Is it possible to format a hard drive? Full formatting or quick formatting? Formatting methods. What and how to carry out “low-level” formatting at home

Formatting hard drivesoftware process marking elements of the magnetic plate memory area and creating a new file structure carrier. Without labels and structure file system HDD is a useless device, recording information on which cannot be done due to physical and software features processes of recording, storing and reading information.

Physically, nothing happens to it when formatting a hard drive, but on program level on the media it is organized logical structurecertain order, necessary for recording, storing, editing and deleting data. Otherwise, the logical structure of the disk is called a file system. Depending on the selected file system, the speed of access to information, maximum length file name, number of files in one directory, storage efficiency, search methods, recording information, etc. will differ.

Formatting a hard drive is divided into two types. These are low-level and high-level formatting.

Low-level formatting is a process by which special electronic marks called servo marks are applied to the magnetic surface of the polished platters of your HDD. They contain service information about the positioning of the read heads and the position of sectors and tracks of the disk, which determine the physical format of the drive. This procedure is performed on special factory equipment, since before this the media does not contain any information about the sectors and tracks of the plate(s), due to the absence of which, working with the media is impossible. Due to the coefficient of volumetric expansion of materials (which is known to many school lessons physics), from which HDD platters were made in the past and stepper motors that controlled the positioning of the heads, sectors and tracks were shifted relative to the read heads. Thus, when, according to the controller, the head was in the desired sector, it could physically be on the adjacent track. Because of this, the hard drive malfunctioned and bad (inoperative) sectors appeared (if the controller thinks that the head is in the first sector, but in reality it is positioned, for example, above the 5th, then the first four sectors are inaccessible to it). Such hard drives required repeated low-level formatting throughout their entire service life, which required the complete and repeated destruction of all data on the hard disk platter(s).

IN new HDDs this problem was solved by using a voice coil in the read head mechanism, due to which the influence of thermal expansion was compensated by recalibrating the operating parameters of the disk heads (to put it simply, everything was solved at the software level by simple redirection).

Low-level formatting is necessary to solve several problems and is performed in such cases:

  • at the manufacturing facility to create the physical structure of the manufactured hard drive before testing and delivery to the end user;
  • on old ones hard drives to reset the file system (due to the coefficient of linear expansion of materials when heated during long-term operation of the HDD, the head moves slightly in relation to the formed grid of tracks and sectors);
  • complete, reliable and irrevocable erasure of all information stored on the hard drive, for example, before selling your own computer or the hard drive itself.

High level HDD formatting– the process of forming the file structure of a hard drive, which consists of creating the main boot entry, file table, file system structure and, depending on the formatting option, checking the surface of the hard drive platters for the presence bad sectors followed by their replacement or deactivation. As a consequence high level formatting The hard drive is prepared for use by the operating system to store data on it.

High-level formatting is divided into two types: quick and full. During the fast process, the file table is updated, which stores file names and paths to them, attributes, etc. After this, its new structure is formed, and a master boot record of the disk or its logical partition is created. Upon completion of the process, the operating system will recognize the hard or logical drive as clean, although physically all the information on it will remain intact, with the exception of the file table - all data in it will be marked as non-existent and will be overwritten with new bits of information during operation.

Full formatting is a procedure for clearing the file table, as during quick formatting, but with subsequent rewriting of each sector with zero bits of information. Also, during full formatting, all sectors of the hard drive will be checked for functionality. If a bad sector is detected, it will be replaced with a functional one that is in reserve, or simply excluded, as a result of which the usable volume of the HDD will slightly decrease.

High-level formatting of hard drives and their partitions must be performed in the following cases:

  • during reinstallation operating system to reset all data on them and form a new disk structure;
  • when dividing the drive into logical drives;
  • for high-quality checking of magnetic plates for the presence of damaged sectors;
  • immediately after low-level formatting to form the file structure of the disk by the manufacturer or user (mandatory procedure);
  • deleting all information on the hard drive.

2. Formatting a non-system hard drive

Any operating system Windows family located on the disk or its partition, which is designated as system. It contains the master boot record and Windows system files, thanks to which the software interacts with the hardware. There may be several such partitions, but, as a rule, the user has one operating system installed, which implies the presence of a single system partition. All other partitions and connected to the computer hard disks are not systemic. The second and subsequent hard drives are non-system, so the procedure for formatting them is no different from formatting removable USB drives.

Let's consider methods for forming the file structure of non-system hard drives using tools built into the operating system and with the help of third-party software products, designed to work with hard drives.

2.1. Formatting using BIOS

One way to format a hard drive is to use a bootable USB flash drive or CD with an installation distribution of the Windows operating system, the so-called LiveCD or bootable media with one of the programs for formatting storage media. There are versions of programs, such as AcronisDiskDirector, that can boot directly from a flash drive, which means they work without an operating system. The latest versions of Acronis have a bootable media creation wizard. Such a flash drive will allow the AcronisDiskDirector program to boot from the BIOS and perform hard formatting disk.

In addition to third-party programs, formatting a hard drive with BIOS can be done by booting from the installation disk with the Windows distribution using the command line or the operating system installer. All these options will be discussed in more detail below.

