Yandex and other search engines. What search engines exist besides Yandex and Google?



Few people can now imagine the Internet without search, search results, and information search systems (IRS) that organize it all. But until recently, all Internet information fit into several directories, the names of which are still well-known (DMOZ, Yahoo).

Today, the volume of information on the Internet is so huge that it is impossible to fit it into any catalogues. To process, store information, and organize searches, powerful software products have been created and continue to be created, which we call search engines (SE). Each search engine (search engine) has its own databases, its own algorithms for processing, searching, ranking and displaying information.

Internet search engines are

The following academic definition of search engines can be given. A search system is a set of programs and technical means for organizing a user search on the Internet, in which, when responding to a text query, the user receives a list of relevant (corresponding to the request) results.

The issuance is made in the form of a list of links to the source of information with a brief description (preview), sometimes with a photo.

For the first example, let’s remember the world search leader “Google” and the leader of the Runet search engine “Yandex”. In addition to these search engines, you can name a dozen more existing search engines, which we will talk about below.

Opinion: Search engines Google, Yandex and others are not generators (producers) of content, but are aggregators (accumulators) of content and, for the most part, other people’s content. It is worth remembering that using someone else’s content to create your own traffic and monetize it can be characterized as “piracy,” which, of course, does not happen in reality.


  • and Google share the first two places of leaders: about 49% and 45%.
  • Third place: Search about 3%;
  • Other search engines float below 1%.

I look at the statistics on Google Analytics:

  • yandex/organic 40.26%
  • google/organic 38.93%
  • 0.60%
  • rambler/organic 0.52%
  • bing/organic 0.12%

The statistics are inexorable: Yandex searches are used most of all, and if you consider that 3% is a good result compared to 45%, then search can be called the third most popular.

In this regard, discussions about the popularity of search engines other than Yandex and Google can be attributed to superstition, and special promotion of sites in other search engines (not Yandex and Google) does not deserve attention.

How search engines work

The question of how search engines work is as common as the question “what color is the sky.” If the sky is blue, then search engines collect information on the Internet, process it, rank it and send it to the user based on the search query.

The theory of Internet search is much more extensive and cannot be presented in the article. However, the main points will be useful to us:

Internet search engines do not store documents, that is, they do not download and upload documents completely to their repositories;

IRSs use the Internet as a decentralized document repository. Search engines periodically crawl the Internet, select the information they need based on their algorithms, and partially place it (the information) in their database (Database). This leads to several problems:

  • Information retrieval systems do not use all the information on the Internet, but only part of it;
  • Internet information changes frequently. About 1,500 thousand pages are added per day, hence the possible “empty output”;
  • There are a large number of duplicates (duplicate content). Unfortunately, I don’t have exact data on takes, and the reported figure of 25% of takes seems too high;
  • There is a lot of advertising, which is also bypassed by search engines;
  • “Wandering” of search robots on the network greatly increases the load on resources (does not apply to search engines);
  • Most sites are commercial (about 83%) and have little informational value.

For these and some other reasons, the vast majority of Internet information retrieval systems use a keyword search scheme (search engines), rather than a classic search scheme based on information classification.

Features of keyword search

Despite the changing algorithms of search engines, whose advertising tries to convince us that machines are becoming smarter and more understanding, the basis of the work of search engines is keyword search.

I like this keyword search scheme.

As you can see, the work of Internet search engines is based on searching for new documents (search robot Spider + Crawler), indexing detected documents (Indexer) and executing a user query (Search Engine Results Engine). The names of search robots used for these purposes are listed in brackets.

As I said, most search engines do not copy the full text of documents into their database. For searching, when indexing a document, a search image is created. To organize a search by , the indexing robot creates an image of the document using the so-called derived method. That is, the document image contains a title and a set of keywords.

