Google dox login. Google Docs - what is it? What is Google Docs and its purpose

Google took care of its users by integrating the MS Word text editor into the Google Drive service.

The result is a good free text editor “in the cloud”, with which you can not only type, edit, print reports or other documents, but also instantly send them. These are Google Docs documents.

Why did I write: “Google took care of its users”? Yes, yes, Google provides its services only to those users who have their own Google account, or rather, have their own mailbox on something like this Nadezda @

If you don’t have an email account on Google, then create one. The main thing is to come up with a suitable login and password for your email.

I write everything below for those who have (or will have) their own Google account.

1. What can you do in Google Docs?

Google documents online have almost the same functionality as in the usual local Word from Microsoft (MS Word), namely:

  • The mobility of Google Dox is useful for those who move and work with documents where it is convenient and where there is an Internet connection. You can continue working on a document even if you are disconnected from the Internet.
  • Want to create documents from scratch? Easily! In addition, it is possible to upload regular Word documents from your computer and edit them.
  • Documents in html, txt, odt, rtf, doc, docx, pdf formats are uploaded to Google Dox.
  • You can work as a whole team on a document: just send your colleagues a link to the document.
  • All changes in the document are logged and in an unexpected case, when, for example, “a cat walked across the keyboard,” you can “roll back” to the previous version of the document.
  • You can work with Google Docs documents on Android and iOS devices. To do this, you will need to install the corresponding free Google Docs application on your Android or iOS device.

2. Google Docs tools for working with text

The first thing to note is the ability to write text, perhaps this is the most important thing.

There are also tools that allow you to work with text:

  • color,
  • size,
  • fonts,
  • alignment,
  • formatting,
  • spell checking,
  • inserting tables, figures,
  • and "children's" opportunities.

3. How to create a google document

Before you start working with the text, you should write it or download it, for example, from your computer. Let's try to create a new document, as they say, “from scratch.” So, this can be done as follows.

Enter your username and password.

2) Click on the “Create” button located in the left vertical menu (number 1 in Fig. 1), after which a list will appear in which we select Google documents (Docs).

The same can be done using the Shift + t keys.

Rice. 1. In Google Drive, find a GoogleDocument and create it

After you enter text, you can style it or “comb it.” Let's start with styles. We are invited to format our text as regular text, with headings and even make a table of contents.

If you place the cursor in any place in the text or select any part of the text, then in the window marked with number 1 in Fig. 2, the style that matches the marked text will immediately appear.

Rice. 2. How to change text styles: Plain text, Heading, subtitle, etc.

In Fig. 2 the text “Punish me with contempt” is highlighted and in window 1 in Fig. 2 you can see that this is “Plain text”.

To make a document title, you need to select the corresponding text and click on “Title” (number 3 in Fig. 2), it will have the largest font. This is usually the title of a book or project.

The following chapters can be made in the text:
Heading 1 – number 5 in Fig. 2,
Heading 2 – number 6 in Fig. 2, smaller font than Heading 1,
Heading 3 – number 7 in Fig. 2, smaller font than Heading 2.

In addition to headings, there may be subheadings - number 4 in Fig. 2.

5. Automatic table of contents

1) After the text is marked up using the above styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.), you can create a Table of Contents for the entire document.

2) Place the cursor in the place where the table of contents will be, usually this is the beginning of the text.
3) Go to the “Insert” menu (number 8 in Fig. 2).
4) There we select the last menu item – “Table of Contents”.

This will automatically generate a table of contents for the text.

6. Select the text font

Fonts are created by designers and have a specific license. You cannot add it for the Russian language - this is considered a violation of copyright. Therefore, in the Google Dox service there is a choice of free fonts for which the service has the right to use.

Rice. 3. How to change the font in Google Docs

To select a font, select the text (number 1 in Fig. 3). And then click on the list with fonts (number 2 in Fig. 3), and select the one you need (for example, number 3 in Fig. 3).

What is in Fig. 3, the checkbox next to the Arial font means that the selected text (number 1 in Fig. 3) is typed in this particular font.

Just click anywhere in your text and the Google Docs Toolbar (number 2 in Fig. 3) will tell you everything about this text: what font it has, color, font size, style, etc.

