Cases for teachers. Cases (situations of interaction between a child and an adult). Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations Vladislav Beizerov

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Title: 105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations

About the book “105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations" Vladislav Beizerov

This textbook presents pedagogical situations, some of which are accompanied by solution options, as well as questions and assignments for students (listeners) that involve solving situations based on theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and life experience. The situations and tasks presented in the book are taken from the practice of various teachers, literary sources, as well as the practical teaching activities of the author.

The manual is accompanied by a brief terminological dictionary on pedagogy. It is recommended for teachers and students of pedagogical and psychological specialties at universities, students of advanced training courses for specialists in the education system, teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums.

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as an educational technology

Ibragimova Natalya Vladimirovna,

Primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 1

s/p "Village Troitskoye"

The well-known and heatedly discussed proposal for teachers to “go into business” on the Internet, if not taken too literally, makes it possible to discover technologies that will enrich the teacher’s tools in shaping students’ meta-subject results. One such technology in business communication is"case" - technology.

Historical reference

For the first time, working with cases as part of the educational process was implemented at Harvard Business School in 1908.

In Russia, this technology began to be introduced only in the last 3-4 years.

This is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problem-situations (cases).

Its main purpose is to develop the ability to find a solution to a problem and learn to work with information.At the same time, the emphasis is not on obtaining ready-made knowledge, but on its development, onco-creation teacher and student!The essence of “case” technology is the creation and assembly of specially developed educational and methodological materials into a special set (case) and their transfer (forwarding) to students

Today we will talk in detail about the case and its practical application. And we will get acquainted with the methods of case technology.

Each case is a complete set of educational and methodological materials developed on the basis of production situations that develop students’ skills in independently constructing algorithms for solving production problems. The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”, i.e., if it is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution to it, if it is a practical problem, then a specific result, ready for use (in the classroom, at school, in real life). If we talk about this method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a set of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence.

    Case - technologies are classified as interactive teaching methods; they allow all students, including the teacher, to interact.

Case-technologies methods are quite diverse. It will take a lot of time to understand them in detail. Today I want to focus on using case technology in primary school

The potential of the case method

Helps develop skills:

    Analyze situations.

    Evaluate alternatives.

    Choose the best solution.

    Make a plan for implementing decisions.

And as a result - a stable skill in solving practical problems

High efficiency of the case method

1) development of information structuring skills;

2) mastering technologies for developing management decisions of various types (strategic, tactical);

3) updating and critical evaluation of accumulated experience in decision-making practice;

4) effective communication in the process of collective search and justification of a decision;

5) destruction of stereotypes and cliches in organizing the search for the right solution;

6) stimulating innovation through knowledge synergy - development of systemic, conceptual knowledge;

7) increasing motivation to expand the base of theoretical knowledge to solve applied problems.

Opportunities of case technology in the educational process:

1) increasing students’ learning motivation;

2) development of intellectual skills in students, which will be in demand during further education and in professional activities

Using case technology has a number of advantages:

Students develop the ability to listen and understand other people, and work in a team.

In life, children will need the ability to think logically, formulate a question, justify an answer, draw their own conclusions, and defend their opinion.

The advantage of case technologies is their flexibility and variability, which contributes to the development of creativity

Case-technologies methods are quite diverse. Today I want to stop

When using case technology in elementary school

in children occurs:

    Development of analytical and critical thinking skills

    Connecting theory and practice

    Presentation of examples of decisions made

    Showcasing different positions and points of view

    Formation of skills for evaluating alternative options under conditions of uncertainty

Case content requirements

1. A specific situation that occurs in real life is considered (main cases, facts).

2. Information may not be presented completely, i.e. be of an orienting nature.

3. It is possible to supplement the case with data that may occur in reality.

Results possible when using the Case Method:


1. Assimilation of new information

2.Mastering the data collection method

3.Mastering the analysis method

4. Ability to work with text

5. Correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge


    2. Education and achieving personal goals

    3. Improving communication skills

    4. Gaining experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, and solving problems

Teacher’s actions in case technology:

1) creating a case or using an existing one;

2) distribution of students into small groups (4-6 people);

3) familiarizing students with the situation, the system for evaluating solutions to the problem, deadlines for completing tasks, organizing students’ work in small groups, identifying speakers;

4) organizing the presentation of solutions in small groups;

5) organization of general discussion;

6) a generalizing speech by the teacher, his analysis of the situation;

7) assessment of students by the teacher.

Student's work with a case

Stage 1 - familiarity with the situation and its features;

Stage 2 - identifying the main problem(s),

Stage 3 - proposing concepts or topics for brainstorming;

Stage 4 - analysis of the consequences of making a particular decision;

Stage 5 - solving a case - proposing one or more options for a sequence of actions.

Using cases.

The case allows the teacher to use it at any stage of teaching and for various purposes.

Case – the method can be used
and as exams or tests:
Before the test, the student can receive a case assignment at home; he must analyze it and bring the examiner a report with answers to the questions posed. You can offer a case directly during the test, but then it should be short and simple enough to fit within the allotted time.

Creating a case

First you need to answer three questions:

For whom and what is the case written?

What should children learn?

What lessons will they learn from this?

After this, the case creation process will look like this:

The purpose of training

Structuring educational material

Selection of organizational forms, methods and means of training

Types of cases

Practical cases

  • Real life situations , reflected in detail and in detail. At the same time, their educational purpose can be reduced to training students, consolidating knowledge, skills and behavior skills (decision making) in a given situation. Cases should be as clear and detailed as possible.

    Educational cases

Reflecttypical situations which are most common in life. The situation, problem and plot here are not real, but as they arecan be in life, do not reflect life “one to one”

Research cases

They are performingmodels for obtaining new knowledge about the situation and behavior in it. The teaching function is reduced to research procedures.

Types of cases according to the way the material is presented A case is a single information complex.

Typically, a case consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case.

Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual).

Multimedia case (the most popular recently, but depends on the technical equipment of the school).

Video case (may contain film, audio and video materials. Its disadvantage is the limited possibility of repeated viewing ® distortion of information and errors).

Sources of case formation

Local material

Most of the cases can be based on local material. Students feel more confident if they are well aware of the environment and context in which the events described in the cases occur; it is much more difficult for them to discuss, for example, the American environment, the behavior and motives of Americans.

Statistical materials

They can play the role of direct

tool for diagnosing the situation, in

as material for calculation

indicators that are most

essential for understanding the situation.

Materials can be placed either in

in the text of the case itself or in the appendix.

Scientific articles, monographs.

Scientific publications perform two functions:
1) act as components of the case,
2) are included in the list of literature necessary to understand the case.

Internet resources

Approximate case structure

1. Situation – case, problem, real life story

2. Context of the situation - chronological, historical, context of place, features of the action or participants in the situation.

3. Commentary on the situation provided by the author

4.Questions or tasks for working with the case


What are the characteristics of a “good case”?

1. A good case tells the story.

2. A good case focuses on a topic of interest.

3. A good case does not extend beyond the last five years.

4. A well-chosen case can evoke a feeling of empathy for the characters in the case.

5.A good case study includes quotes from sources.

6. A good case contains problems that the student can understand.

7. A good case requires an assessment of decisions already made.

Organization of work with the case

1 . Introductory stage – involving students in analyzing the situation, choosing the optimal form of presenting material for familiarization.

2.Analytical stage – discussion of the situation in groups or individual study of the problem by students and preparation of solution options.

3.Final stage – presentation and justification of the case solution option.

What does using case technology provide?

To the teacher

    Access to a database of modern educational materials

    Organization of a flexible educational process

    Reducing time spent preparing for lessons

    Continuous professional development

    Possibility of implementing some elements of the educational process outside of class hours

    To the student

    Working with additional materials

    Constant access to the consultation database

    Opportunity to prepare for certification yourself

    Communication with other students in the group

    Mastering modern information technologies

Case methods - technologies

Incident method

Method for parsing business correspondence

Game Design

Situational role-playing game

Discussion method

Case stages

Incident method

The focus is on the process of obtaining information.

Purpose of the method - search for information by the student himself, and - as a result - training him to work with the necessary information, its collection, systematization and analysis.

Trainees do not receive the case in full. The message can be written or oral, like: “It happened...” or “It happened...”.

Although this form of work is time-consuming, it can be seen as particularly close to practice, where obtaining information is an essential part of the entire decision-making process.

Method for analyzing business correspondence (“basket method”)

The method is based on working with documents and papers related to a particular organization, situation, problem.

Students receive from the teacher folders with the same set of documents, depending on the topic and subject.

