How to delete temporary computer files. We remove excess computer junk manually. Video: how to clear your system of temporary files using CCleaner

While programs are running, the computer creates temporary files. And these files accumulate. For example, over the course of 3 years, more than 1000 files have accumulated on my computer, which took up more than 40 Gigabytes of disk space. And why is this necessary? Can be cleaned fairly easily HDD computer, freeing it from unused information.

So, the user's temporary files are in the folder C:\Users\_user_account_name_\AppData\Local\Temp, but it’s not so easy to get into. Therefore, below we will describe how to do this in order to delete files from this folder.

First of all, click on the button “ Start" and in the line search query enter %TEMP%. Once the folder you are looking for is found, click on it:

After this it will open Conductor with the contents of the folder Temp:

If you look at the properties of this folder, you can see how many temporary files have accumulated in it and how much space they take up. And this may surprise you. :)

Now we will delete temporary files and directories so that they do not take up disk space and interfere with the operation of other programs.

For this click on any folder or file (this is necessary to be in this directory), then press Ctrl+A (A - Latin, from English all ) - this will select all folders and files. After this you can right click click on any directory or file and select “ Delete"or just press the key Del on keyboard:

Foolproof protection will turn on and ask: “”. Well, yes, who would have thought! This is exactly what we came here for. Therefore, press the button “ Yes»:

Aaaand... Our files went to the trash! :)

But it's not that simple. The size of the recycle bin is not infinite and some folders and files may not fit in it. Therefore the question will arise: “ Are you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?"In order not to get up twice (or many, many times), it is better to check the "". Delete, delete! :)

Aaaand... That's not all. There are temporary files that are currently occupied by running programs. You can, of course, close the program that occupies the file that is not being deleted and click “ Repeat", and then he will leave. But you don’t have to waste your time on trifles and press “ Skip" Well, so that your finger doesn’t get tired of skipping all the files, it’s easier to check the “” box:

Look like that's it! Everything that was possible was permanently deleted; everything that fit in the trash was moved to the trash. Let's look now at properties Temp folders and we are pleasantly surprised:

After all this, be sure to empty the recycle bin and deleting the user’s temporary files in Windows 7 can be considered complete! :D

Windows temporary files are stored in several system folders, from where they can be removed manually. Directory addresses:
  • C:WindowsTemp;
  • C:UsersUserNameApp DataLocalTemp.
The second folder is hidden by default. To get into it, you need to allow display hidden folders in the settings or use this method:

The contents of the “Temp” folders can be safely deleted from the system. However, the cleaning should not end there - there are still temporary browser files that also take up free space on the disk.

So it's better not to look separate folders, but use the built-in Disk Cleanup tool, the purpose of which is to remove temporary Windows files 7.

Disk Cleanup

To run Disk Cleanup in Windows 7, open Computer and click Windows partition right click. Select "Properties" of the disk - on the "General" tab there will be a "Disk Cleanup" button.

After launching the utility, you need to wait a little while the system generates a list of data that can be deleted without harm to the system.

If you have never run temporary file cleanup, the process of creating the list may take a while.

In the list you will see what data will be deleted. There is information about the operation of programs, temporary Internet files, a recycle bin, various reports, etc. The amount of freed space is indicated below. To clear my memory of this unnecessary information, click OK.

However, such cleaning will also not be complete. There are old update files left in the system that are no longer valid, but continue to be stored on the hard drive. To get rid of them, click the “Clean up system files” button.

The system will start rescan hard drive to identify unnecessary updates. After the analysis is completed, a new list of data will appear, the removal of which will not harm Windows. Here, the amount of freed up space increases significantly - the system is clearing no longer valid temporary update files.

Select all items in the list and click OK. Once the removal is complete, see how much space is freed up on your hard drive.

Using third party programs

About how to clean the system from extra files, various software developers are also thinking about this. There are dozens of programs that allow you to clean your hard drive. However, there is no need to use unknown utilities: it is better to choose a proven program for deleting temporary files – CCleaner.

This cleaning utility can not only remove temporary files, but also check the registry for errors and then fix them. But we won't consider everything CCleaner features and we will only consider in detail how to use it to remove unnecessary data from the system.

  1. Launch the utility.
  2. On the Cleanup tab, click the Analyze button.
  3. Wait until the scan finishes and click Clean to remove all unnecessary files.

The CCleaner temporary data removal program allows you to customize the depth of analysis by marking those programs and system elements that need to be scanned. For example, if you do not want the log of visited sites and saved passwords to disappear in your browser, then go to the “Applications” section and uncheck the corresponding boxes in the list.

