Installing windows 10 enterprise from a flash drive. A black screen appears during the installation process. Activation of Windows: terms of the license agreement

Many users know how to install Windows 10 using an installation CD. But now new computers increasingly lack a drive optical disks, which creates some difficulties during installation operating system, because now for this you must use bootable USB flash drive.

If you also encounter similar problem, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material. Here we looked in detail at the entire process of installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive. Using this material, you can easily install Windows 10 on a computer without an optical drive.

Preparing a flash drive for installing Windows 10

If you need to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, then you need to start by preparing a bootable flash drive that will be used during the installation process. You can prepare such a flash drive different ways. You can explore some of these methods in other articles on this site, for example:

Here we will look at only one, the most popular and common way to create a bootable flash drive, which is to use. This program designed to work with disk images in ISO format, as well as in other popular formats. WITH using UltraISO You can perform almost any operation that is generally possible with disk images. The only downside to UltraISO is that it paid program(a license costs about $30). But UltraISO has a free one trial period, which can be used to create installation flash drive Windows 10

Installation of each new Windows release It is easier to perform than the previous one and requires less and less effort from the user. WITH Windows release 10 this task has become even simpler: now, to install an operating system on a computer, you don’t need any special knowledge or sophisticated applications. You don’t even need a Windows distribution kit - the installation program has “learned” to download it itself. She herself creates installation media- DVD or flash drive. The user can only respond to requests and follow instructions that are clear even to those who do it for the first time.

Today we will tell you how to clean Windows installation 10 on any laptop and desktop PC. A clean installation means installing an OS on a medium that does not contain an operating system (for example, on new computer or formatted HDD). Or where it exists, but is subject to complete overwriting without saving installed software, accounts and settings. By the way, don’t worry about the license: if you install a system to replace a legally activated one, you can keep it. And we will not hide from you what needs to be done for this.

What you will need

  • Bootable recording media Windows distribution 10. It can be a USB flash drive of 3 GB or more, a DVD, a portable or internal hard drive. Since the vast majority of users prefer to install Windows from a flash drive, we will consider this method as the main one.
  • or a set of files.
  • Transfer utility system files to the installation media. If you are going to install Windows 10 on a PC with UEFI (an improved “BIOS”), you can do without it - you just need to copy the distribution files and folders to a flash drive. By the way, in Windows 8 and 10 ISO image can be opened in Explorer as a regular folder, but in a more early systems To do this, you will need a special application, for example, any archiver program.
  • The computer on which you will prepare the bootable USB flash drive.

Preparing a flash drive

If you don’t have a pre-prepared Tens distribution, it’s easier and more convenient to have Microsoft Media Creation Tools download it and burn it to a flash drive or DVD.

The utility does not require installation on a PC; you just need to run it with administrator rights.

After launching Media Creation Tool s:

  • In the “License Terms” window, click “Accept”.

  • To the question “What do you want to do?” We answer: “Create media for another computer.”

  • In the “Selecting parameters” section, we determine the system language, edition (“home for one PC” or “Windows 10”) and architecture (bit) - 64 or 32. If the selection options are inactive, the “Use recommended settings” checkbox should be unchecked.

  • Next, select a drive: USB - to create a bootable flash drive, or ISO file - to upload an image that you will later burn to DVD.

  • Having selected the USB device, click “Next” and wait 30-50 minutes while the program downloads the distribution and creates installation media. At this time the computer is available for use.

  • A message will inform you that it is time to proceed with installation: “The USB flash memory device is ready.”

If you downloaded the distribution in advance or you do not have stable Internet access, use it to create an installation Windows media 10 other tools. For example:

  • Rufus. Works without installation. To write the operating system to a flash drive, you just need to indicate the location of the distribution kit, as well as determine the partition layout and type system interface: MBR for computers with BIOS (old), GPT for computers with UEFI (new, released after 2013), or MBR for computers with UEFI (if the UEFI PC has drives partitioned using the MBR standard).

