Last download. How to download a file

If from time to time you have problems searching your computer for files downloaded from the Internet, then in this article I will try to help you. I will tell you where files downloaded from the Internet are most often saved. Plus, let's see how you can change the save folder.

Naturally, the paths to save files that we download from the network may differ depending on the program. So, for example, when downloading by browser, one path is used, and torrent programs use another, and download managers, such as Download Master, use a third. But naturally, all folders in these programs for saving files can be reassigned for your convenience.

So, in this lesson we will look at the most popular programs and figure out how to change the default download and save path. In a word, we will make sure that all the files that we will download from the Internet are placed in one folder, for example, in “Downloads” on disk (D:).

In general, we will go according to the following scheme: we look at where everything downloaded at the moment is saved and immediately change this folder to the one that is more convenient for us.

Where are files downloaded from the Internet saved?

Let's start with the Google Chrome browser. To understand where it currently saves files, you need to go to its settings by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

Then go down a little lower and see that there is a “Downloads” option. Paragraph " Location of downloaded files" indicates where files downloaded from the Internet are currently saved.

By clicking on the “Change” button, we can select another folder, for example, “Downloads” on the drive (D:), as agreed.

The changes made have taken effect and now everything downloaded from the Internet will be saved in this folder.

I would like to draw your attention to the point: “ Prompt for a location to save each file before downloading", by checking the box next to which, each time we will have to select the folder into which we want to upload the file.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the scheme is similar. We need to go to settings by clicking on the appropriate items.

And immediately on the first tab “Basic” we see where the files are currently saved. In this case, this is the Downloads folder for saving files in Windows by default. It is located on the system disk.

I recommend changing this path using the “Browse” button. Or you can set the switch to " Always prompt to save files"And each time you download files, select the folder you need, as is the case with Google Chrome.

I think we’ll stop at browsers for now and see where files are saved in other programs, for example, uTorrent, which is used to download files from torrent trackers.

Having opened the program, we can select the download we need and press the “Enter” button on the keyboard and the folder into which the file is downloaded, or already downloaded, will immediately open. This is the easiest way to find the file we are downloading in uTorrent.

And then go to the “Folders” tab, you can choose the paths that are convenient for you, both for saving downloaded files and for those that are still being downloaded.

The last thing we'll look at today is Download Master, which is used to download files from the Internet, replacing the standard download manager from the browser.

You need to open the main window of the Download Master program and follow the path “ Tools - Settings».

And on the “Downloads” tab, see where all downloaded files are saved, and if necessary, change this path using the button of the same name.

In fact, you can find out absolutely in any program that is designed for downloading files, or has a built-in function for these purposes, for example, in browsers. Well, if necessary, you can go to settings to change this path.

I hope now downloaded files from the Internet will not get lost on your computer. And everything will be fine. Good luck.

Many novice users are interested in how to find a file on a computer. Windows 7 or any other operating system is not that important. The principle of searching for documents on a computer is approximately the same. Especially when it comes to the Windows platform. In general, there are quite a few options for action. They are all very simple. But you will have to not only study them, but also understand some of the features of the search. So how to find file and folders in Windows 7? What does the user need to know about this process? Perhaps this procedure can be done even by those who are not yet familiar with the computer at all.

About search

The first thing you should pay attention to is that search in Windows is carried out, as a rule, without additional software. This is a standard feature found on all operating systems. You don't have to download additional programs to help you search for information on your PC.

How to find a file on your computer? Windows 7 or any other version of the operating system is not so important. You need to understand that the process is extremely simple. It is enough to know the name of the file or folder you want to find. And do not fall for offers on the Internet that supposedly allow you to quickly search for information on your computer. It has already been said - no additional programs are needed for this!

Location address

How to search for files in Windows 7? As soon as the data reaches the computer, it is assigned a special address. It is through this that information is searched. All documents in the operating system have a similar component. There is not a single file on the computer without an address.

Typically it consists of the name of the hard drive partition on which the document is located, followed by the path to the desired object. It consists of folders. For example: C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/host/.

Accordingly, the “host” document is located in the etc folder, which is placed in drivers. That, in turn, is located in a folder called “system32”, located in Windows on partition hard drive C. If you know the exact location of the document, you can quickly find it. This is why some recommend finding out or file. It can be used in the future. But more on that a little later. First, you should figure out how to find a file on your computer (Windows 7).


The first method is well suited when either the location of the document is known, or there is simply not the slightest idea of ​​what exactly the search subject is correctly called. We are talking about independent detection of a document in the operating system. It’s enough just to study the files and folders on your computer and think about where exactly this or that document might be located. This method is called the “poke method”. Extremely unstable. But if the user has at least an approximate guess about where this or that information may be stored, such a solution can help.

If you know the exact location address, you can simply go to it. On the computer, the user searches for the hard drive partition he needs and the folder in which the document is located. Next comes the opening of the latter. Inside, a specific file is manually searched.

