Why won't the nvidia graphics driver install? The NVIDIA driver does not install. Cleaning the system from old driver versions

creative person It is unlikely that you will agree to work with shortcuts that are repeated on all computers. It is only at first glance that it seems quite difficult to change these small drawings. In fact, if you have information on how to change the image of a shortcut on your desktop, you can subsequently create a new image for the icons of specific programs at least every day.

Changing the annoying icon for a shortcut will diversify the routine of working in Windows.

The main thing is that this is not tedious for you, and that the algorithm of actions on how to put your picture on a label, or make another change, is clear. We confirm that there really are no difficulties, and the result of your work will please you, since your desktop will be creative and unlike any other.

Process of creation

So, each computer program has its own small system image that appears on the desktop if you want to create it. However, the same program on desktops different computers will be accompanied same image. It’s good if this image completely suits you. However, unfortunately, some users experience that set icons cause negative emotions and irritation.

Of course, you shouldn’t work with such negativity; your productivity will be low and your mood will be constantly terrible. It's better to change the picture to a suitable icon for the shortcut that will please your personal creative imagination.

Algorithm of actions

So, there is no need to ask your friends how to create an icon for a shortcut, but constantly run into silent silence, since they themselves only have a superficial knowledge of how to change the shortcut image. It's better to trust right away experienced users, study their recommendations on how to quickly change the shortcut icon.

You just need to get comfortable in your chair, read all the recommendations on how to create an icon, and then immediately start implementing practical actions. Initially, you should select the object whose icon you want to change. Click on it right key mouse, in the menu that opens, look down, there you will find the “Properties” line.

Click on this option to open the dialog box we need, which contains six tabs. We don’t need all of them, we are only interested in the “Shortcut” tab, go to this tab.

ATTENTION. I would like to note that in most cases, when you open a dialog box, you are immediately taken to this tab; only in the most exceptional cases can other tabs be opened.

Now we again invite you to look lower. There will be three buttons located there, among which choose the middle button “Change shortcut”.

This is the button we need if you decide to figure out how to change the icon of any shortcut.

So, click on this button to open the next important window, which allows us to get closer to the goal of how to make an icon for a shortcut, one more step.

Do not rush to get upset when you see a window open in which the system “kindly” offers to make an icon at your discretion, but it completely limits the choice, offering only one icon that is already installed for the program.

There is nothing wrong with this, since you decide to figure out how to change or create an icon, then follow confidently to the end.

In this window you will find the “Browse” button, use it to “pave” the path to the directory we need, which will allow us not only to figure out how to make a new “drawing”, but also to practically implement it all.

You will have to specify the path to the “Shell32.dll” subfolder located in system folder"System32". And we are sure you know where this folder is located. If not, then just in case we suggest, it is located in the “Windows” folder located on system disk"C".

Now that you have followed the indicated path, multiple options for all kinds of small “drawings” will open before you. Don’t try to count them, it will just take up a lot of your time, just review this “collection” and choose the option that appeals to you most.

Now you can safely close everything open windows and admire the fact that you were the one who managed to get the original icon for the program. By the way, you can also change the image of folders, and not just specific images for programs.

Once the creative element you create brings moral satisfaction, it will be difficult for you to resist replacing some more labels. This is your right, if you wish, proceed, especially since you have already figured out how to change such icons and do not need outside help.

One of the properties of the object is appearance his badge. Like many other properties, it can be changed. However, it is necessary to distinguish between icons and object labels. Changing a shortcut is very simple, but an icon is a little more difficult, especially if this icon is standard.

How to change the folder icon in a shortcut.

Click right click mouse on the shortcut icon to get to its properties. If this is really a shortcut (and not a full-fledged object icon), then the dialog box (as of today) of its properties has tabs: General, Shortcut, Security, Details, Previous.

We are interested in the tab - Shortcut, which has command button Change icon (Change icon). Click on it and the Change Icon dialog box will open. Here you can choose an icon that suits your taste.

