Outlook express mail program login. Mail programs. Outlook Express

Long Outlook time Express remained the most popular and advanced email client available for Windows. Today there are excellent analogues, but Outlook has not lost its former popularity.

Email clients for computers are handy tool, which makes working with email much more comfortable. An opportunity arises mass processing letters, viewing old letters without the Internet and many other features not available in classic interface mail. To get all these great features, you need to download Outlook Express. This mail client is a real legend, because for a long time he was the only decent option.

Outlook Express – a universal email client

Email clients are convenient if you have a large volume emails. If you receive hundreds of emails every day, and you need to sort them, and also respond to some, then there is nothing better than special programs. Today, almost all services that provide email also provide a web interface. Simply put, they provide access to the service through a website accessible in the browser. For some users, this option may even be more convenient, but only until they try an email client. This solution has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The client provides access to letters even without access to the Internet;
  • Convenient tools for bulk processing of letters;

Let's imagine the situation that you are using a tablet or laptop on Windows based. In this case, you probably often take it with you on trips. To work on the go, you need the Internet, but it is not available everywhere and not always. Therefore, you need to download Outlook Express for Windows. This utility allows you to process old emails even without network access. Moreover, the email that you received earlier is stored not only on the server third party company, but also on your computer. And this additional protection and guarantee that you will not lose access to important data. But the program itself is not simple, so we recommend next video, which will introduce you to the program settings:

An important detail: Microsoft, which is the developer of the client, unfortunately, has stopped supporting and developing it. This does not make the utility worse, it just gradually became outdated. As of 2017, it is still a worthy competitor to its peers, and is undoubtedly superior to browser-based versions of mail, available, for example, through. But over time, unfortunately, the client will become outdated. We hope that in the new version we will see new version mail client.

How to set up Outlook Express? This question may arise for anyone who deals with a computer. Many operating room users Windows systems For working with email, they prefer Outlook Express, which is included in standard set software the most popular OS in the world.

Convenient and easy to use, Outlook Express can be quickly mastered even by beginners. The very first question that a novice user of the program has is how to set up Outlook Express.

Before setting up, make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet and launch the program through Start. Select “Programs”, then “Outlook Expess”.

In the program window you can see that it includes three fields: work area, and the menu is at the top, “Folders” and “Contacts” are on the left.

How to configure Outlook Express manually or automatically? It is preferable to choose manual setting, so as not to miss any little things that may be ignored by automatic tuning.

Create an account. In the menu we find “Services”, click on “Accounts”, in the drop-down panel click on “Add”, in the list that opens select the line “Mail”. The “Connection Wizard” window will be displayed, where you are prompted to enter the last name and first name, which will be visible in the “Sender” field when sending letters.

How to configure Outlook Express and find out the addresses of outgoing servers and In the next step, enter and click “Next”. After this, a window will open in which you need to select an email server. mail - POP3. Below is a field where you need to enter the server for incoming messages (pop3.mail.ru) and outgoing messages (smtp.mail.ru), and click “Next” again. Server addresses can be found in your mail system (mail, yandex, etc.) by clicking on the “Help” option.

Now enter the address Email and password. If you wish, you can check the box next to “Remember password” so that the system will no longer prompt you for it when connecting to the server.

Postal systems For security purposes, they usually ask for a mailbox name and password when receiving and sending letters. To configure this option, select a new account in the window and select “Properties” in the right column. A window opens in which we click on the “Servers” tab and check the box next to the “User verification” item. Then you need to click “Settings” and make sure that next to the line “As to an incoming mail server” there is a checkmark and click OK.

This was information on how to set up Outlook Express. Now the setup is complete and you can start working in

It is possible to install additional settings. If you look around the menu, you will see several tabs.

There is no need to make any settings in the “File” menu - all actions are carried out in dialog boxes.

The “Edit” item allows you to manage messages using commands.

In the “View” menu you can configure the interface.

And finally, the “Service” tab - “Message Rules”. Click on “Rules for mail”, then on the “Create” button - here you set a filter for incoming messages. As a rule, the system itself blocks suspicious emails, sending them to the spam folder. The user has the opportunity to create his own filter with disabilities blocking. IN in this case You can reject letters with long addresses and without a subject.

Then go to the “Windows Messenger” tab, open “Options” and uncheck the red checkboxes. The fact is that Windows Messenger is weak point in the operating system in terms of security, so it is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible and enable this application, integrated into the OS, only when necessary.

