Expanding the screen on a laptop and entering full screen mode. How to remove a stretched screen? Stretched Windows 7 screen on laptop

Each user has his own requirements for the parameters of the image displayed on a computer display.

Some people prefer high brightness and high contrast, while others prefer low screen intensity to reduce eye strain.

The main parameters of the monitor can be manipulated using hardware buttons located on its body.

There are several methods you can use to make your display screen smaller or narrower. We will achieve the desired parameters by changing the resolution and scaling of the monitor screen.

Scaling on Windows

Windows users starting from version 7 can use the desktop scaling feature directly without going into any settings.

To use it, you need to press the “Ctrl” key and turn the mouse wheel. Depending on the direction of rotation, the image size on the monitor will decrease or increase.

The same trick can be performed in any modern browser and achieve the desired scale without going into the settings.

In any other operating systems, you need to go to the video card settings, where you can change the image scale. This setting is usually done in the form of a system of sliders.

Changing the screen resolution of Windows XP

To access screen properties, you need to place the cursor on a free area of ​​the desktop, and then press the right button. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”. In the window that opens, select the last item “Options” and move the slider to the right or left, depending on the size of the displayed parameters. To view the changes, click “Apply”; to save, click “Ok”.

Changing screen resolution Windows 7, 8

First, right-click on an empty space on the screen, after which a menu will appear in which you need to click on the “Personalization” item. In the left part of the window that opens, you need to select “Screen Resolution”, and then select a higher value, which will reduce the image size.

Be careful when adjusting your monitor screen resolution. The fact is that screen resolution is directly responsible for the clarity of the image (windows, shortcuts). The higher the resolution, the sharper the image and the smaller the object.

Usually the screen is too stretched on a computer or laptop in Windows 7, after reinstalling the operating system itself (this does not happen in Windows 8).

What to do? How to remove a stretched screen? The answer is clear - change the resolution.

Only if there are no drivers specifically for your screen model, it most likely will not work. However, trying is not torture - try.

If you can’t reduce a very stretched screen, below we describe how to remove this “misunderstanding”.

Sometimes you may not be able to change the stretched screen, but there is a solution - and you will also find a lot of useful information on this issue there.

How to fix stretched screen resolution

To make a horizontally stretched screen normal, right-click on any free space on the laptop/computer desktop.

Immediately after this, a small window will pop up in front of you. In it, click on the “screen resolution” line. See fig. below.

In this field, by expanding the parameters opposite the “resolution” line, you will have access to a slider.

By moving it, you can fix the stretched screen on your computer or laptop.

But as written above, if there are no appropriate drivers, you won’t be able to make it ideal (you’ll be able to narrow it down a little horizontally, but the vertically won’t match).

What to do then? Download and install “native” drivers. It's easier for a laptop. You can log into the official website and download from there. With computers the situation is more complicated (usually everything is prefabricated), but there is a way out.

First way. Take advantage, However, there is no 100% guarantee that she will find them. It all depends on the monitor.

Second way. Find out the exact model name of your monitor and try to find drivers for it using search engines: Google or Yandex.

Third way. Use Windows Update (and click on the “Windows Update” option). The system itself will determine which drivers it needs, download, install and fix a stretched monitor.

I use the third option - everything always came back to normal. Yes, when you update, and the Internet is slow, you don’t have to check the boxes next to the lines where it says “for security”; these updates have nothing to do with the stretched screen.

ATTENTION. There are many programs online that promise to quickly update all the drivers for your PC. I advise you not to use them - after their intervention, you usually need to reinstall Windows.

Quite often, computer users ask the question of how to expand their monitor screen. There may be several reasons why the monitor screen becomes narrow with black stripes around the edges, or the picture is not fully displayed, and the image becomes blurry. Now we will look at the most common situations of such incidents and try to correct them.

Most often this happens for several reasons:

  • Incorrect setting;
  • The video card driver is not installed;
  • Connecting to a computer or additional monitor;
  • Incorrect monitor settings.

Now let's look at all these reasons in more detail.

Incorrect screen resolution setting

Screen resolution settings may become lost when installing pirated programs, reinstalling the system, a virus enters the system, after beating the game with your own settings, or after a sudden unexpected shutdown of the computer.

In this case, fixing the situation is quite simple. Just right-click on the free space on your desktop:

IN Windows 7

And in the drop-down context menu select “ Screen resolution»

In the next window find " Permission» and open the list by left-clicking on the small black arrow on the right.

You should see a list of possible screen resolution settings.

You should not experiment with all resolutions in a row, because... If you select a resolution that your monitor does not support, the screen may go blank and you will not be able to adjust it without the help of the wizard. The monitor will not burn out, but you will need to reset your settings. This is usually done through "Safe Mode", or on another computer that supports the resolution that you set yourself.

Therefore, before changing the screen resolution, read the instructions for your monitor to see what parameters it supports, or click on the blue link “ Which monitor settings should you choose?? (in the same window where you select the resolution), and carefully read what is written there.

IN Windows 10

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “ Screen Options»

Go to the tab on the left " Display", find in the window on the right " Permission", click on the arrow and select the necessary parameters.

Usually next to the required parameter it is written “( Recommended

Video card driver not installed

Usually, after reinstalling the operating system, or after replacing the video adapter, a temporary video card driver is automatically loaded. And if you then do not download specialized drivers for the video card, then in the “Resolution” item in the screen settings there will be no list of resolutions (at best, two parameters). And in the device manager there will be an entry “ StandardVGA graphics adapter».

