How to clean your computer from unnecessary information. How to clean your computer so it doesn't slow down

Hello, readers of my blog, it’s a wonderful spring day, you have free time, so why not write a useful post for your readers. In this article, I would like to talk about how to clean your computer of the garbage that has accumulated there.

Of course, it is very important that your computer has only those files that you need; if you constantly download and install different programs, then they are most likely slowing down your computer. I have already talked in the article about how you can improve the performance of your computer in simple ways.

Now, I really want to tell you how you can remove unnecessary junk from your computer and make it work normally. Well, friends, if you are ready, then start studying this material, I am sure that you will find a lot of useful things in it.

So, the performance of a computer largely depends on its parameters and how cluttered it is. Of course, if we are talking about its parameters, then it is already clear that you buy a more expensive computer and everything will be great, but if you want to improve the performance of your computer, then you just need to clean it. This is not as difficult as it may seem, although it will require a few simple steps.

To begin with, I would recommend that you delete all old and unnecessary files. What can you advise? First, go to your hard drive and start deleting everything that you think is not needed. That’s what I did, first, I started with old films, which it was a pity to delete, and then I completely moved on to games, since they take up a lot of free time, and now it’s so needed.

Further, as soon as all unnecessary films, music, and possibly some unnecessary files were deleted, for example, I still had old coursework, a thesis, and a bunch of essays. I deleted all this because I needed it, perhaps you will say that I could have sold it, but I am of little interest to it, it is better to delete it and forget it.

Then, the right solution is to clean up the C drive, where your important programs are located. To do this, we remove all the old and unnecessary programs that you have but don’t use. It is precisely such programs that can greatly slow down your computer, so I recommend doing a general cleaning.

How to properly clean your computer from various debris!

How I do this, first, go to the control panel - then select, uninstall and install programs. Here, look at the screenshot, such a window should appear for you.

Next, we look at which programs we don’t need or which ones you don’t use and delete them. By the way, in this simple way, you can remove various games, antiviruses, browsers and other rubbish that may not be useful to you. Of course, you don’t need to delete browsers, how will you access the Internet, but if you have 3-4, then you can leave one, the rest in the trash.

Well, if you have done all this, then consider that 50% of success is in your pocket, now let's move on. I found a very good method on the Internet, which many people don’t talk about.

It will be very good if you clear temporary files that clog drive C, or another drive where you have Windows. Remember that files that have the “.tmp” extension are temporary files that need to be deleted. How to clean your computer of them is very simple, as it turns out.

To remove them, we simply go to “Start” - “Explorer” - “Disk C” and then enter the extension “in the search” .tmp" and start the search. After we enter this extension, the computer will find all unnecessary files for us. How to delete them, everything is very simple, to do this, press the key combination Ctrl + A and click delete. That's all, nothing complicated, you just need to carefully approach this issue. If you can’t remember the extension, then just copy it from my article and paste it.

Agree that all this is not as difficult as it might seem. In my previous articles, I talked about how you can clear the cache; if you haven’t read it, I advise you, because there I recommended the Cleaner program. A very good program that removes everything unnecessary from your computer. Therefore, I recommend it to you download, I wrote you the link.

After you download this program, you will need to install it, again, I will not describe this process, since it is quite simple, there is nothing complicated there.

After you download it, you need to open the program:

Then, click the “Analysis” button at the bottom of the screen and after checking the files on your computer, you click “ Cleaning»

During cleaning, the program will ask you to close your browser, you can do this, or you can refuse by clicking “No”, I prefer to refuse.

Also, I also want to tell you about how you can clean your computer in a simple way, which you probably didn’t know. So, in order for your computer to determine what is unnecessary for it and what is not, you need to go to “Start” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” - “Disk Cleanup”

There, select the disk where you already have (at your discretion) unnecessary files located and click “Ok”. I select drive C, all my programs are located there, so I clean up this drive.

Why do you need to clean your computer?

I will say that you need to clean it constantly, for example, it really infuriates me when there are files on my computer that I don’t need. Why have them, even if they waste some kilobytes. After all, this is per kilobyte, and the memory on a computer is not rubber and can quickly run out. By the way, I thought that such files take up very little, but they can accumulate so many that then you delete the unnecessary ones and just wonder where these gigabytes of garbage came from.

