USB Disk Security – protects your computer from viruses from USB flash drives. Ratoo is a free utility for restricting access to USB flash drives

Sometimes you need to block the ability to use a USB flash drive or DVD drive on your computer so that strangers cannot copy or write anything to the computer. removable media. There are several options to solve the problem. You can take a radical route, pull out the wires, or seal/break off the connector. However, it is much better, and easier, to get by programmatically and limit the operating system's access to unnecessary devices. In the second case, you won’t have to deeply study the nuances of the operating system; you can easily get by with a free utility Ratool, which will allow you to do everything in a couple of mouse clicks.

The program does not need to be installed. It will be enough to unpack the downloaded archive, from where you will need to launch the only executable file Ratool.exe. For correct operation application needed administrative rights. Every time you start Ratool, the program will ask necessary rights that need to be confirmed.

Ratoo can only do two things: block removable media for writing and deny access to removable media, that is, it will not be possible to read files and write them. Removable drives here mean everything that can be easily and quickly disconnected and connected to the computer without disassembling the case, starting from USB devices (like flash drives and external drives) and ending DVD drives and tape drives.

The program interface is a list of three items that can be used to allow reading and writing, allowing read only, and blocking reading and writing to a USB drive. After selecting the desired item, click “Apply changes”. Ratoo usually recommends removing and inserting the USB flash drive for the changes to take effect, although usually everything works fine without this.

Ratoo shows in different colors the current state of access to the flash drives. Green means there are no restrictions; orange - files can only be read; red – the flash drive is blocked.

You can get to other removable drives through the “Options” menu, where all items from the main menu associated with a specific type of device are duplicated. Also from this menu section you can, with one click of the mouse, you can deny or allow access to all removable drives, prevent Windows from connecting removable USB drives, safely disconnect removable storage, so as not to damage the data and allow display hidden files. So that no one but you can change anything using Ratoo in the “Settings” section of the main menu, you can enable protection against changing settings by setting a password.

But if you block access to a USB flash drive using Ratoo, you shouldn’t be particularly happy that your computer is reliably protected. The program makes changes to the security policy of the operating system; for advanced users who are well versed in computers, in principle it is not a problem to bypass the blocking. One thing pleases such users is no more than 5%, of which half will have to scour the Internet thoroughly to figure out how to do this.

There are no settings as such, literally at all. A couple of items that could have been collected in the settings were simply shoved into the “Settings” section of the main menu.

It’s not surprising, but Ratoo really works and works very well, allowing you to restrict access from your computer to USB flash drives and other removable media with one click. Don’t forget, this is not a panacea for all ills; if desired, blocking access to removable media can be bypassed.

The program works great on 32 and 64 bit operating systems. operating system translated into several dozen languages, including Russian. By default, Ratoo will communicate with you in the operating system localization language.

Page for free download Ratoo

The latest version at the time of writing is Ratoo 1.3

Program size: archive 428 KB

Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10

USB Disk Security - This free application to provide full protection from all kinds malware, distributed via removable USB media. The application works with external hard drives, memory cards, digital cameras, flash drives, as well as with other devices that can be connected via a USB connector. At the core work Disk Security lies special technology search for threats; like an antivirus program, the utility is able to work in hidden mode, only making its existence known only if malware is detected.

Basically, a personal computer is infected with viruses at the time of use. global network Internet, a little less often this happens during the installation of a dubious or unverified program. An infected file can also enter a PC through the most ordinary flash drive.

When an infected flash drive is connected to a personal computer, malicious software penetrates the HDD, and most importantly it happens so quickly that the installed antivirus programs They don’t always have time to react in time. Especially for such cases, it is necessary to use programs that can easily cope with this type of threat. Today Disk Security is one of the best programs to protect against infected files distributed via USB drives.

When viruses are detected, the application, depending on the settings, will delete or block them, thereby preventing them from launching automatically. In addition, the utility is able to restore the system after it has been infected with malware, clean the hard drive from temporary files, prohibit copying files from the computer’s hard drive, check URLs, complete blocking of USB ports, startup control, forced scanning hard drives.

The program is equipped with a convenient and simple user interface Russian-language interface. The control panel is located on the left side of the working window, consisting of seven main points. The following sections deserve special attention: data protection, scanning and USB shield.

