How to disable Windows update. We prohibit automatic loading of drivers. Video: Disabling automatic reboot through the Local Group Policy Editor

The article describes in detail how to disable Windows update 10, carried out in automatic mode. You don’t always know what Microsoft is slipping into the next update package, and you can’t refuse to download and install updates in Top Ten without using administrative capabilities or special utilities.

By the way, you should be careful with third-party software, because such utilities can perform other operations in the background, in addition to disabling the update center.

Constant downloads of updates and notifications about this, their installation and requirements to reboot the computer, errors that accompany any of the stages, as well as the consumption of precious traffic from users with wireless internet- these are just the main reasons to refuse automatic Windows 10 updates.

Let's start, perhaps, with a method that will be more understandable to novice users due to the absence of the need to delve into system tools, and is suitable for any edition of Windows 10.

Note that next way disabling updates (using a tool for editing group policies) to home edition“tens” does not work - this administration tool is simply missing in the Home version.

The essence of the method is to stop and disable the service responsible for downloading and installing update packages. To do this, we perform the following steps.

1. Launch the “Services” snap-in.

The easiest way to do this is by running the "services.msc" command via command interpreter, which opens using the Win+R hotkey combination.

After this, a window with the name “Services” will appear. Its functionality will allow you to disable the automatic start of the service and terminate its functioning in the current session.

2. Find a service called “Windows Update” (in some editions the English name “Windows Update” may appear). Windows Update") and double-click on the element to call its properties.

3. Click “Stop” to shut down the service.

4. In the “Startup type” drop-down list, select “Disabled”.

5. Apply the new system configuration.

Changes take effect without restarting the system. Turns on automatic update Windows 10 is similar: first we set the service to start automatically, and then we launch it.

Let's use the functionality of the Group Policy Editor

As was said, the owners home version"tens" this section won't help if using Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 10, this option is recommended for disabling auto-update of the system.

Let's look at how to disable automatic updates in Windows 10 using the administration tool, which is the most reliable method of disabling updates.

1. Execute the command “gpedit.msc”.

This is done through the command interpreter, command line or search bar Start - the result will be similar.

2. Open the “Computer Configuration” section.

3. In the subsection, go to “Administrative Templates”, where we open the “Windows Components” directory.

4. Go to the “Windows Update” directory.

5. Call “Properties” of the “Setting automatic updates” option.

6. Move the switch to the “Disabled” position.

7. Click “Apply” to save changes to Windows registry 10.

8. Close the tool window and check for updates.

If they were found in manual mode- this is the norm, new settings may work in ten or two minutes, although automatic check updates are disabled immediately after checking for updates is disabled.

The result will be similar if you go to the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows WindowsUpdate\AU and create a DWORD key in it with the name “NoAutoUpdate” and the value “1”.

Using metered traffic

One of the Tens updates introduced an option into its functionality, the activation of which prevents the downloading of updates when using a wireless or other method of connecting to the network, the traffic of which is limited. This function allows you to specify what you are using Wi-Fi connection is limiting even if it is not.

The method works for everyone editions of Windows 10.

1. Go to “Settings” and open the section that provides access to network settings.

2. Go to the Wi-Fi tab.

3. Expand “Advanced settings”.

4. Activate the “Set as metered connection” item so that the operating system considers the connection with paid or limited traffic.

Applications to quickly disable the automatic update feature

Many people are familiar with applications for disabling spying functions in the Top Ten. But such programs also exist to disable the auto-update function operating system. Sometimes one application combines both functions.

One of these utilities is called Win Updates Disabler. To avoid problems, download the application from and check the downloaded file with an online scanner, for example, on the VirusTotal website.

To Work with portable program simple: run it, check the first item “Disable Windows Updates” and apply the settings. Administrator privileges are required for the program to function.