2.2. Formatting using Windows

The Windows operating system contains all the tools necessary to format hard drives. In this section, we will consider all the methods to format a hard drive using the tools provided by the Windows operating system.

2.2.1. Through properties

The simplest way to prepare a hard drive for work is to clear it of unnecessary information and form new system, is formatting via the context menu.

2.2.2. Through “Creating and formatting hard disk partitions”

The second method to format a hard drive using the Windows operating system toolkit is the Disk Management snap-in located in system console"Computer Management".

"Disk Management" - system Windows service, designed to manage flash drives, hard drives and their partitions. This program allows you to format hard drives connected to your computer in one of three file systems and create new partitions on them. Almost all actions are performed without rebooting the operating system, which will not distract the user from his main work.

You can start Disk Management using one of the following methods.

Via the Start menu

Via "My Computer"

Via "Control Panel"

We have launched the Computer Management service. Next, you need to go to its subsection called “Disk Management”, which, in turn, is located in the “Storage Devices” section.

During formatting, you will not see any windows with the progress of the operation, except for the inscription “Formatting” in the “Status” line (see screenshot).

Our hard drive is formatted in the selected file system and is ready for further use. You will be notified about this dialog box and system signal.

2.2.3. Command line

In addition to formatting hard drives via graphical interfaces, the operating system, since the days of the console MS-DOS, allows the formation of a new file system of the hard drive with the deletion of all files and, with full formatting, checking its surface for integrity, through the use system commands entered into the command console, also called command interpreter Windows.

The command line allows the user to interact with the computer directly, without any intermediary in the form of an outsider software. It is a window for entering text commands understandable to the operating system with many parameters for direct control of the operating system or computer hardware. Naturally, with the help command line You can quickly format your hard drive. To do this, launch the system console using any of the listed methods or a more convenient method for you.

Through the Run window

Via the Start menu

Using Windows Explorer

The command line is launched by calling the file “cmd.exe” located in the “System32” folder of the system directory of the Windows operating system. To launch the command line, you can go to c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe or use the shortcut to launch the command interpreter.

Having launched the command line, we will see a black window on the screen where you can enter text commands, understandable for the Windows operating system, starting with its first versions.

If you did not enter a label, the operating system will ask you to enter it before formatting or leave the hard drive without a name by pressing “Enter” (see screenshot).

The process of formatting a hard drive, depending on given parameters and storage capacity, can last from several seconds to several tens of minutes. Formatting is accompanied by the inscription: “Creating file system structures.”

At the end of the process, the console window will display the message: “Format completed” and the results of the operation will appear.

Now our hard drive is formatted using the system console and is ready for further use.

2.3 Formatting a disk using the HDD Low Level Format Tool

Utility HDD Low Level Format Tool or abbreviated HDDLLFT is designed for low-level formatting of hard drives and media digital information based on memory chips. It copes with the task perfectly even in cases where the magnetic surface of the plate is severely damaged.

Carrying out the procedure for formatting a hard drive through the utility does not require any special user knowledge.

Please keep in mind that in free version HDD Low Level Format Tool formatting speed is limited to 50 Mb/s, which with significant volumes of modern hard drives during a full format with checking the drive for bad sectors may result in several hours of work. The second disadvantage of the program is the inability to specify the cluster size.

3. Formatting the system hard drive

A system hard drive is, as a rule, a high-speed (with a platter rotation speed of 10,000 rpm, although it can be with a standard 7200 rpm) hard drive on which the operating system is installed. Based on this, format it using Windows will not work. Formatting systemic hard The process of rebuilding a disk is carried out using a different method, the essence of which is no different from the formation of a new file system of a regular hard drive. The only difference is that the utility for creating a new file system will have to be launched from the installation disk or flash drive.

3.1. Formatting using a bootable USB flash drive or disk

3.1.1. Through the Windows operating system installer

One of the most common methods to format a hard drive used as a system drive is to use removable media or a CD and a Windows OS installation distribution.

We will not consider how to create bootable media; many articles have been written on this subject on the Russian-language segment of the Internet. Let's get straight to the point.

  1. We insert bootable USB flash drive into the USB socket of your computer or laptop (or a CD into its drive).
  2. Reboot or turn on the computer.
  3. Immediately after downloading basic system input-output and carrying out initialization and testing of the equipment, we begin to click on the quick selection key for boot media.

    This key can be "F9" or "F11" (see the manual for your motherboard or laptop for instructions), and this data is also displayed during BIOS boot.

  4. We select our media as the device to which control of the system will be transferred (in our case, it is a 4 GB USB flash drive for booting from UEFI).
  5. When a similar black screen with an inscription appears, press any button on the keyboard.

    Information will be read from the bootloader program to which the BIOS has transferred control.

  6. Depending on the Windows builds, select the operating system installation option (with a different boot loader interface, using third party builds, the essence of the process will remain unchanged).
  7. Select the installation language. Naturally, it will be Russian, as will the keyboard layout, time format, etc.
  8. In the next window, simply click “Install ->”.

    We accept the terms of use of the operating system, preferably after reading them.

    We settle on the second option so that we can get into the menu hard settings disk.