7. Text font size

To change the font size of text in a Google Docs document, you need to select the desired piece of text (number 1 in Fig. 4), and then click on the appropriate font size from the drop-down list (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. How to change the font size of text in a Google Docs document

If there is no suitable size for the selected text, for example, 13 or 20, then click in the field marked with number 2 in Fig. 4, and enter the desired font size there.

8. Text formatting

If you want to format the text, first be sure to select the part of the text that you want to “comb” using formatting, and then click on any formatting option (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Buttons for formatting text in Google Dox

As can be seen in Fig. 5, the following formatting options are available:

  • B- Bold

To make an important part of the text bold, you need to select (in other words, paint over) this text, and then click on the “B” icon, or press the hot keys Ctrl+B.

If you need to remove the bold text and make it regular text, select this text and click on the “B” icon, or press Ctrl+B.

  • I- Italics

If you select the text and then click the " I", or press the hot keys Ctrl+ I, then the text will also become inclined(highlighted italics).

To remove italics from text, you need to select the italic text and use the “ I", or the Ctrl+ keys I.

  • U - Stressed

Select part of the text and click on the “ U", or press Ctrl+ U, the text becomes underlined.

Didn't like it underlined text? Select (paint over) it and use the “ U", or the Ctrl+ keys U.

  • A- Text color

First of all, select the text, and then you can change the font color or background color for the selected text

9. Change text color and background

To change the color or background of text, first select the section you want. Then click the button on the toolbar, select “Text Color” or “Background Color” and specify a color.

Rice. 6. Change the text color, text background color

The Google Dox service offers to stylize text by changing its color and background. To do this, just select the required area of ​​text and click on the button with the image of an underlined capital letter “ A”, after which a list will drop out (Fig. 6), in which you can select the appropriate font color and background.

10. Comments on the text for editing

If any text causes you doubts, then you can mark it: select it, click “Insert comment” (Ctrl + Alt + M) and indicate the reason, so that later it will be clear what needs to be corrected.

Rice. 7 Insert comments on selected text to explain corrections that need to be made

This can also be useful when several people are working on the same document.

11. Other formatting tools

You are writing an article in which you want to cite a source that confirms your words, then click on the “Insert link” button, then enter the text of the link, and add it in the field below.

Rice. 8 Formatting tools in Google Doc

There is also a situation where it is necessary to align the text. Most often this is a heading that needs to be placed in the center. To perform this procedure, select the desired area and from the top menu choose how you want to align: left, center or right.

From left to right there are buttons:

  • Align text left (Ctrl+Shift+L)
  • Center (Ctrl+Shift+E)
  • Right Align (Ctrl+Shift+R)
  • Align Left (Ctrl+Shift+L)

To perform Alignment, select the desired area and in the top menu choose how you want to align: left, center or right.

4 in Fig. 8 - Line spacing (or Line spacing)

There is no need to select anything here, just click on the “Line spacing” button and select the required indentation; by default it is 1. You can also set the spacing yourself: click on the “Adjust spacing” button and adapt it to suit you.

5 in Fig. 8 - Numbered list (Ctrl+Shift+7)

Are you creating a menu for a restaurant that includes different types of salads? Of course, this is where a list tool comes in handy. You can choose a bulleted or numbered list. You can also change its design: click on the dropbox (arrow) next to the one you want to select.

6 in Fig. 8 - Bulleted list (Ctrl+Shift+8)
7 in Fig. 8 -Decrease indentation (Ctrl+[)
Increase indent (Ctrl+])
8 in Fig. 8 -Clear formatting (Ctrl+Space)

12. Google document viewing modes

Despite their uselessness when creating files, it’s still worth familiarizing yourself with them, in case they come in handy.

In the “View” menu (Fig. 9) you can select different document viewing modes.

Rice. 9 Google Doc Viewing Modes

This tool will be needed in any case, since you can go into viewing mode and see what the final document will be like, and then return to editing and correct any errors found.

13. Insert

Rice. 10 You can insert a table of maximum 20x20

Using the “Insert” tool (number 1 in Fig. 10) you can insert

  • image,
  • table or
  • formula
  • and also make a footnote, used in books to explain something.

