Windows 10 creating a new user

Many PC users often share their gadget with other users. Because of this, conflicts arise. Someone accidentally deleted a file, installed an unnecessary program, or performed some action that led to a system crash. To avoid such problems, you should add a new user to your PC in Windows 10. Let’s look at all the existing methods on how to do this.

Creating a new user in Windows 10 through the Settings section

The easiest way to add a user to Windows 10 is to use the options in the Settings section. In order to add another account on Windows 10, you should do the following:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings” and select the “Accounts” section.
  • In the menu on the left, select the “Family and other people” section. Click “Add a user for this computer.”

  • A new window will appear. The system will ask you to enter the user's name or phone number. If you want to create a new user in Windows 10 without specifying that the account belongs to a specific person, you should click “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

  • A new window will appear again. Click “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”

  • Next, you need to come up with a new user name and enter a password and password hint.

The creation of the new local user account is complete.

Creating a new account via Command Line

The second way to create a new user in Windows 10 is to use the command line. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Command Prompt (Admin).”

  • The console will launch. You need to enter the following command “net user Username Password /add”, where “Username” is the name of the new account, and the password is a combination of numbers. In an example it looks like this.

  • Press “Enter” to add a new user.

  • Now, when you log in, you can select a different user.

Using Local Group to Add a New User in Windows 10

You can create accounts for users of one PC not only using the above methods, but also using the “Local groups and users” section.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “lusrmgr.msc”.

  • A new window will open. Select the “Users” section. Right-click on an empty space and select “New User”.

  • A small window will appear. Enter the new username, password and confirm the password.

User added. You can log in using a new account in the standard way.

Adding a new user using the Run command

The last method for Windows 10 to get an account is to run the “control userpasswords2” command in the Run window.

The User Accounts section will appear. Click on the “Add” button.

A window for creating a new account will open, the same as in the method above (Creation through the Settings section). Enter all the data and follow the instructions. A new entry will be created.

To learn how to add a new user in Windows 10, watch the video:

Welcome back to my blog and now we will look at the pressing issue of how to add a local user in Windows 10. It’s clear that Windows will strongly recommend an account named after itself, how could it be otherwise :) But this is not necessary in all cases and not everyone wants it (what if Windows will keep track of me? No, we’ll make do with a local entry somehow). Or guests have come to stay with you for a few days and want to sit at the computer. You don’t want to let guests into your personal virtual space, which has already been set up and lived in. And the guests are so dense that they still don’t have a Microsoft account, what a horror! Just kidding, just kidding) But nevertheless, the ability to create a local user in Windows 10 is left, which we will use.

Method 1. Standard

So let's get started. Visit us at: Start -> Options -> Accounts. You can also quickly get to Settings by pressing the combination Win+I.

In the accounts window, click on the tab on the left Family and other users. Then click in the section Other users link Add a user for this computer.

We will now begin the user creation process, during which Windows will strongly recommend a network account. At first, Windows, in its simplicity, will think that you want to add a user with a Microsoft account and the first thing it will do is ask you to enter their email or phone number. But we say our firm “No!” and click on the little invisible link below I don't have this person's login information.

But Windows is not going to give up so quickly and offers to create a new Microsoft account. This, of course, is not part of our plans and we again click on the small and inconspicuous link below with the name Add a user without a Microsoft account.

Windows 10 is beginning to understand that we are determined and will go to the bitter end. And in the next window we are finally allowed to create a local account. Enter the username, for example, User2 and password if necessary. You can do without a password, it’s at your discretion. And we complete the process with the Next button.

Well, here it is, our local happiness is on the list) By the way, you can delete an unnecessary user or one that has become unnecessary if you select the account and select Delete.

By default, a standard user with limited rights is created. If you are happy with this, then you don’t need to change anything, and if you want to promote the user to Administrator, then click on his name and select Change account type. Select Administrator from the list and confirm with OK.

And now I’ll show you another way to create a user, a more cunning one)

Method 2. Tricky-advanced

Open the Run window using the Win + R key combination. Enter one of the commands there: netplwiz or control userpasswords2. Both options will bring up the same window. Press OK or Enter on the keyboard.

User Accounts shows a list of accounts on your computer. Press the button Add… and let's start creating a new user.