Exact navigation to address

But this is only the first scenario. In practice, it is not often used if the user is not sure of the location of the document. How to find a file on your computer? Windows 7 offers one clever and interesting trick. It will only work when the exact location of the document is known.

It is not at all necessary to manually open all the folders in which the file is attached. If you have an exact location address, you can quickly open the source of the document. To do this, it is best to open "Libraries". Next, copy the file address into the address bar and press Enter. A folder will open in which this or that document or another folder is attached.

That is, when you need to find a host, you need to copy the inscription “C:/..../etc” into the address bar. Then the etc folder will open, in which you will need to manually find the required document. Nothing difficult or special. But so far we have considered situations in which the address is either known exactly or is known approximately. What to do if there is no such information?

Via "Start"

How to find files on a Windows computer (XP, 7, 8, 10 - it's not that important)? In general, you need to use a standard operating system function. It's called "Search". It is enough to know the name of the document that should be found.

The first way to actually do a quick search is to use the Start panel. How does an idea come to life with this opportunity? The user must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Click on the "Start" button in the left corner of the screen. A small menu will open.
  2. At the bottom of the service there is an empty field with a magnifying glass. On some operating systems, it says “Search programs and files.” You need to click there once with the left mouse button.
  3. A slider cursor will appear. In the field you need to type the name of the file, program or folder.
  4. Press Enter and wait for the results.

Nothing more is needed. A few seconds of waiting - and the results will appear on the monitor. Perhaps using "Start" is the most common option. But there are other ways. Searching for files on your computer in Windows 7 is carried out using different methods.

Through additional windows

You can implement your idea within a specific folder. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Typically, the method helps when the user knows the approximate location of the document.

You must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the root folder in which the document may be located.
  2. In the upper right corner, find a field with a magnifying glass.
  3. Type the address or document name.
  4. View the search results.

In example c, the situation will look like this: the user opens partition of drive C, then in Explorer finds the message “Search: Local disk (C:)”. In this field you need to write host and wait until all documents containing this word are found. Next, a specific document is manually searched among the entire list.


But that's not all. How to quickly find a file on your computer? Windows 7 or any other version of Windows is not so important. At least when it comes to newer types of Windows. You can use one trick. It will help you quickly find what you need among the results. The method is based on the previous method. We are talking about specifying search parameters.

The fact is that if you do not use filters, then often when searching you will have to look through a lot of documents and folders. It’s clear how to find a file on your computer. How to find what you need among the search results?

In this situation it is suggested:

  1. Perform a search in a particular folder.
  2. Click on the search bar in the upper right corner of the window.
  3. Select the required filters and set their parameters. In this case, there is no need to erase the name of the file or folder. For example, you can select the document type. In the case of host, this is .txt.
  4. Press Enter and look at the results again.

Accordingly, all documents and files that meet all search parameters will appear on the screen. This is how the built-in Windows function for quickly detecting the necessary software is implemented.

Search service

Now it’s clear how to find a file on your computer (Windows 7). But there is another option for the development of events. You can call a separate search service on your computer. To do this, you need to press a certain key combination. Then the entire operating system will be scanned and searched.

When using the standard function, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Press Win+F. A window with a bluish background will open. This is the standard Windows search engine.
  2. In the search bar (upper right corner, field with a magnifying glass), type the name of the file or folder.
  3. The user must press Enter and wait for the results. You can work with search filters in advance. This will reduce the results returned.

By content

There is one more, last trick. It's called "search inside files and folders in Windows 7". Many users are familiar with it. To bring it to life, you need:

  1. Open this or that document/folder.
  2. Press Ctrl+F.
  3. In the field that appears on the right side of the screen, enter the name of the document/folder/word.
  4. Click on "Enter".

This method is often used when working with Word. It not only helps you search for data in text, but also helps you search for documents.

If from time to time you have problems searching your computer for files downloaded from the Internet, then in this article I will try to help you. I will tell you where files downloaded from the Internet are most often saved. Plus, let's see how you can change the save folder.

Naturally, the paths to save files that we download from the network may differ depending on the program. So, for example, when downloading by browser, one path is used, and torrent programs use another, and download managers, such as Download Master, use a third. But naturally, all folders in these programs for saving files can be reassigned for your convenience.

So in this tutorial we will look at where are the files saved? in the most popular programs, and we’ll look at how to change the default download and save path. In a word, we will make sure that all the files that we will download from the Internet are placed in one folder, for example, in “Downloads” on disk (D:).

In general, we will go according to the following scheme: we look at where everything downloaded at the moment is saved and immediately change this folder to the one that is more convenient for us.


Where are files downloaded from the Internet saved?

Let's start with the Google Chrome browser. To understand where it currently saves files, you need to go to its settings by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

Then go down a little lower and see that there is a “Downloads” option. The “Location of downloaded files” item indicates where files downloaded from the Internet are currently saved.

By clicking on the “Change” button, we can select another folder, for example, “Downloads” on the drive (D:), as agreed.

