How to find a person's last name on a cell phone. Database by phone number. Through law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

The broker needs the client's telephone number and address for two reasons. Firstly, the bank will refuse to issue a loan if the telephone number specified in the application form is registered to another person or an invalid address is indicated. Secondly, if problems arise with the payment of the commission, any contact information of the client will be useful to you. In this article we will tell you about several ways to get through a phone number and about one reliable way to get through an address.

How to punch a phone number to find out the owner

In fact, the phone number may not belong to the person to whom it is registered. To eliminate this possibility, try two official and unofficial methods.

Official. The real owner of the number can be determined using an official statement to the mobile operator. Please indicate the reason for your interest in your application. If the management considers the arguments convincing, then you will be provided with the full name of the SIM card owner. But this process takes a lot of time.

Unofficial: communication shops, databases, search engines, etc.

Ways to break through the phone

Via a call center You can find out the owner of the number you are interested in. It is enough to top up the subscriber's account with a small amount. The employee has access to information about the owner of the number on the computer. Ask for the last name to ensure the number is entered correctly. Usually this method works. If it doesn't work, try your luck at another salon or try other methods.

Dial your phone number online. Many social network users indicate contacts on personal pages or on advertising sites, for example, Avito. This is open information that can be found using search engines.

Enter the client's phone number into the Google or Yandex search bar.

Find out the owner's full name

Checking your phone number using Google

If you can't find the owner of the number in one search engine, try another. They have different search algorithms, so results may vary.

If search engines do not help, try searching the number in databases.

How to get a phone number through a database

Checking a client's phone number using a database is a quick alternative to the official method. Let's look at several services that allow you to look up a phone number in a database:, and the Truecaller phone program. The service interface is quite simple. The main advantage of the portal is that it updates data once a month. To work with the service, follow these steps:

Enter the prefix (the first three digits after the +7 phone number) and click search

Enter the subscriber number you are interested in by clicking the find button

Get the result:

The result showed only the operator and the location of the subscriber. determines the mobile operator and region of the subscriber. After typing the number into the search bar, click the check number button.

Search for a subscriber in the system

Unlike search engines, this service did not show the full name of the owner of the phone.

Truecaller phone app allows you to break through a person’s number. The program retrieves all the data from the phone book and processes it through its own channels. Functionality allows you to calculate and find a subscriber by number. There are 2 versions of the application: paid and free. The advantage of the paid version is the ability to disable advertising and find out who viewed information about you. A screenshot of the program is presented below.

Thus, there are many ways to get through a client’s number with their own advantages and disadvantages. By following the instructions received, the risks of ineffective cooperation with the client are minimized.

How to get through a client's address

A simple and reliable way to find out the client’s address is to look at the credit history. Addresses are included in the credit history from the questionnaires that the borrower fills out to obtain a loan. These are both registration addresses and residential addresses. The data is updated with each new questionnaire.

Look for the client's addresses in the front section of the credit history:

Fragment of NBKI credit history

The only official way to find out who owns a phone number is to write a statement to the mobile operator. If the reason for the request is considered convincing, the information will be provided.

The easiest way to enter a telephone number is in the search bar. Yandex or Google will find sites where the number is indicated. Perhaps this will help you identify the owner.

If search engines are powerless, turn to telephone number databases.

To find out the client’s registration and residence addresses, request his credit history.

Today it is quite easy to determine the location of a person by his mobile phone number. If you really need to urgently find a person, then use our tips, and you will definitely find the one you need if you only know his phone number.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

If you decide to use the services of companies that promise to provide you with a database via the Internet, then be extremely careful. Today you can often find scammers who want to profit from other people's problems. Unscrupulous companies offer to send the database only after you send a message to a specific short number. Do not trust such companies under any circumstances, they are pure fraud.
In this article we will tell you about proven methods that allow you to quickly find out where a person is. All you need to know is his mobile phone number.

