Love is an expert who is good. Liveexpert - reviews about making money from consultations in LiveExpert. We start consulting people for money on LifeExpert

Have you ever turned to a psychic, clairvoyant, or fortune teller for predictions who offer help on the Internet? Such services are mostly paid, which is what stops you from asking for help in the first place, but will you get the expected result from such an order? In this regard, the editors of the site decided to find out how useful such services can be. We were so impressed with the result that we decided to collaborate with one of them.

So, we asked questions to online consultation services, giving their consultants the opportunity to talk about their work. We would like to share our communication with Nastasya Pavlovna, an expert on in the field of magic, mysticism, shamanism and clairvoyance, and also a healer and specialist in fortune telling with Tarot and Runes. Nastasya Pavlovna described one of her old works, the response to which she received just the other day.

Hello, I would be happy to share a story about our work. We always try to ensure that every person who seeks our help receives truly professional service, and we monitor the quality of its provision. And the proof that consultations really help people can probably only be responses from clients. Just the other day, received a letter from a girl named Anna, where she shared the result of my consultation with her. Anna has given permission to transmit and publish her letter to you.

The letter below is provided with the permission of a girl who received help from counseling. The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved.

“Good afternoon, my name is Anna. I want to express my gratitude to you. Until I was 29, I had never had a long-term relationship in my life - I dated each guy for several months at best. For a long time I thought that it was just me, that I was somehow behaving incorrectly and, perhaps, I was simply not suited to family life. But still, several times everything worked out perfectly for me, it was just that accidents separated me from people who had already become close to me. Moreover, each breakup caused severe stress, and psychologists did not help, except for advice to switch to antidepressants. But my age was already beginning to move towards the decline of youth and I certainly didn’t want to remain an old maid!

Tired of psychologists, I decided, even more out of boredom, to turn to Nastasya Pavlovna, fortunately I could get a consultation with her instantly, and she, it seems, as an esotericist and clairvoyant, should have known about such problems. What helped me choose her, I don’t hide it, was her high rating as an expert and a large number of reviews. Despite my mistrust, after the first consultation I felt a relief that I had never felt with any psychologist; it was so easy for me only in childhood. Here's how it went.

First, I sent Nastasya all the necessary information and waited for the consultation. Nastasya almost immediately asked me about my childhood, whether I remember it well. I thought about it, and surprisingly, one of my first conscious memories from childhood is how I got my first D in the third grade. Before this, the memory seemed to be covered in a veil. After this question, I realized that extrasensory perception and all this is no joke. At some point I even wanted to simply close the consultation window - this question was so unexpected. But Nastasya seemed to understand this and said that I had nothing to worry about.

In general, according to Nastasya Pavlovna, there was really no reason to worry. At first, I asked her not to initiate me into the intricacies of the other world and just wanted to find out if it was possible to do something about the loneliness that haunted me. As a result, Nastasya promised that everything would be exactly the way I wanted it, gave valuable advice that I needed to follow and asked me not to be afraid of anything. She also said that as many breakups as I have experienced are for the rest of my life and promised a completely happy and lasting relationship.

After the second consultation, I realized that I didn’t just want to get rid of problems, but to understand them better, including the reasons for their occurrence. And she asked Nastasya to tell me what the root of my troubles was. At first I thought that it was something with me, as if some kind of negative programs and attitudes were affecting me. But Nastasya convinced me and told me a story that I now remember very well.

Other people's words can always become a negative program. And in my case, there was a typical evil eye cast by an old maid - a woman who did not have children or relationships with men. And indeed, in my dreams after the truth was revealed to me, I began to be haunted by the image of an old woman, to whom, as I remembered, I had not given up my place in childhood. She then wished me that I would live my whole life like she did, and then she understood how she felt. I told Nastasya all this, and she replied that she had no doubt about the “magic diagnosis” that was initially made. And she even explained how to avoid such impacts in the future by creating your own protection.

And I am writing this letter to you a year and a half after my relationship finally began. And they appeared literally a week after communicating with Nastasya. And I don’t hide anything from my husband - he is also grateful to this wonderful woman for her help and support, because it was thanks to her help that I found my soul mate. And in case of problems that, as it seems to me, have no solution, we always find a way out with the help of Nastasya, because she has become something like our family doctor, only in the mystical part.”

