Make a facsimile online. How to make an electronic digital signature. Algorithm for working with digital signature

Transferring document flow to electronic format is the main trend of modern business. An electronic signature is needed to confirm the relevance and validity of the documentation. A modern businessman needs to know how to make an electronic signature in order to endorse a document. Creating an electronic signature will not take much time and will not require significant expenses. What is an electronic signature and how to get it, read the materials in this article.

From this article you will learn:

  • how an electronic digital signature is used in document management;
  • how to get an electronic digital signature;
  • how to make an electronic signature.

Using an electronic digital signature in document flow

Encrypted information appended to data sent via digital channels communication is called electronic digital signature(EDS). Digital signature allows you to identify the user who created electronic document who signed it and is responsible for it. The main purpose of an electronic signature from the point of view of modern legislation is to ensure an effective and secure dialogue between an individual and a government agency.

According to the law, there are three types of digital signatures, the use of which is permissible in the practice of modern office work:

  1. qualified digital signature;
  2. enhanced digital signature;
  3. simple digital signature.

The first type of signature is used to indicate the owner of the document. A simple electronic signature does not allow any changes to be made to the endorsed document. The second and third types of signatures allow you to do this, but you should keep in mind that information about all changes is stored in the document itself. The date of changes and information about the user who made them are saved.

Any individual who has Russian citizenship has the right to receive electronic digital signature. The only condition for receiving it is to register on the government services website or have your own account in the center that certifies signatures. Information about the centers where you can obtain such registration is available at the tax office at your place of residence.

The presence of an electronic signature gives any citizen access to municipal and state electronic services. First of all, these are services that provide the opportunity to participate in competitions for the supply of goods. It is in this area that the need for approval and identification of applications most often arises.

In addition to the function of document endorsement, an electronic digital signature has a number of others, no less important functions. EDS can be used as a means of user identification when entering a government services website. Traditionally, to enter this portal you use SNILS number, the presence of a signature allows you to enter there using it.

Another function of the digital signature is to obtain information about extracts from state registers. However, this function can only be used by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, individuals will be able to obtain information about tax payments and existing outstanding fines using an electronic signature. Naturally, all this information can be obtained right at home. The law does not prohibit this.

Big advantage use of digital signature is an opportunity to reduce the burden on government agencies and reduce the number of queues. Through the use of virtual representative offices, the speed of customer service increases significantly.

Statistical data recent years indicate that more than 40 thousand applications for the creation of an electronic signature are submitted annually in each Russian region.

The range of services that are most in demand among the population and are most often obtained with using digital signature:

  • registration of a foreign passport;
  • request for information from the state cadastre;
  • repayment of traffic police fines;
  • paying taxes;
  • car registration;
  • Submitting documents to the tax authorities:
  • account tracking Pension Fund.

How to get an electronic digital signature

Most main question The question that an entrepreneur asks when he hears the words “electronic digital signature” is how to get a qualified electronic signature and how much it will cost. The answer to the last question is very simple - creating an electronic signature is free. The only thing you will have to spend money on is purchasing a USB drive, simply put, a “flash drive,” for recording your digital signature. At the office of any certification center you will be provided with the service of creating an electronic signature.

You fill out all the documentation required by law and receive a “flash drive” with a signature. With its help, you will be able to carry out all operations on the government services portal that require legal confirmation. The most common area of ​​application of digital signatures is government tenders for the supply of certain goods and services by an enterprise to a specific customer.

It should be kept in mind that in Lately applications for participation in the tender, endorsed using an electronic digital signature, have an advantage over others.

Read also:

  • Electronic signature: paperwork protected by cryptography

How to make an electronic signature

What documents are required to create a qualified electronic digital signature? There are few of them:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • current email address.

Without providing these documents, creating an electronic signature is impossible.

Using specially installed terminal devices, the user will be able to carry out any operations on the government services portal using his electronic signature.

Your home or work computer must have Internet access and install standard browser and special software. Many institutions are now equipped with special access points with browsers and appropriate software, from which you can also access the government services portal.

