System Programming
1.1.12. Information Systems
1.1.13. Mathematical problems in mechanics and space exploration

1.2. Physics of Condensed Matter
1.2.1. Development of the theory of condensed matter
1.2.2. Structural studies of condensed matter
1.2.3. Physics of magnetic phenomena, magnetic materials and structures
1.2.4. Semiconductor physics
1.2.5. Physics of solid-state nanostructures, mesoscopics
1.2.6. Physics of low-dimensional systems, physics of surfaces and interfaces
1.2.7. Low temperature physics, including quantum crystals and liquids
1.2.8. Superconductivity
1.2.9. Properties of substances at high pressures
1.2.10. Physics of dielectrics
1.2.11. Physics of metals
1.2.12. Physical materials science and new materials

1.3. Optics and laser physics
1.3.1. Classical and quantum optics
1.3.2. Nonlinear optical phenomena, materials and devices
1.3.3. Ultrafast phenomena in optics
1.3.4. Interaction of laser radiation with matter, incl. in super strong fields
1.3.5. Fiber optics and optical communication. Integrated optics.
1.3.6. Optical informatics, holography
1.3.7. Development of methods and applications of spectroscopy, luminescence. Precision optical measurements
1.3.8. Physics of lasers and laser materials
1.3.9. Lasers in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, ecology and technology
1.3.10. New optical materials, technologies and devices, their applications

1.4. Radiophysics and electronics, acoustics
1.4.1. Coherent sources of microwave radiation and their applications in science and technology
1.4.2. Physics of solid-state elements and generation, amplification, conversion and reception devices electromagnetic waves
1.4.3. Development of methods and means for generating and receiving radiation in the terahertz range
1.4.4. Physics of nonlinear waves and nonlinear dynamics
1.4.5. Fundamental problems radio wave propagation
1.4.6. Acoustics, including nonlinear and low-frequency, acoustoelectronics. Development of methods for acoustic diagnostics of natural environments
1.4.7. Nanosecond relativistic electronics large capacities and its application in science and technology
1.4.8. Radiophysical methods for environmental diagnostics

1.5. Plasma physics
1.5.1. Physics of high-temperature plasma and controlled thermonuclear fusion
1.5.2. Physics of laser plasma and its applications
1.5.3. Physics of low temperature plasma
1.5.4. Plasma processes in geophysics and astrophysics
1.5.5. Development of plasma devices and their application in science and technology

1.6. Astronomy and space exploration
1.6.1. Origin, structure and evolution of the Universe
1.6.2. Non-stationary stars and stellar atmospheres
1.6.3. Formation of stars and planetary systems and their evolution
1.6.4. Solar Activity
1.6.5. Planetary exploration

1.7. Nuclear physics
1.7.1. Physics of elementary particles and quantum fields
1.7.2. Fundamental physics of the atomic nucleus
1.7.3. Physics of cosmic rays and nuclear aspects of astrophysics
1.7.4. Physics and technology of charged particle accelerators
1.7.5. Nuclear physical problems of energy


2.1. Energy
2.1.1. Heat and mass transfer, hydro-, gas- and plasmadynamics
2.1.2. Safety, reliability, resource and ecology in the energy sector
2.1.3. Problems of nuclear, thermonuclear and hydrogen energy
2.1.4. Low-temperature plasma and technologies based on it. Thermophysical and electrical properties of substances in wide range parameters; extreme conditions
2.1.5. Research in modern thermal engineering, electrical engineering, direct energy conversion and renewable energy sources
2.1.6. Energy resource saving and energy efficient technologies. Increasing the efficiency of integrated use of natural fuels
2.1.7. Modern energy policy and mechanisms for its implementation. Energy Systems Management
2.1.8. Mathematical modeling of electric power and heat supply systems
2.1.9. Problems of high-current pulsed energy
2.1.10. Problems of aviation, space and transport energy

2.2. Mechanics
2.2.1. General mechanics. Dynamics of cosmic bodies and controlled vehicles, transport systems
2.2.2. Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, solid body, non-ideal and multiphase media
2.2.3. Physico-chemical gas dynamics and processes during high densities energies: combustion, detonation, explosion, high-speed impact and interaction of directed energy flows with matter
2.2.4. Physics and mechanics of deformation and fracture of solid structured materials, including under extreme conditions. Tribology
2.2.5. Mechanics of natural processes and environments, mechanics of oil and gas production and pipeline transport
2.2.6. Biomechanics

2.3. Mechanical Engineering
2.3.1. Theory of machines and mechanisms, analysis and synthesis of machine complexes
2.3.2. Safety, resource, survivability of machines and complex technical systems
2.3.3. Machine dynamics, wave and vibration processes in technology
2.3.4. Ergonomics and biomechanics of “man - machine - environment” systems
2.3.5. Creation and operation of macro- and microrobotic and mechatronic complexes
2.3.6. Complex problems mechanical engineering; increasing machine safety, reducing man-made and technological risks for civil and defense facilities
2.3.7. Mathematical and physical modeling promising designs, materials and technologies in aviation, rocket and nuclear technology, shipbuilding, land transport, machine tool and instrument making