Student goal - take the position of a person responsible for working with “incoming documents” and cope with all the tasks that it implies.

Examples of using the method include cases in economics, law, social science, and history, where analysis of a large number of primary sources and documents is required.

Game Design

Target - the process of creating or improving projects.

Class participants can be divided into groups, each of which will develop their own project.

Game design can include projects of different types: research, search, creative, analytical, predictive.

The process of constructing a perspective carries within itself all the elements of a creative attitude towards reality, allows you to better understand the phenomena of today, and see the paths of development.

Situational role-playing game

Target - in the form of a dramatization, create in front of the audience a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation and then provide an opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants in the game.

One of the varieties of the staging method is role-playing game.

Discussion method

Discussion - exchange of views on any issue in accordance with more or less defined rules of procedure.

Intensive learning technologies include group and intergroup discussions.

Case – stages

This method is distinguished by a large volume of material, since in addition to the description of the case, the entire amount of information that students can use is provided.

The main emphasis of case work is on problem analysis and synthesis and decision making.

Purpose of the case study method – through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the presented situation, develop variants of problems, find their practical solution, and end by evaluating the proposed algorithms and choosing the best one.

10 basic rules for case analysis

Read the case twice: once to get a general idea and a second time to get a good grasp of the facts.

In addition, tables and graphs must be carefully analyzed.

Make a list of problems that you will have to deal with.

If numerical data is offered, an attempt should be made to evaluate and explain it.

Recognizing problems to which existing knowledge can be applied.

Drawing up a thorough analysis of the existing situation.

Support proposals for solving a problem through sound argumentation.

Drawing up diagrams, tables, graphs that provide the basis for your own “solution”.

Drawing up a list of priorities for your own proposals, taking into account that in reality there will be rather meager resources

Monitoring your own action plan to check whether all areas of the problem have actually been developed.

Do not propose solutions that are doomed to failure and thus may have disastrous consequences.

And in conclusion, I would like to advise my colleagues not to be afraid to use the case method in elementary school, since it is aimed not so much at mastering specific knowledge or skills, but at developing the general intellectual and communicative potential of students. And this is exactly what the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education calls us to do.

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2 Vladislav Aleksandrovich Beizerov 105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations Text provided by the copyright holder of 105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations: textbook. allowance / V.A. Beizerov: Flint; Moscow; 2014 ISBN Abstract This textbook presents pedagogical situations, some of which are accompanied by solution options, as well as questions and assignments for students (listeners) that involve solving situations based on theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and life experience. The situations and tasks presented in the book are taken from the practice of various teachers, literary sources, as well as the practical teaching activities of the author. The manual is accompanied by a brief terminological dictionary on pedagogy. Recommended for teachers and students of pedagogical and psychological specialties of universities, students of advanced courses

3 qualifications for education system specialists, teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums.

4 Contents Introduction 6 Pedagogical situations 10 Problematic tasks 138 Brief terminological dictionary on 141 pedagogy Bibliography 159

5 V. A. Beizerov 105 cases on pedagogy. Pedagogical tasks and situations Publishing house "FLINTA", 2014 * * *

6 Introduction Modern education requires the development and implementation of ever new teaching methods. In the West, and recently in Eastern European countries, problem-based teaching methods are increasingly being used in the educational process, which harmoniously complement traditional methods and make it possible to motivate students to learn to a much greater extent than boring lectures or traditional lessons. The problem-based method, as well as the method of active learning, collaborative learning, is one of the most widely used and effective methods in modern primary, secondary and higher education. The ideas that formed the basis of this method have a rich history, at least since the use of elements of this technique at Harvard University Medical School in the mid-19th century. One of the problematic methods is the case method or the situation method, which involves students considering and solving real situations from the life and practical activities of a teacher. The pedagogical process can be considered as

7 a continuous chain of interconnected, mutually continuing pedagogical situations. These are the most mobile, quickly changeable elements of the learning process. The structure of pedagogical situations is outwardly simple. It includes the teacher, the student, and their emotional and intellectual interaction. But such simplicity is deceptive, since it manifests itself in the joint action of two complex inner worlds of the teacher and the student. Pedagogical situations can be created purposefully or arise spontaneously. In any case, they must be resolved carefully, thoughtfully, with a preliminary design of a way out of them. This is always a coordination of the pedagogical process with the interests of its participants and prompt consideration of the individual typological characteristics of specific people and the real situation. The pedagogical situation is always a problem. Any pedagogical problem is a question that objectively arises in pedagogical theory or pedagogical practice regarding the processes of learning to educate a person. They are of a general nature, associated with the pedagogical process as a whole, its components, or private, that is, they arise during training. Pedagogical problems require solutions

8 problems, but they cannot always be resolved immediately. Problem analysis consists of the following steps: 1. Preliminary description of the problem situation; 2. Isolating a specific task from a problem situation; 3. Construction of an abstract model of a specific problem, formulation of a contradiction; 4. Construction of an abstract model for solving the problem, presentation of the IFR (ideal final result); 5. Identification of resources and reaching a specific solution; 6. Formulation of subtasks that need to be solved to implement the proposed solution; 7. Repeating the chain of reasoning to solve the identified subtasks from step 3; 8. Reflection. This textbook presents pedagogical situations, some of which are accompanied by solution options, as well as questions and assignments for students (listeners) that involve solving situations based on theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and life experience. The situations and tasks presented in the book are taken from the practice of various teachers, literary sources, as well as the practical teaching activities of the author. The manual is accompanied by a brief terminological dictionary on pedagogy. Recommended for teachers and students of pedagogical and psychological

9 academic specialties of universities, students of advanced training courses for specialists in the education system, teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums.

10 Pedagogical situations

11 Situation 1. You noticed changes in the appearance and clothing style of one of the students in your class (Sergey, 15 years old). The teenager began to wear a very short haircut, heavy high black boots with white laces, jeans, stripes, and badges. Sergei is physically strong, an average student, and does not show much interest in studying. The family has two children, there is an older brother, a complete family with average income. This student's friends told you that he recently took part in a mass brawl where people of Asian ethnicity were beaten. Your class is multinational. Isolate the problem(s) from the situation Antisocial behavior that can lead to the commission of criminal offenses Challenge to social norms (use of: stripes, badges, uniforms, white lace-up shoes, etc.) Manifestation of tolerant intolerance towards people of other nationalities, extremism Possible reasons Sergei is 15 years old, a teenager. At this age, hormonal changes occur, which

The 12th of Paradise leads to a change in the functioning of the nervous system, increasing its excitability and influencing the general mental state of the teenager. Therefore, it can be assumed that at this age Sergei experiences mental or physical overstrain, some various experiences that affect the psychological state of the teenager, this state is expressed in irritability, a drop in productivity at work, aggression, desire, or any physical use of force ( violence). Based on the external signs given in the situation, it can be assumed that Sergei belongs to the informal “skinhead” movement; representatives of this movement adhere to National Socialist ideology, one of the directions of the skinhead subculture. The activities of skinheads, as a rule, are extremist in nature and position themselves as a national liberation movement and fight for the ideas of superiority of the white, Aryan race, while striving for racial separatism. Cruelty, violence and a certain hatred towards other nationalities also prevail. So, from my assumption it follows that Sergei is passionate about the so-called subculture (skinheads), which also corresponds to age characteristics. Another reason is also the manifestations

13 features of a given age, such as the desire to belong to one or another group of one’s peers, for example, a subcultural group aimed at the interests of adolescents; to be among others, to express oneself among the crowd. Sergei also has an older brother. Nothing is said in more detail about the older brother; it can be assumed that the older brother also belongs to an informal movement, for example, to the skinhead movement or to a subculture similar to this movement. And Sergei, as a teenager, tries to somehow be like his older brother. Or we can also assume that the older brother is well-educated, works, studies, etc. and his parents set him up as an example to his younger brother and Sergey is simply trying to somehow attract the attention of his parents. Show that he is not like his older brother, but an individual personality. Decision 1. Through class hours, individual conversations, introduce the students of the class and student Sergei to the law and responsibility for antisocial behavior and the commission of criminal offenses. Conduct a series of meetings with people who were members of such groups, who were punished and changed

14 share your point of view Arrange with a colony for minors or with other institutions engaged in the re-education of people who have committed certain acts that resulted in criminal punishment, for a tour and various conversations. Take a tour of a juvenile colony to show that every action has its own consequences, including criminal ones. 2. Conduct events that will introduce the diverse subculture of young people, while discussions are possible, for example, the positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon. To provide an opportunity to see options for young people’s hobbies and the use of their abilities and talents. You can introduce children to peers who have achieved something in their lives. For example, in competitions, youth movements, social projects, etc. You can introduce them to adults who organize youth sections and clubs. 3. Consider working in class to get acquainted with the multinational culture of the class, our country, and the world. The main thing is that we are all different, no one is better or worse. We are united and developing together. Each nationality has its own characteristics, merits that are worthy of attention, respect, and acceptance.

