Blue screen appears constantly. Causes of the Blue Screen of Death. Video: Blue Screen of Death: Causes

The Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) occurs when significant errors occur - the OS stops functioning. Information about the problem appears on the monitor in the form of codes, each of which has its own meaning, helps to understand the problem and solve it.

Causes of the screen of death on a computer

The reasons for the Windows blue screen can be software or hardware. The blue screen itself will help you understand the reason. If we look closely, it tells us error codes that indicate the place where the failure occurred.

Software reasons for the Windows blue screen

Emergence BSOD after installing various software, upgrades or components. During installation, there may be a conflict between hardware drivers and the system, programs may have problems, or during an update from the Microsoft server, the computer may have turned off and they were not installed correctly.

Also, the blue screen problem may occur due to incorrect entries in the registry or inappropriate firmware.

Hardware causes of Windows BSOD screen

Breakdown of components of electronic computer equipment;

Unwanted contact between PC nodes (the hard drive cable gets caught in the system blades air cooling central processor);

Strong heating of the processor, followed by throttling (reset of frequency and voltage);

Collision system programs(work of two antiviruses, etc.);

The Winchester is more than 3 years old (not stable);

The result of improper overclocking of the processor, RAM, video card;
Viruses and other unwanted software are rarely the source of critical problems.
BSOD can be caused specifically to find out about current problems in the operating system ( double tap SCROLL LOSK when holding CTRL while the option is enabled).

Diagnosing a computer to identify a damaged utility

It is quite possible to diagnose a computer at home. A very common error that causes blue Windows screen, it is quite simple to find and eliminate. Below we will look at how to find damaged software or computer parts.

1. Determine changes in work.

A common cause of BSOD is a recent replacement or installation of a new headset. This is due to the shortage of essential program files.
There are many configurations various components hardware, so drivers cannot be checked for each individual installation. Even an installed program is a prerequisite for a serious problem when configuring specific hardware.

2. Diagnostics of internal parts.

Cause of BSOD there may be a poor-quality fastening inside the PC - you need to open it system unit, look at the correct connection of wires and installation of cards in the appropriate connectors, reliability of installation in the connectors.

3. Checking the temperature conditions.

Overheating can lead to hardware failure. The video card can overheat. First it heats up, then the processor.
The temperature is checked in the monitoring section of the BIOS, or by a specialized utility in the loaded OS.

4. Testing RAM.

Some problems may be caused by a defective RAM stick. Typically, this manifests itself in the output of a completely different value than what was written to the corresponding memory cells. This leads to unstable operation of the operating system and applications. RAM is checked by the program " memtest86", which is loaded freely from the hard drive before Windows starts.

It is useful to reboot the system and then run the testing utility. It automatically diagnoses RAM. For effective result all program tasks are launched. Memtest performs the check until it is stopped manually.

5. Hard drive diagnostics.

It is required to run “chkdsk” on the disk to identify and eliminate errors. A faulty hard drive leads to the screen of death. To run "chkdsk" the "My Computer" option opens to click right key mouse onto the disk for testing. In the window that opens, select the “Properties” column, then “Service”, click “Run check”. Before testing begins, the PC is rebooted.

6. Return the computer to its original state.

A good method is to disable everything that is unnecessary for the standard operation of the device. If the fault disappears, it was in the connected components.
To operate a personal desktop you need a processor, RAM, motherboard, power supply, keyboard, hard drive.

You need to connect the monitor to a special connector on the motherboard to turn off the video card. Other components are disabled during verification.

If the PC works normally in the basic configuration, then you need to connect one element at a time until the error code appears. This way you can identify the source of the blue screen.
This verification technique is not used for a laptop (it cannot be disassembled)! Some of them have built-in software for hardware diagnostics.

PC Error Study

To find out how to cure a computer, you need to analyze the errors it produces.

1. Setting the PC to pause when a BSOD occurs.

It starts a reboot, during which there is no way to track the information. To access it, you need to set your PC to pause and copy valuable data.

To do this you need:

Opening driver installations. “Windows + Pause” leads to the expansion of settings.

Click on " Extra options systems."

In the “Advanced” column, in the “Download and Recovery” place, click on “Options”.

Next - “Perform automatic reboot” in the “System failure” place is unchecked. After clicking “Ok”, the settings are saved in the router. If the blue screen occurs again, the device will fix it until it is rebooted manually.

2. Waiting for failure data to appear.

This is required for a query in the search box when analyzing a problem in order to find out what leads to the violation (program or elements of technical devices).

It is necessary to record the file name - errors, its characteristics.


You need to make a copy of the first address after this notification.

How to cure a computer: solving the problem.

How to cure a computer if it has a problem screen death windows 7 .

You need to press F8 (when loading the OS) until the Windows 7 boot menu appears. Select this item with loading network drivers to use a shortened version of Windows. In it you can use the Internet, Device Manager, and other features.

