Change the name of the Windows 10 account. Changing the Windows Phone account. How to add a new "Account"

After switching from Windows 7 to Windows 10, many users are facing difficulties. This is mainly due to the fact that the interfaces of these operating systems are very different and many actions are performed differently than they were before. One such action is changing your username.

There are two possible situations with usernames in Windows 10. Situation #1 – the user is using a local account. In this case, you can change the username using the operating system. Situation No. 2 – the user uses a Microsoft account. In this case, you can change your username only through your account settings on the Microsoft website. We'll look at both of these situations next.

How to change the username for a local account in Windows 10

If you are using a local account, the process of changing the username will be exactly the same as in previous versions of the Windows operating system.

First, you need to go to the “Control Panel”. The easiest way to get there is to use the Windows + X key combination and select “Control Panel” from the menu that appears.

In the “Control Panel” you need to open the “User Accounts” section.

And then a subsection with the same name.

This will take you to your account settings. Here you need to click on the link “Change your account name”.

This will open a window where you can change the Windows 10 username for your local account. To do this, you just need to enter a new name and click on the “Rename” button.

After changing the name, restart your computer.

How to change Microsoft account name on Windows 10

If you use a Microsoft account, then to change your username you need to go to your account settings on the Microsoft website. To do this, open the Start menu and go to Settings.

Next, go to the “Accounts – Email and Accounts” section. Your Microsoft account information will be displayed here. To change your name, click on the "Manage your Microsoft account" link.

As a result, the browser should open and the website should load. You may be required to enter your Microsoft account password to sign in to this site. Once logged in, click on the “Change Name” link, it should be on the left side of the screen.

After this, the page for changing your username in the Microsoft system will load.

Here you need to fill in all the fields and click on the “Save” button.

The Windows operating system from Microsoft is designed in such a way that it allows multiple users to work on one computer at once. The account system was created to protect personal data and also to prevent different users from interfering with each other. Each account has its own unique name, as well as a personal folder with all personal information. If for some reason you want to change your username, there are several simple ways to do this.

Three easy ways to change the username for an account in Windows 10

There is currently no option to edit usernames in the Settings app. However, there are several ways to work around this limitation.

When you're setting up a new Windows 10 PC, the part where you choose your username can take you by surprise. For example, you don’t want to give your real username, but want to come up with some original nickname (pseudonym), but nothing good comes to mind. If so, then you can choose the first thing that comes to your mind or something random and temporary that you want to change in the future. Or maybe you decided to write your username a little differently. It may also happen that, by mistake, Windows determined for you the wrong username that you need.

If you want to change your username, it's not difficult at all. Below are 3 easy ways to change the permanent username of an account in Windows 10.

Method 1: Windows Settings

  1. Find and open Classic Control Panel. To do this, click Start/Settings.

  2. After opening the settings, go to “Accounts” (as in the example below).

  3. In the window that appears, you will see a blue link that says “Manage my Microsoft account.” Click on it to open your Microsoft account home page at You may be asked to sign in again.

  4. The Microsoft Edge browser will open and load a tab with your account page.

  5. Here, on the left side, in the “Hello!” section. You will see a link to "Change Name" (below your name). Click on it and on the page that opens, write the name you want. Then click "Save". This is the same name that will be used when sending emails using the email ID.

  6. You can also change your avatar. To do this, click “Upload avatar”.

When you restart your computer, you will see that the account user display name has been changed.

On a note! Your username will change not only when you sign in (on the login screen), but also in the Start menu, Settings app, Control Panel, and everywhere else.

This is a safe method that will not affect your user files and folders.

Method 2. Classic “Control Panel”

  1. Find and open the classic Control Panel. One way to do this is to press Windows+R and then type Control and press Enter. An easier way to do this is to search for "Control Panel" through the built-in Windows search.

  2. In the Control Panel window, you need to click on User Accounts (you will need to do this 2 times).

  3. Then go to Manage Another Account.

  4. Click on the profile picture of your account that you want to change.

  5. Click Change Account Name.

  6. Enter your desired username and rename your account (as in the example below).

Your Windows 10 username will be changed.

Method 3: User Accounts. Advanced Control Panel

What about the name of your user folder?

Video - How to change Windows 10 username

How to change user folder name in Windows 10

Changing the username is a fairly simple process, but the change is not reflected in the user folder located in the C drive. However, changing the user folder name can be quite risky. Sometimes, leaving a custom folder name or simply creating a new Microsoft profile will give you the best option.

If you must change the name of your user folder, there is an advanced option. This involves using the command line to access the security identifier (SID) and then making the necessary changes to the registry. Before you continue, enable and then sign in to the built-in (hidden) administrator account. You can do this by running a command prompt with the highest administrator level.

For this:

  1. In the search, type “Command Prompt” and open it as an administrator.

  2. In the “Command Line”, enter the command as in the picture below and press “Enter”. If you are using a non-Russian Windows, enter - Administrator (in Latin). As a precaution, create a system restore point in advance.

  3. After this you need to log out. Click on “Start”, then on your username and “Exit”. You will be taken to the lock screen.

  4. Log in with a new administrator account. If it is not on the lock screen, turn off the computer and turn it on again (or restart). Since this will be your first login, you will need to wait until the system is ready.

