How to enable extensions in the Opera browser. Benefits of Google Chrome Extended Browser – Managing Extensions

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We have implemented a fundamentally new mechanism for adapting application solutions to a specific user - the extension mechanism.

What are extensions good for?

Extensions offer a different strategy for changing standard configurations than the existing one. Using this new strategy will greatly facilitate the support of standard solutions that you want to adapt to the needs of a specific implementation or a specific customer.

What does this process look like now? There is a standard configuration. It is fully supported by the supplier. This means that it cannot be changed. Periodically, the vendor releases new (improved) versions of this configuration. In such a situation, updating the old version of the configuration to the new version is completely automatic. This is convenient and does not require any special skills or knowledge from the customer.

But often the customer wants to add something or change something in the standard configuration “for themselves.” To do this, the support mode is changed, the configuration is removed from full support. The implementation partner or the customer’s own IT specialists make the necessary changes to it. From this point on, a fully automatic update of the standard configuration to a new version released by the supplier becomes impossible.

Now, updating the configuration requires the participation of a specialist. Moreover, if the changes made at the request of the customer were significant, then the specialist performing the configuration update may require a significant amount of time. And often a very good knowledge of both the typical configuration itself and the modifications made may be required.

The strategy offered by the extensions is as follows. If you want to change a standard configuration, you do not touch the configuration itself. You make all changes in the extension, which, in fact, is also a configuration.

In 1C:Enterprise mode, you simply connect your extension to the standard configuration. The platform automatically, in 1C:Enterprise mode, combines your extension with the standard configuration. As a result, the customer works with a standard solution modified according to his wishes.

When a vendor releases a new version of a reference configuration, an automatic update occurs because the reference configuration support mode has not changed. She remained fully supported by the supplier. And when you launch the updated application solution, the platform will again automatically merge the changed standard configuration with your extension. And the customer will continue to work with the standard solution modified, according to his wishes.

When should you use extensions?

The extension mechanism is tempting due to its versatility. Therefore, it is important to have a correct idea of ​​what tasks it is intended to solve.

Firstly, extensions are indispensable when the application solution operates in data sharing mode. For example, in the service model. One of the subscribers wants to have a couple of additional reports. While other subscribers want to work with an unchanged standard configuration.

Then it is for this subscriber that you can develop an extension in which you can implement all his wishes. The subscriber will connect this extension and will work with the changed configuration. While for other subscribers no changes will occur. Because all extensions are connected and launched based on the current separator values.

Another situation is when a standard configuration is modified for a specific customer during implementation. Or modifications to the standard configuration that the customer’s IT specialists perform for themselves on their own. If all these improvements are made in the extension, then the standard configuration will remain fully supported, which will greatly simplify its further maintenance.

There is a temptation to use extensions to create mass-produced application solutions, but this should not be done. Firstly, because the extensions were not designed for such tasks. And secondly, because other platform mechanisms, such as delivery and support mechanisms, do not know anything about extensions.

If you look a little into the history of the appearance of extensions, then, of course, we have seen before, and we see now, that configurations are becoming more complex. We see that additional support is needed at different levels of development: library, modular and industry, etc. We analyzed all these tasks and came to the conclusion that the highest priority at the moment is to adapt configurations to the wishes of users during implementations.

It is for this task that we created the extension mechanism. Of course, you can notice different features of the other listed areas of development in it. But they are not its main purpose and should not confuse you.

What can you change now using extensions?

So far, not much has been done that is planned to be done. The mechanism will, of course, develop. But what has already been done can be useful in many cases during implementations. Now:

  • Can be changed managed forms, existing in a standard configuration;
  • You can add new ones subsystems. You can change the composition of subsystems available in a standard configuration;
  • Can be changed roles standard configuration, adding objects created in the extension to them;
  • Can be changed command interface typical configuration (main partition, subsystems);
  • You can add new ones reports And processing.

In the future, we plan to gradually increase the functionality of the extensions and will be glad to get your opinion on what functionality is most in demand in implementations with minor modifications.

How does the extension work?

The extension is very similar to the regular configuration. It is also represented as a tree of objects. To work with the extension, the same working methods are used as with the regular configuration.