Use an antivirus to check for unwanted software and viruses. Although the antivirus works in mode active protection, sometimes it lets viruses through. In order to detect and neutralize them, it is necessary to perform a deep scan or scan when loading the OS. It doesn’t matter which one you have (Avast, Kaspersky, Doctor Web, etc.), the in-depth scanning function is present everywhere.

You can also use a special program from Microsoft, which is already built into the system windows 7. It's called Malicious Software Removal Tool or for short MRT. About how to use MRT.

3. Windows update from disk.

In order not to do a complete reinstallation, this option is the most suitable; it only copies system files. If a failure occurs, they can be restored.
To do this, you will need a Windows disk from which you will need to boot. The program will delete outdated files, and new ones will be copied, without losing personal information.

4. Restore the Windows system to an earlier working state.

In this case, driver and system updates are rolled back. Using recovery, you can find out the cause of the blue screen by gradually updating drivers and the system.

5. Freeing up space on the hard drive.

Free space on local disk should always be more than 50% for normal and fast functioning of the computer. If you have one disk, for example, with a capacity of 150 GB, then it is better to split the hard disk into two. This is done for stable operation systems.

If there is not enough space on your hard drive due to its small capacity, you can get rid of unnecessary or unimportant programs or shrink the disk to save space by checking the appropriate box.

6. Installing new updates.

Checking for updates and installing them. In general, Windows updates are initially downloaded automatically.

7. Complete reinstallation of the OS.

This is done if it is impossible to find the cause of the error. With it there is a complete hard formatting disk and clearing the system of all data. To save valuable information, it is recommended to merge it onto a separate disk.

8. Replacement of failed parts.

If, after all the manipulations, the system displays information about a problem, then the source of the failure lies in a faulty part, which must be identified and replaced during testing.
Replacement of internal elements should be carried out by a specialist, because incorrect independent connection can cause serious damage to PCs and laptops.

Before diagnosing your computer to identify the cause of the failure, you can do the following:

Cleaning your PC from dust;

Replacing the battery on the motherboard;

Replacing thermal paste in the relevant computer components and checking the operation of coolers.

All necessary programs and drivers need to be downloaded from official sites, from pirated versions It's better not to work.

If you cannot cope with this problem, then you can always call our specialist and he will short time will solve all your computer problems. Just submit your application.

Good day, dear readers!

Hardly any of active users I haven’t encountered such a thing on my computer as a blue screen with a bunch of white text, which can only be gotten rid of by restarting the computer.

In this article I will tell you what it is, why it happens, and how to deal with it. The article turned out to be very long, but it covered all the points from the reasons for the appearance of the blue screen of death to their elimination.

Blue screens of death look different on different computers and operating systems (OS). IN Lately they become no longer quite blue.

For example, here is a blue screen with the image sad smiley developers offer us new Windows 8, scheduled for release in 2012. This BSoD can be observed quite often when testing the capabilities of a new operating system. Perhaps this is one of the most positive, so to speak about BSoD, blue screens of death.

However, some have encountered the red screen of death in earlier versions Windows Vista, which served as blue. In the older days of Windows 1.0 and Windows 2.0, the screen was completely black! The blue screen began to be called starting in 1991, when this name was proposed by Erik Noyes, an employee of one of the Californian companies. Since then, the concept of “blue screen of death” has become generally accepted.

What is Blue Screen of Death

A concept that comes from in English and translated into our native language. Actually, as you already understand, BSoD and the “blue screen of death” are one and the same thing. The abbreviation BSoD stands for Blue Screen of Death or Blue Screen of Doom. Official name phenomena - Stop Error.

When you see a blue screen on your computer monitor, it indicates a critical system error. This method of informing the user about a failure is typical for Windows OS.

So what is BSoD? In Fig. 1, you can parse the CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION entry. This is a blue screen of death error with the code (technically correct - STOP code) 0x000000F4. A short notation is also used, discarding zeros after 0x - 0xF4. Further in the article, this particular recording will be used when there are no other numbers. Blue screen of death codes are an entry in hexadecimal system prefixed numbers 0x. This prefix is ​​used to recognize system services using language C.

Using STOP BSoD code the system identifies the error that occurred and makes an entry in the system log for subsequent analysis and prevention of the error in the future. Blue screen of death error 0xF4 indicates a failure that occurred due to an unexpected termination of a system-critical process or thread. We will talk more about the meaning of blue screen of death errors below.

More detailed information for advanced users is provided by BSoD, used in Windows XP/Vista/7, the most common today, as well as Windows Server 2003.

Rice. 2. Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 Using this BSoD, it is much easier for an advanced user to figure out what the problem is.

First, Microsoft notifies the user that the BSoD is caused by a shutdown to prevent the computer from crashing. The following is the system file SPCMDCON.SYS - the culprit, according to Windows, of an emergency shutdown. Below is the blue screen of death error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - it indicates that the data contained in memory was not found. The following is a guide for the user's next steps to prevent a similar error from occurring in the future. Below is technical information: STOP code 0x50 and again the SPCMDCON.SYS file, this time with parameters.