In this case, you need (video adapter) from the disk that comes with the video card or from the official website of the video card manufacturer.

If you have the Windows 10 operating system installed on your computer, the driver will be installed automatically.

Connecting a TV, laptop, or additional monitor to a computer

If another monitor, or laptop, or even a TV is connected to your computer, then disconnect them. If after this everything has been corrected on your main monitor and the image has expanded to fill the entire screen, then you need to correctly determine in the display selection settings which one will be the main one and which one will be the secondary one.

And in the settings " Screen» select the required monitor.

Monitor settings

Almost any monitor has buttons for adjusting it. They are usually located at the lower front (bottom) or side.

Find the auto setup options and set them.

You can try setting up the monitor yourself using other buttons. But it will take longer.

That's all for now. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Almost all modern software for Windows OS is equipped with a graphical interface. When launched, it automatically selects the window resolution that is recommended for a specific laptop model. However, video game fans, and even ordinary users, are often faced with the need to change the standard monitor scale or even switch to full-screen mode. Let's look at how to increase the screen resolution on a laptop and make the picture size larger.

Ways to change image settings on a laptop

There are several ways to change the screen scale on a laptop computer:

  • increase (decrease) display resolution;
  • use the “Screen Magnifier” function;
  • change information display parameters in the settings of the required application.

Which option to use depends on how and where you want to increase the screen size on your laptop.

Changing display resolution

If you need to increase the screen resolution on your laptop, for example, to comfortably display a picture in a video game, or return to standard mode after a reset of monitor settings or a driver failure, perform the following steps:

In the same settings section, you can stretch the desktop, increase the scale of the displayed text, change the screen orientation (widen or narrow it), etc.

If, after a system crash or exposure to malware, images and applications do not open in full screen, the problem may lie in the incorrect operation of the drivers for the video card. To bring the monitor’s operating mode back to normal and stretch the picture, you need to do the following:

Using Magnifier

Windows has a built-in tool that allows you to zoom in on the entire screen or a specific part of it for a while. This is very convenient when reading any information written in small print. This feature is called Screen Magnifier. To call it you need:

Changing application settings

The need to change picture parameters often arises when surfing the Internet, because the small scale of some pages causes a lot of strain on your eyesight, causing your eyes to get tired quickly. Fortunately, browser developers have provided the ability to change the size of the displayed information.

To stretch a page in the Yandex browser, you need to:

In the Internet browsers Mozilla and Google Chrome, the zoom and full-screen mode are set in almost the same way. When you activate the mode for displaying information on the entire screen, the top and bottom panels with all tools disappear. To return the browser window to its standard form, you must press the F11 function key on your keyboard or the Function+F11 button combination.

You can stretch an image on a laptop in almost any application using the keyboard. To do this, you need to hold down Ctrl “+”. This can also be done using the TouchPad. Simply place two fingers on the touchpad and pull them slightly in different directions.


The screen is stretched, how can I return it to normal?

For many users, this short note will seem strange, since it will talk about seemingly elementary things... But I assure you, this is not elementary for everyone and questions like:

  • The screen stretches the image...
  • Stretched screen in Windows, what to do?
  • How to stretch the screen on a monitor or laptop?
  • Why is my screen stretched?

periodically occur for many novice users.

Usually this problem appears after reinstalling Windows or drivers. There may also be other reasons, but we won’t go into them, we’ll just figure out how to eliminate this trouble.

So, if you (or you) have reinstalled Windows, then first of all you need to make sure that the correct drivers for the video card are installed. If you don’t know what a driver is, then watch the corresponding video “What is a driver and what is it for?”

The site also has a detailed course on installing Windows yourself, and you should check out the following videos from it: “How to install drivers after reinstalling Windows” and “How to find the right driver.”

The correct video card driver will allow you to use all its resources when operating your computer, and therefore it is very important to find and install it.

Well, now let’s fix the problem of the stretched screen. It occurs because the screen resolution set in the operating system settings does not match the monitor resolution.

You may not be familiar with the term “screen resolution,” so I again provide a link to a note and a video in which this issue is discussed in detail - “What is screen resolution.” Also from this video you will learn why a stretched screen occurs and how to fix this problem in the Windows settings.


Stretched screen on Windows 7. How to fix it?

The appearance of the desktop and all its elements should be comfortable to the eye and easy to use. A stretched screen usually occurs after installation, reboot or system update.

Main causes of the problem If the screen is unnaturally stretched, there are two reasons for this: the wrong resolution is set, which does not correspond to the technical parameters of the display. The resolution that is comfortable for the eyes is determined by testing;

The wrong driver is installed. It does not use all the capabilities of the computer's video card.

What can be done? Our company’s specialists will solve this problem at an affordable price. Let's consider several possible options: 1. To set the correct resolution in the “seven”, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and click “Screen Resolution”. Next, use the value slider to set the optimal value.2. If the problem is that the incorrect driver is installed, then you need to download it from the resource or video card manufacturer. In this case, take into account the system bit size (32 or 64 bits). Make sure that the old driver is uninstalled, otherwise it will conflict with the newly installed one.

About the difficulties They arise when you need to install a driver for a laptop. Here, the older it is, the more difficult it will be, especially if you are installing a new operating system.

If you are not sure that you can find what you need and install it yourself, contact knowledgeable specialists. The cost of such services in our organization is low. It is possible that, in addition to the video driver, there is a need to select drivers for other hardware.