What does the night shift function do? What is Night Shift and how to enable it on iPhone and Mac

IN iOS firmware 9.3 appeared new feature Night Shift, which allows you to adjust color rendering iPhone display or iPad depending on the time of day and now we offer you the most full instructions on its use.

Numerous studies show that exposure to bright light in the evening can negatively affect a person's circadian rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep, so Apple seriously concerned about this problem. The iPhone and iPad firmware released at the end of March introduced a new feature called Night Shift, which allows you to manually or automatically adjust the display color depending on the time of day.

The Night Shift function detects iOS watch and geolocation the time of sunset in the area where you are. After sunset, it shifts the colors on your display to the warm end of the spectrum, making them more pleasing to the eye, and in the morning the function returns normal settings display. As mentioned above, this function can work both manually and automatic mode, so in this manual we will look at all the options for using Night Shift on iPhone and iPad.

Which devices support Night Shift?

At the time of writing this manual, the list of smartphones and Apple tablets compatible with Night Shift looks like this:

9.7 inch iPad Pro*
12.9-inch iPad Pro
iPad Air
iPad Air 2
iPad mini 2
iPad mini 3
iPad mini 4
iPhone 5S
iPhone SE
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 6S
iPhone 6S Plus
iPod touch (6th generation).

* In 9.7-inch iPad versions The Pro has a display with True Tone technology, which uses four-channel light sensors that automatically adjust the display colors to the ambient light. Display True Tone and Night Shift can be used together or separately. You can enable or disable True Tone in the “Settings” -> “Display and Brightness” menu.

How to set Night Shift to turn on automatically from sunset to sunrise

If you like the Night Shift feature and want it to automatically activate after sunset and return to normal display settings in the morning, here's how you can do it.

4. Turn on Scheduled.

Sunset and sunrise times are determined automatically based on your location, just like the Weather app does. If this information is not accurate, check your location service settings (Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services).

How to set Night Shift to turn on automatically according to your schedule

If for some reason you want to change the time automatic switching on/ disable the Night Shift function and set up your own activation schedule, you can do this as follows.

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
2. Go to the "Display & Brightness" menu.

3. Go to the Night Shift menu.
4. Turn on Scheduled.

5. Click Start/End.
6. Set the required values ​​in “On time/Off time”.

How to manually activate Night Shift at any time

If you don't need daily automatic activation Night Shift feature, but sometimes you still want to use it, you can enable Night Shift manually at any time.

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
2. Go to the "Display & Brightness" menu.

3. Go to the Night Shift menu.
4. Enable “Manually turn on until tomorrow.”

After this, Night Shift will turn on and will be active until next day. If you want to use Night Shift again, you will have to manually activate it each time or set the feature to turn on automatically.

How to Adjust Color Temperature for Night Shift

If you think the color temperature of your iPhone or iPad display is too cool, you can warm it up, and vice versa. This way, you can independently change the color temperature of the display depending on what color spectrum you are used to.

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
2. Go to the "Display & Brightness" menu.

3. Go to the Night Shift menu.
4. In the “Color Temperature” item, adjust the color temperature of your device’s display by moving the slider to the left (“Cooler”) or to the right (“Warmer”)*.

*During these adjustments, you will be able to see the selected color spectrum as the display will temporarily simulate your selection.

How to completely disable Night Shift

If you think you don't need Night Shift, at least not for this moment, you can turn it off completely.

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
2. Go to the "Display & Brightness" menu.

3. Go to the Night Shift menu.
4. Disable Scheduled.
5. Disable “Manually turn on until tomorrow.”

After these steps, the Night Shift function will be disabled until you want to enable it again by activating one of the modes of its use.

Night Shift makes it glow iPhone screen and the iPad is a little “warmer” at night. Apple claims it will help you sleep.

What devices does Night Shift work on?

Night Shift requires devices at least iPhone 5s and iPad Air or mini 2, as well as the operating version iOS system 9.3 and older.

How to enable Night Shift from dusk to dawn

If you have windows in your home and are not isolated from society, then the natural time to use Night Shift is from sunset to dawn.

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Now to the tab Screen and brightness;
  3. You are taking Night Shift;
  4. Planned;
  5. From the End/Start menu, select From Dusk Till Dawn.
The phone automatically determines the time of sunset and dawn based on your location.

How to enable Night Shift at a specific time

If sunset time is still too young for you, and after dawn you still want to sleep, then the Night Shift scheduled option is suitable.

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Now to the tab Screen and brightness;
  3. Select Night Shift;
  4. Activate Night Shift with the switch Planned;
  5. From the End/Start menu, select the option Setting up a schedule;
  6. Set the desired time period.

If you sleep on an unusual schedule, then Night Shift can be triggered at exactly the right time

How to enable Night Shift manually

Night Shift can always be activated manually directly from the main screen by swiping up. After this, Night Shift will work until the next dawn, and then turn off.

Night Shift can be enabled at any time from the main screen menu

How to change the color temperature of Night Shift

If you feel that Night Shift is too yellow, you can adjust the color temperature manually.

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Now to the tab Screen and brightness;
  3. Select Night Shift;
  4. Play around with the slider Colorful temperature

Night Shift Color Adjustment

Left-hand side is responsible for cool color(blue), and the right one is warmer (yellow). To get a better feel for the Night Shift temperature, it is best to set it in the evening. Personally, the standard value seemed too warm to me, so I had to reduce the yellowness a little.