Agree, this BSoD can lead to much more confusion inexperienced user than the one they offer Windows developers 8.

The most common blue screen of death codes

We list the most common blue screen of death errors. The following is short description the reasons why the blue screen of death is most likely to appear. However, to accurately diagnose the problem, you still need to refer to the error parameters and interpret them correctly using debugging programs.

0xA - IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - incorrect address when accessing the device driver;
0x1E - KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - The kernel mode process is attempting to execute an invalid instruction;
0x24 - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - failure in the NTFS file system;
0x2E - DATA_BUS_ERROR - parity error in RAM;
0xB4 - VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE - video driver initialization error;
0xB9 - CHIPSET_DETECTED_ERROR - chipset is faulty motherboard;
0xC2- BAD_POOL_CALLER - memory allocation operation error;
0x4E - PFN_LIST_CORRUPT - the driver input/output structure is damaged;
0x50 or 0x8E - PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - data requested from memory is missing;
0x69 - IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED - system initialization failed;
0x77- KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR - reading the requested kernel page is impossible;
0x79 - MISMATCHED_HAL - hardware incompatibility;
0x7A - KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR - error reading into physical memory;
0x7B - INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - no access to system partition disk;
0x7F - UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - unexpected error operation in the kernel;
0xD1 - DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - driver error, memory address is not available;
0xF3 - DISORDERLY_SHUTDOWN - Windows was unable to shut down due to lack of memory;
0xC0000135 - STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND - error loading the library;
0xC000021A - STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED - error in a service running in user mode;
0xC0000221- STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH - the driver file was not found or damaged.

If your blue screen of death error is in this list no, then you can find it on technical websites Microsoft support. It contains explanations of the most likely causes of failure for each error, as well as an interpretation of the BSoD parameters - this is necessary for high-quality troubleshooting of the problem leading to the appearance of BSoD.

Blue screen of death, what to do

Why does the blue screen of death appear? There can be a lot of reasons. In general, a BSoD occurs when a critical error occurs while executing kernel code or a driver in kernel mode.

The blue screen of death appears, for example, when any changes have been made to the computer’s hardware: replacing or installing a video card, audio adapter, hard drive, controllers and devices PCI bus And PCI Express. The driver for these devices may be poorly compatible or incompatible with the existing computer configuration, which leads to problems and BSoD.

The only thing that helps when BSoD occurs is restarting the computer, as a result of which all unsaved user data will be lost.

The user has the option to manually trigger the BSoD. This is only done if there is no other way to detect a system malfunction. To call BSoD, it is possible to assign a specific combination of hot keys. Therefore, under unfavorable circumstances, the user may inadvertently cause a BSoD to appear.

The manual BSoD procedure should not be abused to avoid loss of information or software problems. In addition, a blue screen of death caused artificially will not display needed by the user information. You may also encounter difficulties in the hardware dependence of this procedure: in particular, there are restrictions on calling BSoD from keyboards that have USB connector. More detailed information about calling the blue screen of death can be obtained from Microsoft document Q244139.

So, the blue screen of death appears, what should you do in this case? The only thing you can do is this moment- this is to reboot. Further, if you are a fairly experienced user and are not afraid of working with debuggers, then there is a solution. To determine the cause of BSoD, Microsoft has developed comprehensive solution Debugging Tools for Windows with support for 32 and 64-bit OS, which is included in Microsoft SDK for Windows.

Causes of the Blue Screen of Death

Changing BIOS settings made on a quick fix may also be the cause of BSoD. If you don't remember exactly what changes you made (especially if you made multiple changes), then the best solution To avoid the blue screen of death error, you will need to set the BIOS settings to the default state.

There are viruses that are created to attack the main boot entry(MBR) and boot sector. They can also cause problems and blue screen of death errors. You can check your computer for viruses by booting from recovery disk with antivirus installed. Many antivirus development companies, such as Kaspersky Lab, offer in their solutions the function of creating a CD from an existing distribution. In addition, you can download a ready-made image from the company’s servers. You can also check the status MBR antivirus AVZ utility. You can read more about working with the utility at the link.

Problems with RAM. Diagnostics

Often faulty and sometimes unequal RAM modules can cause the Blue Screen of Death error to occur. If you notice that after installing, reinstalling, or replacing RAM modules, the OS does not boot or a blue screen of death appears, you can try putting the memory modules in other DIMM slots or swapping DDR sticks - this often solves the memory problem. However, the problems may lie elsewhere, and the cause of this can be identified by diagnosing the RAM using standard means checks Windows memory. The utility is available in Windows 7 and Vista (for Windows XP you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic utility)

Let's see how the diagnostic tool works:

2. In the window that opens, select “Windows Memory Checker” from the list (usually the third one from the bottom).

3. In a new window, Windows will ask you to choose from two options: “Restart and scan (recommended)” and “Scan the next time you turn on the computer.”