Icons are supplied either in collections (libraries) or included with programs. Libraries can have dozens, if not hundreds of icons to choose from. Programmers usually include one or two, or sometimes several, icons with their programs so that the user can choose the one he likes best.

In the dialog box - Change Icon there is a field for entering the name of the file from which you want to borrow the icon. It is possible that the window - Change icon - has opened so that the address of some library has already been entered in this field, as in the figure below - then you have a wide choice.

But the window could open with the address of some program, and then the choice is small.

However, this is not important, because using the Browse button you can view the entire computer and find all the icons included in both libraries and programs.

Click the button - Browse - a dialog box will open - Change icon:

which is similar to standard window opening files. Explore contents of hard disk, paying attention to files with the extension .DLL and .EXE. After selecting any file, click the Open button. Don't be afraid, in in this case programs will not launch. Here, the Open command will only show those icons that are available in the program or in the library. If they are not there, a message will appear, and then the experiment can be repeated with another file. When you find what you need, select the icon you like and close the “Change Icon” window with the OK button.

To shorten your search a little, we will give the addresses of several standard collections icons:

♦ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\shell32.dll - a collection of Windows system icons;

♦ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\pifmgr.dll - collection of custom icons;

C:\WINDOWS\moricons.dll is a collection of special Windows icons.

In addition to these collections, you can use icons of any programs. For example, the program C:\WINDOWS\winfile.exe has not one icon, but four. Three of them are missing anyway - use them if they suit you.

(standard file icons) .

In operating rooms Windows systems All files of the same type are displayed with one standard icon. Here is an example of one of several types of standard icons:

A Word document with an extension (.DOC or DOCX) looks like the picture above.

For Windows XP

Change standard icons it won’t work as simply as we did with shortcuts, because in the object properties dialog box, which opens from the context menu, there is no tab - Shortcut and, accordingly, there is no Change icon button.

However, this operation is still possible.

Let's try changing the standard Word icon to something different. This file created as a regular folder; accordingly, all files of this type are assigned this standard icon.

To change it, we need to change the properties of the entire file type.

1. To manage the properties of file types, use the File Types tab in the Folder Options dialog box. It opens by clicking Start > Settings > Folder Options > File Types.

2. In the Registered file types list, find the type Microsoft Document Word and click the Change button - the Change File Type Properties dialog box opens.

3. In this dialog box, click the Change icon button - the already known Change icon window will open. Use it to find another icon and apply it. From now on, all documents created in word processor Microsoft Word 2000 will appear with a different icon.

For Windows 7

Because the system tools for change standard types files are not provided in Windows 7, except by editing the registry, I recommend using a program that can be downloaded from the site http://defaultprogramseditor.com/. There is enough information on this program on the Internet, so go for it.

To change the icon for a regular folder, type:

Right-click on such a folder, then in the dialog box - properties and get into the following window:

P.S. I would like to remind you about the folder - My Documents - how do you approach it? Consumer or professional? Link to article: .

Standard folder symbols and Windows files wander from version to version and, perhaps, someone is quite tired of them. However, many users do not suspect that these icons can be replaced with others. The system's capabilities in this regard are too limited, but, fortunately, third-party developers have made sure that we can diversify the design of Windows 8 to our liking.

Let's figure out how and by what means you can change the standard Windows icons 8 to more attractive.

Changing icons using Windows

Consider a situation where you need to change the icon of a single folder or shortcut to make it stand out from the rest. Let's assume you don't have any special desires for originality and you'll be satisfied with the standard icons from the Windows set.

Changing the folder image

  • Open the context menu of the folder whose icon you want to change and select Properties.

  • Go to the “Settings” tab and click the “Change Icon” button.

  • By default, a set of icons will open from system library Shell32. Select suitable image and click OK. If none of the pictures suits you, you can click “Browse” and select another file with icons. The icons contain various Windows libraries and executables, but to find something specific, you need to know exactly where to look.

