What does non stop mean? Strengths and weaknesses of a leader. An effective employee is evaluated based on results

Non-stop is a fairly common expression that can be heard on the radio, read in announcements of city events, seen on social networks or met in colloquial speech. Some consider it colloquial and even slang, but philologists assure that it takes its rightful place in the Russian language, although it appeared relatively recently.

If you want to know exactly what this word means, and also understand when it is appropriate to use it in speech, our article will be very useful to you.

Origin of the word

Even someone who learned English a long time ago and cannot boast of deep knowledge probably understands that “non-stop” is an expression that came to us precisely from this language. Literally it is translated as “without stopping,” that is, without interruption for any pause. As a rule, it describes some kind of continuous process.

Syntactic and morphological properties

According to modern dictionaries, non-stop is an inanimate masculine noun. It belongs to the second declension. It can be declined according to cases, as provided by the rules of the Russian language. In this case, the first part of “non” remains unchanged, the ending is added to the part “stop”.


It is worth remembering that the expression “non-stop” is not always a noun. It can act as an adjective (non-stop) and an adverb (non-stop).

But most often this expression denotes an event of long duration, during which there are no pauses or stops.

Examples of using the expression

The easiest way to understand what non-stop is is with an example. Many cinemas broadcast films without pauses. As a rule, the event is scheduled for a less popular time. For example, a non-stop session can be overnight. Several films are broadcast one after another. The viewer can save on the ticket. The entire session will cost less than several tickets for the same films. During a non-stop session, it is permissible to come and leave at any convenient time.

Radio broadcasting can occur continuously. A great example is broadcasting music from a festival that lasts several days in a row.

The word is often used for naming or advertising campaigns. It is perfect for the name of a 24-hour laboratory, diagnostic center, legal or legal advice center. psychological support, carrier company, delivery service, as well as many other organizations that are ready to provide services at any time convenient for the client.

"Personnel Management", 2010, N 15

Top managers of companies speak about the content of their work, the value of time in business, and the priority of management tasks in this material, prepared by our journalists in major cities of Russia. For one, it’s just a pain in the soul... for another, it’s the fear of losing business (read the work of a lifetime) due to an absurd mistake or laziness of an ordinary manager, for a third, it’s a clear vision of priorities and emphasis, for a fourth, it’s the correct delegation of authority...

So, in this large material you will, we hope, find many valuable ideas for your business, discuss with your colleagues the naivety of some of our heroes (what is a revelation for some, is yesterday for others)...

What's the end result? Experience of real captains of Russian business.

We welcome your comments. Write [email protected].

“Neither in the evening nor on weekends is it possible to turn off your brains and put them on the windowsill”

Olga Nikitina, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Simona Group of Companies:

  • I am the owner of a business, and this can be compared, for example, with maternal responsibilities. Just as it is impossible to answer the question: how many hours a day are you a mother, it is also impossible to answer unequivocally: how many hours a business owner works a day. I constantly think about my business, worry about it, think through the prospects, and work to achieve my goals. Therefore, I can unequivocally answer the question that I work more than the standard 8 working hours per day and 40 per week provided for by the Labor Code.

For me, my working hour is priceless. And all because, while working, I not only earn money, I gain invaluable experience of doing business in a rapidly changing world, experience of surviving in times of crisis, practice the ability to anticipate the development of the situation and manage it, the ability to build various lines of communication with people, expand my circle your communication. All this is worth a lot.

It is not so easy to clearly estimate how much a company earned per month. There are situations when the team worked tirelessly, made every effort and achieved results, but this result cannot be immediately assessed in monetary terms, since long-term promising contracts were concluded, new customers were found, and new business schemes were developed. There is a result, it is huge, the company has earned money, but it will be possible to “touch” it only after some time. Therefore, one month is not an indicator of the profitability of my business. At the end of each year, my company’s financial analysts present a report on how the company performed and what factors influenced the result. It is difficult to assess whether a company has earned a lot or a little. Everything is relative: do we compare this year’s income with the income of the previous period of our company’s activity?.. Or is it a comparison with the performance of other companies occupying the same market niche as us?.. Or we think big and compare our income with the income sharks of world business?..

Vyacheslav Antonov, General Director of the Artis Medical Center:

  • It takes me about four hours a day to work directly, the rest of the time is spent traveling around the city, endless meetings and conferences. In order not to forget about important things, I make sure to write everything down in a diary and mark what I have done. I plan about 60% of my working time in advance. But when partners or clients change plans, you have to rearrange your schedule. In this mode, there is little time left for yourself, but in a gentle mode there is some time for your personal life. How much do I earn per hour? I didn't think so, to be honest.

Tatyana Shvab, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Agroimpuls Bank:

  • I work 5 days a week, 13 hours a day. Saturday and Sunday are sacred, I never work on weekends. That works out to about 65 hours a week. It is clear that the owners do not force people to work in this mode. But I don’t know what recycling is, for me it doesn’t exist. When there are goals and tasks that need to be solved for the benefit of the company and for the benefit of society, when you do this with interest and take responsibility for the business, time flies so quickly that you don’t notice it. Many people are surprised, thinking that 13 hours of work a day is a lot. But you cannot approach it only from the point of view of material benefits that can compensate for such large time costs. I work not only for money, but also for an idea, in other words, for money and for an idea. Of course, we live in a material world, so money is needed as a tool to solve our problems.

Sergey Kudrin, CEO of Zebra Telecom:

  • Every day of my work is unpredictable: just now everything was calm and measured, and suddenly - half-hearted! And although it is sometimes difficult to work at such a crazy pace, I even like it.

On average, my working day lasts 11 hours, and this time is not always enough to solve all current problems.

On weekends I try to rest, because it is impossible to work effectively every day at this pace. You have to restrain your work impulse a little, give yourself the opportunity to catch your breath. Unfortunately, there is not always enough time for proper rest. But this is probably not a problem exclusively for business, but for everyone modern world. The rhythm of our lives does not resemble a waltz, but rather the sound of a jackhammer being turned on.

I rarely see my friends. It’s not easy for two people to get together, and even more difficult for three of us: one of us will definitely have important work, a business meeting or a business trip at this time. But we still meet!

Alexander Kiselev, General Director of the Remer production group:

Tatyana Fomina, factory manager at Stary Gorod LLC:

  • IN certain periods you work a lot, this is when you build production processes, digitize, as I call it. During such periods you work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. Then the situation evens out. Personally, I am a supporter of this attitude: if you correctly scheduled your working day, correctly and competently placed your subordinates and were able to organize them so that they complete the work accurately and on time, then eight hours of working time should be enough for you to do everything. Although the thought process does not stop after 18 hours. It is impossible to “turn off your brains and put them on the windowsill.” I go to work on Saturdays at least twice a month. In a calm atmosphere, I analyze everything, work with papers, and determine a plan of action for myself for the next week. During this time you can work quite creatively. So it's hard to say how many hours I work. This is my second year at this company, and for the first six months I worked at a fairly intense pace.

Elena Mukhareva, Director of Economics and Finance, Southern Coal Company:

  • Our company is very young, hence there are many problems, both related to development and to the current operating day. The tasks that arise in front of me during the day are very diverse and varied, so first of all, experience is needed, the ability to quickly switch from one problem to another, and it is also necessary to be able to listen to the interlocutor in order to resolve issues. And then most of what was planned comes to fruition. Of course, there are problems that take time to solve, and you have to return to them, somewhere simply partly due to the negligence of your fellow tribesmen and colleagues.

The working day lasts 8 - 9 hours. I spend little time on lunch. The first part of the day is traveling; meetings with bank representatives and other counterparties; current affairs; development-related meetings. For me clients are banks, Insurance companies- the same potential investors who offer their conditions and opportunities.

Well, in the evening it’s calm and quiet, you can do analytics and numbers. There is a lot of mail, I rank it for myself - what needs to be answered urgently, what can be postponed. Since our company is not very large, there are not many subordinates in Moscow. Our business is based in the Rostov region, I mainly rely on assistants and directors in the regions. At first it was difficult, then it became easier, we established a deep mutual understanding, and everything went faster. And so, I try to fit in my working day; we don’t work on Saturday and Sunday, because we need to rest and restore ourselves. Therefore, it turns out to be a normal working week.

Elmira Magomedova, Executive Director public relations bureau "Carte Blanche PR":

  • The specificity of the business of PR services and corporate press is that the work is based on a certain seasonal principle. The length of my working day depends on this. If you set a goal and take the arithmetic average, it turns out that on average I work about 10 hours a day. During peak months, the working day can reach 16 hours. Moreover, not only I, but also almost all the company’s employees work on such a schedule. It all depends on the number of parallel projects that Carte Blanche is running. For example, December is always our busiest month: 15 - 20 people can be working at the same time major projects, not counting planned monthly orders. At this time, we work not only overtime, but also practically seven days a week.

It is quite difficult to estimate the cost of one hour of my working time, since my income consists not only of wages, but also depends on the company’s profit. My hour is valued differently from month to month.

Maxim Sinyakov, Deputy Director for Strategic Development of Vodmashoborudovanie OJSC:

  • System mechanical work, which I somehow have to perform functionally (this includes meetings, planning, reporting), takes about 3 hours. Interaction with people - and a manager is obliged to communicate in order to make informed decisions - is another 2 - 3 hours. The rest of the time is spent depending on the situation. A mandatory item in daily work is analytical and intellectual activity. The leader must get to the bottom of the reasons, find out the circumstances, and master new things. This kind of work requires concentration and silence. Sometimes the search for an idea or solution to a problem can last for several days. In fact, I practically do not disconnect from work issues.

The issue of remuneration is related to several other things than the work that a person does. I know how much my work brings to the company. Traditionally, a quality management system and its proper implementation can optimize an enterprise’s activities by 20%. I know how much my work can be valued on the market. What I am doing now is not a serial product, but a piece product: the system is built for each enterprise individually. If I had decided to go to market with my services, I would not have many consumers: not all companies have matured enough to realize the need to create a quality system. But the fact is that my work fascinates me. I am completely satisfied with the opportunities that my company provides me. And I work not in order to live on something, but because it is interesting.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan, general director of the construction company GriAR LLC, the Aqua car wash network:

  • During the day I work from morning until late evening: from 10:00 to 21:00. About 3 hours a day are spent on travel - to work and moving around the city. But this is due to the fact that the car wash network has been operating not so long - only six months. In the future, I would like to structure my work process in such a way that I would be at the workplace - at car washes - only for 2 - 3 hours in the morning, visiting all points, and in the evening, taking over a shift. Earning money without being able to spend it is not for me. Then what is their meaning? For example, in the near future I plan to build a house - this will take a lot of time, including during the working day. But when the business is established, I don’t see the point of being at work all the time.

Now our company has a net profit of about 500 thousand rubles. But the plan is to double this amount in six months.

I’m already used to working for myself, since I did this right after university. But I wouldn't like to work for the sake of work. It is also important for me to have fun with it. I think my working hour costs at least 5 thousand rubles. But it is very difficult to value your knowledge, achievements and experience in money.

Alexander Semenov, General Director of KORUS Consulting:

  • In a day, if you take into account the time I spend on the road and the time when I think about business, it takes about twelve hours to work. Total per year is about three thousand. I hold meetings, answer emails, communicate with employees, clients, and regulatory authorities. But generally speaking, the workday schedule is a relative thing; it very much depends on the specifics of the business. For example, since we are a consulting company, as CEO, I need to spend time communicating with clients. I personally oversee a number of projects - with large companies, associations, and with government participation. Of course, they can be transferred to other specialists, but it is right for the company that I deal with them. This is correct both in order to better understand the client, to understand what is happening in the market, and to develop the company’s brand. One hour of a project manager for our customers costs an average of one hundred euros. Based on this rate, I believe that an hour of my work is several hundred euros.

What to focus on - internal or external development - depends on the specific company and the specific market situation. When the crisis came a year and a half ago, for three months, sixteen hours a day, I was engaged only in internal processes. We carried out very serious optimization, which allowed the company to now feel quite good. Since January last year, I have had a lot of time to work with clients.

Sergey Karpinsky, General Director of the Fermer grocery chain:

  • I come to work around 8 am and finish at 18:00 - 19:00. It turns out that my working day lasts on average 9 - 10 hours, but this does not bother me. On Saturday I work until lunch - until about three o'clock in the afternoon. At the same time, time flies by instantly, since I am very interested in my business. At the start-up of any project, you have to devote a lot of time to your brainchild, and my business for me is the child - a beloved, but capricious one. Now most of the time is spent on finding places for new outlets and their launch. Own production is already working at an established rhythm. The first year of establishing a business was the most difficult: it was necessary to debug all business processes, recruit people, and arrange the supply of products. When all processes are streamlined and people are in their places, the work already goes on by itself - only constant monitoring is required. I do not deal with ordering and receiving goods, as well as settlements with suppliers. Most of the functions are now carried out by the store administrator or salespeople of each specific department.

