Blue screen of death windows 7 error codes. How to understand what the problem is when a blue screen (BSOD) appears or how to open the dump file. Reasons for a blue screen

Good afternoon.

Although he’s probably not that kind, since you’re reading this article... Actually, he’s blue screen of death- it’s not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you spent two hours creating a document, but autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything... Here you can turn gray if it’s a coursework and you have to hand it in the next day. In this article I want to talk about step-by-step recovery computer operation if you are tormented blue screen with enviable regularity...

And so, let's go...

You probably need to start with the fact that if you see a “blue screen”, this means Windows has completed its work with a critical error, i.e. There was a very serious failure. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to get rid of it, and only drivers help. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminating the blue screen of death

1) Setting up your computer so it doesn’t reboot during a blue screen.

By default, Windows OS, after a blue screen appears, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to record an error. Therefore, the first thing we will do is to prevent Windows from rebooting automatically. Below we will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the “ system and safety«.

Here we are interested boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the “system failure” heading, there is an item “ execute automatic reboot ". Uncheck this box so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a photo or write down the error number on paper.

2) The error code is the key to solving the error

A blue screen of death has appeared in front of you (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help determine the cause. In my case, the error is like “0x0000004e”. I write it down on a piece of paper and go look for it...

I suggest using the site here are all the most common error codes. By the way, mine was found too. To solve it, they recommend that I identify the faulty driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do this (we will consider below) ... This way you can find out the reason, or at least get very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver caused the failure, you will need the BlueScreenView utility.

It's quite simple to use. After launch, it will automatically find and show errors that were recorded by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program in action. Errors when a blue screen occurred, date and time are shown at the top. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file “ati2dvag.dll” somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely you need to install newer or older drivers on the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Similarly, step by step, you will be able to identify the error code and file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do when a blue screen appears is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that’s what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if there is nothing else left, click...

4. If the computer displays a blue screen immediately at the moment of Windows boot, and not immediately after it (as in step 2) - then most likely the system files of the OS itself were corrupted. To restore, you can even use standard utilities system recovery by control points(by the way, in more detail -).

I hope at least one piece of advice from this article will help you...

Blue Screen of Death (aka BSOD) Blue Screen of Death) is a message on the screen on a blue background about fatal error in Windows OS. This message usually contains this stop error code. BSOD stops all running processes and informs the user about some critical fault. This failure can be caused by a variety of factors, for example, damage to drivers, hardware, improper processing of files (violation file system) and so on.

What to do if a BSOD appears

There isn't any general solution and each mistake has its own individual approach. However, we will give general recommendations on what to do in such a situation.

Usually, the first thing the user tries to do is restart the system in the hope that the problem is not serious and that it will be possible to continue working. Windows environment. We do not recommend do this until you find out the cause of the error that caused the blue screen.

In some cases the system reboots itself when BSOD is triggered. In this case, you need to disable automatic reboot so that you can see the error.

IN properties of the system(Win+PauseBreak) go to the advanced settings section.

In this window, you are interested in the “Advanced” tab, the “” item. Click on the Settings button.

In field " System failure» remove the checkbox from the “Perform automatic reboot” item and confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Now you will have time to read and write down the error code and the file during which the error occurred while loading.

Each BSOD contains a hexadecimal code critical error, most often these are several codes, as shown in the picture. There are over 300 known such codes. Let's consider the most common actions that the user must take to eliminate them.

  • check are there resources on the system partition of the computer;
  • scan system antivirus programs for the presence of malware;
  • install the latest system updates (they must be produced in automatic mode);
  • if recently there was driver installed, after which a blue screen began to appear - roll it back to the previous version.
  • if BSOD began to appear after connecting new device, check its compatibility with the OS;
  • BIOS settings should be by default
  • test RAM, for example, the memtest86 program; replace the damaged module if it turns out to be one;
  • test and reassign bad sectors hard drive;
  • check whether all components are connected correctly;
  • reinstall OS.

Common Blue Screen of Death Codes


APC status index discrepancy. Most likely the BSOD is caused by a failure of one or more of the drivers: ndis.sys; raspppoe.sys; win32k.sys; psi.sys, or there are simply not enough resources on the HDD or RAM. The failure may appear after installation third party application. A likely solution is to install the latest system updates.