2.4. Management processes
2.4.1. Systems theory and general theory management. System analysis
2.4.2. Control in deterministic, stochastic systems and under conditions of uncertainty
2.4.3. Modeling and identification of control systems. Information interaction in complex systems
2.4.4. Methods for optimization and intellectualization of management systems and processes. Adaptive Control.
2.4.5. Complex technical systems and information and control complexes
2.4.6. Control of moving objects. Navigation, orientation and guidance systems


3.1. Information theory, scientific foundations of information computing systems and networks, system analysis
3.2. Artificial intelligence, pattern recognition systems, decision making under many criteria
3.3. Automation systems, mathematical methods for studying complex control systems and processes, CALS technologies
3.4. Neuroinformatics and bioinformatics
3.5. Global and integrated information and telecommunication systems and networks
3.6. Architecture, system solutions and software for new generation information and computing systems
3.7. Element base of microelectronics, nanoelectronics and quantum computers. Materials for micro- and nanoelectronics. Microsystem technology
3.8. Opto-, radio- and acoustoelectronics, optical and microwave communications. Vacuum electronics


4.1. Theory of chemical structure and chemical bonding, kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions, reactivity of chemical compounds, stereochemistry, crystal chemistry
4.2. Synthesis and study of new substances, development of materials and nanomaterials with specified properties and functions (polymers and polymeric materials, composites, alloys, ceramics, products for biological and medical purposes, optical, superconducting, magnetic materials and highly pure substances)
4.3. Chemical energy: development of ways to convert and accumulate energy in chemical systems, creation of effective ways to couple energy-releasing and energy-absorbing processes. New chemical current sources, fuel cells and development of chemical generators for high-power energy and domestic needs
4.4. Chemical analytics: creation of methods and means for determining and monitoring substances in the environment. Development of new methods and means of chemical analysis of substances and materials
4.5. Theoretical basis chemical technological processes, including the creation and improvement of chemical-technological equipment
4.6. Development of effective environmentally friendly and maximally safe technological processes for processing natural raw materials (including gas, oil, coal), organic and mineral raw materials (including polymetallic ores), irradiated nuclear fuel, radioactive waste and materials
4.7. Creation of catalysts for the synthesis and processing of chemical raw materials. Modeling and using the principles of synthesis and functioning of biological molecules and systems to create highly efficient chemical processes and new materials
4.8. Surface phenomena in colloidal disperse systems, physicochemical mechanics
4.9. Development of the theory of strength, plasticity and shaping
4.10. Supramolecular and nanosized self-organizing systems for use in modern high technology
4.11. Chemistry and physical chemistry of solids, melts and solutions
4.12. Chemical processes in substances in extreme states or subjected to extreme influences, combustion processes
4.13. Chemical resistance of materials, protection of metals and other materials from corrosion and oxidation
4.14. Chemistry and technology radioactive elements
4.15. Chemistry of the environment, including the atmosphere and ocean. Development of problems of chemical protection of humans and the biosphere



6.1. Physical fields of the Earth, their nature, interaction and interpretation
6.2. Deep structure and geodynamics of the Earth; interaction of internal and external (hydrosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere) geospheres and their impact on the environment
6.3. Modern geodynamics, movements and stress state of the earth's crust, seismicity and seismic forecast
6.4. Modern and ancient processes of sedimentogenesis, lithogenesis and sedimentary ore formation
6.5. Global and regional models of the structure and formation of the main types of Earth structures
6.6. Early stages of the geological history of the Earth, features of geology and metallogeny of the Early Precambrian, formation of the hydrosphere and atmosphere
6.7. Sedimentary basins of continents, shelves and continental slopes: patterns of formation and structure, minerals
6.8. Problems of the origin of the Earth's biosphere and its evolution; geological function of biota in the history of the Earth: biogeochemical cycles, role in sedimentogenesis, environmental crises and disasters; paleoclimate
6.9. Fundamental problems of geology and geochemistry of oil and gas, development of the oil and gas complex of Russia
6.10. Experimental studies of physical and chemical problems of geological processes and thermodynamics of natural systems
6.11. Isotopic systems in natural processes; isotope geochronology and sources of matter
6.12. Biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, isotope-geochronological methods of stratigraphy and periodization of the history of the Earth
6.13. Nanoparticles in nature: conditions of formation, environmental and technological aspects studying them
6.14. Problems of magmatism: composition, sources, evolution, mechanisms of formation and differentiation of magmas, the role of fluids, connection with ore formation
6.15. Genetic characteristics and conditions for the formation of large and super-large deposits of strategic types of mineral raw materials and problems of their integrated development
6.16. Problems of integrated development of the Earth's subsoil and new technologies for extracting minerals from mineral and technogenic raw materials
6.17. Evolution of the environment and forecast of its development in conditions of rapid natural and anthropogenic changes
6.18. World ocean: geological structure of the bottom and mineral resources; physical processes in the ocean and their impact on the Earth's climate; marine ecosystems and their role in the formation of biological productivity
6.19. Water resources, water quality and problems of water supply in the country; dynamics and protection of groundwater, surface water and glaciers
6.20. Environmental and climate change: research, monitoring and forecasting of the state of the natural environment; natural disasters, analysis and assessment of natural risk, volcanism
6.21. Research, monitoring and forecasting of the state of the cryosphere and changes in permafrost conditions
6.22. Physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, thermodynamics, radiation transfer, composition changes
6.23. Changes in natural-territorial complexes of Russia in zones of intense technogenic impact; fundamentals of rational environmental management
6.24. Development of new methodologies, technologies, technical means and analytical methods for studying the surface and interior of the Earth, its hydrosphere and atmosphere
6.25. Study of the material composition and structure of the Earth, Moon and other planets; cosmochemistry and meteorology as a means of understanding the origin and evolution of the Russian Earth priority directionsdevelopmentSciences, technologies And technology V RussianFederation transparency and publicity are provided. PrioritydirectionsdevelopmentSciences, technologies And technology V RussianFederation will...



