Download a program for creating screenshots in Russian. Three best programs for taking screenshots

Well, proven folk wisdom does not age as quickly as our smartphones and laptops go out of fashion. “It’s better to see once than to hear 100 times”.

Have you tried to explain to someone through correspondence how to set up a WI-FI router? Then you probably understand that it would be better, indeed, for a person to see 1 time than to hear 100 times or read 100 messages! That's why many people ask how to take a screenshot on a computer.

A few words of theory

The word screenshot was exactly transferred into the Russian language from international English. It means an exact image of the user's screen, a screenshot. A shortened version of this concept, “screen,” is in common use.

How to take a screenshot on Windows

Actually, here are the main groups of solutions:

  • standard Windows tools;
  • online services that allow you to take a screenshot on a computer;
  • special programs.

Method 1. Screenshot on Windows using system tools.

If you look at the top left of your keyboard, you can find a button there PrtScr. The name of this button comes from English Print Screen- screen printing. Previously, by pressing this button, the printer would print the active screen. Now, when we click this button, the screen image goes to the clipboard. All that remains is to insert the image into some program from which it can be saved.

Honestly, on a laptop, this button can be anywhere on the right side of the keyboard. Sometimes, as in the example below, for this button to work you need to start a button with it Fn(Functions - this is usually located on the lower left side next to the button Ctrl) and without releasing it, press the button labeled PrtScr.

To action: press PrtScr, go to the Paint program, it is available in any Windows operating system and click “Insert”.

You can access Paint through the Start menu → All Programs → Accessories → Paint.

The Start menu differs depending on the version of Windows; the screenshot below shows how to open Paint in, because I use this particular operating system.

In the Paint program you need to click "Insert" and our screenshot ends up here. If necessary, it can be edited using the program or simply saved using the button "File" and than "Save" or t.

IMPORTANT. When you press just the PrtScr key, a screenshot of the entire computer screen is copied to the clipboard. When you press the Alt+ PrtScr combination, the active (selected) window is copied. If you use the Win + PrtScr combination, the image of the entire screen is saved in the c:\Users\Username\Pictures\Screenshots\ folder. It can be easily found from the Computer menu. In the left column, click the “Images” menu item and then select the “Screenshots” folder.

So, to take a screenshot on Windows using the system, you need to press the PrtScr key, go to any image editing program, for example Paint, and click the “Insert” button.

Method 2. How to take a screenshot on a computer using an online service

It happens that a screenshot needs to be edited and it is often more convenient to do this using some kind of website than an installed program. For example, let's take 2 such services. They are united by the general principle of how to take a screenshot. Press the button PrtScr(if you don’t know where it is, see the first method just above). We go to the site and click Ctrl+V.

And, as we are advised, we press Ctrl+V.

We see that the screenshot has been inserted into the site window. If you need to save it, then click on it, it opens in a new browser tab.

Congratulations! The image is saved on the computer.

So, to take a screenshot on your computer using an online service, you need to press the PrtScr, or Alt+ PrScr key, go to the service that we have chosen, press Ctrl+V to paste the image and save it to your computer.

Method 3. How to take a screenshot on a computer using special programs

It is worth saying that there are actually a huge variety of programs that allow you to take a screenshot of your computer screen. If you look at the Softportal service, the request “screenshot” returns 181 applications.

Of course, each of them has its pros and cons, but often people use such programs out of habit. Once installed, figured it out and that’s it. There are especially powerful applications, even paid ones, that allow you to quickly not only create a screenshot, but also edit it. For example, you can add arrows, frames, and other effects.
One of the decent and free options is the Joxi program.

You can download it from the official website

After installation, an icon for this program appears in the taskbar. The first time you launch it, in the bottom right corner you'll be given the option to choose whether you want to capture the entire screen, a snippet, or other options. Subsequently, after clicking on the icon, you can select the area of ​​the screen that you want to save and after selection, the program looks like this:

Notice the blue icon in the top right corner. By clicking on the small arrow on the right, you can select:

Conclusions from our “screenshot production”

If you make a resume, there are 3 main solutions that allow you to take a screenshot on a computer

  • Use Windows tools;
  • Online services;
  • Special programs.