As you know, the seventh version of Windows OS automatically downloads and installs updates. The operating system communicates with the Microsoft host whenever the computer connects to the Internet. Theoretically, this behavior should have a beneficial effect on the operation of the PC, because the installed packages are developed specifically to eliminate found vulnerabilities and optimize the operation of programs. However, in practice the best option Automation is considered to be disabled. How to cancel Windows 7 updates and why to do it will be discussed in the article.

The main reasons for disabling the built-in update utility

  • The most the main problem caused by updates - sudden crashes and critical errors after completing the installation procedure.
  • The operating system stores all downloaded packages. Over time, there are a lot of them, and this reduces the free space on your hard drive. When the value of this parameter reaches a critically low level, the OS will simply refuse to boot.
  • When the Windows 7 update program downloads the files it needs, surfing the Internet becomes uncomfortable. This problem occurs especially often among users connected to a “narrow channel”. If the provider limits the amount of traffic per unit of time, automatic updates can hit your pocket.
  • If the patch installation process is running, the computer cannot be turned off until all operations are completed.
  • If your computer is using a pirated Windows version, the scenario of limiting the functionality of the computer after installing the next package is real.

using administration tools

The first way to disable updates involves completely refusing them. To do this, you will need to disable the built-in Windows service.

  1. Launch Control Panel.
  2. Expand the "Administration" section.
  3. Several items will be displayed in the window. Click on "System and Security".
  4. Find “Administration” among the icons that appear on the screen.
  5. Double-click the "Services" shortcut.
  6. Scroll to the very end of the list.
  7. Select Update Center.
  8. In the window that opens, opposite “Startup type” in the drop-down list, set “Disable”.
  9. Here, click on the “Stop” button.
  10. Now all you have to do is click on “Apply”.

After this operation, the OS will no longer contact the Microsoft site to check and download new patches. To re-enable the service, follow the same steps, but set the Startup Type switch to Automatic and restart your computer.

Disabling automatic mode only

How to cancel Windows 7 updates that are downloaded automatically, but leave the option to install manually?

  1. Launch Control Panel.
  2. In the window that appears, click on the “Update Center” item.
  3. Click on the "Center Setting" button. It is located on the left side of the interface.
  4. Set the switch to the “Do not check” position.
  5. Click "OK" at the bottom right of the window to confirm the changes.

Removing patches: preparation

If, due to the installation of a particular patch, the system begins to become unstable, it is recommended to remove the update package for Windows 7. To do this, first boot the OS in safe mode. To do this, hold down the F8 key until the BIOS information messages disappear from the screen. If pressing F8 will bring up a menu with a list of English language, select Safe Mode, in Russian, respectively, “Safe Mode”.

When this approach doesn't work, try this:

  1. Create an empty shortcut on your desktop.
  2. In the “Object location” column, copy cmd.
  3. Click on “Next” several times.
  4. Now expand the shortcut context menu and select Run as administrator.
  5. A command line will open, enter bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy.
  6. All you have to do is press “ENTER”.

After that safe mode will definitely turn on.

Removing patches using standard means

It is important that before performing following instructions Windows 7 update checking has been disabled, otherwise patches will be installed automatically again.

  1. After turning on the PC, go to the “Control Panel”.
  2. Click on the “Programs” line with the left mouse button.
  3. Find the View Updates link in the table on the left.
  4. A list of all previously installed patches will appear on the display.
  5. To remove any of them, click on the name the required package right click mouse, and select “Delete” in the menu that opens.


Any tool is good if used skillfully. Utilities built into the operating system were created to ensure computer security and user comfort. Before canceling Windows 7 updates, weigh the pros and cons. Best choice Only the automatic operating mode will be disabled. At the same time, you should regularly check for patches and be sure to install those that are designed to close holes in the security of your computer. Nothing without them modern antiviruses and anti-spyware programs will not be able to protect the OS.

Windows 7 includes automatic system updates by default. As soon as the computer connects to the Internet, the OS automatically searches for new packages, downloads and installs them, because the components of many programs may be out of date. On the one hand, installing this function optimizes the work home computer or a laptop, but on the other hand, due to this installation, failures may occur in programs such as, for example, Skype, even on 64x bite versions (kb971033). The video card may overload; when installed on the desktop, a message appears about the computer not turning off, which does not leave it for quite some time. for a long time, and for some it is very annoying, free space decreases system disk(it can be expanded), pirate systems are limited in function.

