How to remove extension sticker ok. Free stickers for Odnoklassniki: how to install

As user practice shows, many notes in Odnoklassniki, created with one’s own hand or those of others, marked in the feed for subsequent discussion, lose their relevance over time. The owner of the page loses interest in some posts, quotes, demotivators and other events saved in the “Notes” section. He finds them useless and, of course, becomes eager to get rid of them quickly.

If you, dear reader, intend to perform this procedure (delete notes in your profile on, this article will help you. It takes a step-by-step look at clearing records on your computer (in the browser) and on your phone (in the Odnoklassniki application). So take your pick necessary instructions and take action!

Cleaning up your computer

To delete notes in Odnoklassniki, do the following (choose a guide depending on where you need to clear):

In the "Notes" section

1. On personal page, in the menu under the photo, click “More”.

2. Select “Notes” from the drop-down list.

3. Move your cursor to the upper right corner of the entry you want to delete. When the “cross” appears, click on it.

Attention! If an entry is deleted by mistake, you can immediately return it by clicking on the “Restore” inscription.

In status

To get rid of a note in the status, hover your cursor over top part his block. Click the “Remove status” message that appears.

Confirm the operation: in the request “Remove... from status?” select "Confirm".

In the feed

Cleaning in news feed performed in the same way as in the saved records section:

Move your cursor to the upper right corner of the block you want to remove.

To restore a deleted event immediately after the operation is completed, in the “Event hidden” column, click “Return”.

Cleaning on your phone (in the app)

1. Launch the application from your home screen.

2. Tap on your avatar.

3. Click on the Notes menu.

4. In the recording field, tap your finger at the top right of the three dots icon.

5. In the drop-down menu, click “Delete”.

6. In the additional request, confirm the command: tap “Delete” again.

How to delete everything at once?

Owners of many useless profile entries are justifiably puzzled by the idea of ​​how to delete all notes in Odnoklassniki at once. After all, if there are 10, 20, 100 of them, or even more, it is very time-consuming to personally get rid of each one individually. They are looking for the treasured button - to get rid of everything unnecessary in one fell swoop, or rather, with a click.

However, this idea is useless. There is no built-in option in your account to instantly clear saved entries. Alas, unfortunately.

But the use of so-called “alternative tools” for global cleaning section of notes - programs, scripts, online services - is fraught with dire consequences. It is unlikely that all these tools will help you in solving this problem (deletion), but your credentials can be stolen (easily!) or some virus can be “planted” into the system. In general, there is no guarantee. Before you embark on such an adventure, think carefully.

Well, we finish the review. To prevent unnecessary notes from accumulating in large quantities, clean your account from time to time. What is “into oblivion” from the notes, and what is left as a memory, for the benefit of the cause, for laughter, etc.
Convenient and enjoyable use of!

Stickers - what are they, how to install free stickers, what are they for, how to remove stickers? All this will be discussed in detail in this article.
Surely you noticed among your friends or when looking through other pages, small pictures in the form of emoticons, vegetables, dogs, cats, congratulations, gifts, animations, did you remember? These are stickers. It is also worth noting that they are paid and free. In this article we will look at the free option.

I point to Google example Chrome, because I use it.
1. You need to download the extension, it’s called “Stickers for social networks" - Download link

2. Click “Install”, a window will pop up again in which you need to confirm the installation. The entire extension is installed and now you can safely go to your Odnoklassniki page and start using it. Sometimes you need to restart the browser for everything to work

If you are using a different browser, follow this link and click the “Install” button. Confirm your actions in the pop-up window and the application is installed.

How to send free stickers in Odnoklassniki

We've covered the installation, now let's move on to the main thing: how to send free stickers. You've probably already noticed that next to the line in which you write and send messages, a picture in the form of a smiley face has appeared on the left side. Click on it and a window with pictures will pop up.

I would like to note that the pictures are divided into categories and this makes it easier to find the required status or event. Now choose a picture and send it to your friends and acquaintances. You also need to take into account one point - the user to whom you are sending the sticker must have this application installed.

