When you turn on the laptop, the boot menu appears. How to enter the Boot Menu on a laptop and computer

What we call PC hardware or hardware is essentially nothing more than a set of parts that, at best, can only hum and heat up. In order for all this to be called a computer in the full sense of the word, a software component is required - an operating system. In turn, the OS itself is something abstract, unable to work without hardware. And only thanks to their interaction using a computer we can view and edit all kinds of content, perform complex calculations and other operations.

But that's not all. In order for hardware and software to communicate, they need an intermediary. Such an intermediary is the BIOS, or otherwise the basic input/output system. Being closer to the software component, the BIOS is a set of microprograms embedded in the computer's EPROM. When the user turns on the computer, the BIOS identifies and checks the hardware components and only then transfers control to the operating system. And he, or rather his option Boot Menu, allows you to control the priority of loading the operating system from different devices.

What is Boot Menu

At re Windows installation from a flash drive or optical disk, in order to be able to boot from external media, most users set the appropriate boot priorities in the BIOS. But since the interface different versions basic system I/O can vary greatly; this procedure often causes difficulties for a number of users. For example, in the main menu of some versions BIOS missing section Boot, the option is used instead Boot Sequence in Advanced section BIOS Features.

If you need to change the boot priority of devices, it is much easier to use the Boot Menu. This separate BIOS submenu contains only the most necessary options, in addition to those changed in Boot Menu settings one-time, that is, if you install, say, boot from a flash drive, then the computer will boot from it only once. The next time you reboot, the PC will boot as usual with hard drive and you won't have to restore initial settings, as would be the case with a BIOS. This, in fact, is the convenience and Boot advantage Menu.

Features of loading Boot Menu on Windows 10

A menu for changing boot priority is available on both PCs with classic BIOS and UEFI. There are several options for entering it and they depend, first of all, on the BIOS version and motherboard, as well as the computer model. By by and large, here everything is the same as with entering the BIOS, the only difference is that you need to press a different button. Most often, the keys used to enter the Boot Menu are F11, F12 or Esc, which must be pressed immediately after turning on the device. It is also important whether the Windows settings 10 (also applicable to Windows 8.1) fast startup. The fact is that when the quick start mode is turned on, the system does not turn off completely. Instead, she plunges into a special hybrid mode hibernation, so pressing these keys when turning on the computer does not have any effect. But even if entering the Boot Menu when active mode quick launch could be carried out in this way, the user simply would not have time to press the key in time, because Windows 10 loads very quickly in this mode. Therefore, before entering the Boot Menu, fast start must be disabled.

To do this, go to classic panel control, run the applet "Power supply", on the left in the menu select "What the power buttons do", click the link in the next window "Change power settings that are currently unavailable" and uncheck the checkbox in the shutdown options. Instead, when turning off the computer, you can press and hold the key Shift, then the PC will be turned off completely and pressing the entry buttons to the menu for changing the boot priority should work.

How to open the Boot Menu on Asus, Lenovo, Samsung

As mentioned above, the entrance to Boot menu Menu can be accessed using the keyboard. Which keys these are can be found out from the documentation supplied with the device or the inscription “Press “key” for Boot Menu”, on a short time appears at the bottom of the screen after turning on the computer. If this information is not available, adhere to the following rules:

For most desktop computer models, the “start” key is Delete, and for most laptops - the key F2. However, some motherboard models use their own original keys.

Logging into the Boot Menu on other laptop models and motherboards:

  • Dell-F12.
  • HP - F9 and Esc(Esc mostly on laptops).
  • Fujitsu - F12.
  • EMachines - F12.
  • Sony - F10, F11, Esc and a special button assist, if available.
  • NEC-F15.
  • MSI-F11.
  • Packard Bell - F8.
  • Toshiba-F12.
  • Acer – Esc, F12 or F9. If the F12 key does not work, you may need to enable BIOS options F12 Boot Menu in the Main section.


  • Intel - Esc.
  • MSI-F11.
  • Gigabit - F12.
  • AsRock - F11.
  • Asus-F8.
  • American Megatrends - F8.

As you can see, to change boot priorities it is not at all necessary to go into the BIOS or UEFI. Why waste time looking for something there if you can open the boot menu directly?

Using the Boot Menu is much easier than using the same BIOS; in addition, by working with the Boot Menu, you can prevent accidental changes to settings that are not directly related to boot priority.

That's all. Thank you for reading the article. I hope it was useful to you.