Now the company's monthly net profit is 200 thousand rubles. My working day costs 10 thousand rubles. In 2 months, according to my plans, the company should reach a net profit of 300 thousand rubles. Then my working day will already cost 15 thousand rubles. At that time, this money will be enough for my family to be well off. comfortable life. And the remaining funds can be used to develop the business. IN this moment I mainly pay off debts and use the money to develop my business. And in six months, according to my plans, I will reach 500 thousand rubles. per month. I can honestly admit that manufacturing is much more difficult and not as profitable than trading. The main thing here is to establish contacts. For example, agricultural products are brought to us by the residents of the region themselves.

How to optimally plan your workday and distribute responsibilities in a company

Olga Nikitina:

  • When your work is truly interesting to you, the days fly by at lightning speed. My day is scheduled minute by minute, this includes: operational meetings with the managers of the areas of my diversified business, and meetings with top managers of the area in which I am directly involved in the management. These include meetings and, of course, telephone conversations with customers. For me, there are no trifles in solving work issues: be it monitoring the progress of assigned tasks or flying thousands of kilometers to see with my own eyes what problems we can help our customer solve.

I believe that there is no “cheap” and “expensive” work. Completing any work is important, because in general all company employees are aimed at one common result. Of course, like any leader, I try to delegate authority and distribute work among employees so that its implementation is most effective. However, if I feel the need for my direct participation in a matter, then I try not to let it go.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • We have a small team, and it is quite easy to supervise employees. There is a special Information system, which tracks what they did throughout the day. As for setting tasks for staff, it is quite difficult to come up with something new due to our specifics. Doctors, nurses, administrators and other staff are all professionals and know what to do when a patient comes.

Alexander Semenov:

  • What the CEO does depends on where the company and the market are. The manager must clearly understand what exactly is important for the company at the moment, and convey these goals to the rest of the employees. The strength of a leader, on the one hand, is in understanding the strategy, and on the other hand, in adapting to real circumstances. It is important to constantly find balance. And this applies not only to the company, but also to building life in general. For example When the crisis began, precisely because I had to spend much more time on work, I began to play sports many times more. If I didn't do this, I wouldn't be able to stand it. There must be constant compensation, a constant balance. Most managers regularly play sports. And for those who do not do this, it is noticeable.

In Russia, business intensity is very high. Owners and CEOs in our country are, in a certain sense, dependent on work. They can't live without her. But in the end they manage to find a balance between business, sports and family. As a rule, successful businessmen are doing well at work, they are happy in their marriage, and, as a rule, they have some kind of hobby. On the other hand, there are many more people at the average level who sit at work no less, but do not get anything done.

The problem is that people cannot highlight the main thing and understand a simple thing: it is impossible to grasp the immensity. You must always set your priorities correctly and tasks that are considered unimportant should simply not be completed, delegated to someone else, and you yourself should concentrate on the main thing. Often people refer to the fact that they are not allowed to recruit staff, that “they have to do everything themselves.” This means that it is a matter of being able to justify the importance of performing certain tasks to management and finding the revenue part, that is, calculating how much this service costs, for example, outside the company. You can always justify the need to attract resources.

Although there is a difficulty in delegation - there are very few people who can be entrusted with something entirely. And mostly these are people brought up in their own company. You hire a new person and expect a miracle to happen. But practice shows that if this happens, it is simply a happy coincidence. Therefore, we spend a lot of effort on training our own managers.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • During the day, I have to do a lot of ongoing work: hold meetings, supervise employees, and answer letters, although, of course, my first task is to make management decisions. Naturally, sometimes issues arise that subordinates must deal with, but if at that moment they are busy with negotiations or a deal, then I resolve them myself.

In my opinion, in no case should you do everything for everyone. Still, the manager must manage so that the organization operates effectively, and not do the work for the employees. Although, you know, sometimes you really have to do everything yourself.

In general, I think that people need to be trusted as much as possible, only then we're talking about about a real close-knit team. And the more complex tasks you set for them, the more competent they become. Of course, theory is necessary. A minimum amount of knowledge and certain personal qualities are also required. And then everything comes in the process of work. If I see that it is still difficult for a person to cope with some tasks, then I openly tell him about it and take them over.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • Until recently, most of my working time was devoted to resolving current issues in all areas of the company’s activities, the rest was spent on meetings and conferences with partners and heads of departments of the company.

A few months ago I decided to change the current situation, since working at such a pace is physically difficult and, worse, not effective enough. You have to simultaneously solve diverse tasks, switching from one to another, and there is always a risk of missing something important or simply not having time to implement the project.

Now I try to plan everything, including the company’s internal tasks: commercial, financial, accounting and HR related. In addition, I optimized business processes, established effective interaction various departments of the company.

For example, if I understand that questions regarding accounting may arise at a meeting with the sales director, I invite the heads of all involved departments to the meeting. We all get together, spend an hour of time, find optimal solution- let's continue to work. As practice has shown, such small meetings contribute to faster adoption of the right decision than lengthy sequential approvals.

Unlike large companies, we cannot afford long thoughts and drawn-out business processes. Our time quantum is day, while in large companies it reaches six months. In order to work effectively, we need to make the right decision during the day and implement it within a week, otherwise we will lose clients. This rhythm of the company's work directly affects the routine of my working day.

It takes me a lot of time to read email and respond to letters. In total, correspondence takes up to one and a half hours daily. But performing this function is a conscious necessity that I cannot delegate to anyone, because in many cases my own opinion or decision is required.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • Any manager must spend most of his time planning, part of his time managing current activities, and the rest of his time monitoring results. You need to evaluate your tasks by importance, there is a standard grid: important and urgent; important but not urgent; not important, but urgent; not urgent or important. Accordingly, if things are important, then you need to do them yourself, everything else can be delegated to subordinates. The management company is located in Moscow, but our production facilities are located remotely, each of them has its own manager, therefore, as a rule, there is not much time left for control. The management company employs department heads, self-sufficient people who fully understand their responsibility for direction. Therefore, first of all, everything depends on the management structure built. If you solve problems for your employees, you waste a lot of time. If you teach people independence and responsibility, you free up your time to deal with more important matters.

There is work that is inexpensive to perform and which, at first glance, the manager could delegate. But it can be important. For example, I myself prefer to write official letters, absolutely any kind, I myself prefer to formulate the text, where my name is, there should be my words and my thoughts. You must be responsible for your words.

Tatiana Fomina:

  • The task of the head of a large division is the strategic development of the enterprise. First of all, my job is to organize the production process. The production manager has a planned day. I, of course, plan the coming day, but since I have a 24-hour production, in the morning I analyze what happened over the past day. I assign tasks to subordinates and check the completion of tasks. Then - a small planning meeting with deputies and adjustments in the planning of the current day. Next comes the parsing of mail and, finally, creative work. After all, we do not stand still, we are developing. This includes new production, new technologies, and the introduction of new products. Therefore, you try to devote time to each shop manager and consider their problems. There are also holding meetings. The day is quite busy.

I believe that there is no need to delve into the smallest details, and I delegate this or that responsibility to subordinates; I do not need to report what, for example, raw materials have arrived and what to do with them. I give the opportunity to heads of departments and services, within their competence, to make independent decisions and take responsibility for decision. By doing this, I teach my subordinate to think independently. If the shop manager considers it right to make a decision, he makes it, then reports on the work done, but takes responsibility in this situation. You can delegate certain work, such as drafting certain tables or collecting information with a certain degree of systematization, but I take upon myself the analysis of all situations. Either we collectively decide what to do in this situation; in any case, the decision is always mine and the responsibility, accordingly, too.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • My work is divided into two parts. This is the standard work of a financial director: money, working with banks and everything else, the same business planning is also partly standard work. At first, you spend more time on it so that mutual understanding arises about what and how to do. On the one hand, my management is based on trust, and on the other, there are reference points by which I check the work of my employees. Management, which is based on knowledge of people, on the one hand, and on the other, on high professional training. And there is more difficult work. Now we are going to develop, build new mines (we have a coal business), and the work is related to attracting investors: drawing up business plans, presentations, searching for investors, that is, activities that require large intellectual investments. Therefore, of course, it takes more time. I try to spend about 40% of my time on current work, and 60% on work for the future.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • I consciously plan time for performing the functions of subordinates: I check the operation of equipment and the state of safety precautions; I conduct master classes with managers and workers directly at their workplaces, which takes 25 - 30 minutes a day; I am a retail buyer in the trade where our products are presented, performing the functions of a marketer (mainly in non-working hours). This is necessary for an objective assessment of the work of the enterprise and its employees.

At the beginning of the day I hold a meeting with my deputies, sometimes with a wider circle of workers; on average it takes 15 minutes, dedicated to the exchange of information on operational problems, because The enterprise operates on a continuous schedule. The rest of my time is spent working with information, developing business plans and development strategies. The section of working with information includes business trips, seminars, visiting exhibitions, studying in High school international business of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, which includes visits to modern highly competitive enterprises in Russian Federation and abroad.

My rules are to delegate authority to subordinates, reserving control functions. I am directly involved in strategy development, financial management and personnel policy, but I usually do this on a commission basis. The management structure in production is linear. The line manager sets tasks and sums up the work of his subordinates for the month, including financial incentives.

The general management structure is matrix, in order to quickly solve new problems

Elmira Magomedova:

  • I felt an urgent need to organize my working time when I was forced to keep more than 5 tasks in my memory at the same time. That's when I first thought seriously about a diary.

Now my working day is always scheduled according to the principles of time management. The day consists of tough meetings, flexible tasks, mandatory calls, long-term projects and urgent tasks. My morning at home invariably begins with checking my diary, and when I arrive at the office, the first thing I do is look through my email and distribute tasks among employees. Once a week I definitely hold a general meeting with the heads of the departments. This event allows me to keep abreast of all projects and control the work process. I mainly perform a supervisory function, including monitoring the financial condition of the company.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • Most of my working time I communicate with employees, supervise them, respond to phone calls for work. I also communicate with clients. My employees do the main work. My task: distribute job descriptions, answer questions, monitor the process and sometimes “sort out” difficult moments in communication with clients.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • A lot of time - about 20% of the working day - is spent on telephone conversations; I practically do not use a computer. About 30% of my working time is spent communicating with sellers and clients. Everything else is a search for premises for new retail outlets.

I have built a work system that in a year will allow me to both relax and control my business abroad. I have worked out the system in such a way that responsibility lies with the performers - the sellers of each department. I will maintain constant control, communicating with sellers on a daily basis. I try to build a personnel policy so that people become part of the business process. When a person doesn’t care about a case, I don’t need him as an accomplice in the case. I need people who came to earn money, not steal. Therefore, we have to part with many. Each seller receives 5 percent of turnover. We cannot afford more, since to enter the market they gave a very small markup - only 20%. We do not report VAT. If we make a large markup, we will be on par with large grocery chains. And we are interested in being radically different. In the first year of work, sellers earned 20 thousand rubles. and more. For Nizhny Novgorod with average salary seller 8 thousand rubles. this is a very good amount.

Manager and client - is it necessary to communicate directly?

Olga Nikitina:

  • My business is very specific; it is largely tied to personal contacts. Our large customers are not ready to communicate with ordinary managers; they are accustomed to solving global issues and expect the same approach from us. Often I personally have to make strong-willed decisions during the negotiation process. And, of course, be responsible for them. Not every manager is ready to take on the solution of this or that issue, therefore, in order not to lengthen the chain and not delay the approval of the issue, you have to participate in the negotiations yourself.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • Sometimes some controversial situations arise from the client's point of view. In this case, you need to know that the client is always right, but there is simply a misunderstanding between the client and us. There is no conflict as such, but one simply understood, and the other did not bother to explain. In these cases, you have to communicate with clients yourself. And, of course, I myself negotiate with clinics, the district government and other organizations. They too potential clients, because any person is our potential client.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • Since I am the manager of a large-scale all-Russian project, my activities are largely related to constant direct contact with clients. For example, during conferences and other events. There are situations when clients have certain questions and, although not often, clients call me at the reception and want to talk directly. This is normal for me, because no matter what global tasks are currently on the agenda, if a client calls, then first of all all attention belongs to him. The fact is that all the services that we offer must be in demand and clearly developed, otherwise what is the point of them? If there is any signal from the client directly to me, first of all, it means that something in the technology has not been finalized. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • Communication with clients is my daily job. Copies of written complaints that are sometimes received by 24/7 service Zebra Telecom technical support also arrives at my email address. Clients write complaints, as a rule, when a serious problem arises, which I, as a manager, need to keep under control. If I see that a complaint has been received from a VIP client, I can immediately get involved in fixing the problem myself in order to solve the problem faster and with the least losses.