Along with the USB drive on which the electronic signature is recorded, the individual receives instructions on how to use it.

If you cannot figure out how to make an electronic signature on your own, you will have to contact a specialized certification center at your place of residence. The center's specialists will help you register your digital signature. You can find out the addresses of these centers at your Pension Fund branch.

What to do if you lose your electronic signature

What to do if you lose your USB drive? digital signature or do you suspect that third parties have stolen your information and will be able to use it to harm your business?

The first thing you need to do is immediately contact the certification center, the service technical support. The center's staff will be able to instantly suspend your certificate and limit hackers' access to your data. Next, you will need to visit the certification center again and carry out the procedure for renewing the validity of the signature. Naturally, you need to have with you documents proving your right to own a digital signature certificate.

Without providing documents, technical support workers will not be able to block the signature or resume it in the future, and your data will be available to attackers. Sometimes situations arise that the signature does not work or does not work correctly; it is also possible that the USB drive does not meet the requirements that the user places on it. In such cases, you need to contact the technical support service of the certification center by phone or in person with a complaint.


Despite possible technical difficulties, use of digital signature give you great benefits and will save a lot of time that you previously spent on recording, registration and backlog of queues at OVIR, tax office, Pension Fund and other government agencies.

Another important point, which is worth paying attention to - any electronic digital signature has a limited validity period. This needs to be monitored especially carefully. If you do not update your digital signature on time, you may find yourself in a situation where you will not be able to carry out the necessary operations on the portal that provides government services.

Before approving a document or application, you need to check the relevance of the certificate and the signature itself. It is also worth checking information about the procedure for creating an electronic signature at your certification center. The fact is that, unfortunately, the very procedure for creating digital signatures, generating certificates and keys, is under development and may change over time.

Another important point related to the creation of a qualified electronic signature. You can order and receive an electronic signature only in the region in which you are officially registered. Certification center employees have every right refuse to create an electronic signature if you live in another city and do not have registration in the place where you applied to create an electronic digital signature.

The advantages of using an electronic signature are enormous:

  • additional features document protection and encryption;
  • the ability to use the same signature when interacting with various government agencies, ministries, and regulatory authorities;
  • significant savings on processing and sending documents;
  • expanded opportunities for establishing contacts and exchanging documents with foreign partners.

Modern entrepreneurs are trying to transfer all their document flow into electronic format. Each document must be endorsed, so businessmen need to know how to make an electronic signature certifying the relevance and validity of the documentation. Its creation will not take too much time, but you will have to spend a certain amount.

What should an electronic signature be?

An electronic digital signature usually refers to encrypted information that must be attached to data sent via telecommunication channels. With the help of digital signature it is possible to identify the person who signed electronic information(files) and is responsible for it.

An electronic digital signature, according to existing legislation, must ensure correct and secure interaction between individuals and government agencies.

The law provides for the use of three types of digital signatures:

  • reinforced,
  • simple.

Using a simple signature allows you to simply indicate the owner of the document. Thanks to it, it is impossible to change the information in the document after approval. All other signatures allow information to be changed after approval, but information about who exactly and when entered the new data remains in the document.

An electronic digital signature can be issued to individuals who have Russian citizenship. At the same time, each digital signature owner must be a user of the government services portal and have his own account in the certification center. You can obtain information about which center you can register in at the tax office at your place of residence.

With help, you get the opportunity to use municipal and government services in electronic format. It's about about those services that require identification and approval of applications, in particular, about participation in tenders for the supply of goods.

How to create an electronic signature

The first question that entrepreneurs have when they mention an electronic signature is how to create such an attribute for themselves? Creating an electronic digital signature is free. Its owner will only have to pay for the purchase of electronic media in the amount of 700 to 3,000 rubles. The service for creating an electronic digital signature can be provided if the client contacts the office of the certification center.

After completing all the necessary documentation, the user receives a USB drive. With its help, it becomes possible to perform operations on the government services website that must be legally confirmed.