Here, as they say, who likes what and for what purposes. Try it, experiment.

oCam is a small program designed to take screenshots and capture video. Video recording does not require codecs installed in the system, because they are initially contained within this application, moreover, it is thanks to them that excellent sound and picture quality is achieved.

The screen area for creating a screenshot or video capture can be selected from ready-made presets or specified independently, and for convenience, it is also possible to select any active window. After identifying the required part, all you have to do is click on the button, and you will immediately receive a finished photo or video.

The ease of use of oKam is achieved through a clear menu consisting of several elements; this minimalism allows you to position the utility window at any edge of the display, and it will not disturb you. The interface is free of overload and provides the user with access to the desired tool in one action.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots

Screenpresso 1.7.1

Screenpresso is a program for creating screenshots and capturing videos. Using this utility, it is possible to create various types of screenshots and screen videos. Thanks to the proprietary tools included in the application, you can share the created screenshots and videos on the Internet.

When you take a screenshot, ScreenPresso saves the images as files on your hard drive. Thus, the process of creating screenshots is simplified, because... you don't need to save them manually. In addition, this utility allows you to take screenshots even when the entire area does not fit into the screen (web pages with a scroll bar), it will automatically combine such screenshots into one graphic file.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots


Lightshot is a free program that allows you to quickly take a screenshot without any extra steps. Simplicity and convenient tools make this application one of the best analogue environments.

Using Lightshot, you can select the desired area of ​​the screen and take a screenshot of it by pressing a hotkey combination. The resulting image can be uploaded to the server, and you will be provided with a short link to it.

By default, a screenshot is placed on the clipboard, and from the clipboard you can paste it into any software (be it a word processor or a graphics editor) and continue working with the image.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots


The free Greenshot program is a convenient tool for creating screenshots. The application can take screenshots of different types: a specific window, a selected area, a specified object or the entire screen.

In addition to the main functionality, Greenshot provides ample opportunities for editing created screenshots. For example, with its help you can add text and various symbols (including arrows) to pictures, cut out the desired area or make darkening.

Conveniently, this software product supports assigning actions, in other words, you can set what action will be performed after taking a screenshot: saving to a file, copying to the clipboard, opening the image in a graphics editor, or sending to print.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots

Free Video to JPG Converter

Many users had the desire to create a screenshot from a video file. In theory, this operation can be done manually, but, firstly, it is not very convenient, and secondly, suddenly the user wants to save several consecutive frames from the video.

In this case, the Free Video to JPG Converter program comes to the rescue, allowing you to create screenshots (in jpg format) from videos in a few clicks. It extracts the frames you specify from the video and saves them as graphic files.

When the user specifies an interval (in seconds or frames), the application will begin automatically saving a certain number of frames from the video to images. Moreover, it is not necessary to specify the desired interval; you can turn all videos into images.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots

SSmaker (SSmaker) assembly 5763

To take a screenshot, select the application tray icon, then you need to specify the location on the screen that you want to capture, and then press the Enter button. At this time, the url link to the screenshot you created, which is already posted on the Internet, will appear in the clipboard. Those. The SSmaker utility uploads your screenshot to the server, where it is stored. After receiving the link, you can share it with your colleagues, family, friends or any other users, and they, in turn, will be able to view your screenshot without any problems.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots

SnapShot 3.9

SnapaShot is a tiny, but very convenient program for creating screenshots. Thanks to it, you can easily take a screenshot of the desired area. The application is devoid of unnecessary functionality and the way it works is very original.

After launching the utility, its window will open in front of you; it differs from ordinary windows in that its center is empty and, in essence, this window is an ordinary frame. It is this frame that serves as a tool for highlighting an area of ​​the screen.