  • . This utility is as simple as Rufus. In the "Add to" section USB disk“Just check the box “Windows Vista/7/8/10, etc.”, specify the path to the Windows 10 image and click the “Go” button.

  • Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool. This proprietary utility Microsoft can transfer everything to USB flash drives and DVDs Windows versions, starting with “seven”, in just 4 steps.

Besides these there are many others free utilities to create installation media. You can use any - the result will be the same.

Let's start the installation

Installation launch options

Launch Windows installations 10 is possible in two ways:

  • From under a running system. Can be used if you plan to reinstall it or install Ten from scratch on another disk partition.
  • When booting from installation media (via BIOS). A universal option that is suitable for both installing the system on a new computer and reinstalling it old copy Windows.

If you select the first option, open boot disk or flash drive in Explorer and run the Setup.exe file.

If you select the second one, boot the computer from the installation media.

How to boot a PC or laptop from a flash drive

BIOS Setup utility on different computers has a different interface. To enter it, you must immediately press a certain key after turning on the machine and the manufacturer’s splash screen appears on the screen. Which one is usually indicated at the bottom of the splash screen. Most often these are Delete, F2 and Escape, sometimes F1, F3, F10, F12 or a combination of several keys.

After opening the utility, go to the “Boot” section. IN BIOS version Setup Utility, shown in the screenshot, is a separate tab in the top menu.

In other versions it is not present as such, but required settings collected in the “Advanced Bios Features” section. In order not to confuse anything at the most crucial moment, study in advance BIOS interface your computer and figure out what is where.

In the "Boot" section you will see a list of devices from which the machine can boot. The first place is usually the hard drive. You need to make sure that first of all the computer checks boot files not on it, but on a flash drive. To do this, using the arrow keys, as well as F5, F6, plus and minus (the hint is located in the right half of the BIOS window), move the USB device to the top of the list. To save the settings and exit the utility, press F10.

In graphic UEFI versions There is no need to change the order of devices; just click on the USB device. After this, the PC will restart and begin booting from the selected media.

Main part of the installation

Most of the Windows 10 installation process takes place without active user participation. You will only have to work at the beginning and a little at the end.

So, the first thing you have to do is select the operating system language, time formats, currency formats and the main keyboard layout. If you downloaded the Russian version of Windows, the default language will be Russian.

After defining the language settings, click the "Install" button.

Accept the license terms. To move on to the next task now and in the future, click the “Next” button.

Now you need to determine the installation type - as an update or “custom” (in previous versions it was called "clean"). We, accordingly, need the second type.

Let's move on to choosing the place where the new Windows will “settle”. If the hard drive is not partitioned or you want to change their proportions, select the desired area of ​​the disk and click “Create”.

In the "Size" field, indicate the number of megabytes that you will allocate for system partition. Windows 10 64-bit requires at least 32 GB. Click Apply. If necessary, create other partitions in the same way, and then format them.

Attention! If you want to install the system while maintaining the license, do not format the disk, but carry out the installation in the same partition where the previous activated one is located copy of Windows. Second important factor saving activation - the new system must be the same version as the old one. If you install Windows 10 Ultimate instead of Home, you will not be able to do without losing your license!

After finishing working with the disk, you can relax - for the next 40-60 minutes the process will proceed without your participation. If you want, just watch him.

Copying files will take approximately 1/4 of the time.

The computer will then reboot and continue the installation. Most of the time the Windows logo will hang on the screen and the “wheel” will rotate. You can see what stage the process is at by the messages at the bottom of the screen.

It's time to move on again active actions, because the installation is nearing completion. When you see a proposal to increase the speed, click the “Use” button standard parameters" You can change them later if you wish.

After the update, you will have to create your first user account. By default it will be assigned administrative rights. Everything is simple here - enter your username and, if necessary, enter a password.