Windows 10 will again cheerfully advise us to create a Microsoft account. We'll also cheerfully ignore this advice and click on the little inconspicuous link below: Sign in without a Microsoft account.

There are several ways to add a user to Windows 10. It is very important that there are at least 2 administrators on the PC. If the only one loses his rights, he will no longer be able to restore them. This is a bug in Windows 10. Therefore, either take the trouble to create a new user with administrator rights, or activate the built-in one. This will protect the PC from uncontrollability (applications cannot be installed).

Despite all the diversity, there is only one equipment that fully allows you to solve the problem and adjust the rights. Everything else is a waste of time or a tribute to hopelessness. We will look at how users are managed and their rights are limited.

Best Equipment: Challenge

As an administrator, type netplwiz. This can be done from the command line, or through Win + R. When working under someone else's account, use runas as a means to call the snap-in. Knowing the administrator password, it is not difficult to do this from anywhere:

If you are doing this using a regular account, you will need to enter the administrator password to launch the command line. We believe that the admin will be able to do this without difficulty. After these steps, the main snap-in will appear where you can change user accounts.


Actually, the administrator calls this window via Win + R, but in other cases the system will not allow this, so it is better to use the command line.

Everything is clear from the screenshot. The equipment allows you to perform the following operations:

  • creating a new Windows 10 user;
  • adding, deleting or editing a password (but not your own);
  • changing the rights that the profile has.

In addition to making fun of your account, you can make evil jokes at the expense of other admins. For example, note its previously assigned rights. This is what it looks like:

A colleague comes to work, and he is no longer an administrator, but a Replicator... a crocodile, in short. Reptilator. We think this is a good joke. Especially when you urgently need to complete some task. In the same way, you can delete or add users, and you can also disable them...

How to disconnect a user

On the Advanced tab there is a button that opens the snap-in.

The peculiarity of the shell is that it not only creates an account, but also temporarily blocks it without deleting it. Look, there are three such names on the screen (marked with dark arrows).

The most interesting thing is in the context menu through Properties.

If you enter this menu, a number of new options open up. What is important to us is that the account is deactivated until better times.

It will not be visible among login accounts, and the password will be locked until someone again checks the box circled on the screen.

Microsoft account

But this window does not allow you to create users with external accounts on your computer. This is a convenient option that increases reliability and virtually eliminates the possibility of losing your password. Because mail and Microsoft account are linked to the phone. In addition, other methods for recovery are possible.

There was a discussion about this technique on the Internet. They agreed that the site could be hacked. Let us take comfort in the fact that the intelligence services have clear instructions to check social networks (our accounts) for correspondence and some other properties. So only a true fan of Billy Gates can keep secret documents online. In addition, Windows constantly sends telemetry, perhaps somewhere in its depths there are our passwords for local accounts. Although there is no way to prove this.

Therefore, real security in the modern information world is impossible. A local account, in turn, is bad because you can lose your password or forget it. This happens when the owner is absent for a long time. However, Ten is the first Microsoft OS where another user cannot seize control. Under one condition: you are not logging in as an administrator. If this rule is violated, the password is reset, a new one is added to the account, and the “hacker” gets full access to the PC.

How to add a Microsoft account? It’s very simple, go to Settings through the Start menu and click Credentials. Actually, we are already there.

You can enter any contact information and become an admin. Because the local account is administrator. In a similar way, you can add any arbitrary users with their personal mail of a site.

A window will appear where you can enter your e-mail, which will be your login. The operation was successful and this is what appeared on the screen.

The first time you sign in to your new account, you will need a password. We don't know him because the mail is fictitious. But it’s clear that we managed to create an account with an arbitrary e-mail. Then it will be displayed among the others and administered as usual. We remind you that there must be a second user with administrator rights. Even if it is a default system entry. It will be possible to log in in case of refusal with her data.

Having your own personal computer is a luxury for some. It is not uncommon for more than two people to use a single computer in a home. But there is information that is better hidden from strangers. That is why in the Microsoft operating system it is possible to create several owners of a computer and set a password for any of them individually. Thanks to this, each person can store their own documents in specific folders that other people cannot access.

Quite often, purchased personal computers already have several PC owners. The reason for this is the limited ability to access the data. When customers come into a store and test laptops, they may specifically download malicious software. That is why a new person is created in an operating system without administrator rights, where the person does not have the ability to delete, edit or install files.