  9. Click “Full installation...”.
  10. Using the keyboard and mouse, select the required hard drive if there are several of them connected to the computer, and click “Disk Setup”.

    The toolbar will change slightly.

    Click on the “Format” button.

    will appear standard window with a warning that all files and programs on the disk will be destroyed.

  11. Click “Ok” to confirm your intentions.

After clearing the table of contents, the hard drive will be formatted and ready to install the operating system.

This method is reasonable to use in cases where the Windows operating system cannot format the hard drive, for example, because it is used by some application or is a system partition.

3.1.2. Formatting the system hard drive via the command line by booting from the installation disk/flash drive

Another simple option to format the disk on which the operating system is located is to use the command line by booting from a disk or flash drive with installation files for the Windows operating system.

3.2. Acronis Disk Director

  1. To start the creation wizard boot drives go to the tab " Backup and recovery" on the program control panel, which is made in the style of a ribbon, like Microsoft Office, starting with the 2007 edition.
  2. Click on the “Create bootable media” item.
  3. Depending on the version of the program, a window may appear asking you to select the type of boot media. It is recommended to select the bootloader option on Windows based P.E. Click “Next”.
  4. We select the necessary components on the basis of which the wizard will create a bootable USB flash drive.

    Enough to format a hard drive Acronis programs DiskDirector. If you want to have a tool for creating backup copies of partitions, also select AcronisTrueImage.

  5. Select the type of Acronis bootable media to be created.

  6. Then we confirm our intentions to write the program files to the flash drive, having first destroyed all the files on it, and wait for the end of the writing process.
  7. We boot from the created drive.

    To do this, restart the computer and select our flash drive as boot media. This is done by changing the priority in the list of boot devices (the “Boot” menu item) in your BIOS or by using the boot device selection hotkey.

    In most cases, during the initialization procedure, which occurs before loading the operating system, you must press the F11, F9 or other key to bring up the boot menu. In it, select the USB drive and click “Enter”.

  8. We are waiting for the program to load.

    Typically, this procedure lasts a little longer than downloading the program Acronis Disk Director in Windows.

  9. We select our hard drive and call the formatting procedure using any method:
  10. In the dialog box that appears, select the hard drive formatting options:
    • file system – it is recommended to use NTFS, due to support for files larger than 4 GB, which is not available for FAT and FAT32;
    • Leave the cluster size at “Auto” if you have no idea what this value is. However, to store a huge number of small files, it is recommended to select a cluster size of less than 4 KB;
    • volume label – enter the name of the hard drive or leave the field blank.
  11. Having set all the parameters, we turn our attention to the toolbar located at the top of the screen. Click on the button called “Apply pending operations (1)”.

    After a short loading of the list of operations, a small window will appear with their detailed description and parameters.

  12. If you are confident in the actions you are performing, we check the correctness specified parameters and click on the “Continue” button.

After a few seconds of fixing the operation, the hard drive formatting procedure will start.

Be careful, the program will not display a warning window asking you to confirm the operation and will not notify you that all data on the hard drive has been destroyed.

Formatting will occur within a few seconds, since the utility uses a quick formatting algorithm. At the end of the procedure, the window will close automatically, and the hard drive with a cleared file table and a new file system will be ready for further use.

3.3. Paragon Partition Manager

Paragon Partition Manager is the most powerful free software product for working with hard drives. Naturally, you can use it to format any hard drive or partition. In addition, the utility can work with backup copies, change and create logical partitions, install multiple operating systems on a disk, etc.

  1. Load the LiveCD or installation distribution of the Windows operating system, which includes the Paragon Partition Manager program.
  2. We write the image to removable media and boot from it, specifying the most in the BIOS high priority booting from a flash drive or selecting the drive with the Paragon Partition Manager distribution as the boot device.
  3. We select our program using the mouse cursor or cursor keys and the “Enter” button, depending on graphic menu and a bootloader used to create the LiveCD.
  4. The main menu of the utility will appear, where we select “Partition Manager” in the list on the left, and then in its right frame.
  5. In the next window, in the list of your hard drives, select the one you want to format.

    This can be done both in the “Disk Panel” tab and in the lower frame called “Partition List”.

  6. Call the context menu magnetic storage and select the “Format” command in it, which is located in one of the first places.
  7. Specify the file system and the new hard drive label.
  8. Click “Advanced options” if you want to change the number of sectors in one cluster. Also here you can specify whether to perform formatting using the built-in Windows commands“format”, which we became familiar with when formatting a disk from the command console, or use the developers’ own algorithm.
  9. Click "Format".

    The program will not ask for confirmation of the operation, but it will not start executing the command specified to it.

    To do this, click on the “Apply intended changes” button, which is located in the toolbar under the main menu.

    To view planned changes, use the magnifying glass button.

  10. In the dialogue, we agree to make changes by clicking “Yes”.
  11. We are waiting for a notification that the program has completed its operation.

The same is done through the main menu of the program.

4. Possible errors and ways to solve them

One of the many problems that users face when formatting a hard drive is the use of outdated software. This happens because the user has not updated the disk management program that he trusts for several years. Also, using queries like “download hacked acronis” often leads to the most popular sites, which have been in first place for many months search engines and contain outdated software versions.