An important feature of the extension is the presence borrowed objects. You can borrow any standard configuration object using the context menu command:

Borrowed objects are not always needed. This is best explained using a “everyday” example, if we draw an analogy with lunch in a restaurant.

The first situation is when borrowed objects are needed.

You are used to having lunch at the same restaurant. You always order steak and tea. For example, because they are very good in this restaurant. Or for another reason. It doesn't matter. The only important thing is that you are going to eat them, and nothing else.

Then the restaurant is a typical information base. You are an extension. The restaurant menu is an expandable standard configuration. Beefsteak and tea are borrowed objects. You borrowed them (remembered that they were on the menu).

How does the extension connect to the configuration and work? You come to a restaurant and ask for a menu. On the menu you see that there is steak and tea. That is, you establish a correspondence between borrowed objects and objects of a standard configuration. Naturally, you match by name :). They bring you steak and tea, you eat them. That is, the extension connects and works.

A week later you come, but the restaurant menu has changed (the standard configuration has been updated). However, steak and tea are still on the menu. They are exactly what you need. They bring them to you, you eat them. That is, the extension continues to work with the updated standard configuration.

A week later you come to the restaurant and see that steak and tea have disappeared from the menu. You get up and leave (extension connection error message). Because that's what you wanted. And you have no idea about other dishes (objects). The developer did not teach you how to properly eat snails or lobsters.

Another situation when you can do without borrowed objects.

You go to a restaurant, but the availability of specific dishes does not interest you. Because you're not going to eat them anyway. You only want to photograph them. And you know how to photograph any dish. Then you just connect to the configuration and say: bring all the snacks that you have on the menu (you get a collection of documents from the metadata). I will redirect them (take photographs).

If we describe this in the dry language of developers, it turns out that you need to borrow objects:

  • When they are needed for visual design. For example, you extend the form and add form props like DirectoryCurrencies.Link. Then of course you should borrow the reference book Currencies, so that when connecting to a standard configuration, you can be sure that such a directory still exists in it.
  • When they are needed for the code to work. For example, in the extension code you access the directory attribute Nomenclature - Importer. Then this attribute must also be borrowed so that when connecting, you can be sure that in the standard configuration such attribute still exists in the directory Nomenclature.

Connecting an extension

You create an extension in the configurator. Once it has been debugged and tested, you can reject it by saving the extension to a *.cfe file.

You can send this file to the customer. The customer will independently upload it to his information base in 1C:Enterprise mode using the standard function Managing Configuration Extensions.

Working with extensions is available from the built-in language, so in the application solution you can create your own processing that will load extensions. To prevent everyone from playing around with extensions, we have added a new right - Administering Configuration Extensions.

When loading an extension from a file, it is saved in the infobase. Moreover, it is saved in the context of the current separator values ​​used in this session.

For the extension to work, the session must be restarted. When the session starts, just before the event is called SettingSessionParameters, all extensions stored in the infobase and corresponding to the current separator values ​​for this session will be connected.

As a result, when working in data sharing mode, the extension will be applied only to users of this specific subscriber. And if data separation is not used, then the extension will work for all users of the infobase.

When connecting an extension, as we have already said, it is checked that borrowed objects exist in the standard configuration. Objects are matched by name.

In addition, finer control is possible. You can control not only the very fact of the existence of objects, but also the state of their individual properties. That is, if you think about a restaurant and a steak, what may be important to you is not just the presence of a somehow cooked steak, but precisely the fact that here it is cooked rare, “rare.”

Returning to the extension, by default it does not control the properties of borrowed objects. But if necessary, you can make some properties controllable. For example, it is important for your algorithm that not only does there exist a directory Nomenclature, but also that its code has the type Line.

Then, if in a typical configuration the supplier changes the code type of this directory to Number, your extension will detect this at the time of connection and report an error.

An interesting point is related to the renaming of standard configuration objects. For example, you came to a restaurant, and instead of Steak written Steak. That is, when connecting to the configuration, the extension does not find a directory in it Nomenclature, because the vendor renamed it to Goods.

Now this situation is not a problem for you. And you don’t need to “shovel” all the extension code so that instead Nomenclature write Goods. Works also. Therefore, you just need to change the name of the borrowed object to Goods, and the platform will make the rest of the changes in the extension itself. Or with your minimal help.