Cleaning it up will give you more memory, and I'm sure your computer's performance will improve noticeably, albeit not that much. Let me tell you this: if you have a good computer by default, and you install a good anti-virus program on it and clean it every day, then your device will work quickly.

I bought my computer in 2011 for ridiculous money, namely 8,000 rubles, so it is not as powerful as I would like. But, I clean it every day of various debris, because you can pick up various things on the Internet, and therefore I am satisfied with its performance.

Well, I told you about all the methods that I knew, I hope that the topic: how to clean your computer of garbage was completely covered by me. And if I missed something, then I’m sorry, I’m just figuring this out myself, so I’m waiting for your comments and questions.

I’ll finish, friends, otherwise I need to run to pay for the Internet, I hope you liked everything, we’ll see you soon.
In order not to miss anything on my blog, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates .

I assure you that soon I will be conducting even more experiments, with monetary investments, so it will be interesting, visit me as often as possible. Bye everyone and good luck!

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

The problem with computer junk causes inconvenience to almost all users year after year. In this article I will tell you how to clean Local Disk C.

If your PC has become noticeably slower, it will be useful for you to clean up unnecessary files and thereby speed up your computer.

To find out how to do this yourself, read the entire article or watch the video at the end of the article.


Many people wonder about the slow operation of their computer and spend hours searching for information on the Internet. One of the main reasons is the clutter of Local Disk C. The PC starts to work slower because it is on this disk that the operating system is located, which is responsible for all the actions performed.

As a result of the operating system files becoming clogged, we begin to notice errors in work processes and slow program responses. Imagine using a real-life example: you run in sneakers or sports shoes to improve your physical fitness. Now take a sack of potatoes over each shoulder and try to run, how’s that? I think the difference will be noticeable, the same is true on the local disk, while the empty one works quickly, a lot of garbage has accumulated and it begins to work slowly.

That is why you should at least sometimes clean up your PC and delete unnecessary files.

Clean desktop and its impact on Local Disk C

Dear friends, first I want to draw your attention to the desktop of your PC, because many do not understand how to use it correctly. And its correct condition lies in its purity.

All files and folders located on the desktop are recorded on the memory of local drive C, so think ten times before throwing music albums and new movies onto it, work correctly now, transfer all data from the desktop to Local drive D or other existing ones, this is significant will make the operation of the operating system easier and free up the memory of drive C. If you need quick access to some programs or files, make shortcuts for them, this will be the right way.

Manually clearing temporary, unnecessary files from your computer

Before moving on to this stage, you need to understand a little that when running any programs on a computer, the operating system creates temporary files, even when you are just surfing the Internet, some of the data is recorded as temporary files.

This is actually done to speed up the work, how? Let's say you opened the Odnoklassniki website, the system recorded several large pictures from the site in a folder with temporary files, and the next time you go to Odnoklassniki, the computer does not download information from the site server, but takes several large pictures from the temporary files previously recorded in the folder.

Yes, this is useful, the folder with temporary files “swells” to such an extent that it begins to slow down the PC and most of the memory of Local Disk C is clogged, which sometimes also leads to errors.

To delete these temporary files, you just need to go to the desired folder with these same temporary files and delete everything from there. By the way, don’t worry, there are no system files there and you won’t delete anything you need, feel free to go in and clean it.

To do this, go to the directory:

My computer/Local drive C/Windows/Temp

We went into this folder, circled all the files and deleted them, emptied the trash.

Analysis and removal of old, unnecessary programs, games and files

This section can be divided into two stages. The first is quite simple, it involves removing old, no longer needed games and programs. To do this, simply go to the program control panel and delete those applications that you once installed yourself; when you see familiar names, you definitely won’t get confused.

1. Go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Programs and Features and see the following window in front of you:

We find programs we don’t need in this window, select them and click on the delete/change button at the top, doing this one by one with each unnecessary application or game. This process will also clear the memory of the local drive C.

The point of the action is to identify the problematic folder or file, and for us these are objects that occupy a significant amount of memory. Not quite clear? I'll explain everything now.

We go to Local Disk C and see folders in front of us, the number may be different for everyone

Now we begin to analyze each folder in turn, first check the volume of the first folder

Our goal is to find out how much memory it takes up on the computer

We looked and saw that the folder takes up only 8.13 MB, we are not interested in this size, we are only looking for huge files that weigh from several GB.