Diskdump.sys uses wrong address memory or it is incompatible with the OS. If this failure occurs during system installation, then there is a problem in the PC hardware. Check the appropriate hardware resources used system requirements. Try reinstalling the OS again. Disable Plug and Play. Disable all functions responsible for antivirus protection BIOS.

If the error remains, test the RAM. If you have several planks, try working with one of them at a time. If the BSOD no longer occurs, then the problem clearly lies in one of them.

If it doesn’t work, remove all devices that are not urgently needed when installing the OS (network and sound card, expansion cards, video card, DVD drive, additional hard drives and drives, etc.).


The error handler did not detect a kernel-thrown exception. To solve the problem, you need to unambiguously determine which exception was generated. First of all, try using a different video adapter, updating the BIOS, and disabling the caching function. Check the compatibility of the hardware with the software being installed. If you can identify the driver causing the crash, disable it and uninstall it. You may need to start in safe mode for these purposes.


The APC was in idle mode while the thread was finishing executing.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the drivers installed before the error occurred. BSOD occurs because Win32k.sys does not process font parameters correctly, which is why asynchronous call APC process. Install the latest OS updates and the Symevent.sys driver.

x00000023 - FAT_FILE_SYSTEM

Damage to the FAT file system.

Possibly damaged sectors of the drive or IDE driver. To find and fix bad sectors, try using the Chkdsk /f/r function in the console, or use third party program Victoria HDD type.

0x00000024- NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

Damage to the NTFS file system.

A malfunction in the ntfs.sys driver prevents the system from reading and writing data from NTFS media. Possible damage to the hard drive file system structure. Perform the actions described in the previous error.


The kernel stack is full. To eliminate it, you should adhere to general recommendations to solve the occurrence of BSOD.

0x0000002E— DATA_BUS_ERROR

Incorrect operation of the data bus, the cause of which is a possible parity failure system memory. The problem is probably in the PC hardware resources - incorrect configuration, non-compliance with the installed OS or equipment failure. Often this code is caused due to defective RAM modules. Replace the faulty one Hardware. Otherwise, follow the standard instructions described in the previous paragraph.


A very common mistake. Occurs during OS startup. The bootloader cannot detect access to system partition. Device failure bootstrap. The solution is to change the bootstrap options.

Restart the system and press F8. A window for selecting a download method will open. Launch the latest successful configuration. Check hardware and software compatibility.


An attempt was made to access invalid system memory. Most often it is associated with the installation of faulty hardware, namely RAM and video cards. Check these devices for defects. In rare cases, the problem could be caused by the installation of a faulty system service.


A required processor core data page cannot be loaded into memory. Most likely lack of resources random access memory or bad sectors hard drive. It could also be a problem cable connections. Test the RAM and HDD for errors, correct them if possible. Check and clean the connecting cable plugs.

Blue screen of death(eng. Blue Screen of Death, Blue Screen of Doom, BSoD) - messages about critical system error in operating systems Microsoft Windows. Many who encounter a blue screen of death on their computer/laptop see the only solution as reinstalling the operating system. But sometimes the OS has nothing to do with it, but the problem is in the hardware. In order not to guess - why did the blue screen of death appear, you need to use the information provided by the operating system itself in the form of logs. In this article, I will describe step by step how to find out the cause of the blue screen of death.

So, the appearance of the blue screen of death is always unexpected and at the wrong time, so many simply do not have time to see what is written, and it must be said there (though not in a very explicit form) the reasons for the failure. First of all, I suggest setting up your computer/laptop so that it does not reboot immediately after a system failure, but gives you the opportunity to see the cause of the failure, if this information is not enough, you need to look dump a file that contains information: an error code with parameters, a list of drivers loaded into RAM at the time of the system crash, etc., but this information is enough to identify the faulty driver.

Settings regarding rebooting after a system failure can be specified by clicking right click mouse on the My Computer/Computer shortcut (suitable for Windows XP, Windows7, Windows8), select " Properties", or press the key combination + . All printskirns below will concern Windows7, the same method is configured on Windows XP, Windows8, Windows8.1.

On the "tab" Additionally"select in the Boot and Recovery field" Options".

Uncheck " Perform automatic reboot", in order to have time to see everything that the blue screen of death writes. The line Dump file indicates the path where the file will be saved, which will indicate the reasons for the failure.