Most often, an electronic digital signature is used to participate in government tenders, when an enterprise intends to supply certain goods and services to the customer. Applications for participation in the competition, signed with a current electronic digital signature, usually have a certain priority over the rest.

Creating an electronic signature will require its future owner to provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • SNILS (it is indicated on the pension certificate);
  • email information.

It is allowed to use any postal service, the main thing is that the box must be relevant. If a citizen cannot provide this information, regulatory authorities have the right to refuse to issue an electronic digital signature.

You can receive government services using an electronic signature using only installed terminal devices. Laptops, home and work computers all need to have a standard browser, as well as the appropriate software.

In addition, you can use digital signatures from access points that are equipped with regular browsers or other specialized software. As soon as the user is given special guide on its operation.

Common situations

If you don’t understand the details, like the signature, and you urgently need them, you can contact a certification center. The specialists of this institution will help you understand this situation and register your digital signature in as soon as possible. The address of the current center can be clarified at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If you have lost your key or believe that someone has obtained information about it and can use it to harm your business, you should immediately contact technical support.

After your application, the certificate will be temporarily suspended, you will be asked to visit the office to further renew the validity of the signature.

When contacting a certification center on any third-party issues, be prepared for the fact that you will have to present documents according to which you are the owner of the certificate. Otherwise, the center staff will not be able to help you, and third parties will be able to use the signature.

If the signature does not work correctly and the USB drive is not able to fulfill the requirements that are placed on it, the owner of the digital signature can file a claim with the support service by phone or in person.

How can you use digital signature

In addition to its direct function, an electronic digital signature has whole line others. It can be used as a means to log into the unified government services portal. Now you won’t need to dial the SNILS number – just enter your signature.

Electronic signature systems allow you to receive information about extracts from state registers. This function is available to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and individuals can receive information about their fines and tax deductions. With the help of an electronic digital signature, you will be able to receive government services directly at home, since this does not in any way contradict existing legislation.

Every year the number of users of electronic digital signatures increases, which means that queues at government agencies are decreasing. Due to this it increases overall speed client service.

According to statistics, every year in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation from 10 to 40 thousand applications for creation of digital signature. There are a number of services that are especially popular and are most often endorsed with electronic digital signatures:

  • fines for taxes and traffic police;
  • vehicle registration;
  • submitting documents to the tax authority;
  • obtaining information from the state cadastre and other organizations;
  • checking your own PFR account;
  • registration of a foreign passport.

Digital signature in modern business

Now you know what an electronic signature is, how to create it and how to maintain it. Using an electronic digital signature you can save money a large number of time that is usually spent queuing at the tax office, the Pension Fund and other government agencies.

Each electronic signature has its own expiration date, which must be constantly monitored. The digital signature must be updated on time - otherwise you will not be able to perform all the necessary operations to interact with government agencies. Before you endorse any document, it is recommended to check that the certificates and signatures are up to date.

It is also recommended to check with certification centers for information on how to create an electronic signature. The procedure for generating digital signatures, certificates and keys is constantly changing, so it is necessary to track its components.

It is also worth knowing that you can only obtain an electronic digital signature if you are in the region in which you are officially registered. If you do not have a residence permit or live in another city, you may be denied an electronic signature.

If we talk about the benefits that entrepreneurs receive by using electronic documents and electronic digital signatures, then, first of all, these are additional document encryption capabilities. After all, reliable cryptographic algorithms ensure the confidentiality of information: a person who does not have the key will not have access to it.

In addition, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to use the same digital signature tools when exchanging data with various ministries and regulatory authorities. The introduction of electronic documentation also saves employees time and significantly reduces the costs of companies associated with the preparation and sending of documents.

EDS is widely used by international companies, as it greatly speeds up numerous operations and eliminates the need for a number of additional meetings. Therefore for Russian companies who seek to use Newest technologies, the use of digital signature can be very useful when working with successful, modernized domestic and foreign enterprises.

Modern technologies in the field of document management can significantly save time and resources, so in this material we tell you how to make an electronic signature. EDS is useful for ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs and legal entities. Each user can choose the optimal type of signature and method of its design.