What should I do if I don’t understand anything about file sizes?

If you have difficulty understanding the size of files or do not know how to distinguish between them, then I recommend using my online textbook: How to master a computer from scratch. In it you will find answers to all your questions.

We were a little distracted, but that’s okay, let’s continue, move on to the next folder and also check its weight until you find folders whose volume scares you. Most likely, there will be two folders: Windows and Program Files.

As soon as we have identified a folder that takes up a lot of space, we go to it and also analyze everything that is in it by determining the weight. Eventually you will find files or folders that take up a huge amount of memory on your Local Drive C, copy their name and look on the Internet what these files are and what program they are from, most likely you will be surprised how much junk you will find.

Attention, if you are a complete novice user, then do not use this method, just skip it, because in the process you can remove the necessary components or programs, which will lead to disastrous circumstances.

We use the built-in capabilities of cleaning Local disks

The creators of the operating system did not forget about users and initially added to Windows basic capabilities for simplified cleaning of Local disks. This is not always effective, but knowing this method will also be useful, and it will not take much of your time.

To do this, you need to go to my computer, select the local disk to clean and right-click on it and select the properties line.

Now we will see information about the disk in front of us, we need to click on the clean disk button

You will need to wait a while until the program starts, you will see something like this:

When the program starts, you will see a window in front of you in which you need to check the boxes next to the partitions that you want to clean, here I just check all the boxes and click OK.

Automatically clean the Cache and Registry using Ccleaner

Now we can relax a little, then the automatic cleaning program will work for us. It's called CCleaner, you can read how to download it correctly and from where in the article on how to clean your computer's registry. After you have installed it, launch it. Click on the cleaning section, first select the Windows section and only after that click the analysis button.

Now we will see in front of us all the files that the program can clean without causing harm to your PC, at the top where it will say analysis completed you can see approximately how much space the program will free up for you. Click the clear button

Reviving or speeding up your computer after cleaning up the mess

After you have done such a huge job, you just need to bring your computer back to life, to do this you need to put all the files on their shelves. This will speed up your computer and save you from some errors. This process is called defragmentation. I recently devoted an entire article to this, which I recommend you read.

Now it’s time to consolidate the knowledge, watch the video in which I myself go through all the stages of cleaning Local Disk C in order. Good luck friends and don’t forget to subscribe to my site’s news, the subscription is a little lower, be literate in everything!

Unfortunately, inattention to the performance of a personal computer in most cases reduces it to nothing, which, of course, affects the performance and functionality of the device. The quality of work and the correct execution of all processes on a computer depend on the degree of clutter with foreign objects and other debris. You can solve the problem with Windows performance; you just need to clean your computer’s hard drive.

Why clean your hard drive?

The most common way to optimize an operating system is to clean the hard drive from unnecessary and even harmful files. These can be copies, reports of active programs, temporary files, cache of browser programs, etc. Due to the excessive clutter of the HDD, the cache memory overflows, and maximum RAM access to the hard drive occurs. In addition, the operating system stops working correctly, and the search for data and the necessary clusters takes several times longer. Therefore, the disk must be cleaned at some intervals.

Paths where you can manually delete temporary files:

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp;
  • C:\Windows\Temp;
  • C:\Users\All Users/TEMP;
  • C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp;
  • recent documents: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\;
  • temporary Internet files: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\;
  • The standard Windows Disk Cleanup tool is also used to clean the disk from temporary and unused files. Click “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “System Tools”. Then we launch the program. We select the disk we need, remove/place the indicators opposite exactly those categories of files that need to be cleaned (deleted), and proceed to clean it.

    The simplest and most reliable way to optimize

    How to clean a disk from junk in Windows 7 using CCleaner

    CCleaner is a simple and extremely effective program for cleaning and optimizing the system. One of the best programs in terms of reliability and breadth of use profile. It has many advantages: speed of startup/work, high-quality search and removal of temporary and unnecessary system files, as well as correction of registry errors quite effectively. There is also a paid and free version. However, in the free version the loss in functionality is minimal.