However, it can be stated quite accurately that all IPS pay attention to the following:

  • Presence of a keyword in document;</li><li>The presence of a key in the URL or domain;</li><li>The presence of a key in the subtitle;</li><li>Total number of keys on the page (density%);</li><li>Presence of keys in the description;</li><li>What web links lead to this page;</li><li>What internal links are there on this page?</li> </ul><h2><span>Page ranking</span></h2><p>At the end of the theory, it is worth mentioning. More often, page ranking in SERPs is mentioned in the context of relevance. That is, search engines must build search results to match the search query as closely as possible. As Yandex writes, nothing should be lost (completeness of the output) and nothing unnecessary should be found (accuracy of the output). You see how this works out in practice every day.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><ul><li>Internet search engines are complex software products, the work of which is supported by thousands of specialists and enormous material resources.</li><li>Search engine algorithms are kept secret, although the underlying focus of algorithm updates is publicly available and bears proper names.</li><li>Despite the different approaches to generating search results, all search engines are based on the general principles of page indexing, which to this day remain basic for promotion.</li> </ul><h2><span>Yandex search engine</span></h2><p>A popular Runet search engine that often becomes the most popular. According to statistics from 2009, Yandex constantly crawls 15 million pages of the Runet, processing 140 thousand GB of text data, 1.6 billion unique pictures out of 2.1 billion pictures in total.</p><p>Yandex search engine was created in 1993. The word Yandex does not mean anything, although it is generally accepted that it is a transformation of the word “Index”, or the phrase “yet another indexer”. Today, Yandex.Search processes a quarter of a billion requests a day, and if it were so intrusive, it would be my favorite search engine.</p><h2>Search Yandex</h2><p> Yandex user search is organized on the Internet, taking into account the user’s region. Ability to search by images, videos, maps, news, blogs, products and dictionaries.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>For fine-grained searches, there is a search language here (</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Internet search engines Yandex</p><h2>Google search engine</h2><p>In the Google search engine, the search is organized without topics (main search) and searches by sections: pictures, news, maps, videos, shopping, books, air tickets, finance.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>There are settings:</p><p><b>Safe search.</b> Allows you to block inappropriate content and sexual images from Google search results. This feature does not guarantee 100% protection, but it hides most of such content.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><b>Setting the number of results</b> per page (default 10).</p><p><b>Personal results</b>. Find links, pictures and videos on Google that your friends have shared with you on social networks.</p><p><b>Region selection</b>. The default is the current region.</p><p><b>Languages.</b> You can specify the search language.</p><p><b>Advanced Search.</b> Allows you to search using advanced parameters.</p><p><b>Tools.</b> Here you can select the search language, specify the time the information appeared, and select an exact match or the entire search result.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Internet search engines Google</p><h2>Mail search engine</h2><p> Here the search is organized on the Internet (general search), by videos and pictures. There is a separate search for applications for mobile devices.</p><p> (<span></span>). General search, search by pictures, videos, news, maps.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><b>Yahoo search in Russian</b>. Pure search without advertising. Search the Internet, using pictures and news. Select the time to add information.</p><h2>Other search engines</h2><ul><li>DuckDuckGo ( Smart search.</li><li>Pipl ( Search for people in the USA.</li><li>Findsounds ( <span> 11 Tools for analyzing the relevance of site pages to a search query</span></li> </ul> <p><b>Search engines (search engines)</b>– mean a site with which you can ask any question and instantly receive an answer in the form of all sites known to your search system.</p> <p>Can you imagine the modern world without the Internet? A world in which it is impossible to find out the information you need without a couple of mouse clicks?</p> <h2><b>What search engines are there?</b></h2> <p>Are you sure that you know <i></i>? Search engines can be divided into several types. <i>It is customary to distinguish national search engines designed to search for the sites you need specifically in your country, that is, search engines in conditions of internal data transfer.</i></p> <p>Many similar <b>search engines</b> ten years later they stepped further, so to speak, went beyond state borders, but never became transnational. Foreign search engines involve issuing an answer to a question with a search condition on all websites of countries, including any domain zone.</p> <p>Search engines “understand” a site somewhat differently than, for example, you yourself. There are many nuances and details that are not noticeable to the human eye.</p> <p><i>our company <b>TopMaySeo</b> will ensure the accessibility of the content of your site for all search engines, diversify it, carry out hard work in the structural organization of links, and do everything so that any search engine can quickly find your resource.