If necessary, use a flash drive or external HDD. So as not to change several times BIOS settings’a, you can simply boot into the Boot Menu one time, without changing any settings, select the disk to boot, perform all the necessary operations, and then simply reboot the PC and work on it as usual. In today's article we will discuss in detail, how to enter the Boot Menu on laptops and desktop PCs from all kinds of manufacturers and a huge variety of brands.

What is the boot menu? In fact, this is one of the built-in features of UEFI or BIOS, which makes it possible to quickly make a choice from which external device data storage to boot the PC this time. The presented feature can come in handy if you have to boot from a bootable flash drive or LiveCD. On a number of laptop models, the same menu provides access to the device reconstruction category.

How to enter the Boot Menu on a laptop or desktop computer? Similar to calling the BIOS, this is done using one of the hot keys (most likely F12, F11 or Esc, but there may be other options). It may happen that the data on the corresponding hotkey For call Boot Menus appear on the screen immediately when you turn on the PC, but this does not always happen.

When is it worth using the Boot Menu, and when is it better to change it? BIOS settings? If you need to boot from a flash drive once (for example, check your computer for viruses using special disk, or install new version OS), it would be more logical to use the Boot Menu, but if you need to change the boot priority of devices (for example, set boot from DVD first), and not just once, but permanently, then, of course, it would be more advisable to change BIOS settings.

In the boot menu you can see a list of all devices connected to the PC from which currently you can boot the computer (these can be laser drives, external HDDs, flash drives), and also, potentially, the option network boot PC from the backup partition.

What to do if you can’t enter the Boot Menu?

For laptops or PCs that originally shipped with Win 8.1/8/10, it may not be possible to activate the boot menu using the mentioned hot buttons. The thing is that workstations based on this OS actually do not even turn off, but only enter hibernation status. Therefore, the Boot Menu may not be activated after pressing F12, F11, Esc and other keys.

Under these circumstances, you have the right to resort to one of the following methods:

1. While selecting the “Shutdown” menu item in Win 8/8.1, hold down Shift button. IN in this case The PC will completely shut down and the next time you turn it on, the buttons to activate the boot menu will be active.

2. Instead of turning off and on the PC again, use a reboot by pressing the appropriate button.

3. Deactivate Express Start. To do this, open the control panel, select the option “System and Security” -> “Power Options” -> “Actions of the Power Buttons”.

One of the above methods should certainly help in solving the problem of activating the boot menu, if you carried out all the other iterations correctly.

How to enter the Boot Menu on an Asus device (for motherboards and laptops from the represented brand)

Essentially, if you own a desktop PC based on an Asus motherboard, you can enter the Boot Menu on it by pressing the F8 button after the computer is turned on.

But in the situation with a laptop, some nuances may arise. To activate the boot menu on an ASUS laptop of a certain modification, when turning on the device, press:

Esc – relevant for most current and not very current models;

F8 – for those types of ASUS devices, capital letter whose name contains the letters x or k (for example, k601 or x502c).

Be that as it may, the variability here is not that great, so if necessary, you can use any of the proposed options.

How to enter the Boot Menu on a Lenovo laptop?

For almost all laptops and desktop computers Lenovo brand to activate boot menu, you can use the F12 button when power is applied.

Moreover, auxiliary methods downloads for Lenovo devices can be found by using a miniature button with an arrow on it, located near the power button.

How to enable Boot Menu on an Acer device

Another very popular type of desktop PCs and laptops is Acer. To enter the boot menu on this device trademark, requires pressing F12 during startup.

However, with regard to laptops, such a trick is not always effective, and to this method became possible, you must first enter the BIOS by pressing F2, and then in the parameters set the “F12 Boot Menu” setting to Enabled, and only after that save all the changes made and leave the BIOS mode.

Other devices based on components from other brands

For other brands, the situation with using the Boot Menu is slightly different. Below I will provide a detailed list of devices and their corresponding buttons for activating the menu:

- ASRock - F11

— MSI motherboards – F11

— ASUS motherboards – F8

— Intel motherboards – Esc

— Gigabyte motherboards – F12

— Toshiba laptops – F12

— Samsung laptops – Esc

— Dell laptops – F12

— HP laptops and desktop PCs – F9 or Esc.

Here are all the common devices and descriptions with which you can find out how to enter the Boot menu. We hope this article will serve you well and you will be able to quickly, easily and painlessly perform all the necessary operations on your PC that the boot menu requires. With that, let me take my leave.

Boot Menu is a menu that allows you to select the device that the system will process first. This function is actively used to replace operating systems and for diagnostics, like random access memory with MemTest.

This function is extremely convenient, as it is intended for a one-time launch of the equipment as the main carrier. This same function is necessary when installing Windows, since it does not require changing priorities.