    Main menu of the program. Clearing selected areas

    Program features

    • cleaning system debris;
    • cleaning the registry;
    • clearing website history;
    • search and destroy temporary files;
    • managing system restore points;
    • removing unnecessary programs from startup;
    • support for Windows operating systems. Mac OS X, Android (mobile version);

    CCleaner only works with the current account. The PRO version works with all administrator accounts.

    During use, problems occur with cleaning the registry: the program makes mistakes and does not complete the cleaning process. It conflicts with the Google Chrome browser, does not clear the contents of the browser history, and destroys all settings. Other types of problems are minor. It occupies a high place in the ranking of similar service programs and has excellent reviews on the developer’s official website.

    Video: how to use CCleaner

    Cleaning via Advanced SystemCare

    The program is a package of basic options for debugging, repairing, restoring, and simply monitoring the system for any malfunctions. Presented in two versions: paid and free. As a rule, the free version does not always work correctly, especially since it does not include all the system protection components provided by IObit. The free version update fails on many computers or does not occur at all. However, the program in terms of functionality and form of execution in the interface differs sharply from all others for the better. Therefore, if the user is seriously interested in increasing productivity, it is worth using Advanced SystemCare.

    Optimization main menu

    Key software features

    • cleaning the hard drive from debris;
    • registry optimization;
    • eliminating detected system errors;
    • protection against spyware and other malware;
    • autoload settings;
    • specialized game mode;
    • includes more than 15 different utilities;
    • includes Russian interface.

    The process of cleaning the computer system from unnecessary files

    Often, during optimization in the background, the program itself greatly slows down the system, preventing other applications from working correctly. The new version often conflicts with the operating system. The software may malfunction even after it has been rolled back to a working state.

    Getting organized with Red Button

    Tweaker is a program designed to control hidden system functions. Often a tweaker is a control panel for other programs that are responsible for configuring the operating system. That is, a tweaker is a tool for regulating the OS.

    Red Button is such a program. It has virtually no analogues in its class and is easy to use: the program requires the press of one button to operate.

    Configuring program components and functions

    Initially, the program was conceived as an easy, uncomplicated solution for optimizing the system for amateur users. All you need to do is press the big red button. The result will come by itself. This is the simplicity of the program.

    The latest versions of Red Button have recently been paid. There are analogues of the program, the prices for which have now been raised as much as possible. According to reviews, the program is not highly reliable, and there is nothing unusual in its operation. Red Button is the simplest common tool for optimizing and cleaning the system.

    Red Button tweaker features:

  • general optimization of memory processes;
  • removing Windows components that have failed;
  • cleaning the system from unclaimed files;
  • fixing registry errors.
  • The program, like many similar ones, monitors the state of the computer and its performance. The capabilities of the new version allow you to organize work with your hard drive and computer information better than other programs. It consists of several components, each of which is responsible for a specific function.

    Key Features

    removing unnecessary files (Disk Cleaner);

    defragmentation (Disk Defrag and Registry Defrag);

    cleaning the registry (Registry Cleaner);

    fixing bad sectors on a hard drive (Disk Doctor);

    Internet optimization (Internet Optimizer);

    complete deletion of files (Track Eraser);

    recovering deleted files (File Recovery);

    search for identical files (Duplicate File Finder);

    disabling system services (Services Manager);

    setting up startup (Startup Manager);

    setting up processes (Task Manager);

    information about files on the hard drive (Disk Explorer);

    system information (System Information);

    And other.

    Version of the program in English. Main menu for optimizing and cleaning RAM (system status overview)

    Using Disk Cleaner

    A convenient program for cleaning and optimizing the system by freeing up free space on your hard drive. Unlike many analogues, it is very easy to use. It is distinguished by the quality of the procedures performed and the reliability of its work. The main tool of the program is scanning the system for reasons for poor performance. After scanning, the program automatically suggests cleaning methods, which eliminates any negative consequences of its operation.

    Registry cleaning components have also been added to the main program tool, which has a positive effect on optimization. It is not necessary to focus on just the computer's file system. There are many more factors that influence the proper operation of a PC. Disk Cleaner takes this into account.

    As part of the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​optimization software package, this program performs a specific set of functions required by the user. To use all the capabilities of the package, the user himself can comprehensively use several utilities at once.

    Video: overview of the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​software package

    The application includes tools for fine-tuning the system in order to optimize it. An analogue of widely used programs with competent implementation of the functions required by the user. In addition to the main functions, the program configures user network connections and clears system memory. Including freeing up free space on your hard drive.