4. Close, that's it open source software to make sure you don't lose any data, and click "Reboot and check (recommended)."

The computer restarts and the memory test begins. Typically the test is performed in two passes. The screen shows both the percentages for the current pass and the final ones. Once the test is completed, it will reboot and present the test results.

Rice. 3. Checking your computer for memory problems There is another option - to test the status of the RAM from the boot disk (Windows Vista and Windows 7 only). For this:

1. Go to BIOS and set CD-ROM (DVD-ROM) as the first boot device in BOOT menu, then exit the BIOS, saving the settings.

2. After the reboot, the bootloader will display the message “Press any key to boot from CD”, press any key.

3. Wait while Windows downloads the files. In the window " Windows installation» Click Next.

4. Select "System Restore", wait.

5. Leave all the settings in the “System Recovery Options” window as default (“Use recovery tools...”) and click “Next”.

6. From the list provided, select “Windows Memory Diagnostics”.

7. In the new window, select 1 of 2 options. For example, "Reboot and check (recommended)" to start checking memory immediately.

The computer will reboot and the memory test will begin.

Hard drive diagnostics

Problems with the hard drive (HDD) can also cause the Blue Screen of Death error. Windows utility CHKDSK allows you to check your hard drive for errors and bad sectors. Using this utility it is possible to restore damaged HDD sectors. To run the scan, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. Click right click mouse over the section you want to check and select "Properties".

3. In the new window, select the “Service” tab.

4. At the top of the tab, click on the “Run check” button.

5. A new window “Check disk “Disk name”” will open. The user can choose 1 of 4 options for checking the disk, depending on which items he checks. If you just want to know if your disk has errors, uncheck the top point. In that Windows case will not fix system errors. You can also conduct a comprehensive study and restore damaged HDD sectors by selecting both options. Attention! Windows will not be able to automatically correct system errors and restore damaged sectors while the selected partition is active, i.e., in use. Therefore, a system reboot may be required to complete the test. In this case, in the warning window that appears, click on the “Schedule disk check” button. After the PC restarts, the disk check and user-selected actions will be performed. For more detailed information on how the CHKDSK utility works, check out this.

6. Click the “Launch” button and wait for the test results.

After checking, a new window will display both brief and detailed information about the status of the tested partition.

Rice. 4. Check the hard drive If CHKDSK utility has done its job, but errors in disk operation occur again, you can carry out more deep testing. To do this, you will need to resort to utilities developed by hard drive vendors.

In addition to the ability to externally diagnose the condition of a disk drive, all modern HDDs and SSDs ( solid-state drive) are manufactured with the manufacturer’s ability to self-monitor and self-test their condition, as well as estimate the time of expected failure of the device. This is S.M.A.R.T technology. To access the diagnostic data of this technology, you need to use one of the programs that can read the data transmitted by the disk controller program. There are paid and free programs that support this feature. One of the modern free programs is CrystalDiskInfo

Rice. 5. S.M.A.R.T. using CrystalDiskInfo As you can see in the screenshot, the program provides all the data on the disk, including current temperature, number of starts, total number of operating hours. Below in the list are technical data that can be used to judge the physical wear of the disk. Current and worst values ​​- real indicators of this disk at the moment and ever, respectively. The threshold is a value below which the manufacturer of a given hard drive cannot guarantee stable and uninterrupted operation of the device.

Despite the seeming flawlessness of the technology, in practice, many companies and individuals complain that hard drive failure often occurs when normal indicators S.M.A.R.T. Therefore, you can trust this technology only with an eye to the possible erroneousness of the data, which, nevertheless, does not detract from all the advantages of this technology.

Memory dump

For a qualitative perception of the information below, let’s define the concept of a memory dump. Memory dump - the contents of the working memory of one process, kernel or entire OS. A memory dump contains technical information about the state of a system or an individual program.

It should also be noted that memory dumps come in different forms.

By default, in modern operating systems such as Windows XP/Vista/7 (from now on we will only consider these Windows operating systems as the most common), when the blue screen of death appears and you reboot the computer, a debugging information record is created in the kernel memory dump file MEMORY. DMP. It will contain all the necessary information sufficient to diagnose the cause of the failure and prevent it in the future.

Full memory dump contains comprehensive information about the system status and problems. The OS also saves this information to the MEMORY.DMP file by default.

A small memory dump can be used to create a dump file. It contains only general system information, which is often not enough to correctly diagnose the cause of the blue screen of death error. It is appropriate to create a small memory dump file only in cases where disk space is extremely limited. If you have no difficulty with disk space, then it is better not to use a small memory dump to create a dump file.

So, by default, when Windows XP/Vista/7 crashes, it creates a memory dump file MEMORY.DMP and writes debugging information and parameters of the crash into it. The MEMORY.DMP dump file is then saved to the %SystemRoot%. Subsequently, the dump file can be sent to the developers to find out the cause of the BSoD.