Why do you need an EDS?

Electronic digital signature or EDS is handy tool, allowing you to confirm your identity and visa documents virtual space. The electronic signature key carrier is a storage device (flash drive) on which an electronic analogue of the owner’s signature is recorded. It is always issued to a specific person and is tied to his personal passport data. Varieties of digital signatures with a high degree of security are valid only with a paper/electronic certificate.

The owner of such a device gets access to a huge arsenal of functions:

  • sign documents, agreements, contracts in the virtual space;
  • organize corporate virtual document flow and save paper;
  • send tax returns and reports via the Federal Tax Service website;
  • undergo authorization and draw up documents through “State Services”;
  • check whether the document was edited after the visa;
  • protect copyright on the file/text/image;
  • carry out customs declaration of goods and services;
  • participate in electronic tenders for state and municipal procurement;
  • control the production and circulation of alcohol in the EGAIS system.

Electronic signature is useful for individuals, individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Review of legislation

The use of digital signatures in Russia is regulated by several legislative acts:

  • Civil Code (Article 160);
  • Federal Law “On Electronic Signature” No. 63-FZ;
  • GOST R 34.10-2012.

Users are not required to review these laws and their requirements in detail. It is enough to remember that you need to order qualified digital signatures (which are a full-fledged analogue of a physical signature) only from certification centers. Their list is on the website of the Ministry of Communications. Registration of the device is accompanied by the issuance of a paper confirmation certificate.

Types of signatures

A digital signature is a rather complex mechanism, it’s difficult to delve into its operation. to the average user there is no need. It is much more important to understand the types of digital signatures and their practical features. Understanding the characteristics of each variety will help you order best option and don't spend extra money.

First type - simple electronic or PEP. This is such a simple and unprotected option that it exists without physical media. Such signatures are one-time only and are familiar to almost all holders. bank cards. Clear example PEP is a code that you receive via SMS when you want to buy something in an online store. They are not specially issued, but are created automatically as needed.

Unqualified electronic signatures or NEP- already a more advanced version of the digital signature. Issued on separate device. Confirms the identity of the owner and also shows whether the document has been edited after the visa. Consists of two parts: open and closed. The closed one remains with the owner, he works with it and signs documents. Open part The digital signature key is intended for partners and counterparties: they use it to verify the authenticity of the signature.

NEP - optimal solution for public procurement tenders. When used as an analogue to a physical signature, the parties must enter into an agreement between themselves.

The most secure digital signature - qualified or CEP- we will look in more detail in a special section below. In general, it can be noted that it is the CEP that is the most complete, because it is considered a replacement for a regular signature. If a citizen or businessman plans to use digital signatures a lot, it is worth choosing a qualified type.

An electronic signature sig file is an extension in which the signed document is saved.

How to make an electronic digital signature

Registration of digital signature is not a problem and takes only a few days. More precisely, certification centers promise to do everything in 1 hour, but it will still take time to collect documents, fill out an application and receive the device itself. What is the price? On average, from 900 rubles for individuals and from 1500 for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Where can I make a digital signature? Only at a certification center from the list of the Ministry of Communications. Before filling out an application, much less paying for the service, check the availability of the company on the website If your city is not on the list, you can look for a center in a neighboring one or apply for an electronic digital signature online with courier delivery, although it will cost much more.

Let's consider options for creating a digital signature.

Qualified signatures are only valid if the owner of the certificate has

On one's own

The popularity of digital signatures is actively growing; certification centers are interested in simplifying the design of the device as much as possible. Therefore, there is no problem in ordering and receiving the device without outside help, No. If there is a certification center near you, go there with a set of documents, fill out an application and receive the device.

Package of documents for individuals:

  • application (filled out on site);
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • receipt for payment of services.

Documents for digital signature for individual entrepreneurs:

  • passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • a fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (not older than 1 month);
  • receipt for payment of services.

To make an electronic signature for a legal entity:

  • application (filled out on site);
  • TIN and OGRN certificates;
  • passport of the applicant (usually a manager or accountant);
  • SNILS;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (also up to 1 month);
  • Bank details.

