Disabling password protection in Windows 10. How to remove the password when exiting sleep mode. How to log out of the system, as if from sleep mode. Check if there is a password

When you start Windows 10 or 8, you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to log in. This allows you to protect your computer from unauthorized access. But if you're the only person using the computer and you don't want to be prompted for your password every time, you can get rid of this process and log into Windows automatically without entering a password.

In this article, we will look at three ways in which you can disable the login screen and automatically login Windows 10 without entering a password.

Method 1.

Automatic login to Windows using the commands - control userpasswords2 and netplwiz.

To turn off the login screen and have Windows 10 sign you in automatically, follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R by opening the dialog box " Execute", enter one of the two commands below:


Step 2: Press Enter to open the " User accounts" And With Uncheck the box, click the button Apply" → "OK".

This action opens a window in which you must enter your account password. If the account is a local account and does not have a password, simply leave this field blank.

Step 3: Restart your computer.

Once you do this, you will find that you can sign in to Windows 10, 8 automatically and there is no need to enter your password or your Microsoft account details.

Step 4: All that remains is to disable the password request after sleep; you can read the instructions in our article:

Method 2.

Automatic login to Windows using the Microsoft “AutoLogon” utility.

Microsoft Autologon is a small, free utility offered by Microsoft that can be used to configure Windows 10's built-in automatic login mechanism. Similar to the utility netplwiz, you can save credentials for any local or MSA Microsoft account. The most important advantage of Autologon is that it encrypts the password before saving it to the registry.

Step 1: Download the utility AutoLogon, unpack the archive and run the file autologon.exe and accept the license terms.

Step 2: Fill in the required information: login, password and click the " Enable" to enable password bypass for the selected user account. A message will appear on the screen confirming that Autologon has been successfully configured.

You can also use the AutoLogon utility from the command line using the syntax below:

autologon user domain password

Step 3: Restart your PC.

Method 3.

Automatic login to Windows using Registry Editor.

Setting up Automatic login in Windows 10 using Registry Editor.

Step 1: Create a system restore point and then click Win+R on the keyboard to launch the " Execute". Enter regedit.exe and press the key Enter to open Registry Editor.

Step 2: Navigate to the following path in the left sidebar of Registry Editor.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: Now, on the right, find the parameter “ AutoAdminLogon" and change its value to 1 .

After this, you need to create some additional string parameters to store the account data values. Just right click on the partition Winlogon and select " Create" → "String parameter" and fill them with the appropriate values ​​depending on the name assigned.

If the String parameter already exists, you just need to change the value accordingly.

Step 4: After all values ​​are filled in, save the settings and close the Registry Editor.

I should note that one of the disadvantages of using Registry Editor to log in automatically is that your password is stored unencrypted. Any user with access to the registry can view it. Therefore, we recommend that you use the Method with netplwiz or Autologon, your password will be securely encrypted and will not be stored in the Registry Editor.

I hope this advice is helpful to you.

Many PC users, following all the security instructions, create a cumbersome password for their account, consisting of numbers and letters of different case. Entering such a combination every time you log in is a non-trivial task. Luckily, there is a way to avoid this monotonous process. Below we will tell you how to log into your account without a password on Microsoft Windows 10/8.1/7 systems.

How to log into Windows 10 without a password

We will also tell you what to do if you don't remember your password.

We can say that Windows users are lucky because Microsoft has built a hidden netplwiz application into its OS, thanks to which you can automatically log in. Follow the detailed instructions and you will definitely succeed!

Note! This option is only available on Windows systems starting from version seven. It is also important to remember that if your PC is part of a corporate network, the option will not work, as different security algorithms will be in effect.

Step 1. To activate automatic login, first of all, go to the system users window using one of the following methods:

Step 2. You will see a window open where the users of the system will be listed.

Step 3. Select an account that will not prompt you for a password in the future. Uncheck the box next to the inscription: “Users must enter a user...” and click on “OK”.

Uncheck the box next to “Users must enter a user...” and click “OK”

Step 4. Log in to your account again.

Ready! The next time you turn on your computer, you won't have to enter your password on the lock screen. Congratulations!

If installed on your computer, the function may cause a number of inconveniences. For example, when changing accounts, you will need to go to the lock screen, log out, and only then log in to another account.

To reset the settings, repeat everything in the reverse order and at the stage of opening the window for “hidden” system users, check the “Users must enter a user...” checkbox under each account.

