The “LoviVKontakte” program is another great way to download music and videos from Contact



After this, users will be able to download videos and music without any problems. It is also worth remembering that when trying to install Lovi VKontakte, users can introduce viruses to their computer. So it is imperative to check the archive with the downloaded application with an anti-virus system, and only then disable it.

In this article we will try to figure out what to do if problems occur with the utility. If you wanted to download catch in contact, you can do this by clicking on the link in the sitebar. Problems related to antiviruses, the most common problem with Lovi VKontakte is that after it

installations in the site interface there are absolutely no changes observed.

What to do. Svetochka. You need to take your brains out of the computer, put on a skirt, braid your hair and go outside. The world is still under your windows, and not in Uncle Billy's windows and the weather cooperates.

The fact is that applications of older versions may work with various errors, so if possible, always update Lovi VKontakte to the latest version.

For this reason, it is enough to disable the antivirus during installation. However, even this does not always help, especially in the case of Kaspersky. In this case, you will need to go to the antivirus settings and add the Lovi VKontakte program to the Trusted section.

Lovi Vkontakte (LoviVkontakte) - a free program will help you download your favorite music or movie found in the contact in a few clicks of the mouse.

Download Lovi in ​​Contact absolutely free on your computer for Windows, because it supports all popular browsers, after installation no additional settings are required. Working with catch on VKontakte is simple - you just need to download it, install it on your computer and reboot.

Some browsers block the download of the LoviVkontakte program from the official website; below in the downloads section there is a link to Yandex.Disk tested with Dr.Web antivirus.

You can download Lovi VKontakte for free in Russian and from the official website using the link below for operating systems Windows 10, 8 and 7.

After that, opening the website in your browser, you will find a floppy disk icon and a “Download” link next to each audio and video recording. After clicking on the link, a window will appear to select where to download the file. For video, you can select the quality of the saved recording. There is a similar program that can also be downloaded for free in Russian.

You can download Lovi in ​​Contact from the official website for free and in Russian for Windows 7, 8 and 10.

You can download Lovi VKontakte for the VK social network for free from the official website of the developer without registration or any SMS payment; the software is compatible with Windows 7, XP, Vista and of course Windows 8. The system resources consumed by it are minimal. This is free software, no registrations, keys or trial periods, everything works at once. LoviVkontakte can be downloaded for free not only from the official website, but also from the link at the bottom of this page.

In addition to the main function of downloading files, Catch on VKontakte has several useful additions; it can notify you of new messages from VKontakte friends, even if the browser is closed. The parameters of such notifications can be changed in the settings.

Today, Lovi Vkontakte servers contain a huge number of music tracks - more than 30 million, and videos - about 800 thousand. Most users have created a list of favorite records and are constantly adding to it. The only inconvenience is that you need to be online to access them. The latest version of LoviVkontakte will correct this annoying omission and allow you to use your playlist from the page in the player, or watch a movie during a trip.

Which program among social network participants can now be called the most necessary and in demand? Meet “Catch VKontakte”. Many users of the social network of the same name install the “Catch VKontakte” utility. Its function is to simply search the site and download audio and video files from VKontakte.

This saves users from searching for the desired file on file hosting services and waiting in line for downloading. “Catch VKontakte” allows you to find and download the files you are looking for directly from the pages of users and groups of the social network.

You can download Catch VKontakte for free using the link at the bottom of the article.

The program is installed on your computer, integrated with the browser, and now when you visit a site, additional icons and links will appear next to audio and video recordings. In addition, “Catch VKontakte” has a notification function about the appearance of new unread messages for the user: the program produces a sound signal when a message arrives. The Lovi in ​​Contact utility is compatible with all browsers and works properly.

“Catch in Contact” does not require launching every time you turn on the computer; you only install the program once on your hard drive. All that is required from you in the future is to launch the browser and go to your page on the social network. Next, depending on what you need, you go to the video or audio recordings section. Use the VKontakte search by name to find the files you need. To download, you need to click on the link to the desired file: one click on the right mouse button and select “Save” from the drop-down menu.

The mobile version of VKontakte for your computer can be downloaded from Google Maket or the Apple Store (depending on the operating system of your device).