</i></p> <h2><b>What foreign (transnational) search engines exist?</b></h2> <p>Over time, the variety of the network and the abundance of chaotic information in it seemed uncomfortable and difficult to the average person. The first national company to have a hand in recreating search engines in order to streamline the resulting chaos was <b>YAHOO</b>. Causing a national economic boom, it consumed the diverse web of the Internet.</p> <p>The world of the Internet has the opportunity to sort, or rather competently divide new information into groups and directions. However, YAHOO was far from a full ranking in many details. But progressing and developing (despite her age), she now occupies almost a leading place in the ratings.</p> <p>Can rightfully be considered a giant and leader among international search engines of the 21st century <b>Google</b>. <b><i>It carries out a global search and finds information for various queries on numerous websites in many countries around the world (more than 140)</i> </b><i>, <b>without limiting their location and domain, and in many of them it is a single search engine.</b> </i></p> <p><i>It should be noted that the two search engines described above are all language and are available in almost every corner of the globe,</i> which makes them more popular among all other search engines on the Internet market.</p> <p><b><img src='' align="right" height="236" width="213" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Bing</b>– a modern system with a powerful volume of traffic. The idea of ​​its large-scale development belongs to Microsoft. <i>The peculiarity of its such wide popularity is the ability to view the required results on only one page, without going to numerous ones.</i> The second positive factor is the logical adjustment of the amount of extensive information offered with each search request and the result obtained.</p> <p><b>Baidu</b> – <b>powerful, and perhaps the best in its functioning, search engine in China</b>. Taking into account the number of requests per year, this search site confidently holds its position <b>in the top three leaders</b>, with the companies Google and YAHOO, and the share of its existence in the global network of the whole world is about 19% of all processed requests on our planet.</p> <p><b>MSN (Microsoft Network)</b>– a provider created by Microsoft and operating to this day, this kind of search engine provides a good opportunity to obtain the information you need. You can easily surf the web or, for example, select categories specific to you, including the ability to search using Microsoft's personal encyclopedia.</p> <p><b>Google Scholar</b>– a godsend for students, people involved in scientific activities, schoolchildren and simply those who like to broaden their horizons. “Google Scholar” offers you a free search for information on all possible disciplines, this can easily include websites and texts of any format, reliable data from world-famous journals, rating publications from major world publishing houses. There is also a paid library information search, which is often necessary to find information online in the databases of various libraries around the world.</p> <p><b></b>– English search engine of the company Ask Jeeves. Its work consists in a simple and easy algorithm of actions, namely, <b>you ask a question or specify keywords and immediately receive an answer.</b></p> <h2><b>What Russian-language search engines exist?</b></h2> <p><b>Russian speakers include:</b></p> <p><b><img src='' align="left" height="149" width="339" loading=lazy loading=lazy></b>- it would seem not the most recognizable in the world, but a very large Russian-language and indicative search system on the territory of Ukraine and other countries close to it. First of all, the search engine gained such recognition thanks to the Odnoklassniki website, as well as mail.</p> <p>Since 2006, it has launched many thematic sections (projects): auto, business, health, leisure and entertainment, news and sports.</p> <p><b>Thanks to its simple accessibility, as of 2016, the image of this resource continues to grow tirelessly, which allows us to speak about the good reputation of this search engine.</b> Rambler</p> <p><b>– according to the 2015 version, the popularity of this search engine has decreased significantly, but Rambler continues to function as before and in many areas of its work you can notice bold decisions and the right ideas. So, over the past year, the search mechanism itself has been improved, the design has changed noticeably, and here you can see the qualitative dynamics of information.</b>– according to general statistics, it is he who occupies an honorable leading place among Russian-language systems. Many people begin their thorny search path with it, and few remain dissatisfied with the presentation of the material and, in particular, with the functioning. The system occupies the most advantageous position in Ukraine and abroad: Russia, Türkiye, Kazakhstan.</p> <p><b>In terms of its performance, it is partially inferior only to foreign search engines, such as Google, Baidu.</b> In the work of this search engine, it is necessary to note the effective operation of the navigation search and the correct thematic selection, many necessary links when issuing material.</p> <p><b>Nigma</b>– a successfully developed system by students, which later became a good example. <b>The search engine is directly connected to the search database of Google, MSN, Yandex companies</b>, working according to a mutual assistance scheme, of course more than necessary for Nigma itself.