Alexander Semenov:

  • I constantly ask the question “why are you working with our company?” I ask about the quality of our work, what we like and what we don’t. We discuss this information at meetings. Moreover, I can often interact with clients without them even knowing that I am the CEO. For example, a representative of a company contacts us, begins to go through all levels of our company, and ultimately the client ends up in my office, not knowing my position. This is a great way to ask about your own work.

Another thing is that it is difficult to assemble a team that will not be guided by immediate interests, but will be interested in long-term work in the company; it is difficult to find people who will be responsible to the client. It would seem that there was a crisis, a lot of people found themselves on the labor market. But the shortage of qualified personnel is still large. The rate of market expansion does not match the rate of growth in employee professionalism. Again, a balance is needed - between the desire of everyone to earn a lot at once and the growing client requirements for the quality of services while minimizing costs. Our people are accustomed to annual income growth, and if this does not happen, they change jobs.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • We are a manufacturing company and accordingly build proper distribution in the countries where we sell. Therefore, in our business, first of all, we need to teach a direct distributor to work with our product. This complex includes everything, including sales, logistics, storage of our products, and their correct technical support. And here, at the first stage of working with a distributor, I try to personally work on almost all points, participate in presentations for managers, and get to know the heads of sales, marketing, financial and warehouse departments. Subsequently, this all naturally flows into ongoing work with our middle managers. There are so-called Top 100 companies in every market. If requests come from such companies, then decisions on them are formed together with the first manager.

Tatiana Fomina:

  • The specificity of our enterprise is that we have a main client - the client of our holding. And of course, I spend time communicating with him every day. Certain issues arise and need to be resolved. At the first stage, in order to understand the situation, I try to pass all the questions through myself, since the manager will only learn all the intricacies of production in six months. At this stage, communication with the client is daily. Today, my deputies are carrying out certain work according to the plan that we discussed with them, and report to me the bottom line. And together we make decisions.

Elmira Magomedova:

  • I pay close attention to how the working relationships between our employees and clients are built. If a client has worked with one manager for a long time, it is difficult for him to switch to another, so we try to provide each client with a personal manager who understands all the intricacies of his project. It is very important that the manager knows the specifics and features of the customer’s company’s activities. But it is equally important to ensure that the client and manager are on the same wavelength, understand each other and work together.

The company's management collects feedback at every stage of the project. No matter how well our line managers work, in case of any difficulties or problems, clients have the opportunity to contact the organization’s leaders directly.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • On average, I meet with wholesale consumers once a week and constantly communicate with retail consumers. As a rule, these are meetings during the work and shopping process of consumers. I think this kind of communication is very useful information and I recommend that all employees of the company do this. If a buyer’s request or complaint comes, the response should be immediate with prompt “debriefing”.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • I combine the functions of commercial director and director of the quality management system. Worked in sales for many years. I communicated and always communicate with clients. And they tell me everything about my employees, even if I don’t ask about it. When a non-formalized Feedback, it’s easy to remove information in a private conversation. It’s not that I specifically set such a task - to obtain information about the work of the staff, but this already happens automatically. The fact is that this is the only way to track the customer satisfaction index. The client will “vote” with his feet: he will simply leave for a competitor if you do not see the dissatisfaction in time and do not find out its reason. Attracting a new client is always much more expensive than retaining a regular one. And to win back a client if he once abandoned you is worth a titanic effort.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • One day, a client was very dissatisfied with the quality of work of the employees. The administrator can, in principle, smooth out the conflict, but the client sometimes has a somewhat dismissive attitude towards the administrator. In this case, I try to smooth out the conflict myself. Then I approached the man and offered to do a second wash for free. He replied: “My time is too valuable to waste again.” It is important here to smooth out the conflict as much as possible. I said: "I see that you are respectable and busy man, and we value your time, but let us still provide you with this service. We do not deny that we did not do a very good job, but we want to correct the mistake at our own expense." As a result, we provided more services than this client usually ordered. As a result, he asked how much he should pay. Hearing again that everything at our expense, this client began to go to the car wash every day and recommend it to all his friends. As you know, a satisfied person will bring 5 clients, and a dissatisfied one will take away 10. In addition, the more loyal client is the one to whom the company corrected its mistake. It is very important to give the person the opportunity to speak out, to let off steam. There is no need to say that you have the best company and the best personnel. If there is a mistake on your part, you need to admit it and correct it.

A client once gave me great advice: put street racing cars on a special stand. And since then they began to “wash” their cars only with us. They come to show themselves and see others. This was excellent advice that brought real profit and fame to the car wash in certain circles.

An effective employee is evaluated based on results

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • There is an objective indicator of our work - this is a repeat client request. If a person received a service once and never returned, although he lives nearby and there are other prerequisites for him to come again, this indicates that there were shortcomings in the service. Moreover, since I myself for a long time was engaged in sales, then personal experience I can judge how well the employees communicate with customers.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • To check the work of our staff, we periodically conduct surveys where we ask for opinions about the service in a correct form. But that's not too much either universal method, because clients don’t always want to fill out forms - they simply don’t have time.

In general, a good indicator is the implementation of the plan. Each manager who works with a client has a personal plan. This is an excellent incentive for our employees so that they see the client not as a money bag that needs to be squeezed out as much as possible, but as a person who should be satisfied with the service, come again and recommend the services to others. If the plan is carried out, it means that the technology is normal and the client has worked well. Otherwise, you need to understand where the failure occurred. Of course, there may be a situation where the reason is not only the ineffective work of the manager. There may be deviations in technology, product or customer segment selection. Meanwhile, against the backdrop of general regional indicators, such systemic reasons noticeable immediately and require prompt adoption of appropriate management decisions. We are all human, and we all make mistakes, but it is important to notice them in time and respond to them accordingly and quickly and, of course, not repeat them.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • We have several automated systems that allow me to monitor at some intervals how effectively a particular person or department is working. Evaluating the results of an employee’s work is quite simple: there are formalized tasks and plan fulfillment ratios.

However, the main way to evaluate the work of an employee or an entire department is the result of the work. I'm used to judging people by results, and the process is not that important to me. I am reading email and I see: new service launched, tariffs have been changed, the client is connected, which means the responsible departments have done a good job.

And although many of our processes are automated, an electronic brain has not yet been invented that could analyze information and issue optimal ready-made solutions - for example, “we need to strengthen technical support.” Therefore, you have to analyze all the company’s performance indicators yourself. Each table does not take much time - 2 - 3 minutes, but they add up to long hours of working time.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • There is feedback, including from the top officials of the companies with which we cooperate. Therefore, if there are any complaints about the work of my employees, I receive such comments directly from the managers of our clients. I can do the same in the opposite direction, if I have my own comments and wishes regarding the quality of the client’s work or complaints about his employees - I also contact management, discuss these points, and try to ultimately get a positive result.

There is also feedback from end clients; we have it open and transparent. Letters that come from the client are available to all departments. There is such a thing as “the honor of the unit,” and employees try to ensure that the honor of the unit is not tarnished by some kind of complaint or negative feedback from clients.

I have a trusting relationship with my employees. You should always trust, no matter what. Maybe in this regard I am a bit of a pragmatic manager. But if you compare a modern manager with the type who was 20 years ago, then the modern manager knows almost all the stages and processes in the company. He knows how to evaluate the work of any department according to certain reference points, which he himself sets, be it a production service, a customer service department, a marketing department or a financial department. Therefore, sooner or later, everything secret for the leader becomes clear.

Depending on the tasks, you place such points on those processes in the company whose assessment interests you at the moment. Good practice- periodically get in touch with department employees in terms of a small task, control assignment directly from the first person. There is no need to be ashamed of this, it is very good, including providing an opportunity to evaluate the managers of these employees, evaluate the correctness of their choice, the correctness of the established work and the management structure of the department.

Tatiana Fomina:

  • It is difficult to thoroughly check every word of employees; on the other hand, the employee’s honesty is confirmed by the demand for the product. De jure, the employee says that the direction is developing, but de facto, the demand for the product is falling. Of course, there's a catch somewhere. The first assessment is demand, and then everything else. In general, I live by the principle “everything secret always becomes clear,” so if an employee is disingenuous, sooner or later something will bring him to light.

I'm interested in what clients say about my employees, but here I admit a certain amount of subjectivity. The relationship between client and employee may not work out. Therefore, if I clearly understand that my employee protects and defends the interests of the enterprise and the client does not like this, I will be on the employee’s side. You need to know the depth of the question well in order to assess how right the client is.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • The basis of our work is quality, which is worked on not only by individual departments (laboratory, technological service), but also by the entire team.

The consumer is completely different, he may behave incorrectly, but the reaction of our employees should always be friendly and, to a greater extent, educational. The consumer must be taught a healthy eating system and the ability to distinguish true quality from fake. This is very labor-intensive work, but it is necessary. We see how our consumers are slowly, gradually becoming nutritionally literate, and this is encouraging. Ultimately, the general attitude towards quality will determine the standard of living of our population.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • Clients, many of whom have become my good friends, share their impressions themselves. You don’t even need to ask clients about this. They talk about both the pros and cons of our work. One day, a client complained that his car had not been properly ventilated, he drove out of the dealership, and two drops fell on the door... There are many such moments in my work - I accept them quite adequately. If I understand that it is not the staff’s fault, that it was impossible to dry the car perfectly, then I will resolve the conflict with the client, but there is no point in punishing the staff.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • Our main client is buyers. We set up oral and written surveys in stores regarding the pricing program. Questionnaires are distributed throughout the stores, but often customers regret wasting their time on them. Then I ask salespeople to interview customers. The questions are approximately the following: are you satisfied with the assortment, quality of products and service, prices. We hold such “promotions” twice a month. Many of our clients have already become regulars. And sometimes I check the work of sellers, provoking a reaction from buyers. I say, turning to the seller, something like this: “Lena, I will punish you - you are starting to lose ground as a seller.” And then the customers in the store begin to defend her, saying that she works great and there is no need to punish her. This is the most The best way work quality checks. And sometimes I interview clients directly in front of salespeople, learning about the work of my employees. We constantly keep a book of complaints and suggestions. When complaints about one of the employees began to come to me at systematically, I decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with her: I tried to find out the reason for her behavior. After all, sometimes a person behaves this way because he has problems at home. But she began to say that it was not her fault that they were slandering her. Then she began to receive complaints from her colleagues as well - as a result, she had to part with the person. The employee did not take the comments into account, but, on the contrary, took the position “the best defense is an attack.” In this case, when feedback cannot be established, it is impossible to reverse the situation. I do not tolerate a careless attitude towards work or when a person goes to work as if it is hard labor - this negative attitude towards work and life immediately affects clients.

Alexander Semenov:

  • I do not monitor the quality of employees' work. I monitor the quality of work with key clients. And I personally control financial results across the entire company. There are about twenty people in the company whom I consider key. And I try to keep in touch with all of them. But if any employee has problems, he can come to me and discuss them not as with the general director, but as with a person who is ready to advise something. And nothing will happen to him for this. I don’t even have a secretary, we are in the company on a first-name basis. Plus, due to the fact that our office is organized as an open space, we have a very fast penetration of information. There are only two offices in the entire company: mine and the financial director’s. This is a guarantee that we can correctly build information flows. We have a lot of people working remotely, at home, or on business trips. Now communications allow this.

"There are no irreplaceables, but there are unique ones"

Are there no irreplaceables?

Olga Nikitina:

  • I am of the opinion that there are no irreplaceable people. Of course, I value the contribution of each employee to the development of the company, but if circumstances arise such that you have to part with someone, well, such is life, it all consists of losses and gains. After working for some time in the company, a new employee will understand the specifics of our work. And if we suit each other, then over time he will become as “irreplaceable” as his predecessor.