    Monitoring the state of the system and recommendations for the use of certain program tools

    Video: installation and overview of TuneUp Utilities


    The program includes several control modules that divide the functionality of the program into several sections. This was done for ease of use of the program. The range of tasks performed is expanded by adding modules, but the main task of the program is to uninstall programs installed on the PC. Many malfunctioning applications cannot be uninstalled passively or manually by the user. This program exists for such cases.

    Main menu of the program. Cleaning autorun and the impact of programs on RAM load

    The program also works with the history of browser programs, the history of MS Office components, and deletes the history of working with system files.

    The utility is presented in a free version. Its main function is to remove and disable programs that negatively affect system performance. A consequence of a cluttered system is the presence of programs that interfere with the operation of the system. This utility copes with the negative impact of programs clogging the OP.

    The user can select unused components that should be disabled.

    Diagram of system performance and load (optimization main menu)

    Clogged RAM and hard drive

    Below are several effective methods that will certainly save the user from problems with loading RAM and cluttered hard drive. In order not to clog up the RAM, you need to close and minimize tabs in the browser program in a timely manner, also close applications in the system itself, and also periodically reboot the computer. This will get rid of problems with hanging processes that do not appear in the task manager.

    Installation of programs should be done in a pre-selected folder in a sector free from the main operating system. Simply put, all side programs should be kept as far away from system areas as possible. This is done in order not to affect the processes of polling these areas by some side requests and processes.

    Using a reliable antivirus will save the user from disk clogging. Many malware are designed to fill up all free disk space with unwanted files, which interferes with the normal operation of the system.

    Paying attention to the state of the hard drive file system is an important task for every user. The correct operation of programs and applications depends on the completion of this task. And, of course, the computer performance itself. Without the proper level of performance, any device turns into a useless pile of hardware. And to prevent this from happening, it is important to remember about existing methods and techniques for cleaning memory, optimizing and unloading the operating system.

    Everyone has encountered this problem at some point when the computer starts to freeze and files load very slowly. And in most cases, people simply forget to clean out junk from their computer. The size of hard drives on modern PCs can reach several terabytes, but someday the free space still runs out.

    What are junk files?

    Unneeded files on your computer are movies, videos or games that you have not been interested in for a long time, but you simply forgot to delete them. Some files, after using the uninstall utility built into them, leave behind a memory and, as a result, turn into a pile of junk. This also includes your unresolved browser history and all files created by the operating system.

    Cleaning your laptop from unnecessary files without installing unnecessary programs and without registration

    We have already figured out what unnecessary files are on your laptop and why you need to get rid of them. Now we will tell you how to clean your computer of junk and speed up its operation without installing unnecessary programs.

    How to clean your computer: removing programs

    Cleaning your laptop from unnecessary debris is done by uninstalling programs. To do this, run "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" - "Add/Remove Programs" (Windows XP) or "Programs and Features" (Windows 7, 8). You will see a list of programs that are installed on your personal computer. After this, you can remove all junk from your hard drive.

    Disk cleaning

    Every operating system has a utility called Disk Cleanup. With its help, you can destroy any file without compromising the performance of the OS.

    The program is launched as follows:

    1. Open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "Disk Cleanup". Select the disk on which you want to clean.
    2. Open “My Computer” and with one click select the desired section and its properties. Click "Properties" - "General" and "Disk Cleanup".
    3. Open the program search "cleanmgr" and select the partition to clean your computer.
    4. By simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys, you automatically launch the “Windows Task Manager”, where you can select the “File” tab, and in the “New command (run)” field write “cleanmgr” and select the desired section.

    Additional programs for removing unnecessary files on your computer

    how to clean your computer from unnecessary files? In addition to standard system tools, we can use programs to clean our PC. Let's consider two options that are the most popular and reliable.

    CCleaner program

    This program cleans system folders and the operating system registry. CCleaner can be downloaded completely free of charge by simply going to the official website. It is considered the best program for cleaning unnecessary files, because it is quite understandable even for beginners. It is also often installed on a mobile phone.

    This cleaning program consists of several sections, and this will allow you to quickly find the required option. For example, in the Cleaning section, you can manually mark a list of files to remove from your computer. With the help of analysis, you can understand how much the hard drive will be freed up.