How does the Windows 7 update service work?

An ultimatum arises: either maximum confidence in proper operation and basic explorer, or new features and the possibility of crashes.

Therefore, many users are inclined to turn off the automatic correction of Explorer and work in the initial version of the OS, and only a few believe that installing new drivers is really necessary. Therefore, quite often the question arises of how to disable unnecessary renewals on Win 7. Probably, this question is not asked only by those who do not use the internet or Java programmers. There are several genuine ways. Let's look at them all so that everything is clear and accessible to everyone. Even non-professionals can cope.

How to disable driver search in Windows Update 7

Since not everyone is happy with the auto-loading of new software packages, then let's turn it off. One of the options for disabling Windows 7 updates is to disable only automatic correction. The operating system will not download and install reconstruction and drivers at all, but the user will have the opportunity to download and install them manually.

Don't know how to turn off File Explorer's automatic update center?

To disable automatic installation and search for drivers in the Windows 7 Correction Center, follow one of the following paths:

Start - Control Panel - Windows Update, or Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Update - Customize settings - Don't check for updates.

After this, you will not have problems with the service for automatically installing unwanted drivers or OS adjustments.

If you want to download updates or drivers, then simply go to the update center and select the option " Check for updates».

If you want to permanently disable the Windows 7 reconstruction service, then the first step is to go to the operating system services management. To do this, you need to follow these instructions:

— Start;

- Control Panel;

— Administration;

- Services, or Start - Control Panel;

- System and safety;

— Administration;

- Services.

In the window that appears, scroll through the list and double-click on the “windows update” service. Next, a window will open in which you need to change the startup type to “disabled”, then click on the button “ stop ", after - " apply" .


These steps will help you turn off automatic installation and search for drivers in the File Explorer correction center. Know that YouTube videos can also help solve the problem.

How to disable the Windows 7 to 10 upgrade offer

On most computers Windows users 7 maximum persistently offers updates to version 10. But many do not want to accept it; they want to stay on the OS that is already familiar and convenient for them. In the notification area new icon, which constantly reminds about renewals, many people are tired of seeing, but most do not know that it can be easily turned off. How to disable this very proposal for reconstruction? There are several ways:

Via the registry

ABOUT this method became known relatively recently. It involves working with the registry. Many users often wonder how to disable automatic win update 7. Many people think that it is very complicated, but in reality everything is very simple. The first thing you need to do is open the registry itself. You need to open the key in the registry editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx.

Attention! SectionGwx in the folder…\Politics\Microsoft\Windows\ may not exist, so you need to create it yourself. Don't forget to save your registry changes and then restart your computer.

Running the OS without an update function results in safe mode for your personal computer, especially if you use pirated versions, but not windows professional or ultimate, for example.

In Safe Mode

  1. You need to run command line on behalf of administrator
  2. Enter the following command into it: bcdedit/set(default) bootmenupolicylegacy
  3. Restart your computer

Via Bios

You will need special utility, which will help automatically return the system to a more early state. Also one of the options is a change in bios system dates.

You can also disable OS correction for the entire domain. Since Windows 7 is part of a domain, renewals can be disabled using group policies. It is done as follows. First, you need to stop the gpsvc service, which starts on behalf of local system. To do this, launch the command prompt and use the psexe utility with net commands stop gpsvc. But! This service will start again the next time you boot, so solving the problem in this way is temporary. However, this can be fixed. You need to change the startup mode of this service in the registry.

Go to section HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ gpsvc , we get permission to edit it (right mouse button – permissions; then select your administrator account and remove everyone else from the access list). Let's continue with the setup. To disable we put instead 2 – 4 , then the service will be disabled.

Be sure to create a backup copy of the registry before any intervention to avoid problems and ensure the safety of your computer.