Let's go to the "Options" window, where there are many tabs and you can select tinctures to your liking. It is worth saying a few words about security - it is not recommended to uncheck the red boxes.

So, to set up Outlook Express for regular user, you only need to allocate a few minutes.

Outlook Express is a lightweight, more old version the famous email program from Microsoft. The company no longer supports it, but Express is still widely used by non-upgraded users. Windows versions. Compared with modern version Outlook has a number of features that are worth knowing in order to set up your mailer before getting started.

How to configure Outlook Express to work with different sites

In order for letters from existing mailboxes to be redirected to Outlook Express, the program requires preliminary configuration. The setup process is quite similar for different email sites, differing only in the data that must be entered and the protocols that can be used.

Protocols on this moment There are two: IMAP and POP. IMAP is more powerful, but POP is faster and lighter. Which one is better is up to you to decide, but the sites themselves prefer to provide data only for POP.

  • Before setting up, you need to make sure that your email client has permission to transfer data via POP3. This is only relevant in the case of Yandex, since in other email clients this permission is automatically enabled. It is located in the account settings: “Settings - Mail programs- From the server via POP3 protocol.”
  • Further steps are the same for each mailbox. You need to go to Outlook Express and follow the path “Tools - Accounts”.
    In account settings Outlook entries Express can be added new address mail
  • In the window that opens, select “Add - Mail” and begin creating a new account. For each mailbox connecting to Outlook Express, you must have your own account.
  • In the first window that opens, you need to enter your data. This is done so that the sender's name is automatically included in outgoing mail.
    The first thing you need to do when setting up is to enter your username
  • On next step You must enter the email address to connect to the client. The address is entered completely, without errors.
    You must enter the email address from which messages will be sent
  • Now comes the fun part. You should select a server for incoming messages (for outgoing messages it is set by default) and specify the details of the server from which information will be received. Each site has its own data, but companies willingly provide it. A list of these servers is presented in the table below.
    Entering data from the server for incoming and outgoing messages using Mail as an example
  • Almost done! All you have to do is add your account information: email address(login and password. Here you can enable remembering your password so you don’t have to enter it every time.
    You need to enter your username and password to log in to the system.
  • Ready! But that is not all. It is highly advisable to enable secure connection, providing letters with greater reliability. To do this, you need to return to the account settings, click on the newly added one and click “Properties”.
    To configure account properties, you need to enter the appropriate panel, find required address and click "Properties"
  • In the window that opens, you can change any of your data if something was entered incorrectly, or apply new parameters. The tab we need is “Advanced”: this is where a secure connection is configured. In the window that opens, you can change your account settings
  • In the “Advanced” tab, you need to check the boxes next to the “Connect via a secure connection” options. Another useful point— “Leave copies of messages on the server”: by default, after synchronization, mail is deleted from the account on the mail site. To ensure that copies of messages remain in Mail client or Yandex, you must enable this item.
  • Table: server data for different mailboxes

    Mail Yandex Ukr.net
    • IMAP: imap.mail.ru
    • POP3: pop.mail.ru
    pop.yandex.ru pop3.ukr.net
    Outgoing smtp.mail.ru smtp.yandex.ru smtp.ukr.net

    Where are emails and Outlook Express profile stored?

    Knowing where all your incoming and outgoing mail is can be extremely important, for example, when reinstalling a system. Fortunately, there is no secret in this: by default, the program uses the following path. Accounts are also located in this folder. But the passwords for them are encrypted deep in the registry, and you just can’t get to them - only with the help of special programs.

    C:\Documents and Settings\<имя пользователя>\Local Settings\ Application Data\Identities\( an identification number)\Microsoft\Outlook Express


    Here, “Username” is the name of your computer account, and the ID number is some long number that may vary depending on the configuration.

    It’s worth noting that you won’t be able to just go into this folder: you may need administrator rights and the “Hide” option disabled system files and folders." This can be done in the settings menu at the following path: “Start - Control Panel - Files and Folders / Explorer Options / Folder Options / Folder Options (depending on the version of Windows, this item is called differently).”

    By the way, you can change the storage location of letters: this is done in the Outlook Express settings along the path “Tools - Options - Maintenance - Message Bank”.