    This program can be used to clean various types of files. You can manually restrict access to deleting cookies, or the program will not pay attention to them at all. The versatility of CCleaner lies in the fact that it can be used to eliminate errors in the registry. Mostly such errors appear due to incorrect removal of programs from the computer.

    Programs in the "Service" section

    • "Remove programs". This function is designed to display absolutely all programs on the computer.
    • allows you to see a number of programs that run along with the operating system. You should not experiment with this function - it is better to entrust it to professionals.
    • "System Restore" restores the system from a point that is automatically created by the operating system.
    • "Erase Disc" suitable for those users who do not want their deleted files to be recovered.

    Uninstall Expert

    The Uninstall Expert program is necessary not only to speed up your computer, but also to remove unnecessary programs. Even after uninstallation, many small files remain on your computer that need to be deleted. Uninstall Expert completely removes all unnecessary files from your PC and improves the performance of your computer. This is a completely free program that is easy to install on your computer and launches quickly.

    The Program list displays a list of previously installed programs that you can easily remove and, in addition, clean up all the garbage behind them. Using Startup Items, you can remove those programs that are activated along with the operating system. If you don't want your disk to be full of unnecessary files, you'd better download Uninstall Expert.

    Regular cleaning of unnecessary files is the key to speedy operation of your computer!

    Now you know what needs to be done to keep your PC running for a long time. Sometimes you need to perform a function to remove several programs, and all your problems will be instantly solved. Also, do not forget about clearing your browser history, because even there a large amount of garbage can accumulate. We strongly recommend that you clean your computer in a timely manner, and then you will not constantly receive unpleasant reminders about the lack of space on your hard drive.

    Comment on the article "How to clean your computer from unnecessary files"


    Watching through a more powerful player, on TV it seems to be completely dead. Smart TV now costs from $30.
    - recode video to a lower resolution.
    - recode video to another format. mkv and x264, many players support it “for show” and shamelessly lag when viewing them.
    - unlikely, but maybe the flash drive is very old and slow, although then the video would jerk...

    Has anyone recovered a hard drive? Girls, does anyone know such places? Where did you really get help, i.e. there is a positive experience. In honor of March 8th, my hard drive burned out. Plak-plak. But suddenly there are wizards...


    If you have a TV that supports USB drives, connect via an adapter; if the contents are visible, it will be easy to restore. If not, then alas, mechanical repair

    My husband burned 2 disks at once, with a bunch of work information.
    Everything has been restored completely, I’ll send you a link in a private message.
    My son deleted all the photos and couldn’t be restored, but we noticed too late that we could have erased them ourselves and they didn’t take any money from us.

    Portable hard drive - urgent resuscitation. The hard drive itself is not damaged, all the information was downloaded, but the stabilizer in it burned out. For example, in the “Cleaning” section, you can manually mark the list of files to be deleted from the computer. With the help of analysis you can...

    How to fix opening folders? I decided to change the folder icons here (WinXP), in the Folders-File Types I found two lines “Folder” and “Folder with documents”, with the first one you can’t do anything at all, because all the options are inactive, but with the second it seems to change the icon .. .


    OMG, my head definitely doesn’t give me rest :))
    just click on the folder with the right button and there you will see the simple and desirable “change icon” - this is apparently too simple :)
    associations of actions for different events change in file types.
    go to where you climbed - there is a wonderful “default” button. setting the explorer to open in the same window: service - folder properties - general..

    HOW TO DELETE?. Help!. Computers. Purchasing and using computer equipment, software, problems with Go to the Tools-Backup menu There, carefully read all the buttons and checkboxes and make a backup copy to your hard drive.


    I will report on the work done :)

    I won’t post on virusinfo yet, so far everything is according to plan :) and no unsolvable/unremovable things have been identified, but I’ll save the link, maria7, thanks and.. nafig-nafig:))

    Your Word file gave me a cultural shock...