After completing the steps required to enter the menu, all devices that are currently connected to the computer and with which the program is potentially likely to be launched will be displayed.

Unfortunately, there is no single denominator in the issue of entering the described menu, since strict standard does not yet exist in this industry. However, there is a dependence of the manufacturer and the actions required to launch the Boot Menu, which will be discussed in detail in the article.

General information on entering the Boot Menu

Boot Menu is used to specify which device the program should be launched from. Of course, the BIOS already has such functionality, but for one-time use, for example a program, it is better to use the boot menu.

An interesting question is how to call up the boot menu on the motherboard because there are no standards in this regard. Each manufacturer uses various options. Most often, a hint appears on how to go to the section. In general, the F8, F9, F11, F12 and Esc buttons are used.

Laptop battery calibration

To launch the desired menu, press the key corresponding to your brand of motherboard during system startup. Often several of the above buttons are used. You can get more accurate information by going to the section that corresponds to your computer manufacturer.

There are also slight differences in launching the necessary menu in all-in-one PCs and laptops that have pre-installed Windows 8 and above.

How to access the boot menu on a netbook? – The situation is complicated by the fact that laptop computers may not use complete shutdown, instead of it - hibernation. This option is quite justified, as it returns the PC to a working state faster, but is not suitable for entering the menu. You only need to completely turn off the netbook by holding Shift and clicking on “Shutdown”. If this does not help, then you need to configure the “Power Options” section.

Launching Boot Menu in Windows 8, 8.1, 10

The whole point is that personal computers In this configuration, hibernation mode is most often used instead of the usual shutdown. Often this has a positive effect on the system boot time, and processes launched in the previous work session are restored, but in this case this method is not suitable for us, to do this, use one of the following options:

1.Restart the computer using the appropriate option in the menu, you don’t need to just turn it off with the button and turn it on again, for the reason just described;

2. At the moment when you press the “Power off” button, hold Shift key, thanks to this procedure the PC will turn off completely, then press the desired key at the time of launch;

3.You may need to disable Fast Startup.

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Go to “Control Panel”;
  • Select the tile named "Power";

  • Follow the link “Actions of the power buttons”;

Windows 7 won't install: how to fix basic errors?

After completing these steps, when the system starts, you will need to press the required key, usually Esc, F8, F9, F11, F12. More detailed information according to your motherboard model is indicated below in the appropriate paragraph.

Login to Boot Menu for Acer manufacturer

This manufacturer uses the same key to enter the Boot Menu on all versions of computers, all-in-one computers and laptops, this button is F12. Distinctive feature is only an item in the BIOS or UEFI that includes the necessary handler, that is, nothing will happen until you enable this function, sometimes it works by default, for this:

1.Go to BIOS, for this boot press F2 or Del;

2.Find the “F12 Boot Menu” item;

3.You need to replace the value with “Enabled”;

4.Restart your computer.

After completing these steps, the boot menu should become available by pressing F12.

Boot Menu for Asus

For the vast majority of computers at the base, which is located this platform To launch the Boot Menu you need to press F8, but with laptops everything is a little more complicated, there is some division here.

For most Asus laptops, the Esc button is used, but this is more likely for more or less modern PCs, and for models that start with K and most with X, F8 can be used.

Logging into the Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

It’s quite easy to go to the menu of interest thanks to the F12 key, it is used in all models. This situation also applies to monoblocks from the same manufacturer. Distinctive feature is special button, located on the body, next to standard inclusion, usually there is a circular arrow drawn on it, by clicking on it you can get to the menu special options system startup.

Do you want to boot your computer from a flash drive or disk? To do this, it is not necessary to go into the BIOS settings. Especially if you don’t understand much about it. After all, there is an easier way. In this case, just go to the Boot Menu and change the device boot priority. This is done in about 10 seconds. And most importantly, there is no shamanism in the BIOS.

Boot Menu - what is it?

What do users usually do to reinstall Windows? As a rule, they burn a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO, and then configure the BIOS to boot from a flash drive. In principle, this is not difficult, but there is an easier option - calling the Boot Menu. What is this?

Boot Menu (or boot menu) is extremely useful option BIOS. With its help, you can quickly set the boot priority of devices. Simply put, launching the Boot Menu opens a small window in which you can immediately put the flash drive (or DVD) in first place, and HDD- on the second. In this case, you do not need to enter the BIOS.

In addition, changing settings in the Boot Menu does not affect the BIOS settings. That is, this option triggers once - for one switching on. And when you restart your PC, Windows will boot from the hard drive (as usual). If you need to run again Windows installation from a flash drive - call the Boot Menu again.

