How to reduce the size of a picture or image? Maximum compression! How to reduce the size of a JPG file in Photoshop. Other photo compression methods

Hello. Quite often, when working with graphic files (pictures, photographs, and indeed any images), they need to be compressed. Most often this is necessary to transmit them over the network or post them on a website.

And despite the fact that today there are no problems with volumes hard drives(if it’s not enough, you can buy more external HDD for 1-2 TB and this is enough for a very large amount high quality photos), storing images in a quality that you will not need is not justified!

In this article I want to look at several ways to compress and reduce the size of a picture. In my example, I will use the first 3 photographs I came across on the World Wide Web.

1) bmp is an image format that provides the best quality. But you have to pay for quality with the space taken up by pictures saved in this format. The dimensions of the photos they will occupy can be seen in screenshot No. 1.

Screenshot 1. 3 pictures in bmp format. Pay attention to the file size.

2) jpg is the most popular format for pictures and photographs. Provides fairly good quality with amazing compression quality. By the way, please note that a picture with a resolution of 4912×2760 in bmp format takes up 38.79 MB, and in jpg format only 1.07 MB. Those. The image in this case was compressed by about 38 times!

Regarding the quality: if you don’t enlarge the picture, it’s impossible to recognize by eye where is bmp and where is jpg. But when you enlarge a jpg image, blurriness begins to appear - these are the consequences of compression...

Screenshot No. 2. 3 pictures in jpg

3) png - (portable network graphics) very convenient format for transferring pictures on the Internet (* - in some cases, pictures compressed in this format take up even less space than jpg, and their quality is higher!). They provide better color rendition and do not distort the picture. It is recommended to use for pictures that should not lose quality and that you want to upload to some site. By the way, the format supports a transparent background.

Screenshot No. 3. 3 images in png

4) gif is a very popular format for pictures with animation (more about animation:). The format is also very popular for transmitting pictures on the Internet. In some cases, it provides images that are smaller in size than in jpg format.

Screenshot No. 4. 3 pictures in gif

Despite great amount variety of graphic file formats (and there are more than fifty of them), on the Internet, and in general, these are the files (listed above) that most often come across.

How to reduce the size of a picture in Adobe Photoshop

In general, of course, for the sake of simple compression (conversion from one format to another) install Adobe Photoshop, probably not justified. But this program is quite popular and those who work with pictures even less often have it on their PC.

1. Open the picture in the program (either through the “File/Open...” menu, or the “Ctrl+O” button combination).

3. Set the saving settings:

Quality: depending on the selected quality (and you can set compression from 10 to 100), the size of the picture will depend. Examples will be shown in the center of the screen compressed images with different quality.

After that, just save the picture - its size will become an order of magnitude smaller (especially if it was in bmp)!


The compressed image began to weigh approximately 15 times less: from 4.63 MB it was compressed to 338.45 KB.

Other image compression programs

1. Fastone image viewer

One of the fastest and most convenient programs for viewing pictures, easy editing, and, of course, compressing them. By the way, it allows you to view pictures even in ZIP archives(many users often install the AcdSee program for this).

In addition, Fastone allows you to reduce the size of dozens and hundreds of images at once!

1. Open the folder with pictures, then select with the mouse those that you want to compress, and then click on the “Tools/Batch Processing” menu.

We move the pictures from the left side to the right (those that we want to compress);

We select the format into which we want to compress them;

That's all - after that, just press the start button. By the way, in addition to this, you can ask various settings for image processing, for example: crop edges, change resolution, add a logo, etc.

3. After the compression procedure, Fastone will provide a report on how much hard drive space was saved.


A very popular and convenient program for working with photographs and pictures. By the way, I edited and compressed the pictures for this article in XnView.

Also, the program allows you to take screenshots of a window or a specific part of it, edit and view pdf files, find similar pictures and delete duplicates, etc.

1) To compress photos, select those that you want to process in the main program window. Then go to the Tools/Batch Processing menu.

2) Select the format into which you want to compress the pictures and click the start button (you can also set compression settings).

3) The result is quite poor, the image is compressed by an order of magnitude.

Was in bmp format: 4.63 MB;

Now in jpg format: 120.95 KB. “To the eye,” the pictures are practically no different!

3. Riot

Another very interesting program to compress images. The idea is simple: you open any image (jpg, gif or png) in it, then immediately see two windows: in one the original image, in the other the output. RIOT Program automatically calculates how much the image will weigh after compression, and also shows you the compression quality.

What’s also captivating about it is the abundance of settings; pictures can be compressed in different ways: make them sharper or turn on blur; You can turn off a color or only shades of a certain color range.

By the way, a great opportunity: in RIOT you can specify what file size you need and the program will automatically select the settings and set the image compression quality!

