Operating system chrome os. Install Chrome OS on an old Windows computer: there is an option

Although in fact the Chrome OS operating system from Google is open, like Android, it cannot be installed on any computer just like that. The American corporation does not prohibit doing this - it simply did not include in the proprietary OS support for the special software necessary for its full launch on any electronic devices, if, of course, they satisfy the minimum system requirements. The company Neverware, which released a program called Cloudready USB Maker, decided to solve this misunderstanding.

Using Neverware's Cloudready utility, you can install Google's Chrome OS operating system on any computer running Windows control. This will require about half an hour of free time and a free 8 GB USB 3.0 flash drive, which will have to be formatted, that is, all data will be deleted from it. The most interesting thing is that the entire OS will be launched directly from the flash drive without using the computer’s built-in memory.

operating system Chrome OS is based on Linux, and therefore it is much less demanding on computer resources than Windows 10. To install it, you need to download the Cloudready USB Maker utility program from the official website, then insert a USB flash drive into the computer port and run it formatting Then you need to run the program downloaded from the Neverware website and agree to record data.

When everything is done, and this takes about 10 minutes, the program will report that the Chrome OS operating system was successfully written to the USB flash drive. After this, you can safely restart the computer, and when it starts, go to special menu choice boot device. You can find out the specific button to go to it in the instructions for the motherboard, or by searching through the buttons from F1 to F12. One of them is guaranteed to work.

Once in the boot device selection menu, you need to find a flash drive in the list and boot from it. As a result, the computer will launch the Chrome OS operating system. The user will only have to execute initial setup and then enjoy everyone functionality. However, every time you start the OS again, you will have to configure it again, because the feature software is that it is not able to remember previously entered data.

This method of installing an operating system on a computer or tablet is suitable, for example, for familiarizing yourself with the functionality of Chrome OS. Neverware says that they are working to resolve the storage limitations, but this could take several months and there is no guarantee that this will be done in the near future.

It was previously reported that Google operating system.

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We present to your attention a new operating system from Google, built around Linux kernels, but significantly simplified use. The program offers to shift the load from the hardware to the company’s Internet services, which allows you to breathe new life into outdated hardware.

So, are you already wondering how to install the Chrome OS operating system? But the kernel can work on almost any device!

To mobile PCs

Try to revive your old one Asus Eee PC, the system build from Dell is perfectly optimized to work with this laptop. The OS can run on any laptop or netbook. Instructions included.

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On desktop

Programs, gadgets, utilities, games and much more are available in the PlayMarket store. Play Angry Birds, work on new projects using the web axis even on the oldest PCs. Step-by-step instructions “How to install Chrome OS on a desktop” are available on the website.

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Installing an axis on a flash drive

The Linux kernel allows the axis to be as flexible as possible. The operating system can be installed on the most a simple flash drive, with a capacity of at least 4 gigabytes. What could be simpler: insert the media into the port and use the system; remove it and continue working in the traditional OS. Following the instructions included on the website will make it easier to install Google Chrome OS.

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Chromium OS

Installing Chrome OS over the network is a specific activity, necessary only for advanced Linux users and developers. We suggest considering a method for converting Chromium OS. The method is not the most unique, but one of the simplest.

Installing the OS on a virtual machine

Installing Chrome OS on virtual machine- one of available methods system testing. However, it is noticeably inferior to the system on a flash drive. Our step-by-step instruction to help you.

Any option for installing Chrome OS will take you no more than five minutes, with the exception of Chromium conversion. No programming skills required. Good luck using one of the fastest operating systems in the world!

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Do you want to speed up your laptop or just want to get new experience from interaction with the device? Of course, you can achieve the desired result in this way, but you should also look in the direction of a more interesting option- Chrome OS.

If you do not work with serious software like software for or, the desktop OS from will most likely suit you. In addition, the system is based on browser technologies and most applications require a valid Internet connection to operate. However, office programs This does not apply - they function offline without problems.

“But why such compromises?” - you ask. The answer is simple and unique - performance. It is precisely due to the fact that the main computing processes of Chrome OS are performed in the cloud - on the servers of the Good Corporation - that the resources of the computer itself are used to a minimum. Accordingly, even on very old and weak devices, the system can boast of good operating speed.

Installation of the original desktop system from Google is available only for Chromebook devices released specifically for it. We'll tell you how to install open analogue- a modified version of Chromium OS, which is still the same platform with minor differences.

We will use system distribution called CloudReady from Neverware. This product allows you to enjoy everything the benefits of Chrome OS, and most importantly - supported a huge amount devices. At the same time, CloudReady can not only be installed on a computer, but also work with the system by launching directly from a flash drive.

To complete the task using any of the methods described below, you will need a USB drive or SD card with a capacity of at least 8 GB.

Method 1: CloudReady USB Maker

Along with the operating system, Neverware also offers a utility for creating a boot device. With CloudReady USB Maker, you can literally prepare Chrome OS for installation on your computer in just a couple of steps.