The user can also independently configure the saving of technical information in the event of a system failure. Let's configure the OS recovery options. To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista:

1. Go to “Start”, “Control Panel” and select “System” or right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Properties”.

2. At the bottom of the left column, click “Advanced system settings”.

3. Go to the “Advanced” tab.

If you have Windows XP, then do everything the same, except for the 2nd step.

Rice. 6. Configuring OS recovery parameters The new “Boot and Recovery” window presents OS boot parameters and actions if it fails. Here you can select the most appropriate recovery options after a BSoD. In particular, the user can select from which memory dump the dump file will be written. And also change the name of this file and the directory where it will be saved. Note that you should not change the name of the dump file if you intend to subsequently send it to Microsoft or other developers for analysis.

1. The problem of compatibility of computer hardware drivers, although not the only one, is the main reason why the blue screen of death appears. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly update your computer's device drivers. Moreover, what is important, this should be done only from the official websites of hardware manufacturers or from the websites of their partners. Otherwise, you risk getting a virus or a malfunction of the device for which the driver is intended.

2. Install software products only well-known and well-established companies that value their reputation and are responsible for the stable and uninterrupted operation of their software.

3. Be sure to download everything Latest updates programs and OS to eliminate incompatibilities and vulnerabilities. The blue screen of death also appears when a program cannot interact correctly with the system kernel: this can be incorrectly written code, leading, for example, to a loop, or vulnerabilities through which viruses, exploits, rootkits and other infections can penetrate into the program code, capable of, among other things, damaging hardware.

4. Viruses are one of the possible reasons for BSoD. For stable operation of the OS and programs, use good antivirus with firewall ( firewall) or a comprehensive solution of the Internet Security class.

5. When and frequent appearance blue screen of death errors, trust the solution to the problem to specialists if you yourself are not 100% confident in your abilities. There is absolutely no advertising in this. The point is that if you use licensed software, you are entitled to free technical support. In addition, in addition to Microsoft Corporation, today such services are provided, for example, by some antivirus developers.

6. When a BSoD appears and the computer is subsequently restarted, all unsaved data is lost. To ensure the security of your information, please follow backup your data to external drives.

7. Computers, like people, do not last forever. They also get sick, grow old and die. Computers that are too old and obsolete can jeopardize your work efficiency. Moreover, a computer should give its user pleasure, and if it constantly fails, which is more typical for an experienced PC, then there is no need to talk about it. Blue screens of death appear more often on obsolete computers, when hardware developers stop supporting their products.

8. Computers need cleaning. It is necessary not only to wipe and blow through the computer components, but also to clean the system of accumulated temporary files OS and programs, as well as other things information garbage, which is of no value. This can also prevent BSoD.

Take another look at the BSoD images at the beginning of the article. The main purpose of the blue screen of death is to warn the user about problems with his computer and prevent possible negative consequences. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of BSoD, but you need to think in this way: blue screen of death, what to do? And then you need to work with this problem until it is eliminated.

I hope, dear readers, you liked the article and found it useful. Health to you and your computer!

Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) blue screen of death) is the result of a serious error that occurred while the operating system was running. Actually, that's why it got its name - if you saw it, the error is so serious that the computer has nothing left to do except turn off Windows and reboot. This does not always mean that something is broken, perhaps just some isolated failure occurred. This article describes the most common reasons why a Blue Screen of Death occurs when loading Windows, and what to do if it happens on your computer.

General information

The operating system is a very complex complex various programs and services. They all constantly interact with each other, create new files according to given algorithms, which are then used by other programs, and so on. Of course, Windows developers have provided a huge number of protections against failures and errors, but they can still occur.

Blue Screen of Death occurs if built-in measures Windows protection were unable to fix the problem. The system will try various methods, but if nothing works, it will have to urgently shut down and restart the PC. Such errors are called unsolvable.

For comfort Windows users shows the reason why the operation was stopped. If you carefully examine the blue screen, it becomes clear that the reason for the “death” of the OS is written on it, recommendations on what to do to eliminate errors, as well as special code. You can enter this code in your search engine to find out more about this problem full information, and also receive instructions on how to solve the problem.

Possible causes

In order to understand what to do to fix the problem, you need to know why it happened. This list represents the most common reasons Death screen appears:

  1. a lack of free space on the system hard drive. If your drive C (or another one containing system Windows files) is packed to capacity, a similar error may occur.
  2. Drivers are not working correctly - you may have installed wrong version drivers for one of the devices, or during the installation process an issue occurred system failure, system operation may be interrupted, including when attempting to boot.
  3. Registry errors - occur when incorrect installation programs. You may have downloaded a broken application installer, or your PC is infected with viruses, which is causing the problem.
  4. Damaged system files – this often happens on older operating systems. Over time, many small errors accumulate on the disk, which may one day cause the death of Windows.
  5. Unstable operation of internal components personal computer. A normal breakdown, power outages, overheating - all this can also cause a blue screen.