    In Outlook Express, you can view and configure the location where data will be stored

    Disabling compression

    By default, Outlook Express asks the user each time the program is closed if he or she would like to compress messages to free up some disk space. Even if the user answers “OK”, after some time the client will ask him about it again. And if you click on “Cancel”, the program will start offering compression every time. Users mostly find this feature annoying and want to get rid of it.

    A similar message appears in Outlook Express very often and interferes with your work

    In older versions, the problem is solved simply: just go to the path “Tools - Options - Maintenance” and uncheck the “Compress messages” checkbox in the window that appears.

    D old Outlook versions Express, to disable compression, just uncheck the “Compress…” item in the settings

    But with new ones you will have to work hard. It is impossible to disable compression there, and a notification window begins to appear every time it is launched if the number of times the user has turned on the program exceeds 100. Obviously, Microsoft believes that after a hundred starts of the program, the message bank grows to unimaginable sizes.

    Get rid of annoying offer forever is impossible. But you can reset the activation counter.

  • First you need to go to the system registry. To do this, press Win+X and type regedit in the window that appears. The Registry Editor will open.
  • You will have to search for the place where the launch counter is stored manually. In order not to waste time on long search in the registry branches, click “Edit - Find” and enter the name of the counter into the search window: Compact Check Count.
  • Once the desired variable is found, right-click on it and select the “Edit” option.
  • The variable value window will display a number describing the number of runs. This is exactly what we need! Delete this number and write 0 instead.
  • Now the program will consider that it was turned on 0 times and will not offer compression to the user. However, after the next hundred starts the procedure will have to be repeated.
  • Using Outlook Express is simple and convenient if you know how to set it up. He might become a good helper in sorting and sending letters from different mailboxes. And if compression starts to bother you, you can always turn it off!

    Today, the most popular email client is MS Outlook Express, which is not surprising, since this program is included in the standard software set operating system MS Windows (starting from version 95) is easily accessible and easy to use even for an untrained PC user.
    The only difficulty that stands in the way of the average user is setup Outlook programs Express. And so, let's get down to business; in the process of describing MirSovetov, it will rely on version 6.0. If you have a different version, this is not a problem, because the structure of the program itself has remained virtually unchanged over time.

    How to set up Outlook Express

    Top – menu bar and toolbar, left – side panel“Folders” and “Contacts”, work area.
    There are 2 types of settings in Outlook Express: automatic and manual. I will describe the manual configuration method, because... often automatic configuration misses many nuances and subtleties, which can subsequently negatively affect the operation of the program.
    To get started, we need to create a new account; to do this, go to the “Service” tab in the menu bar, then “Accounts”...
    A dialog box appears in front of us, we are interested in adding a new user, so we click on the add button and select “Mail...”.

    Next, we will be required to fill out several forms, the first of which will not cause any difficulties - entering your name and email address. Let's take a closer look at incoming and outgoing email servers.

    The incoming mail server has next view pop.mail.ru (pop.yandex.ru), the address of the incoming mail server can always be found in the help section of your mailbox.
    The outgoing mail server looks like smtp.mail.ru (smtp.yandex.ru), the address of the outgoing mail server can always be found in the help section of your mailbox.

    On this pre-setting The Outlook Express mail client can be considered complete and we can start working with our mail, namely downloading server mail and viewing it, writing messages and sending. All the services and actions we need are displayed by default in the toolbar (create a message, reply, print, delete, deliver mail).

    Additional settings for Outlook Express

    A quick glance through the menu reveals a standard set of tabs.
    1. File (here we are only interested in 2 points - this is the import and export of address book databases and messages from other programs or pre-saved files, all actions are performed using dialog boxes and do not require any configuration).
    2. Editing provides us with a set of commands for managing our letters.
    3. View allows you to customize common interface programs (everything here is intuitive and accessible, so we move on accordingly).
    4. Service – the tab that interests us most. The first thing I want to focus on is the “rules for messages”. We go to the “mail” tab... and we see a dialog box:

    Modern programs aimed at ensuring computer security(Norton IS, OutPost...) often (depending on the settings) create the rules themselves and set them by default. Without a doubt, this is a plus for us, because... no need to create your own rules for each account and each folder, but sometimes an incorrectly configured firewall does not play in our favor, blocking a good half desired mail. Basically the so-called “ spam” or, to put it another way, spam and emails with attached files. Today, it is almost impossible to block a good half of spam, because experienced people on the other end of the line also try to avoid and adapt to all means of protection, but this is a topic for a completely different article. MirSovetov reminds you of only one thing: if you are not 100% sure of the incoming mail, and this applies specifically to attached files, you should not open such files, much less launch applications of an unknown nature (files with the extensions “.exe” “.bat”)
    By clicking on the “Create” button, we can create our own filter with minor options for blocking mail, moving to specific folders etc. The filter tracks the sender, recipient, subject and content of predefined phrases. The minimum protection against spam would be a filter that blocks and moves messages with no subject and a long address in the sender field.
    The next tab in the “Service” field is “ Windows messenger" Immediately go to “Options” and remove the flags marked with a red dot:

    I'll explain why this is necessary. It just so happened that standard application“Windows messenger” is a big security hole in the home OS, but... Outlook Express uses in its work this service, then we try to protect ourselves as much as possible by turning on applications only when necessary (by default, the application was loaded with).
    5. Accounts - a tab already familiar to us. Here, if necessary, we can create another account, for example, for another mailbox.
    6. Parameters... now we get to more fine tuning Outlook Express email client.
    As a matter of fact, here, despite the abundance of tabs, everything is clear at first glance and can be customized to your own taste. The only thing we pay attention to is, as always, “Security”:

    I strongly recommend that you never remove the flags marked with red dots, because... these changes are critical and may lead to negative consequences. Everything else does not play a big role in the matter of security.

    This completes the setup of the OutLook Express email client for the average user. Let me just note that there are programs automatic settings additional features client, BUT which are not necessary for home and office use (one of them is Outlook Express Tuner).
    Also, you can probably find information on all questions regarding this program in the help file (the treasured F1 key), or on the website of our beloved, hated and one of a kind Microsoft corp (http://www.microsoft.com/rus/).

    Mail programs. Outlook Express

    What is it and why do you need the program?

    Let's say you receive every day a large number of letters. You can go online, download a virtual mailbox, and check your email. But Outlook (or another similar program) can do this job for you. Emails will be sent directly to your computer. More precisely, having an email program, you can simply with one click on a button receive all the letters in your virtual mailbox on your computer.

    A properly configured program will sort your letters: by name, by date, by degree of importance.

    Thanks to this program, you can also receive letters from several mailboxes at the same time. Suppose you registered on several mail servers - mail.ru, yandex.ru, rambler.ru - and, naturally, it takes you a lot of time to check each of the mailboxes.

    Using the Outlook email program (and similar ones), again, you literally check all your mail with the click of a button.

    How to setup

    You have installed Microsoft Office, and therefore included in this Outlook package. Next you need to configure the program.

    Step 1: Launch the program.

    Select from menu Service bookmark Email accounts.

    Step 2: In the next window that appears, select Add a new account. Click Further.

    Step 3: Select Server Type – POP3.

    Step 4: In the settings window that opens, in the field Enter your name Please indicate your first and last name.

    In field E-mail address enter your email address.

    In the fields User And Password Write down the name of your mailbox (this is your email address) in full and the password for it with which you registered at your mail.

    In field Incoming mail server (POP3) enter: mail.rambler.ru(assuming you are registered on Rambler mail) or the address of any other mail in which you are registered.

    In field Outgoing mail server (SMTP) enter: mail.rambler.ru. Click Further.

    Step 5: Click Other settings. Select a bookmark Outgoing mail server. Check the box The SMTP server requires authentication. Step 6: Select a bookmark Additionally. If you need to leave copies of letters on the server, do not forget to check the appropriate box.

    Let's launch Outlook Express.

    If you are running Internet Explorer, you can press the button Mail(with an image of an envelope) on the toolbar.

    Or you can press the button Start and select Outlook Express from the menu that opens.

    This window consists of four windows, each of which can be closed individually. The borders of these windows can be changed by dragging their corner with the mouse.

    In the window Folders There are folders in which your letters will soon be stored. In this window, 5 folders are created by default: Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Deleted Items and Drafts. This is enough for a start. And over time, you will be able to create folders yourself by topic, by letter authors, etc. Next to the name of the folder, in parentheses, the number of letters that you have not yet read is indicated.

    Folder Deleted looks a lot like a folder Basket in Windows, that is, you will throw unnecessary mail into it.

    Select any folder and click on it with the mouse. Its contents will be displayed in the window on the right. You will notice unread messages immediately - for your convenience, they are highlighted in bold.