</p> <p>Next to the link from the list, the exact name of the search engine from which the material was taken is usually indicated. By the way, this search option is most suitable for schoolchildren, teachers, graduate students, and Nigma services in mathematics and chemistry will help you successfully solve problems, formulas, convert and calculate dimensions.</p> <p>Remember, every person visiting the Internet chooses those search engines that are closer and more convenient to him, but most often you are simply accustomed to one of them.</p> <p>Above were the basic operating principles and characteristics of the most famous search engines.</p> <p><img src='' align="right" height="156" width="322" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Experience shows that using search engines is a painstaking and very difficult task. After all, each resource has many of its own snags, different algorithms, different ranking and sorting.</p> <p>And your site should be universal, right? That is, to occupy a ranking place. Everything is quite simple to explain! Any search engines (in accordance with the program embedded in them) take into account the various factors they need on your site.</p> <p><i><b>TopMaySeo Company</b> will help you see your site differently! Our specialists will show you the missing technical details and coordinate the correct and step-by-step direction in its development.</i></p> <p>Your site will become visited, successful and understandable by all the world-famous Internet search engines.</p> <p>Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of my blog. Today I want to tell you about the most famous search engines on the Internet in Russian. Internet resources are used for the daily work and leisure of a huge number of people.</p> <p>And in order to get what is needed or interesting, search engines are used, which are a hardware and software complex for quickly searching for the information the user needs, stored on servers (special computers) of the Internet.</p> <p>The frequency of use of a search engine is determined, firstly, by how relevant the data it provides, and secondly, by how quickly it does so. The main selection criteria are:</p> <ul><li>completeness and accuracy of the results found;</li> <li>data relevance;</li> <li>finding speed;</li> <li>clarity of the interface.</li> </ul><p>In Russia, the most popular search engines are Yandex, Mail, Rambler and some others. But I would like to provide you with a more detailed list of these systems so that you have a more complete understanding of all this.</p> <p> is the most popular within the Russian-language Internet. Search queries can be written in both English and Russian. The motto of the Yandex website is “Everything can be found!” and indeed, they are provided with high-quality and fast provision of information.</p> <p>Personally, I have been using this search engine by default for more than 10 years and I really like it. And for any webmaster it is simply of great importance, since any of them will work hard to ensure that their site is found in this particular system.</p> <p>It has a huge index base, which means it can find almost everything. The conclusion of the information found is rational. Yandex is constantly developing. It offers more and more popular services, for example, news, maps, weather forecast, email, Yandex. money. By the way, I wrote here, so if you are interested in this, be sure to read it.</p> <p>Currently, the share of Yandex use in Russia is about <b>56 percent</b>. That is, the majority of the country's population prefers to use this particular browser.</p> <h2>Google</h2> <p>And here is the main competitor of the aforementioned Yasha. Yes, this system is certainly not Russian, but one of its founders is our compatriot Sergei Brin. True, he was taken to the states while still a child, so he can hardly be called Russian. If you are interested, then you can read the ones I have collected for you.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Be that as it may, Google is the most popular system in the world and is still the second most popular in Russia.</p> <p>For today <b>38 percent</b> All search queries in Russia go through Google</p> <h2>Search</h2> <p> is very popular among Russian-speaking network users. But not many people use the search engine of the same name. By itself, it is ordinary and unremarkable, so it cannot yet withstand competitors such as the aforementioned Yandex and Google. Although I doubt that he will try to conquer the top of search engines. It is enough for him that he has the most popular post office in Russia. But still ours <b>5 percent</b> of the total number of requests it has.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In addition, the site contains a huge number of applications, interesting games, and also has its own social network. Applications have been developed that allow searching by voice.</p> <h2></h2> <p>Rambler is one of the earliest options and used to be one of the most popular search engines in the Russian language, along with Yandex. And for the first couple of years I actively used it as the default search engine, until I switched to Yandex. Now it is not used very actively (I would even say not actively at all), although it has good quality and excellent speed.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>It is also a popular RuNet media portal where you can use mail and find out the latest news about various areas of life. By the way, it has proven itself quite well as a media and news portal, and I know many people who specifically go to Rambler to read the latest news.