But “fighting” the “irreplaceable” is too strong a word. It is necessary to carry out systematic work, which consists of the following: firstly, the manager himself must always be aware of what is happening in the company (what projects are in development, what is being implemented at the moment, what has already been achieved, etc.). Secondly, try to teach employees to be versatile in their work, so that everyone can replace the other during vacation, illness, or due to workload. And finally, thirdly, regularly hold general team meetings so that everyone knows where the company is heading, what to expect, how to build further work. Speaking not only as the owner of a business, but also as its manager, of course, I assess my importance in the development of the company. I believe that I am not only the founder of the business, but also its thinking center, a generator of new ideas. In cases where the head of the company changes, the company may perform worse or better (it all depends on the professionalism of the person), and when the owner changes, the company may cease to exist altogether or radically change the direction of its activities. Combining both functions, I not only set a goal that the company must achieve, but also develop specific tools with which it must be achieved.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • For example, the work of a doctor is not mechanized, it simply cannot be so. And I must say that there are very few good doctors. These are irreplaceable people, because if they are replaced, the quality of the service provided will suffer.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • The main thing is that a person understands his place in the business process. Each employee must know that he is responsible for his area of ​​work. If he fails, the whole process will be slowed down. Transparency of technology is the key to successful work and lack of indispensability. There is a category of people who are trying to build technology in such a way as to become indispensable. But I do not welcome this and never do this, because this, in my opinion, speaks of a lack of self-respect and low self-esteem. Life is so arranged that nothing lasts forever under the sun. Everything flows, everything changes. Of course, I can be replaced overnight. I can be indispensable only thanks to my charisma, just like any other person.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • There are employees who silently do their work, and there are those who pretend to be active, while doing their best to extol their merits “to the skies” and present themselves as “irreplaceable.”

I don’t like such “irreplaceable” employees; I value highly qualified specialists more. It's easy to distinguish one from the other.

When a person works, what is visible is not him, but his work. He constantly comes up with some projects, proposals, and ready-made developments arrive. I really appreciate such people, since they do not waste my time and theirs, but involve me only when it is really necessary.

And there are people who seem to do something, but the result is zero. But at the same time, they come to me with enviable regularity, ask questions, and consult. In general, they are trying to increase their importance in my eyes. But the work still doesn’t work!

I appreciate those who really work, move them forward and offer something myself, but I try to part with others as quickly as possible. I think this will be better for both the company and the team.

I am a young CEO - I have been in office for less than a year. Since taking office, I had to change a lot in the company. Optimize business processes, identify really good specialists and those who were not interested in work, but only in their own status. As a result, we had to part with many “irreplaceable” employees.

After the departure of “irreplaceable” people, I did not try to immediately recruit new staff. The functionality of the former employee was transferred to specialists from related fields, and he saw how they handled it. For some employees, the expansion of their functionality became an opportunity for career and professional growth, while others could not cope and left.

Compared to last year, the staff of Zebra Telecom has been updated by almost 50%. Some positions have been restored and new invited specialists are working in them. In general, I believe that at that time the company’s renewal was necessary and it was successful.

I am sure: there are no truly irreplaceable people. For example, I'll replace it too. It just takes replacing different people different time. One can be replaced in a day, but a really good specialist can hardly be replaced in a month.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • There is a tendency that many employees subconsciously try to be indispensable. Let's start with the fact that this is human nature, this is his psychology. It is not for nothing that people who love constantly tell each other that “you are the best” and “I love you.” This is human nature, a person by definition wants to be unique, irreplaceable, the most, the most loved, the most valuable. In modern business, there are definitely no irreplaceable people; anyone can be replaceable. Of course, the quality suffers. production process, especially if this is a middle manager or head of a department, because a certain policy of this person is built in the department or direction.

Naturally, by changing a person, we introduce a certain imbalance and disrupt current processes. But there are no irreplaceable people, so this injury is temporary. Modern leader must understand that there is the concept of “human resource”, and there is the concept of “golden personnel”, and the manager must know what type of employee this or that person belongs to. If this is your “golden resource,” then there is appropriate motivation, appropriate wages, appropriate care for this employee, that is, certain “greenhouse” conditions are created. Of course, this creates a certain opposite effect, and the employee realizes even more that he is irreplaceable. But if you remind him that there are no irreplaceable people, then adequate people understand everything perfectly well, but inadequate people do not get into the “golden resource”. In other cases, the manager must divide his staff into those people who can be changed at a moment’s notice, and those whose replacement would be a small blow and trial for the company. I am confident that, in comparison with the company’s strategic objectives, such replacements will not significantly harm, but will ultimately benefit the common cause.

Tatiana Fomina:

  • I do not agree with the thesis of an “irreplaceable” person, but there are “unique” ones. We work in production, the production is diverse, I work with a category of creative people. I may not like them in everyday life, but this creative person, which I need in this situation. I make a certain allowance for character, for the manner of communication; for me the most important thing is that this person works in a team. My management principle is team-based - I am not afraid of strong employees. A person cannot be universal in all areas, and I select a team where everyone is strong in their own area. And here high executive discipline and responsibility for the common cause are already important. And as a result: a team of strong like-minded people.

However, when one of these “irreplaceable” people leaves the team, a replacement can be found, but, as I said above, there are unique people, and a certain atmosphere in the team can leave along with the person. I try to treat the team with care, the team with which I work. The king is made by his retinue. You can be an ideal leader, but if you don’t have a team of like-minded people around you, you won’t do anything. No one will bring ready-made specialists on a silver platter; your team must be “born”, it must be educated, in the good sense of the word.

Today, several projects are simply lying in the piggy bank, because I don’t see who could implement it. There are no performers who are professional enough. In this situation, I need “irreplaceable” employees. Our production is primarily based on people.

Stability in a team means, first of all, stability of quality. When I was studying at the institute, my teacher said: “If you have a 5% turnover rate at work, that’s normal. If it’s 15%, you need to think about it, and if it’s higher, you’re leading your team incorrectly.” I strive to keep my staff turnover below 5%. Then this is a reliable, stable team. If a person feels comfortable in a team, then even if he is offered a high salary somewhere, he does not leave. The psychological atmosphere for me personally and for the team is a very important factor. An employee can make a demarche - “you don’t value me, I’ll leave”; I let such a person go.

All of the above applies to me too. Undoubtedly, if I leave a certain place, another person will come and start working. After I leave, nothing will collapse. If something immediately collapses after the manager leaves, it means the process was built incorrectly. For some period the system should operate by inertia. On the other hand, the individuality of production will go away, a certain atmosphere will go away. Several times I was convinced from my own experience that when I left production, where I increased turnover and debugged the system, the owner of the business decided that everything was working, everything was fine. Now I’ll appoint my sister, brother, matchmaker, and everything will go further. But practice shows that, due to inertia, production works for some time, but then, if a non-professional takes my place, this leads to a crisis.

If the management system is not organized or is organized incorrectly, then any effective employee will run in circles like a squirrel in a wheel, and no effect will occur. In this situation, you need to understand the specific problem. Change either the structure of the organization or consider the functional responsibilities of the employee. Maybe he has been stressed to such an extent that he is simply unable to do a certain job. I use this tactic: my employees, department heads, key specialists and my deputies write reports on the work done at the end of each week and immediately write a plan for the next week. And systematically. Here executive discipline is cultivated, and the employee sees his work, begins to think about planning his time, learns to work, and “simulators of vigorous activity” are immediately visible.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • There are different types of indispensability. It happens that a person understands and begins to take advantage of his “indispensability”: he does not share information, etc. And you understand him, you try to level out the situation when everything that came to him was lost. This is the most difficult thing. There are irreplaceable people in terms of character, leaders above all. But my experience has shown that there are no irreplaceable people, this is true. And each manager brings his own bit and changes the situation in his favor, and it turns out that processes go faster. But at the executive level, we need safety nets and such a distribution of work so that everyone understands what they are doing, when each person is responsible for their own area of ​​work, but at the same time is a piece of a lot of work.

There are no irreplaceable people, life shows that everyone can be replaced. In some situations, replacement will worsen the processes, in others it will make the work better. There is no clear answer. Moreover, we work in Russia, and here human factor plays a significant role. Because at this enterprise there are people who have been working for years and know almost everything. Can be replaced, but new person will lose a certain amount of time to adapt.

My personal indispensability is a controversial issue. Any professional in my position does the same, perhaps even better. It so happened that before my arrival there was a mess with the financial directors in the company. I came to an almost empty place and, although certain things were done, I built everything in my own way, as I see it. And I wouldn’t say that I’m irreplaceable.

Alexander Semenov:

  • We invest a lot of resources in ensuring that irreplaceable employees do not appear. Firstly, in the accumulation of knowledge. This is design documentation, methodology, software products. Secondly, we have implemented a quality management system, which allows us to ensure that processes meet the criteria that clients require for the quality of our services. Third, financial accounting products. That is, we keep transparent records of financial relations with all clients. Again, we are reintroducing CRM for accounting customer base. Although, of course, there is the problem of including a new person in the information environment, which will allow him to predictably produce a high-quality product. I consider myself a leader who does some things well, some things worse, but understands both, and in the latter case tries to cover the shortcomings with the capabilities of the team. I consider myself an adequate leader.

I don’t believe that if a person worked in another company and everything worked out for him, then by moving to another he may turn out to be ineffective. Maybe he has never been effective, maybe he, excuse me, is fooling everyone's minds? Russian companies do not have established models and clear production plans; everything changes too quickly. In Russia you have to jump up and run. If a person does not know how to work in such conditions, then it is very difficult for him. We had experience working with employees who came from Western companies. People could talk for hours about how to properly set up some processes, but when the need arose to go and solve specific task, albeit in an imperfect system, they fell into a stupor. This does not mean that our companies are worse, they are simply different, the level of responsibility and the degree of risk are higher. But here people can earn more and achieve more. That’s why Western companies like to hire Russian managers who have achieved something here. Another thing is that our managers don’t want to go there. They pay less money there.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • I will answer right away: we do not have irreplaceable workers. This does not mean that we immediately fire a specialist; we show patience and give him the opportunity to improve.

Let's analyze the concept of “irreplaceable”:

  1. An ordinary worker and even low level competence, which artificially creates its indispensability, hiding information, not presenting it for analysis and discussion, but after “emergency situations”, often artificially created, corrects them and looks like a hero.
  2. An employee who has competencies above the average level, which can be mastered by his colleague from the team or from another enterprise.
  3. An employee with a unique level of competencies, it is impossible to find a replacement for him in the near and medium term.

The strategy for relationships with the above people must be built in different ways.

We work with a personnel reserve in almost all major specialties.

The system of relationships with employees of categories 2 and 3 is built on the basis of the transparency of their competencies for the interests of the enterprise within the legal framework of intellectual property. The basis of these relationships is laid in a contract with a specialist so that all developments are the property of the enterprise; naturally, people who introduce new things are encouraged.

Elmira Magomedova:

  • The personnel issue in our company is always acute. There are employees who make up the “backbone”, but we are always ready to expand our staff. However, it turned out that finding a competent specialist in our field is quite problematic. For example, it is very difficult to select a candidate for the position of PR development manager: an independent employee capable of making decisions, being responsible for his actions, and monitoring the quality of our services. Most often, a middle manager strives to share his responsibility with the manager, is lacking initiative and is almost unable to ensure the proper quality of project execution. For now, we see only one way out of this situation: to “grow” the right specialist ourselves. But this is not an easy task and takes a lot of time.

We strive to ensure that our company does not have irreplaceable employees. After all, if such a specialist gets sick or goes on vacation, work may stall. I had a nightmare for a long time: our designer didn’t show up for work. Both in a dream and in reality I felt very helpless from such a prospect. And then at some point I sat down at the computer and slowly began to learn how to layout. Of course, I’m not a designer, but I know for sure that if something incredible happens and there’s no one on the layout, I can do something myself. Naturally, this does not mean that I will finish the work for the layout designer or replace him if he gets sick. It’s just that this approach gives me more understanding of the work processes that take place in our company. And most importantly, my example proved to other employees: it’s never too late to learn. Now many people will be able to replace a sick specialist, so I am calm for our business.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • One of the elements of a quality management system is a description of processes. Any activity - like technology - leads to some result. When it is described and fixed in the matrix, the genetic memory of the enterprise is created. If one employee leaves the company and a new person takes his place, then according to a well-established scheme he will be able to perform all the same actions to achieve results without destroying the overall production cycle.

Key process performance indicators make it possible to minimize subjective assessments regarding the work of a particular employee. For example, we have clear criteria, each of which affects 10 - 20% of wages. These include: sales revenue, accounts receivable amount, working time utilization rate, and so on. The data is presented by different services of the enterprise, so any manipulation of facts is excluded. A man came to receive his salary at the end of the month and received what he earned. Whether he did something to achieve the goals or not, now plays a secondary role. The essence of the work is in a specific result.

When a person who has done his job efficiently leaves an enterprise, this is already unpleasant, since knowledge is washed away. And of course, there is a difference between a person who has experience working in a particular organization and a newcomer. But under our system, it is easier for a manager to replace an employee.