Check the box “Users must enter a user...” under each account and click “OK”

On a note! Remember, using the netplwiz function is only prudent on a personal computer that does not leave your home. Regarding portable devices, an activated program may cause the loss of access to the computer, or the computer itself, in the event of theft.

What should I do if I don't remember my password?

Video - How to disable the password request when logging into Windows 10

A password ensures the security of any operating system. Thanks to it, no one can watch what you did on your PC while you're not around. It is clear that the Windows password will not save you from attackers, for example, with a boot disk, but this can take a lot of time. In a simple situation, if you step away for 5 minutes, just press Win+L and the device will be locked. The creators of Windows 10 paid great attention to the security algorithm: now there is not only a password, but also a PIN code. But sometimes they are simply not needed, for example, when your computer is used at home. As it turned out, disabling the “Tens” password is not so easy, but there are still ways and there are many of them. We’ll talk about how to remove the Windows 10 password when logging in in this article.

Below you will find all the information on how to reset your Windows 10 password upon login and after waking up your PC. You can do this through the control panel, registry editor, power configuration (this option is needed to disable the code request when turning on the computer after hibernation) or applications that will do everything for you. You can even completely remove a user's password. All this is described in detail below, with each step accompanied by a screenshot for clarity.

In order to disable the request for confidential data when logging in, you need to have access to administrator rights (usually all PCs have them). At the end of the article you will find a video that also describes the process of disabling the password in Windows 10.

  1. We simultaneously press two keys Win + R (Win is a button located, most often, in the bottom row of the keyboard on both sides, on which the Windows logo is depicted). As soon as a small window opens, enter the word “netplwiz” or “control userpasswords2” (no need to copy quotes). Then click the virtual button labeled “OK.” Both of these commands give the same result.

  1. To remove the password when logging into Ten, select the user who needs to remove authorization and uncheck the box next to the item indicated in the screenshot. When the setup is complete, press the key labeled “OK.”

  1. A window will open in which you will need to enter the password for your Microsoft account. Next, click “OK” and thereby confirm the action.

After closing the window, your PC will not require you to enter authorization data the next time it boots.

Editing the registry

If the option to edit your account for some reason does not work, you can try to disable the password in other ways. One of them is the registry editor. But before we begin, we warn you - your password will be stored in clear form as one of the Windows registry key values, which greatly reduces the security of the operating system.

Note: Below we will show how to set up autologin when logging in through the registry, but without exposing your account data. Third party software will be used.

  1. As in the previous case, let’s launch the utility we need. Press Win+R. The editor itself is available in all versions of Windows. When the Run window opens, enter the value “regedit” (don’t forget to remove the quotes) and click OK.

  1. Next we go here: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, and then: “Software\Microsoft\Windows NT” and “CurrentVersion\Winlogon”.

  1. You need to change the value of the “AutoAdminLogon” key to 1 (to expand it, just double-click on the label with the left mouse button).

  1. Now we need to change the value of the DefaultDomainName key to the name of our computer. You can view it in the system properties. To do this, open the Windows 10 search tool (located on the left side of the taskbar) and write “system”. Next, click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the window that opens we will see the name of our computer (see screenshot).

  1. It is impossible to copy data from here, and rewriting it is inconvenient, especially in our case. If your PC has a complex name, click on the “Change settings” button.

  1. Next, open the “Computer name” tab and press the “Change” button.

  1. Now the name of our PC can be copied.

  1. After we have received the computer name, we proceed to modify the “DefaultDomainName” key (if there is none, you can create it through the right-click context menu).

  1. We will assume that the key has been created. Launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button and set the value to the PC name or your nickname when logging into Windows.

After pressing the "OK" key, you can close the editor and restart the computer. Its next launch should occur without the need to enter a login and password.

Attention! If the method does not work using the computer name, try entering your account name instead, which you can see by pressing Win + R and entering the command “netplwiz” without quotes.

We remove the password entry when waking up the PC

It often happens that after some time of work you leave your computer or laptop, and then return, wake it up and are faced with the need to enter a password. This is done for the same purpose - data security, but if you have to log in several times a day, it gets boring.

In order to correct the situation, there are several methods in the Windows operating system, which we will consider below. First, we’ll talk about the simplest and safest – the standard “Tens” function. Let's figure out how it works.

  1. First, launch system settings. They can be called through the OS search. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon and enter the word “parameters” in the search bar. Next, select the element we need in the search results.

  1. Now you need to find the “Login Options” section. To do this, we use the search settings algorithm that is already known to us. Enter the phrase in the line indicated in the screenshot and click on the desired item.