I really like the function. I also use Night Shift on a MacBook connected to external monitor. But my girlfriend did not accept Night Shift and asked to “turn it off immediately.” But a few weeks later I turned on Night Shift again, but this time on my own.

In this article we will talk about the Night Shift feature on iOS - what it is and how to enable it.


iOS 9.3 introduced a new Night Shift option. Is it really important?

What is this Night Shift feature?

When this mode is activated, the light on your phone's screen becomes warmer. Thanks to this, your eyes don't get so tired in the evening.
If you understand the function more carefully, then simple backlighting reduces

the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the desire to sleep and you have to stay awake. This way you mess up your biological time, and over time this leads to problems.

How to activate Night Shift on iPhone?

You can activate the option using several methods:

  • Button in Control Center
  • In display and brightness settings
  • Via Siri. Go to settings and turn on the control language - English and say - Enable Night Shift
  • If necessary, set up work at a specific time

Setting Night Shift

In this mode, you can adjust the temperature of the screen colors. To do this, in the screen and brightness settings, select Night Shift and move the slider in the desired direction.

You can also configure it to turn on at a certain time:

  1. Go to display options and select Night Shift
  2. Activate the switch - Scheduled
  3. Activate the most suitable option from the proposed options - switch on at sunset or activate according to your schedule
  4. You can turn on manual mode, but it turned itself off the next day. To do this, click on manually turn on until tomorrow
  5. Problems with the regime energy saving

It is worth saying that when you turn on battery saving, mode control will be blocked.

If energy saving is activated, Night Shift is disabled and the settings are locked. You can remove this restriction through Siri. Say the command Enable Night Shift.

IN reality The function is really useful. It is even available on Android, and third-party developers also have some solutions.

Video: How to enable Night Shift in low power mode on iOS 9.3?

Brought a lot of new features: 3D Touch shortcuts in the bulk standard applications and “Night Mode,” which is what today’s post is about.

What is Night Shift?

The idea of ​​​​"Night mode" is not new - previously this function could be implemented using, besides, this f.lux is the most popular tool for adjusting the screen temperature Apple devices, Android and even computers on Windows based and Mac OS X.

In “Night Mode,” the system itself determines what time of day it is based on your geolocation and changes the screen temperature to a warmer one. The fact is that the warm shade does not strain your eyesight as much when working with the iPhone at night and in the evening.

How to enable Night Shift on iPhone?

To enable Night Mode on iPhone, you need to go to Settings → Display → Brightness.

Actually, there is a new “Night mode” function here, and here you can independently adjust the temperature of the screen. Although, “Night mode” works well in automatic mode, but if something doesn’t suit you, you can always customize it for yourself. To do this, you need to activate the “Decrease” toggle switch of blue color"and use the slider to adjust the temperature.

It is also possible to choose when the night mode will work: from sunset to dawn or according to a schedule. To select, go to “Schedule”, it is located under the slider, here you will choose how the mode will work and select the on and off time, if necessary.

Conclusion: The fact is that the function is far from innovative: it is already available on Android platform, and for a long time there have been programs for OS X and iOS (only with jailbreak), f.lux is considered the most popular. Be sure to use this mode, it will help preserve your vision.

Starting from version 10.12.4 in the operating room macOS system from Apple appeared interesting feature- mode Night Shift, or simply night mode. Just a year after its appearance similar function in a mobile operating system iOS Apple added this functionality to my desktop computers And MacBook laptops, i.e. to all devices running macOS.

Exactly what this function is, how it works and why you need it at all (or not at all), as well as how to enable and configure Night Shift on your Mac we will tell you today in this article.

In short, the Night Shift function changes the spectrum of screen colors towards a “warmer” one in the dark, which is considered healthier for the eyes and does not interfere so much with the body falling asleep after work in the evening and at night.

Here's how Apple itself explains the basic essence of the work and justifies why nighttime is needed Night mode Shift on macOS.

"Night Shift adjusts the brightness of your display after sunset. Numerous studies show that exposing your eyes to bright blue light in the evening affects your body clock and can interfere with your ability to sleep well in the evening.

After sunset, Night Shift mode automatically shifts the backlight colors of your computer display towards the warmer end of the spectrum, making the screen image easier on the eyes. In the morning, the colors will automatically return to their default settings."

Some Mac users who are familiar with the program "f.lux", most likely you already understand what it’s about we're talking about. For macOS, there has long been a program with the name mentioned above, which works similar to the Night Shift function.

Now, to enable a screen mode that is less harmful to the eyes and sleep, you do not need to install anything additional - operating system supports night mode, as they say, “out of the box”.

The difference with Night Shift enabled and without it using an example MacBook screen can be seen in the image below.

The degree of spectrum change can be adjusted in a certain range to be more comfortable for your eyes and suitable for external lighting. You can do this in macOS Display Settings. But first things first.

How to enable Night Shift

Night Shift mode is supported on your Mac if you have an operating system or higher. To activate it, do the following:

If it’s already dark outside, you’ll immediately notice the difference. Screen colors will become warmer. If in your opinion they have become too “warm”, then you should slightly customize this function “for yourself”.

How to set up Night Shift

Night mode on the Mac has several customizable options, such as the degree to which the color changes and when it automatically turns on and off. To change them, open the Night Shift settings.

As you've just seen for yourself, enabling and setting up Night Shift on macOS is quite simple. And whether it will be useful to you or not - everyone will decide for themselves over time.