15 Think over a system of classroom hours for team building, a system of collective creative activities in which everyone could express themselves both individually and in a team. For example, “My small Motherland,” “Holidays of different nations,” “It is not the country that makes the man, but the man the country.” Situation 2 Several students play “Battleship” during the lesson. Since this is said to the whole class, it is necessary to sacrifice time from the lesson. I think the children will wait to see how the teacher will react to this insult, humiliation, and the uselessness of this subject. It is pointless to continue the lesson, since such statements cannot be left unanswered, because the situation in this lesson will only get worse. Let's start like this: Who else thinks this way? The children still raised their hands. Would you like to come to an agreement with me, if I now PROVE to you that you need this subject, even if there are no entrance exams for this subject, but it provides something more than just the need to study those subjects that are considered compulsory -

16 mi. Then I will no longer see those who play “Battleship”, sit in “ICQ” and are not late from the dining room. Well, how do you like the agreement? I’m listening to you, do you agree?” Situation 3 Teacher: “And now, so that you can better remember what the circumstances are, let’s make a table.” There was a dissatisfied whining from the class: “Well, why,” “Here we go again!”, “Let’s not do it,” “We’ll remember anyway.” Teacher (after a puzzled pause): “Well, okay, we won’t make a table, we’ll just make a reminder.” Again dissatisfied shouts from the class: “Why?” “Come on, better table!” etc. Teacher: “Well, no, they didn’t want a table, we’ll make a reminder, we had to think right away.” Evaluation The teacher demonstrates to the students his weakness of will, self-doubt and some fear of the students themselves. The guys may not yet be fully aware of this, but any of them is capable of feeling it. Prediction If such situations are repeated, there will be no talk of any discipline in the class, just as there will be no talk of respect for the teacher. This

17 open indulgence of the desires of the children is unjustified and, in the end, will affect the educational process itself, the quality of education and the attitude of students towards their teacher. Solution When planning work in a lesson, the teacher must initially decide which type of task is best suited for consolidating the material. And if he deviates from what was planned, then this decision should not be motivated by the fear that the students will not like the lesson and the teacher. In this situation, if during the lesson the teacher suddenly decided to replace one task with another, then the children need to explain the reason for this change. For example, the words: “Yes, you are right, we won’t have time to compile a table, we’ll just make a reminder,” would make it clear to the children that the change of tasks is motivated, and the teacher’s actions are not controlled by their whims or his. In addition, it seems to me that the teacher should make it clear to his students that whining and such a tone are unacceptable in the lesson. Situation 4 German lesson. In front of the teacher is not only his group, but also the group of the sick teacher.

18 The guys behave disgustingly: they speak loudly, swear, throw notes, airplanes, etc., they are rude to the teacher (but carefully, not directly). One boy in particular stands out. The teacher, trying not to pay attention, conducts the lesson, from time to time threatening the entire gallery with bad marks, the director and parents. The next task is to prepare a retelling of the text. After some time, the teacher asks the noisiest student if he is ready for a retelling. He replies that he can only retell the first sentence. Teacher: “So I give you a two.” Student: “No, in that case I’ll tell you again.” Teacher: “It’s too late. You should have thought before.” Student: “Yes, I’ll tell you again.” This squabble continues for several more minutes, as a result the teacher gives a bad mark, and the student, cursing at her, slams the door. The teacher, without saying anything, continues the lesson. Evaluation There is a whole bunch of pedagogical situations taking place here, and it is clear that the relationship between the teacher and the students of the second group has long been neglected. But if we talk about the latter, then the teacher openly agreed

19 tore out his anger. The injustice of such an act also lies in the fact that instead of giving a “two” for behavior (which would have been at least fair), the teacher preferred to give a “two” for knowledge (or rather, for ignorance), without giving the student opportunity to even respond. Punishment is fair only if it is at least a punishment for a real wrongdoing. The teacher made it clear to the student, and to the class, that even if she was powerless in some way, she was capable of winning back in another situation, taking advantage of her position. The boy left humiliated, with a feeling of deep injustice, angry at his own powerlessness and hating the teacher to the depths of his soul. A lesson for the whole class: revenge is quite acceptable and all means are good. Prediction: The mutual hatred of the teacher and this student will intensify even more. Such situations will continue to be repeated. Neither this boy nor the entire class will have respect for the teacher. Solution The teacher should have asked for a retelling if the student decided to try. Calm down the me-

21 naturally confuses him. Every time he delays an answer like that, he feels slightly guilty. As a result of this incident (and similar ones), an inferiority complex may develop even stronger, the student will withdraw into himself and stop working in class. In addition, since a clear injustice has been committed against him, this will also affect the teacher-student relationship. The children from the class who are present, although they feel that the teacher is acting unfairly, perceive this style of communication with their classmate as the norm. Children generally tend to laugh at a person who stands out from their group, and if the teacher also allows himself to laugh at such a person, then real bullying can begin in class 7-8. Solution If the first word causes such difficulties, then it would be better for the teacher to read it himself, without focusing on it. If the teacher is calm, the student will calm down, and reading will go better. Situation 6 After lessons, the first teacher timidly approaches

22nd grader and, terribly embarrassed, asks: Natalya Viktorovna, please give me Masha Eremina’s phone number, Dima, why do you need it? Lowering his eyes, the boy admits that he really likes his classmate, but he doesn’t dare talk to her at school. Maybe it will work over the phone? How to proceed? Assessment The situation is quite delicate. On the one hand, I really want to help a shy boy, on the other hand, giving a girl’s phone number means acting incorrectly towards her: you never know how it could end. The teacher is faced with a difficult task that requires an inventive solution: he needs to help the boy and not cause inconvenience to the girl. Forecasting In this situation, the main thing is not to make mistakes. It is incorrect to give a girl’s phone number without asking questions, as the child’s parents or the girl herself may not like it. It is useless to distract the boy from this idea and switch his attention to something else: if the child has decided to take such a step (ask the teacher and ask), then he is unlikely to simply refuse. Don't give your phone number (say you don't have one) and

23 It’s also wrong to stop there: the child may lose trust in you once and for all. Solution The best thing a teacher can do is tell the boy that you don’t have a phone, but you will try to help him in some way. This will build your child's trust in you and allow him to take his mind off the idea of ​​a phone call and think of other ways to build a friendship. From the next lesson, you can put this boy with the girl he likes under any pretext (for example, he can’t see well from the last desk, and the girl is sitting close). Another option is to give a boy and a girl a joint educational task, to involve them in a common cause, which will allow them to get to know each other better, and perhaps become friends. Situation 7 There is a weak child in the class, and the children do not miss the opportunity to mock the physically and psychologically undeveloped boy. When the teacher calls him to the board, he just hesitates and stammers, afraid that everyone will just laugh at his answer. The teacher just sighs, reproaches and gives a 2.

24 Prediction A weak boy, bullied by the ridicule of his students, needs outside support and encouragement. Otherwise, he will develop an inferiority complex, he will remain a poor student, a backward student and will grow up to be a weak, insecure person, embittered at the whole world. The rest of the children mistakenly believe that they have the right to mock others, weaker ones, and do not realize that they need to help their peers. They develop selfishness and cruelty. Solution To create harmony of relationships in the class in this situation, the teacher needs to support the weak student, help him express himself on the path of personality development. To do this, you need to give the student a special task, for example, a creative task, an introduction, the result of which can arouse the interest of the whole class. This will help the boy open up, show his dormant abilities and untapped possibilities. Or maybe he is not weak at all? For the same purpose, he can be seated more often at a desk in pairs with different children, so that they get to know the outcast student better.