The advantage of CCleaner is that this program finds and removes more unnecessary information than the built-in disk cleaning tool.

You need to use cleaning utilities carefully: their frequent use causes errors in the system, so it is better to develop a specific cleaning schedule.

If you purchase Pro version, then a tracking function will become available in the settings, thanks to which memory cleaning will start automatically when certain conditions are reached. However, you can get by with the free functionality - just don’t forget to clean your computer of temporary files from time to time.

Video about removal methods

The attached video describes in detail the process of clearing memory from unnecessary information using standard Windows tools. The same methods are used as above - manually deleting data from the Temp folders and running the Disk Cleanup tool.

Deleting system operation data is necessary so as not to clog the device’s hard drive unnecessary information. Choose a method that is convenient for you and help the system work more efficiently.

I was interested in the question “How many computer users use the Windows operating system?” A little searching and the answer was found, for the first half of 2013:

From Windows lines for the same period of time:

Windows 8 – 7%

Windows 7 – 57%

Windows XP – 16%

Eighth and seventh Windows versions I am recruiting users, but they are leaving XP and Vista.

These are some statistics for information. Now let's get straight to the topic.

Deleting temporary files in Windows 7

When working with Windows OS, whether we like it or not, temporary files constantly accumulate.

The operating system is not always able to remove them. As a result of errors or program failures, temporary files remain in the " Temp" Accordingly they occupy free place on the hard drive and affect system performance. We come to simple conclusion– they need to be removed.

Find the Temp folder. C:\Windows\Temp.

We open and see the files we don’t need.

Now I have a few of them. I just cleared out the folder yesterday. It took up almost 300 MB. I forgot about them and haven’t cleaned them for a long time. And if you didn’t know about this, then I think you have accumulated a decent amount of all sorts of garbage.

Select all the files by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+A. Right-click and select “Delete”.

Let's move on to the next folder C:\Users\Username\App Data\Local\Temp.

The “App Data” folder is hidden, and you won’t find it just like that. And if you use Total Commander (I only use this version, it's the most convenient for me), it has a function that shows hidden files, everything will work out quickly and simply. How to work with file manager Total Commander can be found at.

To enable the display of hidden files, just press the button with an asterisk.

Open the “Temp” folder and clean it the same way.

Select the files and right-click and select “Delete”. But here I had 1.75 GB of garbage.

These are the main two folders that need to be cleaned.

There are three more Temp folders, but a small amount of temporary files accumulate in them, but it is advisable to clean them.

C:\Users\All Users\Temp

C:\Users\All users\Temp

C:\Users\Default\App Data\Local\Temp

This completes the removal of temporary files.

You may be asking, “Why not use cleaning programs?” I have my own opinion on this. The program is a robot and it doesn’t care what you delete. There were unpleasant moments from practice when famous cleaners brushed away what was not needed. And it’s not for nothing that the developers provide them with the function backup copy files, which means there is a possibility of failure. And I somehow got used to doing without them.

How do you clean your system of debris?

Incredible physics

During their operation, many programs, both application and system, create various temporary files. Surely many users have found files with strange names in ordinary folders that look similar to, say, MS Word or Excel files. This happens especially often after the lights unexpectedly turn off or the operating system freezes while the user is working with some document. This is one of the types of temporary files that were not correctly deleted due to software error.

In operating rooms Windows systems There are entire folders designed solely for storing temporary information. In theory, at the end of a session with a system or program, these files should be deleted, but due to a number of circumstances, including errors in the operation of programs, this “garbage” accumulates in the system and sometimes begins to cause great trouble.

But the most “painful” case in which the question arises is temporary files - this is an infection of the system malware. System junk folders are a favorite place for a virus to hide its code. Therefore, when a computer is infected, the user’s first step is to clean out folders with temporary files, especially folders with the browser’s disk cache.

Theoretically, everyone has the ability to delete temporary files regularly modern browsers. As a rule, it is contained in the settings, in the “Advanced” section. We pressed the button, waited a little - and that’s it! But this situation is ideal. If you have no doubt about the fact of infection, it is better to refrain from running programs that can gain access to the network.

Another cleaning method disk cache consists of manual removal temporary files. To find the Internet folder, you must first determine which operating system is installed on the computer, as well as which browser is used. All currently popular browsers store their temporary files in one of the user profile folders. The location of the profile folder depends on the operating system. For example, in Windows XP, the path to the folder with user profiles is %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings, where %SystemDrive% is the drive with the operating system (usually C:). In Windows Vista/Seven, user profiles are located in the %SystemDrive%\Users folder. The subfolder with the user's name is his profile in operating system.