You can also work with pages: add a table of contents, numbering, bookmarks. As you can see, there are enough tools to write your book.

14. Useless buns

Of course, it’s hard to believe that such a serious service will include children’s buns. Yes, they are quite unchildish. But they can be called that because they harm the document.

This is a translation of a document through Google Translator, as well as a spell check. You shouldn't use them. It's better to pay a little and get quality results.

15. Allow your colleagues to help you with your work

To do this, you need to give them access to the Google document.

Rice. 11 We give access to Google documents to our colleagues

You can make your work publicly available. To do this, in the upper right corner, click on the “Access Settings” button (number 1 in Fig. 11), go to “Advanced” settings (number 4 in Fig. 11) and configure the file access level (number 3 in Fig. 11) .

Setting up access is also useful if several people are working on a Google document, when there is team work. You can add people who will subsequently have the right to edit, read and comment on the document. A very useful tool if used correctly.

16. Saving and other features

The main feature of Google Docs is that the file is saved automatically in Google Drive and you don’t have to press the “Save” or Shift + f12 button every time, as in MS Word.

For each Google document, a history of changes is saved (number 5 in Fig. 11) and there is a chance to find a normal copy, where everything was not as bad as it became.

You can also rename the Google document, and also download it to your computer in various formats.

In addition to these functions, the service allows you to print a document to a printer directly from the cloud: in the top menu there is a button with an image of a printer (number 1 in Fig. 9), after clicking on it, a page with file settings for printing will open.

In Fig. 9 you can see that in the top menu there is not only “File”, but also “Help”. By clicking on this option, you can get even more information than what is stated above.

Computer Literacy Exercise

Dear Colleagues! Checking the operation of Google Docs. To do this, follow the link:

We print a couple of lines of text. Is Google Doc working?

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The Google Document service allows you to work with text files in real time. By connecting your colleagues to work on a document, you can jointly edit, design and use it. There is no need to save files on your computer. You can work on a document anywhere, anytime, using the devices you have. Today we will take a look at creating a Google Doc.

To work with Google Docs, you need to sign in to your account.

1. On the Google home page, click the services icon (as shown in the screenshot), click “More” and select “Documents”. In the window that appears, you will see all the text documents that you will create.

2. Click the big red “+” button at the bottom right of the screen to start working with a new document.

3. Now you can create and edit a file in the same way as in any text editor, with the only difference that you do not need to save the document - this happens automatically. If you want to save the original document, click “File”, “Make a copy”.

Now let's adjust the access settings for other users. Click "Access Settings" as shown in the screenshot above. If the file did not have a name, the service will ask you to specify one.

Click on the drop-down list and determine what those users who receive a link to it can do with the document - edit, view or comment. Click "Done".

Which editor is best for document collaboration?

There are currently two most popular in the world free editor for collaborative work with text on the network: Google Docs and Word Online. At first glance, they seem very similar in functionality and almost equal in capabilities. And making an informed choice between them is quite difficult. Typically, those who use One Drive choose Word Online, and Google Drive users use Google Docs.

In this article, we will analyze in detail what features each editor has, so that the reader gets a detailed idea of ​​their functionality and chooses the solution that is most suitable for him.

Ability to edit documents without authorization in a Google/Microsoft account

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 1:1.

History of changes

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 2:2.

Chat inside a document

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: Yes (appeared a week ago).
Check: 3:3 .

Available formats for downloading documents

Office Online: PDF, ODT, DOCX.
Check: 4:3 .

Integration with file storage

Google Docs: Yes (Google Drive).
Word Online: Yes (One Drive, Yandex.Disk).
Check: 5:4 .

Ability to work with the application without an Internet connection

Google Docs: Yes (if you use the Chrome browser, you can work with Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet and Google Slides offline).
Word Online: No.
Check: 6:4.

Ability to open application files offline

Google Docs: no (files created by Google applications and located on Google Drive can only be opened by these applications).
Word Online: yes (files created in Word Online and located on One Drive can be opened in MS Office, Pages, etc.).
Check: 6:5.


Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: There is.
Check: 7:6.

Possibility to print the document

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 8:7 .

Sending documents by mail directly from a text editor

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 9:8.


Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 10:9.

Inserting Math Formulas

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: No.
Check: 11:9.

