The client application does not connect to the server. What to do if you couldn't connect to the Warface server

Exists a large number of reasons why client application cannot connect to the server.

First, determine whose side the problem is on.

Problem on local computer

1. If from others local computers connection occurs, then most likely the problem is in a specific PC. Compare the settings of the problematic PC with the settings of the working PC and bring them into line. Alternatively, you can copy a working client application from another computer and run it on the problematic one.

1.1. Check that the computer from which you are running the client application is listed in Administration/Network Map or in the server configuration file \Oktell\Server\oktell.ServerService.exe.config setting installed Automap

1.2. ping

1.3. Check the task manager to see if the client application is running. Process name Oktell.ClientStarter4.exe(or Oktell.ClienStarter.exe for versions earlier than 2.8). Perhaps another user has already launched it, in which case you may want to use Run in terminal mode. You can also complete this process in the task manager to log in with your account.

1.4. Make sure that the application on the client PC is not blocked by an antivirus or Windows firewall. Either disable it or add it to an exception oktell.ClientStarter4.exe And oktell.phonehost.exe

1.5. Make sure you have entered the oktell server address correctly in the client configuration file

To do this, check the settings

where is the IP address of your oktell server.

1.6. Perhaps the client application is not running as an administrator and does not have rights to write to the directory Program Files, where it is installed by default. This may result in the application being unable to download update files and subsequently being unable to connect to the server.

Run oktell.ClienStarter4.exe on behalf of the administrator. To do this, in the application properties, on the " tab Compatibility"check the box" Run as administrator". The same operation can be applied to oktell.phonehost.exe, which can solve possible problems with the headset.

1.7. It is possible that in the configuration file \oktell\client\oktell.ClienStarter4.exe.config parameter not activated AutoUpdate, in this case the client application is not updated and there may be problems with launching. To activate, install the following key:


1.8. Running a client application requires the .NET Framework to be installed.

  • For Oktell 2.7 version this is .NET 1.1. with sp1 installed. In the configuration file you need to select the desired line , either comment out the other or delete it.
  • For Oktell version 2.8 and higher you need to install .Net4. The installation file can be found in the folder \oktell\Server\LiveUpdateFW.

1.9. When an error appears " The program is already running"try setting any value for the key" TerminalAddress"client configuration file \oktell\client\oktell.ClienStarter4.exe.config, For example term2.

1.10. When an error appears " The program is already running"There may be problems with Windows compatibility. Run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (SP3). Also try running the program as an administrator.

1.11. The problem is in the network. If you have several network interfaces on your computer, disable the unnecessary ones. Leave only the interface through which the Oktell server is accessible.

1.12. Problem with DNS name. Make sure your DNS servers are specified. Try using DNS server - (Google Public DNS). Alternatively, write down the match name-address V hosts.

Server problem

2. If all computers on the local network cannot connect, then the problem may be either in the network or in the server settings.

2.1. Check if the OktellServer service is running. If not, refer to the article Server service does not start

2.2. Check your Internet settings, ping the Oktell server with the command ping from command line. If packets do not reach the server, then there are problems in the network setup.

2.3. Check the connection to the server, try running the client application on the server. If it starts, then there is a problem with the network or OS firewall on the server.

2.4. Make sure that the Oktell server is not blocked by an antivirus or firewall. Either disable it (putting the system at risk) or add processes to the exception.

  • \oktell\server\oktell.ServerService.exe
  • \oktell\server\oktell.HALRemoteApp.exe.

To add processes to firewall exceptions, go to Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall -> Allow another program -> Browse

Hello, dear readers. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to reveal the secrets of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, share useful information and help you deal with common errors in the game. Today we will continue the technical part and explain what to do if CS GO does not connect to the servers.

Many people have connection problems: it is impossible to launch the client, enter the lobby, and often it happens that CS GO does not look for the server. It’s impossible to play fully because the connection doesn’t work, and creating a map for playing with bots is not an option at all. In this guide, read about the main errors with servers and how to solve them.

From this article you will learn:

System Requirements

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is created for the operating system Windows versions XP, 7, 8 and 10. Stable work on Mac and others operating systems is not guaranteed, so the developers recommend installing Windows. The game will work fine if the computer matches it.

Another recommendation from the developers is to install only licensed version on Steam. Playing on a hacked version of CS: GO (pirate) will be problematic - Steam will not allow you to official servers and will not look for a competitive game, and will only be able to play on unofficial servers communities.

Technical errors

If there is a problem with the connection - there is no connection or stable connection to the servers, you need to restart the game or restart the PC. Problem not solved? Check your network connection - there may be no Internet connection due to technical work being carried out at the provider, a switched off router, or unpaid Internet.

If CS GO does not connect to the community servers, check the checkboxes in the filter settings: uncheck the presence of protection, increase the maximum permissible value ping when searching for matches. With high requirements in the settings, the game will search for matches with inflated criteria. If no match is suitable, then the search list will be empty.

It is possible that after the above steps the problem will not go away - the network connection and settings are fine, but after startup nothing happens. In this case, you need to exit the game and turn off Steam, go to the root directory of the game and run the steam.exe file as an administrator - insufficient priority of the program often makes it impossible to fully function.