Next, all you have to do is move the frame to the desired part of the screen and adjust it to the appropriate size, stretching it by any edge or, on the contrary, squeezing it. After this, you can save the selected area in one of six graphic formats or to the clipboard.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots


Skitch is a very interesting free program from the creators of the popular Evernote service. It is a utility for creating screenshots that allows you to apply sketches, shapes, notes and notes on top of the resulting image.

According to the developers, Skitch is an indispensable tool for capturing ideas and thoughts. It provides everything you need to quickly sketch plans, while making various notes is very simple and, more importantly, extremely convenient.

  • Multimedia
  • Screenshots

QIP Shot 3.4.3

QIP Shot is a free program that will not only quickly take a screenshot of the screen, but also upload the resulting image to the Internet, provide you with a direct link to it, of course, saving the screenshot on your computer is also supported. The ability to capture video from the screen and online broadcast is also available.

You can select an area (entire screen, active window, selected part) to record video, take a screenshot or broadcast online. Images posted on the Internet are stored on a free hosting service called QIP Photo. You can upload files up to 10 MB in popular graphic formats without registration, and their storage period is unlimited.

KVIP Shot has its own image editor, which allows for simple processing (adding text and graphics, rotating, cropping, etc.). And screen capture can be accompanied by your voice explanations, this is especially true when creating video lessons; by the way, the application can upload the resulting video to social media. networks VKontakte and Facebook.

The article will discuss a program for taking screenshots from the Windows 7 screen and more. For a blogger, teachers need to be presented in a visual and visual format, especially in my niche. To do this, you simply cannot do without screenshots (screenshots). The article will analyze one program in full and a list of alternatives.

Faststone capture great screenshots for computer

I have been familiar with the Faststone capture program since 2012, it is ideal for Windows 7. I tried a lot of software, but this program helped me out. Here are the main features:

  1. Capture an arbitrary window.
  2. Capture the active window.
  3. Capture all active windows.
  4. Scrolling screenshot.
  5. Video shooting, simple without frills.

The only negative is there is no cloud storage.

The best program for taking screenshots from Windows 7 screen

Faststone capture program for screenshots from Windows 7 screen has an official website here. But I’ll say right away that it’s paid, after a month a restriction on functions is imposed, I used it and was happy with it.

I suggest you download it from me, it already has built-in activation and the Russian version, here is the link, use it. We install and move on to review and operation.

Review and operation: take a photo and edit

We open the program, a pop-up window appears and we begin the review of the work.

With this the main panel disassembled, let’s move on to the settings.

Program settings

When you click the last icon on the panel, the following menu will appear. I will not consider everything, only two points.

  • Main settings, more about them below.
  • It’s a cool trick to combine an image into one, I use it often.

Main settings

I won’t describe it, everything is in Russian. It’s clear from the first reading, the only thing I recommend setting up first is the hot keys, because the standard combinations are too tricky.

And never enter your FTP data in the access section of the program.

Never upload your FTP login information to any program other than file managers like Filezilla because they have their own data encryption.

Photo editor

As soon as you take pictures, the initial edit form will appear. I will highlight only three points in it.

When you click on the picture, a new window will open in which there will be many useful tools for a blogger. Arrows, highlights, letters, markers, areas, etc. Everything you need to make an educational presentation in pictures.

When it comes to video shooting, we’ll talk about it in another article, because the topic is already different.

Download other screenshot programs for free on Windows 7

Three of the best programs after faststone capture, all only in Russian

Few people know that Windows 7 has a standard program for taking screenshots called scissors. To open, press start, then standard, and find the scissors.

To change the shape of the image, click “create” and select what you need.

For small settings, click “Options”; there are few settings, the bare minimum.

Short video about scissors

Take a photo and the editor will open, with only three tools: a pen, a marker and an eraser. It's a pity there is no function for writing text on the image.

Now the best program for taking screenshots from Windows 7 screen is no longer a problem, and you know what to choose. All the pictures on my blog are made by FScapture.

I use SnapaShot myself, I like it - it’s simple, fast, but it only takes a photo. There are programs with many additional functions.