The last section is responsible for displaying a full report on all detected threats. You also need to take into account that the utility by default performs automatic removal any malicious application. So in order to avoid deleting important documents, it is better to disable this option, for example, after deleting boot file your USB drive will not be able to start. After disabling, Disk Security will act as follows - it will automatically move the infected file to quarantine or simply mark it.

In addition to tools for automatically checking flash media, the “Scanning” section is equipped with a vaccination function. Vaccination can be carried out both on removable media and on the actual personal computer. In this case, a special file, which prevents some from starting malicious applications. If desired, vaccination can be turned off.

The “Data Protection” section is able to provide devices with more high protection, for example, you can set a ban on moving data from your computer to a memory card or even block access to your PC via USB port. To close access, you will need to restart the computer, only after this the settings will take effect.

Key features of USB Disk Security:

  • Perform a more thorough scan external drives. If malware is detected, it is either deleted or quarantined.
  • Availability of resident antivirus scanner, triggered when connecting a new USB media. Without making changes to the settings, infected files will be automatically deleted.
  • If necessary, you can perform complete shutdown automatic start on PC.
  • When using the utility, you can view the content without the risk of infecting your personal computer.
  • Sites are scanned for infected applications. The following services are used during the scan: Trend Micro, McAfee, VirusTotal, Symantec and Google.
  • Search service provides the opportunity safe use Internet.
  • The application is able to prevent unauthorized USB connection media to PC.
  • Blocking the copying of unauthorized data to USB is done by using the Access Control tool.
  • Using a system for cleaning temporary files, if the virus is located in temporary directories, it will be deleted immediately.
  • You can set a password in the program settings.
  • Full control over applications included in startup.
  • Availability of a built-in system for restoring important directories in the registry that were affected by malware.
  • You can download Disk Security completely free of charge.
  • Works on Windows XP, 7 and 8.
  • Performed automatic check updates.
  • The application does not need updating virus databases, since it does not work like a standard antivirus program.
  • Due to its small size, the utility can be installed even on a weak personal computer.
  • Seems to be fully compatible with many modern antivirus programs.
  • Using a multilingual interface, a total of 12 languages ​​are available.

USB Disk Security is a simple and effective program to use to provide complete protection against malware distributed through removable media.

VSUsbLogon - free program allowing you to use a USB flash drive as an electronic key to lock your computer or automatic login into the system.

VSUsbLogon convenient program, which makes it possible to control access to a computer using a regular flash drive. VSUsbLogon allows you to link your account Windows entry to any USB drive. This can be a regular USB flash drive or a flash card inserted into a card reader, external hard drive (USB HDD) or even a mobile phone/smartphone, including iPhone and iPod. Linking portable media to an account allows you to safely log into Windows without entering a password or login. At the same time, the system remains protected with a password of any complexity; simply by inserting a key flash drive, you can log in to the system automatically. This is convenient when the user does not want to enter the password every time he reboots. In addition, VSUsbLogon allows you to instantly lock the system when the flash drive is disconnected. Additionally, you can protect yourself with an additional PIN code. In this case, when you log in or change user, the login option using VSUsbLogon will appear in the welcome window.

The binding process is simple. Just run the program, then insert the device that will act as an electronic key, after which it will appear in the list available devices in the main program window. Then click the "Link" or "Link to" button and configure the user data (available Accounts selected in the "Domain" field), as well as configure login parameters and actions when removing/detecting a USB device during Windows operation. Allowed the following actions when removing a flash drive: Lock the computer, Log off the system, Go to sleep mode, Standby mode, Turn off the computer, Reboot, or you can tell the program not to perform any actions at all, in this case electronic key will only take effect when you log in. If the "Auto login" checkbox is checked, login will be automatic if the key media is inserted.

The USB binding can be edited or deleted at any time from the main program window. Also available General settings programs where you can select the interface language (Russian is available), configure the appearance of the information window when blocked, as well as program skins.

The installation of the VSUsbLogon program itself does not present any difficulties. The language can be changed after installation: Setting - Language - Russian.

VSUsbLogon program is free, very easy to use, allows you to improve security and, at the same time, simplify login Windows system, making it more comfortable.