By the way, this very phenomenon of “replaceable - irreplaceable” is alien to me. You have a job - do it well. What is the root of such a question for an employee? If this is a great specialist, then he will always sell his knowledge and skills on the labor market; there is no point in him proving his indispensability. It turns out that people who are afraid of being fired can demonstrate their indispensability. My recommendation to such employees: work on your imperfections, and don’t think about how to position yourself in the eyes of others. This approach always causes resistance. If I, as a manager, see a “demonstration” of an employee, I begin to set my own increased demands. And such a confrontation will never lead to anything.

Now there is a free market, there is supply and demand. And labor is also a market commodity. From the point of view of indispensability, I could just as well set the task: to make sure that no one except us produces fire hydrants. And in this case, I would start thinking not about the consumer, in order to make a better quality product for him, more affordable and with prompt delivery times, but about competitors. Well, I will bypass one competitor, then another... A lot of resources will be spent, but the benefits from the consumer’s point of view will be minimal. As a result, this will lead to a decrease in sales and create space for the emergence of new competitors.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • I learned a lot while running my first business, a travel agency. Then my manager Anya worked for me. I couldn’t be happier with her - things are going well in her hands, everything works out for her, everything is great. But when she left, another girl took her place. She gained experience, and things went no worse for her. And then I realized that there are simply no irreplaceable employees. And other types of business have proven this my opinion. The main thing is to explain to the person his tasks and demand that he fulfill them. You need to communicate with people clearly according to the Labor Code. And it will be good for both you and them. Since many people tell me: “Well, if according to the Labor Code...”. To which I rightly answer: “Yes, if everything was done according to the Labor Code, you would already have so many fines and orders for dismissal.”

At the same time, it is important to give each person clear authority - what he is responsible for and bears responsibility for. Many people try to deprive themselves of authority by shifting responsibility to another person. They like to say: “I handed over this task to him - he is responsible for it.” But since the answer is always the eldest, I will ask him, and he should know this. There are people who try to be on time everywhere and everywhere, showing their boss their activity and interest in the common cause. It starts to get boring over time when a person wants to be the first everywhere. I like people who take initiative, but without fanaticism. At the same time, it is annoying when you constantly have to remind a person: if he is given a task, he must complete it on time.

Reasonable initiative is always welcome. For example, I lured away an administrator from another car wash network for good money. And he came to me with a lot of ideas. Its former management did not allocate money for this, as they tried to save on everything. Thanks to this person, I decided to purchase expensive equipment, saving on materials. There are, of course, mistakes when you listen to an idea and invest in it, but it does not pay dividends. It's OK. There is no need to be afraid of innovations and non-standard approaches in business. I never understood businessmen who invested their last penny into an idea, and then, without recouping it, began to cruelly punish people. It is important to understand that in business they will give way to you only in one case - if you are going down. We must try not to make mistakes, but without this it is impossible to do business. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

I value efficient people. I think that we should hire those who need money. If a person was able to establish relationships in the family, it will be easier for him to build relationships in the team at work.

The employee's main income is 10% of revenue, and a small part is salary. Then people will be interested in offering additional services: vacuuming the car from the inside, and so on. If I catch an employee committing even minor fraud, I will not pay the salary and fire him immediately. At the same time, I periodically send my friends as clients to check the integrity of the employees. They know all this and do not take risks. And the presence of video cameras at the car wash is also motivating. An honest person will be satisfied with such conditions. Someone who constantly tells the truth does not need a good memory. In this regard, I agree with Henry Ford. One day he gathered 10 directors of his productions and asked them how well they were doing. All the directors were unanimous: things were going well in their areas. Then he invited them with him on a paid vacation. After two weeks, it turned out that only one out of ten directors was doing really well without him. He fired everyone except that man. I will strive to ensure that things go well without me. But nothing can be perfect. Therefore, for now I am ready to go away for no more than a week or 10 days on vacation. But we will work on this issue.

It is important to clearly describe the instructions for each employee, the scope of his work, and his powers. As soon as a person stops having time to do a certain job, not through his own fault, but because its volume has increased significantly, there is no need to save, this will affect the quality of services. When there were a lot of clients, I relieved the administrators of the task of controlling money. And hired several cashiers. Otherwise, the tortured administrator will lose money - your money. If a person does not cope with his work, he can safely be fined. So far, no better stimulating tool than money has been invented. You cannot become a friend to your employees - this relaxes them. This is especially true for young employees aged 20 to 25 years. They often live one day at a time: earned - spent. Administrators are older people, over 35 years old. And they approach their work more responsibly, since they have a family behind them for which they are responsible.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • I have never considered money to be the most important motivating factor. Many people, and these are our best employees, work for the sake of a polite “thank you” from the client. But at the same time, they understand that such a “thank you” will then result in money, since these people will go to this particular store and this seller - hence the turnover. During my daily rounds, I go up to the seller in front of everyone and say: “Today you have the best display case, the goods are beautifully laid out - keep it up!” And this, I must say, is great motivation! Still, there are no irreplaceable people in our business. I immediately clearly distribute roles and functions. And I emphasize that you need to be responsible for yourself and not meddle in other people’s affairs. You are the king and god in your department. If he has a proposal for work in another department, then I will always listen to this person. And if I agree with him, I will thank him and bring his idea to life. I’m even ready to give bonuses for ideas that bring profit.

Strengths and weaknesses of a leader

Olga Nikitina:

  • I consider one of my strengths to be my developed intuition. She helps me a lot in accepting right decisions. I also consider my strength to be my ability to see two or three steps ahead and to anticipate the further development of events. I am not afraid to deviate from a pre-planned plan if I feel that more can be achieved by taking a different path. The ability to switch from one task to another, prioritize the implementation of something. I always try to take a broader view, think bigger, rise above the situation and see perspectives. Perhaps a man’s weak side will be my emotionality, although this is typical for any woman. It’s not for nothing that we think with the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for emotions. I don’t consider this a weakness, but a feature; this is my management style. And this has its own zest.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • It’s difficult for me to evaluate myself, but I have solid management experience, experience working with branches, experience organizing a sales structure, good education, and the tools to select professional employees. They say that he is a very pleasant person to talk to. There are, of course, disadvantages - strong trust in people. It might be worth having an assistant who is less gullible than I am.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • It is important for a leader to inspire subordinates by personal example. I am demanding of everyone, but most of all of myself. Sometimes people don't need to talk unnecessary words, it is enough to show with action. Of course, there is a certain level of information that you should not and do not have the right to disclose to subordinate team members (up to a certain time or at all). Otherwise, they should understand how the project is moving and what the plans are. They must have information, they should not be fixated on some area here and now and not know what will happen tomorrow. I think this is my strong point.

What about the weaknesses? I'm a workaholic, and a crazy one at that. I still can’t tolerate rudeness, even in to a certain extent I get lost if I see a boor in front of me, to whom I cannot respond in kind, because my upbringing does not allow it. This sometimes leads to some kind of resentment and confusion. From a business point of view, this is a weakness, because you spend energy on this, you need to somehow cope with such situations differently and direct your energies in a more creative direction, and not into reasoning “why and how”. We need to perceive people more as they are and react to certain situations without letting them pass through us so much.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • In any task, I try to get to the bottom of it, since I am not inclined to make decisions based on the opinions of others or other subjective factors. And although this approach slightly increases the time it takes to make a decision, it will certainly be correct and necessary.

In order to quickly and efficiently solve the problems facing the company, I try to establish horizontal connections between the heads of various departments and organize teamwork.

I am convinced that in work you need to focus not on emotions, but on facts and figures. In this case, a dialogue takes place between employees, which leads to a resolution of the situation.

I would also like to come up with some kind of pill that would work for 24 hours and at the same time have the same performance all the time. Until such a miracle drug is invented, I will continue to improve myself.

Tatiana Fomina:

  • The manager must be competent in his industry. Based on previous experience, I was faced with the fact that whoever managed the production. Builders, metallurgists, and athletes - it was always difficult for the staff to communicate with such managers. They know the main points in running a business, but when the subtleties begin, the staff have a very hard time. It's in situations like these that my strengths come into play. The second strength is the ability to see perspective. I see the big picture and can make predictions. A well-developed long-term vision of the enterprise’s work is very important for a manager at a certain level. I am quite versatile, I adapt easily, I never stop learning, and this is my strong point. I’m also not afraid to admit my mistakes.

I am an optimist in life and consider my mistakes as an accumulation of experience. And I'd rather regret what I did than what I didn't do. The main thing is not that you made a mistake, but the main thing is that you corrected it. It's not scary that you fell, it's important that you were able to get up. The life of any of us is not only ups, but also downs. The most fundamental thing is to remember your mistakes.

Managers with poor memory find it very difficult to work with subordinates. This harms the image of the leader; subordinates may begin to use this for their own interests, and then production will suffer. If a leader knows his weaknesses, he needs to strive for self-organization. Although people do not change, it is possible to cultivate certain traits in yourself.

There are also weaknesses. Perhaps the inability to remain indifferent to a number of problems. Slight perfectionism, I want everything to be good, but in production, as in life, not everything goes smoothly, and I worry a lot about this. This is what I call the excellent student syndrome. My production, my products must be the best, and this, alas, does not always work out.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • If we talk about my strengths, first of all it is experience. The economy is the same everywhere, no matter what you do, aluminum, construction or coal. At one time, when I graduated from Moscow University, we had an academician who always said the same phrase: “Guys, we don’t teach you certain fields, because you will always find the shelf where the necessary book you need lies.” read and you will know everything about this industry." This is true. What also helps me is sensitivity and attentiveness to people. This helps me manage, because I know what a person is capable of and what he is not capable of; this, of course, is the most important factor.

There are also weak qualities. Sometimes I forget something, I try to write it down. I have an eternal mess in my head after a business trip. You arrive, you immediately plunge into problems, you begin to grab onto what you missed. There may be a certain disorganization present.

To be honest, the sin is that I climb everywhere, try to solve many problems at once, and everything is spinning in my head - one thing, another, a third. The skill of ranking tasks is not always enough. Then - there is a problem, but I don’t like it, and so I put it off and put it off. Maybe it needs to be resolved first, and then we can move on to more pleasant things.

As a financial director, I constantly work among men. There is such a problem in Russia, and it will always be: you are not trusted or treated differently simply because you are a woman. You have to break the clichés and then move on. It is impossible to control the mentality. You need to take this calmly and achieve your goal, despite the fact that you are female.

Qualities that are incompatible with the work of a leader: inattention, first of all, inability to listen to the interlocutor. If you are a stubborn person and don’t know how to listen, then there will be no results. Stubbornness should be positive, when you have weighed all the pros and cons, checked some things from previous experiences. Then stubbornness is positive because it leads to positive results. Well, and probably the most important thing is not to remain stagnant, you must constantly learn. On the one hand, the economy is the same for everyone, but the companies are all different, which means that you have to be able to adapt and partly you have to force people to move on. Therefore, if a person is stalling or blinkered, this is the worst thing, then nothing will work out. Like any financier, every day you make a lot of decisions, small and large, you are responsible for big things. And this responsibility should be expressed not only in your signature, but in the awareness of what you are doing. This means that we need to analyze all the time. At each stage we need to analyze what worked, if it didn’t work, then why, and move, move.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • I believe that flexibility is a leader's strength. A classic example from life: flexible towers on ropes are stable and durable. To solve a strategic problem, sometimes you need to bend over backwards, endure, and put aside ambition. Where ambition begins, business ends. Ambition must be internal, tuned to solving serious problems.

A manager must be careful by definition, otherwise there may be purely technical blunders.

To work with information I use logical memory, within the framework of logic, you can build and not forget any amount of information. A computer, local network, Internet helps. I constantly assign management accounting tasks to my subordinates, in particular managing the profitability of the enterprise. One of my shortcomings is that I am too democratic, which lengthens the time frame for executing business plans.

Elmira Magomedova:

  • I probably consider one of my strengths to be the ability to make responsible decisions, to model various options developments and be prepared for any scenario. In addition, I believe that there are no insoluble or irreversible situations.

My weak qualities are swings from unreasonable softness to excessive severity. A wise leader always adheres to the golden mean. Unfortunately, I can't do that yet. This is a property of my character, but I am constantly working on myself and soon, I hope, I will learn to maintain a balance.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • I prefer to evaluate my work by specific indicators. The valuable final product of activity is main criterion. For example If last year we set a goal to sell 20% more products than the year before, and we achieved it (without increasing costs and reducing prices), then we can consider that I am a good leader, since I was able to ensure results.