As you know, in most “classic” versions of Windows, when you press the “Print Screen” key, an image of everything that happens on the screen is copied to the clipboard. If you hold down the Alt key, only the image of the active window will be written to the clipboard. Vista i Windows 7 already includes some simple software that makes it a little easier to create and initially edit screenshots, but its capabilities are very limited.

Alternatively, there are quite a few free utilities that have a lot of useful features and functions that users need:

— Capture the entire screen or a specific (user-selected) area.
— Automatic detection of windows and its objects (buttons, windows, toolbars, tabs...).
— A snapshot of the entire active window with scrolling (scrolling).
— Tools for editing the created screenshot and many other additional features.

Review of the best free screenshot software

To view the received screenshots, EasyCapture uses tabs, and to edit them, there is a built-in image editor with which you can change the size, add text, arrows, labels, underlines, etc. The finished screenshot can be saved in various formats.

(or DuckLink Screen Capture) supports a snapshot of the entire screen, a specific area of ​​it, a window (with or without auto-scrolling) or an object. You can choose between controlling the program using hotkeys, or using the mouse (by clicking on the icon in the system tray).

Overall, this program is quite simple and intuitive, but it lacks at least a simple image editor and some other functions (free-form image capture, or settings for delaying screenshot taking).

is a simple, easy-to-use screenshot tool with a small size. Allows you to create a “snapshot” of a separate region, active window, object and the entire screen with settings for response delay. Disadvantages - the lack of the ability to take a screenshot of a window with auto-scrolling and select a free area.

Greenshot has an easy to use built-in image editor. In it you can add text to the screenshot, add arrows and symbols (with shadows), darken the selected area of ​​the image and save it in jpg, gif, png or bmp formats. It can also be cropped, but there is no resizing feature.

If you often create screenshots for posting on the Internet, you will like the program Zscreen. With its help, you can not only take a screenshot, but also upload it to one of the online image storage sites. Zscreen takes a snapshot of the entire screen, a single window, objects, and rectangular areas.

You can add watermarks (both text and image) to the resulting screenshot, automatically (depending on the settings) change its size, and also edit it using a built-in or external editor. Additional features include a color eyedropper, translator, and file drag and drop support. Also in the Zscreen settings you can find useful features such as delayed snapshots and periodic creation of screenshots. Disadvantages - the lack of ability to select a free area and detect a scrolling window.

Looking for a screen capture tool on Linux?

(formerly GScrot) is like a Swiss Army knife that has a complete set of tools for taking screenshots in Linux. This program works better than Gnome-screenshot and KSnapshot for KDE. Shutter lets you take a snapshot of your entire desktop, rectangular area, window, or child windows with a time delay and settings to activate or deactivate window borders and cursors.

A screenshot created in this program can be edited using built-in tools for applying text, underlining, arrows, etc. The functionality of the image editor can be expanded with plug-ins for resizing, 3D rotation, watermarking, shadows, soft edges and other special effects.

To enhance your screenshot editing capabilities, Shutter can be linked to an external image editor such as GIMP. It also supports saving finished images in various formats. Shutter does not have an automatic window scrolling feature, and uses Gnome Web Photographer to compensate for this deficiency, allowing you to capture images of web pages and html files.

Other programs for taking screenshots:

Jing— automatically detects windows and objects and allows you to create, store and share screenshots. Free selection and creation of screenshots with automatic scrolling of windows is not supported.

Shotty— takes a screenshot by clicking on the icon in the system tray, or in the active window using hotkeys. The program has a convenient image editor, but lacks other useful features.

Screenpresso— when creating a scrolling screenshot, the user is involved. First, you need to select the required screen (without the scroll bar) and press the left mouse button several times while scrolling (so that the screenshot fragments overlap one on one). After clicking the right mouse button, all fragments will be combined into one. Checking for updates in the free version is mandatory.