Make sure your hard drive software is up to date, especially if you are using one of the latest versions Windows.

The second problem is an error when trying to format the disk being used, especially for system partitions. Also, some application can use the hard drive or its partition, even in read mode, while the user is trying to format it. The way out of the situation would be to use Bootable LiveCDs or media with Windows distribution.

Error in the process of formatting the hard drive due to a huge amount bad sectors occurs when you try to fully format a hard drive, the surface of which is replete with damaged memory cells. Run a HDD scan, for example, with the Victoria utility, with reassignment of damaged areas or their exclusion from the area used for storing information.

In some cases, when other measures do not help, formatting helps. For example, if the hard drive starts to work slowly, copying data from the disk to another medium is slow, etc. Formatting also helps to completely get rid of viruses, because... is happening complete removal all data available on the disk. Besides, correct reinstallation The operating system cannot do without this procedure.

How to format a hard drive? To perform this action, there are many programs that also allow you to perform other operations on the disk, for example, defragmentation, etc. But in most cases, the standard tool provided by the Windows system itself is sufficient.

To format the desired hard section disk, open "My Computer", select the local disk, right-click and select "Format" from the list. But first, save all important data from this section, because... they will be deleted with virtually no possibility of recovery! A window with formatting options will open. Consider these options.

Capacity. Shows the total capacity of the selected partition. In this case, the parameter cannot be changed.

File system. A method for organizing and indexing data. In a nutshell, the file system affects the size of the file name and the maximum size of the file itself. Usually, the default for hard drives is NTFS, and for other memory cards, FAT32, etc.

Cluster size. This parameter indicates the minimum amount of disk space used to store the file. In other words, if you plan to store small files on the media, then the cluster size should be small, but if the files take up a lot of space, the cluster size should be increased. In addition, the cluster size affects the speed of the device, but with this increase, resource consumption also increases.

Volume label. By default, this field is empty. If you want the section to be called something other than " Local disk(D:)", and for example, "Cinema (D:)", enter the word "Cinema" in this line.

Quick formatting (cleaning table of contents). If you uncheck the box, the disk will be completely formatted, searching for bad sectors (if any), and not just clearing the table of contents (in this case, new files will be written directly on top of old ones). Of course, complete formatting takes much longer.

Once you have selected the required options, click the "Start" button and confirm the formatting.

There are several basic methods for working with hard disks. If you need to change the hard drive capacity, it is recommended to use special utilities.

You will need

  • - Partition Manager.


If you need to increase the capacity of your hard drive, use the included utility standard programs Windows operating systems. Open the My Computer menu. Right click on hard drive, whose size you want to increase, and go to its properties.

Select the General tab. At the bottom of the window, find the option “Shrink this drive to save space”, check the box next to it and click the “Apply” button. The time it takes to complete the compression process depends on the size of the drive, the number of files on it, and the speed of your computer.

If you need to reduce the size of a disk or partition, then use the Partition Manager program. Download the version of this program that is suitable for your operating system and install it. Restart your computer.

Enable Partition Manager. Select advanced user mode. This allows you to produce larger set transactions with disks. Open the “Wizards” tab located on the main toolbar.

Select "Create Partition". In the window that appears, activate the “Mode for experienced users" and click the "Next" button. Select the hard drive whose size you want to reduce. Click "Next".

Set the size of the future local disk. It is by this value that the size of the volume being modified will be reduced. Click "Next".

Select the file system for the future partition. Specify the volume label, if required. Click "Next". In the new window, click the “Done” button.

To start the process of reducing the size of your hard drive and creating a new partition, click the “Apply intended changes” button. It is located under the main toolbar of the program. If you reduce hard size disk on which the operating system is installed, the computer will continue to perform the operation in MS-DOS mode.

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Most typing jobs require a computer literacy. Specialists should know all the capabilities of the Word editor, in particular, what is needed and how the document is formatted.

Why is it important to know how to format text correctly?

A document typed only using a keyboard looks like a collection of sentences in which it is difficult to grasp the main idea of ​​the author, as well as to trace the logic of his reasoning. To make reading and memorization easier Word editor and others to him similar programs provide for text formatting, including breaking into paragraphs, highlighting a red line, the presence of indents and protrusions, columns, tables, lists and some other points.

Particular nuances of document formatting

The main way to divide a document into several logically complete parts is to place paragraph marks, which is done by pressing the Enter button. To make it easier to read, each paragraph should begin with a red line - an indentation, which can be done in two ways. Its optimal size is 1.25 cm, and this is exactly how much you should move the upper hourglass marker located on the horizontal ruler with the mouse cursor. Another method is through the menu located at the top of the window: the “Format” button – the “Paragraph” line – the “Indents and Spacing” tab – the “Indents” column. You need to enter the required value in the “first row” cell, then click “OK”.

To move all the text, not just the red line, move the bottom of the hourglass by the desired amount. This is how the “To and from whom” column is formatted in letters. The same action can be performed by following the path described above and entering numbers in the “Indent” column in the “left” or “right” cells.