</p> <p>Despite its former popularity, Rambler today owns less <span><b>0.5 percent</b> </span> of the total number of requests on the Internet.</p> <h2></h2> <p>WebAlta is one of the new Russian search engines. It is developing well and already reflects more than 1 billion documents, which is a good result. It is easily customizable according to users' preferences. The setting is visualized, and changing the query is immediately reflected in the results.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>But how it irritated me a couple of years ago, when after installing any application, Webalta became the default home page and search engine. I actually thought it was some kind of virus. Therefore, I will say again: “”.</p> <p>Well, I won’t even talk about the share of search traffic, since it is negligible.</p> <h2></h2> <p>Nigma is a modern Russian intelligent metasearch system. It uses a modern cluster approach, which improves the quality and completeness of the process. The site includes mathematical and chemical subsystems for solving a variety of problems and standard user services.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>But so far this is probably the least popular service of all those presented above. Although you can try it in action. Perhaps you will like everything). Well, as far as you understand, the traffic here is also so low that you don’t even have to turn it on.</p> <p>Please tell me what search engines you use? I'm asking for a reason. The fact is that I recently found out that one of my friends uses Rambler. And to be honest, I was surprised that some of my friends did not use Yandex or Google. I’ve just been hooked on Yandex since the mid-2000s and it is my favorite search engine.</p> <p>Well, now, in principle, I think that you, in principle, know all the main search engines in Russian, and draw conclusions about which one is more interesting to you. But it’s true that it will be difficult for others to compete with two giants</p> <p>Well, I guess I’ll finish my article today. I hope you liked it. If so, then be sure to visit me again. Good luck to you. Bye!</p> <p>Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.</p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>DuckDuckGo is a fairly well-known open source search engine. Servers are located in the USA. In addition to its own robot, the search engine uses results from other sources: Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>DuckDuckGo positions itself as a search engine that provides maximum privacy and confidentiality. The system does not collect any data about the user, does not store logs (no search history), and the use of cookies is as limited as possible.</p> <blockquote><p>DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information from users. This is our privacy policy.</p><i>Gabriel Weinberg, founder of DuckDuckGo</i> </blockquote> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>All major search engines are trying to personalize search results based on data about the person in front of the monitor. This phenomenon is called the “filter bubble”: the user sees only those results that are consistent with his preferences or that the system deems as such.</p> <p>Forms an objective picture that does not depend on your past behavior on the Internet, and eliminates Google and Yandex thematic advertising based on your queries. With DuckDuckGo it is easy to search for information in foreign languages, while Google and Yandex by default give preference to Russian-language sites, even if the query is entered in another language.</p> <h2></h2> <h3><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></h3> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>not Evil is a system that searches the anonymous Tor network. To use it, you need to go to this network, for example by launching a specialized .</p> <p>not Evil is not the only search engine of its kind. There is LOOK (the default search in the Tor browser, accessible from the regular Internet) or TORCH (one of the oldest search engines on the Tor network) and others. We settled on not Evil because of the clear hint from Google (just look at the start page).</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>It searches where Google, Yandex and other search engines are generally closed.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>The Tor network contains many resources that cannot be found on the law-abiding Internet. And their number will grow as government control over the content of the Internet tightens. Tor is a kind of network within the Internet with its own social networks, torrent trackers, media, trading platforms, blogs, libraries, and so on.</p> <h2>3. YaCy</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>YaCy is a decentralized search engine that works on the principle of P2P networks. Each computer on which the main software module is installed scans the Internet independently, that is, it is analogous to a search robot. The results obtained are collected into a common database that is used by all YaCy participants.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>It’s difficult to say whether this is better or worse, since YaCy is a completely different approach to organizing search. The absence of a single server and owner company makes the results completely independent of anyone's preferences. The autonomy of each node eliminates censorship. YaCy is capable of searching the deep web and non-indexed public networks.