Extension operation

You can talk for quite a long time about the features of expanding various objects, about the features of the operation of the extensions themselves. But we are limited by the scope of the review article, so we will only touch on the key and most revealing points.

The main “beauty” of extensions is, of course, not that you can add something to a standard configuration that is not there. The point is that in the extension you can change what is already there in the standard configuration. That is, you can change the properties of borrowed objects.

The basic concept used when configuration and extension work together can be described as follows. In those places where they do not intersect, the extension complements the configuration. In those places where they “intersect”, expansion is applied.

This can be seen in more detail using managed forms as an example. You can borrow a form from the main configuration and edit it in the extension without restrictions. For the visual part of the form and for its module, two different combining strategies are used.

The visual part of the form is fixed in the extension at the time of its borrowing. And in 1C:Enterprise mode, for each form element, changes relative to this state are analyzed in the standard configuration and in the extension.

If there were no changes, or they were only in the standard configuration, the value from the standard configuration is applied. In other cases, the value from the extension is used.

Thus, if you added a new command to the form in the extension, you will see it along with the other commands of the form. And if you changed the title of an existing group, then you will see your title even if the title of this group in the standard configuration is changed by the supplier.

Form modules use a different approach. For the borrowed form, the extension creates its own module with its own handlers for all events. In 1C:Enterprise mode, both form modules (from the standard configuration and from the extension) are combined in one context. For this reason, each extension has its own prefix, which is added to all event handlers in the form module. So that there are no coincidences with handlers from the standard configuration. After this, event and command handlers are called sequentially and synchronously. First, the extension handler. Then from the standard configuration. You can change this sequence, or completely prohibit the execution of the handler from the standard configuration.

In general, as for the joint operation of configuration and extension in 1C:Enterprise mode, they exist in a common namespace. This applies not only to individual modules, but also to the metadata trees themselves. Therefore, there is no way in 1C:Enterprise mode to determine whether this object is “native” for the standard configuration, or whether it came from an extension.

As for the other objects that you can use in the extension, everything looks much simpler for them.

In the extension you can create your own subsystems. Using borrowed objects, you can expand existing subsystems: add to them objects and subsystems that are already in the standard configuration, or those that you created in the extension. You cannot remove something from an existing subsystem.

You can expand roles only by adding objects created in the extension to them. You also cannot delete anything from an existing role. The same applies to the command interface.

Expansion is almost configuration

We said at the beginning that the extension is similar to the regular configuration. Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about how integrated the extensions are with other platform mechanisms.

An extension (like a regular configuration) has a main configuration and a database configuration. The mechanism for comparing and merging configurations works with extensions in the same way as with regular configurations.

You can upload the extension to a file (though with a different extension *.cfe), and load from the file. Extensions can be uploaded/loaded in XML.

Mechanisms for global search, replacement, and editing of interface texts also work with extensions.

There are new command line parameters for working with extensions, as well as new events in the log.

In the built-in language, the main object for working with extensions is ExtensionManagerConfiguration.

I was reproached that it is very difficult for beginners to understand how to manage extensions. You know, I really love criticism. Now, if those who reproached me for this would instead write such a message, what would I write?

Recently I talked about it. Today I’ll tell you about how to manage extensions in the Opera browser (I wrote this specifically for those who don’t read titles).

The extension buttons are located in the extensions panel to the right of the search, which is in the address bar to the right of the page address.
For example, this is what it looks like in my browser:

By hovering the mouse cursor over any extension icon and clicking right button, you will be able to see a menu like this:

Let's tell you what's what, going from top to bottom.
"Settings" - enter the extension settings.
"Disable" - disable the extension. You can turn it back on at any time. You can read how to do this just below after the words “how to enable the extension?”.
"Delete" - remove the extension from the browser.
“Manage extensions” - go to the browser settings, to the part where extensions are located. In addition, the settings for extensions installed in Opera can be accessed by clicking the "Opera" button in the upper left corner of the browser. And then select the “Extensions” column in the drop-down menu, and then “Manage extensions”:

Well, or just press "Ctrl + Shift + E".

"Customize" - configure the Opera interface.