How to make an electronic digital signature? It is impossible to complete registration exclusively in the virtual space: a digital signature is a physical object, and therefore you will have to come for it or order courier delivery.

You can significantly simplify the procedure by leaving an application on the website of the selected certification center.

At the MFC

If there is no certification center in the city, you can issue an electronic signature at the MFC. There are My Documents offices in every city. Prepare a package of documents and submit it to the center specialist. He will help you write an application and advise you on choosing the type of digital signature. The procedure will take a little longer - 10 days. Notification about the delivery of the device to the office comes via SMS. Thus, you will have to visit the MFC twice: to fill out an application and to receive a digital signature device.

Signature for State Services

Full access to the “Public Services” service is possible only after confirming the identity of the account owner. This can be done in 2 ways: visit an authorized center or use an electronic signature. The second option is much preferable because it saves time.

To authorize on the portal via digital signature, just go to your personal account “Gosuslug” and insert the device into the computer. A qualified signature will be required, since the service works with personal data and duplicates in in electronic format such services that are provided only with a physical signature. For example, obtaining a foreign passport or registering a car.

The choice of the type of electronic signature should be based on necessary for the user functions

Qualified digital signature

The most secure and regulated type is a qualified electronic signature or CES. Why is she the most protected? Because the software through which such devices operate is certified by the Russian FSB.

Is a full-fledged analogue of a physical signature, therefore it costs more than others and is accompanied by a certificate (paper or electronic). This is needed by individuals for public services. This is exactly what an individual entrepreneur’s signature should be for tax service(to submit reports) and others government agencies. For legal entities, the seal replaces it.

For individuals

Does an ordinary citizen, not an entrepreneur, need a digital signature? The answer will be individual, but more likely yes than no. Such devices for individuals are cheaper, but bring a lot of benefits. Qualified digital signature:

  1. Opens full access to State Services. You can order a passport, pay public utilities, fines, apply for admission to a university in another city.
  2. Allows you to work in personal account on the Federal Tax Service website, namely to submit a declaration (for example, after the sale of property), apply for a tax deduction (for example, after buying an apartment), receive notifications, control debts and pension savings.
  3. Making an electronic signature for an individual is free - you will have to pay about 900 rubles for the device.

For legal entities

The benefits of digital signatures for legal entities are even more obvious - electronic reporting, simplified internal document flow, participation in electronic trading and more convenient transactions with counterparties. The cost of 1500-2000 rubles pays for itself many times over.

For whom should an electronic signature be issued in an LLC? Remember, a digital signature is a virtual analogue of a regular physical signature. In an LLC, all documents are signed by the director, and in some cases by the chief accountant. If there is a lot of accounting documentation, it is advisable to order two devices. If the bulk of the files will be endorsed by the manager, one digital signature is enough.


EDS - a virtual analogue of a signature for endorsement of electronic documents - is useful for ordinary citizens and businessmen. It is used for authorization on the State Services and the Federal Tax Service website, for electronic trading and transactions. The low cost of around 2 thousand rubles pays for itself many times over in the time and resources saved.

Do it yourself or order it.

After they came into our lives digital technologies, many processes have been simplified, including the exchange of documents. Now they do not have to be issued on paper; they can be generated electronically and sent to the recipient using virtual funds communications. For such a document to have legal force, it must be certified with an electronic signature (ES). Its creation and use is regulated Federal law No. 63-FZ dated 04/06/2011 “On electronic signatures”. Drawing up and registering an electronic signature is a paid service, can I do it myself?

What is an electronic signature

This is considered digital information, which is attached to the electronic document to confirm its authenticity, as well as to identify the person who issued the visa.