Of all those found, not long search None of the methods worked in my case :)

Even the option to limit rights for users in the registry did not produce results (even removing rights for the system and administrator - i.e., all rights completely for everyone - did not help).

As a result, I combined my version (assembling two different ones).

In my case regular user does not have any privileges in the system (a dream!) and, of course, maximum functionality was required - i.e. use of certain (registered) media on individual PCs.

To do this, we use only two procedures (actions):

  1. We delete from the registry information about all used (registered in the registry) storage devices USB devices any convenient method (to your taste).
    It turned out that the fastest and easiest way for me was to use a simple utility. Then we delete the files from the system %Windows%\inf\Usbstor.pnf And Usbstor.inf .
  2. In the future, if you need to add (register) a storage device, add the specified files to the system, then connect (reconnect) the USB drive and it is fully identified (registered) in the system. After registering in the system, we again delete the specified files, which again blocks any attempts to determine by the system new usb storage device.

In the case when rights in the OS are distributed and “normal” work is performed by the user with limited rights this method completely blocks the ability to connect to the OS not registered ( system administrator) "Flash drives".

Removing and adding Usbstor.pnf and Usbstor.inf files can be done using .bat files approximately as follows:


del /f /s /q C:\WINDOWS\inf\usbstor.inf C:\WINDOWS\inf\usbstor.PNF

restore (provided that the files are located next to the bat file)

xcopy ".\usbstor.inf" "C:\WINDOWS\inf\"
xcopy ".\usbstor.PNF" "C:\WINDOWS\inf\"

Attention! For Windows 7 and higher, all .bat files must be run as an administrator ("Run as administrator" in the context menu).

Below are other ways to restrict access to these devices (they didn’t work for me individually).

Computer management->device manager->universal controllers serial bus USB->(root USB hubs) -> "device application: [disabled]

For example, if the printer is connected to a hub, then it does not need to be disconnected.

note 1. Device Manager can be launched from command line start devmgmt.msc.

note 2. An interesting feature of Device Manager is to run two commands from the console:

Set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
start devmgmt.msc

Then hidden devices will appear in Device Manager.

If USB is not required, disable USB controllers.

Prohibit use by everyone except those selected through “Computer Management -> Storage Devices -> Removable Storage -> Properties -> Security.


There are some underwater rocks, for example, prohibiting use by the USER group. But the administrator can be a member of the USER group.

However, this is equivalent to changing the parameter
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR "Start"
"Start"=dword:00000004 - disable;
"Start"=dword:00000003 - allow.

note. You can start the service from the command line
net start "Removable memory"

We go to the %Windows%\inf folder (the folder has the hidden attribute), there are two files in it - Usbstor.pnf and Usbstor.inf.

We deny access to these files except for the administrators group or a specific user.

Why ban USB completely when you can only ban recording?


The WriteProtect parameter most likely does not exist. Then it needs to be created with type dword and assigned the value 1.

And don't forget to reboot your computer. To restore - assign the value 0.

So, step by step (of course, you need to have local administrator rights):

  1. Win+R (similar to Start -> Run), regedit.
  2. . This key stores information about all USB drives ever connected.
  3. We give ourselves full access to USBSTOR ( right key mouse -> Permissions, check the box Full access the group has EVERYTHING).
  4. We delete all contents of USBSTOR.
  5. We connect the approved flash drive and make sure that it has been identified. A key like Disk&Ven_JetFlash&Prod_TS4GJF185&Rev_8.07 should appear inside USBSTOR (F5 to update the list).
  6. Again RMB on USBSTOR, Permissions. We remove Full access from the ALL group, leaving the right to read.
  7. The same rights must be assigned to the SYSTEM user, but this cannot be done directly. First you need to click the Advanced button, uncheck the Inherit from parent object... checkbox, and in the Security window that appears, say Copy. After clicking OK again, the SYSTEM user rights will become available for change.
  8. To consolidate the effect, click the Advanced button again and check the Replace permissions for all child objects... Confirm execution.

