Shortcuts to Internet storage programs. Five of the most reliable services for storing documents and photos on the Internet. This is the service where I store my Internet files.

Unload your head from unnecessary information and stop worrying about the safety of your “works”!

Maybe you have also noticed that many of our values ​​are gradually becoming “virtual” and now exist only in the form of files on a computer? Firstly, these are the results of your work, hobbies, and creativity. As well as personal photo and video collections, favorite music, books, films, games...
The material world is becoming simpler and more functional, and virtual world becomes more complex and more valuable. In this regard, the question of the reliability of storing all these virtual values ​​is becoming increasingly important.

Probably almost everyone has encountered the sudden “death” of a computer or hard drive, which contained very important files, archives of photos, music, videos, etc. Often, only at this tragic moment do they remember that they need to regularly make backup copies important files on some other disk.

For this it is usually recommended to use external hard disks and programs Reserve copy. But organizing such a backup is not so simple: you need to purchase and connect an external HDD, understand and configure the backup program. Therefore, usually “one doesn’t get around to this matter” :((

Store your data in the clouds!

But in Lately another one appeared great way file storage: " cloud drives" - data storage services on the Internet. It is very convenient that such "cloud services" ensure synchronization of data on all your computers and gadgets, as well as simple exchange of files with other people. You can give someone access to some files or folders on the "cloud" " For collaboration. Or you can simply give a link to download any file to anyone.

Figure 1. Files are automatically synced across all devices via the cloud

There are already a lot of similar services. Probably the most famous and widespread of them is Dropbox. It is very convenient to use, but it has significant limitation by capacity: only 5 GB free (with the option free extension up to 16 GB). This volume is probably enough to store documents, but not enough to store libraries of photos, music, and especially movies.

Absolutely unlimited!

I recently wrote that you can now use the “cloud drive” to store very large amounts of data. It provides 10 GB for free (with the possibility of expansion), but its main “trick” is that for only 100 USD per year you get nothing at all unlimited volume! This allows you to backup entire hard drives and computers.

Another feature: Bitcasa saves all file options, no matter how many times you change this file. This can be very valuable if you need to find it by chance deleted file, or when you need to return to some previous version of the document. And one more difference from its “competitors”: Bitcasa really saves disk space because you don’t need to have a copy of the files on your computer (as in other similar services).

"Terabyte" as a New Year's gift

More recently, another alternative for storing large amounts of data has appeared: [email protected]. Currently (until January 20, 2014) is running a promotion in which it provides one Terabyte (1024 GB) for free! So, hurry up and register at, download and install their program for your computer or smartphone and get your free “terabyte”. Of course, this service does not yet have such conveniences as Dropbox, but I think it’s a matter of time...

As you can see, the most useful and convenient services store data “in the clouds” (that is, on servers on the Internet) and have client applications For different platforms: Windows, MAK, iOS, Android, with the ability to synchronize data between all devices. This is what makes them so convenient and reliable. It becomes almost impossible to lose your data!

The world's best password keeper and form filler

Another one has the same properties great program and service: Roboform. It specializes in storing data for filling out various forms and passwords for sites and programs, as well as bookmarks (addresses) of sites. Moreover, it is so convenient to use that after a while you simply can’t imagine how you could manage without it before. convenient program!? (In fact, Roboform has many useful functions and, apparently, in order to describe them all, you will have to write a separate article about it.)

Personal knowledge base that is always at hand

Another one indispensable program for working with information - this is Evernote. Convenient to store any useful information, notes, ideas, thoughts. Moreover, in a hierarchically ordered form and with the possibility instant search by any word.

Evernote needs to be installed on a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet... All devices are automatically synchronized with each other in real time. If you change a note on your smartphone, it immediately changes in the cloud service, and, accordingly, in your computer or laptop. On mobile devices Oh, you can take photo and voice notes. Moreover, voice notes are immediately automatically translated into text. This unique feature, requiring real artificial intelligence, which science fiction writers have long dreamed of.

I realized that you can store almost any information in Evernote (except perhaps the most large files, books). Lots of files scattered in different folders on different computers, are now gradually taking their place in my personal “knowledge base”.