There are two types of electronic signature:

  1. Simple. It is created using ordinary codes, ciphers and passwords. Examples include using bank cards or registering services on the Internet. It does not have any special means of protection, and therefore is used in business relations and for the provision of public services. It is accepted by arbitration courts as evidence of the authenticity of the document. To do this, an agreement must be drawn up between the participants in the document flow, which outlines the basic conditions for using an electronic signature and the method of creating it. A simple electronic signature is not allowed to be used when certifying documents that contain state secrets.
  2. Strengthened. A more secure version of the electronic signature, which is generated using cryptographic encryption. It is almost impossible to hack such data. There are two types of this digital signature:
    • Unskilled. It is used in the same areas as simple, but it cannot be used in the provision of public services.
    • Qualified. Has all the properties previous type, but to create it, tools that have been certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation are used. Since such an electronic signature is carried out increased control, then it can be used when submitting documents to official bodies (Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, PRF and others), as well as for participation


If a simple electronic signature contains information only about the identity of the signatory, then enhanced ones make it possible to determine whether changes were made to the document after its approval.

Considering that ordering an electronic signature from a specialized organization costs money, the question arises: is it possible to make an electronic signature yourself and for free? Everyone can generate an electronic signature themselves, but it must be used to endorse corporate documents or in relations between persons who have relations with each other a certain degree trust.

There are several ways:

  1. Use standard package MS Office programs, in particular text editor Word. To sign a document, perform the following actions:
    • place the cursor in the place where the signature should be;
    • go to the “Insert” tab, in the “Text” section, open the “Signature Line” list and select the “Microsoft Office Signature Line” item;
    • open the “Settings” window and enter the electronic signature data: the surname and initials of the signatory, his position and address Email, instructions for the responsible person, and determine his powers.
    • You can generate a visa using the “File” menu. To do this, go to it, select the “Information” item, then click on the “Document Protection” line and select “Add a digital signature”. As in the previous case, we determine the data that will be visible in the approved document.
  2. Many common mail programs (Lotus Notes, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook) allow you to provide a sent document with an electronic signature. But first on personal computer you need to install a special certificate and send it to the recipient. Then he will not doubt the authenticity of the received document.
  3. To create a secure electronic signature cryptographic encryption, must be installed on your computer Russian program"CryptoArm". By using it, you can online mode generate a certified key with a high degree of security, or work with the software locally. The electronic signature generated in this way is allowed to be used for a year, and then undergo the re-issuance procedure.


In order for these signatures to have legal force, the parties to the document flow must enter into an agreement, which will indicate the method of creating an electronic signature and the procedure for its use.

Creating Strong Electronic Signatures

They cannot be done independently, and therefore you should contact a certification center (CA) or MFC. The right to use an enhanced electronic signature is confirmed by a certificate of its verification key. It is necessary to confirm ownership of the electronic signature, as well as to protect the rights of its owner. To ensure the security of the digital signature, the following keys are attached to the certificate:

  • Closed, with the help of which an electronic signature is generated and the document is certified. The owner of the electronic signature must keep this key secret so that another person cannot use the electronic signature.
  • Open. It has an inextricable connection with the previous key and is used to verify the authenticity of an electronic signature.

The electronic signature verification key certificate contains the following data:

  • its unique number and document validity period
  • information about the owner of the certificate, which allows him to be identified;
  • the name of the device with which the electronic signature will be created;
  • standards to which both types of keys comply;
  • name of the certification center that issued the document and its address.
e-Token and ruToken are used as electronic signature tools; they look similar to a regular USB flash drive or electronic card.

Electronic seal and signature

As mentioned earlier, enhanced electronic signatures are divided into two types: unqualified and qualified. The first replaces only the signature, while the second is at the same time an analogue of a regular seal. For this reason, the information contained in the electronic signature verification key certificate differs. In addition to the information specified in the document on the right to own an unqualified electronic signature, the qualified certificate contains the following data:

  • individual insurance number personal account and TIN of the owner of this document for citizens, TIN for organizations;
  • ES verification key;
  • name, address of the certification center that issued the certificate, number of its qualification certificate;
  • information on restrictions imposed on the CA qualification certificate, if any.

Devices for creating and checking electronic signatures that are qualified in mandatory undergo the certification procedure in the FSB of the Russian Federation.