    It is very convenient when you can immediately see the contents of the letter. But for security reasons, it is better not to open all letters in a row, otherwise there are so many viruses now. However, if you still decide to do this, then check the box next to Show viewport(menu Properties? Window settings).Contacts window This is where you will enter addresses " regular customers”, that is, friends and girlfriends, acquaintances with whom you communicate constantly, so as not to enter the same address every time (besides, you will not need to remember it). To enter an address into the address book, simply click on the title of the incoming letter (in the headers window, which we will get to know a little later), right-click and in the opened context menu select item Add the sender to your address book. And immediately the sender’s name will appear in the contacts window, and therefore in the address book. Great?

    After that, by clicking the Addresses button on the toolbar, you can enter all the data on the addressee that you know (date of birth, phone numbers, office address, etc.). The toolbar in Outlook Express is very simple (especially once you've mastered Word or even worse than that, Excel). If you move the cursor to an icon on the panel, a hint will pop up (in case you forgot something).

    Title Window

    In it you see a list of letters located in this folder. By clicking on any folder on the left (in the folder window), on the right you will see a list of all letters in the folder. That's what it is Title window.

    You can sort your emails. All you have to do is left-click on the header of any column. For example, if you click on From, then all letters will be sorted by sender names if you click on Received, then the letters will be sorted by date of receipt.

    Setting the parameters We will not check all Outlook Express settings; most of them are set correctly by default. On the menu Service on the toolbar, select the lowest item - Options. There are 10 tabs in the window that opens. Let's look at just one tab. Window preview

    By clicking on any email in the headers window, you will see the contents of the email in the preview window. And if you double-click on the title, the letter will open completely in own window(below the title box).

    Receiving, creating and sending letters

    To write a letter in Outlook Express, you need to click the button Create a message on the toolbar. A blank letter form will open that you will need to fill out.

    Field From is filled in automatically - your mailbox address is written. And if you have more than one mailbox, select the one you need from the drop-down list.

    In field To whom you need to write the address of the person you want to write a letter to. But if it is included in your address book, then the process is simplified - just click on the button with the word To whom, and it will open The address book, from which you will select the desired address.

    It is advisable to write the subject of the letter. In this case, the person to whom you sent the letter will roughly know what the letter is about and will understand that it is not spam ( advertising junk). By the way, people who are engaged advertising mailings, also want their letters to be read, so in the headings of the letters they write “From Lena”, “From Volodya”, “Response to your letter”.

    Several years ago there was an epidemic computer virus, distributed with a letter entitled "I love you." Therefore, you need to come up with a topic so that the recipient, who sorts several hundred letters every day, does not throw your letter into the trash without reading it.

    Then write the letter itself in the text field.

    If you want to send a file with a letter (picture, photo, archive, etc.), then click the button Invest(it has a paper clip drawn on it, so you can't go wrong). After pressing this button, the familiar one opens Windows window, with which you select the file to be sent with the letter.

    After that, under the field Subject another field will appear Join with the name and size of the file you selected. Just be sure to check that your attached file is actually included, otherwise it will be inconvenient: you indicate in the letter that you are attaching a particularly important document, and then send the letter, forgetting to attach the attachment.

    The letter is ready, press the button Send. If you are connected to the Internet at this moment, the letter will instantly fly to the recipient, and if not, then it will move to the folder Outbox. In this case, after accessing the Internet, you will need to press the button Deliver. Then your letters will be sent, and at the same time letters sent to your address will be downloaded from the server. Response to the letter

    If you received a letter and want to respond, then the situation is even simpler. You press the button Answer on the toolbar. The letter form will open. But now not only the field will be filled From:, but also the field To whom.

    In field Subject the topic indicated by the author of the incoming letter with the prefix will also be entered Re: (which means reply to a letter). You can leave it, or you can write it new topic. In addition, the text field already contains the text of the sent letter. This is very convenient: this way you remind the person who sent the letter which letter you are responding to. You can insert comments after each paragraph of his letter, use quotes. You simply delete what you don’t need, as usual, by first highlighting it and then pressing the key Delete.

    Receiving mail

    Receiving mail is carried out by clicking on the button Deliver. All letters will be sent to the folder Inbox. By clicking on the email headers in the headers window, you can view all emails in a row or a selection. At the same time, the headers of letters that you have not yet opened are highlighted in bold. If the letter is open for more than 5 seconds, this highlight will disappear.

    So we have given you the most necessary information on working with the Outlook Express email program. This is quite enough in most cases, at least for the first time. A additional functions you can learn it yourself as needed.

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