Update errors

A problem with the servers may arise after an update that replaces old files with new ones - in rare cases, the game starts producing errors, for example, it does not enter the lobby and crashes. In this case, delete and download CS GO again, or clear the cache.

This is easy to do - select CS: Global Offensive in the list Steam games, click on it right key mouse and in the settings menu select “Recalculate cache”. Steam will double check local files on your PC, download and replace damaged files necessary for normal operation games.

Firewall problems

Firewall and antivirus programs may prevent you from finding, creating, or joining matches. These programs block network access for specific applications installed on your PC.

This happens especially often after updating or installing a new antivirus, which by default can block network access for CS: GO.

  • If the game is licensed, add it to the list trusted applications antivirus or to the exclusion list to remove the blocking.
  • It’s more difficult with a pirated version - it has a hacking program built into it, which the antivirus can consider suspicious or spyware. In this case, it will issue warnings and block access until you disable it. But if the antivirus is turned off, you can “pick up” various spyware transmitting data to attackers.

Rare errors

In very rare cases, the connection to the server may be lost when incorrect setting the server itself. If the creator enters all the commands for full protection And better connection in the console, some players will not be able to join.

This problem can be easily solved. Enter the command “sv_forcepreload 1” - it will allow other people to connect only after full load cards.

Let's sum it up

In this guide, we told you what to do if CS GO does not connect to the servers. The main errors are related to the network settings, PC and antivirus programs. Fortunately, most problems are resolved in 10-15 minutes.

Please follow the instructions below before contacting technical support in cases where there are any problems connecting to your server. In addition, we recommend that you read carefully!

Point 1. Checking the server status
Log into your personal account and check the server status. Make sure it is enabled (running) and not blocked.
- If the server is disabled, turn it on,
- If the server is not blocked, but it is impossible to “turn it on” (the status does not change or constantly returns to “off”) yourself - create a request to technical support.
- If the server is blocked, contact technical support, eliminate the reason for the blocking and report it in the appropriate ticket.
- If the server is disabled due to debt, simply pay the overdue invoice and the server will be unblocked automatically. Make sure you don't have any overdue bills.
- If the server is turned on (running) and not blocked, proceed to the next point.

Point 2. What is happening on the server?
, connect to the server through it and see what happens there. If the server is up and running, log into the system and figure out what the problem is (check if there is Internet on the server, network settings, the server is overloaded, frozen, not responding, very slow, not enough memory, blocked network access, network disconnected, BSOD or other problems). If you cannot determine the reason and fix it, try restarting (but NOT turning off!) the server using OS tools, through the Start menu. If the server freezes, does not respond, etc. - then reboot it with using RESET from panel to personal account. Check the loading process. If a few minutes after the download has finished, the server is still not accessible and you don’t know how to solve the problem yourself - write down what was on the server when you connected to it, what actions you took and move on to the next steps.

If via VNC it is clear that the server itself is running, but there are no available network connections and “the Internet does not work at all” - try turning OFF the server via “Start” -> “Shutdown” and a couple of minutes after the server shuts down, turn it on in your personal account.

Point 3. Check if there is a ping to your server:
Start -> Run -> cmd -> "OK" and then in the console window that appears, enter ping -n 10 xx.xx.xx.xx where instead of xx.xx.xx.xx you need to specify the IP address of your server. Save the results (right click in the console window, “mark”, select the text, and right click again, etc.)

Step 4. Trace to your server:
Start -> Run -> cmd -> "OK" and then in the console window that appears, enter tracert xx.xx.xx.xx where instead of xx.xx.xx.xx you need to specify the IP address of your server. Save your results.

Point 5. Clarification of the problem:
If the ping (step 1_ exists and the trace (item 2) successfully reaches your server - describe in detail what exactly the problem is (how and with what data you are trying to connect, when and what specific error occurs (error text), what precedes this, when this error appeared, were there other errors before this, etc.), attach a screenshot of your screen showing the settings and error message, if you find it difficult to describe in words.

Clause 6. Description of previous actions
Try to remember and describe what actions or changes you made on the server shortly before problems arose. Write down everything you did before, even if in your opinion it has nothing to do with the problem that has arisen. Remember any changes that were made, what settings were changed, what was updated, what was launched when rebooted, what errors arose, how they tried to fix it, what was installed, what was removed, what was running on the server, what was unusual or strange happened. Perhaps this information can help determine the cause of the failure and resolve it. Otherwise (unless the cause is obvious or known) we will recommend that you reinstall your server.

Point 7. Creating a request for technical support
Create a request for technical support, indicating the current administrator password, and all the information from points 1 - 6. Stay in touch (regularly check your email and updates in the ticket) in case our employees need clarification of information. Remember that if problems are caused by server software, their solution will be paid (minimum 5 euros per application). If this does not suit you, use VNC to independent decision problems, connect your administrator or simply (you regularly do backups all important data?)

Setting up an FTP connection in the FileZilla program is a rather delicate matter. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that there are often cases when an attempt to connect via this protocol ends with a critical error. One of the most common mistakes connection is a failure, accompanied by a message in the FileZilla application: " Critical error: Unable to connect to server." Let's find out what it means this message, and how to fix it after it correct operation programs.