Problem solving

Some of these loading errors can be easily resolved by users on their own. For others, you may have to turn to specialists.

The first thing you should do if you see a blue screen of death is try to remember the code indicated at the very bottom. After this, try turning on your computer as usual. Often problems occur once and will not happen again.

If the problem returns after a reboot, you need to start Windows using the latest successful configurations. To do this you need to do the following:

If the cause of death and the appearance of a blue screen were problems with the registry, system files, or recently installed drivers, a similar approach can solve this problem.

If BSoD appears every time booting Windows, it is recommended to try performing a system restore using a disk or bootable USB flash drive.

BSoD or Blue Screen of Death in Windows may appear due to various reasons. Starting from a failure in separate program, ending with the breakdown of important equipment. If you've seen BSoD only once, it's too early to sound the alarm. But if the failure is regular, it means there is some problem with the computer. And you need to pay attention to the information that is shown in the error.

You were quietly working at your computer and saw the “Blue Screen of Death” in Windows 7. What to do in this case? There is no need to immediately restart your PC. Look at the error code. From it you will understand what is “broken.” And you can eliminate the cause of the failure.

When the BSoD appears, pay attention to the sections:

  • "The problem seems to be caused." The file that caused the failure is indicated there;
  • Below is the name of the error;
  • "Technical Information". Technical information. The error number must be written after the word “STOP”. For example, "0x0000007E" or "0xC0000135";
  • Next comes the driver name and error address.

Reasons for the error

Remember what happened before the Blue Screen of Death occurred. This way you can figure out what to do about it. For example, you connected a new device, installed a program, updated the system, or downloaded unlicensed drivers for Windows. If it was after this that problems began, then you have found the culprit. You can also determine the cause by looking at the error codes.

Here's what causes the crash:

  • Hardware faults. The hard drive, RAM, network card, video adapter may be damaged;

The cause of the problem may be hard drive malfunction disk

  • Connected incompatible device or equipment. Let's say you decide to install new RAM cards or attach external hard drive. And after that, Windows began to crash into BSoD;
  • Software conflict, in particular drivers;
  • BIOS failures or bad firmware;
  • Overheat;
  • Updating Windows or individual services. Along with this, you can download a huge number of errors. They are not even insured against licensed programs. If BSoD appears after a system update, simply roll back the system. And wait until the update is fixed and optimized;
  • Contact between wires and internal equipment. For example, the cable got caught in the cooler blades;
  • which damaged important files;

  • User actions. Someone tried to "overclock" the computer. Or deleted system data.

Error codes

To understand how to get rid of the problem, you need to look at the error codes. Blue Screen of Death provides the information you need. But the list of such numbers is huge. After all, anything can break. And it is not clear what to do in this case. Here are the most common failures:

  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” (“X”) are numbers from 1 to 5. Relevant for Windows Server 2003 and Win XP with SP. Appears when installing some antiviruses. To fix everything, download the “KB887742” update from the Update Center or from the official Microsoft website;
  • "0x0000000A" and "0x0000000X", where "X" equal to numbers from 6 to 9. The driver is damaged. Or there are incompatible programs/hardware;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” can be a number from 13 to 19. The codes mean that there is no communication with the memory board. Or the connection to the hard drive on which the swap partition is located is lost;
  • “0x0000001F” and “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 20 to 23. Error when reading/writing information. Appears in file FAT systems. The cause may be a broken hard drive or severe data fragmentation. Blue Screen of Death with this code also occurs due to incompatible antiviruses and firewalls;
  • "0x00000024". The same thing, but for the NTFS file system;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 28 to 35. Problem with drivers or RAM;
  • "0x0000000B", "0x0000000C", "0x0000000D". Associated with software failures sound card Sound Blaster Live;
  • "0x00000051". Occurs when the system cannot read a registry element. This happens when the system or equipment is damaged;
  • "0x00000057". There is something wrong with the network card;

Death screen example

  • "0x00000069". Incorrect system installation or incorrect configuration;
  • "0x00000073". Part of the registry is damaged. Or there is not enough free memory;
  • "0x0000007E". May appear when Windows update. For some reason the update caused a failure. To eliminate it, you need to roll back the system;
  • "0x0000008E". RAM failure. Or the RAM modules are incompatible with each other;
  • "0x000000FE". Critical failure in the USB controller;
  • "0x00000104". Problem with the video adapter driver or BIOS firmware;
  • "0x1000007E", "0x1000008E" or "0xC000009A". The Windows system kernel does not have enough resources for stable operation. Free up RAM and local memory;
  • "0x80070570". The system is not installed correctly. The problem may be in the installer itself;
  • "0xC0000135" and "0xC0000218". Important items are damaged or missing dynamic libraries. BSoD shows which object is unavailable;
  • "0xC0000221." Problem with driver or library;
  • "0xDEADDEAD". The user himself initiated an emergency stop of the system.