Finally, the long-awaited desktop. Everything is ready, the installation of Windows 10 is complete. We hope it didn’t bore you too much, because now you have to set up the network, design your desktop, install applications and other pleasant chores to “get used to” the new OS.

If during installation Windows did not require input license key, check if activation is in place. Open context menu"Start" button and go to system settings.

Activation information is located at the bottom of the basic computer information window. In our example, it is not executed, since “ten” was set to virtual machine from complete scratch.

If you were able to reinstall without losing your license, you can delete the C:\Windows.old folder where the files are located previous copy systems. They are no longer needed - the activation information has been successfully transferred to the new one.

How to install a system from a hard drive

There are situations when neither flash drives nor DVDs are at hand. In short, nothing but hard drive the same computer on which you want to install Windows 10.

To install “ten” from a hard drive, you must meet 3 conditions:

  • Have a distribution. More convenient - in the form of a set of files and folders. If you only have an ISO image, you will have to unpack it, for example, using an archive application (WinRAR, 7-zip and similar) or Windows Explorer(only in “eight” and “ten”).
  • Have an additional partition on your hard drive with a capacity of 3 GB or more. Preferably free.
  • The computer must boot from the same disk. If not, then you will need media with a Live CD/Live USB (portable operating system), like BartPE, Alkid Live CD, etc. You can easily find their images on the Internet.

The storage medium for the installation files will be the hard drive, or more precisely, its additional partition. You will need an operating system to copy the distribution and create its boot loader.

Installation procedure

  • Boot your computer from your hard drive or portable OS media.
  • Copy the files and folders of the Windows 10 distribution to the root of the additional partition (not the one in which the system will be installed).

  • Rename the boot file (bootmgr), for example, to "Win10". The length of his name should not exceed 5 characters.

Now you have to create a distribution bootloader using the BootICE utility. You can use other boot management tools instead, but we chose BootICE because we think it's the simplest and most convenient.

  • Run the utility (it does not require installation). In chapter " Physical disk"(Physical disk) select the computer's hard drive from the "Destination disc" list. Click the Process MBR button.

  • Check "Grub4DOS" and click "Install/Config".

  • In the “Rename GRLDR” section, enter a new file name Windows downloads 10 (as you remember, we called it “Win10”) and click “Save to disk”. Click OK on the message successful creation bootloader and close the utility.

All that remains is to restart the computer. The next time you start it, the Windows 10 installation program will take control, and then it will be the same as when installing the system from a flash drive.

Using USB drive, easy to reinstall the latest Windows 10 on any desktop computer or laptop. IN modern world Flash drives are very popular, of course they can be used to reinstall any operating system. To know how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive, you don’t have to be a programmer or other cool IT specialist. You can reinstall the operating system yourself by reading this detailed instructions. We will talk specifically about Windows 10, although the process is not much different from installing Windows 8 or 7.

The instructions are written using a laptop as an example. Asus, so the screenshots will match. This article is suitable for those who are going to install Windows 10 on a computer without an existing operating system, to replace the existing operating system, or want to install Windows 10 next to the existing operating system. The article offers instructions for installing Windows 10 from scratch, but not for updating the operating system already on the device.

For laptop owners, there are many articles that tell you how to install Windows 10 on any model.

The procedure is divided into sections. The goal is not to completely confuse inexperienced users.

How to burn Windows 10 to a drive

We are preparing a flash drive onto which OS version 10 will be loaded. Why not download software, developed by Microsoft – Media Creation Tool. This application is available on the official Microsoft website.

After installing and launching the program, you must select “Create an installation drive for another computer.” You must select the language, version of the operating system and its architecture, select the media (in in this case flash drive). After this, the Windows 10 image will begin downloading and copying it to a USB drive.

It’s not at all difficult to find on the Internet various ways recording the operating system to a flash drive. Programs such as WinSetupFromUSB, UltraISO will help you transfer the downloaded operating system image to a flash drive.

