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Read in the review how the versions of Windows 10 differ – Home, Pro, Enterprise or Education. Which one should you choose and how to upgrade to the new version.

Microsoft developers have always released several versions of one operating system at once. Each of the assemblies differs from each other in available functionality, cost, supported bit depth and other parameters. Let's look at what versions exist and which one is best to use on your computer.

Windows 10 categories and their general capabilities

The developer divided all builds of Windows 10 into 4 categories:

  1. Home;
  2. Professional (or Pro);
  3. Enterprise;
  4. Education.

The above assemblies relate to the Window 10 desktop OS. Microsoft has also developed a version of Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones and tablets.

What do Windows 10 versions have in common?

Before moving on to describing the differences between each OS category, let's consider their common features:

  • Support for virtual desktops. Windows 10 became the first system from Microsoft that has a built-in ability to work with multiple desktops at once. The user can launch a new workspace by clicking a single button on the toolbar. Switching between desktop tabs allows you to divide the work, but the desktop shortcuts will be the same for all screens;
  • Quick start. Now the user does not have to wait long for the operating system to turn on. Regardless of the characteristics of the computer, the tenth version of the OS will be launched on average in 10-20 seconds;
  • Economical battery consumption. This option is useful for laptops. The system has a built-in battery saving wizard, the use of which allows you to increase the autonomy of your portable device by 20%-30%;
  • Cortana assistant. All versions of Windows 10 allow you to work with a voice assistant. Commands can be spoken both to search for data on a computer and to surf the Internet. There is support for the Russian language. Also, Cortana recognizes more than 20 different dialects of English and will understand you even if you speak with an accent;
  • Multitasking. Windows 10 supports multitasking better than other Microsoft operating systems. This means you can run multiple heavy programs and games at the same time without significantly slowing down your PC. All tasks are loaded evenly into RAM;
  • Windows Defender pre-installed. Standard Windows Defender monitors all threats in real time, scans executable files and immediately warns the user about malware. Windows Defender is an excellent replacement for a classic antivirus if you use the operating system at home. Thus, there is no need to buy expensive antivirus software;
  • Personalization. The user can completely customize the desktop to suit their needs. Move the toolbar, adjust the size of shortcuts, the appearance of the Start menu, and many other options.

Also, each version of the system comes pre-installed with a new browser from Microsoft – MS Edge. The browser is distinguished by maximum compatibility with the OS, fast operation, absence of bugs and errors, a pleasant interface and the option to create notes directly on the web page screen.

You will have the opportunity to work with all of the above features of Windows 10, regardless of which OS version you choose.

Price range of Windows 10 versions

The official cost of each OS version is indicated in dollars. Please note that online stores or other points of sale may increase the retail price slightly (on average 10%-20%). Also, the price in the Russian Federation depends on the dollar exchange rate.

Prices (taken from the official Microsoft.com website):

  1. Home – $119.19;
  2. Professional – 199.99;
  3. The Enterprise version is provided in the form of a paid subscription, which is purchased separately for each user. The annual subscription cost is $84. It is possible to purchase software monthly for $7 for one PC;
  4. Education – $99.99. Also, this version is distributed free of charge to universities from all over the world that are participants in the DreamSpark project.

Windows 10 Mobile and Mobile Enterprise versions are free for users of Microsoft (Nokia) smartphones and tablets.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each build of Windows 10 OS.

Windows 10 Home

This version of the operating system is intended for private use. Perfect for installation on a home PC or laptop. The Home assembly is the most common, since it is with it that most computers and laptops are sold around the world.

Windows 10 Home supports all the basic features mentioned earlier and has Defender pre-installed. The system lacks utilities and applications that are not useful to the average user. Also, the developer removed support for the encrypted file system and network administration parameters. This made it possible to significantly speed up the operation of the OS and make it even more accessible for low-performance PCs.

Please note that the lack of hard drive encryption does not mean that the operating system is not secure. All user files and executable programs are scanned by the Firewall, and the OS update service always regularly installs the latest security and error correction packages on the PC.

Windows 10 Enterprise

The ideal version of Vidovs for business. Today, Windows 10 Enterprise is used by tens of thousands of businesses around the world. Its advantage is that the built-in tools of the system are able to provide all the necessary software tools for both a small company and entire corporations and companies with many branches and.

The advantage of this version of the system is its cost. It is more profitable to buy an Enterprise subscription for each computer for the required period than to install the professional version on all devices.

As for the Enterprise functionality, it differs from the professional version of the system (in which all management tools are available) only in the absence of a pre-installed MS Edge browser. If necessary, the browser can be downloaded from the official Microsoft application store.

Among the features of the assembly are the means of team interaction. The most important of them:

  • BranchCache is a utility that speeds up the process of finding and installing the latest updates;
  • Credential Guard Utility and Device Guard services are software whose task is to create a data protection system for the hard drive, RAM, incoming traffic, and network environment;
  • Direct Access is a system utility with which a local network administrator can set up remote control between two gadgets.

Windows 10 Pro

According to the developer, the professional build of the OS is also designed to work on home PCs and laptops. It is only suitable for advanced users who need to install business applications, virtualization and administration tools.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • Enhanced information security system (BitLocker). Thanks to the built-in ability to encrypt all files stored in disk space, you don’t have to worry about someone hacking your PC and gaining unauthorized access to the contents of the disk;
  • Hyper V utility is a built-in virtualization component. With its help, you can install and test the operation of other operating systems directly in the window of an existing Windows 10;
  • Built-in remote desktop access option (Remote Desktop);
  • A service for interacting with cloud storage, an application store, and a service for updating business application settings.

Windows 10 Education

The Education assembly is designed specifically for use by students and in educational classrooms. It is also oriented towards working with business programs and has MS Office installed.

Function support:

  • Direct Access – organizing remote access between two computers on the network;
  • Simplified setup of cloud hosting;
  • Built-in hard drive and RAM protection mechanisms.

In general, the capabilities of the “educational” version of Windows are similar to those of the Enterprise version, only the Cortana voice assistant is missing.

Mobile versions of Windows OS

All versions of mobile builds are intended exclusively for use by individuals on smartphones and tablets. The assemblies are distributed free of charge and are already installed in the purchased gadget. If it is necessary to use the enterprise version, the user can install it independently using the instructions on the Microsoft.com website.

Features of mobile versions:

  • Supports interaction with touch screens;
  • Continuum option, with which the user can enter the contents of the screen of a mobile gadget onto the display of another compatible device;
  • Pre-installed for working with documents and electronic presentations.

All updates to mobile builds are performed over the air. To check for the availability of new software, go to the system settings, section “Update and Security”, and install the available components.

How to find out the installed version of Windows 10?

You can find out which version and build of Windows 10 is installed on your PC using the built-in components. Follow the instructions:

  • Open the System Notification Center and click on the “All settings” field;
  • In the new window, click on “System”;
  • On the right side of the window, select the “About the system” section. Then on the right side of the screen, look for the Release and Version field.
OS update

To update the operating system, open the settings window again, as indicated in the previous section, and click on the “Update and Security” tile.

Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Click on the “Check for update” button. After receiving data from the Microsoft server, a field will appear notifying you about the need to update the system. If the most current update is installed on your PC, no messages will appear as a result of the scan.

To install the update, click on the “Restart now” button. During the system restart process, new components will be installed.

In the settings window, the user can configure automatic detection and installation of notifications.

Windows 10 versions - key differences

In conclusion, let’s summarize all editions of Windows 10 and their main characteristics:

  • Home is the version with the most reduced functionality. It can be installed even on a low-performance PC and is perfect for home use;
  • Enterprise is a corporate build type that the developer recommends for use in enterprises. Supports all the features of the professional build, but without the Edge browser;
  • Education – OS category for use in educational institutions;
  • Professional is the most complete and expensive version of the OS. Supports all administration tools, working with the network environment and has a powerful security system for the file system and user data. Has MS Edge pre-installed;
  • Mobile – assembly for mobile devices;
  • Mobile Enterprise – version for use by mobile corporate devices.

Share in the comments which build of Windows 10 is installed on your PC and why you chose it.

Everyone is wondering, when will the final version of Windows 10 be released? Yes, that’s it, the moment has finally arrived. Now there is no longer any test version of Windows 10. There is only the latest edition, which will now only be updated for greater compatibility with applications and computer components. But what does the user get in the end? Different functionality for different money. The operating system itself is distributed free of charge, but its configuration depends on the one that was already purchased on the computer. For example, if Windows 7 Home was installed, then Windows 10 will also be Home. Let's look at all the options in more detail.


The home version is the most basic version, there is no domain joining, no group policies, no remote desktops, no dedicated store for business, no detailed user interface control, no Bitlocker. In general, you can do very little. Nevertheless, this configuration is quite satisfactory for typical users of such systems. What do they get for their money?

They can manage mobile devices, can use the Microsoft Passport option (of course, if they have special equipment), encryption (of course, also if they have special equipment). OK it's all over Now. The rest depends on the applications that the user himself installs on his computer. Not enough, would you say? Who uses all these additional services? For many people this will do. Next comes the Pro version.


Here, as you might guess, there is a certain increase in options compared to the previous version. Users can manage group policies, run remote desktops, join cloud storage services, use the Windows Store for Business, protect corporate data, and use Bitlocker. Is this too much? Well, naturally a little more than it was. However, there is no point in using all this if the computer does not work in any enterprise. It is immediately clear that all the additional options are designed for corporate workers to pick up work assignments from special branches of information as quickly as possible and immediately begin to complete them.

It makes no sense for the proud owners of their own personal home computer to plunge into corporate madness and try to customize such a system for themselves. Although schoolchildren love the Pro acronym, it will not give them any special advantages over their friends. Microsoft offers only basic features, which are always supplemented by third-party applications. And no matter how much you would like to solve everything with standard Word, you still have to install the office suite.


This version has an even greater increase in options. So, in addition to all of the above, the Pro package adds direct access, AppLocker, BranchCache, Group Policy control of the Start screen, and detailed user interface control. It also adds credential and device protection. Of course, such a set will greatly please businessmen.

For educational institutions

Microsoft is betting very heavily on education, so the equipment here is the same as in the corporate version. Of course, who in these educational organizations looks at what software product is offered to them. However, a huge number of options already come in the package. Usually there is a big discount on such products, so no one understands the essence. Moreover, this package will not be sold to an ordinary commercial organization, no matter how much they ask for it.

Which version to choose

It all depends on the user’s tasks and desires. If there is no point in delving into a huge number of functions, then you can opt for the home package. Of course, many people had this version, and everyone was quite happy with it. Will the advanced version be safer? No, it won’t, besides, modern consumers do nothing but sit on the pages of social networks and print out abstracts. For such opportunities, a basic kit is quite suitable. There are no obstacles for games either.

Great opportunities are provided for those people who are going to use them. Having a fast car in your garage and never taking it for a ride is a dubious pleasure. In addition, all these newfangled technical capabilities imply additional equipment. If there are no fingerprint readers and key generators, then the rich equipment will stand idle.

Analyzing all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that it is better to stay on the previous version of Windows. This is not always correct, as support for previous versions begins to gradually cease. Therefore, new vulnerabilities found in old software help attackers take over any computer. On Windows 10, the codes are newer and the design is nicer. Plus there are many interesting features that make your work easier.

So opinions may differ here. Naturally, advanced users themselves are able to determine which packages they need and which they can do without. Typical consumers won't even notice that anything has fundamentally changed. Yes, the appearance has become better, the work has become faster, but you don’t need to know what’s inside. That’s right, why tinker with a car if it drives great on its own.

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Hi all! It's no secret that Windows 10 is the latest version of the system from Microsoft, but everyone is familiar with its desire to update on a large scale several times a year... hence a logical question arises - how to find out the version of Windows 10 installed on your computer?

Professional edition or Home edition, or maybe Corporate with long-term service? Build number or bit size? — We will consider all this in detail in today’s article.

If you don’t look at the whole zoo of editions and versions, then in general the overall picture with Windows 10 becomes clear - information about the system can be described in three terms

  1. Edition - determines the functionality of your copy of Windows 10 (For example Professional or Home)
  2. Bit capacity - x86 (32 bit) and x64... in general, the differences are colossal, but for the average user there are only problems with old hardware (although who installs old hardware on Windows 10) and 64bit sees more than 4 gigabytes of RAM
  3. OS version - Latest at the time of writing 1803 (since there are no Service Packs now, each new edition of the system with major changes changes the version)

It is the operating system version that deserves special attention. If you believe the words of Microsoft, then Windows 10 is with us seriously and for a long time - it will simply be seriously updated and new functionality will be gradually added. Therefore, the top ten that you installed a couple of years ago may be seriously different from the latest edition - the name remains the same, the version has changed...

The easiest way to see the version of Windows 10

This method works great in absolutely any version of Windows 10 and is incredibly easy to use. To do this, open the Start menu and type winver - select the appropriate item in the search results.

You can also press the WIN + R key combination on your keyboard to open the Run window, type Winver and press ENTER or click OK.

This command will open the Windows Details window, where you can view detailed information about Windows 10 installed on your computer. As you can see, I have Windows 10 PRO Version 1803 (Spring Creator Updates) installed. I will publish detailed information about each version at the end of the note...

Are you still confused by this version name? - These are just flowers, it will be more interesting later

Determining the version of Windows 10 through “Settings”

This method, similar to the previous one, works on any edition of Windows 10, but may look slightly different due to cosmetic changes to the system interface in different versions.

Open "Settings" (Open the "Start" menu and click on the gear icon and go to the "System" section)

In the left column, scroll the list to the very bottom and find the “About the system” item. This is what information about Windows looks like after upgrading to Windows 10 Spring Creator Updates 1803 - everything that interests us is here:

  • System type - this line displays the bitness of the installed copy of Windows 10 (32 or 64-bit)
  • Edition - information about the edition of your Windows 10
  • Version - (what we were looking for) exact version of Windows

The location of these lines may change from version to version, but this does not change the essence - we need exactly these three lines with information about the version, edition and bitness

Another way to find out the version of Windows 10

If you are only interested in the edition and bitness of your copy of Windows 10, then you can find out this information in the “System” menu. To do this, go to the control panel and in the “System and Security” section, find the “System” item (when you hover over Windows, it tells us that here you can view information about the installed system)

The “System” window will open, in the Windows Edition category we see the installed edition (in my case it's Windows 10 Professional) and in the “System type” line the bit depth is displayed (32 or 64 bit).

Unfortunately, with this method we do not see the version of the Windows 10 system

Now that you know the version of your Windows 10 and its edition, let's figure it out - what to do with this information?

What does the Windows 10 update version number mean?

The situation is such that most likely we will not see Windows 11 or Windows 12 very soon (or maybe we won’t see it at all) as it was in the days of Windows 7. In addition to security patches, Microsoft adds quite serious functionality previously unavailable to each new version of Windows 10 (the number of innovations is already similar to Windows 11).

These updates have a specific version and marketing name (for example, at the time of writing this is Spring Creator Updates) and come with new features and significant changes. If it’s easier for you, then you can call it another Service Pack during the times of Windows XP or the beloved Seven.

Quite a lot of versions of Windows 10 have been released since July 2015, so I suggest you familiarize yourself with them all

  • 1507 is the very first version of Windows 10, released in July 2015 and codenamed Threshold 1.
  • 1511 is the first major update for Windows 10. It was released in November 2015 and was called “November”
  • 1607 - the second major update, which was timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary (Anniversary Update for Windows 10)
  • 1703 is the third major update for the top ten, which is known to everyone as Creator Updates and has the code name Redstone 2 (did they replay Minecraft or something?)
  • 1709 - Fall Creator Updates for Windows 10 - released October 2017
  • 1803 - the fifth major update and the latest at the time of writing this note, popularly called Spring Creator Updates and codenamed Redstone 4 (Released in April 2018)
  • 1809 - Expected October 2018, most likely Redstone 5 (marketing name unknown)

What is an edition of Windows 10

You can install one of the following editions of Windows 10 on your computer or laptop

  • Home is the most ordinary version of Windows 10, which is suitable for almost everyone. Designed for home use (very often pre-installed on the computer) and does not have business features such as BitLocker encryption or Virtualization.
  • Pro - perfect for an enterprise or advanced user. Unlike the HOME version, here you can control the process of receiving updates.
  • Corporate LTSB is probably the most interesting edition... I’ll say in advance - an excellent option for those who don’t want to leave the seven, but circumstances force it. There's no new Edge browser or app store, and no new features will be added—just security updates.

In fact, Windows 10 has more than ten editions, but as a rule, only these three are found everywhere (or rather, HOME and PRO are found, LTSB is very rare)

What is System Type in Windows 10?

The information reflected in the system type indicates the bitness of your copy of Windows. Almost all modern processors are 64-bit and it would be correct to install the 64-bit edition of the OS (and if you have more than 4 gigabytes of RAM, then using a 32-bit version of Windows is simply a crime)

What version of Windows 10 do you have?

Now you know how to view the version of Windows 10 and decipher its meaning. Before closing this article, write in the comments - what version of Windows do you have installed? Let's try to determine the most popular edition of Windows 10 among our readers.

The best builds of windows 10 2018 download torrent for free and without registration, the latest builds of windows10 x64 and x86 with an activation key.

For every user, Windows 10 is of clear interest. After the fatal failure of OS version 8, this software seems especially successful. Here, enhanced functionality meets familiar controls and a host of special features. In addition, a distinctive feature of the operating system is adaptability. Windows 10 is equally well suited for both traditional PCs and laptops and portable equipment. It is successfully used in mobile devices, televisions and industrial equipment. Let's talk about the technical requirements and functions of the expanded version and assemblies.
Technical requirements for the device
Microsoft software has fairly low hardware requirements. Despite the announcement of the transition to a new version of processors, the developers have so far abandoned this idea. This is due to the large number of users around the world who have inexpensive, weak PCs. So, for a smooth installation, your device will need to meet the following technical specifications:

  1. RAM – depending on the capacity of the system – with a capacity of 1 to 2 GB.
  2. Bit depth – x32 or x64.
  3. Processor clock frequency – minimum 1 GHz (more than 1.5 GHz recommended).
  4. Free memory on a network drive – the software will take up 16 to 20 GB of free disk space.
  5. Video card – capacity from 128 MB with support for DirectX 9 with WDDM driver version 1 or later.
  6. Mouse, keyboard (or touch input devices), and monitor.
The technical specifications presented are the minimum acceptable. For the coordinated operation of all system components, it is required that the device exceeds them. In addition, the functionality of the PC depends on the power of the PC. Each individual assembly has its own technical characteristics, which can be found on the torrent page. The version will feature support for all kinds of graphic components and interactive elements.
Features of Windows 10 functionality
The packaged product is intended for people who want to customize all the controls as much as possible to solve their tasks. Never before has an OS been so interactive and functional. Among the distinctive additions of the latest version of the operating system are:
  1. Availability of the Start menu. In the previous version, the developers abandoned this familiar addition. Users greeted this decision with a wave of indignation, so in the new version the button and menu are in the usual place. However, the functionality of the key has expanded - Internet search is integrated here, as well as information about each individual element.
  2. Full time desktop. The new version offers extensive opportunities for entertainment and work. To do this, the entire desktop can now be occupied by windows of active applications. In addition, the user can create several desktops at the same time. Thus, user productivity is improved and multitasking problems are also solved. This will require sufficiently powerful hardware, otherwise the system may work too slowly.
  3. Ease of transition between dialog boxes. When you have many applications and programs open, switching between them can be very easy. There is a Task View button for this. After clicking on the icon, the system will display all open windows on one screen. Next, all you have to do is select the required program to solve your work or entertainment problems.
  4. Advanced coding and archiving system. All data will be securely protected and backed up in case of emergency.
  5. Integrated algorithms for protection against malware.
  6. Special properties of memory and comfort of use. Many users call Windows 10 the most powerful and functional system that the corporation has produced.
The changes affected the design and structure of the file system. However, you can get used to them very quickly. In addition, the original versions contain add-ons for corporate clients. This is an expanded list of supported applications and accounting systems, as well as new functions for working with office programs.
The corporation has released five main editions of Windows 10. Each of them allows users to solve a number of problems with specific requirements. So, OSes created based on the editions are freely available:
  1. Homemade. Version for a user with a small range of tasks - searching for information on the Internet, working with basic programs, video and audio files.
  2. Professional. Provides a wide range of settings and graphic design options. Here functionality and adaptability are expanded. This program is the most popular and easy to use.
  3. Corporate. Practically not used by private individuals. Its purpose is to maintain operational communication and communications between departments of corporations and companies. An attractive product for legal entities.
At the same time, the functionality of each edition differs significantly, as does its cost in official sources. Let's discuss what additions have been introduced into the builds and how they will help the average PC user.
The difference between the assembly and the original version
Most builds integrate some design and functionality additions. In addition, keys for activating the OS are built-in. Depending on the installation algorithm, here you will find detailed instructions. The changes affected:
  1. Graphic component. Components have been introduced that will help the user get rid of basic topics and choose what he likes. The list of available wallpapers and other design elements has been added.
  2. Adding a function for selecting programs that must be installed. Now the user can get rid of unnecessary components by simply prohibiting their installation on the PC.
  3. Software update integration. By default, the latest versions of the programs at the time of release are added to the assembly. This will allow you to save your time and traffic.
  4. Anti-virus system protection. The assembly components responsible for protection against malware were replaced with modern, more efficient and compact programs. The virus databases and their detection algorithms have been updated.
In most builds, the original components are left untouched, allowing you to enjoy the full functionality of Windows 10 absolutely free. In this case, the system installation algorithm may differ from the selected version. Before starting installation, it is recommended to physically disconnect the Internet connection cable. Otherwise, the system will establish the connection itself, which may interrupt the installation. You should connect the network only after activating the product. Details of the process are described in the instructions for each image.
On our website you can download the Windows 10 torrent for free and download it to your device. To do this, select the appropriate assembly and follow the instructions and complete the installation. Particular care should be taken when recording media - a flash drive or disk. If you follow all the instructions and recommendations, you will soon be able to use all the functionality of the software product for work and entertainment absolutely free!

Released in several versions. Pro and Home versions immediately became available to users, the rest are intended for corporate use (Enterprise) and educational institutions (Education).

As for the appearance, it is the same for all editions: the Start menu has returned, which combines elements of both versions 7 and 8 of the OS. The design has become more stylish compared to Windows 7. The virtual assistant Cortana has also appeared.

Windows 10 Home and Pro update is available for regular users and many people have questions about it. Which system should you choose to install on your computer?

Windows 10 Home

Not every user can notice the differences between different assemblies. The Home version is standard and suitable for home use. This is what is planned to be installed on most commercially available devices.

What's new in Windows 10 Home:

  • Windows Hello is a new way to authenticate. Includes the ability to unlock your computer using your fingerprint, iris or face. According to the developers, it is planned that the new function will reliably protect user data.
  • Hiberboot and InstaGo. These features ensure quick recovery from sleep mode and faster system boot time.
  • Microsoft Edge is a new browser that replaces the well-known . After failures with the old version of the browser, the company decided that it was no longer possible to fix it and completely replaced it with a completely new one.
  • Virtual desktops. This feature was not present in any of the previous versions of Windows, now the user can use as many desktops as he wants on one device.

But not all innovations have a positive assessment. The downside of Windows 10 Home is that the user has the right to choose how to update.

Windows 10 Pro

The innovations that appeared in Windows 10 Home are in the professional version. But Windows 10 Pro users have much more flexibility in choosing which updates to install and working on different networks. This option can also be used as a home option, but the main focus is on small business owners: enhanced data protection, many functions for processing and working with documents, and so on.

Windows 10 Pro differs from Enterprise in some ways, but in general it is suitable for running not only small but also medium-sized businesses.

If we talk about updates, the user will be able to receive not only standard updates, but also new ones for business-oriented programs and security systems. Also in the Windows 10 Pro version, you can independently configure the type of updates to be installed, set a schedule for them, or refuse them altogether.

Since the professional version is still intended for business, it enhances the security of data storage, including those located in the cloud.

If we compare Windows 10 Pro with Windows 10 Home, it has the following advantages:

  • support for different devices and advanced management of them;
  • encryption methods for data transmission over enterprise networks;
  • a wider list of network standards;
  • remote control, access to office printers and shared documents;
  • working with the cloud;
  • if necessary, this version can be upgraded to Enterprise for a small fee;
  • group policy management.

All of the above functions are not very necessary for the average user and mainly simplify doing business, as they relate to working with documents. In principle, with specialized software and proper use, the Pro version can solve problems for large businesses, although there is a separate assembly for it - Enterprise.

In general, both the Pro version and the Home version have the same basic components, the only difference is in the business tools.

If the average user does not need business components, then the home edition will cope with all tasks perfectly. But the professional version is also suitable for home use.