Here's a small result of the work: the image was compressed to 82 KB from a 4.63 MB file!

Online services for image compression

In general, I personally don’t really like compressing images using online services. Firstly, I consider it longer than a program, and secondly, in online services there are not so many settings, and thirdly, I would not like to upload all the pictures to third party services(after all, there is also private photos, which you show only in your close family circle).

Some sites provide users with the opportunity to upload their photos, be it screenshots or avatars for personal profile. The problem is that frequently uploaded images must not exceed a certain size - for example, no more than 300 pixels wide and 250 pixels long. A limit can also be set on the file size - no more than 3 MB.

But what to do if the image you need does not meet the requirements of the portal? There is no need to immediately rush to look for another image; If you know how to reduce the size of a JPG file, you can fit any image to any requirement. The very concept of “image size” can have two definitions, depending on the meaning the speaker puts into the words:

  • The physical size of the picture is height and width (measured in centimeters, inches, pixels).
  • The amount of space that the image file occupies on the media. Measured in kilobytes (megabytes).

The higher the quality of the picture, the more space it will take up on the disk. The same applies to physical size, so reducing the number of pixels and a slight reduction in quality will combine to produce maximum effect.

Using Paint

Standard image editor Paint in latest versions Windows has undergone a significant transformation, becoming more functional and user-friendly in terms of interface. It is clear that it does not reach the functionality of specialized applications such as Photoshop, but it copes with basic tasks without difficulty. To reduce the size of a photo using Paint:

Working with Photoshop

Adobe's graphic editor provides users with a huge number of functions. You can, for example, install a font in Photoshop and make an inscription on the picture, completely change the image using simple tools, etc. It is clear that among such a variety of functions there is also the possibility of simple and quick change image size.

Please note the following feature:

To manually specify both values, you must uncheck the “Maintain proportions” checkbox.

Deterioration in quality

If you can't reduce physical size pictures are even stronger (for example, the inscriptions become unreadable), and you need to remove another hundred kilobytes from its volume, you will have to resort to deteriorating quality. To do this, you need to change the image settings:

  1. Open graphic file via Photoshop.
  2. Expand the "File" menu and select "Save As".
  3. Check the format (*.jpg) and click “Save”.

A small JPEG Options window will appear in the editor window. In the Image Options field, you can see a slider that allows you to adjust the quality.

In digital display, you can vary this indicator on a scale from 1 to 12; you just have to set the desired value.

For example: a file with best quality weighs 800 KB, with medium – 150 KB, with low – 60 KB.

Don't be too zealous about degrading quality: experimentally determine when the amount of space occupied on the media becomes low enough and save the changes. There are even more ways to reduce file size in the video tutorial:

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The JPG format is most often used when working with images in Everyday life. Typically, users try to save the picture in the highest available quality so that it looks clearer. This is good when the image is stored on the computer's hard drive.

If JPG has to be uploaded into documents or on different sites, then you have to neglect the quality a little in order to ensure that the picture turns out to be the right size.

Let's look at the best and quick ways reduce image size to make file compression in minutes without long waits downloading and converting from one format to another.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

Most popular editor for images is an Adobe product - Photoshop. With its help you can produce a large number of various manipulations on images. But we will try to quickly reduce the weight of the JPG file by changing the resolution.

In addition to reducing Photoshop resolutions also offers a function such as reducing image quality, which is a little more effective way to compress the JPG document.

This option is no less effective than the first, but is slightly faster. In general, it is much better to combine the first two methods, then the image will be reduced not by two or three times, but by four or five, which can be very useful. The main thing is to remember that when the resolution is reduced, the quality of the image deteriorates greatly, so you need to compress it wisely.

Method 2: Light Image Resizer

A good program for quickly compressing JPG files is Image Resizer, which not only has a nice and friendly interface, but also gives tips on how to use the program. True, there is a minus to the application: it is only available for free trial version, which allows you to change only 100 images.

The method is quite convenient, since the program does everything you need and even a little more.

Method 3: Riot

Another program that is considered by many users to be very convenient and easy to use is Riot. Indeed, its interface is very clear and simple.

The program is one of the fastest, so if it is already installed on your computer, then it is better to use it to compress the image, since it is also one of the few programs that does not greatly spoil the quality of the original image.

Method 4: Microsoft Image Manager

Probably everyone remembers the Image Manager that came with the package office programs up to 2010. In version Microsoft Office In 2013, this program no longer existed, which is why many users were very upset. Now you can download it absolutely free, which is good news.

This is how you can quickly compress a JPG file using a fairly simple, but very convenient program from Microsoft.

Method 5: Paint

If you need to compress an image quickly, and the ability to download additional programs no, you'll have to use it preinstalled program on Windows - Paint. Using it, you can reduce the size of the picture, which will reduce its weight.