Obtaining information about a person by phone number

So, if you need to find out where a person is currently located if you only know his mobile number, then use the tips provided below.
1. You can contact the company of the mobile operator you need. After explaining the essence of the current problem, they will be able to help you. But remember that you need to provide really important reasons why you urgently need to find out information about the person. They don’t just give out such information.
2. You can contact specialized authorities - the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, which will also help in solving such problems. In order to be provided with information about a person, you must write a statement indicating the reasons for the search.
3. If, for example, you have any receipt for payment of an invoice by this person, then you can contact a bank employee and try to find out the name and surname of the person who paid this invoice. Perhaps bank employees will meet you halfway and provide such information.
4. On the Internet you can find many services that offer databases. But when choosing this option, remember that you need to be very careful not to fall for scammers.
5. You can also find a person by phone number using search engines. For example, on many sites people leave various advertisements for buying/selling and, of course, indicate contact information, including a phone number. Try entering a phone number in a search engine and see what information the system returns to your request.

What to pay attention to

So, we have described to you five ways in which you can find out where this or that person is if you only know his mobile phone number. Please remember that you must obtain such information only from trusted sources. You should not use the services of dubious organizations; you will lose your own time and money. If you have friends who work in companies where you can find out the information you are interested in, then contact these people for help with extreme caution so that they do not subsequently have problems at work.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Are they calling from numbers you don't know? Are they offering unnecessary services or products? However, you don’t know how to find out who called? You are not the only one, as thousands of messages on specialized forums show, who have been overtaken by annoying subscribers who do not want to introduce themselves.

Many are haunted by various beauty salons, banks and other organizations offering absolutely unnecessary services or goods, while others are haunted by acquaintances with whom they don’t really want to communicate. At the same time, you often can’t guess whether the call is important or not.

Therefore, I want to find out in advance who is calling, so as not to waste time on empty talk. Today we will tell you about popular free and paid ways to find out who called and from where, using only a phone number.

The easiest way to find out who called a phone number. Video instruction

You've probably heard about them, you're probably familiar with them, and maybe you yourself are paranoid, afraid that large global corporations are collecting data about you through the World Wide Web. Such users can be considered too fixated, but there is some sense in their fears.

The Internet is spreading at lightning speed, it is regularly filled with services, social networks and other resources that make our lives easier - online stores, instant messengers for quick messaging, payment systems. However, each of the services strives to find out more about us by asking for our full name, place of residence, date of birth, and the same phone number during registration.

From all of the above comes the first free way to find out who called. Probably, the annoying subscriber is on VKontakte, sells something on Avito, or uses other services where a phone number is often indicated.

Search engines index all information entering the Internet, that is, they enter it into their own databases so that you can find what you want by entering a query in the search bar. For example, you specified “how to find out who called” and found our article, which has already been indexed.

The same thing happens with the user’s personal data, which he indicates in profiles on various sites. Which may work to our advantage. Just enter the phone number into the search bar and see where it is listed. Often, this free method turns out to work in cases when representatives of various companies call you, most of whom have a personal website on which, in fact, numbers are indicated.

You should search for a phone number through various search engines. If you didn’t find it using Yandex, don’t worry, try using Google or Rambler.

Less often, but it is still possible to identify an ordinary user by phone number who indicated it, for example, on a social network or on an advertisement site. In this case, you can not only find out the name, but also get a photo of the subscriber and set his hobby.

Find out who called via Viber or another messenger

If you or your family are receiving threats from unknown numbers, then this can already be considered a compelling argument for contacting law enforcement agencies. After filing an application, the authorities, if the reason is really compelling, will give you information about the owner of the phone number, who may also end up in the dock.

Phone number databases

On the Internet it will not be difficult to find the so-called database of numbers. They are presented both in the public domain (usually ancient databases and lists of numbers from different organizations) and in paid form (supposedly the most current databases, but the risk of running into a scammer is very high).

We do not advise you to purchase databases. In most cases, they are offered to buy by scammers who, not only will provide you with an empty database, but can also infect your personal computer with some kind of virus. If databases of numbers appear on the Internet, they are quite old - nevertheless, operators do not have the right to distribute information about their clients.

Interestingly, such databases are filled by inattentive users who indicate their numbers and other data on various sites. Should not be doing that.