All other criteria are a set of things that are characteristic of each individual organization in given circumstances. Circumstances change - management style changes. And much more depends on the personal qualities of a person. Advantages are a continuation of disadvantages. And vice versa. For example, I strive to create a good atmosphere in the team, so that people are motivated to work, come here with pleasure, and find it interesting. We make sure to voice all the positive results achieved in some way and emphasize that employees should have the state of winners. And if it happens that some tough measures are necessary, then I have to switch to a leadership style that is unusual for me.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • I consider my strong point to be my relationship with the staff and my attitude towards the staff. Many entrepreneurs put profit first, forgetting that people themselves must be treated with respect and not squeezed like lemons. For my part, I tried to create good working conditions: I equipped a relaxation room, installing not only upholstered furniture and kitchen units, but also a massage chair. True, often the staff does not appreciate such a kind attitude. Sometimes it gets to the point where tough decisions have to be made.

Sometimes we do what we think is right and think that it should be so. In fact, you need to constantly communicate with the staff to find out their real needs. I would also consider the lack of fear of difficulties to be a strength. Yes, it’s scary to go into a new business where you don’t know anything. But over time, any problem can be solved.

But sometimes the human attitude towards employees ultimately results in a disdainful attitude on their part. The same sometimes applies to partners. The level of people is different, but the secrets of communication are the same. You always have to adhere to a certain strategy: you should always be respected. You should always keep a certain distance from people - each person should know his place. There is a phrase: “If you open your arms, you are thereby helping to crucify yourself.”

Another weakness: sometimes I forget things or plans. Forgetfulness must be fought. Now every evening I make a plan for the next day so that, if possible, I don’t miss anything. And I prioritize things. I visited car washes during their first months of operation. And now I try to be there in the morning for 2-3 hours and in the evening, taking over shifts. The administrators and staff know the clients better than I do. But for prevention, I am at my workplace every day - so as not to relax.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • I trust people and engage in dialogue with them. I understand that my business depends on them. I explain to them that they are not just sellers, but participants in the business, that I trust them with the work of my life, my child. If they don't agree with something, they better tell me openly. If we fundamentally disagree in our views, it is better to separate.

And my weakness as a leader is my softness in some matters. I often don’t keep my promises regarding fines and other punishments - I feel sorry for people, but they feel it. Unfortunately, until now I have not written down the rules - they have only been agreed upon orally. Fines are provided for complaints from clients, for being late, for failure to comply with job descriptions. But people don’t sit on my neck, seeing my human attitude towards them. If I see that a negligent attitude to business is becoming a system, I myself prefer to part with this person, since the system of penalties in this case cannot solve the problem. I don’t have the opportunity to waste time clarifying the relationship: if a person didn’t understand the first time, it makes no sense to explain 2-3 times. Sometimes it is necessary for a person to feel the harshness of life.

I can't say that I'm a forgetful person. I always control several important points: having glasses, documents, cell phone, pen, passport, car and apartment keys with me. When I leave the house, I immediately carefully check if I have all these things with me. This is already done automatically. I conduct many business cell phone, who sometimes calls every 3 - 4 minutes, so his loss is like death. As a rule, I do without a notebook - I keep the information in my head. Yes, sometimes something is forgotten, but essential, business-important things cannot get out of your head. If a leader is tormented by forgetfulness, this really needs to be fought.

Alexander Semenov:

  • There are different types of leaders. I am one of those who are focused on results and development. I can act in conditions of a high degree of uncertainty, that is, I can continue to act despite the fact that the market situation is completely unpredictable. And in these conditions, lead people. My weakness is that I don’t like wasting time on detailing decisions. That is, if the task has already been solved and is clear, I would rather transfer it to some other person for detailing and execution. This is not very good for a manager; often the problem lies in the details. I'm not going to sit in this chair forever. Our company is one of the few in the industry that has already undergone a change of leadership. Three years ago this was announced and I want to do the same in certain time. I don't want to be a CEO for life. The market is changing. We need people to grow in this company and not go anywhere. If a person appears who can do what I do, no worse, well, thank God. My task is to find such a person and educate him.

A strong leader means a strong team

Olga Nikitina:

  • A person cannot be equally developed in all respects. Everyone has their own characteristics, so I don’t see anything unnatural in surrounding yourself with people who can complement you. So, I am surrounded by top managers, each of them an expert in their field. Therefore, after listening to everyone’s opinions, and sometimes even arguing, I make a decision. As we know: truth is born in dispute.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • First of all, when recruiting a team, a manager must know in advance what competencies and personal qualities his employees will have. This is the first. Second: you must be able to identify it in a person strengths. If a person is working on a project who is not performing well, then you need to understand that there are different circumstances. It cannot be said unequivocally that a person is to blame for this. Sometimes you need to change technologies, sometimes it’s just a mistake, the cause of which is not at all unprofessional. In general, negative assessments do not stimulate people to produce positive results. I am sure that the manager is to blame for setting the tasks incorrectly or not seeing the person well enough. On the third hand, you should never be afraid to make mistakes and you should always correct your shortcomings in a timely manner. If you see that you made a mistake in selecting an employee, then you need to apologize to him and offer alternative work options. By the way, I have had situations in my life when people themselves asked to work in other areas, and they openly said that they could not cope here. I think that this is generally a special level when a person comes and says: “You know, I’m so cool, great, but I have other goals and objectives, it’s not interesting and difficult for me here.” I think this is aerobatics. Such situations also happen. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. If a person is afraid to make mistakes, then he is unlikely to become a good leader.

Another important point. If you work in a team of strong people, then this also motivates you - to become better, stronger, more professional. There is an expression that schizophrenics do business. Schizophrenics are not the medical concept of the word. If a person has an idea and he tries to bring it to life, literally raving about it, then, as a rule, many perceive him as a schizophrenic. But when a person implements this idea, those who perceived him inadequately say: “Wow, we can repeat this.” That is life. You shouldn’t be afraid to deviate from stereotypes, even if you work in such a conservative industry as banking.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • It is happiness for a manager when the heads of divisions, departments and directorates are fully competent in the issues for which they are responsible. I am sure: there are no universal specialists, there are professionals in their field, in their business. They must generate ideas and propose solutions, supporting them with sound arguments. My task as a manager is to “manage” the process, and not to conduct on-the-job training, explaining to an accountant how to draw up a balance sheet, and to a salesperson how to sell services.

Of course, it is important for a manager to have experience and knowledge in all sectors of the company’s activities - trivially, in order to avoid fraud on the part of those very “irreplaceable” employees. Otherwise, they will depict activity, the manager will be confident that the work is really moving, and the company will go down.

Many leaders are afraid to surround themselves with people who are stronger and better than themselves in some way. I believe that you shouldn’t be afraid of this, you should strive for this.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • You definitely need to surround yourself with people who are strong in what you are weak or not entirely competent in. Firstly, you should not be afraid of competition. Secondly, a company cannot rely a priori on only one leader, one person. Here we need to place strong people in different directions, trust them with important processes, give them the opportunity to be creative, and give them the opportunity to make their own changes to the company’s processes. A good leader is a strong leader and is never afraid of competition within his company. Only a leader who is weak, cowardly and insecure can remove strong people. Strong people are not at all afraid to work with equal employees.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • Of course, everyone needs to be motivated in their own way, because everyone is different. Material motivation exists in the company, but it affects one part of life.

In work it is necessary to pay attention to the personal qualities of a person. Without this it is impossible to work. Someone is so collected, can organize work in such a way that he will pull behind him great amount of people. Someone whines and whines, but nevertheless does their job. All people are different, you just need to find the key to each.

It is useful for a leader to surround himself with people who are stronger than him in some way, because the ability to delegate authority is one of the important points of any leader. If such a person appears and I know that he is an ace in some block, then I try to rely on such a person and trust him completely. Because there is not enough time for everything.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • I am always interested in the work of my colleagues in HR management, both from the point of view of developing the motivation of specific employees and in creating a highly effective management team.

The formula “Personnel decides everything” is not outdated. If a qualified specialist with creative abilities appears, but there are no vacancies in the linear management structure, we find a job for him using the principle of a matrix management system.

I determine the effectiveness of the system by one criterion:

  • speed of introduction of innovations and innovations. If you have built a bureaucratic system, the decline of the company is not far off...

Since the beginning of the crisis, the labor market has become more dynamic, and more opportunities have emerged for choosing qualified workers.

To train qualified workers, the company entered into an agreement with the college; we help develop the material base of the educational institution, we teach special subjects with the help of specialists and provide the opportunity to undergo practical training in the workplace.

The criteria for selecting personnel are professionalism and integrity.

It is very important that the employee does not go unnoticed and unappreciated during the probationary period. It is necessary to determine to what extent a specialist is ready to live and work in the interests of the enterprise, because this is the basis for creating an effective management team and not only material factors play a role here. According to Maslow's theory, a person has many needs, and people are divided according to these needs with a certain statistical pattern. If we add personnel analysis based on psychological principles, we get a complex system, reminiscent of an integral, which I would call the “Quality of Life Integral”, and you need to be able to calculate it.

I am not afraid to surround myself with people who are more competent in what I am not sufficiently prepared for, because in a team environment it gives a synergistic effect, and because I myself am constantly learning and raising the bar of knowledge for myself.

According to the latest statistics from the labor market, more than 70% of people who change jobs are not satisfied with the microclimate within the team, even with good material remuneration. This suggests that society has already moved one step higher in Maslow’s pyramid and people are more interested in meeting social needs.

Psychological compatibility in teams is important - and this work should be done by a professional.

Personal example and optimism of a leader are important. We must ensure that there are no unloaded zones among workers and that there is a constant mood for work. Even if it is difficult, the workload is very serious, but this happens against the backdrop of an absolutely objective assessment of the work of the manager of all his subordinates, then this is a guarantee of the formation of a healthy microclimate in the team and the retention of specialists. Traditional levers for retaining personnel at an enterprise: wages, working conditions and the prospect of obtaining housing.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • It all depends on the tasks assigned. If creative, creative solutions are needed, then strong people and personalities are definitely required. In principle, the approach of creating a weaker environment also has a right to exist. This is the case when it is necessary to carry out mechanical processes, and the personnel are required to correctly and accurately perform all operations, and each employee has only his own area of ​​​​work within sight.

In general, my idea regarding the environment can be formulated as integration. I strive for constant development, so I want people around me who are also committed to self-improvement. It is possible to acquire new knowledge and master more advanced technologies only when the environment is strong. At the same time, it is important that the hierarchy is maintained at the enterprise, and integration occurs at the level of knowledge, skills, and so on.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • I try to build my business according to the principle “I don’t work, the system works.” I do not hide the income and expense parts of the business from sellers. On the contrary, I force the sellers to count my money. Let them see my system of relationships with suppliers, sellers, and clients. The system of working with suppliers is based on a competitive basis. I specifically do not take all the meat from one supplier, even if I am satisfied with the quality of the product. I believe that suppliers should be supported. If I take everything from one person, he will become a monopolist and will dictate his terms to us.

Time in business

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • The time for business is neither bad nor good, it is what it is. Yes, it’s a bit difficult now, people’s incomes have fallen, and depending on what a person’s priorities are, he plans his expenses. The solvent part of the population, from 20 to 45 years old, is beginning to shift priorities in a different direction. Health goes by the wayside. And the more people pay attention to health, the more profitable our business is. Another point - there is a system of voluntary health insurance. We will develop this direction, but we are not participating in it yet. I don’t feel any depression or the terrible, bloody lessons of the crisis. Moscow is still a developed metropolis; this affected us to a lesser extent.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • Now is a good time for business: you can come up with and implement various ideas and make a profit. Success depends on how in demand the company’s services are and how dynamic it is. Our company gives people the opportunity to realize one of their basic needs - to communicate, exchange information and emotions. So the demand for communication services and, in particular, for IP telephony as the most profitable way making long-distance and international calls will only increase. And we are not short of dynamism - we are constantly coming up with new useful and customer-friendly services and reducing tariffs. Time must be spent usefully: on business development, on solving new interesting problems - and then it will work for you and for the development of the company.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • Our modern business is like some kind of terrible speeding train. And days, months, years fly by, but sometimes you have to stop and think about what awaits you next. I have a little son, he turns three in May. Approaching this stage of life, I set myself the task of leaving Moscow, and now we live in the region, we exchanged an apartment for a cottage in the Moscow region. The whole family tries to be outdoors more, we go skiing, and relax on the lakes in the summer. The pace of life today is very fast, and business takes up a lot of personal time. In such a situation, you need to find time for yourself, for your family, for your health. Today's time consumes us, eats us up. Here you need to be able to resist, learn to manage your time - plan your affairs and rest in advance.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • We have a unique country. We don't have bad times, uninteresting times. Time itself is interesting due to its great dynamics. Even the crisis that happened in 1998 was more difficult in all respects, firstly, because it happened for the first time, we were still very raw. What was happening, the appearance of securities, bills of exchange, it was not something new, but it was difficult, we stepped over ourselves, somewhere we understood something, somewhere we guessed something. The current crisis occurred, but, from my point of view, it went easier because there was experience, school from the previous crisis. Yes, there was a period when they thought that everything was completely bad, but then you look, everything begins to recover much faster than during the previous crisis. Now I talk a lot with my colleagues from the Ministry of Economy, it’s clear that everyone shook themselves up and moved on. Although, of course, the ideal is still ahead. And now my colleagues who came from abroad, economists, financiers from the West, do not understand many of the things that are happening here. And we feel like fish in water. Therefore, as the Chinese say, “God forbid you live in an era of change,” perhaps we were born for this. It feels like we are enjoying these changes.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • Russian capitalism is 14 years old, still a teenager, especially in comparison with European and American capitalism, which are more than 200 years old. Intensive development is underway, especially where large capital comes.