    I am attaching the AVZ log, because I am proud of its virgin purity:) it did not form on its own...
    AVZ antivirus utility protocol version 3.75.04
    Scan started at 08/24/05 1:46:08
    Database loaded: 16273 signatures, 1 neuroprofile, 55 treatment microprograms
    Heuristic firmware loaded: 354
    Digital signatures of system files loaded: 34746
    Heuristic analyzer mode: Medium heuristic level
    Treatment mode: included
    1. Search for RootKit and programs that intercept API functions
    1.1 Finding API interceptors running in UserMode
    Analysis of kernel32.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of ntdll.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of user32.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of advapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of ws2_32.dll, export table found in section.rdata
    Analysis of wininet.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of rasapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of urlmon.dll, export table found in section.text
    Analysis of netapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
    2. Memory test
    Number of processes found: 30
    Number of loaded modules: 143
    Memory check completed
    3. Scan disks
    4. Checking Winsock Layered Service Provider (SPI/LSP)
    LSP settings have been verified. No errors found
    5. Search for keyboard/mouse/window event interceptors (Keylogger, Trojan DLLs)
    C:\PROGRAM FILES\BROWSER MOUSE\BROWSER MOUSE\1.0\MOUSEDLL.DLL>>> Neural network: the file is 99.76% similar to a typical keyboard/mouse event interceptor
    C:\PROGRAM FILES\PUNTO SWITCHER\CORRECT.DLL --> Suspicion of Keylogger or Trojan DLL
    C:\PROGRAM FILES\PUNTO SWITCHER\CORRECT.DLL>>> Neural network: the file is 99.68% similar to a typical keyboard/mouse event interceptor
    6. Search for open TCP/UDP ports used by malware
    The database contains 320 port descriptions
    This PC has 5 TCP ports and 4 UDP ports open
    Scan completed, no suspicious ports detected
    7. Heuristic system check
    Verification completed
    Files scanned: 48372, extracted from archives: 31720, viruses found 0
    Scan completed at 08/24/05 2:14:20
    The scan lasted 00:28:12

    Am I right not to worry about suspicions about Mouse and PantoSwitch? Their purpose is to intercept...

    Unfortunately, I am forced to interrupt such useful and pleasant communication for me until the weekend. I haven’t downloaded the Trojan remover yet, I’ll do it when I get back.

    THANKS TO ALL!!! and... a tearful request, ladies and gentlemen! don't go too far :)))

    08/24/2005 10:53:29, tea town :)

    Hehe, it’s very difficult to delete such crap... During normal deletion, these files self-heal and instantly multiply.
    I recently had a similar one, although even worse :))).
    To completely remove it, it took reading hundreds of pages of forums on the Internet, 10 days of work and installing 15 (!) new programs... I’ve had Ad-Aware for about 7 years, and the professional version, but it doesn’t catch it. And I have a powerful antivirus, I constantly update its database. And the Zone Alarm firewall is in place. And still something slips through from time to time! Virus “writers” do not sleep and are constantly coming up with new tricks :))).
    First, I advise you to install HijackThis and scan your computer; if you don’t know what to delete, then it’s better not to. You can post the log on a computer forum in the section on removing Trojans, and there competent guys will explain step by step how to proceed.
    True, I managed to do it myself, but I had to study the program logs in detail (I found explanations only in English).
    You also need to write the name of the Trojan in the search and search the forums on how to get rid of it. By the way, I found on the Symantec website a complete description of where which files are located and how to delete them.

    One of the main enemies of a computer is dust, which, when it gets into your PC or laptop, settles, worsening the performance of the equipment. Despite the seriousness of the problem, you should not immediately contact a specialist.

    Anyone who has the slightest desire can clean their computer on their own.

    But don’t forget that a computer is not only a system unit, so it’s worth taking the trouble to clean the mouse and keyboard as well. By cleaning all your devices from dust, you not only make your work easier, but also extend their life.

    When dust deposits appear in a computer, its performance immediately deteriorates, and this manifests itself as follows:

    • The PC takes longer to boot;
    • starts to overheat, hum, hot air comes out of the cooler;
    • cannot open programs that he could easily open before;
    • in some cases, spontaneous shutdown occurs and much more.

    If we talk about components, we can highlight sticking keys and the wheel, twitching of the cursor, and spontaneous typing of tests.

    To ensure that you do not have problems with your PC or laptop, you should clean it from dust at least once a year. In dusty conditions or if your system unit is on the floor, you should clean it more often.

    The main place where dust accumulates in your PC is the cooler. The number of cooling devices can vary from 2 to 12 in the system unit. In the simplest version, it is located in the wall, and the second is attached to the power supply.