Thanks to many users, the social network VKontakte ( now stores a huge collection of audio recordings - this tens of millions of music files. Not to mention the fact that the social network has become a treasure trove of films and cartoons, TV series and video clips of various quality, including HD, the number of which also amounts to tens of millions. The “Catch in Contact” program gives users free access to downloading all this wealth.

The free program “Catch VKontakte” has the following advantages:

  • the download speed of audio and video files through the program reaches 500 kbit;
  • the program notifies you when new messages appear on the network;
  • The utility is compatible with all common browsers;
  • no restrictions on downloading and installing the Lovi in ​​Contact program;
  • Lovi in ​​Contact program with all Windows operating systems, including XP, 7 and Vista.

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Hello friends! Today I decided to prepare an article for all fans of the social network VKontakte. Which each of us uses in our own way. For example, on VKontakte, I mostly listen to music and sometimes I download music to transfer it to my phone or player. After unlimited Internet appeared, I don’t listen to music on the computer at all. What's the point if VKontakte has everything you need :), and sometimes I listen to online radio.

I already wrote about how you can download music or video from Contact, but those were solutions for specific browsers. Now I want to write about a more universal method, or more precisely, about the program CatchVKontakte. This means that the LoviVKontakte program allows you to download music and videos from the VKontakte social network. And she does this job perfectly well.

But these are not all the possibilities of LoviVKontakte, now I will write in more detail about everything.

This means that after installing LoviVKontakte, a download button appears in all browsers and on all pages of the VK social network where there is music or video.

A button in the form appears next to the audio recordings “floppy disks”, like this:

Plus, the program can notify you when new personal messages appear. Which is sometimes very convenient.

Features and benefits of LoviVKontakte

  • Ability to download music and videos with one click
  • You can choose the video quality
  • The program launches quietly and runs on the notification panel
  • Supports all browsers
  • LoviVKontakte can notify you when new personal messages appear (can be disabled)
  • The program is actively developing, which means that existing functions will be improved and new functions will appear.
  • There is a version of the program for the Android mobile operating system.

Now I’ll show you how the LoviVKontakte program works. First we need to download and install it. The program is free, so there will be no problems with this.

Installation of “LoviVKontakte”

First we need to download the installation file and install the program. Go to and click on the link “Download the installation package of the LoviVkontakte program...”.

You can save the installation file to your computer, and then simply run it to install. Or you can press the button “Run” and after the file is downloaded, the installation of the program will begin automatically.

I will not describe the process of installing the LoviVKontakte program, we launch the installation file and click “Next” as usual :). I’ll just show you two points that may cause you difficulty.

During the installation process a window will appear (as in the screenshot below) it shouldn't scare you, it's just a warning. Read it and Click “Ok”.

And one more window, it should appear if you have Skype installed on your computer. Click the button "I agree". Both Skype and the LoviVKontakte program work fine for me.

That's it, installation is complete. The installer will ask you to restart your computer, agree.

After rebooting, the program will start automatically and hide in the notification panel.

That's it, the program is ready to go!

Working with the “LoviVKontakte” program

But here everything is simple. We go to VKontakte, for example in "My audios", click on “floppy disk” opposite the song and save the song to your computer.

Or click on “floppy disk” right click and select “Save via link...”.

Videos can be saved the same way, just open the video and click on the link "Download video". Or click on the resolution in which you would like to download the video.

That's all, I described the main functions of working with the program.

As I wrote above, LoviVKontakte can notify you about the appearance of new personal messages. She reports with a sound signal and flashing icon. If you do not need this function, you can disable it in the settings. And to get to the settings, right-click on the program icon in the notification panel and select.

In the settings you can change the update time and disable (enable) notifications.


It’s a good program, during all the time I’ve been working, I haven’t had a single problem with it.

VKontakte has a very large collection of music and videos, everything is there. So why go to sites that are simply littered with advertisements in search of a song? If you can download everything you need in one click.

Install LoviVKontakte, try it and leave your feedback. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

The “LoviVKontakte” program is another great way to download music and videos from Contact updated: May 16, 2013 by: admin