As we understood from Nastasya Pavlovna’s answer, such letters are not at all uncommon. In her opinion, it is they who confirm that a professional expert has a high rating solely because he really provides help to those in need. You can contact Nastasya directly via the link:

In contact with

Are you looking for a good specialist? The application allows you to receive online consultations 24 hours a day from a lawyer, psychologist, clairvoyant, psychic, cosmetologist, doctor, sexologist, tutor, programmer and more.
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Advantages: Many experts, free and paid consultations available

Disadvantages: There are unprofessional and inadequate experts is a very useful resource that helps you find answers to almost all questions. On this site, anyone has the opportunity to get advice from an expert in any industry. This resource has more than 1000 experts who are ready to help.

The site has very convenient and clear navigation. First you need to select the section you are interested in - psychology, esotericism, law, business, medicine or some other. After this, a list of all consultants will be displayed. To choose the right specialist, you should look at their profiles, which indicate rating, education, specialization and customer reviews. You can get both free and paid consultations. The cost of consultation is from 0 to 5000 rubles. After choosing an expert, all that remains is to go to the chat for personal communication.

I came across this site when I was looking for a psychologist who could advise me in absentia. After studying the rules and expert questionnaires, I still doubted the effectiveness of such consultations, but I made up my mind. I chose three psychologists to whom I turned for help. Two of them provided consultations for free, and the third worked for a fee. At that time, I was in a state close to depression and I also doubted the job for which I was invited. This is exactly what I wanted to talk to a specialist about. The first psychologist who worked for free treated me with understanding, but his recommendations were superficial and did not help me much. The second specialist provided paid services, but he turned out to be somehow unpleasant - rude and inattentive. In the first minutes of communication, I realized that after such a consultation I would only get worse. I had no desire to pay for such dubious help, so I refused his participation. The third expert was an experienced psychologist who gave me half an hour of her time completely free of charge, answered all my questions and helped me get positive. After such a consultation, I no longer doubted my new job and radically changed my attitude towards life. I was especially surprised that this specialist contacted me again a few days later to find out how I was doing. I was very grateful to her for such an attitude, so I hastened to leave my positive review.

I was satisfied with the resource, because with its help I was able to find a way out of a difficult life situation. I am going to continue to resort to the help of experts in the future. However, now I know that not all experts are adequate and experienced. I would also like to note that after the consultation you should not be lazy and write a review, which can be either positive or negative. If you were satisfied and received help, the consultant will be pleased to read your gratitude and increase his rating. Negative reviews will be useful for other site visitors and will help them not to make a mistake when choosing a specialist.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the topic of making money, which I started in articles and.

There I mentioned, but did not fully disclose, the topic of generating income through consulting. So, apparently, the project LiveExpert so far it is the only site of its kind that offers people to earn money from their own experience. The process is somewhat similar to sites where they pay for reviews (like ), but the principle of earning money here is somewhat different.

You should not think that in order to successfully receive a large income, education and high academic degrees are necessary: ​​you can start without any proof of competence in any field (except for three: law, medicine, psychology).

In this article we will get acquainted with the interface of the Livexper project, talk about how to start earning money correctly, how to make the most optimal use of the affiliate program’s capabilities, and give some tips for achieving maximum success.

Taking the first steps on the LiveExpert service

To create an account, you only need a unique email address and password; the form to fill out is very simple (it is available on the Live Expert registration page):

Subsequently, when you begin to position yourself as an expert, you will need a mobile phone from any operator, but for now you can do without it.

For a quick introduction, watch this one-minute video to understand the general essence of the Life Expert project:

When you go to the site, you will immediately see a blue bar with four sections: Experts, Questions, Blogs, Forum:

Let's quickly go through this menu of the Liveexpert website:

  1. In the first section called "Experts" you can find all the people who conduct consultations on the site. In the mini-characteristics, you need to pay attention to several points: qualification confirmation badge, rating and business card. See how top experts write their personal business cards and compose your own text, which you will then need to upload to the website.