With structure and excellent search capabilities, Evernote lets you instantly find necessary information, which cannot be said about the storage option in files on disks. And thanks to the “cloud” principle, this information is now available on any computer and even on a smartphone. And, of course, you no longer need to worry about the safety of your “works”.

Evernote is a real " Swiss knife" for working with information. People are constantly sharing information about how they use it to solve problems different tasks. You can find a lot of information about Evernote: websites, articles, books. But I recommend the video course "Evernote Master" by Evgeniy Popov, in which he fundamentally described the capabilities of this program, as well as his practical experience in using it.

Evernote has been around for many years. During this time, I installed it more than once, looked at it... but somehow I didn’t understand how it could help me. Perhaps he looked too superficially? And only after studying the video course by Evgeniy Popov, I finally “enlightened” and began to use Evernote to its fullest. Why Evgeniy is “honored and respected”!

I realized that even the most wonderful programs and services are often not used simply because they do not know about all their capabilities and “advantages”. As a result, a section appeared on our website
"Articles about programs" , the article from which you are now reading. In this section I will continue to share my experience of usingthe bestprograms and Internet services.

Sergey Gundorov, Software from PSoft:

Several friends and acquaintances have been asking the same question lately - Where to store the accumulated files?

It is not safe on a computer, because at any moment the hard drive may fail or some virus like Penetrator will destroy all documents, photographs, films, music, etc.

Previously, like smart books, I advised that from time to time all documents should be copied onto a CD or DVD disc and stored “in a cool, dry place.”

But, there have already been several cases when a blank stored in a closet for some reason refused to be read. Thank God, there was nothing particularly valuable there.

What usually helps is that I make several copies. On a flash drive, on a portable USB drive, and somewhere else on a hard drive. But information accumulates in such quantities that there are not enough flash drives.

Let's try to answer a few questions:

What to store?
- how to store?
- where to store?

What to store.

It is impossible and unnecessary to store everything. If you downloaded some music, movies, etc. from the Internet, it is not at all necessary to store it all for years. If you want, copy it onto blanks. Even if the blank is no longer readable, you can always download everything from the Internet again.

There are irrecoverable things: photographs of relatives and friends, written poems, dissertations and other documents. Those. something that is created by you personally. If your works are lost, no one but you will restore them.

My friends had a case when the computer broke down just before defending their dissertation. It’s good that they managed to print it and managed to scan it. But I had to sweat a lot. Another friend’s computer at a small factory was stolen, on which they stored the programs they had created for CNC machines. The backup was stored on a nearby computer, but that was also stolen. They bought new computers, but several years of work were lost.

How to store

To make backups more convenient, it is best to store all documents or photos in separate folders in the root partition of the disk. For example: c :\Documents, c :\Photo.

Many people create a folder for documents on Work Windows desktop. This is not very good because this folder is linked to account specific user, is located somewhere deep in subfolders C :\Documents and Settings\Vasya\Desktop\.... If you accidentally delete a folder or documents, it is easier to restore files from the folder located at the root of the disk.

If the hard drive is divided into several partitions (C:\, D:\), then it is better to store the backup copy on the second partition. If a virus damages the operating system, you may need to format it when you reinstall it. system disk and all files on the C:\ drive will be destroyed.

Usually I make a folder D:\Backup on the D:\ drive and copy the archive with copies of documents there.

I recommend an archiver to create archives WinRAR ( But if you are used to some kind of ARJ or WinZip, you can archive with these programs.

If your especially valuable documents and the photos are stored in several separate folders, then you can do batch file to archive all documents and photographs, place the icon for this file on the Desktop and from time to time give the archiving command. Or set up a system for automatic archiving, for example, once a week.

Where to store

Flash drives

Nowadays it is possible to buy a large-capacity flash drive or a portable USB drive not very expensively. For example, a flash drive with a capacity of 16 GB costs about 1000 rubles, and a USB drive with a capacity of 500 GB costs a little more than 2000 rubles. Prices can be checked at your nearest computer store or on the website (

Transferring an archive of documents to a flash drive or USB drive is easy. We will not describe this procedure.