Please also note. Using such databases may not result in you receiving information about the caller, but in problems with law enforcement agencies. It is prohibited in most countries, including ours, to collect information about users. If law enforcement agencies, which for some reason have gained access to your computer, discover the number databases, you may be in trouble, including the initiation of a criminal case.

How to find out where a call came from using a phone number

If it is not always possible to find out the name and date of birth of the subscriber, then it is very easy to establish the place from where the call was made, as well as the operator.

The Internet is full of services that, after you have indicated the number of the annoying subscriber, will provide information about the region (often on a map) and the name of the operator to which it is attached. The method is very simple and absolutely free. In addition, once you know where the call came from, it is much easier to determine who owns the phone number.

We use applications to find out who called

Modern mobile operating systems surprise and delight with their widest capabilities, as well as support for a wide variety of software. Applications that help you find out who is calling using just one phone number are popular today. Such software is distributed both paid and free, and is often supplemented with various options.

The databases of these applications are filled with numbers taken from the public domain, so you are unlikely to find the numbers of absolutely everyone you know in them. They are mainly aimed at combating criminals, collection agencies and other organizations.

They are usually added by the users themselves. That is, an N-number constantly calls or sends SMS to someone, spreading spam. This user shares the number and the app developers add it in the next update. So, all other users will already be warned.

There are many similar caller ID applications, but their capabilities are similar. For example, the program with the simple name “Who called?” has quite high ratings. More than a million people use it, it is quite functional, and is updated very often.

Also available for free. Another example is the DU Caller application, which has also been installed by more than a million users leaving positive reviews. A completely convenient and functional tool that is designed to protect you from incomprehensible calls.

Many users are sure that such applications are nothing more than collectors of information about numbers. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. However, the same can be said about absolutely every application.


These are fairly simple methods used to find out information about the caller by phone number. All of them are safe and legal, with the exception of number bases, which in some cases can lead to disastrous consequences.

However, if you do not break the law or do not sell such databases yourself, then law enforcement agencies will not gain access to your computer. Well, we hope our material will help you finally figure out who is on the other end of the line.

Several ways to find a person by mobile phone number.


  • In our life, a mobile phone is simply indispensable. The services of cellular operators are used by millions of people around the world. With its help, you can contact your family and friends from anywhere in the world. That is why the mobile phone takes a well-deserved first place in the list of convenient and accessible means of communication for everyone.
  • However, it may also happen that at a certain point, having a phone will do you more harm than good. For example, you began to receive threatening calls, SMS messages from scammers demanding that you transfer money to them, you are constantly being stalked by some stranger from an unknown number.
  • At first glance, this may not seem like such a big problem. You just need to press a couple of buttons on your device and add all unwanted numbers to the blacklist. But what to do if this procedure did not help and the calls continue? Or can't you sleep at night until you find out the name of the mysterious stranger on the other end of the line?

Let's look at several ways to determine who a mobile phone number is registered to.

IMPORTANT: some methods presented below are illegal! Their use entails criminal liability. By resorting to them, you act at your own peril and risk!

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using telephone databases?

  • The second way to determine who the number is registered to is to purchase a telephone database.
    As mentioned above, mobile operators do not disclose personal information of their subscribers. However, there are many phone databases that have been hacked or stolen from phone companies.
  • As a rule, these are disks with outdated databases for the years 2000-2005, but people have not changed their numbers for decades, so there is a chance that you will find the same number in one of these databases.
  • Such databases can be purchased at radio markets from dealers in used phones or at kiosks with pirated discs. The fresher the base, the more expensive it is.
  • The database is a simple computer program that is ridiculously easy to use. You just need to enter the phone number in the appropriate field and click search.

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using the Internet?

  • This method is very similar to the previous one and differs only in that you do not need to go anywhere. There are many sites that, for a certain amount, are willing to provide you with online access to telephone databases

IMPORTANT: Beware of scams! Some sites may charge you a fee without having a telephone database. Use only those resources that allow you to use search before purchasing paid access!