The ability to draw a picture without leaving the editor (for example, a flowchart)

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: No.
Check: 12:9.


Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: There is.
Check: 13:10 .

Ability to view only the document structure (headings)

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: No.
Check: 14:10 .

Ability to move a file to another folder in cloud storage without leaving the text editor

Google Docs: There is.
Office Online: no (but you can log into One Drive very quickly from Word Online).
Check: 15:10


Google Docs: there are (hundreds).
Word Online: yes (20 pieces).
Check: 16:10 .

Formulas in tables

Google Docs: No.
Word Online: No.
Check: 16:10 .


Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: No.
Check: 17:10.

Character counter

Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: no (but there is a word counter, which could possibly be switched to a character counter, but I haven't found how).
Check: 18:10.

Inserting pictures using links from the Internet

Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: There is.
Check: 19:11.

iOS app

Google Docs: There is .
Office Online: There is .
Check: 20:12.

Android app

Google Docs: There is .
Office Online: There is .
Check 21:13 .

Windows Phone app

Google Docs: there is, but it is from a third-party developer and its functionality is very limited.
Office Online: There is .
Check: 21:14.

Integration with Sway

Sway is a new product in the MS Office family (released just a year ago). It allows you to make reports, presentations, dashboards and other visual tools to present your ideas on the Internet.
Google Docs: no (Google doesn’t have any analogues to Sway yet).
Office Online: There is.
Check: 21:15 .

Skype chat integration

Google Docs: no (but documents can be attached to Hangouts chat).
Office Online: There is.
Check: 21:16.


Google Docs: Yes (Google Apps Script allows you to automate any user actions in Google Docs and link the editor with other Google applications).
Word Online: No.
Check: 21:16 .

Ability to add your own commands to the menu

Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: No.
Check: 22:16.

Ability to expand functionality using add-ons

Google Docs: There is.
Word Online: No.
Check: 23:16.

User-friendly interface

Google Docs: the highest score. Google Docs appeared in 2006 and was created in the image of Office 2003. Since then, the general appearance of the application has changed little. I believe that this principle of arranging menus and text in the editor is the most convenient.
Word Online: will do.
Check: This parameter is completely subjective and is not taken into account.

Bottom line

Google Docs is ahead of Office Online in terms of functionality. It has almost twice as many different nice features. But you can do without them. If you just need to co-edit a document with several people, then Microsoft's editor has everything you need for this. In addition, new features are being added to Word Online much more actively than in Google Docs, and the web application is rapidly improving. I really hope that he will soon stop writing messages “Your session has expired” and demanding that you refresh the page.

But if you need to automate your work, use a translator, recognize speech (this is possible thanks to the add-on) and do other non-standard things, then you will have to use Google Docs. Or regular MS Word, if there is no need to edit documents together via the Internet.


Google Docs/Office Online has a number of less popular analogues. If you do not want to share your data with any of the corporations, then look for information about the following applications (many of them can be deployed on your server and allow completely private work on documents as a team):

  • Zoho Docs;
  • Teamlab Office;
  • Libre Office Online;
  • Feng Office Community Edition
  • Zimbra.

Many users think that you can only type simple texts in Google Doc. This is wrong.

It provides many features that help you work with documents just as efficiently as Microsoft Office.

The service provides 1 Gb of free storage for imported files, as well as unlimited space for documents.

Working with Google Doc is possible without an Internet connection. The files are also available offline; after connecting to the network, they are automatically updated on the server.

Offline access is possible via the Google Chrome browser.

To make sure you have offline access, you need to click the gear icon in the top right corner of the page and open Settings.

Note! The advantage of Google Doc is the full compatibility of all documents created in it, which cannot be said about Microsoft Office.

If you created a document in a Microsoft office and sent it by mail to another user for revision, it is not a fact that he will have a suitable version of the program.

Google Doc allows you to work with all popular file formats.

To give other users access to edit or read a document, select the file and click “Open access to object.”

Google Doc

The free online Google Documents application is designed for creating and editing text files. The toolbar is similar in many ways to Word.

To create an online text document, go to the Google Drive website, click “Create” and select “Document”.

A new text document will open into which you can enter text and use the familiar copy and paste methods.