To ensure that the text evenly fills the entire document and does not shift to its left margin, you can distribute it across the width of the page. To do this, select the required paragraphs and click on the “Fit to Width” button on the formatting panel. It looks like a square of horizontal stripes. There you can center the text for the title or move it to the right in the form of an epigraph.

The list function is convenient when you need to enumerate large quantity items, as well as adding new ones to the middle of the list after its creation: the numbering will change automatically. Numbered or bulleted list can be set using the corresponding buttons on the formatting panel or through the “List” command in the “Format” menu.

In addition to the listed functions in text editor you can change the size and type of font, bringing it closer to a business one or, conversely, to a congratulatory one, highlight part of the document with underlining, italics, bold or colored font, summarize the data in a table, and also perform other specialized actions (inserting an image, diagram).

Tip 4: How to recover files after formatting your hard drive

Don't be upset if for some reason you deleted important files from your hard drive. Most information can be recovered if you follow the correct algorithm of actions.

You will need

  • Easy Recovery.


Use Easy Recovery to find and recover important files deleted from your hard drive or external drives. Before installing the application, make sure that the selected version is suitable for the operating system you are using. Install the Easy Recovery program and restart your computer.

It is important to take into account the fact that the application should be installed on an unformatted hard drive partition. This approach will prevent overwriting deleted information. Launch Easy Recovery by clicking on the shortcut on your desktop.

Select the “Data Recovery” operating mode. If you have completely erased a certain partition of your hard drive, go to the “Recovery after formatting” sub-item. Check the box next to “Deep Scan”. Left-click on the local disk that will be analyzed by the program. Click "Next".

Specify local disk settings. Please note that in this column you need to select the characteristics that the volume had before formatting. If you changed the file system, indicate this fact. Click the "Scan" button.

The process of analyzing deleted information can take from 20 to 50 minutes. Much depends on the size of the local disk being scanned. Wait for the list of found files to be provided. Select those that should be kept in their original state with a check mark.

Apply the "File Reconstruction" function if a certain part of the information was damaged during the recovery process. The main purpose specified function– restoration of documents and archives of various types.


  • recovering files after formatting a disk

Tip 5: How to recover data from a formatted hard drive

Most personal computer users believe that formatting a hard drive permanently erases its contents. Formatting just creates new address tables. By installing a special program, you can return lost information without much difficulty. The most popular and easiest to use program is Data recovery wizard. It allows you to recover almost all files and directories from a formatted hard drive, even from sectors.

You will need


Download the Data recovery wizard program from the Internet. Install it on your Personal Computer. Launch the program. In its main window, select the Format recovery option. After this command, the program will independently display a list of all partitions that it finds on all logical drives your system. If the disk you need was not found as a result of the search, use the function Advanced recovery, designed to restore areas with severe damage. Next, select the section you need from the list and click the Next button. the program will scan and analyze the file system. You will have to wait for some time while the program scans. The duration of this operation directly depends on the size of your hard drive.

Browse the directory tree that will be displayed at the end of the scan of your hard drive. To restore files, select the checkbox next to them, as well as all directories and folders that also require recovery. Click Next. Remember that when restoring data from a formatted disk, you must correctly specify the directory for the new save. Never save recovered files and folders in the same location where they were before formatting. This action can lead to overwriting of the recovered files and to their irreversible destruction.

Prepare enough free space on your hard drive. To restore formatted data you will also have to wait. Correctly specify the path to save the data and click Next. If the list of restored files is large enough, the operation will be lengthy, but definitely with a positive outcome. All formatted files will be restored and ready for use.

Today external hard disks can be programmed with several file system options. In order for the device to work on your PC, you need to run it correct formatting.

You will need


Today there are several varieties external hard disks. Some of them are implemented with pre-installed formatting for a specific file system, while some devices are universal; they are formatted for the desired file system during installation. Let's consider two options for formatting external .

Formatting a disk with a pre-installed file system. Once you connect your device, it will appear in the “My” section, but you may not be able to write files to it because your file system and the hard drive system may not match. In order for the device to become accessible to, it must be formatted to the parameters you need. Right-click on the device shortcut and select “Format”. In the window that opens, set the “Format” option and click on the “Start” button. After the operation is completed, the device will become available for writing and reading files.

Formatting a universal disk. In this case, when connecting the device to the computer, you need the drivers on the PC that you will find included with the hard drive. The installation wizard will automatically detect your computer's file system and format the device with the appropriate settings.

Formatting, in the usual sense, is the process of recording certain information responsible for proper storage files, and also, in some cases, system boot files to the begining disk. Formatting is performed to delete data or to restore work hard disk. Formatting does not physically delete data, so even after complete formatting, information from the disk can be recovered.

You will need

  • - a program for working with computer hard drive partitions.


Formatting can be done both using operating system tools and using special programs. In some cases, formatting is only possible using special applications, for example, the system disk in the operating room Windows system. Based on this, before formatting it is necessary to determine which partition of the hard drive the operation will be performed on.

If only one hard drive is displayed in “My”, it is the system drive by default. In this case, you can format it only using a special program. If you see multiple hard drives in the My Computer folder, you need to determine which one is the system drive and which one needs to be formatted. The system drive usually has the letter “C” and is called “Local Disk C”. When entering system disk, you will find folders with the names: “ Program Files" and "Windows". IN this section your operating system is located and it will not be able to format itself.