Please note that when connecting to an infected computer, information from a flash drive orUSB drive may be destroyed.


More reliable, but less user-friendly, is storing archives on CDs or DVDs. To record an archive, you will have to install a special program for burning discs (Nero, ...).
You can choose one of the programs here:
If you have Windows 7 installed on your computer, then the old Nero versions will not work.
I recommend the program CDBurnerXP

The advantage of this method of storing files is that it is almost impossible for viruses to spoil the information on the disc, even if you insert it into the computer’s disk drive.

For reliability, especially valuable archives can be stored on several discs.

One non-rewritable DVD costs about 20 rubles, a rewritable one costs 30-30 rubles.

But rewritable blanks are also not eternal . After 5-6 rewrites they stop being read. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a cheaper non-rewritable disc, record the archive and put it away for storage.


Recently, the Internet has become high-speed and affordable, and almost every home has access to it.

Internet services have begun to develop that allow you to store your documents and photos somewhere on a server.

The most common and well-known are website services Google. It allows you to store photos in Picasa web albums and documents in Google Docs. I will try to write more about these services next time.

Picasa albums can be made public or private. For ease of use, the site has a special program that will make it easier for you to download large quantities photos to the Picasa web album.

2. install client program

After this, a folder will appear on your computer C:\Documents and Settings\Vasya\My Documents\My Dropbox into which you just need to copy your archive or file.

In a few minutes (depending on the size of the archive or document), a copy of the document will appear on the Internet on your personal resource. You can access your file at any time from any computer and even from a smartphone.
If you copy a file or document to the "Public" subfolder, you can share the file with your friends or post a link to your file in LiveJournal or on the website. To do this you need to click right button mouse over the file whose link you want to share with friends, and click on the “Copy public link” menu item. A link will be copied to the clipboard, which you can already send by email or blog. For example:

This way you always have a free one on the Internet" virtual flash drive"with a size of at least 2 Gigabytes. It is quite enough for your main documents.

If you have access to the Internet at work and have the DropBox client installed, then in order to continue working with the document at home, there is no need to copy the file to a flash drive and take it home. You can simply save the document in the DropBox folder and open it from the same folder at home.

As in Windows, files deleted in the DropBox folder are deleted in the trash and can be restored, if necessary.

For more information on how to install and use DropBox, watch this video:

UPD : Sync photos with Dropbox on Android

Also the question is where is it better to store photos in in electronic format relevant not only for photographers. Today, every second person always has a smartphone with a built-in camera. Some fans take dozens of photographs every day. And for a photographer, sometimes it’s also faster to take out his phone and catch a random funny shot than to take out his own camera, turn it on, set it up, and miss an interesting shot.

This article is made short review cloud storages from 2015, which I actively use myself.


Dropbox is the first cloud storage I started using, which is why it comes first in this article. Dropbox is far from the largest cloud storage where you can store photos on the Internet.

They provide only 2 gigabytes of space for free. Today this is very little for storing photos. But I use it out of habit, and not so much for photographs as for storing documents and quick access access them from any device.

You can also invite friends to use dropbox and thereby expand your free space, but these are insignificant numbers.

Holders Samsung phones and HTC have a nice bonus of an additional 48 gigabytes free storage to dropbox.

The Dropbox client has both a version for computers and a version for mobile devices. You will always have access to your photos if there is internet nearby.

In order to use Dropbox cloud storage, you just need to indicate your email address when registering.

Perhaps these are all its advantages. Use:

Cloud storage

Appeared relatively recently. At the end of 2013. What particularly attracted me to it was that at that time it was the largest free cloud storage. At the start, cloud storage offered 100 GB of space for free. It was a new cloud service. At first there were a lot of lags, the client was loading the computer, and a scandal about data confidentiality broke out on the Internet. But the cloud storage is growing, correcting all its lags and shortcomings.