The list is quite long. There are hundreds in it different numbers. You can enter the failure code in the search engine to find out detailed information. Or look it up on the website “” (tab “BSoD: description of errors”). There are also instructions that describe what to do in each situation.

If the same failures occur with different objects (the codes are the same, but the file names are not), most likely the problem is not in the system, but in the hard drive. Back up your important data as soon as possible. If they end up in a damaged sector, it will be difficult to restore them.

View the code if the system reboots

How can I find out the failure number if the computer restarts when a BSoD appears? And you simply don’t have time to read the message.

Blue screen codes can be viewed in dumps. They are located in the Windows\Minidump system directory. To open these files, you need the BlueScreenView program. Find it on the Internet, install it and open it. It will scan the dumps and display a list of them. Files that contain information about the failure will be marked in red.

BlueScreenView window

How to fix the error

Equipment broke down

If the equipment breaks down, it is unlikely to be repaired at home. But sometimes it’s enough to turn it off and on again. Let’s say the error codes make it clear that there is no access to RAM. Here's what to do:

  • Turn off the computer's power. Don't just press the "Off" button, but remove the plug from the socket;
  • Open the cover of the system unit;
  • Find the RAM boards there;

  • Carefully remove them from the nest. You need to pull back the latch that holds them;
  • Push them back in;
  • Turn on your computer and check if everything works.

The same can be done with hard drive, and with a video adapter and a sound card. But if you are unfamiliar with the internal workings of a computer, it is better to leave it to the professionals. You should not remove all the parts from the system unit one by one.

If it doesn’t help, it means the equipment has become unusable. It needs to be changed.

Disabling external devices

Very often BSoD appears when hard drives or other external devices. How to fix the Blue Screen of Death in this case? Turn off the equipment. Try inserting it into a different port. See how it appears in Device Manager. Check to see if it's next to the model name. exclamation point. Update your drivers.

Perhaps the problem is not with the computer, but with the port controller. If it is faulty, it must be turned off.

Problems with the file system or hard drive

Run scan and repair of the system disk. For this:

  • Right-click on it;
  • Item “Properties”;

Go to “Properties”

  • “Service” tab;
  • “Check” button;

Click on “Run check”

  • Check all the boxes. In particular, you need the “Repair bad sectors” option;

Check the box next to “Repair bad sectors”

  • "Start" button;
  • The service will warn you that it will start checking the next time the system starts;
  • Restart your computer;
  • It will begin disk recovery. This may take a long time. Don't interrupt the process.

Software glitch

Here's how to remove the Blue Screen of Death if the problem is in the system itself or programs installed on it:

  • Uninstall everything you installed immediately before the crash;
  • If it doesn't help, make a backup;
  • Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools;
  • Press " ";

  • In the window that opens, check “Select a restore point”;
  • If necessary, check the box “Show all restore points”;
  • They show the time when the backup was made and what happened (installation, deletion, update);

Restore points

  • Select a suitable point and confirm;
  • Do not turn off your computer until the recovery is complete.

The system will roll back. It will return to the state it was in before the errors appeared.

Other options

  • Scan the system with a good antivirus;
  • Clean the hard drive from debris. Remove unnecessary files. But don't touch system data. You can use the built-in Windows services(Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup) or install programs for this: for example, CCleaner;

CCleaner program

  • It makes sense to fix registry errors. But you shouldn't do it manually. Take advantage Registry programs Fix, Registry Boot and the like;
  • if you have installation disk with the system, try reinstalling it or restoring damaged files;
  • Update all drivers. Download the latest updates.

If a Blue Screen appears when you turn it on

If the Blue Screen of Death appears immediately after turning on the computer, you will not be able to log into the system. And it will be difficult to fix anything. Therefore, you need to start the PC from a boot disk or drive. If you don't have one, use the Windows installation CD. A free program from DrWeb - “Live Disk” is also suitable. It can be downloaded from

  1. When you start the PC (on the very first “frame”), a key will be indicated that must be pressed to open the settings (“PRESS TO ENTER SETUP”). This is usually F1, F2, F5 or Del;
  2. Click on it. The BIOS options will open. In them, all control is tied to the keyboard;
  3. Go to the "Boot" tab;
  4. Paragraph " Boot Device Priority";
  5. There will be a loading order. Put first the device from which you plan to download data (disk or drive);
  6. Open the “Save” section, select the “Save and reset” option;
  7. The computer will now start with external media(don't forget to insert it);
  8. If this boot disk or CD with Win distributions, try reinstalling them;
  9. Live Disk also has tools for resuscitating the system;
  10. After recovery, change the boot order again to start from the hard drive.

This will work if the problem is due to a software glitch. But it will not help in case of equipment failure

You need to take care of your system and computer, even if there are no problems. Regularly check the disk for errors, remove unnecessary junk from it, and clean the registry. Don't try to improve your PC's performance if you don't know how to do it. If you take precautions and monitor the state of the system, the Blue Screen of Death is unlikely to bother you.