If you need to format not system partition hard drive. In the “My Computer” window, right-click on the desired section, in the pop-up menu at the bottom, select “Format...”. In the window that appears, you can select the type of formatting: quick or full. Full formatting takes much longer, but when you select this item, the system will automatically check the hard drive partition for integrity and try to restore damaged clusters. When you select “quick format,” only the sector in which information about files and folders is stored will be deleted on the disk. In addition to the formatting type, you can select the cluster size. The efficiency of disk space use depends on this parameter. Very small size cluster increases the efficiency of using free space, but slightly slows down the speed of accessing files and makes it impossible to defragment the disk using the built-in Windows defragmenter. Too much big size cluster will slightly increase the speed of accessing files, but will not allow maximum use of free space. Optimal size cluster - 4Kb or 16Kb. You can also change the drive letter here. After selection required parameters, click “Start”. Once the process is complete, a window will appear informing you that formatting is complete.

If you need to format the system disk. It is necessary to install a program on your computer to work with hard drives, for example, Acronis Disk Director Home. In the program window that opens, you will see a list of all your hard drives and partitions. At the top they are displayed in the form of a list, where the following are indicated: type, capacity, activity and file system. And below - in graphical form, with a visual display of occupied and free space. Click on the required section once with the left mouse button. A menu of operations available for this volume. Among them, select "Format". In the window that appears, as described in the previous step, select the cluster size and volume letter. In addition, you need to select a file system. "NTFS" is recommended. After selecting the required parameters, click “Ok”. Next, you need to apply the operations performed. In the left top corner in the main window, click “Apply scheduled operations.” In the window that opens, click continue. After the program has been running for some time, a window will appear notifying you that all operations have been completed. Click "Ok". By using this method You can format any partition of your computer's hard drive.

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This kind of mistake is quite typical and usually happens at the most inopportune moment (at least in relation to me :)). If you have new disk(flash drive) and there is nothing on it - then formatting will not be difficult (note: formatting will delete all files on the disk) .

But what should those who have more than one hundred necessary files on their disk do? I will try to answer this question in this article. By the way, an example of such an error is shown in Fig. 1 and fig. 2.

Important! If you get this error, do not agree with Windows to format it, first try to restore the information and the functionality of the device (more on this below).

Rice. 1. Before using the disk in drive G; it needs to be formatted. Error in Windows 7

Rice. 2. The disk in device I is not formatted. Should I format it? Error in Windows XP

By the way, if you go to “My Computer” (or “This Computer”) and then go to the properties of the connected drive, then most likely you will see the following picture: “ File system: RAW. Busy: 0 bytes. Free: 0 bytes. Capacity: 0 bytes"(as in Fig. 3).


1. First actions...

  • restart the computer (perhaps some critical error, glitch, etc. has occurred);
  • try inserting the flash drive into a different USB port (for example, from the front panel system unit, connect it to the back);
  • also instead of a USB 3.0 port (marked in blue) connect the problematic flash drive to USB port 2.0 ;
  • even better, try connecting the disk (flash drive) to another PC (laptop) and see if it can be detected on it...

2. Check the drive for errors.

It happens that careless user actions contribute to the appearance of such a problem. For example, they pulled out the flash drive from the USB port, instead safe shutdown (and at this time files could be copied to it) - and the next time you connect you will easily get an error like "The disk is not formatted...".

Windows has a special ability to check the disk for errors and fix them (this command does not delete anything from the media, so you can use it without fear) .

To launch it, open command line(preferably on behalf of administrator). The easiest way to launch it is to open the task manager using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Next, in the task manager, click " File/new task“, then in the open line enter “CMD”, check the box so that the task is created with administrator rights and click OK (see Figure 4).

On the command line, enter the command: chkdsk f: /f (where f: is the drive letter that you are asking for formatting) and press ENTER.

Rice. 5. Example. Checking the F drive.

Actually, the check should start. At this time, it is better not to touch the PC and not run extraneous tasks. The scan time usually does not take that long (depending on the size of your drive that you are checking).

3. File recovery using special. utilities

If checking for errors didn't help (or it could simply not start, giving some error) - the next thing I would recommend is to try to recover information from a flash drive (disk) and copy it to another medium.

In general, this process is quite lengthy, and there are also some nuances when working. In order not to describe them again within the framework of this article, I will provide a couple of links below to my articles, where this issue is discussed in detail.

  1. - a large collection of programs for data recovery from disks, flash drives, memory cards and other storage devices
  2. - step-by-step recovery information from a flash drive (disk) using the R-Studio program

By the way, if all the files have been restored, now you can try to format the drive and continue to use it. If a flash drive (disk) can't format- then you can try to restore its functionality...

4. Attempt to restore the functionality of the flash drive

Important! All information from the flash drive will be deleted using this method. Also, be careful when choosing a utility; if you take the wrong one, you can ruin the drive.