It's time to go to "Manage Extensions" using any of the 3 methods described above.

There, in alphabetical order in a column, there are all the extensions that are installed in your browser.
For example, here is an interesting extension:

As you can see, each extension has 3 buttons: "Disable" (or "Enable"), "Delete" and "" ("Settings")".

If an application is disabled, its settings are not available:

As you have already noticed, the switched-off extension is located, as it were, behind frosted glass.

And if a new version of the application is released, another “Update” button will appear:

Let's look at what's what here.
"" ("Settings")" - by clicking on this link, you will go to the extension settings.
"Delete" - remove the extension.
"Disable" - disable the extension.
"Enable" - enable the extension.
"Update" - install a new version of the extension.

Now I’ll answer the question that I already wrote: “how to enable the extension?” As you understand, it is very simple. You need to enter the extension settings using any of the 3 methods I described, find the disabled extension and click “Enable”.

That's all. I hope that now you will not have any problems with enabling or disabling any extension. You just need to remember that often in order for the extension to actually “turn off”, you will need to refresh the page in the browser by clicking on “” (“Refresh”) or “Ctrl + R”.

And features that can be easily added to Google Chrome. Using extensions, you can configure the necessary functions in Google Chrome, freeing the browser from unnecessary elements that are not used.

What's so great about browser extensions?

Try Chrome Extensions

Visit the Chrome Web Store at to find interesting extensions. Once you find an extension you like, install it to try it out.

How to install Google Chrome extension

  1. A dialog box will appear with information about the type of data this extension will have access to. To give the extension access to the specified ones, click the Install button in the dialog box.

Extension installs and downloads automatically, so you can start using it right away.

Installing extensions from other websites

To add extension, follow these steps in Chrome:

  1. On the developer's website, click Add to Chrome to install the extension.
  2. Review and accept the permissions.
  3. Complete the installation by opening the New Tab page.

Note: Only add extensions from trusted sites.

If you are an administrator at a company, you can use to specify the URLs from which you are allowed to install extensions, apps, and themes.

Additional Information

  • Manage your extensions on the browser options page.
  • Sync your extensions: Use Google Chrome to save your extensions to your Google Account. This allows you to easily access them no matter what computer you use.
  • Remove extensions using the extensions page.

Anyone can upload products to the Chrome Web Store. Therefore, you should only install products created by users you trust. Review ratings and reviews of a product to determine its reliability.

Manage Extensions

Simply drag extension icons next to the address bar to regroup them in the browser toolbar.

To display more extension icons in your browser toolbar, you can expand extension icon area. Click the right edge of the address bar and drag it to the left. Likewise, to hide additional extensions, expand the Address Bar by dragging its right border to the right.

Click the button next to the Chrome menu to see additional extensions (if their icons are visible).

Manage all extensions

To open the extensions page, follow these steps:

Setting extension options

Some extensions may have additional parameters that you can edit. To view These settings on the extensions page click the link Options(if available) for the corresponding extension.

To display the extension in anonymous windows, check the box Allow in incognito mode for the corresponding extension.

Repairing a damaged extension

The message "This extension may be corrupt" means that the extension files may have been modified. To protect you, Chrome disables such extensions.

To fix the extension, follow these steps:

  1. In your browser, click Menu.
  2. Select ToolsExtensions.
  3. Find the damaged extension and click Repair.
  4. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the restore and grant permissions.
  5. Click Restore to restore, enable, and grant permissions to the extension.

Temporarily disabling extensions

You can enable disabled extensions at any time by returning to the extensions list. To use the extension after you re-enable it, you may need to refresh the page.

Removing Google Chrome extensions

To completely remove extension from browser, follow these steps:

You can disable an extension by disabling it on the Extensions page.

Undoubtedly, it is the most popular web browser. This is due to its cross-platform, multi-functionality, wide configuration and customization capabilities, as well as support for the largest number (in comparison with its competitors). It is precisely where the latter are located that will be discussed in this article.

The question of where extensions are located in Chrome may interest users for various reasons, but first of all it is required to view and manage them. Below we will talk about how to go to add-ons directly through the browser menu, as well as where the directory with them is stored on the disk.