Only certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation have the right to issue qualified electronic signatures.

Registration of an EDS certificate at a certification center

To be able to use an enhanced electronic signature for its intended purpose, you must register its certificate with the CA. To do this, you need to write an application and attach a package of papers to it. Citizens represent:

  • passport or its copy certified by a notary;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority and assignment of a TIN;
  • SNILS.

Since individual entrepreneurs are individuals, they collect the same package of documents, supplementing it with:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • certificate of state registration of a private entrepreneur.
When an electronic signature is issued to a person authorized to represent the interests of a citizen or individual entrepreneur, then a notarized power of attorney and his passport are presented.

To obtain an electronic signature, organizations will need:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • document on state registration;
  • certificate confirming registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • if the owner of the electronic signature on behalf of the organization will be its head, then a document confirming his appointment to the position is needed;
  • when another employee will use the electronic signature, then a power of attorney issued by the organization will be required for him;
  • in both cases, you need a passport and SNILS of the future owner of the electronic signature.

All issued certificates are recorded in the CA register, information is entered no later than the day these documents come into force. Usually, this is the day it is received by the owner, but another period may be determined.


If an electronic signature for an organization is received by an employee for whom it will be issued, then he will be the owner of the electronic signature, despite the fact that the signature is used for the needs of the company.


To give virtual documents legal force they are certified with an electronic signature. It can be simple or enhanced. Types of electronic signatures differ in the method of creation and purpose.

You can make an electronic signature yourself, but it is useful only for internal document flow and transfer of information between persons who have a certain degree of trust in each other. To organize full-fledged document flow with third-party organizations and government agencies, you will need a strengthened electronic signature. It is obtained from specialized organizations - certification centers.

The right of ownership of enhanced electronic signatures is confirmed by key verification certificates. They must be registered with the CA in order to be able to use them when working with third-party and government organizations.

If you still have questions on this topic, get advice from our professional lawyers. They will tell you what kind of electronic signature is best to make so that it corresponds to the range of tasks you have set.

Any document must be protected by a person’s handwritten signature. What to do with documents existing in electronic form? An electronic signature has been developed specifically for working with such papers. She exists to uniquely identify a person, who applied the signature, to confirm the authenticity of the document.

According to current legislation, an electronic signature can be obtained by attaching data electronically to other electronic data, which serves to identify the signatory.

There is only three types of electronic signature:

  1. Simple.
  2. Reinforced unskilled.
  3. Reinforced qualified.

Simple signature has the lowest degree of information security. It only confirms that the document was signed certain person. At the same time, it is simply impossible to check for changes since signing.

Electronic document with enhanced by unqualified signature is equivalent to a paper document signed by a person. The presence of such a signature indicates that no changes have been made to the document since its creation. This signature is issued by special centers that are not accredited.

A strengthened signature is created through special data encryption. It can only be created by real professionals who have a FSB license in the field of cryptographic protection.

There are other types. Each center offers its clients different types signatures with different names. You can choose one or another signature based on the tasks that you plan to solve with its help.

Stages of creation

Features of the signature creation process depend on the selected type. As a rule, there is two stages its creation:

  1. Construction of a special hash function, which helps identify content in a document.
  2. The hash function is placed in the document and transmitted along with it. The size of the hash function is not large at all. Its presence does not significantly affect the size of the document.

For free

Obtaining a free signature is possible when using the services of some sites. There are resources on the Internet that allow you to create a simple electronic signature. It can be created by imitating a person's signature, sending the scanned signature to designers and creating the signature on the screen using a special widget.

Users can also get a signature for free Outlook programs Express, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes. All of these programs are characterized by the built-in ability to send messages with a signature.

To do this you need to install it on your computer special certificate and give it to the person for whom the signed documents are scheduled to be sent. If both parties have similar certificates, there is no doubt about the authenticity of the documents being sent.

To install an electronic signature on your computer, you need to use the program CryptoPro CSP. You need to run this program and then add the device on which the electronic signature container is located. This can be done by going to the “Equipment” tab and selecting “Configure readers”.