Information on drive C

If you are installing Windows 10 on a new device that does not have personal data, you can skip this step and move on. If your laptop or computer contains personal information that you need to save, then you should move it to another hard drive. When installing a new operating system, all information from drive C will be deleted, that is, it will be formatted. In addition, files from the “My Documents” folder should be transferred, for example, to hard drive D, otherwise they will also be lost. A good option will copy all personal information to a separate flash drive. This guarantees its safety.

Tip: before starting the reinstallation, write down the size of drive C and the unallocated space on a piece of paper. This information will be useful during installation so that you do not accidentally install the operating system on drive D. In this case, all data from the disk will be irretrievably lost.

So, all important information transferred from drive C, so you can start installing Windows 10 from a flash drive.

Settings for booting the OS from a flash drive

To start installing Windows 10, you need to boot your laptop or desktop computer from a flash drive. Using regular disk Just insert it into the computer drive and reboot. The installation may start automatically after the reboot is complete. When Press any key to boot from CD or DVD appears, you must immediately press any key, then the installation of the operating system will begin.

  • Usage Boot Menu- the option is more understandable and simple. Reboot the device, immediately press Esc button(for Asus laptops, differences may exist for other models). After this, a dialog box appears where you need to select a USB drive with the operating system loaded. Key combinations may vary depending on different manufacturers laptops. For enabling Boot Menu press F11, Esc, F12, F8.
  • When choosing settings in the BIOS, you need to put the flash drive in first place (or the drive, depending on what boot option you plan to use). Please note that the USB drive must be connected to the device before entering the BIOS. The procedure may differ depending on the BIOS version on the device. For example, old version with a gray-blue background and keyboard-only operation or UEFI look with modern appearance and the ability to control the mouse rather than the keyboard.

How to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: step one

After starting to boot the operating system from the flash drive, you must specify the language, currency and time format, and keyboard layout (or data entry method). Click the Next button in the lower right corner.

Click “Install” (shown in the screenshot below).

The next screen asks you to enter your product key.

  1. Enter the key if the OS was officially purchased.
  2. If Windows 7, 8 (8.1) was previously installed, namely a licensed one, with a key (not earlier than November 12, 2015), then you can try to enter it. The system version for installation must be downloaded from Microsoft after November 12, 2015.
  3. If the key is missing, then you should select the corresponding button at the very bottom of the screen.

When recording to USB two Windows options 10, such as x64 and x86 or Pro and Home, you will need to select one of them before installation. Click "Next"

After this, you are asked to read and accept the license agreement. Whether to read this agreement or not is everyone’s choice. In the “I accept the terms of the agreement” box, you must check the box; without this, further installation will not work.

After this, you are prompted to select a custom installation of Windows. The first option (System update, in the screenshot below) is not suitable, as in this article we're talking about about installing the OS from scratch.

Where to install Windows 10: selecting a partition for installation

One of the most important steps. If all important information has already been copied from the hard drive, then you can delete all the shown partitions. After this, all the necessary sections are created again using the “Create” button. From the newly created partitions, you need to select one to install Windows 10.

Let's assume that Windows is already installed on the computer, partitions have been defined, then all that remains is to click on the one that corresponds to drive C. The size of this disk was recorded earlier (remember the preparation for reinstallation), so identifying it will not be difficult. If in doubt, we recommend stopping the download and rechecking the capacity of drive C. Select the desired partition, click “Format”, and then “Next”.

The names of the sections in the proposed screenshot may differ, as they depend on the brand of computer and laptop. The main guideline in this case is the size of the partitions.

If an error occurs - the wrong partition is selected, then another system will be installed. Moreover, when you turn on the computer, you need to click on the name of the OS that you are going to launch.

Error appears

A detailed description of the solution when the error “Windows cannot be installed on the partition...” appears is easily found on the Internet. Several solutions are offered. For example, to avoid this situation, you can select a flash drive without a UEFI signature when booting.