  • Click on an empty area of ​​the desktop and press F5 - the desktop will refresh and the folder will change appearance.

  • To return the folder to its original icon, open the change icon window again and click “Restore Defaults.”

Changing standard desktop icons

The standard desktop icons in Windows 8 are the “This PC”, “Trash”, “User Files” and “Network” icons.

  • To access the necessary settings open the Personalization panel. To get there, call up the desktop context menu and click the corresponding item in it.

  • Click “Change desktop icons” in the navigation bar.

  • In the “Icon Options” window, select what you want to change and click “Change Icon”.

  • By default, a set of icons from the imageres.dll library will be opened. Select any image and click OK. The icon will change.

  • To return the default image in the “Desktop Icon Options” window, click the “Normal Icon” button.

Changing program shortcut images

The program's desktop shortcut image is created based on the resources of the program itself. The icon is usually contained in executable file or any library of this application.

  • To change the image of a shortcut, open its properties from the context menu, go to the “Shortcut” tab and click “Change Icon”.

  • Select one of the suggested options or click “Browse” and specify a different file. In our example, the MEGAsync application icon is located in the MEGAsync.exe executable file.

After selecting a different icon and clicking OK, the program's shortcut will be changed.

Installing icons from other sources

On the Internet you can find a lot of tools for Windows design. This and ready-made themes, which include icons for folders and system icons, and thematic sets of pictures in ico format(single icons), icl (icon groups different sizes) or png ( ordinary pictures with elements of transparency), and applications for changing icons with “one click”.

Icon set

To set a picture as an icon in png format, you must first convert it to ico. To do this, you can use a simple program AveIconifier2.

Drag and drop into the right window of the program png file, from the left we take ico and throw it into the same folder. After that, change the folder icon in the same way as we discussed above. We specify the folder with the set of icons as the source.

Here's what we ended up with:


Programs for changing icons have O greater opportunities. With their help you can design not only folders and system icons, but also files, drive icons in the “This PC” directory, control panel items, etc.


As an example of such programs, consider IconTo. It comes with about 300 icons in different artistic styles, but you can install more than just them.

  • Run IconTo as an administrator.
  • Click the “Specify folder/file” item. Let's check if the program can change icons for an entire type of file (let's take text files, for example).

  • Select an icon. The program makes it possible to install icons from Windows 8 files, from its own, quite rich set, or any others. Let's take one of the pictures from our fruit set.

  • After selecting a suitable image, click “Set icon”.

Here's what we got: everything text files Now they look very tasty.

To return them to the standard view, you need to click “Remove icon from folder”.

Other programs work in a similar way. Their capabilities are quite enough to completely transform Windows, but with restoration to as before sometimes problems arise. Therefore, before running such an application, create a restore point in case final result will not satisfy you.

Greetings, blog readers.

Many users, trying to make the appearance their operating system unique, they change everything they can. These are window colors, backgrounds, sounds, icons, and often the entire design together. I've already touched on different topics related to this area. At the same time, I did not tell you how to change the folder icon in Windows 7. Well, in the article below I will tell you about this.

This procedure is simple and does not require any special skills from users. In general, to change the directory picture in Windows 8 or similar versions, you need to perform a few simple movements:

It is best to use files whose size does not exceed 256×256 points. To return standard image, just click on “ Restore to default" At the end we confirm the actions.

Before the final movements, you can preview the icon to be installed. If everything is fine, click " OK».

If you want to know in which folder the icons are stored - Shell32.dll. It would be more accurate to say that this is a library that is responsible specifically for icons.

As a result, a configuration file is created in the directory. It states required parameters and the path to the image. By default it is hidden. To see it, you need to go to the tab “ View" and then in " Options. This is where you uncheck the box that hides these types of documents.