It is clear that you cannot know whether your friend uses this extension or not, so if not, then he will receive your message, but instead of a picture there will be a code and a link to download this application. Once downloaded and installed, it will be able to see the image you sent. Looks like we've sorted it out.

How to remove stickers in Odnoklassniki

Are you distracted or interrupted by messages asking you to send stickers? Or for other reasons you decided to delete them. This is not difficult to do; you can either completely remove the application or disconnect it and connect it again as needed - the choice is yours. I'll show you both ways.

Depending on the browser, the location of the Menu button will be different, but the principle of disabling/deleting is almost the same. As I said above, I’ll show you using Google Chrome as an example.

Click “Menu” then “Settings” and click on “Extensions”. Find “Stickers for social networks” and if you want to delete, click on the “trash” icon - circled in red in the picture, the stickers will be deleted forever. If you want to disable it, uncheck the “Enabled” box circled in blue - the program remains installed, and you can turn it on at any time.

Simple text is often not enough to accurately express your emotions. The image will say more while taking up less screen space. In Odnoklassniki you can add emoticons, graphic and animation pictures, gifts - rewards from users that are located in the profile photo. Basic set embedded images of the social network are not very wide, additional emoticons and gifts are offered to buy. But it is possible to send free stickers for Odnoklassniki.

First of all, you can find it on the Internet funny picture, save to your computer or place in an album in OK. In the future, paste it directly into the message:

But with this method, you will have to spend time searching for new emoticons every time, and you won’t be able to send a gift. To open new images in OK and insert them into your text, install a browser add-on program.

The add-on expands the capabilities of the browser, builds inside the program and equips it with new functions. Extensions are downloaded for free from official online stores development company. Let's figure out how to set new images to OK on Google Chrome. If you use another browser, proceed in much the same way; all modern web browsers are designed similarly.

Launch Chrome, to the right of address bar Find the button with three dots - settings. Click on the item Additional settings, sub-item Extensions:

A list of already downloaded add-ons will open, click “More extensions”. You will find yourself in the Chrome Web Store. There is a search bar on the left, enter the query “Odnoklassniki sticker” into it:

In the list of add-ons that appears, select the top one, called “Stickers for social networks.” You can try other apps as well. Click the “Install” button next to the name. The download process will begin, and when completed, an icon in the form of a gray smiley will appear to the right of the address line.

Open the OK page, go to “Messages”. Look down at the text field - there is a new button in the form of a winking smiley. Click on it, a catalog of built-in images will appear:

Stickers are grouped into categories, to the right of which there is a number - the number of images in it. Select pictures and send to friends. If the recipient has the same application installed, he will immediately see the sent smiley, regardless of the browser version. Otherwise, a link to this add-on and a call to download it will be sent.

Now you can please your friend with a gift and not pay money for it. Open the "Gifts" section. Select from the catalog interesting image, hover your mouse over it - “Send for free” will appear at the top:

Click on the button, in the new window select the user for whom the gift is intended:

If the new button does not appear in the message window or it is not possible to send gifts, go to your browser settings. In the list of extensions for the Stickers program, the checkbox should be “Enabled”:

How to remove free stickers? Disable the installed extension in the settings, extra pictures will disappear from OK. To completely clean it out of your computer, click the trash can icon next to the name.

Discussions on Odnoklassniki have long eclipsed forums and are the most popular for communication. If Messages are private, and their contents are known only to two persons corresponding with each other, then many people take part in the Discussions - everyone who caught the eye of this topic.

What is discussed collectively?

Any event that appeared in your own feed or in the feed of any person who visited the page and saw something interesting there.

Most often discussed:

  • photos;
  • notes (statuses);
  • video clips and videos;
  • various topics in groups.

Just click “Comment” and join the discussion.

There you can exchange opinions and compliments, give useful advice, meet like-minded people, make new friends with similar interests, or vice versa, make enemies and blacklist them so that they no longer bother you.

Sometimes in such discussions, violent, heated passions arise; many begin to regret that they got involved in this process at all and want to remove their entry from the discussions, but this is not at all easy to do.

Ways to delete discussions

1. Any author can delete all comments on topics created by him personally. When you delete a discussion topic you don't like, all comments on it are deleted automatically. At selective deletion You can remove only those comments that for some reason are not pleasant.