    You don’t need to write a lot, the main thing is to be able to prove that working with you is really worth it. Although you will be doing your own counseling, you still have the opportunity to ask questions or choose people who can help you. To sort, use the green menu:


    1. Stock good because they help you gain a large number of clients at once. However, at first they will not give results: you must prove yourself, and only then offer more favorable terms of cooperation to project visitors.
    2. Chapter "New"(in the former “Experts” column) are professionals who have recently appeared on the site. They, as a rule, set a low cost for consultation, but do not always have the proper level of training for the job.
  2. Second section - Questions– quite voluminous, since here users ask experts about a variety of things. To arrange the questions not in a chaotic, but in an orderly manner, the administrators created a side menu where you can select the desired topic (however, the authors do not always classify the question in the required category):
  3. Third section - "Blogs"– allows you to share interesting information and your own observations with other experts or site visitors. If you want to seriously advance as a liveexpert and make earnings from experience the main form of income (although), then you definitely need to keep a blog, and on the chosen topic of information support: this will not only attract attention to you, but will also make it possible to recruit additional clients.

    An example of a new blog entry on the Russian language:

  4. The fourth section - Forum - is not of particular interest for making money, since issues of a wide variety of types are simply discussed there.

So, we have become familiar with the main sections of the Liveexpert service, now let's turn the account of an ordinary user into an expert account and start directly making money on knowledge.

How to become an expert on

Many features of the service are hidden in the drop-down menu of a button with a downward arrow, which is located in the upper right corner any page .

When you click on the link " Become an expert", a page will open with several text fields that will need to be filled out. First, you come up with a login, preferably it should be simple (the login allows you to immediately access your profile when you enter a link in the address bar), then write your full name.

Duration of consultation It can be anything, but keep in mind that you then need to indicate the cost within reasonable limits. If, for example, you want to tutor in the Russian language and charge 600 rubles for 1 hour of work, then you can specify either 1 hour and 600 rubles, or 30 minutes and 300 rubles:

Now we choose field of knowledge: You can have one, or you can have several. If you want to specify several categories, click on them while holding the Shift key, then a number of parameters will be checked in one list.

We have already written about the business card above - write everything down qualitatively, otherwise difficulties will arise with recruiting clients. Consultation time – the wider the limits specified, the better, since people may need your help at different times.

In the text box related to to certificates your education, you can simply indicate the diplomas or awards that you have. A copy of the diploma must be sent to the site administrators by email. If you successfully confirm your education, you will receive a corresponding icon and an additional 50 rating points (although they are not particularly important).

Education is desirable, but not required: Livekpert employs many students who successfully use their knowledge to earn money, but do not yet have a diploma.

Next, fill in the fields "Area of ​​Consulting"— we practically repeat the same thing that was indicated in the categories/areas of your knowledge. “Experience” - the better you describe it, the more clients you will get. In the case of teachers, experience in working at a school or university is especially valued. “Interests” and “Video greeting” are not necessary to fill out, since almost no one looks at this data.

So, all text fields are filled in, after submitting the data you automatically become an expert and can already begin answering questions from site visitors, thereby earning money. The verified education icon will be assigned to you a little later, when the administration checks the submitted materials.

How a new expert can avoid getting lost on the LivExpert website

Let's make a short insert about website management, and then we'll move straight to consulting.

Navigation on LivExpert it is much easier if you do not forget about the menu in the upper left corner, which after the user receives expert status looks like:

We start consulting people for money on LifeExpert

After obtaining expert status at go to the questions section you will see the following line:

Let's look at each of its graphs separately:

  1. Recent is a general list of questions that have recently been asked, whether they have an answer or not;
  2. Waiting for an answer - questions asked at different times, but never received an answer;
  3. Mine are questions that were asked by you personally;
  4. Paid questions - for answering which you are guaranteed to receive money, and which almost never happens on Liveexpert;
  5. VIP questions - project visitors paid one hundred rubles for them, but this money went not to the experts, but to the site administrators. Sometimes an expert has the opportunity to earn extra money by asking VIP questions, more on that below;
  6. Popular – questions that are asked regularly or generate heated discussion. As a rule, the answers to them have already been given; you can simply read the contents.

Let's look at the mechanism for calculating rewards for VIP questions. A regular mark will not give you any profit, but the symbol Vip-600 or Vip-1500 can bring money. If you answer a similar question, and its author chooses your answer as the best, you receive an amount of 600/1500 rubles to your account minus the site commission (which is 30%). If the best answer was not selected, but the author liked your consultation and the comments of other experts, the amount (after deducting the commission) will be distributed among the authors of the liked answers.

For example, here is a question with a balance of 600 rubles from the “Education and Science” section:

The experts posted 14 answers, but the best one was not chosen. If the author marks, for example, two answers as liked, both experts will receive 600*0.7/2 = 210 rubles.