25 Situation 8 In front of the teacher is not only his group, but also the group of the sick teacher. The guys behave disgustingly: they speak loudly, swear, throw notes, airplanes, etc., and are rude to the teacher (but carefully, not directly). One boy in particular stands out. Actions of the teacher The teacher, trying not to pay attention, conducts the lesson, from time to time threatening the entire gallery with bad marks, the director and parents. When the teacher asks the noisiest student to retell the text, he refuses, but when the teacher threatens to give him a bad mark, he immediately changes his mind and even expresses a desire to complete this task. However, the teacher does not give him such an opportunity. An argument begins. It continues for several more minutes, as a result the teacher gives a bad mark, and the student, cursing at her, slams the door. The teacher, without saying anything, continues the lesson. Prediction: The mutual hatred of the teacher and this student will intensify even more. Such situations will continue to be repeated. No one will have respect for the teacher

26 of this boy, not of the whole class. The boy left humiliated, with a feeling of deep injustice, angry at his own powerlessness and hating the teacher to the depths of his soul. A lesson for the whole class: revenge is quite acceptable and all means are good. Solution In this situation, the teacher openly vented his anger. The injustice of such an act also lies in the fact that instead of giving a 2 for behavior (which would have been, at least, fair), the teacher chose to give a 2 for “knowledge”, without giving the student the opportunity to even answer. Punishment is fair only if it is at least a punishment for a real wrongdoing. The teacher made it clear to the student, and to the class, that even if she was powerless in some way, she was capable of winning back in another situation, taking advantage of her position. She should have asked for a retelling if the student decided to try. You can calm down a student who is greatly interfering with the lesson by giving him some task that is quite difficult for him, for which he will receive a grade at the end of the lesson.

28 as a first-grader as the norm. Children generally tend to laugh at a person who stands out from their group, and if the teacher also allows himself to laugh at such a person, then real bullying can begin in class 7-8. Solution: A teacher’s raised tone is always unacceptable, and especially in this situation, especially since everyone knows about this student’s stuttering. If the first word causes such difficulties, then it would be better for the teacher to read it himself, without focusing on it. If the teacher is calm, the student will calm down, and reading will go better. Situation 10 During class, a note is passed from the end of the row. The students read it silently, look at the ceiling and giggle, after which they pass the note on, not really hiding it from the teacher. The teacher sees the note, takes it, unfolds it and sees the message “look at the ceiling.” He looks up at the ceiling as the class erupts into a burst of laughter. The teacher loses his temper. He tries to find out who initiated this idea, threatens to give bad grades and call his parents to school.

29 Prediction In this situation, students try to test the teacher and see what emotions and actions he will perform. If the teacher starts to panic/scream/threaten the director, this will cause protest and negative attitude from the students. The teacher will lose the trust and respect of the students, since he succumbed to provocation, and the children, not yet realizing, but feeling that the teacher can be easily provoked, will continue in the same spirit. Solution The teacher could approach this with humor, smile and express his attitude to the situation, dwelling on the positive and negative aspects. Possible phrases: “I like that this situation shows that you as a class are united, true to the idea, with such a sparkling sense of humor” or: “I won’t ask, look for the one who came up with it, what’s done is done, let’s extract for Let’s take advantage of the useful points from this, let’s try not to follow the “herd mentality”, but let’s each look after ourselves.” Another option (if the situation in the lesson allows), you can consider a continuation of the situation in which you can trace the speed of reaction and ingenuity of the teacher. For example, a teacher may

30 try to play an innocent joke on your students and laugh with them. This will strengthen the relationship between the children and the teacher. Situation 11 An English teacher enters the 9th grade and sees that the students have hung all the posters with grammar diagrams on the new grammar rules upside down. The girls decided to joke in the hope that the teacher would spend a few minutes of the lesson hanging posters, and they could go about their business for a while longer. The teacher began to scold the children, accuse them of disrespect for themselves, forced them to hang up the posters, and in the end they would get what they were seeking. Prediction By swearing and threats, the teacher will not gain the respect of the girls, but will only lose authority. Since children, when committing such actions, expect just such a reaction from the teacher. It will serve as an incentive for them to continue the bullying. After all, any teacher is in danger of having a nervous breakdown if they continue to react in this way. Solution Option for conducting a lesson. As if nothing had happened -

31 lo, the teacher begins the lesson and begins to explain the material. The rules are very complex, they are not in textbooks, and copying is inconvenient. Many students do not have time to copy the diagrams into their notebooks. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives a ten-minute test to initially consolidate what has just been completed, while removing the diagrams. The teacher’s reaction turned out to be unpredictable, but at the same time reasonable and logical. Firstly, the students themselves created tension during the entire forty minutes of the lesson, as a result of which they fidgeted and became restless during the explanation of the material, when they could have written down the rules from the teacher’s words and written an independent work without using a poster. Secondly, the teacher very competently demonstrated who was in charge in the lesson, and according to whose scenario the lesson unfolds: she did not swear or shout, but silently shamed the students, showing them their actions from the point of view of an intelligent and calm person. Situation 12 At recess, two fifth-graders, a boy and a girl, are arguing loudly. The teacher comes up and finds out that the boy broke the girl’s new player, which she brought to

32 school. The boy assures that it happened by accident. And the girl demands money for a broken thing or a new player. The teacher scolded the girl for bringing an expensive thing to school, giving it to a classmate, and now she blames him. Forecasting The psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom largely depends on the behavior of the teacher, whose task is not only to instill in children knowledge within the framework of the educational program, but also to teach them to be more tolerant of each other and try to compromise. The authoritarian behavior of a teacher in such a situation is unlikely to become a good example for students; moreover, the number of interpersonal conflicts in the class will increase, which can lead to confrontation between students or between teacher and student. Solution The teacher could talk confidentially with the children, convince them that it is better to sort things out calmly, rather than starting quarrels, and find a solution to the problem that would satisfy everyone, for example, try to find a person who could fix the player. In my opinion, the optimal solution to the problem is to persuade children to reconcile

33 without any conditions or compensation, but if this option does not suit the girl’s parents, then you should talk with the parents of both students so that they resolve the issue of compensation on conditions that would suit both parties. Situation 13 Algebra lesson. About 10 minutes before the end of the lesson, the teacher calls Vasya to the board. He must solve the example using the formulas learned in class. The bell rings. The teacher asks everyone to leave the class, and Vasya to stay and solve the example. But the students do not leave, but surround Vasya, who is standing at the blackboard. The remarks are heard: “Are you really stupid,” “This is elementary,” etc. As a result, this begins to irritate Vasya, and he asks the teacher to ask the others to leave the class. The teacher approaches the crowd and looks at the board: “Ayyyyy Vasya. You can’t even copy an example correctly from a textbook.” The students start laughing, and Vasya grabs his briefcase and runs out of the classroom. Prediction Vasya hoped for help from the teacher, but she did the same as the others, that is, she laughed at him.

34 Most likely, she did not want to offend the boy and did not say this out of malice. But, knowing Vasya’s explosive nature, she could have guessed the ending of this situation. Vasya was offended by the teacher and his classmates because they did not help him in a difficult situation. At the next lesson, no one remembered this incident. But perhaps Vasya will not help his classmate in the same situation, but will laugh along with the others. Solution If you were the teacher, you could ask the other students to leave the class and be left alone with Vasya. Ask him to calm down, concentrate, find the mistake and solve the example, or ask him to stay in the office to help erase the board, lay out the notebooks (for example), so that he calms down a little. Since he could start a fight with the offenders. Situation 14 The student answers the lesson. He knows the material, but cannot present it; amuses the rest of the group and the teacher with his answer. The boy is pleased with himself and continues in the same spirit. When they give him a “4”, he doesn’t understand why: he answered, the teacher smiled at him,

35 means she liked the answer. To his bewilderment, the teacher replies that he made many mistakes. The guys stood up for him and asked him to give him a “5”, but the teacher remained unconvinced. The child was offended. Prediction The current situation will not affect the attitude of other students towards him (the guys will not change their good attitude towards him). And the boy will decide that the teacher is unfairly picking on him, and his trust and good attitude towards the teacher will be shaken. Solution This situation arose due to the fact that the personal relationship between the teacher and the child collided with the business one. The teacher did not point out specific errors during and after the student’s response. He expected that he would answer well and receive a high mark. It is necessary to name the mistakes that he made, voice them, so that there is no feeling that the teacher is biased. When answering, he used specially prepared illustrations, so you can ask additional questions and give you the opportunity to get a good mark.