Our business, which is based on small and medium-sized businesses, needs to learn.

This also applies to the management structures of municipalities, subjects of the Federation, macroeconomics, because budgets are everywhere, their filling and expenditure parts, with uniform rules of business processes.

It is very important to consider the ethical side of business while the opportunistic approach prevails. What we end up with is that we all end up not living the way we want...

Plan, forecast, anticipate

Olga Nikitina:

  • I consider the ability to anticipate and calculate changes to be very important for successful work. Here I rely a lot on my intuition: it has helped me more than once to find the right solution.

It is often very important to sense the mood in society and assess it correctly. It happens that ready-made answers lie on the surface, but no one notices them, and only intuition prompts: “Yes, here it is - the solution! See it!” Of course, it is also necessary to always be aware of events, keep your finger on the pulse, so my day begins with watching the latest printed publications, news feeds on the Internet. This helps to navigate the events taking place in the world.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • Changes in business can be foreseen, because we are not unique in our development and follow the beaten path. For example, as far as voluntary health insurance is concerned, everything has already been done before us.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • When you are developing a company's business, you cannot ignore changes in the external environment. If they are favorable, then any undertaking has a greater chance of success; if not, it is necessary to be able to anticipate them in time and prepare for them. For example, changes in communications legislation or the entry of a new dangerous competitor into the market. As a rule, such changes in the market can be easily anticipated - it is enough to constantly monitor the press, paying special attention to telecommunications news. There are other changes that are almost impossible to predict, such as various political and global economic events. In such a situation, the main thing is to react quickly and correctly and, thus, reduce the negative consequences for the company. No matter what happens, you must remember: there are no unsolvable problems, there are right decisions and wrong ones. Failures happen to everyone, but I am not inclined to step on the same rake twice.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • People, and not only those who have completed master's programs and MBAs, have some experience in analyzing the external environment, both distant and near-term, and have concepts of economic and political risks. All this, when applying theory to certain work experience, forms a kind of professional intuition in order to change something, understand something. Professional intuition, in my opinion, comes only with experience. By certain actions you understand how the main market will behave. Knowing the main market, you understand that changes in some processes along the chain lead to changes in processes directly in your market, with your contractors and customers. In general, processes change very, very quickly. The 2009 crisis showed us how quickly processes are changing today, how quickly the situation in the markets is changing, how radically it is unfolding in reverse direction and how quickly, having pushed off the bottom, it can begin to rise again. If we take an analysis of the crises of the past in America and Europe, we understand that if previously this lasted a long time, from 3 to 5 years, today these processes are changing much faster. And it is possible that tomorrow we will experience such economic phenomena more and more often, and soon they will no longer be called long-term risks, but systemic ones, which will need to be taken into account constantly.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • For successful development, change must be anticipated. My education is macroeconomics, I am a cybernetic economist by training, and, as they say, you can’t waste professionalism, there are certain signals, symptoms when you understand that something is about to happen. But you can’t always guess if you don’t know the situation well enough.

It was not always possible to respond to changes, but it was possible. And this also applies to changes in the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar, this greatly affects our economy, because we still have “cockroaches” fresh, when from 6 rubles. the dollar rose to 18 - 20. You just react to the position of our coal buyer, you understand that something is happening there, that something is about to happen. And this is felt when working with banks. I understand that this is not even a premonition, but an analysis of the situation that is happening around you gives certain good results.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • If the leader does not predict changes, then they will not take place and things will not work out. Sources of information for the forecast are contacts through the Academy of National Economy and our retail customers.

Alexander Semenov:

  • There are different sources - clients, partners, industry associations, employees. They provide key information for understanding the market situation. We collect this information, discuss it and think about what to do next. From the press... Every morning for fifteen minutes I read about what is happening in the main areas. But this is not strategic information, it is rather news about what is happening in the market.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • There is a forecasting technology that is used when it is necessary to obtain objective and reliable data. And there are also different levels of the system at which it is possible to make predictions. Often looking into the future is a study of the past: based on experience, certain patterns can be derived. Considering that information flows are now very powerful and the situation is changing rapidly, enormous efforts are required to integrate all the content. And in fact this is not the most effective way. If a company wants to break into the future, then it is necessary to monitor the situation where it is created. And even better - influence the situation or participate in creating the rules of the game. Everything that is presented to us as news is actually just a reflection of what has already happened. My forecasts are based on constant contacts with target groups - professional and industry communities, government officials, clients and their environment. This is the only way to look into the future.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • The ability to anticipate changes is very important for business. It is very important to keep your finger on the pulse of events: read the media, monitor advertising on the Internet. If it goes active advertising certain services or goods, which means that now it is in demand among the population. Sometimes information is recorded subconsciously - you are simply attentive to everything that surrounds you: people’s statements, advertising, media reports. There seems to be nothing unique, but there is still interesting information for business. And at a certain moment, all this information accumulates in you, is gradually analyzed and suddenly bam - it shoots! It seems that you didn’t do anything special for this, but there is a result!

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • First of all, you need to monitor the media - the media. What topic are they starting to promote and exaggerate? And if you manage to get into this topic, you will save on some advertising promotion. I got into the topic “Buy Nizhny Novgorod” - a program of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region promoting local goods. Residents of the city and region - our potential clients - constantly read this information and believe it. Our people are used to trusting the media. Basically I use free advertising. And based on this, you need to show the advantages of your product and win the attention of customers. The topic of environmentally friendly products has been discussed for many years. Over time, when people are ready for them, we will start selling these products too. The basis of any business should be an idea. And the stronger and more noticeable and unique it is, the easier it will be for the business to develop.

Mistakes and failures

Olga Nikitina:

  • You should always think positively. Only positive thoughts attract positive results. Our life is too fleeting to stop and be upset because of failures, to engage in soul-searching. You must always move forward, strive to conquer new heights, and perceive failures as useful experience.

Vyacheslav Antonov:

  • Of course, failures are frustrating. But not for long. First you need to realize what happened, calm down, understand what the mistake was. Every failure has a specific explanation. And from this we can already draw conclusions. You learn from mistakes. Of course, it is better to learn from others, but this is not always possible. Sometimes it turns out that in a new area the baggage of other people’s mistakes has not yet been accumulated. Or there is simply no one to advise and help avoid them.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • Take negotiations, for example. When you go to negotiations, naturally, they have a goal, you need to get a result. Let's assume they might reach a dead end. To worry and be upset means to admit your unprofessionalism. On the contrary, you need to study the issue more seriously, get more information to understand what customers need. In business, the successful person is the one who has repeatedly fallen into a hole, but gets out of it with new knowledge, new experience and moves on. Business never runs smoothly. I would like to see those who work without rough edges and failures. I have never seen anything like this in business. And then, how can you have a positive experience without having a negative one?

Sergei Kudrin:

  • Failures happen to everyone, but I am not inclined to make the same mistakes twice. No matter what happens, you must remember: there are no unsolvable problems, there are correct and wrong decisions. But the worst thing is failure due to inaction. I think it's better to regret what you've done than what you haven't done.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • There are situations when absolutely anyone will learn only from their own mistakes. It is very difficult to foresee everything when you have your own opinion, you have character, when you understand that you need to do it this way, but still do it differently. And only then, after your mistakes, do you realize: this is normal, this is how it should have been. Failures are good, without them you cannot learn. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Therefore, everyone should have mistakes. Only a person must draw conclusions from the failure that he suffered, and understand whether this is a business process error, or whether it is his own, human error, and do everything to ensure that this mistake does not happen again in the future. But if a leader steps on the same rake twice, as the saying goes, then he is a bad leader.

The crisis has taught many new skills. Companies that persevered and took the right actions at the right time are now taking a more deliberate approach to shaping their strategy. I count my company among this number. During the crisis, we managed not only to survive, but also to increase our market share where we are present. Such situations clearly teach us, first of all, to take into account risks in any process, be it planning, be it searching for financing, be it drawing up a long-term business strategy. Everywhere there should be such a thing as system equilibrium. Risks must always be taken into account. The first to suffer was the one who did not take them into account.

Elena Mukhareva:

  • There are also failures. Failures are a good experience, a good chance, because we are all human, we make mistakes, and we don’t always get what we intended. Of course, I worry about them. But I set myself up to draw conclusions, analyze the situation, and see mistakes. If you worry for a long time, it will unsettle you, and you will begin to think less logically. Therefore, you need to analyze everything logically and draw conclusions. In general, failures are benefits. People learn from their own mistakes, not from others. Your own mistakes correct your behavior and the steps you take, and this is a big plus. And getting hung up comes from an early period of life.

Vladimir Boronin:

  • A leader should treat failures as valuable learning experiences. A person without failures cannot succeed. When raising children, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to go through difficulties on their own; this applies to both adult workers and specialists.

Maxim Sinyakov:

  • The whole question is what resources, including temporary ones, do you have. In other words: what is our freedom worth if we have no right to make mistakes? It is unlikely that the owner of the company will be satisfied with the option if I, as a hired manager, “learn from mistakes” at his expense. I think that the owner of the company will advise you to work and experiment with competitors: it will cost less.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • When I opened the first car wash in the city's first A+ class business center, Lobachevsky Plaza, it seemed to me that I was reinventing the wheel. I wanted to do everything first class, to be a pioneer of services of this kind. I constantly called my acquaintances and friends in Moscow and consulted. But when I opened a second car wash, already knowing all the nuances, I managed without any difficulties or pitfalls. And saved both time and investment. Therefore, failures in business are, first of all, an opportunity to learn and learn. There are no people in life who would immediately be born chief accountants, financiers, bankers or directors. A person learns everything in the process of life: live forever, learn forever. If a promising niche in business opens up, it must be filled. If they tell me to become a spaceship captain tomorrow, I will! I’ll collect information, attract experts and start.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • My production failed twice: once it literally burned down, the second time it was on the verge of bankruptcy. I take these failures as life lessons from which I must draw conclusions. And the main thing in this matter is not to give up, not to despair, but to constantly move your paws, like that frog from the famous parable.

Business - art, science, experience

Olga Nikitina:

  • My business began in the wild 90s. Then life itself forced us to develop, learn to think differently, discover something new for ourselves. At one time, I had to receive two more higher educations in addition to the first one, study a lot of books and specialized magazines, and attend more than one seminar. The experience of foreign partners was also useful. I absorbed knowledge like a sponge, tried to learn from other people’s mistakes, but I also had to learn from my own. But he who does nothing makes no mistakes. Life itself taught me how to build my own business and get on my own feet.

Tatyana Shvab:

  • Life itself taught me how to work in business. There are goals that a person does not realize at a certain period of time, because they do not always lie on the surface. But no matter what happens, there are no accidents, there are patterns. I don't consider myself a super businessman. It seems to me that if a person begins to evaluate himself too highly, he immediately ends up as a professional. It is very important to grow all the time and look for incentives for this. Euphoria should not overshadow the desire for development.

What else? You need to value and respect people so that creativity comes from you and those around you feel it. It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. It is important that people feel comfortable working next to you, regardless of what niche in the company they occupy. Without this, a business simply cannot be built.

I would also like to say that time determines the type of occupation. If it were a different time, I would be doing something else. I have now become actively involved in real estate. Despite the fact that my first education was received at a construction university, I clearly understand that I now need to supplement my knowledge by attending certain courses, trainings, master classes, primarily on the current legislation in this industry.