Now you can carefully study the information when a blue screen of death appears. If your computer no longer boots and you cannot change these settings, in this case, when booting, press F8 on the keyboard and select the menu item “If the system fails, do not reboot.”

If the information indicated there is not enough, you can use a dump ( dmp file). To do this you can use the tool microsoft-microsoft debugging tool, but it weighs a lot and requires installation and framework 4.5. You can get by with fewer sacrifices if you use the program BlueScreenView . In my opinion very convenient program does not require installation and in Russian (add the file to the program folder). By running the BlueScreenView.exe file, the program interface will open in which the dump of this computer will already be loaded (the default path is C:\Windows\MiniDump, if you go to Settings- Extra options you can specify a different path if you copied the dump to another location).

Windows 7, if there are errors in the system or incorrectly functioning computer components, stops working and displays the “Blue Screen of Death”, also called “BSoD”. Then the system points to possible problems that caused the failure and provides recommendations for solving them. The Blue Screen of Death displays the hexadecimal error code and its parameters. After the code comes the name of the driver and the address of the error.

Thus, the blue screen of death at boot costs the user a significant amount of important information and helps to fix Windows operation 7 to remove BSoD.

You just need to carefully read (it’s better to even take a photo of it) with the data provided and analyze at what address and what error occurred.

Analysis of the causes of BSoD

To establish the reasons why such a failure occurs with the appearance of a blue screen of death, you need to familiarize yourself with its main list:

  1. Increase in temperature of PC equipment exceeding operating values;
  2. Drivers. Failures and incompatibility of this software installed on the computer;
  3. Incompatibility of applications installed on the computer, for example, between antivirus utilities;
  4. Conflict of computer components;
  5. It is rare, but it happens that the Blue Screen of Death causes the PC to become infected with malware;
  6. Failure of devices included with the computer, for example, hard drive, RAM, etc.;

There are many reasons why the Blue Screen of Death appears, and they need to be identified in as soon as possible, otherwise, any of the PC equipment may break down, which will not be recoverable.

What actions need to be taken?

If the Blue Screen of Death appears on your computer display, you must take the following steps:

Analysis of the source of problems to determine specific causes:

  1. Often “BSoD” is a consequence of the inexperience of the computer owner, for example, it happens that the user deletes system file or utility. In this case, you will need to return Windows 7 to its pre-impact state. inexperienced user and do the following:
  2. Through the Start menu in search "System Restore" and click on the displayed file;
  3. determine the restore point; it must be earlier in date than the time when the user made incorrect changes to the system;
  4. Ready. These steps will remove BSoD. Windows 7 should now boot without problems.
  5. In the case where the user did not delete the necessary data or utilities from the system, then it will be necessary to identify the reason for its occurrence from the records on “BSoD”, i.e. identify the file or program (driver) that caused the system error and the appearance of the blue screen of death. Next, type the name of the utility or file in the search and remove - uninstall them. WITH official resources hardware manufacturers begin downloading and installing them on your PC.
  6. Perform an analysis to determine the reasons for the increase in temperature of PC equipment exceeding operating values. To do this, you should resort to downloading and installing special applications, for example Aida or Spessy (they work great in Windows 7). After installation, they will show the operating temperature of the PC equipment and identify bottlenecks in specific parts of the computer hardware. If temperatures exceeding critical values ​​are detected in any equipment, these components will need to be repaired or new ones purchased.

Memory dump

This is the contents of memory at a specific period of time. After canceling automatic Windows actions 7, leading to system boot, it is recommended to enable memory dump recording. To do this, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

Examining a Memory Dump

This can be done using the BlueScreenView program, which allows you to extract the necessary data from the dump.

More often main feature any serious problems in Windows 7 - blue screen. Moreover, its presence may indicate a problem with the hardware. personal computer, and with software.

Fixing problems of this type is in most cases quite simple; you can almost always do it yourself. Only rarely may specialist consultation be required.

Setting up the system to diagnose the problem

When Blue Screenof Death appears frequently, you must first perform two operations in strict order:

  • disable reboot;
  • run a special system utility.

Disabling reboot will allow you to get rid of automatic restart when BlueScreenofDeath appears. This is necessary in order to find out the error code that caused emergency situation on a personal computer.

This operation is performed as follows:

After completing all the above operations, the system will no longer reboot on its own. And the user will be able to get acquainted with all the information about the problem that led to the appearance of the corresponding message on the display.