This should be resorted to when the flash drive cannot be formatted; file system displayed in properties, RAW; There’s no way to access it either... Usually, in this case, the flash drive controller is to blame, and if you reformat it again (reflash it, restore functionality) - then the flash drive will be like new (I’m exaggerating, of course, but you can use it).

How to do it?

1) First you need to determine the VID and PID of the device. The fact is that flash drives, even in the same model range, may have different controllers. This means that you cannot use special. utilities based only on one brand, which is written on the media body. And VID and PID are identifiers that later help you select the right utility to restore the operation of the flash drive.

The easiest and fastest way to identify them is to go to device Manager (if anyone doesn’t know, you can find it through search in panel Windows management ) . Next, in the manager you need to open the USB tab and go to the drive properties (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Device Manager - Disk Properties

  • VID: 13FE
  • PID: 3600

2) Next, use Google search or special. sites (one of these is ( flashboot) to find special utility to format your drive. Knowing the VID and PID, the brand of the flash drive and its size, this is not difficult to do (if, of course, there is such a utility for your flash drive :))…

If there are still dark and incomprehensible moments, I recommend using these instructions for restoring the functionality of the flash drive (step-by-step steps):

5. Low-level formatting of the drive with using HDD Low Level Format

1) Important! After low-level formatting, it will be impossible to recover data from the media.

2) Detailed instructions for low-level formatting (I recommend) -

After launching the utility, it will show you all the drives (hard drives, flash drives, memory cards, etc.) that are connected to your computer. By the way, it will show drives and those that Windows does not see (i.e., for example, with a “problematic” file system, RAW type) . It is important to choose the right disk here (you will have to navigate by the brand of the disk and its capacity, there is no disk name here that you see in Windows) and click Continue (continue) .

Rice. 10. HDD Low Level Format Tool - select the drive that will be formatted.

Next you need to open the tab Low-Level Format and click the Format This Device button. Actually, all that remains is to wait. Low-level formatting takes quite a long time (by the way, the time depends on the condition of your hard drive, the number of errors on it, its speed, etc.). For example, not long ago I formatted a 500 GB hard drive - it took about 2 hours (I have a free program, the condition of the hard drive is average for 4 years of use) .

Rice. 11. HDD Low Level Format Tool - start formatting!

After low-level formatting, in most cases, the problematic drive becomes visible in “My computer” (“This computer”). All that remains is to carry out high level formatting and the drive can be used as if nothing had happened.

By the way, under high level(many are “scared” by this word) it’s a fairly simple matter: go to “My Computer" and click on your problematic drive right mouse button(which is now visible, but which does not yet have a file system) and select in context menu"Format" tab (Fig. 12). Next, enter the file system, disk name, etc., complete formatting. Now you can use the disk in full!

Fig 12. Format the disk (my computer).


If after low-level formatting the disk (flash drive) is not visible in “My Computer”, then go to disk management. To open Disk Management, do the following:

  • In Windows 7: go to the START menu and find the Run line and enter the command diskmgmt.msc. Press Enter.
  • In Windows 8, 10: press the WIN+R key combination and enter diskmgmt.msc. Press Enter.

Rice. 13. Launch Disk Management (Windows 10)

All you have to do is select the disk and format it. In general, at this stage, as a rule, no questions arise.

That's all for me, good luck to everyone and quick recovery storage performance!

Greetings to all readers of my blog, Denis Trishkin here.
Using a computer for a long time, sooner or later the need arises Windows reinstallation. This can be done in several ways. The correct one is the one before which you need to format the hard drive. In this article I will tell you exactly how this happens, and also introduce you to the main concepts.

So what is formatting? Even at school, this process was presented as a division into sectors and tracks, with the loss of all information previously recorded on the storage medium. In the realities of today's technological world, formatting is the process of marking up an electronic storage medium, regardless of its shape and structure, be it an optical or hard disk, memory card, flash drive.

To put it simply, the process involves erasing all existing files in a specified area. At the same time, when new ones appear, they are already placed on top in a seamless manner. Because of this, access to them will be easier in the future, and, consequently, the speed of processing requests will decrease. OS and individual programs will work faster.

File system types( ^)

Before moving directly to familiarization with the process itself, it is important to introduce you to such a concept as file system and its types. So, it is a table that indicates the order of storing, recording and naming information on media. In other words, it is responsible for all processes related to transferring and reading data.

There are several most famous and used types:

Formatting process( ^)

We immediately need to clarify that we are talking about formatting before installing Windows. Therefore, we will talk about working with hard drives, and not with other data storage devices.

Formatting methods before installing a new system( ^)

There are only a few ways to format before installing a new Windows:

    using built-in capabilities;

    command line (use the same tool);

    programs third party developer(most often this is Acronis Disk Director);

    use another computer.

Step-by-step instructions for formatting with built-in capabilities( ^)

It should be noted right away that I will talk about Windows 7, 8, 10, because previous versions Microsoft has stopped supporting it. So, when, during the installation of a new operating system, you reach the disk selection point, you need to:

The built-in tool allows you to format the disk only in a quick way.

However, it does not provide additional functions. That is why many specialists use special formatting programs that work even without an installed operating system. The above is considered the most convenient Acronis Disk Director. This application is paid, although there is the possibility of temporary use.