36 Situation 15 A respected teacher with extensive experience enters the classroom and sees a caricature of himself on the board. She is expressive, funny, precise. The class silently waits for the teacher's reaction. The teacher looks at the cartoon with interest and says: Since it was drawn very well, I’m sorry to erase it. Let the artist put it on paper first. I commend the talented cartoonist. Prediction In this situation, the teacher demonstrated his maturity. He did not take this caustic cartoon as his personal insult. He did not take offense at the child's prank. He did not look for the culprit and did not try to shame him. He avoided fruitless teachings and moralizing. Instead, he encouraged creative initiative and showed respect for art. This reaction from the teacher allowed the children to see the teacher’s strength, his self-respect, and restraint. They saw that they did not have the power to influence the emotional state of the teacher, and next time they would not have the desire to do so. Solution

37 A talented and wise teacher never evoked negative emotions in his students. He was always polite and frank with them. This situation could have arisen due to the general mood of the class (the class was tired, the class wanted to misbehave, they wanted to prove themselves, to attract attention), which could not find another outlet for their emotions, could not find another way of self-realization. No complaints were made directly against the teacher. This behavior of the teacher (calm interest, interested calmness) disarms and pleasantly amazes the children. Using a positive example, they learn to respond to life situations in the future, learn to respect other people, the work and efforts of other people. Situation 16 An art teacher showed two drawings to his students and asked them to say which one they liked best. Alyosha, twelve years old, hesitated for a long time before answering. Teacher says: We don't have much time. Use your mind if you have one. Having seated the boy, who blushed with shame, the teacher continued the lesson amid friendly giggles.

38 nye classmates. Prediction It is not pedagogical to expose a student to ridicule. A slow student cannot be corrected with sarcasm, and mental activity cannot be stimulated with mockery. These kinds of situations breed hatred and encourage revenge. Such a selfish teacher will never be able to create an atmosphere of good cooperation and pleasant creativity in the classroom, which is especially important in fine arts lessons. Solution It is not the child’s fault if the structure of his brain does not allow him to draw quick conclusions or quickly and clearly respond to the question or situation posed. These are structural features of the child’s body, and not its deficiency. The teacher showed his tactlessness, showed his power over the children. A wise teacher knows and takes into account (try to take into account) the characteristics of his students, directing the course of the lesson in the right direction. To a hesitant and doubting child one could say: Yes, it’s really not easy to decide. It's hard to make a choice. There seems to be something you like about both drawings. Choose what your heart tells you.

39 Such an answer would give the child time to think and choose what he really liked. And his decision would come from the heart, it would be sincere. The teacher apparently forgot that aesthetic taste cannot be instilled in a non-aesthetic way. Situation 17 There is a lesson in progress, the teacher is talking about a new topic, but the student is not listening to him and is playing on the phone. This problem can be solved like this: “Ilya (or whatever the child’s name is), let’s come to an agreement. You’ll put your phone away now, because I need to continue a new topic, at the next lesson you’ll be writing a test on it together with everyone else, and I don’t think you’ll get a good grade if you listen to it now. And I would really like you to have an excellent grade in my subject, and your parents would be very pleased to see you happy. And what do you think?" Situation 18 Several students were 15 minutes late for class

40 Solution There are many ways out and approaches. If this happened once, then you can say this: “I’m not very pleased that you are late for my lesson. Let's do it this way. Please finish your bun in the corridor and then come in. But let this be the first and last time. Agreed?". If this is already part of the system, then a set of rules needs to be defined that states that if students are late, they get extra homework. Situation 19 At the very beginning of the lesson or after you have taught several lessons, a student tells you: “I don’t think that you, as a teacher, can teach us anything.” Solution You need to find out from the student why he thinks this way and talk to him about this topic. Situation 20 The teacher gives a student a task, but he doesn’t want it

41 to perform and at the same time declares: “I don’t want to do this!” Solution The teacher should ask the student why, listen to him and try to prove that he needs to do this task. Situation 21 A student is disappointed with his academic performance, doubts his abilities and that he will ever be able to properly understand and master the material, and says to the teacher: “Do you think I will ever be able to study well and keep up?” from the rest of the kids in the class? Solution The teacher must find out why the student doubts himself. If necessary, conduct an additional conversation with parents. Situation 22 A student says that this subject (mathematics) will not be useful to him in life and he does not want to learn it.

42 Solution You can try using real-life examples to explain to him that mathematics is necessary and without it, at least for today, he simply will not receive a certificate. Also find out whether the math teacher may be biased towards the student, and therefore he does not want to teach his subject. Situation 23 A student attends school well, except for one lesson. He says that he is not interested there. Solution First, you need to talk to your child and find out the real reason why he doesn’t go there. Secondly, you need to talk with the class teacher and the teacher who teaches this subject. Situation 24 A student says to the teacher: “I forgot to bring the notebook again.” Solution The teacher should talk seriously with the student, find out whether he deliberately does not take the notebook because

43 that he didn’t do his homework, or because he was absent-minded. Also talk to parents so that they make sure that the student takes all textbooks and notebooks. Situation 25 A first-grader (in 1998) was given a non-standard task: In what year did your grandmother go to first grade? This is not an easy task, but I am sure, the teacher said, that you can solve it yourself. My grandmother is now 50 years old. How old was she when she started first grade? The same age as me, 7 years old. Well, how can you find out how many years have passed since your grandmother went to school if she is now 50 years old, and she started school at the age of 7? She went to school at the age of 7, which means, the kid reasons, she went to first grade from 50 subtract 7 43 years ago. Subtract 43 from 1998 and you get Hurray! I know what year my grandmother went to first grade in 1955. Well done! You reasoned correctly and successfully completed such a difficult task.

44 Questions and tasks 1. When does acquired knowledge become personally significant and personally perceived? 2. What is the relationship between a first-grader and his studies, himself and his grandmother? 3. What principles guided the teacher? 4. What can you say about the atmosphere in the lesson? 5. What type of relationship with students is the teacher focused on? Justify your answer. Situation 26 The boy Yura, who was not doing well in Russian, was transferred to 6th "a". In the class where he ended up, the Russian language was taught by a very attentive and talented teacher. The teenager was a smart and quick-witted student, but the relationship with the Russian language teacher in the previous class did not work out. And Yura began to skip Russian language lessons and was careless about assignments in this subject. After a few lessons, the new teacher suggested that Yura study extra after school. Once, in a moment of frankness, he told her: Ekaterina Alekseevna, don’t work in vain. Don't waste your time. Nothing will help me. I won't

45 to keep up, I’ve known this for a long time. I'm incapable. How do you know? Everyone says like that. And do you believe it? I believe you will have to prove the opposite. Have you heard the expression: whoever wants will achieve it? And you can achieve it. You just need to work hard. Let's get busy. They studied diligently for a whole quarter. And so Yura received the first B in Russian. It was well deserved. The boy responded well in class and completed the written assignment correctly. The next day, Yura’s mother came to the teacher. Please tell me, is it true that my son received a B in Russian? Is it true. He began to study better. Ekaterina Alekseevna, you can’t imagine what happened at our house yesterday. Yuri comes running from school and shouts from the doorway: Four! Four! I didn’t immediately understand what was going on. I ask: what four? The teacher gave me a B in Russian.

46 Success inspired the teenager. Since then, Yuri began to study harder not only in Russian. There were, of course, mistakes. But he was already doing well in Russian and went to class with interest. Questions and tasks 1. What is the basis of Yura’s success? 2. Evaluate the teacher’s pedagogical actions. 3. Does the above fact confirm the statement of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that “learning is not a mechanical transfer of knowledge from teacher to child, but first of all human relationships”? 4. Name the main mechanism for changing Yura’s attitude towards learning. Situation 27 Tanya, try to come early today. Our new neighbors invited us to tea, let's get acquainted, my mother asked. Ciao, mommy. I'll come at six. And the daughter ran out into the street. Tanya further recalls: “On the bus, when we were driving home, Marina and I saw empty seats, immediately sat down on them and began talking about what happened at school today. On the rest

47 an elderly woman came in and stood right next to us, she had two full bags in her hands. Girls, I hear someone say, you should give way to a woman with bags. Here's another! we answered sharply. Yes, the young people went. Well, they started. We got so carried away by the conversation with Marina. And then everyone immediately began to educate us, talking to us in a rude tone. We also did not remain in debt. At eight o'clock in the evening, my mother, father, and I, dressed up, knocked on the door of our new neighbors. Please, you are welcome, the door opened and my feet were rooted to the floor. The same woman from the bus stood on the threshold, and on the table there were treats from those same heavy bags.” Questions and tasks 1. What idea did the neighbor get about the upbringing of Tanya and her friend when they met on the bus? 2. What might the neighbor think about Tanya’s family? 3. What does it mean to be a well-mannered person? 4. How could this story end, in your opinion?

48 Situation 28 “I used to be very weak and kind. I didn’t know how to express myself strongly or defend myself. Now I’m completely different, everyone is afraid of me. You can be talented, even triple talented, but if at the same time you don’t have at least a little cruelty, if you’re not a strong personality, then you’re not worth a penny. Our time is the time of strong people who can defend your place in life." “It seems to me that I can answer the question: why don’t my peers especially want to achieve something, do something, try for something. This “something” does not exist for us. If we had lived during the war, we would have been different. Then everything was clear to everyone: either you are an honest defender of your Motherland, or you are a traitor. Now what to protect, who?” Questions and tasks 1. What do these judgments indicate? 2. Compare judgments and draw conclusions. 3. What can be said about the value orientations of young people? 4. What pedagogical advice can be given in the first and second cases?