Most often, the problem lies in the PC's RAM. You should definitely analyze it using special utility. The OS already has the necessary built-in software to realize this goal.

It is launched as follows:

You must choose the first option, as it is optimal. It is important to remember that the type check in question takes a long time to complete.

Under no circumstances should you interrupt the process.

After it is completed, the machine will reboot automatically. The PC display will display all the information with the test results. This will allow you to determine how to fix the problem.

Reasons for appearance

This type of problem can occur due to a variety of problems.

But all of them can be divided into main categories:

  • equipment malfunction;
  • inappropriate or malfunctioning drivers;
  • software.

Most the right way Determining the malfunction is an analysis of the information present on the monitor at the moment the Blue Screen of Death appears. In most cases, the computer uses special character sets to indicate to the user what problem node. It is best to find a decoding of error codes on the Internet in advance.

Faulty installed equipment

Very often, the type of problem in question appears due to problems in the PC hardware. They can arise due to improper assembly or microcircuit failure. Quite often both the first and the second are present.

The most common malfunction is swelling of the capacitors on motherboard. Detecting this is very simple: you need to open the PC case and carefully examine the small bars with round legs on the Motherboard. If the end part of any capacitor is swollen, it must be replaced. This process It’s quite simple; you just need to select a component with a similar capacity.

Often a similar problem occurs with power supplies. The presence of swollen capacitors in them can also lead to a blue screen. It is advisable to carefully inspect all components of the PC - the presence of damage (carbon deposits or other defects) indicates a hardware malfunction. Often the problems lie in the connection buses.


Very often Blue Screen of Death occurs due to incorrectly selected drivers. Most often this is due to catalysts for the video card. This is especially true for applications downloaded from unofficial resources.

Allow similar problem simple, just need to replace installed programs to standard. But sometimes it happens that dealing with a problem of the type in question is not so easy.

If the user does not have sufficient knowledge and experience to detect problematic driver, which causes BSOD, you should use a special built-in utility for this. It's called Verifier.exe, and it's very easy to find and run.


Often BSOD occurs due to the presence of some malicious application. Allow similar situation Antivirus will help.

On this moment It is best to use the following to check your PC:

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
  • Nod 32;
  • D.R. WEB;
  • Avast.

Sometimes BSOD appears due to the most different applications, which for some reason conflict with drivers or other programs or utilities. Therefore, sometimes you can get rid of the blue screen of death by simply uninstalling recently installed programs.

Memory dump analysis using BlueScreenView utility

If blue occurs Windows screen 7 – what to do? The situation can be resolved using universal application BlueScreenView. This utility does not require installation and immediately after launch it automatically detects all dump files.

With BlueScreenView you can easily analyze your computer's messages.

The process of viewing a dump is quite simple:

  • dump files are displayed in the upper part of the window - you need to click on the required one, and the drivers that caused the BSOD will be displayed in the lower area;
  • you need to double-click on the desired item - this will allow you to see the parameters in a tabular format;
  • click on “settings” - “selected window mode” - “drivers found in the crash track”;
  • right-click and select HTMLReport.

The information received can be sent to the support service, or analyzed independently - if the user has the appropriate knowledge and skills for this. If necessary, you can view original screen BSOD using the utility in question. It has very wide functionality and many settings, which is why it is quite popular.

Video: problem solving

Common errors

Figuring out how to find out the cause of a BSOD is quite simple. It is much more difficult to eliminate it. Usually the error is displayed on the monitor screen as hexadecimal code, which can be easily translated into ordinary English.

The most common errors that occur are:

It is necessary to find a translation of error codes into English or directly into Russian in advance. This will make it possible to simplify the task of troubleshooting the type of malfunction as much as possible. If for some reason it was not possible to resolve the problem, then you should contact competent specialists.

Avoid occurrenceBSODor you can eliminate it after it appears using some actions:

Also, often the cause of the appearance of the blue screen of death is an installed unlicensed operating system. Possibly installation original distribution will help you get rid of troubles.

The best way to solve the problem of BSOD on a PC is to simply prevent it from occurring. It is necessary to update the software in a timely manner, and also not to use pirated programs, OS. Be sure to monitor the hardware ( temperature conditions, dustiness). All this will avoid the need to waste time fixing problems.