Most often, the electronic signature container (the private part of the key) is provided on removable media, that is, a disk or flash drive.

Then you need to go to the “Service” tab, where there is a button “Install personal certificate”. For this operation, you will have to use browse to download the certificate file ( public key, having the extension .cer). As a result, certificate information will appear in the “Certificate for Installation” window.

After clicking the “Next” button, a window will appear in which you will need to specify the container private key. The next step is to select the storage in which to place the certificate. It is necessary that all existing certificates be placed in the “Personal” store. After completing all the described actions, the system will notify you that the electronic signature has been successfully installed on your computer.

For government services

Nowadays, document flow is increasingly implemented in virtual space. Such transformations take place with the support of the state. Nowadays, many government services can be obtained without leaving home, but for this you need to have an enhanced, qualified electronic signature. You can obtain it from a special certification center.

When contacting this structure, a person is provided with list of documents, which must be provided for electronic signature. This list includes an application for a signature, a passport and an individual tax number.

After submitting all these documents, the person receives a signature within a day. It makes it possible to receive government services at any convenient time in any place where there is Internet. At the same time, you will be able to avoid endless queues and waste of time. Only for an enhanced electronic signature you will need to pay a certain amount of money.

Features of receiving

An electronic signature can be issued to both individuals and legal entities. In the second case, the signature is usually issued in the name of the manager. He, in turn, can give the key to his employees, but this is not safe. Therefore, it is better to give the employee a paper power of attorney to obtain a signature, then he can sign documents on your own behalf.

Business use

An electronic signature greatly simplifies the life of businessmen and helps speed up document flow. Previously, it was necessary to complete all documentation in paper form, personally sign each document, and, in collaboration with partners from other cities, send it by mail. All this costs a lot of money and entails a lot of time wasted. In addition, you will have to pay for postage.

It is much easier to transfer documentation to each other electronically, but this is only possible with an electronic signature. Otherwise, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the sent document.

If you have an electronic signature, you can directly send reports to the tax office via the Internet, rather than regularly going there.


Is it possible to use several crypto protection tools at once on one computer?

No, such a possibility does not exist. If several programs are installed at once, a conflict may arise in the operation of these applications. Possible correct work only one program.

Is it possible to use the same electronic signatures issued by different certification authorities?

This is theoretically possible, but there is no guarantee that software and cryptographic protection tools will adequately respond to this fact.

Why can’t I log into the trading platform after the electronic signature has been renewed?

A login error can occur in two cases. Perhaps on trading platform organization is not registered. Then you must undergo accreditation. If accreditation is passed, but you cannot log in, you need to create a new electronic signature for your existing account.

How long is a public key certificate valid?

According to the law, the certificate is valid for one year.

When do you need a notarized power of attorney to obtain an electronic signature?

A power of attorney may be needed only if the owner of the signature delegates its receipt to a third party. This happens especially often in business. The head of the company can issue a power of attorney for one of his subordinates.

What type of signature should I choose to provide reporting to government agencies?

In this case, you will need an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

How is an electronic signature equivalent to a paper signature?

Both paper and electronic documents with a signature are equivalent. They have the same legal force.

Is it difficult to use an electronic signature?

Anyone can use a signature, regardless of their level of computer skills, type of activity, or whether they have a particular level of education. It's enough to learn just a couple simple actions to add an electronic signature to the document.

How long will it take to issue a certificate?

This procedure at the certification center takes about 30 minutes. Usually the next day after all necessary documents specified in the list, you can receive a certificate.

Is it possible to forge an electronic signature?

It is impossible to hack cryptographic data, so you can be sure that no one will be able to forge an electronic signature. You just need to follow all the recommendations for storing the key so that unauthorized people cannot use it. Information containing advice on storing the key must be provided to the client along with the certificate.

Can the owner of a key certificate refuse an electronic signature?

This is impossible. An electronic signature has a number of attributes that can be used to uniquely identify the person using it under a specific document.

How to create an electronic signature? Details in the video.