The easiest way to deal with this is with Internet Explorer, because the temporary files of this browser are located in the Local settings\Temporary Internet FIles folder. Temporary files of other browsers, as well as profile folders in general, are located in the Local folder. More precisely, in Windows Vista/Seven the folder structure is different, but through the shortcut system you can access it through the old, familiar names. In this directory, the data of most application programs. Accordingly, the Opera folder will contain Opera files, in the Mozilla folder - files, etc.

But when deleting the disk cache manually, you need to be careful, because... third party browsers, as a rule, profile folders store not only temporary files, but also data about installed extensions, passwords, plugins and many others useful information. Usually everything unnecessary is in the cash folder.

When working with files through Explorer, you may encounter a problem where the Local settings folder cannot be found. In fact, it exists, but the system assigns it the “Hidden” attribute. In order to get into it, you must either enable the ability to display system and or, if this fails (consequences of the previous virus attack), try to follow the direct link. For example, by entering address bar path "C:\Document and Settings\User01\Local Settings\ Application Data", the user will immediately be able to get to the Application subfolder Data folders Local Settings in the user profile User01.

And one more thing - if you intend to “clean” another user’s folders on your computer, you will need administrator rights.

Browsers store the following information when you browse the web:

  • temporary Internet files;
  • Cookies;
  • log of visited websites;
  • information provided on web pages or in the address bar;
  • saved network passwords.
  • download log
  • site settings

This information can be useful when reopening frequently visited pages, as it speeds up their launch and does not require passwords. This is good if one person uses the computer, but if several people have access to it, then such information should be deleted. Deleting temporary files will help free up significant space on your hard drive, and of course prevent getting outside users computer information about sites visited and content viewed.

Note: files Cookie- small text files, which sites place on the user’s computer. Used to provide personalized service to users and collect information about website traffic. Cookies from trusted websites make it more comfortable viewing site pages thanks to information about the user’s personal preferences or opportunities automatic login to the website. However, some cookies, such as those stored by advertisements, may compromise user privacy by tracking the websites visited

Internet Explorer

Open "". This can be done in the browser itself - click Tools and select Internet Options. Or Start - Control Panel - Internet Options.

We mark " Delete browsing history on exit", don't forget to press Apply, and press " Delete"

We mark the items that will be deleted when the browser exits. If in the previous window you click the " Options", you can limit the disk space for temporary files and trace the path where temporary files are stored.

You should close Internet Explorer to clear any cookies that were saved during your current browsing and are still in memory. This is especially important when using a public computer

Deleting temporary files in the Opera browser

To clear temporary files and cookies, open your browser Opera and in the Menu select Tools - Delete personal data - Detailed setting. Check the boxes whose data needs to be deleted.

Select and click Delete. The following settings in the browser, touch automatic cleaning disk cache and cookies. In the browser menu, select Tools - General settings- Extended. Select an item Story and check the box Disk cache- Clean upon exit. The next item in the settings is Cookie. Check "Delete new cookies when exiting Opera"

If you check "Never accept cookies", you may experience problems when visiting some sites, as they require Cookies to be enabled.

Note: Blocking all cookies protects your privacy but limits the functionality of some websites. We recommend that you carefully select the websites that will allow you to store cookies. You can start by blocking all cookies and then allow them to trusted sites as needed.

Deleting temporary files in Firefox browser

To clear temporary files and cookies, open your browser and select Tools - Settings from the browser menu. Open the tab Privacy. In the history settings, select " Will use your history saving settings" and mark the items that will delete Cookies when closing the browser

Note: files Cookie there are Temporary,Permanent. And Third party

  • Temporary(or session) files Cookie are deleted from the computer after closing the browser. Web sites use them to store temporary information
  • Permanent(or stored) Cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser. Web sites use them to store information, such as username and password, so that the user does not have to log in again each time he visits the Web site. Persistent files Cookies can be stored on your computer for several days, months or even years
  • Third party files Cookie saved by advertising components (in the form of pop-ups or advertisements) on the website you are viewing. Websites often use these cookies to collect site traffic information for marketing purposes.

If you check the box " Clear history when closing firefox", then the button is activated Options, where you can choose what will be cleared when closing the browser.

Mark the required items and click OK. If you have several browsers on your computer, you can use free program CCleaner. Program website It is enough to mark the necessary items in the program settings once and the cleaning process will be reduced to two mouse clicks. First we do Analysis, and then Cleaning.

Additionally, you can clean up the disk by deleting unnecessary files that accumulate while working on the computer. To reduce the amount unused files on your hard drive to free up disk space and improve computer performance, use the " Disk Cleanup" It deletes temporary files, empty the trash and deletes many system files and other unused elements