Copying files will begin as soon as a partition is selected. You can monitor the installation process by looking at the green checkmarks next to the corresponding item.

When the computer finishes downloading data from the flash drive, automatic reboot devices.

If Windows 10 was installed from a flash drive and booted through the BIOS, then as soon as the computer reboots, the system will boot again. All required data has already been transferred to the device, so the flash drive can simply be removed from your computer or laptop. Next, the device will reboot again and installation will begin, but from the hard drive.

Next, the computer will prepare for installation, setup will happen parameters. You must enter the key again. If the key is available, then enter it. If missing, select “Do it later” (in the lower left corner). Click "Next".

The next step is to connect to wireless Wi-Fi networks(if there is one within range). Next, there are two options: come up with a login and password and register, or enter the login and password already existing record. If there is no Wi-Fi connection and you can only create a local account, then you should skip this item (in the lower left corner).

During installation, it is possible to manually select the desired parameters using the “Settings” button. Are you satisfied with the standard parameters? Select the appropriate item - “Use standard settings”. Which items include standard parameters are described in detail in the screenshot. We advise you to familiarize yourself with them.

After this, you need to create a regular account to operate the device. If you have a network connection, then log into your existing Microsoft account.

You can start installing drivers and all kinds of utilities. The advantage is that Windows 10 independently selects and even installs almost all the drivers necessary for operation. Unfortunately, this scenario is rare. Finding and installing drivers most often takes time.

You should start searching for drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of the device and its components ( motherboard, For example). A significant disadvantage may be the lack Windows drivers 10 under specific model laptop or other device.

At any search engine You can easily find many useful articles on further personalization of the Windows 10 interface.

Many users are interested in how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: how to boot the operating system correctly or which partition to choose for correct installation. This instruction gives a clear description of all actions. After reading this article, do reinstalling Windows 10 won't be difficult. Good luck!

In order to understand how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, you need to understand one thing important point: The installation process consists of three stages, namely, creating bootable media, setting up the BIOS and using the drive for its intended purpose.

We will analyze all these three stages step by step and in great detail so that no one has any questions and everyone can easily install Windows 10 on a laptop or PC. Go!

Step #1. Creating a bootable USB flash drive

Not only can it be used as such a carrier removable storage, that is, a flash drive, and regular DVD or even a CD. But this type of information storage has long become a relic of the past and it is much more convenient to take a USB drive.

Easiest to create boot drive by using official utility from Microsoft, which can be downloaded from the official website. It's called Media Creation Tool, although that's not that important. When you do this, launch it and follow these simple steps:

  • After launching, you will have to wait a little while the program prepares for further actions. When it completes, you will see the license agreement. You can read it if you wish, but in any case you need to click on the “Accept” button.

  • On next step Check the box next to “Create installation media for another computer” and click “Next”.

  • Next, check the box “USB flash memory device” and click “Next” again.

  • If you want to create an image of exactly the same operating system that is already used on your computer, in the next window you do not need to change anything, just click “Next”. If you want to write a different version of the OS to the flash drive, uncheck the “Use recommended settings for this computer” option and change the “Release” and “Architecture” parameters. After that, again, click “Next”.

  • Next, all you have to do is check all the previously entered parameters and click on the “Record” button. Wait until the program finishes its work. Usually this process does not take very long.

It is worth saying that this utility freezes very rarely, so if it seems to you that everything has stopped and nothing is happening, it is better not to interrupt the recording process. Instead, just wait a little longer.

Of course, if all this has been going on for several hours, then something is wrong, but this is highly unlikely. In any case, you will receive a fully functional bootable storage device with installation files Windows 10

You can also create it using the very well-known and simple UltraISO programs. How to do this is described in our article on updating the OS on a laptop.

Now you need to make sure that the computer boots from it. This is done through the BIOS.

Step #2. BIOS setup

Before the installation itself begins, it is important to configure the computer to boot from a flash drive. This procedure will look different depending on the BIOS/UEFI version.