  1. First of all, follow the link above and download the utility to create a bootable USB flash drive. Just scroll down the page and click on the button "Download USB Maker".

  2. Insert the flash drive into the device and launch USB utility Maker. Please note that as a result further actions all data from external media will be erased.

    In the program window that opens, click on the button "Next".

    Then select the required system bit size and press again "Next".

  3. The utility will warn that drives from Sandisk, as well as flash drives with a memory capacity of more than 16 GB, are not recommended. If you have inserted the correct device into the laptop, the button "Next" will be available. Click on it to proceed to further actions.

  4. Select the drive you want to make bootable and click "Next". The utility will begin downloading and installing the Chrome OS image on the external device you specified.

    When the procedure is complete, click on the button "Finish" to complete USB operation Maker.

  5. After this, restart your computer and at the very beginning of the system startup, click special key to enter the Boot Menu. This is usually F12, F11 or Del, but on some devices it may be F8.

    Alternatively, set it to boot from your chosen flash drive in the BIOS.

  6. Once you launch CloudReady this way, you can immediately set up your system and start using it straight from the media. However, we are interested in installing the OS on a computer. To do this, first click on the current time displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Click "Install Cloudready" in the menu that opens.

  7. In the pop-up window, confirm the start of the installation procedure by clicking on the button again "Install CloudReady".

    You will be warned one last time that during the installation process all data on the computer’s hard drive will be deleted. To continue installation, click "Erase Hard Drive& Install CloudReady".

  8. After completing the installation procedure for Chrome OS on your laptop, all you have to do is minimal setup systems. Set your default language to Russian, and then click "Begin".

  9. Set up your Internet connection by selecting the appropriate network from the list and click "Further".

    On the new tab, click "Continue", thereby confirming your consent to anonymous data collection. Neverware, the developer of CloudReady, promises to use this information to improve OS compatibility with user devices. If you wish, you can turn it off this option after installation of the system.

  10. Login to your account Google and minimally configure the device owner's profile.

  11. All! The operating system is installed and ready to use.

This method is the simplest and most understandable: you work with one utility to download the OS image and create bootable media. Well, to install CloudReady from an existing file, you will have to use other solutions.

Method 2: Chromebook Recovery Utility

Google has provided a special tool for “reanimating” Chromebook devices. It is with its help that, having a Chrome OS image available, you can create bootable USB flash drive and use it to install the system on a laptop.

To use this utility, you will need any web browser on Chromium-based, whether directly, latest versions, or .

  1. First download the system image from . If your laptop was released after 2007, you can safely choose the 64-bit option.

  2. Then go to the Chromebook Recovery Utilities page in the Chrome Web Store and click on the button "Install".

    Once the installation process is complete, launch the extension.

  3. In the window that opens, click on the gear and select the item from the drop-down list "Use local image".

  4. Import the previously downloaded archive from Explorer, insert the USB flash drive into the laptop and specify the desired media in the appropriate field of the utility.

  5. If the external drive you selected meets the program requirements, you will proceed to the third step. Here, to start writing data to a flash drive, all you have to do is click on the button "Create".

  6. After a few minutes, if the bootable media creation process was completed without errors, you will be notified that the operation was successful. To finish using the utility, click "Ready".

After this, all you have to do is launch CloudReady from the flash drive and install the system as indicated in the first method of this article.

Method 3: Rufus

Alternatively, you can use the popular Rufus utility to create bootable Chrome OS media. Despite its very small size (about 1 MB), the program boasts support for most system images and, importantly, high speed work.

After the operation is completed successfully, close the program and reboot the device by booting from external storage. Followed by standard procedure install CloudReady, described in the first method of this article.

If you've ever tinkered with your BIOS, launching Chrome OS from a flash drive won't be a hassle. Using the system is very simple, thanks to the intuitive, laconic interface, which is “refined” Linux version. The operating system from Google is the quintessence of the main advantages of the Linux kernel and absolutely new architecture Chrome. Below are recommendations that will clearly tell you how to install Chrome OS on a flash drive.

Software and equipment

Prepare the media. Installing Chrome OS on a USB flash drive is possible only with a memory capacity of at least 4 gigabytes; all information must be deleted. Next, download the system image and the Win32DiskImager utility. This program will help you burn Chrome OS to a USB flash drive. You can download the utility from any file hosting service; it is absolutely free and easy to use. In the Device field, specify the path to the flash drive in the Image file, location Chrome_os. Img. And click the Write button. Process Chrome entries The OS on the flash drive is running.

Corrections in BIOS

The next step is to go to the BIOS, which can only be opened when the computer starts up. Here you need to set the priority of starting the system from flash media instead hard drive. This is done in Boot menu. We put a tick in USB, confirm the change, the computer reboots. Instead of the usual splash screen, the Chromium OS greeting appears. If this does not happen, we start all over again. As a result, we received a bootable Chrome OS flash drive, which can be removed, but only when the computer is turned off, and then use the usual system.