If you remember, when changing the settings in the BIOS, you had to go into it again and change the device boot priority back (i.e. put the hard drive in first place). But in the case of the Booth Menu, you don’t need to do this.

How to open Boot Menu? It's very simple - just click booting Windows one key. Which one? It depends on the:

  • BIOS version;

  • motherboard;

  • laptop models.

That is, the situation is exactly the same as with the BIOS. For example, to enable BIOS on a laptop, you had to press Del button or F2, then to open the Boot Menu you need to click another one.

Most often this is Esc or F12. Although, as mentioned above, the Boot Menu button may differ on different PCs.

Therefore, below we will look at how to launch the Boot Menu on popular brands laptops and personal computers.

How to enable Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

Owners of Lenovo laptops should not have any difficulties. After all, the Boot Menu on Lenovo is launched very simply - by pressing the F12 key when loading Windows.

Plus, on the body of many models there is a special button with a curved arrow. You can press it if you want to select additional. download options.

How to open Boot Menu on Asus

It is immediately worth noting here that there are motherboards Asus (installed on PCs) and laptops of this brand.

Launch Boot Menu on your computer. The Asus board is as easy as shelling pears - you need to press the F8 key when it boots (at the same time when you usually enter the BIOS).

And there is a little confusion with Asus laptops. It seems that the manufacturer is the same, but there are several buttons to launch the Boot Menu. After all, starting the Boot Menu on Asus laptops carried out using one of two keys:

Most often this is the Esc button, although it can also be F8. However, there are only 2 keys, so you will quickly figure out which one is responsible for launching the Boot Menu on your Asus laptop.

How to open the Boot Menu on Acer laptops

The Boot Menu on Acer opens by pressing the F12 button. But there is one small nuance here. The fact is that the Boot Menu is usually disabled on Acer laptops. And when you press F12, nothing will happen. To make it work, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the BIOS (when booting the laptop, press the F2 button).

  2. Go to the “Main” tab.

  3. Look for the line “F12 Boot Menu” and change the value “Disabled” to “Enabled”.

  4. Save the changed settings and exit the BIOS.

The system will reboot and you can go to the Boot Menu on Acer laptop using F12.

How to enable Boot Menu on Samsung laptops

To open the Boot Menu on Samsung, you need to press the Esc key. But owners of Samsung laptops need to know one feature. The fact is that to call the Boot Menu you need to click Esc button once! If you click twice, the window will simply close.

Therefore, you will have to get used to it in order to know exactly when to press the Esc key. Although there is nothing complicated here - just a couple of attempts, and you will go to the Boot Menu on a Samsung laptop.

How to enter the Boot Menu on HP laptops

Launching the Boot Menu on HP also has its own specifics. After all, opening the Boot Menu is done a little differently. To enter the Boot Menu on an HP laptop, you need:

  1. At turning on Windows Immediately press the Esc key.

  2. The launch menu will be displayed - press the F9 button.

  3. Ready.

After this Boot will open Laptop Menu HP, and you can set the priority for turning on devices (using the arrows).

How to enter the Boot Menu on Windows 10 or 8

All the above methods allow you to launch the Boot Menu on Windows 7. If Windows 8 or Windows 10 is installed on your PC or laptop, then you most likely will not be able to enable the Boot Menu.

The fact is that these OSs have a small peculiarity - by default they have “Quick Start” enabled, so they are not completely turned off. This is called hibernation (something like sleep mode). Therefore, when you boot your PC or laptop, you will not be able to open the Boot Menu on Windows 10.

There are three ways to fix this:

  1. Hold Shift when turning off your laptop or PC. After this, it will turn off normally (in the usual sense of the word). And then you can launch the Boot Menu on Windows 10 by pressing the desired key.

  2. Instead of turning off your PC, you can restart it. And at the moment of switching on, simply press a specific key corresponding to your brand of laptop or motherboard.

  3. Disable the Quick Start feature. For this:

That’s it – now you can easily access the Boot Menu on Windows 10 or Windows 8.

List of keys to enter the Boot Menu

For your convenience, below is a screenshot showing the keys to launch the Boot Menu for popular laptops and PCs. For example, for computers running on a mat. MSI board– this is the F11 button. And launch the Boot Menu on Sony laptops VAIO is done using F12. In general, you can figure it out for yourself - the table is simple and understandable.

Also, for convenience, buttons for entering the BIOS are written. If for some reason you are unable to open the Boot Menu, you can always change the device boot priority in a standard way- via BIOS.