Sergei Kudrin:

  • Fortunately, I have considerable experience in the telecommunications industry. I started as an engineer. When I learned how everything works and works, I was able to easily move to the commercial department. After all, it’s easier to sell something you know everything about. I had a case when our company won a major tender, although among the companies that claimed victory were real “monsters” of the Russian telecommunications market. It so happened that the person who had to decide on choosing a telecommunications service provider did not understand these services. I arrived and explained to him how it works, and drew a diagram on a piece of paper. And he said: “Can you imagine, you are the first one who explained to me how it works and how it works!” As a result, Zebra Telecom signed a lucrative long-term contract with this company and is still working with it.

Alexander Kiselev:

  • There are several qualities that helped me become a leader. Firstly, there is such a concept as “loyalty to business”; for me it develops into the concept of “devotion”. If you have an established relationship with the shareholders of the business, if you feel very good in this company, then you must be devoted to this business, and this devotion affects all your actions. This is probably where the concept of honesty comes from. The leader must first of all be honest and open, even if sometimes very democratic towards employees and shareholders. Honesty, openness and dedication. Everything else is professional and comes with time. IN this business I’ve been working for seven years now, probably this is also a certain indicator of my qualities.

Perhaps monotonous work for someone means standing at a machine every day, but for me, after a few years, when the business already has its own focus, its markets, its clients, the concept of monotony also arises. Certain stages - from day to day, from month to month, from year to year - develop in certain sequences. This makes you a little tired and you want to bring something new to the business. I would like to add some new processes, and I constantly tell shareholders about them. This year we plan to expand production capacity and partially diversify into new markets. We need to add something to the business. By adding to the business, you add to yourself, the work becomes interesting again. The current experience has taught me to trust, but check, and not to be naive. Experience always brings a lot, since there are things that cannot be studied in theory. There are things that people understand only from their own experience and their own mistakes.

The process of self-learning gives a lot; as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Improve yourself!

Tatiana Fomina:

  • 25 years of work in this industry, they have taught something, no doubt. Under socialism there was a catchphrase: “If not me, then who?” - and precisely active life position helped me in my career.

Half your life you work for authority, the second half of your life authority works for you. And the time has already come when the accumulated experience begins to pay off. But I don’t want to say that I know everything, I’m always learning. In order to quickly respond to changes, a manager must have information. There is enough information at seminars, fairs, in the literature, the main thing is to be able to analyze and predict it. And the one who owns the information owns the world. This is an undeniable axiom.

In life you must never stop, under any circumstances. Don’t give up - the path is not paved with roses - and clearly set a goal. Perhaps I am telling common truths, but there is no escape from them, that’s why they are truths.

Elmira Magomedova:

  • Textbooks on doing business - interesting theoretical material. But difficult to apply to the average client business. For example, for my diploma I studied in detail the theoretical basis of the Blue Ocean Strategy. The author of this theory proposes not to enter into competition, but to explore the “waters of the blue ocean” and provides practical advice on how to achieve this. Unfortunately, after a detailed study, I was forced to admit that this theory is not suitable for the specifics of the average client business with all its features. Business literature develops and expands the worldview, but rarely teaches how to use theory in practice.

As for an MBA education, its benefits can only be realized in one case - if you are the head of a company. In any other case, if the theory is not supported by practice, it is a waste of time. I'm lucky, I have a place to apply new knowledge.

Grigory Ogmrtsyan:

  • My parents are “to blame” for the fact that I learned to do business, or rather their upbringing and responsible approach to work. It was my parents who gave me the first 500 thousand rubles, and I opened a travel agency. Secondly, my position in life is “to blame” for the fact that I became an entrepreneur - I am always interested in everything. I am curious to try everything new, but at the same time I want to do everything well, without a hitch. Many businessmen live today without calculating the consequences of their actions. They want to earn money today by investing a minimum. But if you invest in the project now more money, in the future you will not only earn a reputation as serious clients, but you will also often save money. So success depends on the person himself.

Help from friends, administrative resources and connections also helps build a business. Opening and running any business requires paperwork: licenses, certificates, etc., etc. AND certain connections They simplify a lot - saving both time and nerves. When I needed to find washers, I found among my friends a man who works at the labor exchange. He and his colleagues spread the information, and literally a few days later there was a line of people wanting to get a job. This way I saved time. Intuition and life experience also help in the matter.

And one more important point: I think that there are no books that would teach how to practice a certain type business. If everything were so easy and simple, every first person in our country would be an entrepreneur. Everything is much more complicated: if a person has a certain character, temperament, attitude, experience, desire, and if all these pieces fit into a single puzzle, everything works out.

Sergey Karpinsky:

  • The first thing that drives me is the love of work. Helps to develop constant search and analysis. And programming a specific topic. Nothing is spontaneous. When we decided to deal with chilled fresh meat, I began to analyze at what price to sell it, where to put it in the window, how to decorate the window itself... There are no trifles in any type of business. Sometimes there are creative insights, but they are connected precisely with the program set by your head. When you constantly keep a topic in your head, you exaggerate it, then after a while thoughts related to it begin to come to your mind. For me, the biggest incentive is the feeling of being needed, the feeling that you have done a good deed and people are grateful to you for it. Sometimes the routine and the multitude of large and small things that pile up consume you so much that it seems that you will never get out of them. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. You just need to cool down a little, don’t get irritated and start working gradually. The main thing is to understand that everything will work out, that everything will not be in vain. There is no need to drive yourself to despair. A little time passes - sometimes literally half a day - and the situation changes dramatically. Sometimes it is better to postpone the matter to the next week, take a little break, and you will immediately feel relief. If fatigue and irritation accumulate, it will only turn you on and destroy you from the inside.

The only thing that can really unsettle me is the lack of working capital. But I have a principle: do not take loans. When you believe in your life principle and keep pace with it, all problems will be solved sooner or later. A year ago, I said that we need to take out loans and open 50 stores around the city. But practice has shown that it is very difficult to repay loans, especially in times of crisis. Therefore, I decided: it is better to open 5 - 10 stores and develop them qualitatively, than to try to take in quantity without getting out of constant exorbitant debts. I decided for myself this way: if I can’t get out of debt within a month, then I can take out a loan. But the emotions pass, I find other ways to solve problems, and as a result, thoughts about loans go away. Before the crisis, many people got excited about the idea and rushed to the bank to take out loans - and then solved the problems. It’s better to rely on your own strengths. When I started the business a year ago, I only had my own production and an idea. And things went well anyway - I hit the nail on the head with the idea, and this is very important.

Alexander Semenov:

  • Before I took the position of CEO, I had many illusions about this. It turned out that a company is a balance of income and expenses for which you are personally responsible. And if there is no money, then this is a big problem not only for you, but for large quantity people who work for you. I had the illusion that a large consulting company should be organized in a matrix way. Project office, divisional structure. This is, of course, an absolutely correct idea. But if all these boxes “Director of Department 1”, “Director of Department 2” could be filled in with qualified personnel, the whole system would work like clockwork. But the necessary people cannot be found. Therefore, I build my company around the capabilities of specific specialists.

To conclude, in Russia, for a business to develop successfully, it is important to constantly understand the strategy - where it is all going. Trends change very quickly, the market changes. And without talented people you will not get anywhere. And at the same time, it is necessary to find a daily balance between income and expenses. Otherwise, you can very easily get carried away by strategy and end up without money. If the balance is found, we can say that the CEO is successful.

The daily routine of a modern person is significantly different from that of previous generations. Non-stop is a convenient format for most people to listen to music, broadcast TV channels and use the Internet. The absence of interruptions is most often used in clubs and radio broadcasts - music tracks are played without stopping, which allows you to join in listening to them at any time.

The meaning of the word "non-stop"

First, let's look at the meaning of this word. It is of English origin. Non-stop literally means “without interruption”. This expression can be used not only in relation to mobile communications. Many cinemas show films non-stop. Broadcasting without stopping is typical for radio stations and television broadcasts of most modern channels, especially those that show video clips.

Non-stop is convenient format for the majority of people. For example, if this concept is used when talking about travel, it means that in the process a person does not lose precious hours waiting for a connecting flight. If the term non-stop is used to refer to TV shows, films or radio broadcasts, then it will be convenient for people with a variety of daily routines, for example, those who prefer to stay awake at night.


In club culture there is a concept of musical non-stop. Most often, DJs perform in this format and play tracks that smoothly flow from one to another. For example, this technique was used by Skrillex. His podcast Mothership 001 is nothing short of non-stop music. The duration of this recording is almost two hours.

For many people, non-stop is a way of life, especially if a person is surrounded by music every day: in the morning you are woken up by the ringtone of your phone or clips of a music channel, while on the road you listen to the radio or player, at work you play your favorite tracks in the background. Listening to songs without stopping is also a kind of non-stop.

Tariff from MTS

Since the end of 2015, many people began to associate “Non-stop” with the MTS tariff option. Its distinctive feature was calls within Russia within the network without restrictions. The operator also promises unlimited Internet, but this part of the tariff has pitfalls. MTS Non-Stop has no traffic restrictions only at night, that is, from one in the morning to seven in the morning. During the daytime, megabytes are counted within the limit. The operator includes subscription fee only 10 gigabytes of Internet during the day. If you exceed this limit, an additional traffic package (one gigabyte) worth 150 rubles will be automatically connected.

Despite some restrictions, many people still find the “Smart Non-Stop” tariff convenient, since the subscription fee includes quite a lot of necessary services. Additional feature This tariff includes the use of the MTS Music portal without taking into account traffic and payment.

Expert - otolaryngologist Alexey Koshelev.

Types of inflammation

A prolonged runny nose means that inflammation has spread to the paranasal sinuses - air-filled spaces located inside the facial bones. For example, inflammation of the maxillary sinus is sinusitis, and inflammation of the frontal sinus is sinusitis. Ethmoiditis is an inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, that is, the mucous membrane on a special ethmoid bone tissue that separates the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity, and sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the sinuses of the main bone located deep in the cranial cavity. However, these terms are for the curious, but it is important for everyone to know about the dangers that a prolonged runny nose poses. If the infection gets into your sinuses, you should see a doctor immediately. After all, improper self-medication can lead to a purulent process, inflammation of the eyeball and even inflammation of the meninges.

5 reasons to worry

How not to miss the symptoms that signal the onset of a complication?

3-4 days after the start of the runny nose, a headache appeared, especially when bending forward. Or there was pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose, cheeks. They may not be strong.
Swelling is noticeable around the eyes, in the bridge of the nose, and cheeks.

A sluggish runny nose lasts longer than 10 days.

The low-grade fever remains for a long time within the range of 37.1-37.5 degrees.

There is no runny nose as such, but the nose is stuffy, although 10-14 days have passed.

What does diagnostics include?

After examining the patient, the otolaryngologist may prescribe one of the following examinations:
Ultrasound of the sinuses. This is a screening procedure that quite accurately determines the cause of the patient’s complaints with nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge, and swelling.

X-ray of the sinuses- more detailed examination. It allows you to detect swelling and fluid in the paranasal sinuses, the presence of neoplasms (cysts, tumors), defects in the structure of the facial skeleton, and damage.

Endoscopy helps with special device(endoscope) to examine in detail what is happening in the hard-to-reach depths of the nasal sinuses and make an accurate diagnosis. However, if the process is purulent, such a study is not carried out.

Rhinocytogram. Simply put, a nasal swab that is taken to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Typically, the procedure is needed in situations where a prolonged runny nose is difficult to treat.

How to treat

Treatment for a prolonged runny nose is always complex. At home, you will have to rinse your nose with saline solution several times a day, use vasoconstrictor drops and antihistamines, which reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. With a purulent process, you cannot do without antibiotics - otherwise you will not get rid of the infection.

If the patient is unable to rinse his nose on his own, then a doctor will come to the rescue using a special pit catheter. The advantage of this method is the possibility of therapeutic effects of controlled pressure on all paranasal sinuses simultaneously without any surgical intervention.

Another effective and frequently used rinsing is the “cuckoo” method: a medicinal solution is injected into one nostril using a syringe without a needle, and the contents of the sinuses are pumped out from the other with a special electric suction. After such procedures, an antibacterial drug is injected into the sinuses.

When the acute process subsides, physiotherapy is prescribed: phono- and electrophoresis, laser therapy and others.

Sometimes, with advanced sinusitis and other purulent inflammations, it is impossible to do without puncturing the sinus wall. This is a last resort measure performed in the absence of effect from conservative treatment. Surgery is also required for chronic runny nose caused by polyps or deviated nasal septum.


The massage is done in a circular motion, pressing the points with your thumbs or forefingers. Repeat movements 10 times. For best effect make 3 passes at all points.

Point 1. Under the edges of the nostrils.

Point 2. Outer corners of the eyes.

Point 3. The base of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows.

Point 4. Just above the earlobe.

Attention! Massage cannot be performed during high temperature, acute purulent processes, as well as in places where there are moles, acne and other formations.