MWSnap is a lightweight program for taking screenshots with adjustable delay. It doesn't detect scrolling windows and lacks some basic editing features. An on-screen ruler, magnifier, and color eyedropper are present.

Gadwin PrintScreen— captures the entire screen, current windows, child windows and rectangular areas (including those with a delay function), but does not detect scrolling windows or objects. More advanced features and editing features are only available in the paid version.

SnapShot— captures the entire screen, the active window, and a rectangular area using hotkeys or the control panel with a delay time setting. Does not detect scrolling windows. The finished image is shown in the program window with the ability to send it to the clipboard, to an external editor, or upload to the server.

— takes pictures of the screen, window and screen area. Control is carried out using hot keys or from the tray. The program supports multiple monitors, but lacks editing features and other features.

ScreenHunter Free- has the function of shooting a rectangular area, the active window and the entire screen, with a delay of images and the addition of pointer arrows. All features are available only in the paid version.

FoxArc Screen Capture- can take a screenshot of an area of ​​the screen, window, object, desktop and save the image. Easy to use, but has few features.

Horizon33— takes a screenshot of the entire screen, the active window, and a rectangular area. Saves in bmp and jpg formats. Equipped with a timer and automatic transfer of the image to Paint.

Screen Grab Pro— in just one click, creates a screenshot of the desktop, active window and a separate area. Timer operation is supported. The image can be sent to the clipboard, or opened in an external editor.

Cropper is a fast and easy to use small program (511 KB). It differs in that it creates two files at once - a screenshot and a smaller copy of it, but the program has almost no other useful functions.

Snippy- perhaps the smallest of all the programs discussed in this review. Its size is only 100 KB. Takes a screenshot of a specific area of ​​the screen (rectangular or free) and copies it to the clipboard. Fast and easy to use, but lacks advanced features.

Screenshot is a small free utility for capturing images from the screen. In addition to the ability to create screenshots, you can change the following options in the program: visibility of the mouse cursor, automatic saving to the clipboard, adjusting the image quality. You can download Screenshot for Windows 7 on our website.

Utility features

The program has the ability to save a screenshot to the clipboard or to a folder, the path to which you can set yourself. Creating screenshots is supported in the following formats: .bmp, .jpg, .png.

To capture an image of the entire screen, you need to press the PrtSc key. In order to screenshot only a specific area, you need to press the key combination Alt+PrtSc.

The utility, when creating screenshots, automatically gives them unique names using the date and time of creation. If you hold down the hot keys, the creation of screenshots will begin non-stop, about one snapshot per second. The latest version of the program in Russian can be downloaded from the official website.

If you want the application to load when the operating system starts, so as not to waste extra time when you need to quickly take a screenshot, simply configure the program to autoload in its options. The program does not require installation; it can be easily copied to removable media or sent to other people via any file sharing service. It takes up very little space, does not load the system and is supported by any computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

For those who like to play games, Screenshot will also be a very useful utility. You have probably repeatedly encountered such a situation when you wanted to save some moments of the game to show your friends or just remember, but not all games have a button for creating a screenshot, so you had to press the PrtSc button, and then launch the graphics editor and paste the image from the buffer exchange and save to your computer. With the help of this utility, such a problem will no longer exist - just press the hot keys and select the desired area for the image, after which it will be saved in the folder you need.

To work with the program, no installation is required, and when launched, it is minimized to the tray. To take a photo, you need to hold down the hotkeys or move the cursor over the desired icon in the tray. Right-clicking on it will take a snapshot of the entire screen, after which you can download the image from the link provided. Clicking with the left mouse button will open the utility menu, where you can select the necessary options, as well as configure the program itself.


  • Russian-language interface;
  • Ability to select picture quality;
  • Configuring the program to start when the system starts;
  • Use without installation.

Key Features of Screenshoter:
— capture an image of the entire screen or a specific area;
— automatic hiding of the program while taking a screenshot;
— saving pictures in different formats;
— use the clipboard or select a save path.

The program is quite easy to use. You can download ScreenShoter on our website using the link below.