First of all, let’s look at the reasons for the “Unable to connect to the server” error.

The reasons can be completely different:

    Lack of Internet connection;
    Blocking (ban) of your account from the server side;
    Blocking the FTP connection by the provider;
    Incorrect network settings of the operating system;
    Loss of server performance;
    Entering incorrect account information.

Ways to resolve the error

In order to resolve the “Unable to connect to the server” error, first of all, you need to find out its cause.

It would be ideal if you have more than one FTP account. In this case, you can check the functionality of other accounts. If the performance on other servers is normal, then you should contact the support service of the hosting to which you cannot connect. If there is no connection in other accounts, then you need to look for the cause of the problems either on the side of the provider providing Internet communication services, or in network settings own computer.

If you access other servers without problems, then contact the support service of the server to which you do not have access. It may have stopped functioning or has temporary problems with performance. It is also possible that for some reason he simply blocked your account.

But the most common case of the “Unable to connect to the server” error is when you enter incorrect account information. Often, people confuse the name of their website, the Internet address of the server and its FTP address, that is, the host. For example, there is hosting with an Internet access address Some users enter exactly this in the “Host” line of the Site Manager, or the address of their own website located on the hosting. And you should enter the ftp hosting address, which, suppose, will look like this: However, there are also cases when the ftp address and www address actually coincide.

Another option incorrect input account is when the user simply forgot his login and password, or thinks he remembers, but nevertheless enters incorrect data.

In this case, on most servers (hosting) you can recover your login and password through your personal account.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons that can lead to the “Unable to connect to the server” error. Some of them can be solved by the user himself, but others, unfortunately, are absolutely independent of him. Most common problem, causing this error, you are still entering incorrect credentials.

Single-player games are becoming less and less popular these days. All more players prefers to fight against each other or in teams, in multiplayer mode. However, what should you do if the game does not start in this mode? Typically, the problem is connecting to the server. In this article we will talk about why two such popular video games as GTA SAMP and Battlefield do not connect to the server.

Reasons for not connecting to SAMP

As a rule, in GTA SAMP the connection to the game server, if all the requirements and settings have been taken into account, may not occur for the following reasons:

  • The IP address is specified incorrectly - carefully check the server IP, also paying attention to the port indication. Many people believe that the numbers in the address after the colon do not matter, but this is not so. Both SAMP and Battlefield without specifying the port you are in best case scenario may be transferred to another server, or in the worst case, not connected to the game.
  • You were banned - ban by IP/nickname/Steam ID. If in the last two cases the fault lies with you ( misconduct), then entire subnets are often subject to IP bans if a dynamic IP is used and the offender cannot be blocked. Ways out of this situation: petition to the forum, change Steam account, change IP or provider.
  • The inscription “connect to IP:Port” means there is no Internet, the IP is incorrectly specified, the server is under DDoS attack.
  • The game crashes with the error “Memory cannot be read...”, “Access memory...”, etc. - found on Windows XP SP2 (no longer supported). Solved by installing ServicePack version 3 or higher later version Windows OS.
  • Server is not available. Technical devices have the ability to break. Perhaps, due to heavy load, the server “fell” and the administration is carrying out engineering works for its restoration.

Reasons for not connecting to Battlefield

Most often they cannot connect to servers for the following reasons:

  • Not logged into Origin - in order to start the game in multiplayer, you need to connect to the Origin Download Manager and log in through your account. Make sure Origin is not working for you offline mode. Also, try restarting Origin itself. Perhaps there was some kind of program failure.
  • Problems with hosts file(Path - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) - go to this file and find the lines mentioning EA servers (
  • Re-launching the wrong version of the game (if you initially logged in from the Russified version and then switched to the European version, a conflict may arise). The issue is resolved by reinstalling the game.
  • The reasons specified for SAMP may also be relevant for Battlefield: ban, incorrectly specified IP, temporary server unavailability, etc.

Common reasons

As a rule, everyone has a similar installation and configuration process, so the following list of reasons is relevant not only for BF and GTA SAMP, but also for other clients that support multiplayer mode.

The game was installed incorrectly

Check if you installed the game correctly. Make sure that the path to the game is written in Latin. To play in multiplayer mode, you will need to install the appropriate client and go through the registration procedure. If you have previously installed previous version game that you uninstalled incorrectly, you will need to reinstall the game by cleaning the registry.

  1. Delete the game and all files associated with it.
  2. Clean the registry by going to the Start-Run menu and typing regedit command, press ctrl+F3, and then enter the name of the game and delete all lines associated with this game.
  3. Install the game again.

No internet connection

Check if there is a problem with your internet connection. Perhaps you damaged the cable somewhere, or the provider experienced some technical problems. Additionally, you may be running some background programs, which are automatically updated via the Internet and reduce your connection speed.

Access to servers is blocked by an antivirus or firewall

Try disabling your antivirus and firewall for a while. Some of them may block access to game servers, counting them external threat. If the problem is found in them, you will need to change their settings so that this game is added to the exclusion list.

We hope that our advice will help you solve this problem.