At first it's like this large space I used it to store video files, but there was one drawback - it was impossible to view videos online. I had to download it to watch it. But in 2015, the functionality was improved and now you can watch videos directly from cloud storage from any device, be it a computer, tablet or smartphone.

There was also a promotion at the end of 2014. Everyone could expand their storage up to 1 terabyte for free. Which is what I did :).

Unfortunately, today, when registering, cloud storage gives only 25 GB free space. But all the bugs and shortcomings have been corrected. All functions work like clockwork.

I would also like to note that the developers care about their clients and do their best convenient to use service. All services have instructions for use in text format, and here is a whole section “video help”, which describes all the functionality and capabilities of the service in the video for both regular computers so for mobile version clouds

In order to use cloud storage, it is enough to have registered mail on the website

Cloud storage Yandex disk

Yandex cloud storage provides free 10 GB of space not only for photos, but also for any files. What I especially liked about Yandex disk was that there was more space than in Dropbox and I could watch videos online without downloading to my computer. I used this service before I switched to cloud storage.

Yandex Disk has a client for computers running all popular operating systems: Windos, MAC OS and Linux. You can also install the Yandex disk application and have full access to your photos and files from mobile devices to Android based, iOS and on Windows based phone.

Cloud storage Yandex Disk has all the same functions as Dropbox, only it provides 5 times more space for free - 10 GB.

Free space on Yandex disk can be expanded just like in Dropbox if you invite friends to Yandex disk.

In order to start using Yandex disk, it is enough to have mail on Yandex. If you have mail, then you automatically already have 10GB on Yandex disk.

Google photos and google cloud storage

I saved the best for last. Google photos and cloud google storage. Perhaps this service is by far the most generous. The largest free cloud storage for photos is Google Photos. How much space does Google provide for free to its users for storing photos? Exactly as much as you need.

Since 2015, Google has been providing unlimited storage space for photos up to 16 megapixels in size. For all other files, free cloud space is limited to 15 gigabytes.

Previously, the Google Photos service also provided unlimited space for photos, but their maximum size was limited to 4 megapixels. Today the limit is 16 megapixels.

Is 16 megapixels a lot or not enough for photography?

For reference:

  • — Professional reportage DSLR Nikon D4s has a resolution of 16 megapixels.
  • A top-end mirrorless camera with a full-frame matrix and the highest light sensitivity among all cameras, the Sony A7s has a resolution of only 12 megapixels.

It's up to you to decide whether 16 megapixels is a lot or not. I'm quite happy with this limitation. Moreover, on Google photos you can store video files with a resolution of 1080p for free, that is, in FulHD resolution.

In addition, in Google Photos you can apply different filters to photos, make a collage of photos, make a video, apply to photos various photos effects directly online without Photoshop and even from a mobile phone.

Google Photos is an excellent solution not only for photographers, but also for all lovers of photography and being photographed. Has unlimited virtual space for storing photos and wide functionality for processing and applying various effects for photos.

And today, if they ask me where to store photos on the Internet for free, I will answer without hesitation - Google Photos.

In order to start using Google Photos, you just need to have a registered Google account. Simply put, Mailbox at All users of devices based on the operating system android systems have a Google account and not everyone knows about the opportunities that open up to them.

Ease of use

We looked at four of the most popular cloud storage services. If you are concerned about the problem of where to store photos on the Internet for free, then the Google Photos service is best suited for this. The service provides unlimited storage space for photos up to 16 megapixels in size.

If you are just looking for cloud storage with a large volume for free, then cloud storage is best suited for you. The developers provide 25 gigabytes of space for all types of files, or maybe some of you managed to register earlier and now have 100 gigabytes, or maybe even a whole terabyte of space in the cloud storage

Today, all of the listed services have a web version - that is, you can use, upload files, download and share them directly in the browser. And they have a client for downloading to your computer and an application for other devices (tablets, Cell phones). Working with the client is also very convenient. You add or change some files on your computer and they are automatically uploaded to cloud storage and become accessible from any of your devices on which the client or application is installed.

Now you know where to store photos on the Internet for free and free cloud storage with large volume.