You can handle some problems yourself. But if BSoD appears due to hardware failure, it will have to be replaced.

Most users, when interacting closely with a computer, have encountered a sudden shutdown of the system, accompanied by a blue screen with incomprehensible information. This is the so-called "BSOD", and today we will talk about what it is and how to deal with it.

BSOD is an acronym that literally means Blue Screen of Death. It was impossible to say more precisely, because after the appearance of such a screen further work without a reboot is impossible. In addition, such system behavior indicates quite serious problems in the software or hardware PC. BSODs can occur both when the computer boots and while it is running.

There are a great many options for errors written on blue screens, and we will not analyze each one separately here. It is enough just to know that the causes that cause them can be divided into software and hardware. The first includes failures in drivers or other programs closely related to the operating system, and the second includes problems with RAM and hard drives. Incorrect BIOS settings, e.g. incorrect values voltages or frequencies during overclocking can also cause BSOD.

Most special cases are described on the website To work with this resource, you need to understand the structure of the data provided by the system.

The most important is the hexadecimal error code shown in the screenshot. This information should be found on the website.

In the event that the system automatically reboots and there is no way to read the information, perform the following actions:

Now, when a BSOD appears, a reboot can only be performed manually. If you cannot access the system (an error occurs during boot), you can set the same parameters in the boot menu. To do this, when starting the PC, you need to press the key F8 or F1, and then F8, or Fn+F8. In the menu you need to select to disable automatic reboot during a failure.

Reason 1: Drivers and programs

Drivers are main reason occurrence of blue screens. These can be either firmware for hardware or files embedded in the system by some software. If a BSOD occurs precisely after installing the software, then there is only one way out - to “roll back” to the previous state of the system.

If there is no access to the system, then you need to use installation or bootable media with the version of the OS that is currently installed on the PC recorded on it.

Read more: How to create bootable USB flash drive With ,

Carefully monitor the behavior of the system after installing any programs and drivers and create restore points manually. This will help you correctly identify the causes of errors and eliminate them. Timely updating of the operating system and the same drivers can also save you from a lot of problems.

More details:
How to update operating system ,

Reason 2: "Iron"

Hardware problems, causing BSOD, the following:

  • Lack of free space on system disk or section

    You need to check how much storage capacity is available for recording. This is done by right-clicking on the corresponding disk (partition) and going to properties.

    If there is little space, that is, less than 10%, you need to remove unnecessary data, unused programs and clean the system of garbage.

  • New devices

    If a blue screen occurs after connecting new components to the motherboard, then you should try to update their drivers (see above). If unsuccessful, you will have to stop using the device due to its possible malfunction or inconsistency of characteristics.

  • Errors and bad sectors on your hard drive

    To identify this problem, you should check all drives for problems and, if possible, resolve them.

  • RAM

    Faulty RAM strips are very often the cause of failures. You can identify “bad” modules using the program.

  • Overheat

    BSOD can also be caused by overheating of components - processor, video card or motherboard components. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to correctly determine the temperature of the hardware and take steps to normalize it.

Reason 4: BIOS

Incorrect motherboard firmware settings (BIOS) can lead to a critical system error and a blue screen. The best solution in this situation would be to reset the settings to default.

Reason 3: Viruses and antiviruses

Viruses that have entered your computer can block some important files, including system files, and also interfere with the normal operation of drivers. You can identify and eliminate “pests” using free scanners.

If virus attack has closed access to the system, then the message recorded on removable media. In this case, scanning is performed without loading the operating system.

Antivirus programs can also behave inappropriately. They often block “suspicious” system files responsible for normal work services, drivers and, as a result, hardware components. You can get rid of the problem by disabling or uninstalling your antivirus.

Features of a blue screen in Windows 10

Due to the fact that Microsoft developers try to limit user interaction with system resources, the information content of BSODs in Windows 10 has decreased significantly. Now we can only read the name of the error, but not its code and the names of the files associated with it. However, the system itself now has a tool for identifying and eliminating the causes of blue screens.

  1. Let's go to "Control Panel" by calling the line "Run" keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command

  2. Switch to display mode " Small icons" and go to the applet "Security and Service Center".

  3. Next we follow the link "Troubleshooting".

  4. Open the block containing all categories.

  5. Select an item "Blue screen".

  6. If you want to fix the problem immediately, click "Further" and follow the prompts "Masters".

  7. In the same case, if you need to get information about the error, click on the link "Additionally".

  8. In the next window, uncheck the box next to the inscription "Automatically apply fixes" and proceed to the search.

This tool will help you obtain detailed information about BSOD and take appropriate actions.


As you can see, fixing BSODs can be quite complex and demanding. large quantity time. In order to avoid the appearance critical errors, update drivers and the system in a timely manner, do not use dubious resources to download programs, do not allow components to overheat, and before overclocking, read the information on specialized sites.