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you are a supporter of open source software and a free Internet, not subject to the influence of government agencies and large corporations, then YaCy is your choice. It can also be used to organize a search within a corporate or other autonomous network. And even though YaCy is not very useful in everyday life, it is a worthy alternative to Google in terms of the search process.</p> <h2>4. Pipl</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>Pipl is a system designed to search for information about a specific person.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The authors of Pipl claim that their specialized algorithms search more efficiently than “regular” search engines. In particular, priority is given to social network profiles, comments, member lists, and various databases that publish information about people, such as databases of court decisions. Pipl's leadership in this area is confirmed by assessments from, TechCrunch and other publications.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you need to find information about a person living in the US, then Pipl will be much more effective than Google. Databases of Russian courts are apparently inaccessible to the search engine. Therefore, he does not cope so well with Russian citizens.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>FindSounds is another specialized search engine. Searches various sounds in open sources: house, nature, cars, people, and so on. The service does not support queries in Russian, but there is an impressive list of Russian-language tags that you can use to search.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The output contains only sounds and nothing extra. In the settings you can set the desired format and sound quality. All sounds found are available for download. There is a search by pattern.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you need to quickly find the sound of a musket shot, the blows of a suckling woodpecker, or the cry of Homer Simpson, then this service is for you. And we chose this only from the available Russian-language queries. In English the spectrum is even wider.</p> <p>Seriously, a specialized service requires a specialized audience. But what if it comes in handy for you too?</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>Wolfram|Alpha is a computational search engine. Instead of links to articles containing keywords, it provides a ready-made answer to the user's request. For example, if you enter “compare the populations of New York and San Francisco” into the search form in English, Wolfram|Alpha will immediately display tables and graphs with the comparison.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>This service is better than others for finding facts and calculating data. Wolfram|Alpha collects and organizes knowledge available on the Web from a variety of fields, including science, culture and entertainment. If this database contains a ready-made answer to a search query, the system displays it; if not, it calculates and displays the result. In this case, the user sees only nothing superfluous.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you are a student, analyst, journalist, or researcher, for example, you can use Wolfram|Alpha to find and calculate data related to your work. The service does not understand all requests, but it is constantly developing and becoming smarter.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>The Dogpile metasearch engine displays a combined list of results from search results from Google, Yahoo and other popular systems.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>First, Dogpile displays fewer ads. Secondly, the service uses a special algorithm to find and show the best results from different search engines. According to the Dogpile developers, their systems generate the most complete search results on the entire Internet.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you can't find information on Google or another standard search engine, look for it in several search engines at once using Dogpile.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>BoardReader is a system for text search in forums, question and answer services and other communities.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The service allows you to narrow your search field to social platforms. Thanks to special filters, you can quickly find posts and comments that match your criteria: language, publication date and site name.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>BoardReader can be useful for PR specialists and other media specialists who are interested in the opinion of the masses on certain issues.</p> <h2>Finally</h2> <p>The life of alternative search engines is often fleeting. Lifehacker asked the former general director of the Ukrainian branch of Yandex, Sergei Petrenko, about the long-term prospects of such projects.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Sergey Petrenko</p> <p>Former General Director of Yandex.Ukraine.</p> <p>As for the fate of alternative search engines, it is simple: to be very niche projects with a small audience, therefore without clear commercial prospects or, conversely, with complete clarity of their absence.</p> <p>If you look at the examples in the article, you can see that such search engines either specialize in a narrow but popular niche, which, perhaps, has not yet grown enough to be noticeable on the radars of Google or Yandex, or they are testing an original hypothesis in ranking, which is not yet applicable in regular search.