To initially get into the BIOS, you need to press a certain key during boot, most often Delete or F2. Usually on loading screen, in addition to other inscriptions, it is also written which button should be pressed.

How this might look is shown in Figure 5.

  • AMI BIOS. In this case, you need to use the “Up”, “Down”, “Right”, “Left” and “Enter” keys to go to the “Boot” tab at the top. Next, go to the “Hard Disk Drives” section and click on “1st Drive”. There, put the flash drive in first place - you can recognize it by its name. Do the same in the “Boot” section device priority", only there the required item will be called "1st boot device" Press "Esc" to exit and restart your computer if it doesn't do so automatically.

  • AWARD or Phoenix BIOS . Go to the section " Advanced BIOS Features" and find the "First Boot Device" item there. Press “Enter” on it and in the window that appears, select the option “USB-HDD” or “USB-Flash”. Press "Esc" to exit.

  • H2O BIOS. Everything here is almost the same as in the AMI BIOS. First you need to go to the “Boot” tab, but then you should click on the “External Device Boot” item and select the “Enabled” option. Then in the “Boot Priority” section you should put “External Device” in first place. This is done using the “F5” and “F6” buttons. Again, exit this menu using the "Esc" button.

If you are already using UEFI rather than BIOS, then everything is much simpler.

In this case, the procedure is to go to the “Boot Sequense” or “ BIOS Features" and then "Boot Options". After this, you can simply drag the flash drive to the first boot location with your mouse cursor. It also happens that the required menu item is called “Download Queue” or something like that.

Although Windows users 8 and younger with UEFI it is not at all necessary to even go into system menu. Here it is enough to do the following:

  • use the search to find the “Update and Recovery” window;
  • go to the “Recovery” tab on the left;
  • click on the “Restart now” button;

  • then click on the “Use device” button;
  • select your flash drive in the list that appears.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. If something doesn’t work out for you, it’s better to refer to the instructions for your computer or the Microsoft Help page. But we have listed most of the currently available options above.

Step #3. Direct installation

Actually, now you need to use the created bootable drive to install Windows 10. If you did it in the same way as described in step No. 1, then The installation process will look like this:

  • After the computer boots, a window will appear in which you need to select the language you will use, the time format and the input method, that is, the keyboard layout. If you previously used the Russian language, all these parameters will be set to Russia by default. All this can be changed by simply clicking on the appropriate item. Once the parameters are specified, click Next.

  • On the next screen, simply click the “Install” button. She is the only one there and it is impossible to confuse her with something else.
  • Next, a window will appear to enter the product license key. If you have it, enter it and click “Next”. If not, click on the words “I don’t have a product key.” You will still be redirected to the next Windows installation screen.

Important! If you created an image of your system, enter the key for it. This is also true for cases when you install the OS on another computer.

  • If you entered the key, the operating system version will be detected automatically. And if you clicked on an option where you do not have a product key, you will have to select it yourself. It is advisable, of course, to choose the same version that is already used on the computer, but you can click on another one. Finally, click “Next”.

  • Next you will have to agree to the license agreement. If you wish, you can even read it, although very few people around the world do this. In any case, check the box next to “I accept the license terms” at the bottom and click “Next”.

  • If you just want to update already existing system and save all files and settings, in the next window click on the first option, that is, “Update: install Windows while saving...”. But if you want to remove everything and install a completely clean OS on your computer without files and settings (which, by the way, may have caused any breakdowns on the computer), choose the second option - “Custom: Windows installation only...”. If you wish, by the way, you can read in more detail about these options. To do this, click on the inscription “Help in making a decision” a little lower.

  • One of the operations that is performed during a custom installation is separation of hard disk. You can read how this procedure works and what its principles are in our article on disk partitioning (method No. 3). Perform all operations required for custom installation and click “Next”.
  • Then you can simply watch the installation progress step by step. Usually copied first necessary files, then they are prepared for installation, and finally components and updates are installed. Here you just have to wait.

