Firmware for Sony Xperia smartphone using Flashtool. Firmware or flashing Sony Xperia Directly flashing the device

Many users sometimes face the question of flashing their Sony Xperia smartphone or tablet and experience difficulties because they do not know how this process is done. I want to say right away that it is best to use standard programs, which you can find on our website in the section. With their help, you can automatically and without any problems update the kernel and firmware version to the most current and current one at the moment.

However, there are times when the installation still has to be done manually. In this guide, we outlined all the steps point by point to make it easier for you to understand how to flash a Sony Xperia. This manual is suitable for 2013 models and you will need the Flashtool program, which can be downloaded from the link below. Before you begin any action, remember that the author of the article is not responsible for the final result and everything you do is at your own peril and risk. Also make sure that the smartphone is charged at least 50%, the Flashtool package and firmware drivers are already installed on your computer, and for greater confidence, anti-virus programs and firewalls are disabled on your PC.

1. So, let's get started. First, download the official firmware, the package of which will be in .ftf format. Download firmware only from trusted sources and only for the version of your phone.

2. If the firmware is downloaded as a simple archive, then unzip it and find a file there with the extension .ftf.

3. This file must be placed in the /flashtool/firmwares folder.

4. Launch FlashTool.exe.

5. Turn off the smartphone and wait about 30-60 seconds.

6. In the program, press the button that shows lightning. Next, select “Flashmode” and double-click on the desired firmware or simply drag it into the window from the utility.

7. The program will independently prepare the firmware for installation on your smartphone, about which you will be notified by the appearance of a window asking you to connect the device.

8. Press the Volume down key (aka Volume -) and connect the USB cable (which should already be connected to the PC) to your smartphone. There is a possibility that the first time you connect in “Flashmode” mode, a window will appear asking you to install a driver to operate the device in this very mode.

We were inspired to write this manual by the start of a regional update of the Xperia Z3 and Z2 devices to the new version of the Lollipop system. While some are already enjoying the new firmware, others are waiting for it in their region, sometimes for a very long time. Therefore, it was decided to write this detailed manual on how to flash a Sony Xperia using two programs XperiFirm and Flashtool. The firmware process is not at all complicated and the instructions are suitable for all models of Sony Xperia smartphones and tablets. It can be used both to install new firmware and to roll back to an older version, which may also often be needed.

How to flash a Sony Xperia smartphone - step-by-step instructions using the example of flashing Xperia Z2 firmware to Android Lollipop

Before you start, you need to remember - everything you do is done solely at your own risk! The site administration is not responsible for all actions you take - this should be understood. Read the instructions letter by letter and understand the entire process, be careful. To flash the firmware there is no need to unlock the bootloader, you do not need to have root. Also, replacing the firmware using this method does not affect the warranty - warranty service is not lost. Before you begin, we recommend that you create a backup of your system.

Preparation process

  1. Initially necessary: ​​go to Settings - Developer Options and check the box next to the desired item.
  2. Go to Settings – Security and check the box next to “Unknown sources”.
  3. All drivers for your smartphone model must be installed on your smartphone. The best way to install all drivers is to install PC Companion. You can also initially install the FlashTool program and find the latest drivers in the “C:\Flashtool\Drivers” folder, from where you can install them.

Getting firmware using XperiFirm(if you have already downloaded the firmware FTF file, you can go straight to step. If not, then follow the further instructions.)
This is just a super application, the developers of which we shake hands with.

The process of creating firmware using Flashtool

  1. First of all, download the FlashTool program and install it – Link
  2. To run the program, go to your PC to its installation folder, which is located in “C:\Flashtool” and run the executable file FlashTool.exe. If the program gives an error, then it may be necessary to clear the contents of the “C:\Flashtool\firmwares” folder.

  3. After starting the program, open the tab Tools – Bundles – Create

  4. In the window that opens, you need to click on the button with three dots in the “Select source folder” item and select the folder with the previously downloaded firmware.

  5. After this, you will see in the window that all the firmware files are loaded into the “folder list”. Double-tap on the hidden “Devices” field to select your smartphone or tablet model.

  6. Enter in the “Branding” and “Version” fields the values ​​that you needed to remember when downloading the firmware.

  7. Select all the files in the “folder list” box and click on the right arrow button to move all the files to the “Firmware content” box and click the “Create” button.

  8. After this, the process of creating an FTF firmware file will begin, which will end with the corresponding inscription. The firmware files will be created and moved to the folder “C:\Users\YOUR PC_NAME\.flashTool\firmwares\” (the path will be indicated in the creation window).

The process of flashing Sony Xperia using FlashTool

These instructions will help you update your device or return to a previous version of the software.

First steps

1 . Make sure your Sony Xperia smartphone is fully charged (preferably).

2 . Make sure you are using the USB cable that came in the box (the original one).

3 . Download and install the Flashtool program -

After installing the program, a shortcut should appear on your desktop. If this does not happen, look for Flashtool in the root directory of your computer - usually this is C:/Flashtool

4 . Install drivers from the Flashtool folder - From:/Flashtool/drivers/ Flashtool-drivers.exe

If you have problems installing drivers on your Windows 10, 8.1 or 8- follow.

5 . Download the firmware for your Sony Xperia smartphone in the format ftf(firmware can be found on the Internet or on the 4PDA website) and put it in a folder From:/Flashtool/firmwares/

Since version Flashtool The firmware file must be placed in a folder

Firmware process

1 . Launch the Flashtool program.