  1. In the new window, under “Login required,” expand the drop-down menu and select the “Never” option.

Ready. Now, when you wake from sleep mode, the operating system will not ask for your password.

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop and select the “Display Settings” menu.

  1. On the left side of the window, click on “Power and sleep mode”.

  1. Next – “Advanced power settings”.

  1. In the newly opened window, select “Configure power supply scheme”.

  1. Then click on the inscription indicated in the picture.

  1. In the “Require password on wakeup” section, select “Never”.

After this, Windows 10 will stop caring about your security and asking for authorization after waking up.

Note: on some computers or laptops this method may not work due to the complete absence of the “Require password on wakeup” menu. In this case, use another method, which is described below.

Editing the registry and group policy editor

You can prevent Windows from requiring authentication after waking up from hibernation not only through the power menu, but also through the Group Policy Editor. Below we will figure out exactly how to do this.

  1. Let’s use the “Run” system utility, familiar from the options described above. To do this, launch it with the Win + R keys and enter the command “gpedit.msc” into the field, of course, without quotes. When finished, click “OK”.

  1. Next, go to the “Administrative Templates” directory – “System”, and then – “Power Management” and “Hibernation Settings”.

  1. Find the key that we have highlighted in the screenshot with a red frame and set its value to “Disabled”. At the same time, if you have a laptop and a battery, there will be 2 such parameters. Change each of them.

  1. Double-click with the left mouse button on the indicated entry and change the value to “Disabled”. When finished, click “OK”.

After this, Windows 10 will no longer ask you to enter your password the next time you wake up your PC or laptop.

Attention! The Group Policy Editor is only available in the Pro version of Windows 10. For other systems, you should use the option with the Registry Editor.

Editing the system registry

For Windows 10 Home owners, we have prepared another way to disable authentication when the system wakes up. The fact is that there is no Group Policy editor and installing it is quite difficult. It is much easier to use the regular registry editor and change the key responsible for autologin. This is exactly what we will do now.

  1. First, let's open the registry editor. Press Win+R and enter the command “regedit” in the window that opens.

  1. When the utility opens, go to the path indicated in the screenshot and click on the folder highlighted with a red frame once.

If such a section does not exist, it can be created using the right-click context menu.

  1. On the right side of the Registry Editor, you need to create two new values ​​if you don't have them. This is done by right-clicking on the empty space. Select the mode indicated in the screenshot.

  1. After both items have been created, set their value to “0”. To do this, simply double-click on the entry (left mouse button). When the operation is completed, click “OK” and close the system registry.

Ready. The hated password will no longer bother you.

Attention! You may need to reboot the machine for the changes to take effect and for the authentication prompt to disappear.

How to remove Windows 10 password using third-party software

There is a program called Autologon for Windows. It is able to disable the password request without any manipulations with the PC. You can download the application on our website. We took it from the official resource, so the originality of the distribution is guaranteed.

Once the program is launched, you will be asked to accept the terms of the license agreement and enter your Windows password. Next, click “Enable”.

The application will notify you that it was successful and that your password is securely encrypted. All that remains to be done is to click on “OK”.

If you want to enable password protection for your computer again, simply launch Autologon for Windows again and click on the “Disable” button.

For the program to work, you must run it as an administrator.

How to completely remove a password

The password can be completely erased from the system. Let's figure out how to do this correctly.

First, we will use the command line functionality:

  1. Initially, we launch the command line itself (necessarily as an administrator). To do this, launch a Windows search and enter the query “Command Prompt”. When the desired result appears, right-click on it and select the “Run as administrator” entry.

  1. As soon as the utility opens, copy the command “net user” (without quotes), paste it into the command line and press Enter.

  1. After the operator is triggered, we will see a list of all Windows users. Remember your nickname - we will need it in the next step.

  1. Paste the command “net user username” (without quotes) and press Enter.

After confirming the action, the password will be deleted and you will no longer need to enter it, which is what we needed.

Attention! If your nickname consists of several words, be sure to put it in quotes.

Additional Information

Many users complain that even after deactivating the password using all the methods described, they may need to enter it again. And this happens precisely after setting the computer to a screen saver. Below we will figure out how to get around this inconvenience and disable the password when logging into Windows 10.

  1. We launch the “Run” utility by simultaneously pressing Win + R and enter the command “control desk.cpl,@screensaver” into the window that appears, naturally, without quotes.

  1. Disable the screen saver - the item indicated on the screenshot should contain the word “No”.

  1. Uncheck the item highlighted in the red frame in the screenshot and click OK.

After this, the screensaver will be disabled and will not appear even after restarting your computer.