  • Actually, this completes the installation. But you still need to do initial setup systems. As part of this stage, you will again select your location, keyboard layout, create an account with Microsoft, or simply log in if you already have one. You can also optionally set an entry code, connect cloud storage and configure privacy.

Advice: After installation, check all drivers. The easiest way to do this is to use the DriverPack Solution program. It allows you not only to check, but also to update drivers if necessary.

This completes the entire installation process and you can freely use Windows 10.

Since the launch of the final version of Windows 10 from Microsoft, millions of users have already been able to appreciate all its advantages and disadvantages thanks to a promotion during which all owners licensed version Windows 7 and higher were able to upgrade absolutely free to Windows 10. More precisely, this is not entirely Final version, Microsoft plans to present it as a service, so the “ten” will be further developed and supplemented.

Despite heated debates about surveillance and possible flaws, in the end, most users noted that the version was actually a success this time.

Self-installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive: detailed instructions

Anyone in the period from July 29, 2015 to July 29, 2016 could receive this product for free with preservation perpetual license. And if you couldn’t do this or didn’t want to for some reason, but still decided to install “ten” on your computer or laptop now, and want to do it yourself, then this article will be very useful.

Before installation, copy important files to a secure storage location

First of all, you should worry about the safety of your data on your computer before you start installing Windows 10 from a flash drive. Copy everything important to removable media or burn to disk.

Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements for "ten". You can view the minimum requirements on the Microsoft website.

Now let's move on to the fun part: creating a bootable USB flash drive.

  • To do this, we need a USB flash drive with a capacity of at least 4 GB. First of all, it needs to be formatted.
  • Insert the flash drive into the USB connector.
  • We format the flash drive in the standard way.

Create a bootable USB flash drive using MediaCreationTool

Let's go to the official Microsoft website. Click on the “Download tool now” button to download special utility MediaCreationTool for creating a bootable USB flash drive.

  • Let's launch the program.
  • We accept the terms license agreement(it is advisable to read it).

  • In the next window, check the “Create installation media for another computer” option.

  • Next, uncheck the “Use standard settings” checkbox. Select the language, version and bit depth. Click “Next”.

To keep your license, you need to choose the same version that you had. Otherwise you will need a license key.

The bit depth does not matter to activate the license, but if you have random access memory less than 3 GB, then installing Windows 10-64 bit from a flash drive will take longer. And the system itself will slow down, so it’s better to choose the bit depth taking into account the available equipment. For RAM more than 4 GB, the 64-bit version is suitable.

  • Next, select the media - check the box opposite the USB flash memory device. And click “Next”.
  • Checking that it is selected required flash drive and click “Next” again.

  • We are waiting for the creation of the bootable flash drive to finish.

No further changes or settings need to be made. Upon completion of recording, the program will notify you about this with a corresponding message in the utility window.

Clean installation of Windows 10 after update

If you updated to free period, then on system disk you still have old system, saved in the folder under named Windows old. The ability to roll back and return to the old system when updating existed only for 30 days after the update. At the end of this period this opportunity is missing, so the Windows old folder has become useless and only takes up space on the hard drive.

At complete reinstallation system will be deleted all unnecessary and unnecessary files, which can slow down the system. Don’t worry if your computer is activated during the update new system. With a clean installation, even with full formatting the license will remain as digital key attached to the equipment. Afterwards, it activates itself the first time you connect to the Internet.

Setting up booting from a flash drive in BIOS

If this is your first installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS, then know that you need to set the boot priority from the flash drive. We turn on the computer, or reboot if it is turned on, and begin to vigorously press the F2 or Delete key. Depending on the hardware, the BIOS entry key may differ. But for most computers it's Delete, and for laptops it's F2.

Which button on your computer is responsible for loading the BIOS can be seen in the message when loading the operating system, during the POST test.

"Press del to run setup"

A window like this should load.