What did we achieve in the end? An approved flash drive connects and disconnects without problems. If an unauthorized attempt is made Windows connections will detect the device, but will not be able to install it, cursing as follows:

Moreover, in USBSTOR it will be created new key, which will clearly indicate an attempt to connect an unapproved USB drive.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to disable USB ports on a computer or laptop in order to limit access to connect flash drives, hard drives and other USB devices. Disabling USB ports will help prevent the connection of any drives that could be used for theft important information or cause your computer to become infected with a virus and spread harmful software over local network.

Restricting access to USB ports

Let's consider 7 ways, with which you can block USB ports:

  1. Disabling USB through BIOS settings
  2. Changing registry settings for USB devices
  3. Disabling USB ports in Device Manager
  4. Uninstalling USB controller drivers
  5. Usage Microsoft Fix It 50061
  6. Using additional programs
  7. Physical disabling USB ports

1. Disabling USB ports through BIOS settings

  1. Enter BIOS settings.
  2. Disable all items related to the USB controller (for example, USB Controller or Legacy USB Support).
  3. After you have made these changes, you need to save the settings and exit the BIOS. This is usually done using the key F10.
  4. Restart your computer and make sure the USB ports are disabled.

2. Enable and Disable USB Drives Using Registry Editor

If disabling via BIOS does not suit you, you can block access directly in Windows itself using the registry.

The instructions below allow you to block access to various USB drives (for example flash drives), but other devices such as keyboards, mice, printers, scanners will still work.

  1. Open the Start menu -> Run, enter the command " regedit" and click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  2. Continue to next section


  3. On the right side of the window, find the item “ Start” and double-click on it to edit. Enter value " 4 » to block access to USB storage devices. Accordingly, if you enter the value again “ 3 ", access will be reopened.

Click OK, close Registry Editor, and restart your computer.

The above method only works when installed driver USB controller. If for security reasons the driver has not been installed, the "Start" parameter value may be automatically reset to "3" when the user connects USB drive and Windows will install the driver.

3. Disable USB ports in Device Manager

  1. Right-click on the " Computer» and select in context menu"Properties" item. A window will open on the left side of which you need to click on the link “ device Manager».
  2. In the device manager tree, find the item " USB controllers" and open it.
  3. Disable controllers by right-clicking and selecting the "Disable" menu item.

This method doesn't always work. In the example shown in the figure above, disabling the controllers (the first 2 points) did not lead to the desired result. Disabling the 3rd option (USB Mass Storage Device) worked, but it only allows you to disable a single instance of the USB storage device.

4. Removing USB controller drivers

Alternatively, to disable ports, you can simply uninstall USB driver controller. But the disadvantage of this method is that when the user connects a USB drive, Windows will check for drivers and, if they are missing, will offer to install the driver. This in turn will allow access to the USB device.

5. Prevent users from connecting USB storage devices using a Microsoft application

Another way to deny access to USB drives is to use Microsoft Fix It 50061( - the link may open near the mituta). The essence of this method is that 2 conditions for solving the problem are considered:

  • The USB drive has not yet been installed on the computer
  • The USB device is already connected to the computer

Within the scope of this article, we will not consider this method in detail, especially since you can study it in detail on the Microsoft website using the link given above.

It should also be taken into account that this method Not suitable for all versions of Windows OS.

6. Using programs to disable/enable access to USB storage devices

There are many programs for setting access restrictions USB ports. Let's consider one of them - the program USB Drive Disabler.

The program has a simple set of settings that allow you to deny/allow access to certain drives. USB Drive Disabler also allows you to configure alerts and access levels.

7. Disconnecting USB from the motherboard

Although physical shutdown USB ports on motherboard is an almost impossible task, you can disable the ports located on the front or top of the computer case by disconnecting the cable going to the motherboard. This method will not completely block access to USB ports, but will reduce the likelihood of using drives inexperienced users and those who are simply too lazy to connect devices to the back of the system unit.

! Addition

Denying access to removable media through the Group Policy Editor

In modern Windows versions it is possible to restrict access to removable storage devices (including USB drives) using the local editor group policy.

  1. Run gpedit.msc through the Run window (Win + R).
  2. Go to the next branch " Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Access to Removable Storage Devices»
  3. On the right side of the screen, find the item " Removable drives: Deny reading."
  4. Activate this option ("Enable" position).

This section of local group policy allows you to configure read, write, and execute access for different classes removable media.