49 Situation 29 Daughter (D.): Dad, what did you like about girls when you were a boy? Father (O): Sounds like you want to know what you need to do to get boys to like you? D. Yes. It seems to me that for some reason they don’t like me, and I don’t understand why?.. A. You can’t understand why they don’t like you. D. Well, let’s say I don’t talk much. I'm afraid to talk in front of boys. A. So in the presence of boys you feel constrained and find it difficult to relax? D. Yes. I'm afraid I'll blurt out something that will make them think I'm a fool. A. You don't want them to think you're stupid? D. Of course. And when I am silent, I do not take any risks. A. It is, of course, safer to remain silent. D. Yes, but it doesn't do anything for me because it makes them all think I'm boring. O. Doesn't silence give you what you want? D.: It doesn’t. Perhaps we still need to take a risk?! Questions and tasks

50 1. What conclusion can be drawn from the content of the dialogue? 2. What style prevails in the relationship between father and daughter? 3. Evaluate the form of pedagogical leadership on the part of the father during the analysis of the daughter’s behavior and in her search for a style of relationships with boys. 4. What is the role of parents in preparing children for adulthood? Situation 30 Katya, a 7th grade student, suffers from the fact that her height is already 171 cm. She is taller than everyone else in the class. He comes to the board hunched over, draws his legs up, and slouches. Every exit to the board is suffering. Therefore, sometimes he refuses to answer; “two” is better than another humiliation. In her mind, the boys’ remarks are constantly heard: “Hey, tower!”, the teachers’ remark: “What is it that’s twisting you so much?” when she went to the board, the mother’s request: “Don’t slouch, straighten your shoulders, look at your figure pretty." And then she likes Pashka, and he is half a head shorter than her. Looking at herself in front of the mirror in the evenings, Katya grieved: Oh, these terrible hands, they are below the knees! Well, does a normal person have

51 such arms?.. And the neck is long, but you can do something with it if you pull it in or raise the collar, but where can you put your legs?.. Questions and tasks 1. What psychological characteristics of adolescence determine Katya’s judgments and actions? 2. How can I help Katya solve her problems? 3. What influence does the process of self-knowledge have on a person’s upbringing? Situation 31 At the beginning of the lesson, a student discovered that his homework notebook had disappeared from his desk. He (How did he react and what did he say to the teacher?). At the next break, a girl from a parallel class approached the injured student: Excuse me, please! We had a previous lesson in the same office, but after the lesson I had to call home, I ran to the lesson before the bell, in a hurry, and grabbed your notebook. It happens, but next time try to be more attentive, the boy said in response. Questions and tasks 1. What does this situation tell you?

52 2. What information do you receive about the upbringing of a boy and a girl? 3. Can we say about them that they are well-mannered? Why? Situation 32 Sasha came to a new school in the 11th grade. It soon became clear: his even character, friendly demeanor, and most importantly, wide erudition promised many good moments of interesting communication with this young man. Somehow, everyone immediately gravitated towards him. But a month or two passed, and Sasha increasingly entered the classroom alone. The teachers paid almost no attention to this circumstance. But one day in a physics lesson, after Sasha’s fascinating answer about the philosophical significance of the theory of relativity, the teacher invited him to prepare a report on this. Sasha refused. The refusal itself did not bother the teacher; time to prepare for final exams is worth its weight in gold, and perhaps her proposal violated his plans. But, wanting to soften the refusal, he suggested: I don’t understand what the point is in such a report?! It is you, the teacher, who already imagine my capabilities, and to them, he nodded (and quite politely) towards the class, this is of no use.

53 mu. Everyone can and should search for themselves Questions and tasks 1. What information about Sasha’s value orientations did you receive from this situation? 2. What style of relationship between Sasha and the students in the class, between Sasha and the teacher is visible in this situation? 3. What can you say about Sasha’s self-esteem? 4. Is it possible to determine the teacher’s line of behavior from these sketches? Situation 33 A very capable young man was invited to a family celebration in one house. Many guests had gathered, and everyone did not sit down for a long time, waiting for him. But he was late. Without waiting, the tired guests finally took their seats. The young man appeared an hour later. He didn’t try to apologize for being late, he just said cheerfully as he walked: I met an acquaintance, you know (he casually mentioned the name of a famous scientist), and he started chatting. Then, squeezing with difficulty between the furniture and causing inconvenience to the guests, he walked around the table and familiarly extended his hand to everyone seated. At the table he behaved animatedly, talkatively and took over the table conversation for the entire evening. He is almost not to others

54 gave and opened his mouth, spoke himself or commented on every word of those around him. Questions and tasks 1. Evaluate the young man’s behavior. 2. What does every person need to know about communicating with people? 3. What could be the reason for this type of behavior in a young person? 4. What would you do if you were in the company of such a person? Situation 34 My friend and I argued a lot about what profession to choose. And it doesn’t seem to fit, and I know exactly where I won’t go: I don’t want to spoil my nerves as a teacher; I won’t go into chemical production, because dealing with chemicals can cause you to lose your health; I won’t go to the factory, because there you will turn into a robot, doing mechanical and monotonous work. I want my work to be healthy and interesting. I wanted it to be related to animals and a lot of travel. Then you need to go work at the circus! exclaimed a friend and added, but for me, if only I could

55 is about decent. I thought for a long time afterwards. I doubt if I have the talent for the circus. Maybe your friend is right, and if there is no calling, you need to think about making money? Questions and tasks 1. What are the motives for choosing a profession for girls? 2. What method of pedagogical influence was used in this situation? Situation 35 During the alumni meeting, the following conversation took place between the guys. Vera is a small, thin girl. She is already a pharmacist. It’s a pleasure to listen to her talk about her profession: Medicines for children, she says, are very responsible. The slightest mistake, and it’s even scary to think what could happen. They could get poisoned. I almost got poisoned myself, I tried so hard. She rattles off names of medications and recipes. The guys laugh: It’s impossible to speak Russian with you, everything is Latin and everything is about medicine. So this is my job, she smiles. Among the graduates is another future physician Alla P. Ona

56 will be a dentist. Allah, why did you go to dentistry? Marina decided, well, I’m with her. And how do you like it? Nothing, just a lot of, you know, different unnecessary items. Well, at least English. Why does a dentist need English? In general, I want to go to dental college. I'll be a technician. From university to technical school? But why? I got tired of studying, and then we did an internship at a clinic, so I learned that a technician can earn more than a doctor. Questions and tasks 1. Compare two positions regarding the choice of profession. 2. What criteria for evaluating work do girls use? 3. How do you understand professional self-determination and creative self-realization of a person? Situation 36 Please sit down and open the primer on the page where the letter “I” is! And the children read a story about how little Paata, having learned all the letters, comes home joyful and suggests to his grandmother: “Ho-

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Problem 1

Single-parent family, son is 15 years old, recently his relationship with his mother has deteriorated. The son comes home late and drunk, and does not listen to his mother’s advice. His friends and girlfriend have nothing against drinking. The mother is opposed to her friends and girlfriend, which is why the relationship with her son has deteriorated even more.


1. What should a social teacher do at the first stage of working with a family?

2. What activities does the social teacher need to implement with this family?

3.What methods can a social teacher use to influence a child?


1. Assistance in education is provided by a social teacher, first of all, with parents - through counseling them, as well as with the child through the creation of special educational situations to solve the problem of timely assistance to the family in order to strengthen it and make the most of its educational potential.

2. Inform the family about the importance and possibility of interaction between parents and children in the family; talks about child development; gives pedagogical advice on raising children.

Provide advice on family law issues; issues of interpersonal interaction in the family; informs about existing methods of education aimed at a specific family; explains to parents how to create the conditions necessary for the normal development and upbringing of a child in the family.

3. Socio-psychological support and correction.

The support is aimed at creating a favorable microclimate in the family during a short-term crisis.

The social teacher must adjust relationships in the family in such a way that all necessary measures to ensure established order and discipline in the family are maintained using methods based on respect for the human dignity of the child in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Shakurova M.V. - Methodology and technology of work of a social teacher: Textbook for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - 2nd ed.