Manually( )

How to change the folder icon manually? Simple - you can create the above file yourself:

It is worth noting that not all catalogs can be changed to your own image. For example, for Windows partition it is forbidden.

All folders( )

The first thing you need to do is a restore point. Only after this proceed to the procedure itself:

This way you will be able to change the images in directories in Windows 10 and other versions.

Disk( )

If you want to put new picture on a flash drive or any other partition, refer to this article

To quickly visually search or decorate the appearance of folders (directories), add custom icons. The recommendations will show how to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 to your own.

There are enough ways to change the icon of a specific directory or all, involving Windows tools, third party programs. or select an existing one and follow the steps below.

How to change the appearance of a folder

To change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 you will need to do a few things simple actions. In Explorer, select a directory and right-click on it. In the menu, click “properties”.

In the properties window, go to the “settings” tab. In the third area, click the "change icon" button.

In the dialog box, select from the list standard icon(located in the SHELL32.dll file) or click “browse”, specify the path to your image (ico) and click “open”. To practice, download the archive with icons.

Recommended to use graphic files with a resolution of 256 by 256 pixels so that they are displayed correctly or in Explorer. If you decide to return standard view folders, click the “restore defaults” button. Once you've made your final selections and completed the steps, click OK.

In the properties window look at preview. Next, click “apply” and OK.

As a result, it is created in the folder configuration file desktop.ini, which contains the parameters and path to the image. To see it, you need.

You can manually create or edit the file instead of using dialog boxes. Create Text Document(txt), name it desktop and on (ini). Open it and copy these lines:

IconFile=full path to the icon (ico)

Save the changes to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8. The lines in the existing desktop.ini may differ, you just need to enter the path to the image.

It's not always possible change the folder icon to your picture, for example, this is not applicable for the Windows directory. You also cannot change the icon inside the library, first right-click on the folder and select “folder location” from the menu. Then follow the recommendations above.

How to change the icons of all folders

Using this method, you can change all folder icons in Windows 7 at once by setting a custom image. You will need administrative access. This will change the icons for all PC accounts. Icons also change when it supports such features.

1. In the search bar of the start menu, write regedit and click enter.

2. When the UAC window appears, click “yes”. These messages are irritating, so I suggest you read.

3. In the left pane of the registry, find Explorer section(the picture shows the full path). Right-click Explorer, point to "New" and select "Partition". Give the Shell Icons a name and press enter. If this section exists, skip this step and go to step 4.

4. Select the created, existing Shell Icons. In the right pane, right-click, hover over “new” and select “string parameter”. Write it type 3 and press enter.

5. Right-click on parameter “3”, click “edit”. In the value area, write the path to ico file, For example, C:\iconca\papka.ico and click OK. The recommended image size (ico) is 256x256 pixels.

6. Pay attention to Windows bit depth 7, if you have a 32-bit system, go straight to step 7. If 64 bit is installed Windows version 7, then go to the section shown in the picture below and do steps 3 to 5.

7. To change the folder icon on Windows 7, restart your PC.

If you want to return regular folder icons, then visit the Shell Icons subsection and remove type 3 by right-clicking on it. Select “delete” from the menu, then click “yes.” For the 64-bit edition, do these steps in two places. Restart your computer.

Programs for changing folder icons

There are paid and free utilities to change the folder icon. Let's consider free products. I would like to emphasize that programs do not bring more benefit than using regular funds. Such applications include IconTo (we’ll look at it in more detail), FolderIco. To change a folder icon or group of folders, do this:

1. Download IconTo and install.

2. Launch the program, click “specify folder/file” and select installation for one folder, for several or for specific type file.

4. Select one icon from the standard ones, in the “favorites”, “software” tabs, or click “specify an icon” to select your picture. Then click “install icon” and enjoy the result.

That's all, I explained how to change folder icon in Windows 7, 8. Feel free to use the capabilities of the operating system itself. The programs do not give the desired result. If the theme went beyond icons, find out in order to improve the appearance of the OS.