The changes made have taken effect and now everything downloaded from the Internet will be saved in this folder.

I would like to draw your attention to the point: “ Prompt for a location to save each file before downloading", by checking the box next to which, each time we will have to select the folder into which we want to upload the file.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the scheme is similar. We need to go to settings by clicking on the appropriate items.

And immediately on the first tab “Basic” we see where the files are currently saved. In this case, this is the Downloads folder for saving files in Windows by default. It is located on the system disk.

I recommend changing this path using the “Browse” button. Or you can set the switch to " Always prompt to save files"And each time you download files, select the folder you need, as is the case with Google Chrome.

I think we’ll stop at browsers for now and see where files are saved in other programs, for example, uTorrent, which is used to download files from torrent trackers.

Having opened the program, we can select the download we need and press the “Enter” button on the keyboard and the folder into which the file is downloaded, or already downloaded, will immediately open. This is the easiest way to find the file we are downloading in uTorrent.

And then go to the “Folders” tab, you can choose the paths that are convenient for you, both for saving downloaded files and for those that are still being downloaded.

The last thing we'll look at today is Download Master, which is used to download files from the Internet, replacing the standard download manager from the browser.

You need to open the main window of the Download Master program and follow the path “Tools - Settings”.

And on the “Downloads” tab you can see where all downloaded files are saved, and if necessary, change this path using the button of the same name.

In fact, you can find out where are the files saved? absolutely in any program that is designed for downloading files, or has a built-in function for these purposes, for example, in browsers. Well, if necessary, you can go to settings to change this path.

I hope now downloaded files from the Internet will not get lost on your computer. And everything will be fine. Good luck.


Have you downloaded a file from the Internet to your computer and can’t open it because you can’t find it? Let's look at how the search and management functionality for downloaded files works in browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.

To search for downloads in Mozilla Firefox, click on the arrow icon - the downloads panel will open. In the window that appears, you see the three most recently downloaded files, and to view all downloads, activate the “Show all downloads” item. Open the required download by double-clicking on the file.

If the list of downloads is cleared, but you definitely remember that you downloaded the file through a muff, go to the “Settings” window on the “Basic” tab. Look at the path to save files in the downloads section. Next, find your file in the “Downloads” folder, following the prompt. In Mozilla Firefox, by default this is where internet downloads go.

In the Opera web browser, similar to Mozilla Firefox, downloads are opened through the “Downloads” panel, which is located in the upper right corner. Click on the arrow and you will see a list of recent downloads.

Click "More details" - all "Downloads" will open. Pay attention to its functionality. The presence of active buttons “Open” and “Show in folder” greatly simplifies working with files downloaded from the network. By default, all downloads through Opera go to the “downloads” folder - this is also suggested by the address bar of the main “Downloads” window.

Downloads in Google Chrome, unlike mastic and opera, are located at the bottom and are highlighted during the download process. Open the downloaded file by clicking on it through the pop-up download panel. By default, files are saved in the Documents library in the Downloads folder - use this information if the panel disappears from view.

Hi all!

Each computer contains a lot of different applications, some of which are necessary and some that are unnecessary. It is extremely difficult to understand them.

From time to time they need to be reinstalled or deleted as unnecessary, but before that they still need to be found.

And today I would like to tell you about how to find a program on a computer.

The treasured “Start” button

There is also another way to get on the list. However, to use it, you will again need to click on the “Start” button. In the window that opens for you, you will find a section called “Control Panel”, click on this inscription and go into it.

Now you need the Programs and Features section. It will take you to a list containing a list of programs installed on your PC. The list will be in the form of a table in which absolutely all applications, their installation date, version, size, and publisher company will be indicated in strict alphabetical order.

Hover your mouse over the application and click on it, select the action to perform (you can restore, delete, change it). But before you uninstall, remember that a deleted program cannot be restored if you do not have the installation file.

In the same menu you can also view installed updates. To do this, select the “show updates” option. After this, you will see a list where you will be asked to familiarize yourself with all the updates. They can be removed or installed.

If you cannot find the Programs and Features section in Control Panel, in this situation you should use the search function (usually the search is at the top).

Enter a keyword or the full name of the section you are looking for in the appropriate field and go to the page with the results. Often, this process does not cause difficulties: what you are looking for should be at the very first place on the list.

Using the search function it is easy to find the program. It is advisable to know what drive it is on. As a rule, this is drive C. Specifying the desired drive will dramatically reduce the search time. It is not necessary to enter the full name of the program; enter only those words from the name that you are 100% sure of! If you make a mistake, you will definitely not find anything.

That's all, actually! If the described manipulations cause you some difficulties, and you still want to be on friendly terms with your computer, then take the course “ Computer genius"! This course is perfect for you if you:

  • Do you want to have a profitable job that requires knowledge of office programs?
  • Have basic computer skills but would like to improve your computer literacy.
  • You are just starting to use a PC and don’t know anything about it and its capabilities.

In just a few months of training you can become a real computer genius!

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Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan