How to find out the original one. Serial number and IMEI. Appearance and accessories

The iPhone is a mass device, used by all segments of the population, including children, old people and women, most of whom handle technology at the level of an insecure user. These are the people who often become victims of scammers who sell counterfeit apple smartphones via the Internet or by hand. In this article we will tell you how to 100% distinguish an original iPhone from a fake.

In contact with

Taking advantage of the lack of fundamental differences in the design of some iPhone generations(5/5s/SE, for example), scammers often try to pass off one model as another, or at least sell a device with a memory capacity that does not match the declared one. In this case, a thorough check, which we talked about, will be required.

However, often attackers act even more brazenly, offering people Chinese (mostly) Android counterfeits under the guise of an iPhone, which differ from the original like a tank from a slingshot. Naturally, advanced user will easily detect a fake, but a person who does not understand the technical intricacies may well purchase a fake, especially if the deal is concluded at a meeting - a trained fraudster has a strong influence on the buyer psychological impact. However, it is quite easy to expose the seller to clean water; this can be done using the recommendations described below.

How to distinguish an original iPhone from a Chinese counterfeit

Currently, Chinese craftsmen have reached incredible heights in the production of high-precision copies of Apple smartphones. We will not describe in detail the external distinguishing features between the original and the fake, because... There are very high-quality fakes, but we will focus on the main verification methods, which should not be neglected in any case.

Appearance and accessories

Often a cheap replica can be identified “by eye” - it will give it away plastic case, a box made of “toilet paper” instead of high-quality cardboard, which Apple uses, a connector and, accordingly, a MicroUSB connector instead of Lightning, etc. In addition, some large manufacturers avoid confrontation with the lawyers of the apple confrontation and indicate on their replicas the names with a mistake (iPhone, iPhone, Spacve Gray, etc.) or draw the Apple logo with an apple bitten on the wrong side.

But we repeat, the market is full of very high-quality fakes that look very similar to the original iPhone. Here is an example of a high-quality Android copy of the iPhone 6.

Please note that externally (design, materials, buttons, GUI) the smartphone looks exactly like an Apple product. Even the menu About this device V Settings looks like the real thing.

Even the settings are faked

There is a special page on the Apple website where you can enter the serial number and check the warranty for the original iPhone, while the system, of course, will not accept a fake one. However, you should be careful here - scammers may provide documents and a box from a real iPhone with the correct serial number. It can also be viewed in the phone settings, but even there it can be faked.

Specified Serial number on the above-mentioned fake refers to a real iPhone 6. As you can see, Asian craftsmen very competently use original devices Apple to create a fake.

However, even on the above page with Settings, an experienced user would have discovered a catch. Pay attention to the line Capacity- 64 GB and Available - 63.98 GB. The difference between these values ​​is only 20 MB, which is impossible to achieve in practice.

In other words, on a real iPhone, the difference between the declared and actual storage capacity indicated in the settings will always be significantly different. We explained in detail why this happens.

Actually, here we come to the description of the necessary actions that must be performed without fail.

Apple ID is universal Account for many services Apple. You can create an Apple ID even without having a availability of iPhone, iPad and Mac. The thing is that fake iPhones work on the basis operating system Android, carefully disguised as iOS - the graphical interface will not allow an inexperienced user to detect the deception. However, the Chinese device does not have the functionality of the original.

How to create an Apple ID without Apple devices(any computer with installed is required), we in more detail told and shown on video.

Having Apple's own ID, you are 100% guaranteed to detect a fake, for this:

1 . Launch the application Settings and go to the section .

2 . If such a section is present and no one’s account is indicated in it (button To come in), enter your details. If nothing prevented you from logging into your account, it means you have an original iPhone. It should be like this:

3 . To be more sure, go to the application App Store and search for iMovie or Garage Band. This Apple apps, which are not available on Android. It is logical that if such applications are available in search results, that means the iPhone is original.

Year after year, the popularity of smartphones produced by Apple is growing more and more. Many people simply cannot imagine themselves without another “brand new” model. But there are incidents with too risky designs that are radically different from their predecessors. This, for example, happened with the iPhone 6. Enlarged iPhone diagonal 6, its smooth corners were not to the taste of many users. Due to this, counterfeits began to appear in the form of Chinese pseudo-iPhone 5s. Let's look at how to distinguish an original iPhone from a Chinese one.

The technologies possessed by counterfeit manufacturers are high, making it difficult to identify a counterfeit. We will try to understand the signs that allow us to distinguish the original and answer the question, “how to distinguish an iPhone 5s from a fake?”

To make their iPhones, Chinese manufacturers use technologies similar to the original components: heavy-duty glass and metal. And they never use it Chinese characters when applying markings on the body of a fake. Due to the skills of counterfeit manufacturers, many buyers focus on how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original. And there are differences.

How else can you check your iPhone?

The real iPhone 5s is a monolithic case that can only be opened by unwinding. Counterfeits are usually noticeably lighter than the original. The original should not contain:

  • Antenna
  • Stylus
  • Chargers from USB and mini-USB
  • Memory cards
  • Dual SIM cards

Fakes usually do not have such settings menu items as “Software Update” and “Siri”.

How can you determine and distinguish the original iPhone?

Complete set, of course. So, the complete set of a genuine iPhone.

  • iPhone device packed in film.
  • Headphones packed in film. They are covered with a metal mesh and are white in color.
  • Charger with cable packed in transparent film.
  • Documents for a smartphone and a device for opening a SIM card. Apple logo stickers.

Whether an iPhone is Chinese or not can be distinguished by paying attention to the neatness of all the included components. In the original they are laid out neatly. The wires are rubberized and quite flexible to the touch; the hard parts of the headphones are smooth without corners.

You can check the authenticity via the Internet. By following the link, you can find out all the information about the device, of course, provided that it is genuine.

Pay attention to the material from which the iPhone case is made. The original has aluminum gold, gray and white flowers. Fakes may differ quality material housings.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original if you have checked everything visually

  • In the “About this device” sub-item in the “Settings” menu you can find the serial number, which must match the number on the smartphone case. The phone menu design must match the features original iPhone. Counterfeits usually run on Android OS or Windows Phone.
  • If you went to the app store and opened Google Play Market, then this is a fake. Also, when connected to a computer during synchronization via iTunes, it is the iPhone 5s that should be displayed, this is proof of the originality of the device.

How to distinguish an original iPhone and warnings you need to know

There are many offers on the Internet to buy an iPhone 5s, but remember: only an official Apple representative can give you a guarantee of the authenticity of the device.

How to distinguish a fake by its software components

  • When checking for originality and turning on a genuine iPhone, a black screen and a white bitten symbol are visible, or vice versa.
  • All signs of iOS and in no case should there be elements similar to Android.
  • With the advent of iPhone 5, fingerprint identification function appeared. Touch ID is built into the Home key. In the corresponding sub-item we activate the “add fingerprint” designation and if following the instructions no unlocking actions occur, then it is a fake.
  • WITH using iCloud can be entered, thereby activating the account or disabling it. In a fake, the system will request account activation Google posts, Mail, etc.
  • All actions on transitions to the menu should be smooth and clear. The fakes show slowdown or you have stumbled upon a higher quality fake.
  • The memory capacity of the original iPhone 5s must be at least 16 GB.
  • It is necessary to note the difference in price. An original iPhone cannot cost a couple of hundred dollars, unlike a Chinese one.

Even the best quality counterfeits can cause unexpected difficulties when working with an iPhone. But if you are not too demanding in the operation of phones, then a high-quality fake can help you save on buying a smartphone.

The higher the chances of purchasing a fake. Until recently, it was possible to distinguish a fake iPhone from an original one. eyes closed, because they are completely different software and quality of parts. But time is running, and today, in order not to fall for a fake, you need to know a little more. From this article you will learn how to check the authenticity of an iPhone and not fall into the hands of scammers.

What do you need to know when buying an iPhone?

The first thing you need to know about the iPhone is that in showrooms official dealers there are no fakes. This may include online stores, salons cellular communication, electronics supermarkets and other establishments that have long been selling Apple products provide them service maintenance and many positive reviews.

There are several ways to purchase an iPhone, which are listed below: Purchasing through official dealers, who inflate the price of the iPhone by 20-30%; Order directly from America; Purchasing a used device.

However, each of these methods of purchasing an iPhone has its own “ underwater rocks" For example, if you buy an iPhone from the United States, locked under one of American operators, then it will not work in the CIS, as well as in other countries except America.

On the Internet you can find many advertisements for the sale of refurbished iPhones. These are gadgets that have already been purchased, but were returned to the store due to some technical problems. IN service center they are refurbished and shipped outside the US for sale. To buy original iPhone, you need to know the following points: The contents of a genuine iPhone; External parameters devices; Features of the software. We will talk about this further.

Seller: what should it be?

  • If you have the necessary amount to buy an original iPhone, then go straight to the popular retail chains, where it is 100% not fake. But when you want to get it for a much smaller amount, then pay close attention to the points listed below:
  • Seller rating and positive reviews about him play a huge role in identifying a fraudster. Get ready to hit search bar browser, the seller's phone number or name. If he is an attacker, then most likely you will find information about him on various sites and forums;
  • Ask the seller to send as many photos of the gadget as possible with the box, serial number and components. Even better is to use video calling;
  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the iPhone: where it was bought, whether it was repaired, whether it was dropped or not, how much it was used, etc. If the seller is real, he will answer them easily, if not, he will be confused;
  • It is necessary to check not only the warranty of the device, but also whether it is locked to the operator.

How to check a used iPhone?

Not everyone can afford to buy an iPhone at a mobile phone store. Very often it is purchased secondhand. What should you pay attention to in this case?

  • Check the condition of the case, whether there are any chips, scratches or dents on it;
  • The lock button, home button, volume control and vibration mode switch should operate silently and not stick;
  • It is necessary to determine whether the iPhone was disassembled or not. To do this, look at the speaker next to front camera– there should be a mesh there, and the heads of the screws on the sides of the device’s charging point should not be damaged;
  • Check to see if your iPhone has been repaired. Tap the screen and see if it floats or not. If the iPhone is original, then there should be no divorces. The shades of the home buttons and the screen should be the same, as well as the color of the charging jacks and headphones;
  • See if the device is locked. To do this, you need to insert your SIM card into the tray;
  • It is necessary to determine the quality of the sensor. You need to click on any icon and drag it anywhere on the screen. If everything is in order with the touchpad, it will move without leaving your finger;
  • To check the microphone and conversational dynamics call someone, however, in this situation it is worth remembering the quality of communication mobile operator. When talking, also check the proximity sensor by covering top part to the right of the speaker, the screen should go dark;
  • Start connecting to wireless network Wi-Fi, camera and check autofocus;
  • Connect headphones to your iPhone and play music, while adjusting the volume and pausing it, then take out the headset and listen to music through external speakers, they should not “wheeze”;
  • Take a flashlight and shine it into the headphone jack, if your model has one, there should be no oxidation. Remove everything protective films, since they can be used to hide scratches.

How to check the authenticity of an iPhone by IMEI, serial number or through the Apple website

One of the most important points when buying an iPhone, it means having a box. Never forget this. This is how you can check the device for originality. To do this, you need to open “Settings” in it, then “General” and go to the “About device” section.

Here you will see the iPhone serial number and IMEI. Take the device box and look at the same data from the end of the packaging. If they are identical, then the iPhone is original, but if not, then the seller wants to give you a fake or stolen device.

The authenticity of the iPhone can also be found on the Apple website. This method is the most reliable and takes only a couple of minutes of free time. To do this, you just need to enter the serial number in the special line and click the “check” button.

By the way, when buying an iPhone in various salons cellular communications and electronics is also recommended to check its authenticity by IMEI, since sometimes even there they can sell the client a refurbished device in a new box.

iPhone equipment

All original iPhones must be equipped identically and as follows:

  • A box with individual data on it in the form of serial number, IMEI, model and batch number;
  • Charger;
  • USB cable;
  • SIM card ejector;
  • All necessary documents.

If you buy a used iPhone, then in this case Of all of the above, pay attention to the device itself, documentation and the original box. Everything else can be easily purchased separately.

It is advisable that the seller also provide a purchase receipt. This will be needed if the device breaks down and requires service.

Apple ID: how to avoid falling into the hands of scammers

Apple ID is another function without which operation of the device is impossible, however. If the seller has not logged out of their credentials, ask them to do so. If he starts saying that he forgot his password at work, at home or somewhere else, and you can figure it out on your own later, do not believe such a seller and cancel the transaction. This can only mean one thing - he doesn’t know the password, and the iPhone is most likely stolen.

If the seller is conscientious. But you just forgot to unlink your Apple ID, then ask him to do it in front of you. To do this you need:

  1. Open “Settings” of the device.
  2. Go to “General”, and then to “Apple ID”.
  3. When an account is linked to a device, this will be indicated by the user’s profile opening with his name and photo. In the case where the Apple ID is not linked to the iPhone, you will simply see a window with a form for filling out an account.


Thus, in conclusion, we can highlight the main actions, strict adherence to which can 100 percent protect you from purchasing non-original iPhone. They are listed below:

  • If you are not sure of the authenticity of the device you are purchasing, never make an advance payment for it, much less the full purchase price. Before doing this, meet with the seller and personally check the device according to the points listed in this article
  • Inspect the case very carefully for scratches and chips, and also start the camera, since this module is often damaged in iPhones, and carefree and joyful buyers do not even bother to check it;
  • Be careful to verify your lock details, fingerprints, or Face ID, and ask the seller to sign out of your Apple ID;
  • The seller must provide you with the complete set of the iPhone and information about its warranty service.

And of course, do not forget to check the IMEI and serial number of the device on the appropriate sites.

It is incredibly popular not only among users mobile technology, but also among numerous Chinese manufacturers. Copies of Apple gadgets (often of extremely low quality) are common in Russia - you can be sure that if a seller offers an iPhone for next to nothing, there is no question of the original.

It is better to buy an iPhone on cellular networks or large stores electronics - in this case, deception is excluded. However, if you think that paying 50 thousand rubles for a gadget in a salon is too much, and you prefer the option of buying it “from hand”, remember that you are taking a risk. In such a transaction, special attention must be paid to inspecting and checking the iPhone.

Visual inspection is not always effective, because the “Chinese masters” have already become accustomed to constructing fakes that are externally identical to the original. However, there is no need to neglect the inspection - checking will protect you from purchasing the lowest quality “fake” and will not take much time.

Signs of a Chinese iPhone are:

Availability of two or three slots for SIM cards

A genuine iPhone supports only one SIM card, which is placed in a special tray that is removed from the device using a needle.

Removable battery

This sign echoes the previous one. If you see a seller remove the iPhone battery to install under it"Sim cards", end the deal immediately.

Screen diagonal that does not match the original

Remember these characteristics:

You shouldn’t be too pedantic in measuring the diagonal: the same iPhone 5 has a diagonal, to be precise, not 4 inches, but 4.065. If you are too picky, you may miss out on a good deal.

Availability of antenna

Sellers present the antenna as an advantage - supposedly it will be possible to listen to the radio without connecting a headset. In fact, the presence of a retractable antenna is a sign of a “fierce” fake.

Screen grain

If you can turn on your iPhone before purchasing, that would be great. Experienced Apple user will always distinguish the original from the fake by the gadget’s screen alone - the original has a display created using RETINA technology, which is very different high density pixels.

Poor quality logo

If the legendary “bitten apple” on the back of the device is a sticker or applied with paint, there can be no two opinions - they are trying to sell you a copy.

Stylus included

Not a single modern manufacturer (including including Apple) does not currently produce gadgets with resistive displays. Among the originals, the included stylus can only be found in Samsung Note series.

Sticky sensor

If you have to make an effort to, for example, swipe from right to left to go to another screen, you are dealing with a “fake”.

Availability of touch buttons

On the front edge of a real iPhone there is only one button - “ Home”, and it is physical.

Hieroglyphs in large quantities

Even though iPhones are assembled in China, they are still developed in the USA. You should encounter hieroglyphs only once - when, after the first launch, the smartphone welcomes you to different languages. The interface of the original device is Russified.

Please note: the inscription on the back of the gadget “ Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China"shouldn't scare you! Both real iPhones and fakes are assembled in China - the difference is that the originals come from special Apple factories.

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake: other ways

If the iPhone does not outwardly show any signs of a Chinese counterfeit, use other verification methods:

Check the Settings menu

Follow the path " Settings» — « Basic" and try to find the section " Software Update" In original devices it is located directly under the “ About this device».

In settings Chinese fakes this section does not exist.

Pay attention to the quality of the Russification of the menu. Russian language is considered one of the most difficult, therefore spelling mistakes in the names of sections and paragraphs Chinese iPhones- Not unusual.

Check Siri

The presence of the Siri voice control program distinguishes the original iPhone from a fake - the Chinese have not yet learned how to integrate this program into their “fake” ones. Just hold down the " Home"for a few seconds and look at the result.

Go to the AppStore

operating room iOS system It has closed code, That's why third party developers They can’t put it on gadgets. All Chinese fakes operate on Android or simple home-written platforms. You can check which OS is on your gadget by visiting the application store. If you are using Android, then clicking on the AppStore icon will take you to Google Play - this is another the right way distinguish a “natural” Apple product from a fake.

If your smartphone runs on a proprietary operating system, you won’t be able to access any of the app stores at all.

Connect your gadget to iTunes

This way to distinguish an original iPhone from a “fake” one is the most effective and simple, but it requires a computer or smartphone at hand. When connecting the original iPhone via USB cable iTunes will accurately try to recognize and synchronize it. If iTunes remains indifferent, most likely, this is a fake.

Also check Apple smartphone You can check originality by serial number and IMEI - read how this is done.

Is it possible to distinguish an original from a copy by its packaging?

When purchasing an iPhone, the object of inspection should also be the package contents. Remember: iPhone equipment has never changed. The box should contain:

Envelope, inside of which there is a color instruction. The instructions have a high-quality appearance and two stickers with the Apple logo on the cover. The same envelope should also contain a pin for removing the SIM.

SZU white weighing approximately 60 grams, produced in factories Foxlink or Flextronix. There is no need to take a scale with you to check your iPhone: all the information should be present on the charger itself.

USB cable. Original cable can be distinguished from a fake by the inscription “ Designed By Apple..." — on the real product it is barely visible, but on the copy it is applied with thick paint. The cable is also white.

Headphones. They are the most difficult to distinguish from a fake - outwardly probably full copy. “Fake” can be detected by touch - the wire is original headphones softer - however, such a test makes sense only when there is something to compare with.

The absence of one of the elements of the kit, as well as the presence of an extra one, is a signal to cancel the iPhone purchase deal.

Pay attention to such a small detail as the packaging of accessories: all components must be neatly placed in a box and wrapped in transparent film. The absence of film and “chaos” in the opened box do not always indicate that the iPhone is fake or used - perhaps the sellers simply used the accessories for personal purposes, which, however, is also unpleasant for the buyer and unacceptable. If possible, request the iPhone from the warehouse in a sealed package.


A huge number of Chinese iPhone fakes The explanation is simple: Apple does not fight plagiarism in the Middle Kingdom. There are two reasons: firstly, there are many small industries located in China, from which it is possible to sue large sums it still won’t work, secondly, to be at enmity with Chinese manufacturers- this means turning the largest sales market against yourself. The Americans themselves do not suffer from Chinese counterfeits: their standard of living allows them to purchase original devices and not look for savings. But for Russians, who traditionally strive for cheap prices, the “Chinese flood” is a problem. To avoid being scammed, you need to buy smartphones only from reputable dealers, avoid adventurous offers, and when checking, pay attention to the aspects described in this article

Not everyone can afford a brand new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. If you are one of them, but really want an iPhone (not necessarily latest model), it makes sense to buy it on the secondary market, that is, “used”. How to do this without consequences in the form of hardware and software faults read under the cut.

Buying a used iPhone. Seller's choice

If this is your first time buying a used product online, know that there are many times more scammers on the secondary market than honest sellers. Therefore, be careful when choosing a seller. Advice: don't trust anyone!

The model of a decent and sensible seller of a used iPhone looks something like this:

  1. Doesn't hide his contact number phone.
  2. Will not refuse a personal meeting.
  3. Will not refuse to check the status of the phone.
  4. Will not give away your iPhone at a price below average on the secondary market. Although you can always bargain on the spot.

Full set

Buy a used iPhone in the factory configuration and, if possible, with a receipt from the store. The latter will be needed when contacting the service. Apple support to regain control over, for example.

iPhone kit:

  1. Smartphone.
  2. Branded box with a barcode and information about the device (model, batch number, serial number and IMEI).
  3. Charger.
  4. USB cable.
  5. Wired Apple EarPods headset with control buttons and microphone.
  6. SIM card ejector.
  7. Documentation.

It’s not critical if a used iPhone doesn’t come with a power supply, USB cable, headphones, paper clips and instructions. It is important that there is original box(for support service).

Check that the data in the iPhone settings matches the original packaging

Check if the information on the box matches iPhone settings in the “General -> About this device” menu and on back cover device. The following data must correspond:

  1. Model. For example, ME305LL/A.
  2. Serial number(not indicated on the back cover of the device).
  3. IMEI. Compare the identifier indicated in the device information, on the box and on the SIM card tray.

If any of this data on the box, in the phone settings and on the SIM card tray differs, the device has been repaired. This can also be checked using the serial number and IMEI.

Video on how to find the serial number

How to check if an iPhone is authentic by serial number

On a special page of the official Apple website (Check Your Service and Support Coverage), enter the iPhone serial number in the appropriate field.

If the device is original, the system will recognize its model and display information about the warranty status. It is important that the “Valid Purchase Date” field is checked - this confirms that the device is original and purchased from Apple.

If more than a year has passed since the purchase of the device, international Apple warranty no longer affects him. Information about this is in the lines: “Telephone Technical Support” ( Technical support by phone) and “Repairs and Service Coverage” warranty repair and service).

If needed more information, using the same serial number you can determine: the phone model, the country for which it was manufactured, the identifier and model number, the main specifications (clock frequency processor, screen resolution, case color, memory size), year and month of production, as well as manufacturer.

An example of checking my iPhone 5s by serial number:

  • Serial number: F18LND37FF9R
  • Nice Name: iPhone 5s (GSM/North America)
  • Machine Model: iPhone6.1
  • Family Name: A1533
  • Model Number: ME296
  • Group1: iPhone
  • Group2:
  • Generation:
  • CPU speed: 1.3MHz
  • Screen size: 4 inches
  • Screen resolution: 1136×640 pixels
  • Colour: Space Gray
  • Production year: 2013
  • Production week: 45 (November)
  • Model introduced: 2013
  • Capacity: 16GB
  • Memory - flavor: xx
  • Factory: F1 (China, Zhengzhou - Foxconn).

This means that I have a 16 GB iPhone 5s, GSM model A1533 gray, produced at Foxconn's Zhengzhou plant in November 2013.

You can also identify the restored one by the serial number. iPhone manufacturer(Refurbished). For such devices, the serial number starts at “5K”.

To make it easier for you, I recorded a video on how to check the serial number of an iPhone:

How to check iPhone by IMEI

Comprehensive information about the iPhone (and not only) can be obtained using the International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity), for example.

iPhone IMEI is engraved on its back cover and SIM card tray, indicated on the barcode label on the packaging and in “Settings -> General -> About this device”. In the “Phone” application, enter the combination “ #06# " And iPhone IMEI will be displayed on the screen.

Short: If you have never owned an iPhone and you cannot determine its originality by appearance, check the iPhone by serial number on the official Apple website and check the information in the information about the device and on its packaging. It's enough.

For reference: If in the iPhone settings in the device information there is no data in the lines “ Wi-Fi address", "Bluetooth" or "Modem firmware", this means that the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or modem modules are not working, respectively.

Checking a used iPhone for mechanical damage

Visually inspect the iPhone and check:

  1. Condition of the case. It is desirable that the device is free of chips, scratches and dents.
  2. Controls(Home and Power buttons, volume rocker, vibration mode switch). The buttons should work softly and silently, and should not stick or fall through. The device should respond instantly to button presses.
  3. Did you understand the iPhone? The earpiece (next to the front camera) should be covered with a mesh. Screw heads on bottom end on the sides of the charging/sync connector must not be damaged.
  4. Has it been renovated? Home button colors and protective glass, must be the same. The charging/sync port and headphone jack must match the color of the iPhone. Press on the screen, original Touchpad“does not float” (pressures leave no traces).
  5. iPhone Neverlock (unlocked) or “locked”. Remove the SIM card tray; there should be no overlays for the SIM card (adapters for the Gevey or r-Sim hardware unlock). Insert your SIM card - connecting an “unlocked” iPhone to cellular network happens quickly.
  6. Touchpad. Unlock your iPhone, press and hold your finger on the screen until the application icons begin to “dance”, and slowly drag any icon across the screen. It should not “come off” from the finger.
  7. Speaker and microphone. Call someone, you and you should be clearly heard (sometimes this also depends on the quality of the connection).
  8. Wi-Fi module. Turn on Wi-Fi and connect to a wireless network, check your Internet access in Safari. In the cold Wi-Fi module It works properly - the breakdown appears after heating, so do not turn off Wi-Fi for at least another 5 minutes.
  9. Camera and autofocus. Launch the Camera app, tap on the area of ​​the screen to autofocus.
  10. Proximity sensor. Call someone, during a conversation - cover the upper part of the screen to the right of the speaker with your finger - the screen should go dark.
  11. Accelerometer. Run any standard application(Messages, Contacts, Calendar, Photos), rotate the iPhone - the screen should rotate with the device.
  12. Headphones. Plug your headset into the headphone jack, launch the Music app, and play. Check volume control, track switch and playback controls.
  13. Contact with water. Shine a flashlight into the headphone jack, if you find a red marker in it (moisture indicator), it means the device has been in contact with water.
  14. External speakers. Turn on music playback, the sound should be clear, without wheezing.
  15. Remove the protective films, they hide scratches.

Checking iPhone lock using Apple ID

The originality, external condition and performance of a used iPhone are important, but even an original, fully functional and externally perfect device can be absolutely useless if it is blocked by activation lock ( Activation Lock). An iPhone with the “ ” function enabled cannot be