In order to modernize and technologically develop the Russian economy and increase its competitiveness, I decree:

1. Approve the attached:

A) priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation;

B) a list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure the implementation of this Decree.

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of Russian Federation

Priority directions for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation

1. Security and counter-terrorism.

2. Nanosystems industry.

3. Information and telecommunication systems.

4. Life Sciences.

5. Promising types of weapons, military and special equipment.

6. Rational use of natural resources.

7. Transport and space systems.

8. Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear energy.

List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation

1. Basic and critical military and industrial technologies for the creation of advanced types of weapons, military and special equipment.

2. Basic technologies power electrical engineering.

3. Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies.

4. Biomedical and veterinary technologies.

5. Genomic, proteomic and post-genomic technologies.

6. Cellular technologies.

7. Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies.

8. Nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies.

9. Technologies of nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle, safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

10. Bioengineering technologies.

11. Technologies for diagnostics of nanomaterials and nanodevices.

12. Technologies for accessing broadband multimedia services.

13. Technologies of information, control, navigation systems.

14. Technologies of nanodevices and microsystem technology.

15. Technologies of new and renewable energy sources, including hydrogen energy.

16. Technologies for production and processing of structural nanomaterials.

17. Technologies for the production and processing of functional nanomaterials.

18. Technologies and software of distributed and high-performance computing systems.

19. Technologies for monitoring and forecasting the state of the environment, preventing and eliminating its pollution.

20. Technologies for search, exploration, development of mineral deposits and their extraction.

21. Technologies for preventing and eliminating natural and man-made emergency situations.

22. Technologies for reducing losses from socially significant diseases.

23. Technologies for creating high-speed Vehicle and intelligent control systems for new types of transport.

24. Technologies for creating new generation rocket, space and transport equipment.

25. Technologies for creating electronic components and energy-efficient lighting devices.

26. Technologies for creating energy-saving systems for transportation, distribution and use of energy.

27. Technologies for energy-efficient production and energy conversion using fossil fuels.

Files for the material:

  • Decree of the President of Russia dated July 7, 2011 N 899 “On approval of priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation” (.pdf, 114 Kb)

1. Security and counter-terrorism.

2. Nanosystems industry.

3. Information and telecommunication systems.

4. Life Sciences.

5. Promising types of weapons, military and special equipment.

6. Rational use of natural resources.

7. Transport and space systems.

8. Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear energy.

List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation

1. Basic and critical military and industrial technologies for the creation of advanced types of weapons, military and special equipment.

2. Basic technologies of power electrical engineering.

3. Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies.

4. Biomedical and veterinary technologies.

5. Genomic, proteomic and post-genomic technologies.

6. Cellular technologies.

7. Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies.

8. Nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies.

9. Technologies of nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle, safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

10. Bioengineering technologies.

11. Technologies for diagnostics of nanomaterials and nanodevices.

12. Technologies for accessing broadband multimedia services.

13. Technologies of information, control, navigation systems.

14. Technologies of nanodevices and microsystem technology.

15. Technologies of new and renewable energy sources, including hydrogen energy.

16. Technologies for production and processing of structural nanomaterials.

17. Technologies for the production and processing of functional nanomaterials.

18. Technologies and software of distributed and high-performance computing systems.

19. Technologies for monitoring and forecasting the state of the environment, preventing and eliminating its pollution.

20. Technologies for search, exploration, development of mineral deposits and their extraction.

21. Technologies for preventing and eliminating natural and man-made emergency situations.

22. Technologies for reducing losses from socially significant diseases.

23. Technologies for creating high-speed vehicles and intelligent control systems for new types of transport.

24. Technologies for creating new generation rocket, space and transport equipment.

25. Technologies for creating electronic components and energy-efficient lighting devices.

26. Technologies for creating energy-saving systems for transportation, distribution and use of energy.

27. Technologies for energy-efficient production and energy conversion using fossil fuels.