Note! The service provides an opportunity. Incorrect words are underlined with a red dotted line. To see suggested words for replacement, open the context menu for the underlined word and select the one you need.

Main features:

  • Ability to download a document from Word;
  • Implementation of a large number of formatting options;
  • Granting rights to view and edit files to other users;
  • Saving the history of document changes;
  • Ability to save Google documents as a Word, HTML, RTF, PDF, OpenOffice, ZIP file;
  • Sending a document by email.

Google Sheets

Most users work with text documents, but when processing a huge amount of data is necessary, Google Dox Sheets come to the rescue.

They firmly hold their position among business software, as they allow you to perform tasks related to various calculations without programming.

For those who use Microsoft Excel, Google spreadsheets will not cause any difficulties.

In terms of functionality, they are slightly inferior to Excel, while remaining an equally effective tool that allows you to simplify and automate calculations.

To create a table in Google Docs, go to the website, click “Create” and select “Table”. A new document will be created.

By default, a spreadsheet document always contains one sheet. To add a new one, click “+” on the bottom panel.

You can enter words and numbers into Google Sheets cells, as well as insert images.

Headings, summary indicators and other important information can be highlighted in bold, color or any other expressive means.

Formatting tools are duplicated in the Format menu and on the toolbar.

Borders are assigned using the “Borders” button on the toolbar.

Main features:

  • Import Excel, CSV, TXT, ORV files into Google Doc spreadsheets;
  • Convenient formula editor for calculating and formatting data;
  • Editing a table together with other users;
  • Adding graphs and charts;
  • Possibility of embedding tables into a website.

Google presentations

Presentation is the ideal tool for presenting any information. Typically, a presentation is shown to an audience using a projector or displayed on user monitors.

When creating Google presentations from scratch, the online editor always adds 1 title slide. The user can specify a title and subtitle.

A new slide is added after the selected frame (in a blue frame).

When multiple slides are selected, the insert will appear after the last one selected. To add a new frame, click the “New Slide” button.

If you use the small arrow to the right of the button, you can select the slide type.

You can insert any Google documents into a Google presentation, as well as publish the finished work on the Internet for the general public.

In the settings form, enter the slide size you need, the transition time between slides, and also indicate how the show will start - automatically or by your command.

Main features:

  • Creating and editing presentations;
  • Collaborate on a presentation with friends or colleagues;
  • Ability to import PPTX and PPS files;
  • Saving presentations in PDF, JPG, PPT, SVG formats;
  • Adding graphics and videos;
  • Possibility of publication on the website.

How to Create a Survey Form in Google Drive

You can create a survey using Google Forms. At the end of the work, it can be sent to newsletter subscribers or embedded in a website page.

At the same time, you will receive statistics on the answers in a convenient form.

To create a Google Docs survey, click the “Create” button and select “Form”. In the dialog that opens, specify the title of the form and the theme.

To start adding questions, click “Ok”.

The "Submit" button causes the form to be submitted. In the window that appears, you will see a link.

It can be sent by email, shared on social media, or shared with users whose opinions you want to hear.

Google Docs: Getting Acquainted

You urgently need to edit a document, and you are sitting at someone else’s computer... or maybe Office on your computer has stopped working... But there is a way out! These are online offices that require only the Internet and a browser to work with!

How to create a document in Google docs? In some companies, as well as among ordinary users, from time to time there is a need to view and edit common documents. For example, you sent your partner to the grocery store. Instead of paper lists, you can use a document that is accessible to your online accounts.

This opportunity is provided by the Google service. To use this option, you must be signed up for Google Drive. Gmail users have this feature by default. If necessary, you can separately create an account on Google Drive.

2. If you have not yet logged into your account, please do so now.

3. In the menu on the left, select the “New” button.

4. In the drop-down menu, you can create directories to organize file storage, upload files, create documents and tables, presentations and other things.

5. Select “Google Docs” - “Blank document” - this function creates a clean, empty document. When you select "From template" you can create documents using templates.

6. An editor window will open, reminiscent of some of the features of Microsoft Office Word. To begin, enter the file name of your document in the upper left corner.

7. Type the required text. The service automatically saves changes quickly.

8. After closing the editor window, you can see the results of your work in the My Drive section in the general list of files.