  • There are also several free services where you can find the number you are interested in. Unlike sites with paid access, the databases on free services may be outdated or contain incomplete information about the owner of the phone. However, there is a chance to find the number you are interested in
  • It’s not uncommon to find scammers’ phone numbers on the Internet. Just enter the number into any search engine and follow the links found, read people’s comments. It is quite possible that someone has already encountered this number and shared information about its owner with the community in the comments

Below is a list with several free phone databases:

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using a detective?

  • This method may seem ridiculous and not worth attention, however, if the number you are interested in is not in any database, you have not made friends in cellular companies and your charm is not enough to negotiate with the manager in the communication salon, then the only option to get what you want is private detective
  • This type of activity is becoming more and more popular. As a rule, private detectives get information about the owner of the number through “their” people in cellular companies, so you are guaranteed a positive result. But you have to pay for everything

There are not many free and legal ways to find out who owns a phone number and calculate basic information about the owner - first name, last name, address. Such data is considered confidential and should not be disclosed to third parties. However, people themselves often expose personal information, so the boundaries of privacy in the 21st century are blurred.

How to find out the owner's phone number

Knowing the phone number, you can find out the mobile operator using the Internet a (MTS, VimpelCom, Tele2, etc.) and geographical location. This is the basic information that is determined by def codes, the databases of which are available free of charge. How to find out who owns a phone number (name and surname of the owner), the situation is much more complicated.

Who is the mobile phone number registered to?

Use Google search and social networking features to check if the caller's mobile phone is publicly available. This possible in several cases:

  1. You received a call from the organization - contacts are on their official website, in advertisements with vacant positions, etc.
  2. The person who called you has a page on VKontakte or another social network, and there are contacts in the profile information, or he left them in comments/discussions.
  3. The caller is using Telegram. Google doesn't do any database research on this messenger, but the social network itself has a built-in search tool - try it out.
  4. You were called by scammers who are already on the blacklists of forums, websites or other services. Information about attackers can be provided by ordinary users or law enforcement agencies.

There are workarounds to find out last name by mobile phone number. Some articles on the Internet describe instructions on how to deceive a consultant at the service offices of mobile communication companies (Beeline, Megafon) into giving your full name. This is also a scam and if you need a name because the caller is threatening/blackmailing you, contact law enforcement. You do not have the right to learn confidential information if the person himself has decided not to disclose it.

Who owns the landline number

The first way to dial a phone number and find out the owner of a landline device is no different from that described above. Use Google to get information. However, the search for landline phone numbers is complicated by the fact that they are not registered in messengers, and even more so they are not displayed in social network profiles.

Researching data on the Internet is more convenient - you will need to enter the number on the website and let the service find the information. Paper directories will have to be looked through manually, but given that they are systematized by last name and not by phone number, this will make the search even more difficult. In addition, many of the data have not been updated for a long time. You just have to rely on luck.

How to determine the owner by phone number free online

In addition to the search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler, there are other subscriber identification options. You can find out who owns a cell phone number using popular resources and services that access their databases. Use those sites that provide online services for free. If you are asked to pay, there is a high risk of giving money without receiving anything in return. In addition, the software database can introduce viruses into the system.

Phone number databases

Since services that provide the subscriber’s full name/address by number disclose private data, Roskomnadzor regularly blocks them.

Finding a working and honest one from unblocked sites is a matter of luck. Some databases are incorrect, others are incomplete. Still others offer to download the full version for a fee or remove your phone from it. DBs that are two or three years old are actually bought out (for example, they can be bought on radio markets), but no one gives any guarantees about the results of the issue.

Search engines by phone number

Such systems work with the same databases, but perform the search for the user. It’s safer to use them - you don’t need to pay or download, just enter the number and wait for the results. In theory, this is an ideal method; in practice, an independent search via Google is more effective. Helpful tip: To search for the exact number without losing digits, add quotation marks, for example “+79011234567” and try different spelling formats (international, local, with a hyphen or brackets).

How to find out a subscriber by mobile phone number in case of threats or fraudulent activities Attackers often use short numbers: moreover, money can be withdrawn from a SIM card not only when an SMS is sent to such a phone, but even when the phone is picked up. If only four numbers are displayed on the screen, this is already a reason to sound the alarm.