Navigation in the BIOS is carried out only by arrows and some other keys on the keyboard.

  • We move to the download section (Boot).
  • In chapter boot device priority set the priority for loading from a flash drive.
  • And also in the section hard disk drives We also select a flash drive as the hard drive from which to boot.

Starting installation from a Windows 10 flash drive

We reboot the computer. If everything is done correctly, then home screen you need to press any key when the message appears: "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD_".

  • Next will be a language selection window, leave Russian everywhere and click “Next”.
  • In the next window, you can start system recovery, or install, click on the button in the center of the “Install” screen.

Activation of Windows: terms of the license agreement

  • Next on the screen will appear the window for entering the Windows 10 key. If you have previously updated to Windows 10 from Windows 10 or 8 on this computer, you just need to click the “Skip” button. Activation will take place the first time you connect to the Internet. Or enter the key, if available.
  • Next, you need to accept the terms of the license agreement, respectively, before reading it.
  • The next step is to select the installation type, you need to select the second option “Custom installation”. There is no need to select the update option; in this case, all your data on the system drive will simply be moved to Windows folder Old. Nothing will be deleted. You really need clean install? Therefore, we choose the second option - selective installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive to a computer.

Formatting your hard drive

  • In the next window you will see several partitions - more than the number of disks you have on your computer, these are system ones reserved disks, which you don’t need to touch, you only need the partition where your old system is located. This can be determined by volume. To save everything you have stored on others logical drives, you only need to format one partition - drive C.
  • Click on it, then on the “Format” button, again select our partition where the installation will be made and click the “Next” button.

Or you can completely delete all partitions if Windows 10 is installed via a flash drive with formatting of the entire hard drive. And then create the required number of them again.

Installing Windows 10

Then the installation process itself will begin - copying files, installing components, updates. There are five stages in total. The more powerful the PC, the faster Windows will install. Here you will only need to be patient, as the entire process can take about 40 minutes (give or take). Once the installation is complete, the computer will restart. You don’t need to press any buttons, but at the time of reboot you need to remove the flash drive from the slot.

Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive onto a laptop is no different from installing it on a computer or netbook. Differences can only be in the power of the equipment.

Windows 10 settings: final stage of installation

After rebooting, your computer may freeze for a few minutes or more, depending on how powerful your computer is. Don't be scared, don't try to overload. The further configuration process will begin automatically when the system has configured all parameters.

If you have any network cards or Wi-Fi adapters, the computer will ask you to connect to the network, you can do it right away or skip this step.

At the next stage, you will again be asked to enter the product key; this can also be done later. If the equipment where installation is being performed has already been updated to Windows 10, click “Skip this step.”


On last stages Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive requires setting the parameters. If you click “Use standard settings”, there will be nothing wrong with it. But there is an opinion about the likelihood of surveillance, that is, about the collection of information about the user in order to provide him contextual advertising. If you do not want to share your personal data with anyone, you can disable the collection of information by clicking on the “Settings” link. There you can have the option to disable anything that may seem suspicious or unwanted. Read carefully and disable all those options that you do not need.

Create an account

After configuring the settings, the next step is to create a Microsoft account. If you are connected to the Internet, then in this step you can create, or if Account already available, then enter your username and password.

The final stage of installation

The next stage of installing Windows 10 from a flash drive is the next setting of parameters, it is accompanied by messages on the screen, which periodically changes the background color. Here, you will have to be patient, since this setup can take half an hour or more than 40 minutes. It is not recommended to turn off your PC or force a restart. Be patient - wait.

That's all! Windows is installed, all that remains is to install the drivers. Moreover, it is advisable to download them from the official websites of your equipment manufacturer. Windows, of course, will install standard drivers automatically, but in some cases they are not suitable and must be installed specifically for existing equipment.

If at any stage you encounter an error when installing Windows 10 from a flash drive, then you need to go to the official Microsoft website in the support section. There is a database with various error codes and their descriptions.