Problem 169. One day, on a stormy day, seventh-graders were sent to harvest potatoes. The school's cleanup plan had already been completed, and the normally disciplined class was not in the mood for this trip. I had to agree: there is no need to go. The class teacher said so: those who wish can stay at home. But he added that the conversation today is not only about fulfilling the plan, but about helping to save the harvest. No one stayed home that day.


    Give a description value-oriented readiness for work?

    Where does social and pedagogical activity begin?

    What is the peculiarity of the motivational function used by the teacher?


    a) understanding the importance of work that is useful for others and society; b) experiencing value, surprise, joy from the results of one’s own work; c) admiration for the daily work of other people; d) the presence of a positive emotional background that reinforces the motivation to work.

    Socio-pedagogical activity begins with setting goals and tasks that need to be solved by a specialist - to develop communication skills in the child, which for some reason he lacks, to help the child adapt to a new environment, etc. The goal, in turn, will determine the content of the activity , methods of its implementation and forms of organization that are interconnected.

    A social teacher works to develop motivation for work.
    Motives are external and internal factors that predetermine human behavior, and their system is called motivation. The set of motives for work among teenagers can be varied: Earnings the task of a social teacher is to form in each teenager such a life position when choosing a profession that would correspond to the individual’s vocation and desire to achieve success in professional activity. In the minds of students, it is necessary to support, strengthen and develop those socially significant value guidelines and attitudes that will allow them to self-realize in the professional sphere.


Galaguzova Yu.N., Social pedagogy

M. V. Shakurova methods and technology of work of a social teacher.


Problem 197. Sixth-grader Vitya K. is a difficult teenager. He is characterized by a pronounced desire for leadership. But the boy cannot realize his desire in the class team, and therefore is satisfied with negative actions. His classmates do not trust him and do not want to recognize him as a leader in anything.


    What categories of children at risk exist?

    What characteristics do children at risk have?

    Aspects of negative influence on children?


    1. children with developmental problems that do not have clearly defined clinicopathological characteristics;
    2. children left without parental care due to various circumstances;
    3. children from dysfunctional, asocial families;
    4. children from families in need of socio-economic and socio-psychological assistance and support;
    5. children with manifestations of social and psychological-pedagogical maladjustment.

    1. Lack of values ​​accepted in society (creativity, knowledge, activism); the conviction of one’s uselessness in society, the impossibility of achieving anything in life on one’s own, one’s own intelligence and talent, of taking a worthy position among peers, of achieving material well-being.
    2. Projecting onto oneself the modern life of one’s own parents, reminiscent of a race for survival.
    3. Feeling of emotional rejection from parents and at the same time psychological autonomy.
    4. Among the values, a happy family life comes first, material well-being comes second, and health comes third.
    5. At the same time, the seeming inaccessibility of these values ​​in life. High value combined with inaccessibility gives rise to internal conflict - one of the sources of stress.
    6. Reinforcing the loss of the value of education in real life - an example of those who studied poorly or did not study at all, but succeeded in life (has a tent, garage, car, etc.) - without knowing the true ways to achieve such “values”.
    7. Increased level of anxiety and aggressiveness.
    8. The predominance of the value of a beautiful, easy life, the desire to receive only pleasures from life.
    9. Changing the direction of interests - free time (at the entrance, on the street, away from home, etc.), a feeling of complete freedom (leaving home, running away, traveling, risk situations, etc.).
    10. Relationships with adults are characterized by deviations in communication, leading to the experience of one’s uselessness, loss of one’s own value and the value of another person.

    The first aspect is the risk to society that children of this category create. The concept of “risk group” appeared in the Soviet period precisely in the context of the priority of public interests. This concept made it possible to identify categories of people, families, etc., whose behavior could pose a potential danger to others and society as a whole, since it contradicted generally accepted social norms and rules.
    The second aspect - and it is from this angle that the problem has appeared most clearly recently - is the risk that children themselves are constantly exposed to in society: the risk of losing life, health, and normal conditions for full development.



Problem 192. I asked for a lesson with Nikolai Petrovich, and he said:

I have a class hour. Want to?

And this is the cool hour. A neat, carefully combed boy gets up, adjusts his glasses on his nose and says in an even voice:

I don’t know about the other guys, but it seems to me personally that you, Nikolai Petrovich, are mistaken in defending Nellya Viktorovna...

Then the girl’s extremely excited voice was heard:

How can you, Nikolai Petrovich, justify her when she treated us so unfairly...

A slight rumble echoes through the classroom. And a few more speeches:

You are wrong, you are mistaken, you should not...

Nikolai Petrovich sits at the table and listens carefully. There is not a shadow of irony, mockery or arrogant condescension on his face - only attention. The class is unanimous, the class convinces him that he is wrong. The class, one might say, educates its class teacher.

The guys are sure that, having taken the senior pioneer leader under the protection, Nikolai Petrovich simply wanted to defend the honor of the “uniform”. And here's the thing. Two days ago, the counselor demanded that the guys urgently go collect waste paper. They refused because they had a cultural trip to the museum scheduled for that day, and asked to postpone the collection of waste paper to another time. The counselor yelled at them, reproaching them for laziness and carelessness.

Nikolai Petrovich listens to the guys, and at times it seems that he will now agree: “Yes, perhaps you are right.” But for some reason he hesitates, and suddenly asks in a quiet, dull voice:

Did the pioneer leader come to you during the big break?

Yes, after algebra.

Half the guys had already gone out into the corridor, she drove them all back...

So you asked me to come back?

Well, I asked...

Didn't you agree right away? Are you still hesitating at the door?

A little wrinkled...

And, of course, it seemed to her that you had no respect for her at all?

Well, maybe...

And the pioneer leader began to get nervous and raised her voice... You started talking all at once, but she, of course, could neither understand you nor shout over you. She formed the opinion that you were really too lazy to go collect waste paper, that her request meant nothing to you... Right?

So, probably...

Nellya Viktorovna, as you know, is in her first year of work. And she’s afraid to lose herself in your eyes. At home, she remembers her whole day and relives every wrong word... Remember, some of you have probably had this happen: you say something awkward, inappropriate - then for a whole week or even a month you worry...

Just a few minutes ago, such a categorical class, convinced that it was right, was now silent in shock. Irreconcilable maximalists, they suddenly sensed for a moment the state of mind of another person, and their persistence seemed petty, unnecessary, ungenerous, finally.


    What method did the teacher use to resolve a conflict situation in the classroom?

    Levels of aggressive behavior?

    What methods can a social teacher use to change attitudes in a team?


1. - professional interaction with wards (persuasion, suggestion, information, counseling, humanization of study, work and living conditions, inclusion in socially useful work activities, creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the individual, use of the creative potential of customs and traditions, etc.);

2. 1) motivation that encourages aggressive behavior;
2) emotional processes accompanying aggressive behavior;
3) self-regulation processes;
4) cognitive processing of information;
5) externally observable manifestations and actions.

1) correction through the game;
2) through creative self-expression;
3) through the sublimation of aggression into socially approved activities (for example, sports);
4) through participation in a training group;
5) correction using behavioral methods.


Methodology and technology of work of social teacher Goloukhova G.N.


Victor K. is one of the best academically at school, an activist, an athlete, a good friend, reserved, calm. At home with his mother (he has no father), he is rude, disobedient, sometimes deceives, and avoids helping with household chores.


    What parenting style could lead to this problem?

    The concept of social patronage and supervision?

    What types of counseling can a teacher offer?


1. Permissiveness:

    A child can do anything as long as we adults have enough nerves and strength. The adult forbids himself from limiting the child’s choices except in situations that could cause serious harm to the child or other people.

    The adult prohibits any coercion in relation to the child’s personality.

    The only task of an adult is to interest the child.

    The adult proceeds from the ideas of humanism, which, in the adult’s mind, in themselves guarantee the well-being of the child.

    Bottom position - the interests of the child are higher than the interests of the adult.

2. Social patronage is a form of interaction with the family, when a social teacher is available 24 hours a day, influencing the essence of events occurring in the family. The term of social patronage is limited from 4 to 9 months. Stages of work of a social teacher with a family within the framework of patronage:
- Acquaintance. Agreement with the family.
- Joining the family. Creating and maintaining motivation to overcome the crisis.
- Collection of information about the family.
- information about the family.
- Removing the family from social isolation. Plan and contract in working with the Analysis family.
- Leaving the family.