Formatting using Acronis Disk Director( ^)

To use the application you need:

    1 Download the program image file using a torrent tracker.


    2 Write the downloaded image to a USB flash drive


    3 Using the BIOS, check that the system boots first from the flash drive, press the F10 button and agree.



    4 After rebooting, confirm working from the flash drive.

    5 A black screen appears where you need to select full version Acronis Disk Director.


    6 On the pop-up window, mark “manual” mode.

    7 After this, select the section and click on the item in the left menu.



    9 After this, the program sends us to the initial partition selection window. This is necessary to enter additional changes. But since we are only formatting the disk on which Windows will later be installed, we click on the checkbox.



    10 We are waiting for the process to complete. After this, you can exit the program and continue installing the OS. In this case, there is no longer any need to format the disk with the built-in program.


Formatting via the command line( ^)

Almost no one uses this method, since the methods described above are sufficient for most. But sometimes there are still situations when he remains the only one.

To call the command line, before copying a new one Windows versions to your computer, when the first installation window appears, press the key combination “ Shift+F10" After this, a black window will appear. It contains the command “ format" along with the letter of the partition that needs to be formatted (this could be C, D, E and others). After this you need to confirm the action: “ Yes" Or write " No» if you made a mistake with the letter of the section or simply changed your mind.

The situation can be resolved using third party computer. An infected hard drive is connected to it and standard system cleared. To do this, after booting the system in the section " My computer“You need to select the damaged partition, right-click on it, and then select the appropriate menu. Specify the file system, cluster size, and volume label.


After formatting, the hard drive is installed on the original computer and Windows is installed. Sometimes during this, the system requires you to re-divide the partition into sectors and tracks. Don't worry - this is normal.

Formatting the hard drive before installing Windows - important step. If you don't do it, a new version will work with errors and most likely not for long.

I hope this article will clarify for you the main issues that are associated with the formatting procedure. Subscribe, recommend me to your friends and along with you become computer literate.

To format a drive through Windows Explorer, starting with Windows 7, you can choose two options - quick (clearing the table of contents) and full formatting:

At the same time, it is not clear what the differences are between them - let's figure it out. First, the definition of formatting:

Formatting is a process that involves creatingmaster boot record with partition tableand/or structures are emptyfile system, installationboot sector and similar actions, the result of which is the ability to use the media inoperating systemfor storing programs and data.

As you can see, there is not a word about deleting data - in fact, formatting only allows the system to work correctly with the disk and the information on it. An example of formatting without deleting data is changing the file system from HFS+ to APFS when iOS firmware 10.3 - the file system has changed, but all the data remains in place. But this is rather an exception - usually the formatting process means clearing the disk of data.

Now that we understand the concept itself, let's move on to the types of formatting.

Quick formatting

As the name suggests, it happens quickly - even multi-terabyte hard drives are formatted in just a few seconds. However, in this case, data is not deleted as such - the boot sector and an empty file system table are written to the drive, and the disk space is marked as unused.

The advantages of this approach are clear - time is saved, but there are also disadvantages:

  1. Files are not deleted, so after quick formatting (in the case of hard drive, we’ll talk about SSD later) can be restored (partially or completely) using special programs. So if you are planning to give your disk to someone - quick formatting not the best option.
  2. Quick formatting does not check the condition of the drive, and if there were bad sectors on it, they will remain, which in the future can lead to data loss and (or) incorrect operation drive.
Full formatting

With a full format, not only the boot sector is written and empty table file system, but also writes zeros to all sectors of the disk. In addition, all sectors of the disk are checked, and bad sectors are marked in a special way and are not subsequently used to record data, so after full formatting the disk capacity may decrease slightly. Since you essentially need to fill the entire disk with zeros, the full formatting process takes a very long time, especially on hard drives (for a terabyte drive it can take up to 2-3 hours).

The advantages of this approach are that the data will be impossible to recover, so after a complete formatting the drive can be safely given to another person. The disk is also checked for errors, which allows you to avoid problems with its use in the future. The only downside is probably the time spent on formatting - full formatting takes two to three orders of magnitude more time than quick formatting.

In case of SSD system formats disks differently - for quick formatting, the TRIM command is used: when used, the SSD controller erases all data on the drive and recreates the list of sectors. That is, for an SSD, quick formatting does essentially the same thing as a full format for an HDD. Therefore, when you quickly format an SSD, you can forget about data recovery.

Performing a full format of the SSD, firstly, becomes unnecessary (since a quick format will erase everything anyway), and secondly, it can even harm the SSD - it will work slower. This is due to the fact that the principles HDD operation and SSDs are very different: in the case of latest entry to all cells of zeros will mean that the cells are not empty - they are occupied by zeros. And for subsequent recording of something in these cells SSD controller you won't have to write them down new information, and overwriting (that is, first removing zeros, and then writing new information) - this greatly reduces the speed SSD operation, sometimes even up to speeds regular hard disks.

Which formatting type to choose

As a result, you can create a simple algorithm: if only you use the drive, and it works without failures, use quick formatting. If the drive fails, or you want to give it to another person, use full formatting (with the exception of SSD - for it, in any case, use only quick formatting).