Adding a user via Start

You need to go to Start and, using the “” item, find a section with a list of all PC owners. This section has a subsection for family and other accounts. This is where you can create a new person to control the computer. When adding a new PC owner, you must fill in a name and create a password.

Adding a user via Command Line

To display Command line you need to right-click on the menu Start and select Command Line. You must run it as an administrator. It serves to perform various actions on a personal computer using specially designed commands.

IN Command line you need to enter the command net user Admin password /add where Admin is the name of the new person using the personal computer, and password is the password. If everything is done correctly, then Command line The message “Command completed successfully” will appear.

Adding a user via Control Panel

Of course, any setting in the Windows operating system is resolved through Control Panel. You must select the item "", tab " Control Panel" and find the section " user accounts».

On the Users tab there will be an Add button. After this, you can add a new person, but you need to decide what kind of account you need to create:

  • Microsoft account;
  • local account.

When new Microsoft account will be created, the owner will be able to use the standard Windows Store, automatically update standard applications and synchronize software applications.

When local recording the owner of the personal computer will be created, a new owner of the PC will appear in Windows 10. This method is recommended for those who already have a Microsoft account and just need to differentiate access rights on their own computer.

When choosing any option, the PC owner will have to enter the account name and generate a password to log into the system.

Adding Local Users

When you press the Win + R key combination, the " Execute", in which you need to enter the command "". Click OK and see several folders in the window that appears: “ Users" And " Groups" In groups, rights to files and folders on the computer are created for various accounts. Here you can set up full access to all files and folders on the computer or prohibit this person from most operations, such as editing, installing and deleting new files. In folder " Users» All local computer owner records located in Windows are present.

By clicking on the folder " Users", using the right mouse button, you must select the operation " New user" Next, you need to come up with a name for the new owner and generate a password. If it is required that the Windows user has full access to all files and folders in this operating system, then you need to go to the “ Users", select the created user and in the tab " Group Membership» assign the value to administrator. Then the new user will be able to fully manage files and folders on the PC, installing new various programs, deleting old ones, editing data and making all permissible system settings.

Adding new users in the Windows 10 operating system is not significantly different from other operating systems. Exactly the same through Control Panel It is possible to create new accounts in both the eighth and seventh versions.

Video on the topic

An avid user of Windows operating systems is familiar with the concept of an account. This administration attribute in new versions takes on new and relevant meaning. And if earlier, for example, back on XP, its essence boiled down to delimiting local access zones to services, services and OS programs, but now everything is much more complicated.

Windows Profile Advantage

With the development of an extensive structure of Internet services and web applications, it becomes inconvenient for users to manage operational access to their accounts. The developers took into account the growing problem over time and proposed a universal solution - a single Windows user profile. Now you can work with Skype from any device (PC, laptop, tablet) with just one user account. All that remains is to read the instructions on how to create a Microsoft account on Windows 10.

Creating a profile in Windows 10

You can create a Microsoft profile:

  1. Using standard dialog forms in windows via the control panel + settings (accounts).
  2. Using the command line – “Run”, located in the main system start menu.

In the first case, you need:

  1. Select “Family and other users” and, accordingly, “Add a user for this computer.”
  2. In the next step, enter your email address.

  3. If it does not exist, then select the button to create it (you will need an Internet connection). This is done in the bottom field that says “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

  4. After entering your First and Last Name, click “Get a new email address” and enter its name, fill out the Password field and select your country of residence.
  5. Provide a phone number or alternate email address and click Next.

  6. Optionally, select the display of materials that best suit your desires and click “Next”.

  7. Your account has been created!

Advice! Similarly, you can enter the record creation system via the command line using the command: control userpasswords2

You will be asked to go through a similar procedure.

Register on the Microsoft website

Users of several Microsoft devices and services are encouraged to create a single universal profile. Visit Latest Operating System

Creation is done in two ways:

  • during the initial setup of the smartphone;
  • at the time of operation.

The sequence of transition commands is as follows: “Settings” → “Mail + accounts” → “Add service” → “Microsoft account” → “Create”.

Creating a single profile for all Windows devices without exception is useful for every advanced user. If you have a question about Windows 10, . Together we will try to find the answer.