</p> <p>For example, if a search on Tor suddenly turns out to be in demand, that is, results from there are needed by at least a percentage of Google’s audience, then, of course, ordinary search engines will begin to solve the problem of how to find them and show them to the user. If the behavior of the audience shows that for a significant proportion of users in a significant number of queries, results given without taking into account factors depending on the user seem more relevant, then Yandex or Google will begin to produce such results.</p> <p>“Be better” in the context of this article does not mean “be better at everything.” Yes, in many aspects our heroes are far from Yandex (even far from Bing). But each of these services gives the user something that the search industry giants cannot offer. Surely you also know similar projects. Share with us - let's discuss.</p> <p>We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" class="innerContentSubscribe_form swpmc-js-form" data-container=".innerContentSubscribe" data-on-success="swptEvents.blogSubscribeSuccess()"> <p> <input class="inputText js-placeholder" type="text" name="email" id="innerContentSubscribeEmail" value=""></p> <p>Subscribe</p> </form> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you really understand something, then thoroughly. And if you subscribe to our blog, it means you probably want to become a cool specialist or want to know more about searching on the Internet. To achieve what you want, tricks and life hacks are not enough. We need to expand our horizons.</p> <p>A search engine is a large and complex program designed to search for information on the Internet.</p> <p>Have you ever wondered how what we use every day came to be, what types of things exist on the Internet, and why all studios only work with and? You shouldn’t put such questions on hold. Just 10 minutes and here's another topic of conversation that you can easily support.</p> <h2><span>How search engines appeared</span></h2> <p>A long time ago, when the Internet was young and green...</p> <p>Users, who, it must be said, were very few, had enough of their own bookmarks. But this did not last long: soon it became difficult for a person to navigate the diversity that appeared on the Internet in a short time.</p> <p>And in order to somehow streamline the chaos, Yahoo, DMOZ and other directories were invented (some still exist to this day), into which the authors added and sorted emerging sites into categories. For a while, life became easier.</p> <p>But the Internet continued to expand, and soon the size of the catalogs became something mind-bogglingly gigantic. Then the developers first thought about searching inside directories, and only then about creating an automated system for indexing everything that is on the Internet in order to simplify the work for all users.</p> <p>This is how the first search robots appeared.</p> <h2><span>Which search engine was the first?</span></h2> <p>The first search engine is considered</span> Wandex <span>(well, confused with Yandex!).</span><span>This and other early services were, of course, far from perfect. When responding to a search query, they returned something completely different from what we are used to seeing now, i.e. not the most</span> relevant <span>pages, and everything in a row, ignoring ranking. On January 1, 2012, Wandex was relaunched.</p> <p>This is how the first PS began its work.</span><span>What search engines are there?</span><span>on the modern Internet? Attached is the list.</p> <h2><span>What types of search engines are there: kings of the dance floor</span></h2> <p>Surprisingly, there are those who argue</span><span>how is the search engine better</span><span>. I wouldn’t do this, simply because they are different and in general it all depends on the purpose and what kind of user you are.</p> <h3>Yandex</h3> <p>This is the most popular search engine in our country. LiveInternet claims that</span> Yandex <span>used by 50.9%, while Google accounts for 40.6% (data from June 2015).</p> <p>There is a myth that says that Yandex has many times more commercial requests than its closest competitor. A couple of times I came across the idea that, thanks to regionalism honed over the years, the type of audience or its number may vary - this is the reason for Yandex’s primacy in commercial queries. So don't believe this. They're lying.</p> <h3>Google</h3> <p>The Google search engine is the most popular everywhere except Russia :) It has a bunch of possibilities in different directions. In general, the undisputed world leader among search robots.</p> <p>Google itself appeared around the same time as Yandex, and came to us in Russia only in 2004, when Yandex strengthened its position.</p> <p>The process of searching on Google has already become a household word for many earthlings. But when I tell my mom “Google”, she still goes to look for the information she needs in Yandex :) She doesn’t know at all</span><span>what search engines exist on the Internet.</p> <h2><span>What search engines are there: a list of little-known search engines</span></h2> <p>Most Internet users don't even know</span><span>What search engines are there besides Yandex?</span><span>and Google. So here they are;) Meet us!</p> <p>The search share of this search engine can hardly be called large, but the indicators are gradually growing. Although you should not miss the fact that these numbers directly depend on Odnoklassniki, mail and other things from the Mail corporation.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>This is real old school. Just imagine: when this search engine appeared, some SEOs were just learning to walk. In general, Rambler had a chance to rule the show in, but this did not happen for a number of reasons. Currently, it is no longer quite a search engine, but a kind of set of services that use the Yandex engine as a search - for example, they have their own . Attendance, by the way, is quite decent: a little more than a million users visit the Rambler main page per day.