3. Counseling is a process of interaction between two or more people, during which certain knowledge of the consultant is used to assist the person being consulted.
Methods and techniques of counseling:
- conversation;
- included discussion;
- belief;
- approval or condemnation - find a compromise, condemn actions, find out the reasons, try not to judge;
- active listening technique;
- a technique of paraphrasing, checking the correctness of another person’s statements by repeating his ideas in other words.
- using key phrases of the client in order to switch to the client’s language (kinesthetic, audit);
- method of confrontation. Confrontation is to show the client a contradiction in his judgments, other points of view.
- reception of the I-message. This is a statement by a specialist about his own emotional experience, discomfort, which is caused by the actions or position of the client.
- the method of legends - a way to help a client through a story about another person who found a way out of a similar situation.
Telephone consultation. The peculiarity of this technology is that communication occurs through an intermediary - a telephone, there is no visual contact, and non-verbal means of communication cannot be used.
The “letter-appeal” method. Purposes of the letter of appeal: to provide information or request it, petition; protection of client rights.
Social patronage. Patronage is one of the universal forms of working with a client, which is the provision of various assistance at home.


Methodology and technology of work of social teacher Goloukhova G.N.

A.V. Mudrik social pedagogy

All-Russian competition “Pedagogical cases”

The competition is over.

We invite you to take part in the new All-Russian distance competition "Pedagogical cases."

The holding of this competition is connected with the urgent need for a public discussion of pedagogical situations and problematic events that arise in modern pedagogical practice. For the development of pedagogical culture, it is important to analyze individual cases of solving both educational and educational problems. This competition is fundamentally innovative and is based on one of the most modern teaching techniques - the case-study method, teaching using the method of situations or precedents.

Pedagogical practice in all its diversity is a source of living, real problem facts that can be described within the framework of cases. Pedagogical cases– real situations that a modern teacher and head of an educational institution encounters in everyday activities.

The competition offers pedagogical and scientific pedagogical cases created bybased on fiction, pedagogical journalism, scientific articles, as well as real economic, social, cultural, educational, educational and business situations that arise in modern education.

Organizers of the competition

All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences "INTELLIGENCE OF THE FUTURE" .

Center for the Development of Education, Science and Culture "OBNINSK POLIS" .

Scientific and Educational Center " ROSINTAL».

Why should you participate in this competition?

Diplomas Small Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future" have a high significance in the pedagogical space of Russia. The activities of the organization are highly appreciated Government of the Russian Federation. (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1946-r, Moscow "On awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education" Published in the Russian newspaper - federal issue No. 257 (5633)).

Participation in the competition will allow you to present an interesting case from your teaching practice to the general teaching community.

Diplomas from the “Pedagogical Cases” competition are prestigious in your teaching portfolio, as they reflect active involvement in the process of professional growth.

Objectives of the competition:

  1. Generalization of modern pedagogical experience in the form of “Pedagogical cases”, search for successful examples of solving pedagogical and educational problems.
  2. Creation of an innovative space that unites teachers on common pedagogical issuesproblems for accumulating professional experience.
  3. Increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, forming a positive public opinion about the modern teacher, public recognition of the contribution of teachers to the development of the younger generation.
  4. Activation of the activities of teaching staff of educational institutions to create conditions for professional growth and self-realization of teachers.


Teachers and heads of educational institutions in Russia and other countries, as well as students of pedagogical universities are invited to participate in the competition.

Nominations of the competition “Pedagogical cases”

Participants in the competition must analyze the case and propose a solution. The solution includes the development and search for optimally justified pedagogical, cultural, social and economic measures to eliminate a specific educational or educational problem.

Nomination 1 . Pedagogical cases from works of art, pedagogical journalism, scientific and practical articles and books, teaching practice.

Possible topics of cases (pedagogical situations and cases)

  • “How to teach…..(something).”
  • "Student Development".
  • "Teacher's professional growth."
  • "Family education".
  • "The situation in the lesson."
  • "Management of an educational institution."
  • "Motivation for activity."
  • "Education by a team."
  • "Reward and Punishment."
  • "Bullying in children's groups."
  • "Interethnic Tension".
  • “Economic problems in an educational institution.”
  • "Difficult children."
  • "Pedagogical conflicts."
  • "Moral and ethical education."
  • "Patriotic education".
  • "Personal History".
  • "Free topic of pedagogical case."

Nomination 2 . Development of a case study “Pedagogical situation” based on fiction, pedagogical journalism, and scientific articles.

Cases from Nominations 1.

Requirements for the design of materials

Materials for the Competition are accepted in electronic form in Russian.

Competition material must include:title of the work, full name of the author of the work, font size 12, centered;author of the article (initials, surname), position, place of work of the author, font 12, placement by center, italics.

The file with the competition work is named after the last name of the project participant, then the city and organization in which you work are indicated through an underscore without a space. For example: Ivanova_ Bratsk_Gymnasium1. In the subject line of the letter you must indicate the name of the competition – “Pedagogical Cases -2014”.

For sending by e-mail, the folder with competition materials is archived (, .rar or .7z). Archive name - example: Ivanov_Bratsk_Gymnasium1. In the subject line of the letter you must indicate the name of the competition – “Pedagogical Cases”.

The maximum size of the archive with the competition work is 10 MB.

Technical requirements for text files

  1. Only the following highlighting means are allowed: bold, italic, underline, superscripts and subscripts. No other means of highlighting text should be used.
  2. Font Times New Roman, size 12, indents 1.5 cm on each side, single line spacing.
  3. In tables, you should use only one border style - a solid line (tables should be formatted correctly according to all the rules for working with tables in the MS Word editor)
  4. Schemes must be a single graphic object (i.e. all graphic elements of the scheme must be grouped).
  5. All hyperlinks in the text must be working.
  6. A list of references and online resources should be placed at the end of the document.
  7. In the text, references to literature are presented in square brackets.

The participant registration card is filled out electronically.

Attention! The competition accepts works completed individually, without co-authors. If the author has sent a work to the competition, it is assumed that he agrees to the publication of these materials in magazines, in collections, in a special collection on a CD. Copyright of materials is retained by the participants

Rewarding and encouraging participants

  1. Each author who sent materials receives Certificate Participant or Diploma LaureateAll-Russian competition of teachers "Pedagogical cases". (I, II or III degrees).
  2. Participants of the correspondence competition are invited to the face-to-face stage: All-Russian Forum “Pedagogical Olympus” (June 2015), to other face-to-face seminars and conferences. Participants in the full-time stage receive a certificate of advanced training; work in the correspondence stage is counted as homework.
  3. The best works are published in magazines“Intelligence of the Future”, “Personality Education”,“Gifted child”, “Additional education and upbringing”.
  4. Based on the results of the correspondence and full-time rounds of the competition in June 2015, the winner of the competition will be determined, who will receive a special certificate and a bonus in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

Conditions for participation in the competition

To participate in the competition you must send from January 19 to April 24, 2015:

- registration card ;
- competition materials;
- copy of financial document(transfer receipt, payment order) about registrationcontribution of competition participants in the amount of 360 rubles for one job. If one person submits several works for different nominations, then a registration fee is paid for each of them.

Application materials can be submitted to the Organizing Committee as follows:

Option 1. Register on the site teacher. future4 you. ru and attach materials.

Option 2. Send materials by email: olimp@ future. org. ru
Within a week, receive confirmation that the materials have been received. Otherwise it is necessaryduplicate the sending of materials indicating “Copy”.


(at the request of the participants)

Publishing an article in the All-Russian scientific and educational electronic journal “Academician” upon your order.
Submit no more than 5 pages of A-4 format, typed in 12 point type, indents - 1.5 cm on each side, line spacing - single, for the rest there is an additional charge of 150 rubles for each page.

590 rubles
for pre-printing and placement in the magazine

Letter of thanks for participation in the competition

150 rubles

250 rubles

Certificate to educational institution, whose teachers took part in the competition (with a list of participants by name)

650 rubles

These materials can be ordered simultaneously with the submission of an application for the competition.

Bank details for paying the registration fee:
Recipient: NP "Obninsk Policy". TIN 4025082299 / checkpoint 402501001. Checking account: 40703810822230100082.
Payee's bank: Branch No. 8608 of Sberbank of Russia, Kaluga. BIC 042908612, cor. check. 30101810100000000612.
Purpose of payment: competition participation fee "Education: a look into the future".

Dear Colleagues! The All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences offers a whole series of new seminars and webinars, distance courses, both paid and free, for advanced training and personal growth of teachers. Follow the announcements on the site, participate yourself and invite your colleagues.

Attention! Detailed information about the competition is available on the website teacher. future4 you. ru
Questions can be asked via feedback.

We are constantly looking for new ideas to be useful for teachers, parents and children. Your experiences enrich the community of educators.
Thank you in advance for submitting your work! We hope for further successful cooperation!