Surely you were puzzled by the verification screen in the OS. Don't be alarmed. Data from a Google account (Plus or Gmail) will do. Enter your password and login. Don't have email in the service? No problem. We type the universal name – “chromos” (without quotes) – password – “password”. Ready. Now you know how to install Chrome OS on a USB flash drive.

Attention: Never remove the flash drive while the system is running. Extraction can only be performed when the computer is turned off. Such an error can cost the media damage, and maybe even replacement motherboard. Often incorrect removal leads to malfunction south bridge motherboard. Repairs cost a lot of money.

To fully experience the advantages of the product, you will need to duplicate the system on the HDD. Installing Chrome OS from a flash drive to HDD- The activity is simple and will take no more than ten minutes. More on this later.

PC compatibility

Some will encounter problems using Chromium OS installed on a flash drive. This is due to the unique hardware of each computer. Possible problems may be: incorrect work with the Internet, inability of the USB controller or touchpad, lack of audio track and much more. Examine your PC, it is possible that you have system unit high-speed ones are installed in the rear USB ports. This approach is effective in solving many problems, but not all.

Most likely, the flash drive has shrunk in size, check. To recover the media, use free utility HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. Installing Chrome OS on a flash drive encodes the media to suit its needs, which causes such blocking.

The first Chromebooks available in the CIS markets (laptops on Chrome OS) distinguished themselves complete absence Russian, Ukrainian, etc. keyboard layouts. The need for invention is cunning, users did not suffer for a long time, stickers and engravings came as a solution. At other times, traditional systems were completely demolished, giving way to Chromium OS for a netbook or laptop.

Installing Chrome OS on a laptop or netbook will take no more than 10 minutes and will not require significant labor. Moreover, you can download Chrome OS for a laptop for free on any reputable resource or on the official website. The main problem is the possible incompatibility of components; we will consider this problem and how to install Chrome OS on a laptop and netbook a little later.

Chrome OS: Asus, Dell, HP and everything in order

Chromium OS on old laptop? No problem. The system does not load the hardware of the device; for installation it is enough USB port. Chrome OS even works on the Asus Eee PC 1000-H, which has been outdated for a long time. One of the first promising new platform With open source The guys from Dell appreciated it by releasing their own axis distribution. Original assembly from Dell works flawlessly on some Asus models and Acer. This is not the only high-quality assembly; it is worth trying the option from Hexxeh or from other manufacturers. Trial and error - everything is in the hands of the user. To install Chrome OS on a laptop, you will need to register with Google if you do not already have an account, and prepare the following software:

Stage one

We burn the Chrome OS image for a laptop and netbook to a disk or flash drive, ideally an external one would be suitable SSD drive. A volume of at least 4 gigabytes is required; make sure that there is no data in the drive, otherwise it will be irretrievably lost. Have you already inserted a USB flash drive into the port? How nimble. Open the Win32DiskImager program, of course, as an administrator. The English-language interface will confuse many, but you and I confidently click on “Image file” and find the downloaded image in the window that pops up. Found it. Click on the blue folder next to the file. Next – “Device” and find required media, in our case - USB flash drive.
Click the “Write” button. The program will format and save the installation to media. The recording will take up to 5 minutes. It is not recommended to remove the flash drive before completion Chrome works It's easy to damage the OS, media, and distribution this way.

Stage two: launch

To transfer the system to a hard drive, a test run from a flash drive cannot be avoided, which is due to BIOS features and axles. We first connect the Internet connection to the device; both wired and wireless point access. We turn on the laptop. After all, do you know how to run the BIOS on your device? We are studying the materiel, fortunately there is plenty of it on the Internet. Open the BIOS, find the “BOOT” tab, click on it.
Here you need to install new order axis loading. Select the USB port and confirm the changes by clicking “YES”. We observe the device rebooting and the first launch of Chrome OS for netbooks and laptops. If everything is done correctly, the “Let’s get started” window will open, where you need to select the connection type, localization and click “Continue”. The “Login” window opens, here we enter your data from your Google account.
Select the user's picture. Click on the camera icon to take a selfie on your avatar. Ready? The architecture of the system opens to our eyes, which we have to use using a familiar browser. All system settings are also available here through the menu. To traditional Google tabs Chrome has added three additional ones, now in our settings: “Basic”, “Personal Materials”, “System”, “Internet”, “Advanced” and “Users”. What it is and what it is for, talking about it is a waste of energy. The interface is intuitive and concise, at the Mac OS level, but this is completely different. Using the system from an external drive is very convenient. Nothing prevents you from being satisfied with the merits of the system.

Final stage: flash drive recovery

After the system is duplicated on hard or optical disk, the freed flash drive will have no more than a gigabyte of capacity. This is due to recoding. The HPUSBDisk utility comes to the rescue. We insert the USB flash drive into the port and run the program as administrator. In the “Device” window, find the flash drive and click “Start”. The program unlocks the media and recodes it to the “correct” one. file system. After completing the procedures, turn off the program. Open the dispatcher Windows files, we find a flash drive, right click mouse over it and click “Format”. All. The media has been restored.