Every month, the administration of the website counts the answers selected as the best, the expert who has collected the largest number of best answers in each category receives 3,000 rubles for his balance, monthly activity of Pro status and visual separation from other users of the resource.

The main income you will, of course, benefit from individual consultations. To find people who need your help, you need to answer the questions in the “Awaiting Response” section, and do it efficiently. You will not receive any money for your work in the first stages (unless the author wants to thank you, however, this almost never happens), but with direct consulting you will be able to earn as much as you want.

If you give competent answers to questions, users of the project will probably start writing to you in chat to get information faster. We answered several questions from the section “Education and Science. Russian language”, after which we received four private messages like:

At first, it is also better to conduct consultations for free in order to receive positive reviews. In the future, the conditions are as follows: for the first five to ten minutes you inform the person for free, then you can set a certain cost. The client can transfer money “frozen” - after three days he has the right to challenge the payment - or immediately, trusting you. You provide assistance for a set amount of time, resolve the problem, negotiate continued collaboration (such as regular tutoring), or simply call it a day.

If you have an education and a strong desire to work, it will not hurt you to purchase Pro status. When making a purchase for 7 days, the status will cost you 290 rubles, for 30 days - 890 rubles (you pay 28 percent less). Advantages - when you enter the site and remain online, your profile is displayed among the first on the page of the main category of your consultations. Status really helps to achieve a good result, especially if you have proven high professionalism in your activities.

Many experts chat with users, exchanging messages, however, it is much easier and more convenient to talk using camera And microphone. LiveExpert provides excellent opportunities for holding such conferences; you should not refuse them.

There is a list of all factors that influence rating growth on the questions and answers page, the screenshot is given below. Please note that the rating is updated once a day, not every second:

How to make money on Love Expert's affiliate program

Inviting friends to the site is truly beneficial, no matter whether you are an expert or not. You can get everything you need at affiliate program page. The first advantage is that if an invited user contacts you for a consultation and pays for it, you will receive the full amount into your account and will not have to pay a 30 percent commission. The second advantage is that there is a monetary reward for active friends:

  1. You will receive 100 rubles into your account if the invited person spends 500 on the project (will receive “Silver” status);
  2. You will receive 400 rubles if a friend spends 2500 on the project (he will be assigned the “Golden” status);

If you want to seriously engage in the development of an affiliate program and not give up consulting, then it would be better to create two accounts, since the commission that you save by consulting invited people is deducted from the bonuses.

The site provides a lot of materials for advertising: various banners, links, etc. You can even attach a pop-up widget to your website.

Withdrawal of funds from Live Expert

Now let's consider withdrawal of funds with Love Expert. As such, there is no minimum threshold for withdrawal; you can request a transfer of any amount of money. There is no commission for withdrawal, which is nice. At the moment there are four possible directions for withdrawal:

  1. Request a transfer to Webmoney(in American, Russian, Ukrainian or European currencies);
  2. Transfer to Yandex money in rubles;
  3. Top up mobile phone balance of operators Russia or Ukraine at the WebMoney translation rate (slightly different from the market one);

When your client pays for a consultation with LifeExpert with the money “frozen”, you must wait 3-7 days before it “thaws”; you can apply for withdrawal only after the specified time has passed. For novice users, the withdrawal is made manually, so specific dates have not been determined. The questions and answers section states that if you submit an application before the 15th day (inclusive) of any month, the withdrawal will be made by the 22nd day; If you request payment later, you will have to wait until the 7th of the next month.

It is possible to submit an application for automatic withdrawal so that the system itself subsequently carries out transactions (the administration will check it in 10 days), which are carried out within a few minutes, but to obtain the appropriate status you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You have already withdrawn at least 5,000 rubles to WebMoney or Yandex-Money
  2. You consult users for at least six months
  3. Your rating is equal to a thousand points or more

Otherwise, you just have to be content with the manual withdrawal system.

If you blocked for violation of Liveexpert rules, the money will still be paid, but you will have to suffer inconvenience due to restrictions. The project does not provide automatic withdrawals to blocked experts. If you deceived site users, you will have to wait for 3 months - during this time the administration will respond to complaints that may be received against you, and then transfer the money.

So, we looked at the system of making money on the Internet from our own experience through the project, the reviews of which are quite positive. The service is guaranteed to pay, you can make very good money on it, so if you want, you will succeed. In some way it reminded me of the one already described earlier, but, of course, very distantly.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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