Use to reduce image weight Paint program worth it only in the most extreme cases, since even after the same banal compression through Photoshop picture remains clearer and more pleasing to look at than after editing in Paint.

These are the convenient and quick ways to compress a file: JPG any the user can use it whenever he needs it. If you know any other useful programs To reduce the size of images, write about them in the comments.

While uploading images to the site, social network, in presentation and other Text Document, it is often necessary to resize them. This can be done in several ways, using special online applications or programs from the Microsoft Office package. No special skills are required to reduce photos, so even a novice PC user can cope with this task.

How to reduce the size of a photo using Paint

The simplest and in an accessible way reduce image weight is to use standard Windows editor- Paint. With it, you can change the format and number of pixels, which will reduce the size of the image.

How to do it:

  • Open the program by clicking “Start” - “Paint”.
  • Upload an image for editing by clicking "Open".

  • Open the “Resize” section and check the box next to “pixels”.

  • Now, for example, let's reduce the size of the image. Instead of the indicated 1050 pixels horizontally, we will indicate 604 pixels. Since the program automatically maintains the proportions of the picture, it will also be reduced vertically.

As a result, the image size decreased from 62.3 KB to 44.0 KB.

How to Reduce Photo Size Using Picture Manager

You can reduce the weight of a picture using the program Picture Manager, which is included in Microsoft Office and is available on almost any computer.

How to do it:

  • Open the program by clicking “Start” - “Microsoft Office” - “Microsoft Office Tools” - “Manager Microsoft drawings Office". Or hover your mouse over the image and context menu Select "Open with" - "Microsoft Office Picture Manager".

  • Upload the photo you want and click “Edit Picture”. After this, a block with keys for editing the image will appear. There will be two at the very bottom necessary tools: “Resize” and “Picture Compression”.

  • If you need to adjust the resolution of the picture, select “Resize”. Here you can specify the desired photo size. To do this, check the box next to “Custom height and width” and enter the parameters in the empty cells.

  • Or you can select the “Percentage of original width and height” item and set the percentage of the image to be reduced, for example, 50%.

  • After this, you need to confirm the changes by clicking “Save”. Then select “Save As” and be sure to rename the file to save the original.
  • If you want to compress a drawing without changing it graphic resolution Select "Compress Pictures".
  • Then select the desired action: compress for a document, website or e-mail.
  • Click "Ok" and enter a new file name.

Reduce photo size using online services

If you use standard applications Windows doesn't work for you, you can resort to a simple online photo editor, for example, Resizepiconline.

  • Follow this link.
  • Upload a photo.

  • Set the required image size, quality level and file type using the slider.

  • Click "Resize" and "Download". After this, the new photo will be downloaded to your computer.

You can reduce the size of the image simple actions for adjusting image parameters. To do this, you do not need to install additional software or gain professional skills. But remember that photos often lose their original quality after such editing.


If you don't know how to resize a photo in a way that you don't know how to the necessary programs– don’t be discouraged. This can be done through standard remedy Windows - graphics editor Paint.

For compressing photos? For example, for faster sending by e-mail or for quick fill photos on the site.

Below are instructions on how to change the size of a jpg image.

First, let's look at what original size has a photograph. To do this, you can hover the cursor over it. After a couple of seconds, a pop-up window will appear indicating the element type, image dimensions in pixels and kilobytes. The same information can be viewed by right-clicking on the photo and going to the “Properties” section.

To resize a jpg image, open it using Paint.

1. To do this, right-click on the file and in the window that appears, click “Open with” and select. Photo from high resolution usually does not fit completely into the program window, so you may only see the upper-left part of it.

2. Then at the top of the window you need to click the “Image” or “Drawing” tab (depending on the version) and the “Resize” command will appear in the pop-up window.

3. There are two ways to resize a photo: percentage and by pixels.

The first method involves entering the percentage by which you want to reduce the image. This value is entered into the “horizontal” and “vertical” columns separately.

The second method involves entering point values. This is also done separately in the “horizontal” and “vertical” columns. This method requires a clear knowledge of the dimensions of the drawing that must be achieved, otherwise the drawing will not be proportional.

Advice. In the “Resize” tab, check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox, then you only need to enter the value in one column. The second one will be entered automatically.

4.The last thing left to do is save the reduced photo. If you do not need the original image in its previous size, you can simply click “Save” when you close the program. If you want the source to remain as it was, you need to click “Save As” in the main menu of the program, select the location for the picture, select the file type (Jpeg) and specify the name.

Advice. To make the modified image easier to find, include words like “modified” or “copy” in the file name. This will make it much easier to find smaller photos.

As you can see, resizing several photos or one is very simple. Finally, you can view the properties of the saved image and make sure that its size has been reduced to the size you need.

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