</p> <p>Rambler also has a version</span> Rambler Lite <span>(all the same, only without weather, news, advertising and other things) and</span> XRambler <span>, which combines 15 search engines at once.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>How many names has this search engine changed! Over the course of 8 years, he managed to vilify the name MSN Search, then Windows Live Search, then shortened the previous name to Live Search, and now he has come to the name Bing. Many argue that the search quality is close to the Google standard.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Now it is difficult to call Yahoo a search engine, since according to the agreement, all sites owned by Yahoo use the Bing search engine. The latest news about the agreement can be found at</span> Searchengines.</p> <p>Webalta</p> <p>Surely this so-called search engine is familiar to you. Have you had to pick it out like a tick from your browser?</span><span>For a long time now, everyone has known about the dark affairs of this search engine. Alas, no one is interested in this PS. Users are only looking for articles on how to remove this crap from their computer.</p> <p>Nygma</p> <p>This search engine is significantly different from the rest. And if the index base of other search engines does not surprise anyone, then the ability to solve problems in chemistry and mathematics distinguishes Nigma from other search engines. Nigma also offers search for music, books, games and torrents.</p> <p><img src='' height="278" width="213" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The search engine, created by order of the Russian government, is considered the world's first state search engine. Offers a separate medical search (search for pharmacies, medicines and articles about diseases). A very convenient theme with “Convenient Country”, where all the recommendations that help the citizen are collected in one place. Here, for example, is the “Documents” section.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>This PS is significantly different from the one</span><span>what are the types of search engines on the Internet?</span>. <span>DuckDuckGo - search engine</span> <span>open source and an interesting policy of not using a “filter bubble”. For those who don’t know: a “filter bubble” is when a search engine shows in the search results only those search results that it (this PS) considers necessary for a specific user. At the same time, no one is interested in the user’s opinion. DuckDuckGo assures that using their search engine ensures that you get all the information that the search engine has.</p> <p>“DuckDuckGo” is gaining momentum. Already this summer (2015), the creator of the PS reported three billion requests in annual terms.</p> <p><i>While writing this article, I had several questions. In such cases, I don’t rely on extradition, yes, and why, if there’s a person sitting next to me who knows everything about the Internet? Mini-interview with Igor Ivanov.</i></p> <p> <img src='' height="250" width="250" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Igor Ivanov</p> <p>Head of SEMANTICA studio</p> <p><b>If my site is in Google and Yandex, will my site be at the top of the results in other, smaller search engines?</b></p> <p>There is a very high probability that this will happen. Yandex and Google are developing their algorithms in the right direction and other search engines are following their example. There was a case when Google experts noticed that the Bing search engine not only copied their algorithms, but also their search results.</p> <p>Why probability and not complete certainty? Because other search engines will not have time to adjust their ranking algorithms to the standard set by their more successful competitors.</p> <p><b>Is it even worth promoting in Sputnik, Mail and other “our” search engines? Which search engine is better?</b></p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/e2246a2aaf0fc5a159ab9be5368abb8e.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Why do we need virtual machines?" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Why do we need virtual machines?</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/ebf6845ec22c902c4e0441d1a9715a3f.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to disable Android updates: applications and system How to disable auto-updates of Android applications on Google Play" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to disable Android updates: applications and system How to disable auto-updates of Android applications on Google Play</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/3404ff711166dc8ce98ba37faa4a8648.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to transfer contacts to xiaomi" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to transfer contacts to xiaomi</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/bcb6a25eeec206a5c7065b9ba02e7acf.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Jabra Halo Smart review: long-lasting Bluetooth headphones Made in China" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Jabra Halo Smart review: long-lasting Bluetooth headphones Made in China</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/c98242ba821ae36a1ca2e73887a79b8c.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Highscreen Zera S - 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