Anna Sokolova 2014-01-30

There are enough places where you can store data, although not so many - these are DVDs, flash drives, hard drives. Reliability of file storage has always been of paramount importance. Today there are many ways to protect yourself from losing information acquired through years of backbreaking work. Where is the best place to store files so that they can be recovered in the frequent event of storage device failure? Let's figure it out.

The sizes of some files are far from small. For example, an amateur high quality photos collects archive. In this case, the required volume disk space very critical, because each photo is 15-60 MB. The value of each photo for a collector is undeniable, not to mention all the other important information.

Where is the best place to store files is a problem for which several solutions can be proposed. If we take as a basis industrial preservation methods used in organizations such as financial institutions, then the scheme is something like this.

Information storage standards

Neither of physical media information cannot be considered absolutely reliable. Therefore, to ensure data safety, they resort to multiple backups of files on multiple media, both physical and virtual - cloud drives on the Internet.

The first step is to organize backup and storage of information in several ways. Critically important computers work with raid arrays - that's at least two hard drives working as one. All information is duplicated, and if one of the disks fails, the second one starts working. Rescue disk replaced with the same one, the information is not lost.

The second stage is daily copying of important files to a special storage backup copies. The most important information, which is subject to long-term storage, is recorded in two copies on different media, including DVD.

Modern databases allow you to store information of any type in distributed system- on different servers and even in different cities. This algorithm ensures the safety of information.

Where should the average user store files?

Let's return to our amateur photographer - where should he store his photographs without worrying about the safety of his rather large archive? For household purposes, you can seriously insure yourself with the help of multiple backup copies made as on local computer, and on network Internet resources.

In other words, as in the proverb - reliable way Don't lose all the eggs - put them in several baskets.

Fortunately, cloud technologies are developing quickly and there are already many offers, even free ones. As such we will consider Google Drive, Cloude and Yandex Disk.

So, a sufficiently reliable backup system for home use- the points.

Hard disks

The price of the issue is not that high. If, for reliability, you use an additional internal hard drive of 1 terabyte and the same external media, then each will cost about $95. If you install it yourself, then it’s all just a monetary cost, except time.

It would be nice to organize daily synchronization of working information and backup information. If the task is to preserve and system information, then you can’t do without special programs to create disk images. This image will also have to be stored on a separate medium. Two copies is already good, but we want more guarantees, so our path is to the clouds.

Cloud storage technologies

What are the advantages cloud technologies? Accessibility from any place where there is Internet, the volume is whatever you need, taking into account the size of your wallet. Service software from the service provider includes encryption of both traffic and the information itself. That is, access is organized according to safe technology. Copies of files from your computer are stored in the cloud.

Paid services are convenient, but not cheap - even after the price reduction, 1 GB from Google costs $0.18 per month. For a terabyte it will be $180 – quite expensive arithmetic.

Free cloud drives

As in all other cases, when working with free services there is a risk that everything will end tomorrow. However, as long as it works, we will use it. After all, such giants as Google, and Yandex are not going to risk their reputation at all. Therefore, there is hope that these cloud drives will continue to work for a long time.

Google Drive

The Google Disk service provides 15 GB at the disposal of a user who has a Gmail mailbox for free. Google Advantage absolutely undeniable - providing a document management system Google Docs, a fully functional package 100% compatible with MSOffice.

There are also half a dozen more applications, including online wallet, for payments via Visa cards, MasterCard, etc. No client software installation is required. Communication with the disk is carried out through Google account via the secure https protocol.

Yandex Disk

Yandex Disk is not so generous free space will be “only” up to 10 GB.

To get all 10 GB, you need to use not only a mailbox, which provides only 3 GB.

To get another 3 GB, a necessary condition there will be a client program installed to service the disk.

The next step to get another 2 GB is to upload files to disk.

If you also invite a friend to use cloud disk from Yandex, then you will be “given” another 2 GB.

Although smaller than Google, it is a fairly fast service. Paid option with one terabyte it will cost about $30 per year.

An excellent offer from - they give away 100 GB immediately after installing the client program. After which, the Cloud disk appears among the system devices.