Video - How to rename a Windows 10 user folder

  • Interesting letter. I work in a small organization, the work involves one computer, the Windows 8 operating system. I created a regular account on the computer without administrator rights and assigned a person to it. But a person without administrative rights does not want to work, he says that for almost any action you need to enter the administrator’s password, and so on. The question is: How to change your account type in Windows 8, in other words, assign administrator rights to a regular account and what could this mean for me? Or maybe just tell him the password for my administrator account?

How to change your account type

Friends! You can't work on a computer like that. If they hired me and put me in front of a computer with normal rights, but gave me the password for the computer administrator, then I wouldn’t ask anyone and make myself an administrator. If you gave someone the computer administrator password, then you must completely trust this person, since this person is already the administrator of your computer, with all the ensuing consequences. It can install and uninstall programs, read your documents, mail, and so on. In the end, he can simply assign administrator rights to his account and change your account type to regular! And in order to get to your desk, you will need to ask permission from your employee.
To prevent this from happening, read our short article.
With administrator rights, changing the account type in Windows 8 is very easy.
Without having administrator rights, that is, working under a regular account, this is also easy to do, but you must know the password for the computer administrator account. Let's consider all possible options. So, we are working under the computer administrator account and want to change the type of regular account to an administrator account. Options ->

Control Panel



For example, we want to change the Andrey account type, left-click on it,

choose Changing your account type.

Mark the Administrator item and click Changing your account. All.

In only one case, changing the computer administrator account type to a regular account will not work, even if you are a computer administrator. Windows 8 will not allow you to change the administrator account type to a regular one if there is only one user with administrative rights on the system. There must be one user with administrator rights in the operating system.

If you, having a regular account, want to change your account type to administrator, then you need to do everything the same, but with one small difference. When you click Change account type, a window will appear in which you need to enter the password for the computer administrator account.

If the computer has several regular users, then it is logical to create each their own account. In this case, each account will have its own username. But if you make a mistake in spelling your name, it will constantly catch your eye. This is easy to fix: just use standard system tools.

First you need to determine what type of account you are using - a local or network Microsoft account. To do this, go to the Start menu and select Settings.

In the window that opens, you need to go to “Accounts”.

A page will open showing your account information. If under the account name it says “Local Account”, then they are local. If the email address you used when you first registered in the system is indicated, the entry is network.

The process of replacing the account name will depend on this data.

Changing the local account name

You can change the local account name directly in the operating system. To do this, click on the search button, enter “Control Panel” and open it.

In the panel, click on “Change account type” (this is a sub-item of the “User Accounts” category). A table will open with all accounts existing in the system. Select the one whose name you want to change. In the menu that appears, click on “Change account name” and enter the desired account name.

Now you just need to click “Rename” and the account will have a new name.

Microsoft network account name in Windows 10

If you have an online account, then it syncs with Microsoft servers. Therefore, to change her name you will have to go to the company’s website. For this, of course, you will need an Internet connection.

You need to change the name of your Microsoft account from the “Accounts” menu in system settings (the same menu you went to to check your account type). In the “Your data” item of this menu there is a link “Manage your Microsoft account”. This is where you need to go.

The Microsoft website with your account will open in a browser window. Your account name, your email and profile photo will be written on a blue background. To change the name, click on the “Additional actions” button and select “Edit profile” there.

The Details page will open, showing all of your account information. To change the account name you will obviously need to change the account name, which can be done by clicking on the appropriate link on this page. When you click on the link, fields for entering your first and last name will appear. You can fill them out the way you want - no one will check. After saving, this information will be updated almost immediately on your computer. Now the account will be named as you wanted.

It is important to understand that none of these methods changes the name of the user folder, which is created by the system during the first setup - it will be called the same name. And renaming the folder itself will also not lead to the desired result - the system simply will not work correctly.

Therefore, if you need to rename the account folder (for example, if some program refuses to work with a folder named in Cyrillic), you will have to create a new account. This is done from the same “Accounts” menu of the system settings. There, in the list on the left you need to select “Family and other people”. Select "Add a user for this computer" and follow the setup instructions.

For ease of use of the PC and access control in the Windows 10 OS, there is user identification. The username is usually created during system installation and may not meet the requirements of the final owner. You will learn below how to change this name in this operating system.

Renaming a user, regardless of whether he has administrator rights or regular user rights, is quite easy. Moreover, there are several ways to do this, so everyone can choose the one that suits them and use it. In Windows 10, two types of credentials can be used (local and Microsoft accounts). Let's consider the renaming operation based on these data.

Any changes to the Windows 10 configuration are potentially dangerous actions, so before starting the procedure, create a backup copy of your data.

Method 1: Microsoft website

This method is only suitable for Microsoft account holders.

Method 2: "Control Panel"

This component of the system is used for many operations with it, including for configuring local accounts.

Method 3: Snap-in “lusrmgr.msc”

Another way to do local renaming is to use the snap-in "lusrmgr.msc" ("Local Users and Groups"). To assign a new name this way, you must do the following:

This method is not available for users who have Windows 10 Home installed.

Method 4: Command Line

For users who prefer to perform most operations through "Command line", there is also a solution that allows you to complete the task using your favorite tool. You can do it like this:

In these ways, having administrator rights, you can assign a new name to a user in just a few minutes.