A new feature has appeared in the “Ten” - “Dynamic blocking”, which can be configured at: “Settings” - “Accounts”, and then “Login Options”. If this mode is active, Windows 10 will set the password when the connection with a mobile gadget connected via WI-FI or Bluetooth is interrupted.

Video instruction: how to remove the password when logging into Windows 10

We hope our article will help you get rid of annoying authorization, which is absolutely unnecessary on your home PC, and completely disable password entry in Windows 10. If you have any problems, express them in the comments, and we will certainly help you.

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Want to quickly boot Windows 10 faster by skipping the login screen? Don't want to enter your account password every time you turn on your computer? There is a solution - you can set Windows 10 to automatically log in without entering a password!

The main benefit of setting Windows 10 to log in without a password is that you won't have to remember your password, which also means that your system boot time will be reduced by a few seconds.

The procedure for setting up automatic sign-in in Windows 10 is very similar to the same procedure in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The methods below work for both a local account and a Microsoft account. In other words, whether you use a Microsoft account or a local user account, you can use this guide to enable automatic sign-in in both cases.

Warning: Enable automatic login only if you are the only user of your computer. If someone else can use the computer besides you, then they can log into your account without knowing the password.

Use one of the methods below to enable automatic sign-in in Windows 10.

Automatic login without password

This is the easiest way to automatically log into Windows 10 without entering a password.

Step 1: Open a window Execute by simultaneously pressing the Windows and R keys (Windows + R). In the Run dialog box, enter Netplwiz and press Enter.

Step 2: In the window that opens user accounts first select your user account and then uncheck the option Require username and password. Click Apply, after which the window will be displayed.

Step 3: In the window Automatic login enter your password and then re-enter it to confirm.

Click to finish OK.

If for some reason you were unable to configure Windows 10 to log you in automatically by following the method above, then use this method.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor. To open it, enter Regedit in the search bar of the start menu or in the window Execute(Windows key + R) and press Enter. After this a window will open Account Control, select in it Yes.

Step 2: In Registry Editor, find the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: On the right side, find the entry called DefaultUserName and double left click on it to make sure your Microsoft account or local account appears in the box Meaning.

Step 4: Then again on the right side, find the entry with the name DefaultPassword. if the entry does not exist, create it by right-clicking on Winlogon and selecting the item Create, and further String parameter. Rename it to DefaultPassword and enter your password in the field Meaning. Click OK.

When you turn on the computer, it usually asks you to enter an access code. Protecting your account with a password is designed to prevent access to your confidential information for other users. However, if you are single user personal computer, constantly asking for a password when logging in will be more of a hindrance than a help.

This is an extra action, extra information that needs to be remembered, an increase in boot time when turning on the PC, and so on. Besides, if you forget it, you will get a lot of problems.

Therefore, it is easier for most users remove password entry for your account in Windows 10. This article is devoted to this issue.

Disabling a local account password

If you use a local account to log into Windows 10, cancel password entry simple enough. You can simply delete it.

To do this, do the following:

Active the password will be removed immediately and will not be required to log into the Windows 10 operating system the next time you turn on your personal computer.

Alternative way to disable the request

If you don't like the settings menu that was introduced in Windows 10, you can remove the passcode using the usual control panels. The tool " Change».

Do the following:

As in the previous method, the password will be removed and you will not need to enter it the next time you log into Windows 10.

Disable the prompt for a Microsoft account

The methods described above allow you to get rid of the password check at login, but only when you work with local account. However, Windows 10 allows you to log in to the system using single Microsoft account. And it is no longer possible to remove the password from it. However, you can configure automatic entry of login information when starting this personal computer. This can be done in two different ways.

Account Settings

The first way to remove the check is simpler. However, unfortunately does not work on all computers. It is highly recommended that you try it first. And in case of failure, move on to the next point. To set up automatic entry without prompting, follow the instructions below:

In most cases, this is enough to log into the OS without asking for a password. However, if you were unable to remove the check, you will need to do manually editing the registry.

Registry changes

The registry stores data that Windows 10 uses to operate. By changing existing entries and creating new ones, users can seriously change the way the operating system works. Therefore, all changes must be made extremely carefully, since any error can lead to incorrect operation of the computer.

Before starting work in the Registry Editor, it is strongly recommended to create a system restore point. If something goes wrong, you can easily roll back to the saved version of Windows 10 without having to reinstall.

Registry Editor

To enter the editor, users will need to do the following:

If you do everything correctly, Windows will not ask for a password when you boot.

Video on the topic