For those who followed the news, the service provided 1TB “free and forever” cloud space in the period from December 20, 2014 until January 20, 2014 Those who didn't have time didn't get it.

Chinese storage facilities

There are also Chinese offers for free 36 terabytes - colleagues from habrahabr posted on their website with a link detailed instructions. You can get the entire “bank of terabytes” through a couple of manipulations - installing client software not only on a computer, but also on a smartphone with iOS plus a device with Android. But even if you install it only on a PC, you will definitely get 10 TB.

Saving algorithm

First, copy it to the built-in extra hard disk.

Second - copy to external hard disk.

Third, copy the space to Cloude.

Fourth - although three are enough, you can send the files to the Chinese.

Now, in the event of an accident on your computer, you have the opportunity to recover, spending only time. The information will not be lost.

Storing data on the Internet has become more reliable than on a personal computer. In an instant, all files can disappear due to harmful action viruses, but the information cannot be recovered. Where to store files on the Internet for free? Today there are enough online clients and sites for data backup, the vast majority of them are free and shareware.

The most popular, reliable, comfortable and spacious:

1) Yandex.Disk: the ability to store information on the Internet in an unlimited amount. To do this, you must have your registration on the specified resource. The storage duration is ninety days from the date of the last download, but it can be extended manually or automatically. An ideal place to store large volumes for a long time.

2) Data on simple and convenient for storing files on the Internet. Allows you to download up to ten gigabytes digital information for registered users. File storage time is thirty days from the moment of the last download, for $0.99 there is an option for long-term data storage - up to one year. Expensive due to the fact that this price is set for each file.

3) Google Docs or Google Docs: an indispensable client for both storing multimedia files and text document, presentations and spreadsheet. The client offers tools for creating and editing documents, tables, presentations - modern alternative Microsoft Office. GDocs provides one gigabyte of free virtual disk space. A service to connect multiple users and give them access to files or block them from everyone. Convenient, safe, reliable client. Possibility of increasing the amount of space for information up to one terabyte. A fee of five dollars a year will provide twenty gigabytes virtual place.

4) Picasa Web Album: auxiliary product Google, designed for storing photos and videos on the Internet. The delivery method is the same as GDocs. Picasa program, which you can download and install on your personal account, will help you organize your data. In it you will see all the photos saved on your gadget. A practical interface will allow you to conveniently upload photos to the Internet, directly from the program.

5) DropBox: the virtual drive will replace the flash drive at any time when the need arises to quickly reset information, just send the data to DropBox. This service will offer to install the program, after downloading and installing which, in the “My Documents” folder it will be created DropBox folder for synchronization. There you can upload any information that will be automatically saved online. Access to records is provided from any personal computer, you just need to log into your service account or the synchronized folder on your computer. Two gigabytes of recordings are provided free of charge and fifty gigabytes for $99 per year. The ability to increase the volume of global space is free.

6) QIP files: the client allows you to store any files on the Internet. The service provides five gigabytes of free disk space. The shelf life is limited to thirty days. For seven hundred eighty rubles a year they provide one hundred gigabytes of disk space.

7) Evernote: service under the motto “Remember everything”. Allows you to quickly save any data in world wide web, structure and synchronize them among all devices from which the network was accessed. The client is designed to store small text, audio notes and photographs on the Internet from your phone, which are immediately uploaded to your Evernote account on the web. Convenient service, will allow you to save important data and have access to it anywhere.

Here is a table of services where you can store files on the Internet for free, use it for your health.

Service Price Free Volume Shelf life Maximum size file Price per add. place per year
Yandex.D lawsuit free is not limited is not limited up to 10 GB absent
[email protected] free 10 GB 30 days/extendable up to 1 GB absent
Google Docs shareware 1 GB is not limited up to 1 GB from 5$
Picasa shareware 1 GB is not limited up to 1 GB from 5$
Dropbox shareware from 2 to 16 GB is not limited is not limited from 99$
QIP files shareware 5 GB 30 days after last download up to 100 MB 26$
Evernote shareware 60 MB/month is not limited is not limited 45$