2 . After launching the program, click on the lightning icon. In the window that appears, select Flashmode and click on "OK"

3 . On the left side of the window, select firmware. In point Wipe check the boxes "DATA", "CACHE" And "APPSLOG". Click "Flash"

4 . In a new window you will see graphic instructions for your actions: turn off the phone and hold down the volume button DOWN, connect the USB cable to the computer. Next will be the firmware process.

5 . We are waiting for a message about successful firmware" Flashing finished".

6 . Disconnect the smartphone from the computer. After flashing the firmware, turning on the smartphone for the first time will last about 2-3 minutes. Don't panic and wait for the OS to load.


All your personal data - music, photos and videos, those on the internal memory of the smartphone will be deleted, including the call log, contacts, SMS, etc.

Note from anonymous guest - In addition to the article

I would like to report on the work done. "PotsiEnt" - xperia M2 dual (2302), vaccination - official firmware of the Orthodox kit-kat (4.4.4), operating table - win7 x64. "Shoals" that I encountered:

1) when installing drivers from flashtool\drivers, pay attention to the following - first, in the file properties, in compatibility, specify compatibility with Vista and run as administrator;

2) when installing drivers selectively, black magic appears and nothing works, I checked all the boxes - it took off (Window screams at every driver, they say, it’s counterfeit, we select “install this driver anyway”);

3) in flashtool, when you have selected the firmware, check all the checkboxes in the wipe section on the right (they are not there by default), do not check them in other places. (if you do not complete this step, you will get an endless download, “it won’t take off”);

4) the topic contains the phrase “the first download takes a very long time.” Let me clarify, if the download takes more than 10 minutes, it means something went wrong;

5) if something goes wrong, you need to press the off button with something sharp (I mean a pointed match), which is next to the SIM card slots (under the lid) and start all over again.

As a result of the operation, I have a wonderful smart phone with an excellent system, everything is shining and working. With one hand I import contacts with the SIM, with the other I happily wipe away my tears.

Note from Strikeresh - If it gives an error "this bundle is not valid"

So that's it. Hey guys. It's 2018, I bought a new Z2) updated to Android 6, but yes, as some said, the sound volume was not enough. Before this I specially checked, on the 4th it’s really much louder and everything is fine. And somehow the battery was draining suspiciously...
Decided to roll back, shoveled a bunch of things
I did everything strictly according to the instructions. It couldn't be stricter.
Yes, there was an error: - ERROR - root: this bundle is not valid
We ignore her
I didn't succeed the first time. Lol
when I connected it to the laptop, Windows started installing some kind of driver, but the program reported a failure
But I didn't chicken out and tried everything again
It worked. The loading bar has started. At 90 percent, it stopped abruptly and did not move. My soul went to hell) but fortunately, after thinking for a minute or two, everything ended successfully, and the cherished words about “Flashing finished” appeared in front of me. The phone has just started up, yes, you need to wait, surfing on the beautiful blue waves, this is normal. In the end, everything turned out better than ever.
Don’t be afraid to try, and thanks to the site owners for everything. Guys, from the heart!

Everything you do, you do at your own peril and risk! We are not responsible for your “crooked hands”! If for some reason you damage your device, only YOU will be to blame!

How to flash Sony Xperia?

Sony Xperia is a line of various tablets and smartphones. Back in 2010, Sony Ericsson released a series of Android-based models called Xperia X10. After which the company completely refocused on Xperia and until 2013 produced 27 Xperia Android smartphones, which are quite popular. If you also own one, you should figure out how to flash Sony Xperia.

Smartphone firmware

Let's take a closer look at how to flash a smartphone's firmware using the Flashtool program. This program is designed to work with Sony devices based on Android.

Downloading the program

First you need to download Flashtool from the official website and install this program on your personal computer. Then we proceed to installation. At the very beginning of installation, the program will ask for the installation path. In our case, this path will look like this: “C:/Flashtool/”. In fact, the installation path can be anything (drive C or drive D).

Installing drivers

If Companion was already installed on your computer and it clearly found the device, then you can skip installing drivers. Please note that PC Companion must be disabled when installing Flashtool. If PC Companion has never been installed on a PC before, then the drivers must be installed manually. So, open the folder with the Flashtool program. In our case, it is located at “C:/Flashtool”. Then go to the existing “drivers” folder and open the “Flashtool-drivers.exe” file directly. In the new driver installation window that appears, select the desired line with the name of your device, for example, Xperia Sola, and then click “Next” to install the driver.

"Downloading" official firmware on PC

The official firmware for your model can be found using Internet search engines. In the search bar you must enter the following phrase: “Official firmware plus phone model.” After which you are taken to various sources with firmware from official manufacturers, exactly for the device you need. After the third point is completed, we return to our instructions and follow further.


If you pay attention, the firmware file is assigned the “.tft” format at the end. If the found firmware, or rather the file, has the inscription .zip, .tar, .rar at the end, then such a file needs to be unzipped. Then move the firmware.tft file to the folder located at: “C:/Flashtool/firmwares/”.

Directly flashing the device

In the folder with the installed program we find a file called “FlashTool.exe”. Click on “Lightning” and then on “Flashmode”. After this procedure, you will see the firmware file that was previously sent to the address “C:/Flashtool/firmwares/”. It is highly recommended not to uncheck the “Wipe Data” box during the installation process. “Wipe Data” means a complete reset, and it allows you to eliminate errors and lags in the device. Next, click on “Flash”, turn off the phone, hold down the volume on the device “Down” and connect the USB cable. Until the installation of the program is completed, it is prohibited to remove the cable from the device until the Flashing finished message appears.