    As the power of components increases, coolers are also installed on them. Over time, they all need to be cleaned.

    Laptops have only 1 cooler, but it is more difficult to clean due to the complexity of the case structure. It takes more time to disassemble a laptop. But in general terms, we can tell you how to clean your computer from dust, applicable to PCs and laptops.

    Step No. 1. Disassembling the computer

    Before you start cleaning your computer, it's worth preparing it. To do this, clear the table, find the maximum number of different boxes - they will be needed to collect screws and fasteners. Then find a disassembly video if you have a laptop.

    To disassemble the computer, you will need Phillips screwdrivers (take a couple of flathead ones for extra), cotton wool, water, thermal paste, alcohol, a rag made of natural material, a bank or discount card and a thin pin.

    A small vacuum cleaner is sold for cleaning computer equipment. If you have it, then it's worth using it.

    Before disassembling your PC, you need to turn off the power and disconnect all wires and cables. Then remove all the screws that hold the blank side panel in place. Collect them all in one box so you don't lose them.

    Once you open the cover, carefully brush off the dust and check the fastenings and wiring contacts. Next, you should begin to gradually disconnect and remove all components from the system unit - one by one.

    Continue boxing screws and remember the disassembly sequence. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

    After you take everything out, clean the components with the boards as much as possible from dust with a dry cloth and set them aside until the next step. Wet a cloth with water and thoroughly wipe off all dust, leaving no water or streaks.

    If you have a laptop: strictly following the disassembly video of your computer, remove the bottom panel and wipe the motherboard with a dry cloth.

    When removing all components, inspect them and, if necessary, wipe them from dust.

    Step #2: Cleaning the Motherboard

    Before cleaning the motherboard, it is worth inspecting and determining whether it is very dusty. If a large amount of dust is visible in the corners, it is worth disconnecting the components from it and cleaning it with a cotton swab and a pin.

    The pin will help get dust out of hard-to-reach places, and the cotton wool will collect all the dust that is on the paths. Make sure that the cotton wool does not remain on the legs of the microcircuits. If you don't keep an eye on this, dust on boards and coolers will happen faster.

    Important: do not wipe the motherboard with a damp cloth or moistened cotton wool. If you feel that the board has not been cleaned sufficiently, it is recommended to use a damp cloth.

    Wipe down the RAM sticks and inspect them. Next, remove the processor cooling system and wipe off the old thermal paste.

    To remove thermal paste, use a cloth soaked in alcohol. The same manipulation should be carried out with the cooling system. After cleaning is complete, you need to apply new thermal paste.

    If you have a laptop, wipe down the motherboard and components. Remove the cooling system from the motherboard and make sure there is no dust in hard-to-reach places. Remove the old thermal paste and apply new one.

    Step No. 3. Cleaning coolers

    The most important step in cleaning your computer from dust is cleaning all coolers. To clean them completely and efficiently, it is worth separating the passive cooling elements from the active cooling elements.

    Simply put, you need to unscrew various fins from the coolers.

    When you reach the blades, wipe off any dust with a slightly damp cloth. Then let them dry and assemble the coolers.

    If you have a laptop: experienced computer technicians advise not to disassemble the cooler, since the cooler blades are weaker and react very easily to any force.

    If you want to wipe the cooler, you should wrap cotton wool around the pin, moisten it and wipe it gently, periodically changing the cotton wool.

    Before installation, bleed the cooling system on the motherboard. It is also worth blowing out the fan. It won't help much, but it's better than nothing.

    It's not just dust that causes problems with these devices. Hair, crumbs, various liquids and much more can ruin your devices.

    To clean the mouse, you need to perform several steps.

    1. Carefully remove all external screws.
    2. Next, remove the case and blow out the insides of the mouse.
    3. Remove the wheel and clean it.
    4. Unscrew the screw and remove the board. There may be a large accumulation of dust underneath.
    5. Clean the board and reassemble the mouse.

    To clean the keyboard, do the following:

    • remove all keys;
    • screw it in and lightly tap it on the back;
    • wipe with a damp cloth. If your keys are stuck, professionals advise wiping them with alcohol;
    • assemble the keyboard.

    Thus, by following these simple instructions, you can take care of your PC yourself.

    This procedure does not require much time, but is very important for the normal functioning of the equipment.