Discussions can be easily deleted from the “My” tab. If you move the mouse cursor over the date, a cross appears next to it with the hint “Delete comment”. After clicking the cross, the comment will disappear.

2. It is not yet possible to delete your post from other people's topics created by other authors. That is, comments are not deleted from the “Participated, Friends, Groups” tabs. It is likely that such an opportunity will appear soon, because there are a lot of requests to the site administration about this.

3. It is possible to edit a comment within a few minutes after it is published.

If it becomes clear that the text was not written as it should be, or was sent to the wrong place, you can use the editing option by clicking on the pencil.
And replace the comment with another text or emoji

This is a very good option for getting rid of an unnecessary comment, but this option is only available for a few minutes and is not suitable for old comments.

4. If you want to delete old comment, then you need to contact the author of the topic personally and ask him for such a favor.

5. There is “good advice” on the Internet for deleting: you need to select the text of the comment, right-click to open the context menu, select the “Examine element” option. A highlighted window will appear at the bottom of the browser:

Right-click on the highlighted line and from context menu select the “Delete node” option.
Then close the panel with a cross in the right corner.

Indeed, it appears that the comments will be deleted. Alas, they disappeared only for you and before closing the browser window. They will still be visible to everyone else - if it were so easy to delete everything you don’t like, what would happen to Internet sites? They would be shredded by all and sundry.

6. There is another option - just leave the Discussions. It is especially relevant if discussions of a topic grow like an avalanche and you get tired of reading them. This is very simple to do: press the cross.

This topic will disappear from the list.

Rules for the mobile version of the site

IN mobile version site Discussions are hidden behind this sign:

The rules for deleting discussions are the same as in full version site: comments in personal topics can be easily deleted, in other people’s topics you cannot, but you can leave the discussion. In the right corner behind the date there are three vertical dots, after clicking on them an exit window will pop up.

By clicking on the cross, you can exit this discussion, after which it will disappear from the page.

The logical conclusion: before getting involved in comments and discussions, you need to think carefully about whether it is necessary? And write only what you don’t have to blush for and don’t want to delete later.

In Odnoklassniki, a user can always please his friends or loved ones with a pleasant surprise. Besides text messages you can send them gifts, animations, express emotions using funny emoticons. Behind additional fee Stickers and images become available to you that will add flavor and color to your communication. If you don’t want to spend money on activating this feature, then read how you can install pictures and emoticons in OK for free.

Of course, you can always find pictures of your choice on the Internet and insert them into the dialogue, but it will be expensive to spend time searching for a new image every time.

It's easier to use a wide catalog of images that can be inserted into a conversation. To do this, you need to install a special extension for your browser. An extension is an addition to a program that expands its functionality. Most often it is distributed free of charge. Let's look at an example Google browser Chrome, how to install this extension.

Installing stickers

To begin, open Chrome settings by clicking on the triple dot button on the right top corner programs. In the menu that opens, select “Advanced settings and extensions.”

The program will present you with a list with already installed extensions. Scroll down this page and click on "More Extensions". Next will open Google store Chrome, where in search bar You will need to enter the “Odnoklassniki sticker”. Select the top one from the search results and click Install.

The extension integrates with the browser and a smiling emoticon will appear opposite the address bar.

Now go to your Odnoklassniki page and open any dialogue. An icon in the form of a winking yellow smiley will appear at the bottom near the message entry field. Left-click on it and a catalog of images will appear, sorted by category.

Choose the image you like and start making your friends happy. Important! Your friends will only be able to see the image if they have the same resolution. Otherwise, they will only receive a text with the image code and an offer to download the extension via the attached link.

To send free gifts to your friends, go to the "Gifts" section, hover over any image and select "Send Free" from the pop-up list.

In the new window, enter the name of the user you want to pleasantly surprise.

If you have lost your free stickers, open the list of browser extensions and check that Odnoklassniki stickers are enabled. If for some reason you no longer want to use additional emoticons, then disable the extension by unchecking the “Enabled” section.

To get rid of the extension permanently, click on the trash can icon next to its name.