On clear example Now you know how to disable reconstruction in win 7. This method can be used if you suffer from slow or expensive Internet, then automatic correction will not slow down the work process, extra money will not be charged for downloading that expensive information that is needed to update the OS every time.

This question is not as simple as it might seem at the beginning. On the one hand, life without updates is not nice - there is no way to get the latest, including anti-virus "patches", you will not be able to get to the latest improvements in software system, it will not be possible to update to improve Windows performance and so on. On the other hand, without updating the system, we keep it in its familiar, current working state.

Who knows what problems the next service pack from Microsoft's visionaries will bring with it for our applications? If you work in critical conditions, when any flying “fly” can destroy your entire architecture, then it is better to completely abandon the pumping of updates. As a last resort, you need to be able to original state, which was before the updates were installed. We will study how to cancel updates in Windows 7, but for now we will ask ourselves the question: what to do if some patches are still needed?

Nothing bad will happen if you cancel automatic Windows updates. Any packages of this kind can be obtained from the Microsoft website and, if the need arises, download them and install them manually.

Now let's see how to cancel automatic upgrades in practice Windows systems.

Let's do one... do two...!

In Windows 7, all service packs go through the so-called "Update Center". From here you can manage all the settings for this service. You can get to the Center like this:

  • Select the menu "Start" -> "Computer".
  • Right-click on it and in the context menu that opens, select the item called “Properties”.
  • A window will appear containing a direct link to “Center”.

Second way to get to the same place: “Start” -> "Control Panel"-> “System” -> . Finally, the third alternative is to enter this query into the search bar of the Start menu - the search system will return a direct link to the Center window shown in the figure below:

We will be interested in the window for setting the center parameters; it looks like this:

To cancel Windows updates, select the value from the drop-down list at the top: "Do not check for updates (not recommended)". After saving this setting and rebooting the computer, the system will no longer access the network for service packs. However, an annoying flag will appear in the tray, indicating that the subsystem is not working. You can remove it this way.

Developers are constantly working to improve the Windows 7 operating system, so from time to time it is necessary to download and install updates for this OS. The system does this automatically, but some users don’t like it. How to disable Windows 7 update?

Why would anyone want to disable automatic updates in Windows 7?

Automatic updating is a very convenient thing, and it was invented Windows developers absolutely not in vain. Thanks to him it is impossible to miss important updates or timely elimination of detected vulnerabilities. However, there are all sorts of situations, including those when automatic updating starts to get in the way. And then, of course, it is better to turn it off at least for a while.

Disabling updates may be necessary in a number of cases:

  • if you still don't have unlimited Internet, and you need to pay for every megabyte of traffic - because then updating the operating system can cost a pretty penny
  • if your Internet is too slow and updates take hours to download
  • if for some reason you have to use mobile internet— installing updates will be both slow and expensive
  • If permanent installation updates (especially if it is accompanied by the need to reboot) simply annoys you

In all these cases, it is useful to know how to disable Windows 7 update. There are several ways to do this.

Step-by-step instructions for disabling automatic updates of Winows 7 through the Control Panel

Step-by-step instructions for disabling automatic updates of Windows 7 through My Computer

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  2. In the context menu, select Manage.
  3. A window entitled Computer Management will open. On the left side of this window, click on the triangle next to the Services and applications line.
  4. Will open additional list, in which you need to left-click once on the Services line.
  5. After this, a list of all operating system services should appear on the right side of the window. You need to find the service called Windows Update and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  6. The service properties window will open. To disable updates, select the Disabled option in the Startup type line.
  7. Then in the Status line, click the Stop button.
  8. Then, at the bottom of the window, click the Apply button.
  9. Lastly, click OK.

On a note! To enable the service again, you will need to do the same thing, but select the original startup type, and then click on the Run button, then the Apply button, and lastly, the OK button.

As you can see, turning off annoying automatic updates in Windows 7 is not that difficult. But it’s better not to do this unless absolutely necessary - these updates are needed for stable operation systems.