Web browser menu extensions

Initially, the icons of all add-ons installed in the browser are displayed to the right of the search bar. By clicking on this icon, you can access the settings of a specific add-on and controls (if provided).

If desired or necessary, icons can be hidden, for example, so as not to clutter up the minimalist toolbar. The section itself with all the added components is hidden in the menu.

Here you can not only view all installed extensions, but also enable or disable them, remove them, and view additional information. For this purpose, corresponding buttons, icons and links are provided. It is also possible to go to the add-on page in the Google Chrome web store.

Folder on disk

Browser add-ons, like any program, write their files to the computer's disk, and they are all stored in one directory. Our task is to find her. In this case, you need to start from the version of the operating system installed on your PC. In addition, to get to the folder you are looking for, you will need to enable the display of hidden items.

  1. Go to the root of the system drive. In our case it is C:\.
  2. On the toolbar "Conductor" go to the tab "View", click on the button "Options" and select "Change folder and search options".
  3. In the dialog box that appears, also go to the tab "View", scroll through the list "Additional parameters" to the very end and place a marker opposite the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives".
  4. Click "Apply" And "OK" at the bottom of the dialog box to close it.
  5. Now you can proceed to search for the directory in which the extensions installed in Google Chrome are stored. So, in Windows 7 and 10 versions you will need to go to the following path:

    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions

    C:\ is the drive letter on which the operating system and the browser itself are installed (by default), in your case it may be different. Instead of "Username" you need to substitute your account name. Folder "Users", indicated in the path example above, in Russian-language editions of the OS is called "Users". If you don't know your account name, you can look it up in this directory.

    In Windows XP, the path to a similar folder will look like this:


    Additionally: If you go back a step (to the Default folder), you can see other browser add-on directories. IN "Extension Rules" And "Extension State" user-specified rules and settings of these software components are stored.

    Unfortunately, the names of the extension folders consist of an arbitrary set of letters (they are also displayed during the process of downloading and installing them in the web browser). You can only understand where and what add-on is located by looking at its icon and examining the contents of the subfolders.


This is how you can easily find out where the Google Chrome browser extensions are located. If you need to view them, configure them and access controls, you should refer to the program menu. If you need to access the files directly, simply go to the appropriate directory on the system drive of your PC or laptop.

Instructions for enabling extensions in the popular Opera browser. A detailed description of the actions that will allow any user to activate extensions of their favorite browser.

The Opera web browser is one of the most widespread products of its kind, so the developers of this brand have to optimize the browser to justify its high ratings. Each updated version of Opera is even more improved than the previous ones, and sometimes users can see new features and applications added to the browser. One such addition is the extensions feature in Opera.

What are Opera extensions?

Extensions are small add-ons that tend to work only in the browser. The purpose of such extensions is to perform certain functions to simplify work on the Internet. One of the most common extensions is an application that blocks ads while browsing in the browser. This allows you to significantly facilitate the user’s work by hiding annoying advertising on absolutely all sites that he visits. You can also name a number of extensions that perform the following functions:

  • downloading videos from various resources;
  • translation of web pages into any language;
  • saving passwords for certain sites;
  • antiviruses;
  • games.

This list can be continued for a long time, so anyone can go to the Opera website and install any application they need or like for free.

How to enable Opera extensions?

Many users are often interested in the question of how to enable extensions that are disabled in Opera. Below you will find step-by-step instructions for activating various extensions in your favorite browser. You need to remember that in new versions of Opera, the key combinations have changed when entering certain add-ons. For example, previously you could get to the browser settings by pressing F12, now you need to press Alt+P.

To enable extensions you must do the following:

Thus, enabling extensions in your browser is a fairly simple procedure. By devoting just a few seconds of your time, you can activate any useful application for Opera, which will greatly simplify your work with the browser. You can also go to “Menu” – “Extensions” – “Download extension” and install a new extension in your browser.

Therefore, if you are annoyed by advertising on the Internet or you are tired of looking for ways to download videos from various sites, then the right extension will be the best assistant in this situation. There is no need to despair if any extension in Opera is suddenly disabled. All you need to do is follow the instructions above. Then the necessary add-ons will be activated, which will make your work with the browser much easier and more interesting.